The Wingham Advance, 1904-09-01, Page 4p
Wingharres Dress floods and Carpet House
Charmingly Printed,
Woollen Fabrics for Various Uses.
The new designs in Printed Flannels and Satin Laines
are here, ana they make a wonderfully bright gathering for
Waists, Kimonas, Dressing Gowns and Dressing Sacques,
The patterns in Flannels and Satin Laines are uew
and original. Window Showing, on sale at 50c per yard.
Just Arrived.
Our new fall Mantles, in all the leading styles. All the
up-to-date shades—Fawns, Blues, Browns, Greys and Black,
from $b up to $28. Come early and get first choice.
Up4o=date Dress Goods.
We have the most -up-to-date goods that can be found
outside the city of Toronto, and at prices to suit everyone,
in all the leading shades and Combinations.
Select At Once.
In ordering for Ladies' Tailoring and Gown -making,
selections should be made at one, and time secured by
intending purchasers, so as to give our staff a good start,
and prevent delay later on, when suits are needed.
- ••••••%.,.."........"1../•.0•0••••••••••••••••••/%1•0%.•••••••"."...0
Dress Goods
_ & Trimin'gs
Alex. Ritchie
. Carpets,
Rugs, Etc.
• Capital (paid up)
Reserve *Z11 =14 tr
a $3,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted,
Drafts sold an all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and
upwards, and added. to prineipal 30th June
and 31st Deeember eaoh year.
I). T. 11EPBURN, Manager
1. TanistOne, SOlicitor
OAPITAL PAID UP $ 2,220,080.00
RESERVE FUND 2,000,000.00
TOTAL ASSETS 24,118,018.07
--(Java Britain's 22,$0 miles of fileted a long period of drought M 1003
way carried nearly twice as many pits- Inni the Probabilities aro in favor of a •
,sengers as were transported by the few fat Years now, with large Proane"
203,132 Sidles. of the United States, tion in wheat* In Argentina also
This represent'a an enormous a dill- there will tindoubtedly, with the stim- •
tional strain on British railway uien illus of High prices, be a large increase
and rolling stock; awl yet in the in wheat .acreage at least, If those
united • xingdont there were only 41 eountries. produce as largely as antiei-
collisions and derailments, iis against Pated: the high Prices now Prevailing
10,643 M the States, and only ane pass will receive a check early in the new
senger killed for every 47 millions ear_ year. The situation will be strength -
tied in the United Kingdom, as Itgainst mod by a report from London which
one 'for every one million carried in says the wheat, crops in England are
the United States, expected to be the smallest an record.
Hon. Wm. Gibson — President
John Proctor A. B. Lee J. 5, Hendrie
Geo, Rutherford C. A. Biros
J. Turnbull, Vice -Pres. and General Manager
11, M. Watson, Asst. Genl. Mgr. 8c Inspector.
0. S. Olarke, Asst. Inspector.
Deposits or si and upwards received: Int.
_ crest; allowed and computed on 30th November
and 31st Mav each year. and added to principal
Speolal Deposits also received at current
rates of interest,
1111110011111.11111100 MIN al%
Special. For September,
This month will prove interesting to intending
purchasers. All our high-class Furniture must be
exchanged for money. Seven per cent. is good in-
vestment, but 20% is better.
n Cut Oak Sideboard, polished mirror 22x44, regular WM, for $45.00
11 I " 20x40, " 38.00, for 32.00
11 " it " " 18x34, " 28.00, for 23.00
1 Buffett, swell glaas door and drawers, mirror 12x38, reg. 35.00, for 29,00
1 Genuine Mahogany Dresser and Stand, swell fronts, mirror 28%34, regular
$48.00, for 40.00
Cut Oak Dresser and Stand, swell fronts, mirror 28x34, reg. 42.00, for 34.00
28x44, reg. 45.00, for 38.00
The above Goods are the very newest designs, and
upon inspection will satisfy you that they are exceptionally
good value. Compare these prices with departmental store
prices and note the saving. • Also special September Bar-
gains in cheaper lines of Furniture.
See our Mattresses and Wire Springs.
O▪ ro*• *
O W*
1110• `.
Ns*▪ .
111.▪ 09*
$t., Sth house West
ot Hamilton's Drug
Store. Night calls,
receive prompt at-
•Bakk "Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
Summer Goods.
Ladies' elegant Circular Underskirts of
Black Sateen, beautifully flounced and frilled,
at different prices but all special values.
Ladies' Ready-made Wrappers, a nice as-
sortment at very reasonable prices.
A full assortment of Ladies' and Child-
ren's Summer Vests—sleeveless, short sleeves
and long sleeves, from 5c to 75c.
Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hosiery
from toe to itoe per pair—seatnless foot and
guaranteed fast blacks. The Puritan Brand
being especially recommended for wear and
general satisfaction. Good Cashmere Hose,
all grades, both plain and ribbed.
Pretty Summer Fabrics for Dresses and
Waists in Organdy, Madras, Dimity, Linen,
Swiss, Lawn, etc., at Bargain Prices.
And Prints galore—English, American,
and Canadian. A large array of nice prints,
all colors, sure to please you,
About 5 doz. pairs Ladies' and Children's
Oxford Shoes to be sold at less than ost.
These are real Bargains—come and see them.
Mge- e
..••▪ ••
* MD
W. C011130111,1), Agent
Dickinson & Holmes, Solicitors
114112am Chante
(WY., no.ter,"~......^"
Fr tw‘1.,,
—A Canadian Pacific official esti-
mates the wheat yield for western
Canada at 65,000,000 bushels, Three
and a half million acres will be has -
—Mr, A. A, Ayer, Ilona of the large
produce company of A. A. Ayer & Co.,
Montreal, made a statement of condi-
Aitiong the strongest men in the
tions in Ontario and Quebec, based on.
Liberal party in North Wellington is
Private reports, which. are contrary to
the statistics .giVen by the railways. Mr. 3. A. Halsted, a leading citizen of
Mount Forest, Mr. Halsted has been
He said;—"The total output of batter •
an active worker in every campaign
and cheese in the two :Provinces will
be equal to, if not greater than, Ind Confederation. In the hard
struggles between Senator McMiillen
year. There are certainly as many
awl Mr. Lionel Clark he was Mr. cows, and the pasturage has been far •
Mullen's chief lieutenant, and Itis
Me -
superior to the season of 1903. .At the
shrewd, practical, business sense and
first of November this year the farmershrewd,
will find himself much wealthier than his resourcefulness as a speaker, made
at the same time last year, owing to services invaluable. Mr. Halsted
is now in the West, and be has been
the splendid success of the hay crop
and the high price of cattle.
giving his views on the political situa-
tion in Ontario. To the Winnipeg
4111r Tribune he said
—The shortage of winter wheat, as "It is undeniably certain that it
indicated by the crop report of the will be a gm:if thing for Ontario at
Ontario Government, is certain to large when the Ross Government,
have an important effect on the mill- the Liberal faction now in power,
in industry of the Province. The either gives up the ghost voluntarily
or is defeated on its merits. Rotten
yield is estimated at 0,800,000 bushels, with age and dragged down beneath
against 17,200,003 bushels last year. It the waves of honesty in polities by a
is calculated that the supply of availa- drowning weight of a huge set of
imscrimulons party hangers-on, it is
ble wheat for milling purposes will be time it was driven out of power and
only one-third of what it was in 1003. sncceeded by something which would
The requirements of the domestic have more of the provincial than
trade will absorb the entire yield of the personal interests at heart. You
the Province, and there will be little may raise your eyebrows in surprisewhet I tell you that I am Liberal
or no Ontario grain to grind for ex- myself. But I have the interests of
port. The deficiency, however, will the province at heart and 1keep
both hands on the IMion Jack. For
be made up by an increased employ -
these reasons, then, I believe we
meat of Manitoba wheat in the mills need a change in government down
of Ontario, . east, The party which I support to
the best of my ability, is lying in a
—At the beginning of the war Rus- state of coma as far as the interests
sia had in the Far East, at Port Ar- of the people of Ontario are con -
corned, but it must be admitted that
thus, Vladivostock and Chemulpo, they seem very inuch alive to their
eighteen effective battleships and own interests or the interests of cex'-
cruisers. Of this great fighting. force tain unscrupulous individuals who,
six have been lost, one is totally disa- instead of being their life, will betheir death, There is nothing more
bled and another is repairing in Chi- to it, and I speak as plainly as I can.
.nese ports, while seven have been How can a. party which has had its
• badly damaged in battle and are bot- own way for upwards of thirty
tled up at Port Arthur at the mercy of gearsslananj which 34 11114enelnlefend bje
the Japanese land batteries and. Togo's look after the interests ofi the peo-
fleet, There remain only to Russia pieP Wearied by their long exis-
nee they have closed their eyes
four cruisers, the Askold, which is
and gone to sleep. The necessity of
a change is very apparent, and I do
not think it will be long before there
is a change."
vested this fall. The estimate of +35,- disabled and which is making repairs
000,000 bushels is the same as that, at the Chinese port of Woosung ; the
made by the Bankers' Association a, Rossi& and Groinoboi, damaged in
week ago. battle and in flight, and the Novik,
Mr- also in flight.
—According to a bulletin from the
Bureau of of Animal Industry, there was —In Quebec at present 58 out of 65
produced in the United States from constituencies vote one way. Previ- (Toronto Star.)
19,000,000 cows 67,640,000,000 pounds of ous to 1896 Quebec voted as did the Russia is borrowing another $75,-
1,650,000,000 pounds of butter ; 300,000,- other provinces. From Confederation 000,000, Japan is gathering her wealth
inilk. From this was manufactured
the following is its record :— into Tokio to pay the enormousex-
000 pounds of cheese ; 250,000,000 Min. Or. Penses of the war. The inhabitants of
pounds of condensed milk, and 20,000,- 45 0 both countries for the next fifty years
000 gallons of cream. 27 will pay taxes because of the war of
' 32 33
45 20 1904. Tens of thousands of hohies will
—A New York physician says ; "The 48 17 be wrecked by the death in battle of
greater part of the whiskey, brandy •
83 32 bread -winners, or by their lois of
20 and beer sold in New York to -day is 49 53 health, An extensive country is being
chemically prepared and is absolutely plowed and harrowed by the imple-
unfit for the • human stomach; it is
doctored with fusil oil, cresote and
such chemicals." Perhaps that is the
reason that the Americans will smug-
gle the Canadian article ; they want
the best.
-Representations have been made
to the Secretary of State that it would
be in the public interest to have
Thanksgiving Day set for a Monday
instead of Thursday, as has been the
custom for years back. It is pointed
out that Monday would afford a larger
vacation period and facilitate the cele-
bration of family reunions, which
have become a popular Thanksgiving
Day feature.
—There are 382,000,000 Chinese spea-
king the same language, making Chi-
nese the most extensively -spoken lan-
guage. There are so many dialects the fieet.fought. Togo seems never to
which are entirely different that they have approached: nearer to his victims
seem scarcely to belong to the same than a distance of five miles (except
tongue. Tho inhabitants of Mongolkv with his torpedo boats), and generally
and Tibet can barely understand the he was a good eight miles away. Ka -
dialect of the people of Peking. Put- inimura was closer to his prey, par-
ting Chinese aside, the most spoken
languages are as follows, in millions:—
English, 120; German, 70; Russian,
68; Spanish, 44; Porttiguese, 32,
limas of war, and its population has
In the last two elections under Sir
fled. When the armies move on there
Wilfrid ,Laurier a marked change has
will be starvation in Manchuria and
taken place in Quebec, which now
gives him his entire majority, and in • parts of Korea, The huge bill of costs
for this war in life and wealth and
1900 a considerable margin to spare.
In 1896 Laurier went in by 34 majority health- and cernfort is beyond human
throughout the Dominion, and Quebec calculation. Tho peasant woman on
gave him 33. In 1900 his majority NVELS the steppes will look in vain through
e her remaining years for the return of
53 and Quebec gave him 58. Therefor
her husband and her son. She will
it is apparent that the Laurier Govern -
lives by the favor of one pro -
never really understand it. All she
vince. The last census has cut six knows is that the soldiers marched
seats off Ontario's representation, giv-- them away to help. fight the enemy,
ing Quebec still greater power to and they come not back, The peasant
"make Governments" by voting solid. woman of Japan will also look in vain
—Ottawa Citizen. for the return of her husband and son.
Of- They were among ten thousand who
fell on the slopes outside Port Arthur' .
•:-The inost astonishing feature of What is to be the gain for all this loss
the naval engagements in the far East, to Russia, japan, China, and Korea,
aside from the accuracy of the japan- It puzzles one to see wherein the gain
ese gun fire, is the long range at which will consist.
Three hundred thousand Japanese
are hi the armies operating against
Rnssia. These men are sacrificing
their lives almost wantonly. They go
up in' droves against Russian bullets _
and bayonets. The Russians are fight-
ticularly when his ships closed ili on ing with desperation against these at -
the Rurik like a pack of wolves around tacks, The individuals who compose -
a dying horse; but none the less he these armies are drawn from conntry-
kept, at a very respectful distance, and, sides thousands of miles apart, and
like Togo, relied on his heaviest guns. would never have seen each other on
When one considers the distance re- earth or known of each other's exis-
presented by five miles it seems almost tence, but that their nations brought
incredible that three twelve -inch shells them together for their mutual slaugh-
-The Weekly Sun, after due con-
sideration, concludes that "The far-
mers of this Province will receive this
year less for the grain which they sell,
less for their hogs, and less for their
combined beef and dairy output, than
• they received last year, The total de-
crease will rim into the millions. Far-
mers to -day, particularly With five or
six prosperous years behind them, are
in a much better position than in the
period of depression which prevailed
some years ago, hilt at the same time
present conditions call for extreme
care and wise judgment hi ehe man-
agement of income and outgo."
-Mr. Deck, Registrar of Bruce
county, reports US the Globe as fol.
lows:—"The mortgage indebtedness in
this county has been gradually in.
erettSing the last three or four years,
owing to the activity in the real estate
business. The more real estate deals
there are the more mortgages there
are to register, and. there have been
more registrations in the last three
years than iii the same period prete-
ding it. The rate of interest ttt the
present time is lower than it was ten
years ago; in fact, it is thought to be December at least. What Will hap.
as low as it ever will be in this district. pen after that will depend on 06
The mortgages registered during this erops in Australasia and Argentina,
time have been Itlaced, sotrie fore- where the harvest season emnes on
newels- of former mortgages and others during our winter. The prospetts.are
for the unpaid portion of the purchase that the next crops from those cowl -
I f e 4.tistraIla tome
toad have hit the Cesarevitch within
five minutes. At eight miles one trui,
ser, as seen from another, is not much
more than a toy ship. Of course the
telescopic sight, the range -finder, and
other instruments have made the en-
gagements of to -day possible. But,
the marvel of these fights is only in-
creased thereby, particularly if one
thinks of the targets and. the marks-
men rolling about in heavy seas and
moving at inconstant rates of speed.
Ors "
--The Weekly Stm has this to say
on the price of wheat t—Present indi-
-cations seem to point to a continuance
of high pries during the balance of
this ealendar year, This statementis
based on the fad that the crop in the
United States will certainly be shorter
than that of last year, while home
consumptibt will be greater. Taking
Europa as a whole, there is also pro-
mise of a decrease in production there
and MI increase in eonsumption, All
these causes combined will in all pro-
bability tend to keep wheat prices at
a pretty high level up to the end of
trioncr etc es o prope4ty4 t will h'at e r 08 *
ter, Thousands of years have gone
by, and the human race is still at the
mercy of the worst passions and under
control of its evilest minds,
A by-laav for the purpose of pur-
ehasing the electric plant and running
it as munielpal property will be voted
on by the electors of Seaforth on Sep-
tentber 12th
Canadian Order Woodmen of
The World
CAM$ HATIoN4U. 139
hold their reviler meetings over 2nd and
ith Friday each ;tenth. in OddfelloWs'
Hall......All Visitors welOorne,
14. MAXAVZIA., C. C. /Lit. OnOWPER, Clerk
Wingham Machine
Omieral Repair Shop
Is now ro.opened, and I littVe Seottred
the services of a man of Over 20 years
experience in all linos of mill and
farm machinery, also bicycles, guns,
Sewing Machines, clothes wringers,
lawn moWera, umbrellas, ettWe gummed
and Mod, keys rook to order, scissors
and hair clippers sharpened, etc, A
Mal solicited,
Thursday, September 1, 194
I nos & 1
as. - xerr
New Arrivals for Fall
at the "Big Store."
New Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums
and Oilcloth.
This season's new Carpets and Floor Coverings
are very pretty in design and colorings and select
in pattern. Just visit this department and see the
very newest patterns and the beautiful blending of
shades and colors in Brussels, Tapestry and Wool
Carpets, also Linoleums and Floor Oilcloth.
Floor Oilcloth, very best patterns, all widths, sq. yd 2e
Heavy Linoleum, 72 inches wide, at only,
$1.00 a yd,
Stair Carpets in Hemp, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool 12e up
Axminster Rugs—beautiful designs and color combinations
New Curtains and Roller Shades,
Our supremacy in House Furnishings was never better
exemplified than it will be this Fall. Nowhere will there
be more style, variety or beauty. We'll be plesaed to have
you come to look at the now arrivals.
Lace Curtains for Fall, New styles,°New designs -25o, 40e, 50o, 75o,
$1.00 and up.
Ohenille OurtainS, New styles, Canadian, American and English.
Damask Curtains, very latest in Style and colorings.
New Roller Blinds, all the best colors, good Rollers.
Plain Rollos Blind, complete, 25 ohs to 35 ets. each.
Decorated Roller Blind, complete, good roller, 40e.
Roller Blind with Fringe, Heavy Lace or Insertion trimming, 60c.
New Fancy Table and Stand Covers.
Chenille, Damask and Linen Table and Stand Covers, 60o up.
Table Linen at old prices in the face of a rising market.
Handsome patterns in Pure Linen Table Covers, Stand Covers, Tray
Covers, Five O'clock Tea Clothe, Side Board Drapes, etc.
Pretty Embroidered (hand worked) Stand Covers, Tray Covers,
Doylies, ekes at low prices.
Watch for Bargains in our
Chinaware Department.
This week we filled our north window with Berry Bowls, Glass
Fruit Dishes, Celery Trays, Celery Stands, Syrup Pitchers, Fancy
Jugs, etc. Every article worth 500 to 60c. THEY'RE GOING AT
39e EACH. It doesn't require a head for mathematics to see the
money to be saved an these.
Dinner Sets and Crockery.
Just arrived at Boston, per steamship Winibrediane,
from Bishop and Stoner, Hanley, England, four crates for us.
• • •
One crate of White goods, Excelsior pattern, consisting
of cups, saucers and plates. One dozen of each for .. $1,60
One crate Colored goods, Peacock Blue nicely embossed
pattern, consisting of cups, saucers and plates. One dozen
of each for $2.00
One crate White and Gold (with clover leaf and delicate
chased pattern) consisting of cups, saucers and plates. One
dozen of each for $2.00
One crate of Dinner Sets, ten different patterns to choose
from. These sets have one extra platter and fruit bowl.
at Griffin's
Wingham Coal and Wood Yard.
We are sole agents here for the Scranton Coal, and will
guarantee every delivery to be 0. K. Just ask any person
who has used same and hear what they say about it. The
following prices will not raise for 12 months :—
September and seven following months
To take advantage of the above 0prices, orders must
be in by the fifth of each month for immediate delivery or
they will take the next month's prices. Farmers wishing to
loadand draw their own Coal will have /5c per ton rebate,
Parties not wishing to have their Coal delivered before
Fall, but wishing to have their supply secured, may do so by
requesting us to place their name on our books as customers ;
this will secure them for the winter without fail.
No. 1—Best Boo hardwood, per Cord.... . . . .... $3 00
No, 2—Hardwood, from Smaller Timber, pot Cord 2 75
N. 3—Ha4ilwood and Ash, mixed, per Cord
2 00
No. 4 --Ash and F.Ins, mixed, per Cord, ........... 2 25
No. 5—Sitthe and Soft Timber, per Cord 2 00
Rough woodohunks, etc., for furnaces and, box stoves, per Ca 2 00
(Nos. 1 and 2 are Mit from green timber,)
Our terms for Coal and Wood are strictly cash.