The Wingham Advance, 1904-08-18, Page 2Ipese le necessary to .04080.000n and n . end of their wavering. A settled pur- really eatiefactory religieue experienta I -CAA 00 readiest uutil one conies to tile enecese even in tollowing Satan. Diva I. sion of attention, service awl allegimice ANTWOMTIONA•lis IXSSON NO Vint between two masters is ever fruitful of AUGUST 21, 1004tronale in one who atteinete it. a -a -a-. A fair test is given. In fact, advasa Eltiah on Mount Cannelast Kingstar Sate. tago is givea the prophets of Beals for a Commentary -T. Elljait's eacrifice pre- ' the` TA'rd can give His enemies ll the , advantages and then easily defeat them pared (ve. 30.30. 30, Come steer -He Ahab seem ready to. obey the prophetie will Stave them eye -witnesses of all he ., orders to gather Israel together a does, and witnesses to what God will do. Mount Carmel for the tet s but, per - Jesus did nothing in a Omer, so neither haps, net so much expecting, to be the servants' of God need 4o anything in obliged' to acknowledge God its to see ' if Elijah will not produce the much- secret-Pentecoet Repaired. the altar- desired ram. As for the phophet, be Built in Israers earlier and happier days., • seems far less intent en proving who' •but thrown down by Jezebel, Thia Eli- is the real sroubler of Israel than lie is show that Jehovan1 and not Ba1 al is jolt restored and consecrated anew. "A. Lomb, God. 'Three years and a half dant to builders of sanctuaries. A type of famine would uot 'bring them back of the certain restoration of lite true to God. Elijah will convince their judg- anti the downfall of the false." -Gray. 31. 'Iavelve stones -This was an act show- ing that the twelve tribes were really one people Awl Stall one God in commou, 8o (o4 true church is one. Israel.... thy Pame-Israel signifies a prince who prevails with God. There are two re. cords of the bestowal of this name on Jacob. ace Gera assail. 28; xxxv, 240. • 32, In the names ate. -"By the author- ity and for the glory of Jeliovah." A trenca-To catch the water poured over the sacrifice, and intensify ,the effect of -this eoleran object -lessen. - Hurlbut. _Measures of seed - Literally, "as the space of two seahs s)f seed." The seah is 'eatimated as containing from one and a 'half to three gallons. There ts a differ - once •of opinion as .to the size of the trench. Terry is probably nearer correct in supposing the waele trench helki three gallons. v 33. Wood in order-IIe obeyed all the _injunctions of the law with respect to the offering of a burnt sacrifice (Lev. i. 6-8). He thus publicly taught that the. ordinances of the law were binding upon the kingdom of Israel. -Horn. Com. Bar- tels -Common jars still used in the east for carrying water, containing from • three to five g.allons apiece.-Whedon. 34. Seeend....third. time - To prevent any kind of auspicion that there was fire -concealed under the altar. -Clarke. Close ,by the place of sacrifice, shaded by a noble old tree, is a large, natural cistern of sweet water, which the people say is ever exhausted. -Tristram . Terry and others think it more likely that the water was brought from the brook Ki - Oben, where Elijah slew the false pro- phets. • a IL Fire from heaven (vs. 36-38). 36. At the time -About 3 o'clock p. in. The praphet waited for the usual hour ef the .evening sacrifice, thus diverting the minds of the people to the worship. of •sasa. The Markets Terente MVO Steck. August 10. -Expert cattles eX. e'e, $4.90,- to 0.20; do, mediums $4,70 to D4.90; do., owes $4.00 to $4.50; butela ere' picked lots, $4.00 to $1.05; good to choice loads, $4.30 to $4.50; fair to geed a4.00 to $4.25; subsea lots, medium, $3.00 to $3,75; good VMS, $3,50 to $3.75; • common. to fair do., $2,00 to $3.25; but. chore' bulls, $3.00 to t14.00; bulls, export, heavy, $3,50 to $4,00; do, medium, $3.00 to $3.40; do., light, $2,75 to $3.00; stock- ers, heavy, $3.60 to $4.00; do., light, $2.75 to $3.00; do,, common, $2.00 to $2.75; light bulls, $1.75 to $2.00; feeders, short , keep, $4.00 to $4.50; do, medium to good, $3.00 to $4.00; do., common and rough, $2.00 to $2,50; ranch cows, each, $30,00 ments and, no doubt, by special warrant to tam; export ewes, per ewt., $3.75 to and direction, he put the coetroversr tam.; do., bucks, per cwt., $2.75 to $3.00; between God. and Baal upon pall° ; cull sheep, $2.00 to $3,00; lambs, each, trial." The prayer of Elijah, after the pro- cwt., $4,00 to • $2.50 to $3.75; do., per 34,60; calves, per lb., 3 1-2 to 5e; hogs, phets of Baal had done all the yeeuld select, per cwt., $5,00; do., lights, 35.35; and. failed, is simple and brief. Two do, fats. 0.35, things in particular are asked for, that God would. let be known that He is God, and that it also be made clear that Elijah is God's servant, and Is, and has been, acting under divine directions. He Meier tendency, Raspberries and Law - desires that the people be fully con- tons were an exaeptiou to this, The de - winced of Battl's false claims and 01 mand for them was active, and prices God's authority and power. One may be were firm. Other lines were steady to perfectly sincere and yet not right If easy. men wish to have thew own way with Cherries, basket, sour, $1.25 to $L5O; the elements, .or to make God's poweia further their own private ends, is it irtaospberries, 8 to 9e; Lawton berries, 10 110. black currants, large basket, 00e staanise if he declines to hear them7" .0 t VA; huckleberries, basket, $1.00 to "The God that answereth by fire." ;„ $1.25; peaches, basket, 25 to 30c; apples, "It is observable that no mention, made of ram. We might have expect-Itaket, 20 'to 300; pears, 30 to 40e; tuns, 40 to (i0e. ed. that after the long drouth that this P would, be the test. But that could. not ' Toronto General Market. be promised until the Lord. had first been Toronto, Aug. 15, -1V -beat, evhite, recognized as (led;" "he that can give S1.04 1-2 to $1.05; red, $1.04 1-2 to $1.05; fire, can give rain." Elijah's rapairiug goose, 84e; epring, 04e; oats, 39c; bar - and building the altar would teach. us , ley, 45c; rye, 57e; peas, 64e; hay, No. 1 that there must be a proper recogni. timothy, $11 to $12; hay, new, $8 to 39; ton and observance of the law. The bay, mixed or elover,$7.50 to $9; straw, people are asked to draw near, every l sheaf, $11; straw, loose, $6,50; dressed thing is in readiness, the soaking piles, hogs, light, cwt., $7.75 to $8.20; butter, awaits the falling fire, and promptly at 17 to 20e; eggs, 18 to 22c; old chickens, the close of the prophet's prayer • iaapair, 50 to 75e; old chickens, pound, 8 to comes, so completely consuming sacra alOc; spring chickens, pound, 13 to 16c; fice wood, stones, dust and even tbe,i pair, 50 to 75e; turkeys, pound, 12 tetra; water, that the astonished multitude te ; spring ducks, pound, 10 to 14c,.po ab convinced, and fallina on their faces ex- ' bushel, 900; carrots, dozen, 15e_, cab a, claim, "'The Lord laX43 is the God, she dozen, 40 to 50e; cueumbers, dozen, 15e, Lord he is the God. . onions, peek, 50e; onions, green, per doz., "The king had gone down with. the • 15 to 30c• rhubarb, dozen, 15e• lettuce, crowd to Kishon. Curiosity had per. .dozen, 154; radishes, dozen, 151 to 20e; haps impelled him to witness the slaugh. ParsleY, dozen, 20e. 'beans, peck, -30e; peck, 35e; beets dozen, 15e; beef, ter which lie was powerless to prevent's( PT -as t tundquap Acre, 8 4,0 9e; 'fore uartors, 41-2 Toronto Frait Market. To -day's receipts -were heavy, and to- wards the end of the day prices had an ija t gs , to 5 1-4e; mutton 5 to aa• ambs ound ' drink, for there is a sound of abundance a, , _ A s . jeltevale The prophet -But here he per- • - calves, pound, 7 to 8 1-2e; calves, of rail, while he hastens back to Mount ,33 au lea .feemed the duties of the, priest. "While light, 4,1-2 to 5 1-2e. Carme , t ie scene of his recent victory, the priest could not of right be a pro - and, flinging himself upon the ground :- - Liverpool Apple Market. pita, the praphet could, by virtue of his direct commission and his higher fune- in an attitude of deep abstraction, he Woodall & Co, of Liverpool, cabled tion, act • as a. priest."-Kitto. Came sends his servant as a lookout to watch' 'Eben .lames: New. Yorks, best, 8 Od to near. -He expected an answer by fire, wbile he prays. Seven times. the ser- IN.; seconds, 5s. less. The poor orresu.lts yet eamei near to the altar with boldness, vant makes the short journey to las are owing to the bad condition and poor , ' and feared not that fire. -Com. Com. master, when the announcement of the quality of the fruit. appearance of the little cloud is made: Abraham. Isaae-'Words first used. by Wool. God at the burning bush, when he re- to him. The secret of Elijah's grea. veiled Himself in flaming fire (Exodus power was in the fact that "the hands , The movement continues light. The iii, 6, 16). Known -That -Thou art God. of the Lord was on him."-Lanson If.. inaeket is steady at 21 to 22c for wash - "The honor of God is his ruling passion, Mulholand. ed, 15 for rejections, and 12 to 13c for • the source and end of all his zeal." Thy ! ananshed. servant -That he, Elijah, was not theiron Trade. were laborers employed on some works Fulani villagers were found quite friend - enemy, as Ahab bad announced him to .•Montreal holiday dullness still inter- ' near by, began. stopping cyclists and ly, but beyond Lau, a large town on the but Jehovales servant. At Thy word saa-Tbat his words, and works were not of Albion Iron Works and Forty Houses' 0 JOY, JOY! IT'S A BOY! That's the Song the Czar is Singing To -day. St. Petersburg, Aug. 12, 2.15 p, na-A eon and heir to the Ressian throne lkas been born. The Empress and the child, are doing well. The aceettehement took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The birth ee greatly wished for, that of an heir to the Russian crown,. took place in the A.lextoulat villa, one of it group of four email palaces in it eecludeil corner of the magnificent Peterhof park. In one of these buildiugs the Empress had been living for weeks. The ether three are .occupied by members. of the Imperial fionila, gathered there in ex- pectation of to -day's event, including the Empress' mother, His Majesty's t•wo sis- ters, the Grand Duchesses Kelm and 01- ga, bis brother, Grand Duke Michael, and other relatives: The Alexandra villa is a much more 'Waldo spot than the grand palace. His Name Will be Alexis. St. Petersburg, Aug, 12. --The child was born at 12.30 p. na, not at 2 o'clock this afternoon as previously.cabled, The child will be christeped VILLAGE FIELO IN TERHOH. 7Wail a Great Event, From this *section of the park the public had. been excluded for days past. The birth of the heir to the throne was attended with all the ceremonial or- dained by Daperial tradition. In accord - awe with the Russien law there were pre.seat besides the Emperor , Baron Fredericks, the master of the ceremonies, and Prince Dolgorouky, the grand mar- shal of the court. Dr. Rat, the Emper- or's family physician, was the eccoucher, and Hiruch was the surgeon in at- tendance. Much Powder Burned. Dr, Roth personally announced the birth of the heir to the awaiting Im- perial family, A formal announcement mid be published in the official Messen- ger, An Imperial salute of 101 guns Was subsequently fired, first from Peterhof, and it was then repeated by all the forts around St Petersburg, The chris- tening of the heir will occur in it fortnight. It will be it ceremony of elab- orate character, In accordance with Russian Imperial custom it will be performed in the Im- perial chapel of the Peterhof Palace. that without battleships no power could hold or win command of the sea. Lord Selborne said the offer of Lord Closehen, made when he was First Lord of the Admiralty, that if other nations would agree to diminish their ride of shipbuilding, Great Britain would not be slow to join the movement, bad ret beeu withdrawn, but the conditions now were more complicated. A few years A Band of Desperadoes in ago it4N.NellthlillatavienfillaffnirFriftulsicroancematinsitl England. Great Britain had named to diminish their shipbuilding, now there were almost half a dozen great naval powers, ors. The two -power standard Wee con- ting back to the Um et . consider the expenditure of other pow-, frtaaVaaa,...nea low the visit of the Archbishop to the ("illicit. States. The Arclibishop says he will aro visit it few of the great (Jaime Wan centres, which will entail his ab- sence for two mouth% The journey', be adds, is undertaken in the belief that it men Promote closer amity. in the com- mon work of •the Church the We countries, and will strengthen the Church in combating the evils which are rife both lit Great Britain and the United States. A FISHERIES SUIT. British Columble to Ter% jurisdiction in the Supreme Court, Victoria, 33, C., Aug. 15. --The rro- vincial Government has instituted pro - meanies in the Supreme Court against Todd 4. Sons, the miluonaire can- ners, for trespass and general damages, together with an injunetiou to restrain the defendants froze further operating their salmon trap at Otter Point and East Soolse, erected under the authority .of a Dominion license. The Provincial Government's action is to secure judicial determination of the jurisdiction or otherwise of the province over the fore- shore, a point long in dispute between the Province aud the Dominion, Curi- ously enough, on the very day of the issue of the writ against Todd & Son it fierce. southwest gale put out of eom- missiou the traps that are the keynote of the contention_ Thus Johnson found himself traveling Wee to and fro between the two eoun and unable to set feet on either. lie was it rather shabbily dressed. Swede and not ever willing to teat for after being refused admittance by the American offi- cers he refused to say anything of him- self. lte rode back and forth on the ferry afternoon and evening, and when the ferry tied up at the Ameriean side for Pm night he remained on board. This morning be was allowed to land on the Canadian side, though being taken in charge by the pollee officers. It is not known now what will be dune with the inan. Ho does not wish to re- main in Canada., and it look.s as if he would have cousiderable difficulty in Ckt Stibance DPW, liarsa, raorrtininf,. 0. J.. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE ANIS' I GAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Collection of Route end Mounts Of seeeialta ASSIGNEE. ACCCIUNTANT. Vandano Block, open Saturday evening's 7 ..to 9. A. DITIAMA.GE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Fenn Property, ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPPiCH.-In the Kent Block, Residence -Catharine Eit. TIIOS TIOLMES BANKER, ETO. Marriage Licenses issued. No witneeses required. Money a largo amounts; smaller In prn- portion, FAsiest terms. RHJHARD HOLMES BARRIESTBR AT Law, SOLICITOR, ICTQg Moe ;-next to Holmes Block now building. MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established UM. Head Oftloe GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all °issues of insurable pro porty on the cash or premium note system. TAXII0 GIOLDIX, • MAR. Damsons President. Seeretor/. JOHN RITCHIE, XCINNT, • WINGHAM oNril gel- DICKINSON DICKINSON & 10131ES fhe Inn, Church and School vothent as regards battleships, but asd Attacked by Them. THE IMPERIAL NA.VY. never had its application to cruisses or torpedo boats., Continuing, Lord Selborne, referring to the newspaper comparisons of. the gunnery and strength of the Germen The Defenders Beat Off th vessels which recently had visited Frig - e land/ pointed out that the German elms carried eighteen six-inch guns, compared Thugs, Shooting Three. with twelve on the ships of the British Channel squadron but the Briaieli Age Lancashire village made famous by the . carried 10-theb„ 12 -inch and 13 Winch guns, while there was not it single gun London, Aims 15.-Seathwaite, the feat of "Wonderful Walker," the par- on the German visiting tleet, with a cali- of an annual income of £41), has been . bre over 9.4 inch. on who contrived to save 42,000 out ield up by fourteen Millom despera- WEST AFRICAN CANNIBALS. - . In an extraorainary fashion they took They Cultivate Their Fields, But Plough Fully Armed. Up:ems:Won of the village. Tney made An interesting story is told by the 0 havoc of the inn, schoolhouse and the commissioners who ha,Ve been engaged church, terrorizing tho villagers, and, for the last eighteen months in fixing having done all the mischief that occur- the Anglo -German frontiers in \Vest red to them, they flea!, with the exeep- Africa, loetween the town of Yolo and tion of three of their number, who were Lake Tchad. shot down. ' . The region traversed is little known In the first instance the roughs who owing to the hostility of tlfe tribes. The BIG FIRE AT VICTORIA. fetes with wholesale trade expansion. passing carters and demanding nioney, 13ernit, there lay a mountainous region himself. but of God. eeeding, and they tackled. Harry Todd, inhabited by pagans, who in many cases This did not prove- a very profitable pro - •Business for Immediate delivery is light, I Burned, With a Loss of $zoomoo. the retailers buying only in a hand-to- pte timekeeper of the waterworks which The end of the controversy is never IP Vi feria B C Auer 15. -The most er, are. fauly numerous for this are being constructed for Barrow. Wen cannibals. trious people, who cultivated their .37. Turned their heart back again-- mouth manner. Orclere for fall delivery, They were found lo be a most indus- slier° establishment of truth, but the destruckive fire in tbe history of the brew year. Toronto wholesale Flom him they wanted a sovereign. t' . gddlf tld. I conversion of the people. Stern and city broke out at the Albion ircn work: 1, til: of tal° j•b nets is ot moderate volume, as is most cases, says Reuter, they were prae- The timekeeper, with a glance at the this afternoon shortly after 4 o'clock • lima at this , . season. There is but little fourteen stalwarts, thought discretion tically naked, but svere always armed. relentless as Elijah had been, his heart • " Was full of God's yearnnig tenderness, being done for....ssurrent requirements of the better part of valor and took to his ...Nen when at work in the fieids plough - 'and he longed. for their salvation. 38. ade. At Quebec the volume of busi- heels. He made a dash for II le New . ing they carried a full kit of spears, and swept over a considerable part .of -tire ., fell -It did not burst out from the northwest portion, wiping old it: tr .•; mess done during the week shows little field Inn and found , refuge within its shields and poisoned arrows. ' the altar. This might still, notwith- . whole block of residences, and causing • increase ore th di 1 In r e prece ng wee a Vic- friendly walls. The arrows are much dreaded, for a other B. C. trade Then the siege of the inn eonuren ecl they are tipped with a deadly poison ex- - the water, have offered some 0, uanntae aeove atin between a150 00Q teria Vancouver and oke into the place: Mew .- 1 traeted ft m vegetables and from dead groiind for suspicion that fire had been , g g , • anu w200 Outi. The fire started in the 'acentres, business is bettez in some de- The raiders br bodies This is carried in small bottles then, under the alien -Clarke. Consum- and, fanned by the heavy wind, de, ; from the Yukon. At Winnipeg whole- could seize through° the windows. TheYy ' ‘, and when fresh it proves fatal in a few - aontealed, after the manner of the ea- • pattern room of the Albion iron works, "-- partments. Good orders are coming in 2 ever, after throwina all the missies the 'fire came down from heaven. 2. The ings of the establishment. It then alart`-lways does after the close of the Ex- ed themselves freely to the liquor. ' These 1 ' minutes. poople are adopts at game ed. -The process is remarkable. 1. The stroyed the storeroom and other build- ' sale trade bas fallen off a little, as it al- smashed most of the furniture and help- ' stalking, and disguise themselves as , pieces of sacrifice were first consumed, 3. The wood next, to show that it was' ed across the street and caught the:. hibition. Shipments to various retail In it state of frenzythe then rush is. apiliedy.animals in order to approach 'not by the wood that the flesh was yards of the Shawininan Lake Lumber ; trade centres are quite heavy now, retail tout, and. the sehoolliouse they next itetd- btlig Company, which, however, was quicklmerebants having bought liberally the acked. Here all the windows were They are smaller than the Fulani, be - burnt. 4. Twelve stones were consumed, extinguished. Sparks set fire to the re--- past two weeks. The movement in broken. At the vicarage. -which is un- ing often quite dwarfish, and they live to show it was no common fire, but one sidenees farther up town, and a large < wholesale trade at Hamilton as reported "Whose agency nothing could resist. 5. occupied at present, there was more in - flimsy grass huts lierched in inacces- number were soon burning simultane- < rto 'Bradstreet's, is very fair afor this sea - 'The dust the earth of which the altar wiridow- smashing. Bible nooks among the mountains. °ugly- While the fire in the Albion. son, when muoh activity is never looked Was constructed, was burnt. 6. The wa- Tho terror-stricken villaeers, dared At Kuka the sheikh of British Bonin iron works continued to burn furiously , for. Buying for the fall has been cat a ter in the trench was, by the action of liberal scale so far sand renewed aetiv- not attack the raiders, and the nearest rode out to greet Col. Jackson at the would. also 7. The . on one side, not far away a row of -three head of 300 horsemen and a large unm- houses was ablaze, while several bun. eity is looked for next month. Whole- policeman, thie fire entirely evaporated. who, of course, dation of this fire was in every case ber of men on foot He was accompanied haye been powerless, was several miles ' dred yards distant more rows of resi- sale business in Ottawa is in a healthy downward, contrary to the nature of all by a band and dancing girls. ' deuces were being rapidly destroyed.' condition. There is a fair normal move- awit'Y Ills people carried enormous spears, 'earthly and material fire. -Clarke. Fortunately the progress of the fire' ;Dent now in staple goods for this season. III. The decision of the people (vs. 39, ARRESTED ON LAKE ERIE, its path, and, taking advantage of this'', ' 39. Fell on their faces -In reverent 401'. was arrested blarge fields directly _ the firemen gradually got it under_ cona wership and awe at the divine manifes tation, they fell on their faces and with trol. • Seven Yankee Yachtsmen Made to Pay one voice declared "Jehovah, he is God:" Outside of the buildings on the Albion Damages. .. !Phe test was convincing,ber Company's properties, it is estimated and would help iron works and Shawinigan Lake Lum-, the people to stand against Jezebel and Port Dover, Aug. 19. -That Yankee her terrible persecutions. 40. Fhophets that about forty structures were de: yactsmen must observe the law on the of Baal -There were 450 of them. It stroyed. The heaviest individual loser, occasion of their visits to Port Dover appears that the 400 prophets of Ash- is the Albion iron works, which suffered •Was proved beyond a doubt by the .erah (the grove) were not present. The 'the loss of a number of engines and ., action of the civic authorities here brook Kishon-This 'brook flows along' other machinery. Tnere was no loss of , on Sunday in appiehending seven the very base of the Carmel on the side life. , Yankeesports alleged to have been "towards the sea. Here Sisera was over- : • responsible for tearing down the corner - thrown by karate iJudg. iv. 7). Slewstone of the new Port Dover town them -We tan hardly suppose that Eli- 'hall early yesterday morning. The jamhimself put them to death. He is, stone was heaved out of place and only, said to do that which he caused British Troops Parade LhaSsa's Streets - thrown out in the streets with its con - IN THIBET'S CAPITAL. the people to do. "The priests of Baal hardened their hearts, persisted in their rabellion, refused submission and were f t T* ' H' t teats early Sunday morning. The stone was laid on July L Lhassa Aug. .--Yesterday for the Reeve Ross was thld. of the occur - destroyed. This was not an act of first time in history, British troops : mile° and suspected the Yankees, Ile artielty, but of mercy. It was according marched through the streets of L -chartered a tug and swearing in sevenhassas to. law." (Deut. xiii. 1-18; Exod. . constables set out in punk of tnem 20)ial vont across Lake Erie. The yacht came into IV. Elijah's prayer and the answed of Col. Younghusband, the civil cornmiSo ,port late Saturday night from Erie. (Vs. 41-46). sioner accompanying 'the British expedi: Fa., and the reeve was told they left at 41. Eat and drink -During the emit- tion, the7 Sunday morning. The yacht wag Chinesd Amban. The troops,' Abundance of rain -Faith in. God was foot of the Dalai Lama's great palate en •- back to Port Dever. 'big Scones of the day time had been overtaken five miles out in the lake, no when en route to the city, passed at the . the crew arrested and the craft towed time or inclination to partake of food, the foundation for his positive declare- Mount Potala, three miles west of,Dere they gave bonds to appear flea from the prophet. 42. 13oth Ahab Massa and through the fields. Co tho 'before Magietrate .Anderson on Monday and Elijah returned to the top of Car- outskirts of the city. Then they passed-..,mmining, but fearing publicity in the met, the one to eat and the other to through the Chinese quarter, whieh was 'matter they sought Reeve Ross last pity. The prophet withdrew himself swarming with pigs, and entered- the ninlit and asked to be permitted to front the presence of the king and cast city proper. The Amban's smart oura asettle. Their request was acceded to, himself down upon the earth befote the of honor received Col. Younglinabazid,.. the Yaehtstne'l paying $25 damages. Lord. See James v. 17. 43. Said to his who had an hour's interview with the Some of the party strongly. protested servant, Tradition tells us that this ser- Chinese representative. The Amban le- their innocence, but being prominent vent was the widow's son whom he had mental the clannish ignorance and low , aitizens of Erie, they dia -not want to erased from the dead (chap. xvii. 23). Eli- cunning displayed by the Thibetans in fact a trial. jah tohl his sort -alit to look towards the , their foreign dealings. . For a time Saturday night cerlitie 1 On its return t th 0 • ' ,eunnuer guest's took possession of the eett, for from that direction the storm I o e tamp the nussion pa,s. , 6 grea ea le 4i , or • le pora arid many wild. scenes were on. would come. The Servant looked. and eed th t tl dr 1 "Tl isald, "There is nothing." Then Elijah ,palace(lods." 6 3 ree • ere. • of the G ds " Th t ta sv acted • said, "Go again seven times." 44. At last,filthy. Reports still vary as to the . . at the seventh time, he reported a china . whereabouts of the Dalai Lama and M. S MANIFESTO IN CZAR'S DESK. like a man's hand. Immediately the Derjeieff, his Ituesian adviser. s . #.41i the rain stop him. 45. Ahab,. went to see the Britiele swarining .. fropliet sent to .Alutb to hasten home I The people displayed. the greatest RevOlutienary Soeialiste Threaten to to, jezreel-Jezteel became ono of the thecuriosity side etreete and Remove All Obstacles. climbing on roofs moat famous of the royal resiOencee. It ! to get it better view. Te -day there svere. London, Aug. 15,-A "'despatch to the did not ' supetcede Samaria, but here, 4(1(1 Lha.osaites outside the tamp, and 'Morning Post Irene Berlin. saye an op - Ahab built a palace I•chaP• =i• 1): "Ii ' they did An enormous trade, Wilms' vegee •parently trustworthy authority reports 11 wits his inflamer home, 46. Ran before tames, Aweets and sugar. that after the Czar returned to the pal Alinli-The 51)1111 of the Lord wee 011 The ebiefe to -day objeeted to a pro- aceat Peterhof, after ihe funeral of M Elijah and he was given supernatural posal that the British occupy the Sum- volt Pleave, Minister of the Interior, be strength. PRACTICAL SURVEY. 1 user palace, alleging that it is the swine fottrid. iii his writing desk a manifesto as a temple. 'This atatemeub,. however, of the revolutionary Socialist party, set The judgments of God are resting! is uet believed to be 'true. The (pies- 'Peg forth the reasons for the riesassin heavily. upon the erring nation, and be- . tion is in al' oyatice. The chiefs promise talon of M. von Plehve. It declared the fore there ran be any relief the people ,' that the national siaeembly Will ap- the party, ie accordanee with it mein must be tatiglit to repent and reform. ' point delegates to negotiate with the flan of ite F,xemitive Committee, wad "Deiserters must not look for (les favor British, (tad that their acts will be fully eoritimie to reniove all •olistaeln and until they return to their allegialue." i binding orion the Dalai Lama end the persons opposed to the liberation of ti A Angina enll to decision is given; people. They say that the Dalai Lama Russian people. ?teatime(' or Ihnping, betsvetin two oppo- ; went into eeelusion it year ago for • The Czar handed the mama ale to M mite Maim must ceace. If the Lord be ; three years, fearing dieturbancee, arid MitravieH, Minister of Justice, instruct God. tlien Ms l'omonable requirement is that lie has new gime on a pilgrimage Ing him to discover how It was deposite( to fellow Him; if, an Cm other hind, 010 for the remainder of the period, leaving, in the pitlace. The incident led to the total, iv Baal, or the flail, ov the doll ths sisals of Offiee behlrid, so that a disIMISSA of Gen, WWI the police cool Is to be Cod, than follow the*. Ito bloclInutteatz can bt fixedv Ilikadittar Satisfied with the damage done to the vicarage, an onslaught was made on tho church. Part of the boundary wall was pulled down to provide suitable stones, with wbich the stained-glass win- dows were smashed. Then the cry •was raised, "Back to the inn." Flinging the last stone at the old doors and walls, the men ran, helter skater down the deserted road. In the meantime, the landlord, Thos. Dawson, his wife, and daughter, and the barman, James Greenhow, with the aid, of the timekeeper, had again made an effort to protect the inn and them- selves. Heavy furniture was placed against the doors. A fierce attack was made upon the premises, aa d, finding that the inmates were determined to hold. out as long as they could, the infuriated raiders re- doubled their efforts. In fear of their lives, the defenders are alleged to have bronght a gun into use. Three men were shot. Their mimes are Owen Cavanegh Garnett In - sella and James Foy. Seeing their com- rades the rest made off. The injured men were placed in beds in the inn, and. received every attention from the landlord and. his heroic wife and daughter, who are seal to have borne up bravely during the attack, The police and. medical -aid were sent for,. and Dr. Yawed, of Broughton, was quickly in attendance. Cavanagh died at noon yesterday. The other two have been taken to Ill- versten Cottage Hospital.. The leridlord, the timekeeper and the harmer. were placed. under arrest and taken to lilveston by train. They were acempanied by Wilson Butler, solicitor, of Broughton, and will be taken before the Ulversten magistrates this morning. The inquest on Cavanagh will else take place to -morrow. NAVAL STRDNGTII. An Interesting Statement by Lord Sel- borne to the Lords: Landon, Aug. 15. -Replying to triti- dent of the naval expenditure in the House of Lords to -day, Lord Selborne, First Lord of the Admiralty, svarmly defended the outlay He said it an . more important now than ever before . that British battleships especially shouIcl t be of the largest and best type. Referring to submarine boats, Lord 1 Selborne said their value for 'defensive purposes bad been abundautly prevel. 0 They were a great addition to the ea - Urinal strength. Ile did. not believe , submarine boats had teethed their 1101 - of improvement or usefulness, 1 The lessons from the war in the far east, he continued, were the importance • of the personnel, the neceesity of hav- ing s;Asian of stisniftb, and the Ault and some wore old armour, while the horses were caparisoned. with housings like those of the crusaders. The survey has proved that existing maps are to a large extent inaccurate, and has -placed the boundary farther to the east, thus enlarging the British splice .,-koncion Express. • Cures Burns. itw:a.itis, Sores ot all kinds, Cuts, I3oi is, Skin. Disease, 13l00d Poison. Etc. Testlmonlalt from most prominent peoplein Canada. Large sample and book of dime. Notts free. Address -FOSTER MPG. CO.. Toronto, Ont, SONS OF ENGLAND. Some Views Regarding Contributions of Colonies Towards It. London, Aug. 16. -The Rand Daily Mali or Johannesburg, says that in the matter of Imperial defence the colonies have already begun to realize that tho annual contribu- tion of a tow thousand sovereigns or tons of coal is a paltry returntfor the blessings re- ceived. An all-powerful navy is the bulwark of the empire and Imperial South Africa will never grudge its contribution to that bulwark. A. member of the Royal Statistical Society, writing to the News, after giving figures, says if an equal proportion of exponditurO were contributed to the Imperial navy the colonies and India would have to pay LC6,- 000,000 a year to tho United Kingdom, but if the contribution. were ;node proportionate to the trade the Imperial navy protects it would be 412,000,000 only. In return for suclt contribution tho colonies and India would be entitled to take part in tho govern- ment of the empire. ALIEN KEPT ON THE BORDER. , Swede Who Claims Wisconsin as Birth- place Kept at the Soo. Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., Aug. 15. -An interestiug situation luis deveioped here as an outcome of eau) alien labor laws •of the United Stites and Canada. 13y it Carl Johnson, of Swedish nationality, but who claims to have been born in Wisconsin, found himself on the border line, denied admittance by either coun- try. Johnson was in the Soo yesterday on what he claims to have been his first visit to Canada: About noon he took the ferry Algoma to return to the Amer- ican side but when he landed at the dock there he \MS denied admittance by the immigration officers because of the fact that he looked like it foreigner and could not furnish proofs, that lre was born and had lived in Wistonsin, as he claimed. Ile was put back on the ferry, bub when be returne&t to this side the officers here showed no inclination to let him land, and, in fact refused. it. The Supreme Secretary's Report Was Adopted. Montreal, Aug. committee- of the Whole this inctraing the Supreme Lodge, Sons of England, adopted the recommends: tins and other portions of thu Supreme Secretary's report, Supreme Lodge confirm- ing this action. The proposal to limit the amount or beneficiary certificates issued in future to 71,000 was responsible for a pointed discussion, •vhich was in progress up to the hour of adjournment, and will be continued to -morrow morning. Since noon the minds of tho delegates have been diverted to social onjoyinent. At 1.10 they boarded ears for Lachino, where it party of 600 embarked en the steamship Duchess of York and proceeded up tho river to Lake St. Louis and down the rapids to tho city, which was reached at 6 o'clock. At 8 15 street cars conveyed the party to Lachine, Where a smoking concert ores held, tho hour of dispersal being atter midnight. Consider. able interest is being manifeatod in the elec- tion, which takes place to -morrow. It 13 gen. wally conceded the Suprema Presidency lies between W. II. Muntley, Montreal, and Jas. mean, Lindsay. r.Clut proposals On the 3e3.• sional papers to elect a second Vico-president and an assistant Supreme Secretary, trans- cribed ln last night's despath as "quickly Uphold," were "quickly rejected." ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY Issues lieesage Regarding Comieg Visit to Canada and United States, London, Aug, 15. -The Mose Ilea. Dr. Randall Themes Davidson, Arch. bishop of Canterbury, has issued a mere • sage to the elety arid laity anaemic- - ing Ids forthcoming, visit to the United 14.tates attetid the general conven- tion of the Protestant lsinseepai Church of the Tallied States end Venetia whiell will be old in Boston on ()et 20. The Inessege says that for the last two months information has been coin- ing in steadily concerning the gain svhica competent men in the United. States and Great Britain °pins is likely to fol. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. A Ton of Hot Slag Rolls Into the Water at Montreal. . Montreal, Aug. 15.-A most unusual explosion was caused al St. Ilenri this afternoon by a solickton of hot iron slag from the Pillow St Hersey furnaces slip- ping off a, truck on the way to the scrap heap and rolling into a pool of water. The moment it struck- the water the outside crust cooled and contracted too quickly for the semi -molten and gas - charged mass inside. A terrific report followed, and chunks of 'red hot slag were thrown in all directions. Several persons, including a woman walking on an adjacent street, were in- jured, but only two of them, F. Foster and Ch ' as. Moore were hurt sufficiently to cause removalto a hospital. Several sheds in the neighborhood were fired, and many window panes were smashea. Fragments of slag actually passed through into it number of houses, and set fire to ' furniture and bed clothes. The report is said to have been terrific. BRITAIN AND THIBET. Lhassa to be Evacuated When )aerms Are Arrangral, London, Aug. 15. -In the House of Commons to -day, during the discussion of the India budget, Indian Secretary Brodrick, replying to eritieisms of the Thibet expedition, said he was unable to say when it would return. It was the intention to evacuate nesse imnrediate- ly after terms ha been arranged. The Government did not propose it permas mut occupation, but must insist en the authorities at Lhassa giving assur- ences that Great Britain's name would be treated with proper respect. The Sec- retary added that Russia had been fully advised, and agreed with Great Britain's plans. In the course of the debate Mr. Bred - rick and other speakers paid high tribute 60 the administrative ability of Loth Curzon of Hedieston, the 'Viceroy of •In - dire and 'expressea pleasure at the fact that he was returning to India, ' • A CARDINAL'S MISTAIM Ito Misapprehended a Remark Made by King Edward, London, Aug. 16.-Vardinal Vannutelli, speaking recently at Maynooth College, in favor of it Remit Catholic University', im reported as having said tant the King during hie reccat visit to Maynooth had expresed his marked sympathy with the aspirations of the Roman Catholics 0 of Irelasul in tbal direction, Lord Knot- • lye, replying to the ;Secretary of the Ina Preteatant, Federation, mete wrote regarding the report, add the Cardinal innet have misunderstood the King wlein he stated that Hie Majesty bad Made tuni of such 114 expreesloo, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office: Meyer Block Winghana Z. L. Dickinson Dudley licensee R ITANSTONE • BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR I Money to loan at lowestre.tec OMNI . BEAVER BLOCK, 7•96. • WINGHAM. I J. A. MORTON I BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Wingbani R. AGNEW • PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. Offlce :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street - Wingham .P.YENNEDY, M.D., Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. special attention paid to Diseases of vromes and children, OPIUM HOUR* 1-1 to 4 p.m,; 7 to 0 p,sti, W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Tor- onto, and Honor GalraDdeupatt.eoof I TDoreouiti: car to university. • Latest improved methods in all branches 01 Dentistry. .Friees moderate. SatIsfactiot guaranteed. /NrOffiee in Beaver Stook. RTIIIJR J. IRWIN 1 D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Fen. nsylvania College and Licentiate oi Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office over Poet Offloe,-WINGHAM OM SAW EL AcLEAN A SON All kinds of rough and dressed.... LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. 1 Hard and Soft Slabs, also latge quantity of dry hard= wood for sale, delivered. Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean & Sola seasaaarasesies/arelEATMDfaataisataaseraess • THE PACIFIC CABLE, A. Large Deficit to be Provided for by the Board. Lopdon, Aug. 15. --The report of the Chairman of the Piteifie Cable Board states that there has been an actual ex- penditurci 'of iC54,824 or I:25,000 less than the gross receipts. As the 13oard, however, set aside iC35,- 000 towards it renewal fund, and also to pay ail annuity to meet the interest on capital to replace the svliole capital in -fifty years, the actual deficit amounted to 488,000,which bas to be provided in the proportion already agreed upon by contributing Gossernments. • A conferences the report says, will im- mediately be held in London of the ravi- olis Governments interested. The object is to settle certain matters at issue be - Wren them, s Strentiont Advertising. Masten herald.) As 4111 illustration or the japtineso advance in the net of advertising tan tinything he more eomplete than mei "Our wrapping pa- per 1,4 as strong as the bide of an elephant. Goods forwarded 'with speed of a eantion 3,811. Our !OM and sAtinfl ea ris soft to the cheek of it pretty woman, 11:4 beautiful as A rainbow. Om parcels are paeheil with an Nuelx earn as It young married woman takes BlObb8..4inherited this dock from my grandfather,- tam in tht elti