The Wingham Advance, 1904-09-22, Page 5Thursday, September 221. 1904 Crowder's Ready=to Wear Suits and Overcoats EQUAL TO CUSTOM MADE. *; Our Tables are groaning with their heavy loads just arri eel ficin the manufacturers; ufacturers; they are loaded down this season heavier than ever before. The styles eclipse anything we ever bad in past seasons, If you nee(. a Suit or Overcoat this. eonting season, give us a call --we will do the rest. Our Clothing speaks for itself --TN PRICE, QUALITY AND FTI'. MEN'S .i,Nir YOUTHS' OVERCOATS.—In all the latest styles, some have box backs and some have belted. backs. Sizes 34 to 44. Prices $5,00, $7.5() $10.00, $12.00, $14.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS.—We have a large stock of Boys' Overcoats, all sizes from 22 to 35, all styles and colorings—Prices ...$3,75, $5.00, $7.50 MEN'S SUITS.—Just arrived, several nice patterns in Men's Tweed Suits in stripes, checks, etc„ size 34 to 40 chest, sack coats, high cut vest, etc.—Price $7.50, $10.00, $12.00. BOYS' SUITS, ---At Bargain Prices'; all sizes. SEE OUR MEN'S DOLLAR PANTS. Gents' Furnishing Dept. Fall Hats Are In, Sir ! Gents' Black or Brown, Pan Dip, Fedora Hats Gents' Black Stiff Hats (the new block) Gents' new Black Fedoras, all sizes NEw CAPS. --Caps for Man or Boy, in all the latest styles New Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc. $2.50 2.50 2.50 25e and 50c The RAI. Crowder Co. Peirn Esther Range As shown with the high closet and copper -lined reser- voir, with corners richly carved, has met with every suc- cess. The Reservoir ensures plenty of hot water for the . kitchen, while the high closet or high shelf provides extra room while cooking, and adds largely to the fine appearance of the Range. This is one of the best farmers' Ranges we have seen; it has large fire box, burns both coal and wood, has a good sized oven, has six 9 -inch cooking holes, in fact is a first- class Range in every particular. Price complete with high shelf, $37.00. We invite comparison. Store open F 1 S H L E 16 HS Store closes at 7 a. m. 7 p.m. every every day. day (except HARDWARE Saturday). ilMfb"40644111014000411444,01/44004.011,0044P0.8141#0,04410118.1416"44,•0#11PPO North=Western Fair WINGHAM. Thursday & Friday, Sept. 29-30 'SPECIAL, ATTRACTIONS. PROMENADE CONCERT. A Promenade Concert will be held in the Agricultural Hall on the Fair Grounds on Thursday evening, Sept. 29th. Wingham Citizens' Baud will fur- nish ni sit;, and the public are cordially invited to visit the Hall and see the inside exhibits to good advautage. ADMISSION - - 10 CENTS. Friday Afternoon, September 30th. TESTS OF SPEED. 1. 2.15 Trot or Pace Purse—$150.00 2. 2.30 Trot or Pace Purse—$150.00 8. Gentleman's Road Race, to four -wheeled vehicle, for green trotters only; owners to drive their own horses..Parse-0 50.00 4. ,,Double Hitching Race Purse—$ 10.00 (1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2.1 The Purses will be divided as follows :—Nos. 1 and 2-50%, 25%, 15%, 10%. 5 to enter, 4 to start; mile heats; best 3 in 5. No. 3-50%, 80%, 20%. 4 to enter. An entrance fee of 5% will be charged in Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and 59,1 retained from Winners in Nos. 1 and 2. The Committee reserve the right to change the order of above races. Association Rules to govern. Horses eligible Sept. 1st, and entries in Nos. 1, 2 and 3 positively close on evening of Sept. 29th. Entries to be made with the Secretary, MOUNTED _ TROOPERS. A Sergeant and four Mounted Troopers of Canadian Militia will visit the Fair on afternoon of Sept, 80, and give exhibitions in riding, sword usin;f, etc. VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINMENT. Art. Bondo's Vaudeville Co. will give a performance in front of the Grand Stand on afternoon of Sept. 80, consisting of singing, danoing, aoro. batio and gymnastio exhibitions, short farces, juggling, eto. Wingham Citizens' Band will furnish music during the afternoon Expert yudges will award the prizes in the Live Stock departments. Admission to Grounds -25c; Children, 10c; Vehicles, 25c. OMITTED FROM PRIZE LIST, Special prizes by J. W. Ring, for four best colts sired by Dividend. let, $5; 2nd, $3; 8rd, $2; 4th, $1. AO - Sugar Beets for factory use -1st,. 75 otd,;. 2nd, 50 ctn. sive :auto Kincardine, Ont., Sept. 15.—The schooner Singapore, with lumber from Collins Bay to Sarnia, was • wrecked off the harbor this morning. Captain James Sutherland, his wife and three children, and the crew, of Gloderich, were taken off by the life- boat, The boat will be a total loss,. —The first sod of the James Bay Railway was turned on Wednesday. The point chosen for this interesting ceremony is Vandorf, a little village about 25 miles north of Toronto and 700 feet above the level of the sea. A rumour is going the rounds to the ef- fect that the Aurora and Schomberg road will be absorbed by the Tames Bay line. —Some extraordinary records were made by Holstein cows in the United States between April 24 and Sept, 1, but the phenomenal record of this period was that of a heifer which dropped her calf at one year, eight months, 13 days old; 11 days thereafter a test of her was conunenced under the auspices of Hatch Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. In seven consecutive days she produc- ed 2105 lbs. of milk, which averaged 6.79 per cent. fat, a total amount of 14,291 lbs. fat. This without doubt is the most extraordinary record ever produced by_a heifer under two years of age. --An action has been commenced in the county court of Huron by Archi- bald and Cudmore, horse dealers of Seaforth, to recover from Messrs. Henry and Lionel Pelton, farmers of Embro, $185, the price of a horse, al- leged to have been delivered to de- fendants. It is alleged by defendants a bargain had been entered into which they were to pay $185 for a colt, de- livered in good condition in Stratford. They claim that on the day appointed they found the horse so sick in Strat- ford that they refused to accept hien. The horse died about six hours later. Plaintiff, claim that the horse was de- livered to defendant's agent and ac- cepted by him. The action will be tried this fall in Goderich. CONCERT AT NIGHT. Art. Bondo's Vaudeville tlo, will give a Concert in the Wingham Opera Hottse on the evening of Sept. 80. Entire change of programme from that of the afternoon. ADMISSION W 25e and 35e. Plan of hall and seats on sale at W. McXibbon'd Drtig Store. J. J. MOFPATT, President 11. E. ELLIOTT, Seoretary.Treaaurer .i You Have Indigestion And conclude of course that the stomach is at fault. So it is, but there is a cause away back of the stomach that, must be reached before the sto- mach can be made to do its work. The cause is nerve disturbance or nerve debility. First get the nerves in shape and then the stomach will be right also. Ferrozone has accom- plished this for thousands of people whose digestion was completely gone. Ferrozone is food for the nerves and works wonders in stomach trouble. Where digestion, appetite and assimi- lation are faulty just try Ferrozone. It cures thoroughly. Price 50c at druggists. THE WINGIIAM ,A.DVANCB, --.-Tho Walkerton Co•operative Ap- 'pie Shippers' Association, which leas been organized as a joint stock eani- pany, has bought a good brick store- house, 1.0040 feet, with cellar under the whole of the building. The As. sociation has shipped two cars of Duchess, are putting up the falls now, and expect to do quite a large trade this season, —Mr, Thos. Lindsay of the Base Line had a narrow escape from being gore(. to death by a bull on Saturday. He was tying the animal in the stable and while stooping to lift the chain from the floor it made a drive at hien and knocked him into the crib. This saved him from further injury for the bull could not get at him though it tried very hard. Mr. Lindsay cried lustily for help and his assistant came to his aid with a pitchfork with which he drove the bull off, Mr. Lindsay's breast was scored by the bull's horns and he was also somewhat bruised, but he has not made much fuss about his injuries, fully realizing how much worse they might have been—[Clinton News Record. .l: Consumption Is Scourging Canada. Year by year the White Plague steadily gains headway, and why ? Because careless people let their colds run into catarrh, which in turn be- comes consumption. Victims of ca- tarrh needn't be discouraged, for frag- rant healing Catarrhozone permanent- ly cures every type of catarrh. The soothing vapor of Catarrhozone imme- diately kills the germs that cause ca- tarrh and prevents them from again entering your system. Relief will be quick, cure will be certain, absolute freedom from any trace of catarrh fol- lows the use of Catarrhozone. It is a scientific remedy warranted to cure lung trouble, bronchitis and catarrh. Cure guaranteed with two months treatment. Price $1.00 ; sample size 25c. '1 DOES AN EDUCATION PAY? Does it pay an acorn to become an oak ? Does it pay to escape being a rich ignoramus ? Does it pay to fit oneself for a su- perior position ? Does it pay to open a little. wider the door of a narrow life ? Does it pay to add power to the lens of the microscope or telescope ? Does it pay to taste the exhilaration of feeling one's powers unfold ? Does it pay to know how to take the dry, dreary drudgery out of life ? Does it pay a rosebud to open its petals and fling out its beauty to the world ? Does it pay to push one's horizon farther out in order to get a wider outlook, a clearer vision? Does it pay to learn how to center thought with power, how to marshall one's, mental force effectively ?—Suc- cess. r.. MIND IMO • POSITIVELY Clearing Sale GIVING UP BUSINESS Premises must be Vacated in a few . weeks, hence the Entire Stock of jewellery, •Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Store Fixtures WILL BE SOLD AT Bargain Prices, Everything Must Go If you fail to get your share of the Bargains, it is your own fault. ................ -.This is positively a Genuine Clearing Sale, and no hum- bug. Everything must go. i i i 1 H. H. CHISHOLM Nal 1111011111111111111111111111116 *NM • 41•1111111•111111, ers Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then . boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv- .- ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilia stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. - Your doctor knows the - remedy, used for 60 years, "Returning mora the Cuban war, I was 1 perfect wreck. My blood was bad, and my Aealth was gone. But a few bottles of Iyer s gunwale tom latelyDozaLIscasedame, IIpO, Scr;' snton, Pa. /1.00 a bottle.'. ♦t 3.0. is 00., Qru tit all s. for _ Lowsll. Mass. Impure Blood Ald the Sarsaparilla by keeping the bowels regular with Ayers P111s. A PICTURE Pretty as a picture doesn't mean mach—sometimes. But our Pictures are the pretty kind, and the kind that keep their prettiness. Try a Pho- tograph from ZURBR!GG'S STUDIO s w[NOHAM o Largest and Best in Western Ontario. CENTRAL NTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This popular institution has an excellent reputation for strictly high grade work. Our graduates are in great demand. Enter this month if possible. .A. magnifcient catalogue free. ELLIOTT SC MCLACHLAN, Principals .................. THAT'S THE PLACE TO GO. WHERE ? To L/STCWLL which re -opens Sept. Gth. Take the Commercial or the Shorthand Course. Terms reasonable. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMINO A. L. McINTYRB President Sec'y. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS Positively Free. Do you want a New Suit? If so, buy it here, and we will ..keep it Pressed for six months Free of Charge. Our Suitings for Fall and Winter are matchless in design and fabric, and we have a large stock to select from. Also a large range of Over - coatings in all the newest and best materials at right prices. Pantings to suit anybody. And say, if you are going to get a rain -proof coat, do not buy a ready-made, until you see what we can make you one to order for. We give you all a PRESSING invitation to call. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham Fresh Goods Most people appreciate fresh goods, it always tastes so much nicer, and is much healthier - besides. We are always ready _ with a fresh stock of FRITITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONERY. Out Chocolates aro of tho highest class goods. Try our Oysters served in any style, 15c a dish. Wo have in stock Canada Cream and Roquefort Cheese. Ice Cream orders filled on the shortest notice. Your Patronage Solicited L. G. KRIISE McKelvie's Old Stand MIMIROMI Slim Price*, Stout Values The Loading Store an uick I1st p* NEW FALL iOODS A FULL LOUSE . 190_.. STOCK.. The very largest STYLES—The very newest QUALITY ----The very best PRICES ----The very lowest c DEPARTMENTS BASEMENT. .A. large and well selected stock of Men's and Boys' new Fall Suits, Reefers and Overcoats—at less than city prices. See our stock before buying, FIRST FLOOR. DRESS GOODS.—The newest dress materials for fall and winter wear at easy prices. HOSIERY, GLOVES.—We keep only the best makes. UNDERWEAR.—Bought direct from the manufacturers. Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. See our special lines at 25 and 50 cts. STAPLES.—You may depend upon buying all kinds of Staple goods at right prices here as we bought heavy before the advance --so can sell you Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Cottons, Cottonades, Denims, Tickings, Shirtings, Flannels, etc., at old prices. GENTS' FURNISHINGS.—New Collars, new Ties, new Shirts, new Braces, new Underwear, new Hats and Caps— prices in this department are right. BOOTS AND SHOES.—We keep everything in Shoes— "except feet." New Shoes and Rubbers just received. GROCERIES.—A full assortment of fresh Groceries al- ways in stock. Find out our prices. SECOND FLOOR. LADIES' JACKETS AND SKIRTS.—A large stock of new Jackets and Skirts in the very latest and best styles at special prices. CARPETS, LINOLEUMS AND CURTAINS.—We show new patterns in floor coverings—see our New Linoleums 4 yards wide. Wool, Tapestry and Brussels Carpets at out prices. it I iIII11,1.4 d II H. E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Fine Tailoring Tailoring is our business and it would please us exceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant new Overcoatings, Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for fall and winter wear. The patterns are the handsomest that weavers' wits could produce. Come in to see the New Ideas and talk the, matter over with us . . Quoting prices for Tailoring means NOTHING as you know, but what you can get for your money is EVERYTmNG. The best dressers in this community are our steady patrons, and if you favor us with your order, you will be in the hands of skilful tailors. Come in for a look and a talk at any rate. HATS AND CAPS. In Hats and Caps we have all the latest styles and when you need anything in this line you should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from. Price -50c to $3.00. New Underwear, Ties, &c., arriving daily. HOMUTH BROS. TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS Furniture When you are in need of anything in the Furniture line, it will be worth your while to drop in and see us. Our stock is large and varied, and our prices are very reasonable. No trouble to show goods. Walker Bros. Se. Button NEW Grocery Storz. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone di W. P. VanStone WANTED. A. Local Salesman for 'lvinaham, Ont., and surrounding territory to represent "CANAri1'sC".viC'(71 �T 'Jit•2 5r illL':4." Newest varieties, and apecialtio4 in .lardy Fruits, Small bruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals, and hoses. A. permanent situation, and ter• ritory reserved for the right man. l'ay ttie.l,iy. handsome outfit tree. write for p tticulars, and send the for our pocket microscope, just the tiling to use in .inulin. Ing trees and. plants for irrcets, STONE & WELL1NtiTON I'outIliil Nurseries over so acre:.) rli011c1NTO OA'd'AIIIo