HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-08-25, Page 8We've Got Too Many Shoes-7---1-lave You? 114 f '1' If not,. come here and get a pair at a price so low, that it will astonish you. Our Fall stook is on the road and we must have room for it. re a Besides, its the policy of this store never to carry stock from sea- son to season, and 1 ShoeWe Never Will Our low prices will move the Shoes. Eere are inducements that will make your feet and pocketbook S very uneasy. It's a Shoe Treat for the whole Ifamily. ,c 14_ 44 Sale will commence "1" �!" this very day ,,. 75 Pairs of Misses' Box Calf and Doppia, Button and Lace Boots, Toe Cap, light and heavy Soles, all sizes 11 to 2, I Regular Prices are $1,75, $1.50 and $1.00 Sale Price -$t,35, $1.15, $1.00 50 Pairs of Girls' and little Gents' Lace and Button Boots, = Patent and self -Tip, every Pair solid, Regular Price $1.25 and $1.00 -on Sale for $1,00 and 75o Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, at Belmar, Perces W. J. Greer, The Shoer 1141110 0.1110111011111/113/ler sr OW CIO 0111M0 TEACHER WANTED For School Section No. 0, Turnberry, duties to commence October 4th, 1004. State qualification, and salary expect- ed ; applications to be in by Sept. loth. JOHN PORTER, Sur., 51-1 s Winghaanx P. O. e Octo ST. LOUIS AND RETURN From Wingham, good for 15 days. Stop. over at Canadian points, Detroit and Chicago, Proportionate rates from other points. Through sleeper for St. Louis leaves Streets - vine .Tot. at 8.43 p.m. daily. Apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or A., 11. Notman, Asst. General Passenger Agent, Toronto. Canadian National Exhibition. Toronto, Aug. 29th to Sept. 10th. xa3.85 Wingham to Toronto and return. Good going August 29th to Sept. 9th. - $270good going Aug. 30, Sept. 1.3, 7, and 9th. All tickets valid for return until Sep- tember 13th. World's Fair, St Louis. $laCago.trtaierprivil- eges thic,Derondntm Canadian stations. LABOR DAY. Monday, Sept. sth. Single fare for round trip. Good Going Sept. 3.4, and 5th. valid returning until Sept. 10th. Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls and N.Y. For tickets, Illustrated literature and full information call on L. HAROLD, Depot Tick- et Agent. .1. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. It The Wingham School will open Thursday, September the First, with the following staff ....,. Form 1. , . , A. II. Musgrove., Principal Poria 2.. , . , ..... , . Miss R. McLean Form 8 Miss tit. L. Steck Poem 4 Miss M. Cornyn Form 5 Miss B. Reynolds Form C.. , ..... Mise 0. Farquharson Foran 7 Miss it, Reid Form 8 Mies A. Cummings Form O Miss E. Matheeon i or all these forms we have the .needed supplies, The new- est text books can be secured here, as well as all the latest novelties in School Supplies. 1 sur j 4 -.i -r -,•r. ry i•atr t •1 7 L TUB W NGITAM ADT.#.#..5.1' OR Belmo* e, Howlck. Mrs. Wynn, 1,Vinghenr, was the Another of ITowlek's oltl residents guest Of het• sister, Mrs. Tremble, on passed away on 111cintley afternoon in Sunday. the person of Elizabeth Day, relict of Mrs. Duffy has returned; from a the late John tl41.7 in the 92utL year of pleasant visit with her niece, Mrs. age, , hiilrs,1Vatlkerton. Joint J. Montgomery and wife of A very large crowd attended the Orangeville have left for Owen Sound, auction sale of cattle in Belniore, an and we understand that it is his has Saturday last in which Mr, IT. Per- tention to permanently remain In than Ides disposed of about 00 }read of ambitious town. cattle. Adam Ries' fancily, who have been Amongst those who took advantage quarantined for the past two weeks of the exeurston to Manitoba, on for scarlet fever*, will be released this Tuesday last were:---11fr. J -I. Abram week and tho .scute adtsinefected, The end Gordon, Geo. Lowry*, Cleo, Mar- disease wasof uL mild type, shall, W. Peterntan and W. Bremner, The giivden party under the :auspices all of this place, of the Episcopal church held at the The home of Mr, 'Wm. McKee, was resklenee of Mr. Geo. porton last the scene of a very pleasant surprise Thursday night was a great success. last Friday evening, when the meet- There was a very large crowd in at- bers of the Methodist church, Bel- tendence the proceeds amounting to more, assembled to present Miss $OO.21, Mabel McKee with a token of ap- What might have proved a serious predation of her services as organist accident happened last week at W. J. of that church, in the form of a silver Strong's, 10th lino, where Clelland basket and silver sugar bowl. Mrs, Bros. were sawing wood. with the cir- 1. Lucas read the following address, enlar saw. The saw was caught in and Mrs. Wnt. Lowry made the pre the log, a piece was broken off and septation. thrown about thirty feet and hit A. To Miss Mabel McKee, A. Grisham on the leg and inflicted en Dear Friend :-We the members of ugly wound. Belntore Methodist church have as- A successful barn raising took place as- sembled at your borne this evening, for the purpose of expressing our ap- ou Friday last at J. A. Patterson's, predation of your valuable services to Mr, P. lost his barn abort two weeks ns, in the position of organist, for the ago, being struck by lightning and past year and a half. We are sorry eonstuned by the flames with alarge to lose yon, for your regular attend- ance at tIle meetings, your uuwaver- quantity of hay, grain and contents. ing fidelity, together with your social He secured another barn, 40x60 feet, Qualities, have endeared you to us.. from a farmer in Wallace. The farm - We feel our song service has largely exs turned out with their teams and succeeded tlosing i your efforts, and took it down and drew it and a large we feel, in losing you, we are losing g one of the faithful. Allow us to pre- straw shed to the old foundation. In sent this silverware as a small tangible less than seventeen days the frame of evidence of the higb. esteem in which the new barn was standing on the we hold you. We earnestly and sin- cerely hope that abundant success foundation of the old ane. A number may attend you in whatever sphere of willing.hands went to work and al - you .illy be, and when your star has most closed in the main part of the set at life's close, may it not be as the barn the same day. evening star, which sinks below the darkened West, but as the morning The hail -storm .of last week proved Robt. Elliott has --gone to Toronto star, which melts away in the bright- more destructive in Howiek than was for a few weeks. - ness of Heaven. at first' supposed. The following Mr. and Mrs. P. Linklater spent Signed in behalf of the church. losses are reportedWolf, W. H. Lowry, W. E. Lucas. :-J. 1000 Sunday in Clifford. E. Grange of Toronto has been visit - lug at H. E. Isard's, bushels of oats destroyed in ane minute. Joseph Heinbaecher, 15th Bluevale. con., loses 80 acres of oats, new Miss Anna Gra returned home last week from St. Louis. Mr. McKenzie Messer of Wingham variety, splendid crop: Says not 10 spent Sunday at home. bushels saved. Wm. Gedkie has not' Norman Disney is spending his holi- days $100 worth of crop left. P. Dickett with Clinton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes visited stifles:* loss of oats and barley. Jas. Miss Day of Ingersoll has been visit- near Teeswater this week. Wright (Hooey Farm) loss of oats. ing her brother Sherman, of town, Miss Annie McGillvary of Listowel Councillor Chris. Binkle, field of blue Mrs. Henderson of Goderich is the is visiting Miss Cora Messer. peas, shelled out, flat as the floor. guest of her sister, Mrs, W. Green. Mr. Henry McHardy of Goderich, Louis Lusch, 19 acres of oats almost Dr. Frank Buggin of Texas was, a spent Sunday at his home here. worthless. P Milligan suffers con- ing • t the Advance office on Friday ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hodg- visited at C. R. Brinl el s this a r .t arc siderable loss. Ben. Kerwin estimates Mrs. Doesburgof Hamilton is visit- Mr. and Mrs. Aley of Wingham - i week. his loss to crop equal to five year's son.Miss Mabel Shiell of East Wawa- seeding. Campbells and Drummond s' John Connell and P. Brown' of Clif- nosh visited Miss Alice Duff this week. crops damaged. D. Huebaclt damage • ford spent Sunday at 3. J. Elliott's,dlr- Percy Paterson left on Friday to crop. Very heavy losses around V. S.for Saginaw, Mich„ where he intends Lakelet are reported. The windows - Robt. Sturdy, of Owen Sound, spent to stay, of the Methodist church were badly Sunday with his family in Wing- smashed. Losses are also reported ham. Miss Jennie Elliott was at Toronto in Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Anderson are ex- last week attending the funeral of a 1 petted Name from. Winnipeg in a few relative, 1 days. Me. Will. Paterson has returned to To Break Up a Cold Miss Lizzie Edwards of Toronto was New York after spending his holidays Right qusekly nothing works so , N . week, sends a glowing warmth all through Mrs. Fred. McCracken and. children g g Mrs. Littlejobns and family of f Brussels were visitors to BluovaIe the body, and when rubbed on the o Hamilton have been guests of Mrs. P.throat and chest loosens up the cough the. guest of Miss Jennie Currie last at home. nicely as etviline taken real hot. It on Tuesda and relieves ti g htness and soreness in Tansley. 3 • the chest. Nerviline is used as a pre - Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, jun., Misses Nina Isbister and Edna Man- the the and for colds, coughs and of Ayhner, visited friends in town ning and J. Isbister of Morris visited ventivwinter las in cure for thousands of homes be - this week. at F. B. Scott's this week, cause it goes right to work and brings Mrs. Sutton of Denfleld is spending We congratulate Miss Cora Messer relief quickly. There is no remedy in a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and the world with half the power and Mrs. Watt. a on having successfully passed the Jun- merit of Nerviline ; it's invaluable in for Leaving examination. every house. In large bottles, price Miss Lowe of Winnipeg and 11liss 25 cents. Hood of Lucknow visited friends in Among those who went from Blue - town this week. vale on the excursion to the West on '1' Mr. VanStone of Southampton was Tuesday were :-Miss Belle Burgess, the guest of his brother, W, F. Van- Miss Jessie McKellar, Mrs. J. 3.. Den - Blyth. Stone, this week. man, Walter Burgess, Bert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Jones were Mrs. E. P. Trernpe and Miss Lottie •and Mr. W. Denman. Bisbee are spending a week with their brothers in town. .1, Ensign Taylor of Montreal has been Jamestown. visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Currie 'Cel. Watson made a shipment of of Faust Wawanosh.Miss Mina McK elvey returned last cattle from Clinton on Monday. Miss Maggie Tibbs is holidaying at week from her .visit to Hamburg. Jas. McIlittr%Itie returned from his Dashwood and intends taking the ex- Mrs. Bokmier Sr., of Ethel, is at outingat Atlantic Cit New Jersey. cursion trip 40 Detroit. Y, present visiting her son Lou of this on Monday. Traveller John Young of London. place, spent a few days in town last week, birs, Wilt. Turveyof Toronto is at Wm. Bowden of Exeter has been remaining over Sunday. appointed kind valuator for the 0. P. Mrs. J. R. -Woods returned last week present 'visiting her parents, Mr. and R. in the purchase of right of way in from a visit to friends in Tiverton, Mrs. Sam. Caldbeck: T3nroll Co. Kincardine and Port Elgin. 14Ii;s, John Wilson of Essex, who is During the stores on Sunday night in Bruce - field on Monday. Elate Livingstone has a staff of coopers, making apple barrels. £ley. For Grey* township, .the Gritij have filed 53 appeals axtd Tories, 08. and. Mrs, Mason heti their two boys baptized, sprinkled with water Out of the river Jordan. N. and Mrs. Milne also had their children baptized this week, Mr. Duncan P. Clark, Principal of here for the benefit of her health, has the .tarn of Wan. Taylor of Morris, fug his e sistevey rehool,Gaviin iWilsonvisit- been very poorly. this last few days. was totally destroyed by fire ; no in - Mrs. Geo. Roe, and her guest, Miss Miss Etta Hansuld of Ethel, who surance•on barn. Mortimer of Danbury, Connecticut, has been visiting her uncles Mr. Geo. The following people Ieft here Tues. have gone to visit friends in Toronto. and Louis Eekmier, returned home day lnornitag for Manitoba :-Hinsley Iasi Sunday. Nicol, Ed. Haggitt, Wm. Logan, Geo. Miss Maude eston,ty left ng accepted 11ir. Lorne McKelveyf tfarristpn, Cowan and Geo, Mains. morning for Preston, having accepted Y a situation in the office of the Preston visited over Sunday at his home here. glove factory,His father Wm. McKelvey is still •1. Miss Vera Fairfield returned to her keeping very poorly. S11$1>>1<. home at VErallaceburg this morning, after spending a few weeks with ss e are very sorry to report the friends 1n town. serious illness of Will. Riley Jr., with Mr. Mason of* Rochester, nn old typhoid fever. We sincerely hope he Markdale "boy" whom we had not` may soon be well again. .net for years, gave the editor a, brief Mr, frank Powell student of Huron call on Tuesday. , college, London, is expected to take J. A. Mnnshaw wins in town on charge of the prayer meeting in Thursday. A number of jewellers fVictoria Hell next Friday evening. from other towns and villages atter him here to place orders. John Taylor of Hanover spent .last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 556,000,000 PROBL13M, George Taylor of the 13 line, and with A descriptive pamphlet has been is - other friends in this vicinity, sued giving full information rekardiitg Mr. Alin Joynt of Ltueknaw has re- the Great World's Fair, St, Louis, to turlted front a trip to .Taeksonville, which periiiatting stop over tit Chico,- Floc ida ; he gave the Advance a caul. o, Detroit and at intermediate, Cana - on Tuesday and renewed his subsersp- dian stations. (;all on Grand Trunk tion. Agents and secure eopq of booklet or sednger Agent, Toronto. 1 Rev. Jas. Anderson of Drayton, North Dakota Conference is visiting his sister Mrs. Ii. Park, Ked mother, Mrs. Anderson, who resides with Mos. Park, Mrs, Charles Conroy of Windsor is to ;firs, Der�e�,y� Carol (twee Miss siting her Blau liter, flits, A. M. sample). of Wolsele Mattitol, a dress J, D. McDonald, District Pas- fllltTl3s. C'arrol---'lit Brussels, on the 10th Inst., visiting Mies Lattcan anti Master Yx i'`' 801t Roy Tobin of Windsor are also guests ritA121tYA0#>;8, of him, Crawford. Taylor -McCracken ---At the residence Mrs. and Rev. T. W. Malcolm, of of the bride's parents, Winghttta, on Chicago, have been visiting Mrs. Mal- August 21, by Rev, .las. McCracken, tout's mother, Mrs. Coventry of town. Brother of the bride, Mr. Albert L. Miss 11 Coventry of New York is also Taylor of London to Miss E. Emily, - visiting the parental haine. daughter of John McCracken, COOPER, �MlE 1 COend, • Jos. Iridium hats boon visiting C .) Y >r 1�C. l • i,. r friends In Paris, Brantfnrcl mid other places. On Will pv inornin Mr. Bracl- (Buc0essorb to Alex, Rate) k win, who only to es A11011 efleo in awv0ral years left to visit ol� friends , '11'1... t 1 „int Southern Oiittarlo for a few days, Tttllock--Johnston--•-0n August i'7t1t, at the residenceof the bridle's father, by Rev. lir, Oundy, Andrew H.1''tul- loch of Sarnia to Miss Clare, May Johnston, eldest ::