HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-09-15, Page 6reekeeteeseepeeltrafallbealieW•iteeetteerlisede
The Unlinown
"What occaeloned the . 1 N tatro il113..e3 I
- Ot, sottha of the gong Tor bowie
weedeer saki the young Man. bend- :: "Out it be passible!" cried Fiore
Mg to examine- the tstair. z ence, lauglung out lutieleally. 'I bad
"Ah! here IN a *strew loose in the I no idea, it was ett tete, anti I had not
(libber -pad," and he pointed to It AN i 011e0 thought of being hungry."
ae spoke. "I meet report tide to 0 -Thank you, ;Aim ltieltateleon--
5teward at once, or someone else though perhaps 1 ain presumptuous
will be repeating your experieuee." ; in doing $o," said young Merrill, tie
IIe kept Weide Florence until elle I ho smiling•ly lifted his cap to ber far
reached the landing, for after her ) her indirect confeation that alie
ronsolous blush beneath his look, ' tbno Mel passed agreeably to her in
his some et
ile enfied as the telltale color once
more moue:lee to her temeles, but if
sae regartled Ids thank e as presuinla
thou.% she <lid not eitide Min 'forilleln.
The Irmo were running rather high
and there was considerable motion
to the -vessel, and the gentleman beg-
ged Me eompanion to take les arm
she had grown very pile again; thin,
politely doffing his cep to lade he
fvent in eearch of a etewara ±0 e -
port the accident.
The man immediately gave the
:natter his attention, firmly re -
pawing the offending bit of steel
in its place, and then made a care -
tut inspection of all the stairs, to
make sure that no other screw was weal) ite comlueted her below.
likely to jeoperdlze the life and limb the trankly acceded tl aupport,
et someone elee. and they had just reached the coin -
Florence did not meet her deliverer panlonway an•1 were abaut to de -
again that day, although, while the eeend weea they met a, gentleman
was at dinner, site chanced to glance emtne up.
down the tafble and Kew WEI 61tt1na Re weld not have been any older
eppoette at the farther end. than Mr. elerall, and Florence
She towel his eyes resting upon her thought his face looked unusually
;nth the same cariously intent gaze melted &nu pubic,. tem tage observed
that she had obeerved in the morn- that he was very pale, and walked
ing, and which again set her heart with difficulty, an if he were weak
throbbing with inexpiteabte ono- and 111.
tion, aail once more cau,sed a vivid Tao young peopie stood aside to
eolor tO euffuse her etheeke. allow linn to pees, and as he reached
A faint smile curved the lipe of the the top stair he bowed Ids thauks
gentleman as he observed it; then th
, and glanced into their earnest faces.
he suddenly Deceine absorbed in lee AB ne met Aticlis,on filerriirs eyes, a
dinner and did not again al'ow- tam- look or 'blank astonishment swept
Deli to be caught watching her, over ids features, and he started Io -
The next morning, whit ) Fiortnee 1 tently,
ano Mr. Seaver were taking their Merrill also appeared to have re-
eved a eudden shock, for he lost
color and muttered isonlething that
eonsIttutionat on the upper deck,
they came face to face meth the
gentleman. looking very Itandeome 1s eluded like an imprecation.
in his becoming teeter and nobby Teen the stranger passed on and
cap. the young couple went eelow.
Florence gave him an involuntary, CRAFTER; elf.
glance and nod of recognition, and 1 Mr. Merrill, from that day. contin-
then flushed to her browe at the ued to be very attentive to Florence
breach of ettiquette. -was tie) first to greet her in the
Inetantly hie cap name off and he mornitig and the last to leave her
bowed with the utmost respect to when sue retired 'to her stateroom
her, then passed on. nt niagt.
"Who is that good -looting chap, Occa,stonally they would eucounter
Floy ? Someone who has fallen an 1 the stranger Ira° had been Ill ; but
early victim to your chartne, cdi?" •" no mgn of recognition had passed be -
queried her guardian, bestowing
- tweea thein after that nest meeting.
fond look upen her glowing face, 'Pa Florence he had become an ob-
"He 18 the gentleman who saved Jeet or ninguina, interest.
me from feeling down -stairs yestert See riad learned that he was regls-
day," she explained. tered as "W. L. Carrot," and, :some -
"Bless my heart ! Thent 1 must make biota the name attracted her as .% ell
ids acquaintance, and tender him 0 as the man,
vote of thanks for saving you from One morning Florence rose early,
a broken neck, and a.untle and me and, nastily dressing, she ran lightly
From a broken heart," returned the up theeetwo flights of stairs to tLe
affectionate cad gentleman, as he ten- burricelliat dealt.
derly patted. the small had that lay See end lust reached the toputost
upon his arm, while he turned to step, when she heard a rieli baritone
take a second look at the trine stet- N'oiee break forth into that spirited
wart figure that uad just passed (II song:
them. "A life on the oceen wave,
"Do you know Ks name ?" he pre- A caome on the eolling deep," etc.,
seetly inquired. when she paused where she was, an
"No," Ploy replied with a twinkle entranced listener.
of amusement in her eyes, as she Tee singer Ilea evidently been well
remembered how she had swung like
a pendulum in mid air, "we did not trained, for he seemed to have per -
go through the ceremony oi exehang-
feet cummatel of every tone, aad, be -
[eying himself to be utterly alone,
Ing ear& etr
yesterday. e Were both
.e abandoned hixnselt to the pleasure
and freedom of the moment.
Be wee not a dozen paces from
Flerence, and as e she turned and
glanced at him, site found that her
well, eit down here for i
minute," said Mr. Seaver, leading her cenneinion was-efr. Carrot.
to the seat that ran around the 1 a gleam of amusement flashed in
his eyes ae he saw her, and noted
deck. "I'll go and overhaul him, ten -
tee Lively flush that lea,ped to her
der my thanks, find out who he
temples a,t being discovered..
and if lie appea.re to be 0. K., us
See half turned to fly, when he re -
the boys say, bring him round
moved JITS
and introduce him to you. It might hat with easy grace and
be a -trifle awkward for you to meet came toward bele
him every day for a week itnd not "Fray et, not let me frighten you
fee/ at libenty to recognize him." away, Mies Rich:we:am," he. observed,
110 left her at; he ceased speaking hie face lighting with pleasure at the
and presently encountering the pretty picture she made, standieg
young man on his return beat, court- with one eraall hand resting upon the
eously accosted him. stair railing and one foot juet in the
"Excuse me," Ile began, "but my act dr oteePing down, eI did tot
ward, tile young lady whom you a dream I -bud an audience, er was
amusing anyone sieve myselee
moment ago saluted, Salome me that
you saved her from a bad fall yes-
"It Was nage than amusement, Ma
terday, and, naturally, I want to Came" Florence respooded, as he
Paused, and, quickly r ,o.tovering her -
thank you in my oven behalf."
tnougit the flush still ringer:el
"That is not necessary, sir," the
in ler cheeks; 'it was levely-I never oung man returned and again lift-
teorougely enjeyed that song be-
ing Ills cap. "I was only too glad Ii:o
fore; the time, the place and therap-
ist) able to render her the assistance ing have given it a. charm I sball
she so reach needed.." er
"It was -very fortunate you appear -
not soon forget,"
ed upon the scene Just as you did," "Thank you," said bor companion,
Mr. Seaver remarked. "And now, may with an appreciative bow and smile.
I Inquire to whom we are Indebt- "1 have eeklom received a compile
ed ?" - went which I prized 14.) highly. I enp-
"Certainly, sir,'" and slipping his - rs.see," ho went on, adroitly changing
hand inside las ulster the stranger
drew forth a card which he present-
ed to his compel:11cm, with another
deferential bow.
".eddleon T. eferrill, New York
City," air. Seaver read.
"Thank You, Mr. Merrill," as he
again bent a ebrewd, searehing
glance upon him. "My name is Robert
Seaver and T perceive that you, aleo
are a New Vorker," he concluded,
With a second look at the card in
his hand.
P'Ves, sir -it has alwaye been my
Mame I am now going abroad to ex.
ecute a commission for rey male,
Adrian Merrill, who Li a wholesale
druggist on Broadway. poseibly eou
may know of itine" said ,e1r. Menet!.
"Yee -yes, 1 know illm-that ile
hearsay," returned Mr. 5 .a.Vc.r in 0
satisfied toile, for he Inteee that the Pe5 as, the presence! of woman le,
druggist referred to wa.a 8. maa of laeee anti reaeliee arid widens and
too much absorbed in the excitement
of the moment to think of intro:111c-
tioae and the formalties of polite so -
the subject, 'that you, hire inyself,
aro here to eee the star rise. I licee
had that delightful privilege every
moreing, wage two, since we salted."
Ile led her to a epot where they
could face tie?: east, and, after gee-
ir.g her comfortably eeated, he took
a place beside her.
They eat chatting" upon. varioue
tic e for :leveret ininatee, when,
eutideely liftieg las eyeta.from. her
face Uf the eaetere t.ky, Ntr. Carrot
tily.aert, :
"Watch now, Mies Richardeon, if
ecru exiled not miss his majeety's ap-
Then he :sentineled in loWe tneeleal
tryttect that fl.piti her st).!ittr•awl
"The efOft in 1/11W/Ifticig; yr„:11.,, rt'pril
Tit1W,.: as tie, ecavrece, wit as a kiee,
g x standing, both in the hosin ,grewo
and in the sonial I ,n410,
,s. se. yea
are goitig abroad en leolirteee for
biro ?"
"Yes, and ut.on 141P:otter; as well,
for tit 7 1i0010 hP.3 givan 021. a
Oua itor.date 5-511 T 1,epP, to Rec. ern-
ehlierable zie 1.12c: wort 1 1-,t-fe,2e t re -
tura," re:..fraatie 1,11.aw.
a naaiftt....
rears trs1 lora/
(iCtnil add 1 o 4eo v, f4 •
tia0. 1tCfr,.- 7.4., e t•. • .••.it
1„.L !
tio itso•e• ro: 1,1
• • "
tr,o, earr:,,c
-4. ' :•.. 4-1 .1; , ,
e se,: s • o , • .1 •, 1.
fr,„?Ct/ „:"•• ,,„ . ; „la „.
• 77# , 1 17
.13()Skt 4.7it or the, or,ft, 05 rt, ltioso;nrt.
14,1 trrae."
voice) ra..5. (.10, and as he
t114-..4 tir, rAckl4zi4i1.1.:L1109 t1,41 fitifOr
144 rt, U.:fa lortrii,en .c.cw. nViVitInPiaa
yrItetle. Pacst
fir0,1oz: 1.(111 1 oriilittot ritrea,Ircr
tal.orta rtf V.4t, tati, it MAP,
eieg fiesea.4 leter eireeet,
• resessd,r,es. els:aped 11.4
tew,v. TAP:al:4 irk'',
.,,e, (h..; 47,;',.;,0( tVIE.14
4 eseessl,"
v.Y,..44, 144 fry
rrearl, tot.,
f4e4-,714 eof eseseseese
••••,..at 4 ' eare.
• • ow' ' at's
i? ,
.4 ,t
C!,.. • • ,"' " "
, •
..0 101 . CIO .
SimtliA pess, i„.s•e „
MCVPC-17.44“ ' ht+, v.7,!'?
This V..114,1 (V. ' - • ° " '
CO0Pri P.te-latr( L.( Per
Eon% (WO
101t4 Pettlittnli %•..16, -.it 3, . f
and the', 14Pal,;1111••1 11,4 ty t4 r ,
Lb, ftll'iwesttyastett.
Tilt? thn p L. VA rd lv IA
etileacto v tits tll both it e 0,0,5 1144
-eudderlY reversed es they unexpeet.
ENILyittune fare to face with Mr. Ad -
dem Merritt.
Ae epee the previous occasioli, both
men ethrtee-thangli slightly this
time -while elerria turned a glauce
of Jaeger and ditaike upon MauWeal
comp:meal, who, however, wee ape
pareetly utimoved by it, and returned
Lt with one a clam oelf-posseselon.
i"Gattulauorning, Miss Itieliardson,"
mid Mr. Morrill, lifting ble tete) -to
reeponded pleasantly to ble
ealutatlen, wilier Mr. Carrot also ac-
dreowirdeed it by doffing ide bat!
then they pactsed on to the lower
deck, wbere they encountered Ma and
Mre. k§eaver, who were se:Welling for
their charge.
Florence introdueed her eeeort to gle)
them, and they all stood clutttiner 4 4
together mail the gong Romuipd,.
when they descend:el to the dating- -
That evening, being the laet one
Who Knows Anything MMUS
4$ EleikISI N I GO
An buyers, Ateliers end tisere of
gire intereeted in this gneetion
? ? ? ? ?
Will every reader of thie enultilry
please drop it iine On; the subjeet to
the voyagers would spend on board No Other People Have Been Able To
the steamer, an elaborate. programme Make Such India Ink.
had been prepared for their enter-.
taiement, and Mr. alerrin, who wee 1Vith always active and effielent In such allthey modern einproitmeuts
and. all thier science 11011e of the telvtinc-
artiortalange, had been 'appointed 04 nations ilave been able to produce
meter of mama" for the eeen., the equals oe the Chinese and Japanese
:lacquers or india inks, Chemists ink
Among other Range eeveral tab- :numufeeturers ahave
and Artists tried for
artaux, or "living pictures," were to I enneratione to discover the eeeret that
bebown. enables the Chthese witla primitive pro -
Florenee had Wen invited, upon MSS taroduce these materiala in such
:perfect foam but the secrets still aro se -
several oceasions, to assist in earl-
oue ways; but she bed always doerets.
elined, as she shrank, sensitively, The manufacture of India, ink in par -
from bewailing conspicuous before an ticular has baffled all foreigners. It is
audience. _made in China to -day practically as it.
But to -night, about an hour pre. leas made four centuries ago when. Chen
vioue to the opening of the exers .Ki Sonen invented the process.
ciees, Mr. Merrill, who lata been busy , The oil is pressed out of the seeds of
eineo dinner, sought her, de elle WAS : certain paint apd then set to simmer,
standing thoughtfully by herself on 'while the workman adde a mixture of
deck, and observed that he bad come
te nok a great favor of her.
Florenee smiled as site observed his
"What is it, Mr. ? I al-
ways like to grant favors when I
can," elite cordially replied.
A weather expreeshon leaped into
the young melee eyes.
"'I eave been greatly disapeointed
powdered redwood, grated sandaltvood
and seeds of almonds and other powders.
After the simmeving ie ended, the re-
sult is filtex•ed and set aside for a, long
time to sessie. Then it is. put into tiny
earthen dishes, each of which has a wick
made out of a reed. .A great quantity
of these little disbes are set on brick
end over each is placed. a funnel shaped
elay cover. Then the wicks are lit and
at having to change a portion or the soot produced by the burning mese
my programme," lie explained, "anti is caught on it inside.
am obligee to tuld :mother tableme. This is so delicate an operation that
and ne I must. have a blonde -1 the workmen -watch the slightest change
have come to ask If eon will take in the Weather, for a small difference
the character. The title of the pie_ in temperature will make a big differ -
aim is "The Elopement,' and 7 want ence in the quality of the soot. The
you to 'pose as the runaway bride," finest soot is prepared in rooms that
hteentry.id, still regarding her ha are absolutely airtight. If there are any
windows in them they are covered with
A 'terrible shock went quivering paper pasted ever them, so as to close
through every •nerve of the fair, every crack in the walls.
sensitive girl at this startliug an- Every little while the workman goes
noucement. Every atom of color cautiously to a dish and. dusts the gab;
faded o'u't of her 'race, and she in-
voluntarily grasped the railing be-
side her 'for eupport, as her strength
deemed on the point of forsa.king
"No -no," she cried, hastily,' and
almost areathlessly, "7 could not
figure in such a tableau -I do not
approve of elopements -I could not
countenance anything of that na-
ture.," •
A queer mile flitted over the
young, man's face at this agitated
"Well, since 1 cannot persuade you
to personate my heroine I rnust try
to find some one else," he said. "`On
the whole," he added, betiding to look
Into her eyes with a tender smile,
"'I think I would rather you die
not -one likes to preserve one's
ideal immaculate, you know," he
concluded in a tone that brought
barofw.iood of crim-son to the fair girl's
Then, hurriedly excusing herself,
he left her to attend to hie duties.
The evening W:1S well advanced
when, after a finely rendered selec-
tion fromthe opera of "Carmen,"
the last tableau, "The Elopement,"
Florence suddenly :darted at the
announcement, and instantly turn-
ed her attention to the stage.
Slowly the curtain went up, and in
a moment It seemed to the girl as
if every drop of her blood in her
veins had turned to ice; its if she
had been transformed into a. eta-
tue of stone, for she could neither
move nor breathe during the few
seconds that elle gazed upon the pic-
ture !before her. Since they were first discovered the
For there, as real as the living . famous opal fields at Wbite Cliffs, New
experience had been, was the ex- South Wales, have yielded any end -
act reproauction of that never -to- otm
fossils, those of prehis-
ered soot off with a feather. Althougr
it is so soft and fine that it will float
in the air it still is not fine enough
for the Chinam'en. Tbey put it through
sieves, and. only after it has passed
through them is it consiaered fit for
mixing with the liquid material that
turns it into "India" ink. Nobody out-
sdie of the Chinamen in the secret
knows'what this liquid substance is. I
After it has been mixed it is kneaded
for many hours and then ground fine
twain in mortars, -which stand ,in water
baths so that they shall not be the
slightest change in the temperature.
Then th'e stuff is shaped into the
sticks that we know, and it is beaten
with little hammers until each stick is
perfect. After this the sticks are placed
into wooden forms to harden. The forms
have raised letters carved on them and
these nripre.ss themselves on the sticks,
making the trade marks which are fa-
miliar to all users of India ink.
• Even after the sticks are hard and ap-
pear perfect. The Chinaman is eat sat-
isfied. Each stick is -wrapped with fine
silk paper and- then they are laid into
a box. The spaces- between them are fill-
ed with ashes obtained from rice straw.
Every day the ashes are taken out and
new ashes put in, until every bit of
moisture has been extracted. Then 'the
sticks are unwrapped again, brushed,
rubbed and finally polished with a pol-
isher made of agate.
After that the India ink is considered
ready for the market. -Louisville Cour-
ier -Journal.
Opalized Shark in New South Wales.
be -forgotten scene in the chattel at
tone marine life
Rosedale, ivliee site bad believed jier-
33ut the latest. discovery is a. most ex -
self being wedded th Walter Leigh-, traordinary one, and will prove of the
ton. i deepest interest to the scientific weld.
The arrangement of the altar was •
It is that of a fossilized, or rather opal -
identical ; the dress and even the i ii
attitude of the clergyman; the zed, member of the shark family,
maid enveloped in her Waterproof ; 1n 10 was found on Block No. fl, at a
the bride aith her golden hair, pale ,depth of 35 feet from the surface. The
lid face and drooping mien ; the tall, :Sydney press states . that the specimen
manly figure on the right, in the . IDE Mtn Pi . fet 6 me ice from the t
act of s utting, the ring i
on her fie_ ; Knout to the tip of the tail. The body
ger, hiform chid 10 a mackintosh i
is in seven sections, the circumference of '
his face concealed b,y itu upturned , the largest of tv tich (the ixead and shout -
colter, and the "Ixest man" on the der portion), is 18 inches; each section is
groom's right, were all pictured - 6 inches in length,
with a faithfulnenta of details that i The deeply indented eye sockets show
inarveloure every plainly "and thin veins of purple
It woe so vivid, so intenaely real, ',opal encircle the fish from tip to tip."
that it seerne,1 to poor Florenee as • At tbe mouth thee veins- make en ob-
it she were litStig over that dread- 'long and clearly defined course, though
ful eeperience-as if Flits were *Alfa the continuity is occasionally broken
Tering afresh all that elm had en- , No partienlars as to weight are given, -
lured in theist ecene which oho fain " but as the fossil. has been sent to 3" on -
would bave blotted forever out of ' don, these and other mattere of interest
her memory. ' will mon be determined. ---Chambers'
She WAS enainel. miellbourel -; site Jounial.
Raw nothing, heard nothing, was '
fr(4010101.10 Of rifAttifig 5115V1) thlifie,` 11470. Is Git .
effentively grouped mem 11 ' AvEL in 8
tho platform, and the otory they
IWIlilt. eteennet an if the curtain WoudlSURELY CURED
never rot, and flu, 6.ar008(I an age '
of torturo %luring that brief inter-
-sal of time, .
peesestu,, hseseesea the enetess i/Odd'S Kidney Phh; Removed the
sh•,tylg de5ee134e11. St0T105,,
Init alto knet7 It riAllgt go up
eeeketeetiett, ewe!more, ebe remit
look 1S(.0(tllat I,Dtseliating figure,' . And Pow Itenbret "IirePer is Weil and
,Vee, ce,e,:ely "is wag reveal:A to her -Strong after WO long %offering.
airtvee; ciP4f; Ltg`..' eLPVCS wok ft -„ . , i ,. (h
,. ,.
Atrtl.r.Z6. ',../Wri, 1: rig 'So lker head, (5 . "tY4,1')''' tl`W't "ir'".'°' - ,a..,i.tett*
f41.4,q0 fa 1,,,,f;,,,, 10,r,r1 i5 i.e,1,, tia,,,,,,,t • , seu itraper, ft WO I Eft/all remnant lune,
e !lee eeree !trade Lee cafe . tie ee lacae tee proof thart with iiini that
lee Ws iti'lhey Piths wilt eurely cure the
14 ofresded (irsvel, The proof eon-
eiste a tea efestes, one -Elm size of a
es:sill he To mot the other as big us a
sseis a
14''P 441,srley, lie paseed these Stones
.56- ;, I., i N.5,14 21 113 of oil tlie terrible ains
'4:''''''' f''' `I" T" Isr'''''I'l7 F'4° ''..r.." ts',2/ic..(-4 ofter Ming . ISteld'e Kidney
,se es,, , e ' 0, is.is le- .6' e- .(-/te''' Vi,t 4 fo, a, qV Alt tiin0„
',L" 1.,:. ,..' '''1:,""'' el.' ''',,f 1' ..`,''' ,r1,.., ,r,t.., ie toafitlettt thee Dodd's
, '' ,'''c,l',,,I,f.,,..,, ,,„,, ','17,1:..,•'''''`:::: 'a''e.,s 10:14 G.15.1.1Vethift:::telase:tainUgselivIelaills„
4 1 '''- ' '''''' • '" ' '' c"''...' ''''''/"I'' 'r .-•. .r. ev 4 1,A" frit,/ twe :lectors without
CV, ,,' -, ,'"... hr.. 1.1` I'llif .°ii1-4
; • . ,!' 1, 4.1 f3 f:,(;: wht ft he, etoppea all
. ca, e, • . ,,, , . . 0 p , 1
, • • .1 .V1. ., . i , c , . 17 7i,', .1. V 0'• .Vi 1 I PN tit, OA Artalicil to 'take
',....1-., .a, , a - ,... ii 5,r... ,,4.!. •iA 'a• if tettai Pitta. Itt a week he ptuis-
. ,. ..„0 , ... 04-, 4, ''; 7, WI 17i Vie- at ricteNtfill four days later
PM • 17% # . l v 4 . # 7., ..f • . c., n r of „, , '1*' Q .i1:111A1f 4023t.
, 1. g,,,,a 1.%3;•-•..,,103if, ilk,404 et henna of relief over
thi•-aft }attar, 0,4 tt shows those
- .irne•, - .'....'61.,le reX.O.rfirthx. Teti Outright to be
,•-, ss, «pl.!, ..„,,, isseeillsbite in eases 6 Gravel, are no
, ',evesee ueseeseese.
.f.:10Pa ttifvf!Pf` Mid faJotit-P,
(cteicri 1,.3t. pfittc.ely
;f t 1/ttf.
• a •
-se, s.•,j-sesses 4- irr ......._,:....._....4....aw..c.a..-...,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Afteftrel 'WAY ft Ott Credit.
(1....•,e.f,,i.- ei,i1.1 pl." a'1:14.%
0 ..• .044 / •ai ,o, i Meektritf 11444111a)
....V ,,, ,!;, ,,,.:..!,. ..., ,t.* i 'oi1.27,,:r ro / 0 t0'. /v.,/,' 14 it thitt tiiHnd*On
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• ; .1,40..411 ete, ttt:tF *44 fii6 ill A11014
04«,4•1,,.. • 7 :,1P 1•%.* XII', tett It f1,1019 3,103
ere Nit ote C• •?",...••....;...'•••• • -1:7%1.";• err ht.o freer,. ry watPIM tsrlit'1:-11,
1,0010, ••• ' • *rof ' ter" P Pr* lord to 6,e* reti
JO CFO', MI Wei ,!'015 Mr, • AMPliilt OPP" 115M4 Ser 0,1**0 166,0160.
Pilgrim Monument, ,
The landing of the Pilgrim loathers id
Provmeetown te to be commemoratea by
numentent 250 feet high on High
Hill, which is in the centre of the old
Cape Cod. Town, The Mayflower cone
puet, the first declaration of civil. 7ight:1i
on this eontinent anti the forerunner of
Independence, was drawn up there on
November 11 (November 21, neW style).
The obelisk is to be erected by the
Cape Cod. rilgehli Memorial Association,
which has raised about $15,000. The town
hes been authorized by the Legislature
to contribute $5,000, and the State will
duplicate any amount whielt reacchs
$0,000. One hunderd thou:quid dollars
will be necessary to build the monument
of rough stone to the requisite height.
The monument when completed eau be
seen from any town on Cape cad, and,
will be visible for out at sea.
or ,ertga
Fly Pads
Itillohe flies ancl
disease germS t00.
\gay e,..„4„ a, • - eitigivea„,,,,, .14
German Emperor's Sausage Maker.
Feeding the German Emperor • is no
light task. Despite all that is said about
the Kaiser's Spartan habits, there are
feZie.nesonarclis who keep more elaborate
Ho has no less than four chefs -
Sshliedenstucker, a German; Harding,
Neglect a cough andcontra
en Englishman; an -Italian and a French -
man -so that he can have his meals for
the day served in ths style of whate-ver
Each of these chefs lias his staff Sh1c'h's
nation he may /lappet, to fancy. of
cribed as "sausage Maker to the Kai- Cure The Lung
Takeo Its Light 3,500,000 YOnfilto
Reach Our Planet.
"In July I always look for tide fob
1Qrivrlioi estronemer fixed hie great toles.
cope on e star that looked no bigger
than 0 pin pointees small, briblit star,
ehining with a white and steady light,
"That little stair he said, 'lie se far
away that it takes its light 3,500,000
yeare to i•eueli us. The beam from, it
that you now ere was given forth 3,.
.500,000 years ago. What, 1 wailer, wus
the world like then ?
"And do you know how fest these star
betimn travel 1 They travel at the rate
of 1e,000,000 miles a udnute. Think of
it -12,000,00 miles multiplated by 3,500,-
000 years reduced to minuten-that 18
the distance from the Mar to 08,
"Hero in a strenge fads The star may
- here been ennildiated 2,00,000 jPeare
ego, but we, in that emus would. know
- nothing of Ito anuildlation till 1,000.-
000 years 11021 now, for whatever should
happen on this star would take 3,500,000
years to reach us,
"Imagine a RussolTapanenn WM' CM the
star. 'The war news woulki come to ue
a Iitth. stale, 018 2 -Portland Ordgonian.
Dr, Agnew's Cure for the
Heart acts :Mealy and quickly, stimu-
lates tho heart's action, stops most Amite
luda, dispels all signs of weaenees, flutter-
ing, sinking, smearing or palpitation, This
wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which car-
ries the heart -jack patient into the haven of
radiant and perfect health. Gives relief la
most aeute forms of heart disease in 30 min-
utes. -11.
A Bank's Tall Building.
The finest banking building in the
world is that of the Hanover National
Bank of this city. It is 22 storeys and
cost $5,000,000. The bank was establish-
ed in 1851 m Hanover Spuare at Pearl
street. The heraldic thyme of the build -
beg is a galloping clay. back horse on a
shield, with the word, Hanover Under-
neath. The bank did not get its name
from the "White Horse of Hanover," but
from its location. The appointments of
this bank surpass anythiug in any shut -
las institution in the world.. The .two
hundred employees have quarters on the
22111 floe; where they eat, bathe, eXer-
cise, read and rest. On the Nassau street
side of the building are private dining
rooms for the President, Viee-President
and other high officials. In the main
dining room for the other employees
meals are served from noon until „ 2
o'clock. The baths are as • fine as one
would expect to find in a palace, The
new building luis not been in rise very
-long. in the old steucture the 100 book-
keepers used to work in the cellar; now
they perform their ditties -over 300 feet
above the ground. -N. Y, Cor. Rochester
assistants; while, in addition, there is
an individual who may safely be des -
His Majesty is very fond of the huge
white frankfurter sausage, and hes' a
supply of them made fresh every day
in his own kitchen. When engaged in
manoeuvring his army on a big fiehaday
these frankfurters and bred washed
down with lager beer invariably form the
Kaiser's lunch.
.In addition to all these cooks, there is
especial staff to prepare meals for the
younger of the princes and the princess,
who are not allowed to partake of the
rieli dishes the eider members of the fam-
ily indulge in.—$tilay Stories.
Gentlemen, -While driving down a
very steep hill last August my horse
stumbled and fell, cutting himself fear-
fully about the head. and body. I used
MFNARD'S LINIMENT freely on him,
and in a feiv -days he was tie well as ever.
No Blind Discounts.
An effort has been made to obtain
special conditions and great reductions
on Belgian railways for the blind, who,
it is argued, cannot benefit by the beau-
tiful scenery through which they iney
pass. The proposal has been rejeeted by.
the legislators considering the matter,
who see the prayer of the blind followed
by petitions from the legless, the arm-
less, and indeed all the damaged, for a
reduction in their railway 'expenses. .
Mitinrd's Liniment Relleven Neuralgia,
The Daughter -Archie says that in
inyr new white satin'I remind him of a
yacht under full sail.
Her Father -From my standpoint you
ere more of a remit° eaten -Woman's
Home Companion,
11; is pretty .4031 to tell now what
'will be the biggeet bit in fall millinery,"
caid Samuel, Herman, a representative of
a Chicago millinery house.
"From present appearencee, the best
leader for UIO early %Mowing will. be of
white hdt, with green and white beekle
feathers, and later the larger velvet, ltats
will ermie in, Then the oatrielf feather
will again hold its own, Milliners now
are feariug an intreitee in the price of
ostrich feathere bemuse of a promised'
increase in eustoms duee on this import,
The picture lint and the Gainsborongit
will eoritintie to hold their own late in
the fall."-INfiTwanket Sentittel,
Ari. Awkward Reportorial Error.
DI, Rev. Alexander McKay -Smith, the
wity thadititor of the Protestant Episeo-
pol diocese of Penneylvanitt, told a story
reeently at n, dinner which Was to the
effect that a youtt_g Neotch minister, hay.
ing married the (laughter Of the Wealthi-
est member of his clmrch, in a eotintry
town in Pennsylvania, was obliged to
apologize publiely for an error in the re.
port of the wedding, The reporter lied
asked where tlie Dilator and bis bride In-
tended, to live, and had been told "at the
old mange," As this statement appeared
fit print the reply was "at the old
nemeves en hard, ion% Or valorised lumps
and blereeshes from herees, blood
turbo, tante, rinebore, sweetie,' Alfas,
*mains; mires sere and trwooltm throat,
cousins ete. Hod Ito by the use of ono gins
tie. Werented the moot ivotosrait uloroish
.4'. bowmen,
cures "Co.usumption, but don't ;
' leave it too long. Try- it now.
Your money back if at doesn't '
- benefit you,
- Prices: S. C. Wams &Co. en
25e 5O. $i Leltoy,11.Y., Toronto,Can:
• • .. 7 7.. "'" "
Mrs. WIlikl1111Y'il 190111,111114
always be used fin' Illiiiiireit *Opium. b
Moothe the teoft-iitt H1(.1.11111,1, ra-n
COIN Ma Is. thbe
e st reintsly for intirrlura.
'LADIES' `440,ili!,„"igitlytr,aciakt,°.
- ante wallets ;lead for
styles and cloth cainnice.
WIN klOUTUCOIT SUIT 00., London, 0en, ir
to ladlkied gentlemen. Permanent position,
rapid adv moment, good salary and expenses.
Clean, desirable business. Write the a, L.
Nichols Oo., Limiteilk Toronto.
(Mention this Paver.)
Soros of Ail KInde
Cured by' Mecca"
Itecommended• by night
Rev. Arthur sweatman, 0. 0., Bishop of To.
mine; W. II. elake, K, 0„ lake, Large
:ample free.
Address FOSTER MVO,. CO., Toronto, Oat,
Reflections of a Bachelor.
A boy -wants to smoke about the
mono age that a girl begins to flirt,
lt is a great triumph, ofs reason for
a man to be auto to teachhie wife never
to play cards.
Some women are built so funny they
can got stouter and stouter and iook
thinner and thinner.
Most of the disappointmees that come
to engaged people are due to the fact
that they think they will go on being
that kind of idiots all their lives.
It is very embarrassing for a man to
come,horne late and tell his wife that
he mistook the top burae*t drawer for
the bed because the light was so poor.
Styles' in Muffs.
When the muff first came to us from
France in the days of Charles Lea, black
was decreed by the king to be the badge
of the common people, and thecourt fol-
lowers were restricted to the colors.'
Muffs have gone through more. styles
than it would seem possible to invent for
such simple article of convenience.
They have been long and narrow and.
again large and "(mild. One of the most
curious styles was that of Louis XIV.,
called.. the "dhiens inactions" because
they, Were made to convey little dogs -in.
Thc. muft when first introduced Was
the -ekelusive property of the nobility.
These muffs were very email and consist -
of a single piece of velvet, brocade or
silk lined with fur and the openings
fastened with rich jeWCIS. Such arrange-
ments eanie durine the early part of
the early itart of tlie seventeenth cen-
tury, but in the previous century the
ladies frequently carried a pieceof rich
fur, which was tised either as a muff
only with cold weather, but in the ol(1
days it was a regular Dere fa In, ";910.t
Eltliffi dress and was carried at all times.
at all times.
minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc,
The Rev. Dr. liaylor, of Westminster,
L, I., insists that there are no female an-
gels in heaven. "Angels," he. says, "are
strong and glorious creatures, ranking
second to the Son of Clod, and doing His
DrI Kaylor ought to know all about
it, if anybody does; but, granting the
correctness of his definition, why should
it exelude female angels? Are there no
"etrong end glorious creatures" mining
women? Perhaps Dr. Jea,ylor has never
happened to glance over the golf links.
."Strong and glorious creatures" -why,
really, that comes nearer being the very
definition of modern women. A woman
lies to be strong and gloriotts nowadays
•-r,lorious to enteli the shy and elusive
modern man. strong to hold him after
she has cauglht him.
No doubt the Rev. Dr: Naylor knows
all about angels. The trouble is that
he still has much to ham about Women.
--New York Evening World.
Norvou9n0s0, DyerIerltia,
Indio:cation, and ItinIred aliments,
take wings before the healing qualities of
Heal American Nervine. Thomas Boattles,
of Durham, Ont., took ltla preacher's advice,
followed directions, and WAD curee vermeil -
Nifty of the worm form of Nervous Prostra-
tion and Dyntitmels. Ile hes recommended it
to others, with gratifying Mutts, it's it great
nerve builder.. -12,
t4Oire.i.. TO ,AFRICA,
Lord and Lady Roberts are to go to
South Africa We fall, one of the prim-
ary eiblectit a their journey being to
visit the grave of their only son, who
wee Lilted in Nana during the 330c War,
and buried in the battlefield. Ilis death
wag duo to an act of bravery, sueit tts
led inany English offiCers to de:al:And,
perhaps, gain the Viet:trim Cross, which
bee cost the lives -of so nuttly British
'officers. Licit. Roberts fell white trying
to SUS f;(»110 guns whiek Buller 'had
lost in one of his many defeitte, The
young num never knew that he bad won
the meet coveted English honor, but
Queen Vietoritt gave 'the she* little
tress to his mother with her own hands.
Ire -Isn't your millinery bill very
elint-I'm sure it's verv modest, Why
r toe in the paper mow:body Net paid
a14,750 tor a Uninebotougli.-New York
. I
11' you are
1., -)king for
a home and
want ter
visit t h.o
West yOu can do so with very little ex-
pense as the 1JNION PACIFIC Will sell
One-way Colonist Tickets EVERY DAV'
at the following rates frPm Missouri
River terminals : (Council 131uffs to Kan-
sas City inclusive.)
SEPTEMBER 15t12 to OCTOBER 15th.
$20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte,
Anaconda and Helena.
$22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee.
$25.00 to San Fizincisco, Los Angeles
and many other California points,
$25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle,
811(1 many other Oregon and -Washing-
ton points.
le B. Choate, G. A., 120 Woodward "
avenue, Detroit „Mich
. Practised on Revenue Officer.
An infentry captain recently. told of
a raw recruit from Kr ntucky, a gawky
mountaineer, so awkward that it seem-
ed impossible to "lick" ban into a sol-
dier. -"Soon after my compeny was sent
out or targetpractice on the ranges,"
said the captain, "my Kentuckian beat
out every man in my company, some of
them veterans, wearingthe distinguish-
ed mi
eaksmen's medals, n a common can-
ter. The gawky Kentucky boy's per-
formance on the range filled me with
amazement, as it did everybody elsewho
watched ais marvellous shooting, and
when he was through I said to him
"Look here, toy, where ilia yon ever get
a chance to practice such fine shooting 't
'Pinehe rev'noo officehe sub,' he replied
with a grin. 'Ye all fuligits, eula that
Alem from Kentucky?"
The Independent Order of Foresters
have just issued front the press a very
neat little booklet giving a great grist
of facte and figures withregardto Care
ada, its resources, mineral and agricul-
tural, etc. Distorical pointe, territor-
ies and other Canadian informa,tion of
great value. This little booklet should -
be in the hands of all. It will be sent
on application to Dr. Oronhyatekhas Su-
preme Chief Renger, of the 1. 0.1e, Tem-
ple 33uilding„ Toronto, Canada.
Genuine roasted coffee, no matter wbat
quality, will not impart it color to cold
water, nor will the bean lose its smooth
surface or hard, tough consistency when
subeeted to a soaking of eny aeration;
whereas ehiekory 'end other imitations
bowel° soft and spongy _ when soaked
end render the 'water muddy, so that
it is only necessary to give the suspect
a bath to determine its genuineness. 01
course the bean must be dried before
grinding and the water must be cold,
otherwise the test will not be conclusive.
STATE 011 01E0, rers• 01' '14)I1lD0,m
• Fiteent J. CMONNY 711/1101$ oath that hOts the
senior partner of the limn of P. a. Cnenev a
Co„ doing business In the (sty of Toledo,
County and State ttio resa I ti, and th tit Field firm
will pity the mon of ONE JIUNOIIIII) 1)01,..
TAM 101` caeb and every e080 fit CA1AU.1111
that cannot be cured by the use of .11,t1,1,,,,
On-ennua Quite.
IMAM( J. CII13111;IY.
Sworn to before inc and subscribed in mat
presenee,this eth day of December, A.D., 188d.
A,. W. 0 LHASON,
Notary Pnblle,
nail's Catarrh C•tre ts taken internally and
nets directly on the Id nod and 110100110 surfnewi
of the system. Send for teOtIMODIDIR, free.
IP. .t. ClieNEY &CO., Toledo, 0,
Sold by all druggists -75e.
Take Hales Family rm. for Constipation.
IdOort Phases.
• The phases of the inoon leay be
id:tined by the fart that the moon is a
dark spherical hody whielt shines only
by reflected light. The new moms popu-
larly so celled, is meen only when the
'sky is sufficiently dark to present a
complete outline of the disk. This M*i.
initiation is due to the lips whieh come
first front the Hun, fa rerleet ed to tho
earth and batik to the moon and thence •
to the earth. What we really see is the
earth light shining on the moon.
Minard's Lisimeat Cores Dandruff,
X.Ray Nal Fishing.
M. Dubois, in a. paper beinie elte Ara -
doily of Science:4, Para, ellowe Una it is
possible by means of Roentgen rave to
examine tho living teeter althea in
any way injurieg it and to leaertain
whether or not it tantalum a pearl, If it
amiable only it iiny pearl the oyster le
returned. 0021 113 alloneil to live until the
disease has developea a large pearl.
NitaariN Linitriont tor sale evtrywhere.
. .
Doubtless there tire itlyeteries in aft
vertisiug, but they air being graditally
smeovered, Among the disemeries *fah
experienve has made is this: "In atm-
tising it is uot 11 unestion of seleeting
many meditinte whielt are good, but
rather tho few which are beat."