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The Wingham Advance, 1904-08-11, Page 8
1111AM11 iMrl IMNMP We've Get Too Many ff** Shoes- _ ,a e You tIctttl+tte Great Shoe Sale 1 If not, come here and get a pair at a price so low, that it will astonish you. Our Fall stock is on the road and we must have room for it. Besides, its the policy of this store never to carry stock fr07x1 sea- son to season, and We Never ' t Wl l Our low prices will move the Slices. Here are inducements that will make your feet and pocketbook very uneasy. It's a Shoe Treat for the whole family, Sale will commence this very day ....... 75 Pairs of Misses' Bose Calf and Dongola, Button and Lace Boots, Toe Cap, light aud Heavy Soles, all sizes 11 to 2, Regular Prices are $1,75, $1.50 and $1 Sale Price—$1,55, $1,15, $1,00 50 Pairs of Girls' and little Gents' Lace and Button Boets, Patent and self -Tip, every Pair solid, Regular Priceand 750 and $1.00—on Sale for $1,00 Ladies' and Gents' Shoee, at BARGAIN PRICES 1 1 W. J. Greer, The Shoer chit' 1.1.i....4.nnteel...._..t.e>..... ng.e. August Sale of G ran iteware AT FISIILIIGII'S = Wingham We have just received a very large shipment of (blue and white) Graniteware from Germany. The prettiest and best we have seen. Below we give you a few of the very low prices which are good only for this month : ASSORTMENT NO. x. 2 doz, No.14, Lipped Sauce Pans..15e ea - 2 16 " " ..180 22 " 200 " ,. '.2J0 2 " 22 " " ..30e 2 " 24 " " 380 ASSORTMENT NO. 3. ASSORTMENT N0. 2. 2 doz.No. 20. Preserving Nettles „25/3 ea 2 " 24 " ' ..350 2 " 26 " ..40e 2 ,< " 30 " " ..55c 2 doz. No " . 20, Milk Pans 15c ea ASSORTMENT N0. 4. 222 18c 1 doz.1 qt. Double Boilers 60e ea 2 " 2i " 20o 1§ doz. 1i qt. ' 70o 2 " 26 " 220 1 doz. 2 qt. " " 800 24o 250 2 " 28 , 2 " 30 " ASSORTMENT NO. 5. ASSORTMENT NO. 6. 3 doz. Rbund Dish Pans, extra 4 doz. Medium Water Pails, exeep- heavy, each 75e tional value, each 50c Come in and see what we have to show you. You are welcome whether you buy or not. We are giving a straight 15% off Screen Doors and Windows to clear — that makes our $1:00 Door 85c, and the $2 Door $1.70, with hinges complete. VOTERS' LIST FOR 1904 TOWN OF WINOHAM. Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to bo so transmitted or delivered of the Inat, made pursuant to said act, of all,persons ap- pearing in the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality at elections for members to the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that the said list was first pos- ted up in my office in the Town of Wing - ham, in the County of Huron, on the 5th day of August, 1004, and remains there for in- spection. Electors are called upon to examine said list, and if any omissions or any other errors aro found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. NOTICE. -----T have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my busi- ness and all owing me on .Notes or Mortgages can pay principal or interest at any tune. After falling due, rem- ember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by hie. I thank all those who have done business with lne, and wish you every prosperity. Rose. Mdio noo. Dainty Chinaware makes suitable presents for all occasions. We've a splendid assortment of French China, decorated by the famous travalsud and Elite decorators. German, Anstriatt and English Ware, also the Choicest selection of Jap- aneide Ware, all of which we import at special prices, Come and see what all Gifts ofa have is we tefor kinds. COOPER & CO. THE West Wawanosh, Rev. Mr. Rutherford is on 0 trip to New Ontario, 'I'he Free Masons intend forming a lodge in Dungannon in the near ftature, Janes Stothel;s, of Ashfield hes ltur- ehase(1 the farm, north half of lot 13, eon, 2, \Vest. Wawanosh, owned by Mr. Kirke. The brick work on the new Metho- dist parsonage in Dungannon has been completed and the -building is n a(1•' f oil reedytheo0 a 3 roof, Sunday, August 7th, was the 44th anniversary of the Presbyterian con- gregation )-gtegateon in .W=0, ma, a specially interesting service was held, Geo. Wallace.had a small raising sadd benthis barn, 1, . weekto u d a to t which he has lately raised, He i having a cement wall built under- neath. We regret to learn that W. I -I. Wil- son, of West Wawanosh, is seriously r ill, Blood poisoning is the z 1 t•otble . Though very low, we hope to re- port his recovery. sVe extend our heartiest congratules tion to Margaret Anderson, Clara Craig, Olive Leishman and Christoph- er Foran, S. S, No. 7, West Wawa - nosh, who wrote at the entrance exams., all leaving passed with hon- ors. This is creditable not only to the pupils, but to their teacher, Miss Seel. The nnieipoi fathers of West Wa- wanosh met on July 27th and receiv- ed a deputation composed of B. J. Crawford aid Dr. M. Bice concerning the laying of cement sidewalks in Dungannon, They were favorably re- ceived and the council will meet on August 24th. On Saturday, July 30th, the Ashfield council met a de- legation formed of T. E, Durnin, T. W. Little and T. G. Allen in regard to cement sidewalks on the Ashfleld side of the village. Trial Subscriptions. We announce the following low rates for trial subscriptions from now until January lst next:— The Advance The Weekly Mail -Empire The Weekly Sun Advance and Mail Advance and Weekly Sun Advance and Family Herald....60 Subscribers to the Mail may have one of the following pictures :—"Miner's Farewell," "On the Edge of the Herd," "Contentment," or enlarged picture of 1t,. L. Borden. 35 cts. 25 25 60 60 1' WINGI HA M ADVANCE Jamestown. lmiss mina t tlvnv bas ron+'ol 1ll, tpptug an- I(iIYQrris. three weeks' visit to Hamburg. other car load of cattle on Saturday, Miele Mary Livingstone of Toronto bir, A, Brookssof 'Toronto, is visit - spent Smiley at Jas. Straehan's, ing his uncle, Mr. Jno. Brooks, of tile` NIns Belle Strachan spent' Suuday lst line° with the Misses Ross of Brussels. We are sorry to hear of Mr. L. Fraz- Robt. Donovan of Sullivan spent a t•'r's serious illness ; smallhopes are few days. of this week et D. Taylor's, ent(1 taainc d forlits recove t Rev, elft, 44'est of Bluevale took the The little child of Mrs, .Tno. Mat - service in the k1a11 last Sunday ©vena- thews wl3o was seriously ill, is tin- proving .rapidly, we ere glad to re- in$, port, Mat - Miss Cardiff o' - 1V ss TLtl' C tdi'f lot been h f ,La i s e h Joseph'NigllttilaLll of Shakespeare is Guying with her friend, Miss BerVP visiting at Bolt. Mel!vftrz'ay's this Bryans for the past week' ''week, He is 92 years of age, but still Mr. and u1•s. Wnt. Gallaher of as agile as when 50, He went Fords ie1i, also Mr, and Mrs, A, (I. through the battles of Watlpole, Iaher of Salent, spent Smutty at Alex. Ridgeway, and the Fenian Paul, Uis Bxyaaals', memory is as good as ever and Itis de- portilentlike as soldier to the tnauor Mrs, T'. Ctibson and son of Hamilton born'. Like alt veterans he has re - are visiting at Wn3. Moses' during Mr, ceived a dear title to 160 acres of new Gibson's absence, who is la Kineat'- Ontario land. dine for the benefit of his health. Bluevale. Miss Mina Haney has gone to To- ronto to visit relatives. Little Miss A. King of Goderich is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. McDonald. Messrs. Percy and Will Paterson are home from New York for the holi- days. Miss Wilson of Ottawa was the guest of Mrs, Bailey for a few days last week, Mrs. John McIntosh of Molesworth is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coultes. Mr. Menzie and son, Tommy, of Molesworth, were visitors at Geo. Mc- Donald's this week. Quite as number from Binevale at- tended' the entertainment at James- town last Wednesday evening and re- port having 0 good time. The monthly meeting of the Blue - vale branch of Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 17th, at 2.30 p. n1, at the home of Mrs. West (the manse). (Too late for last issue.) Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Duff were visi- tors to Listowel this week. Charles °orates of Listowel is spend- ing his holidays at home. Mrs. Howe of Clinton has been visit- ing her brother, Robt. Mason. ° Mrs. Wm. Manning of 1Glinneapolis is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coultes. Miss Jessie Robertson of Wroxeter was visiting her sister, Mrs, R. Black. Charles Robertson of Boissevain, Man., visited relatives at Bluevale this week. The Misses Shedden of Sunshine spent a few days with Miss Eva Pater- son this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and chil- dren of East Wawanosh visited Mrs. Anderson this week. $+18.30 ROUND TRIP FROM WINGEAM To the $50,000,000 Fair, St. Louis, and an opportunity to visit your friends in Chicago, Detroit and intermediate Canadian stations, You cannot afford to miss this trip. Through Pullman Sleepers and Vestibule Coaches to St. Louis, twice daily. Noes.—Write to J. p. McDonald, District Passenger ,Agent, Toronto, enclosing four cents in stamps. Handsome illustrated book. let of the World's Fair, Trip Through i000 Islands. Trains connects at (lananoque with steam. ars for delightful trip through 1000 Islands and Rapids of St. Lawrence to Montreal, where connection is made for all Eastern Resorts. Highlands of Ontario. "The Medicine Chest of America." Express - trains make Direct conneetion for alt ports on Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Georgian Haz also to Sault Ste. Maric., Mackinaw, and Duluth. Tourist tickets are on sale daily, Worldtickets, air, end fall information appy tot Lg Harold, Agent, Wingham, or to J. D. MctONALb District Passenger Agent, Toronto, (E uceeettore to 4.1ex. Rots) Assimessesramoieuiseiseswasimorimumsemiir Farm Laborers • Wanted FARM LABORERS' EXGBRSIOES Will be run to stations On CAN, PAC. in Man. itoba and Aesiniboia, West, South -wed and North-west of Winnipeg as far as MOOSE JAW ESTEVAW and YORKTON The 3rd anniversary of Victoria Hall opening, which was held on Wednesday evening, August 3rd, was a grand success in every respect. The weather was all that could be desired and thus permitted the people to conte in large numbers from quite as chs - tame. The ladies of Jamestown and vicinity certainly (lid their utmost in the line of satisfying the inner num. The tables were set in the shed which was prettily decorated with flags, bunting and evergreens, After tea had been served, the people went to the Hall which in a very short time was filled to its utmost capacity, and 0 large lultuber we are sorry to say could not gain entrance at all. Tits, Fax of Toronto, the great entertainer, had been engaged for the evening and certainly captured the audience with his comic songs and jokes. Other selections were also rendered by local talent. The entertainment easily sur- passed any of those given in former years, and all were highly pleased. The proceeds amounted to $100, Turnberry. Council met in Clerk's office, Blue - vale, on Monday, Aug. 8th. Members of Council all present, except John Coupland ; the Reeve in the chair. The business laid before the Council was the consideration of the judgment in the appeal case of the town of Wingham re the assessment of mill ponds and Electric Light works, and other business. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mr. Rutherford—That we levy for township purposes a rate of 1 mills on the dollar and that the Clerk pre- pare a by-law and lay it before the next regular meeting of Council to confirm the same—carried. The following accounts were passed The Council ,net on August 1st; 'members all present ; minutes of last meeting read and passed, Z'Vin.. Keine ney resigned the pposition of operator of road -grader. On motion of (,ode and Jackson,. Wm. Tbnell was appoint- ed operator, to be paid .$2 per day when employed. • On motion of Taylor and Code, John Roger of Mitchell was appointed engi• neer for the township of Morris under the provisions of the Ditches and Was tercoi.rses .Act, A petition was presented by Michael belly and others, asking for (11e con- struction of at dram through a portion of the 7th, 8th and 9th cons. of Morris, ander the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Aet. On motion of Taylor and Code, the prayer of said petition was granted and the Clerk was in- structed to notify the Township Engi- neer to act on the sane. The Treasurer handed in his half - yearly statement, and on motion of Shaw and Jackson it was accepted as satisfactory. ' A'notice was received from Mr. T. McLachlin, clailnin $60 damages on account of a horse being injured in a culvert. On motion of Code and Shaw, no action was taken. On notion of Taylor and Code, Mr. R. Proctor was appointed Collector for the current year, at a salary of $M. . On motion of Jackson and Shaw, the township rate was fixed at 1 3-10 mills on the dollar. By-laws Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12 were duly read and passed. On motion of Jackson and Shaw, the Reeve and Treasurer were instructed to borrow $500 to meet current ex- pensesco. Acunts were ordered to be paid as follows :—H. Fear,' gravelling $50 ; J. Scott, repairing culverts, $12 ; George Pierce, tile, $1.60 ; T. Healy, under - and cheques issued :—Jucjge oyle, brushing, $3 ; J. Sellers, repairing eul- Goclerich, $10.80 for cost of Court vert, $10 ; Alex. Forrest, repairing Municipal World, $1.21, Collector's road, $1; L. Pepper, repairing culvert, rep. to $2; A. Button, repairing culvert, $0; roll; Duff & Stewart, $256.48, Bolt's, Woods' and E:Ulie's bridges ; . b ti f 3Tak te vartu1 ennixinlvelkf Lrt$ ll s David Jewett, 50 cts., damages; Gavin p t; d Davidson, $1,'iep, culvert Wm„Vaso- and Stone School bridges, $238.02; C. stone, 50 cts., repairs to culvert ; Wm. Nan - McCrea, inspecting on west `boundary, Deans, $3.40, covering culvert; the $14.88 ; John Duckett, filling on west boundary, McKinnon 9;cnonly—S. l yell ng owest londary, $129.1 and damagesorxavel only—S.V- stone $L80, T. C. Anderson W. $5.20, A. H. Derr, on printing account, $15; W. Wheeler $8, D. McTavish $4.22, J. S. R, Kearne working road grader, McTavish $5.50, Mrs, Eadie $5.90, F. $36.35 ; D. Barclay, ditch at end of 4th Wright,, Morris, $2.31, Geo. McDonald, line, $2 ; D. Barclay, ditch on west Grey, $1.75, John W. Kingg$2.34, Her boundary, $3,50; D. Ramsay, file bort Neil $2.31, Alex. McDonald $2.25, drain, $2.70 ; W. J. Sonch, cement cul- l. Orvis $3.30, Mrs. Mary Perrin $2.45. vert, $3 ; Registrar, Huron, registering Kelly—Musgrove—That the regular railway by-law, $2. Gravel accounts meeting of Council be „postponed to —W Knox 51.03, P. Kelly $5.58, Monday, the 5th clay of SeptemberD. Irvine $2.64, Jas. Golley, and clam- next at 10 o'clock a. n.—carried. ages, $3.90 ; W. J. Soueh, $4.08; H. John Burgess, Cleric, Bosman, $1.05; D. Agar, $2.87 ; F. Wright, $1.26 ; C. G. Campbell, $2.28 ; • A. Campbell, $3.04 ; G. W. Proctor, $2.10 ; W. Gray, $3.44 ; John Bell, Cannot Realize Until You See 54.92 ; J. Smith, 98 cts.; Enoch Erich, The World's Fair, St,. Louis, the $2.40; Geo. Pierce, $3.78 ; D. Walker, immensity and magnitude of this $50,- Jno. ; J. Sellars, $4.80 ; J11o. Barr, $14.24; 000,000 Exposition. Every country of T. S Brando$9.87 87; dtttn Watson, , the World is ,hero with palaces, sta. Thos. Russell, $7.00 ; Jno. Scott, 48c ; teary exhibits, Canada exhibit being A. W. Sloan, 30 cts. a special feature. Redufsed rates in The Council then adjourned to meet effect permit stop -over at Chiea again on the 12th day of Sept: next. Detroit and intermediate Canadian g Stations. Write to J. D, McDonald, VV. Clark, Clerk. District Passenger Agent, Toronto, for handsome booklet, containing 48 pages of illustrations, and descriptive literature. Tickets and full informa- tion at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices. Dr. Egbert is au expert at fitting glasses. If your eyes trouble you do not fail to have hien fit you. At the Queen's hotel, Aug. 22, 23 and 24. 1. • Grey. School reopens next Monday, Several cattle were killed by light- ning last week in Grey. A new traction' engine was brought hone last week by Wm. Cole, 7th con. Miss Belle Miller is holidaying with friends in Goderich. We wish her a pleasant tune. Mrs. Win. Montgomery and daugh- ter Miss Ethel, visited one Monday with the former's sister, Mrs. Ed. Bryans. Everybody took in the Fax concert in Victoria Hall last Wednesday even- ing and were delighted at his comic songs and stories. The first load of iron for the new bridge on the 12th, known as the Botz bridge, cane to hand this week, It was teamed from Mitchell, Tames Cunnings, 14th con., intends building a bank barn and has the stone hauled for the foundation. He has made a big improvement ht the farm. Misses Mary and Annie Livingston, who are home on their holidays at Brussels, visited with their cousins, Misses Belle and Mary McDonald o11 Sunday last. As Thos. McFaulzean, 10th con., was driving to Brussels on Wednesday afternoon he had a rather an exciting experience. His driver stumbled on the road and in so doing broke the bit in its mouth. The beast frighten- ed set off on the ruts, landing the driv- er out of the buggy near Brussels cemetery and continuing the mad pace until brought to a sudden stop Hb striking the pump at the Central otel in Brussels, 1 Prom all etatione on 01 P R. Toronto Meadow. lI• v l e had north, and alt natio ns on a o esu 1pp n n linos of GI.T,R., Toronto to Sarnia, end north, exceptingnorth of, Cardwell Juno, and north h Section AUG. 23rd. of create tln Mirth 735 cert n T y ono way tickets to Winnipeg tlriiy will be sold, but each person purchasingtreat be fur. ntshed with a coupon on Whic, after each person has been hired at Winnipeg to work as a tare t laborer, but not cater than Augnst 3Ist, 1941, free transom -tailor; wiyll be given the hold- er or nA.M Comedianbeseli or Southwest or Northwest Of Winnipeg, but not beyond Moose Save Retevan or'tork on, For pamphlet and all ihforiatation and tick- oLe S.tmly to any Canadian Paoiflo Agent, A. H. Notan n, drat. Lien, 1'aas. Atom, tetirontai, Brussels. The coal business has been booming this week. no less than 8 cars arriv- ing. Twin daughters were born at the home of Daviel Jamieson, Turnberry street, Brussels, last Sunday. A youth had the nerve to help him- self at, the till in J. H. Kerney's gro- cery recently. The right party was spotted but allowed to go unpunished on agreeing to make good the amount purloined. The woollen factory tante up for discussion at the last Couneit meeting, and the Reeve, Clerk and Council- lor Henderson were appointed. a Com- mittee to take charge of the necessary steps in closing a sale and arranging necessary legal matters. St. Helens. Tlhos..I'oynt has returned from ship- ping ashes t . . a Blyth. y Mr. Baxter, wife and family, spent Sunday at M. Buchanan's. Quite number from here took 31: the excursion to Kincardine last week. Mr.ancl;lfx , Robt. Barbour t' Erin s b $ rl O 11 of R , have returned home after visiting friends around here, Alex, McConnell arae ,john W. item of Varna were in this neighborhood looking for ca)rttle to boy last week. The barn of las. Acheson on the 10th concession was struck by Tight- ning ors Sunday afternoon anti burned, The barn contained about thirty tons of hays As the season advances the pros- pect for it record crop of sugar beets grows bright. The crop itself is good and is well advanced. The farmers are taking special care of the crop this year. They are learning to care for them properly and this is a great fea- ture. From present appearance, it is safe to say the crop will be double of last year. Metallic roofs have been put on the residences of N. F. Gerry and M. 11. Moore. W. F. Stewart is having a cement walk put in from the sidewalk to the front noon of his residence. A netts dress of paint has been given to the dwellings of Sim. Coates and Vin. Bryans on Mills and Elizabeth streets, The carpenters are pushing the work on the new home for Thos. Nicholls and family. Lucknow. During the thunderstorm on Wed- nesday of last week Mrs, James Lyons and her daughter Libbie and son Jas, had a very narrow escape from in- stant death. They were engaged milking the cows in their large barn when a bolt of lightning entered one of the open windows of the stable, at 'kin t on the inside ti g he stone wall l 1 knocking ,.large piece out of the solid masonry. The bolt pewit quite close to Ml's. Lyons 01(1 lien ehilclrelt, all of whom received asevere shock, while e one of the cows and. ab 130x'0(' in the Stable wereknocked. down rl k 1 eke( t e 11w b i, T13 animals soon 'recovered, however, 111?t Miss Lyons is still suffering front the shock and it nasty be R01)0 rinse before s110 is fully recovered, ---•$7.00' it clay, every day for at .year is good pay, it is being made with our goods, household necessities, I'V- ery fatally needs then, Write to -day, G, Marshall & Co,. Loudon, Ont. Blyth. S. H. Gilley made a business trip to Wingham on Thursday. Miss Jessie Thompson is at Wing - ham this week visiting friends. James Moffat of Stratford is visiting under the parental roof this week. Wednesday was Civic holiday and it was celebrated with athletic games, etc, John Scarlett of Leadbury was in town Monday, shaking hands with old friends. Ed. Floody of the Inland Revenue department, Toronto, was here this week visiting friends and relatives. Our village is still without it Chief Constable ; nn appointment was made by the Council on Tuesday evening, Frank Smith, of Toronto, sang a solo entitled "One sweetly solemn thought” in Trinity church, Sunday evening, At the annual meeting of the Board of Trade last week, the following offi- cers were elected for the ensuing year: President—D. B. McKinnon ; Vice- Pres.—J. A. Anderson ; Secretary -A. E. Bradwin ; •Treitsttrer—J. S. Golden; Cotmcil—C. H. Beese, T. W. Scott, S. H. Gidley, J. G. Moser, R. McConi- tnins, E. Bender, Win, Sims, D, M. McBeath. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders for tho construction of 3960 square foot of Cement or Concrete Waists on east and west sides of the Main Street, in the tillage of Dungannon in the County of Huron will bo received at the office of J.lai, Roberts, bon an. non P.O., Ont., up to 7 p.m. Au tst 2035, 1001, at which time- said tenders will be opened. Tho lowest nor arty tender not necessarily ac - Opted. Plane and apooifleatiohs can be in- spected at the Office of Mr. Ileberte. Morgan Dalton, W1111411111 0nillan, Reeve, Aehfloid Reeve, W. Witwanosb Dttnganuon, Aug. 11,1004. REAL. ESTATE 'POINTERS TO THE BUYER. No matter what kind of a property or bust. nose you aro going to buy, write mo before °losing a deal. I can and /shall make it profitable to yea 1,0 buy through. mo. I am constantly in tench withproperty.andyI owners ed exa oetly the pr p riy you Want in a very Short time. 'P6 the Mae who had Property to gall. Steen era Amosyou thatt yourabilit to soli your heat Estate le ,lilted by the fact that you have not te facilities fop edit/aril/0gqroper y. I have tho facllitiea - etm a handle it for you, My plan is founded on the hardest kind of herd oomrlion sonso. It involaeS'thb use of the two greatest business getting 3aa. chines on 'earth--I/eV/sparer advertisements and the Mails to follow them. up. Write for tiny teethe today. --right now. O. .>. MAGUIRE Ileal Watt and tuAtnoeq Vendee 10ikeieelterieteratMloak, WIngh all Thursday, August x x, L904 Two Weeks Longer. D. M. GORDON'S Great Sale is to be continued for two weeks longer. Two more weeks in which you can buy the best and newest goods at a reduc- tion of 20 cents off every dollar's worth sold. This amount off goods that are marked very close now, offers a very rare opportunity to prudent housekeep- ers to secure GENUINE BARGAINS. Please note our show windows, and goods displayed about our doors, and you wilt find no end of Bargains. Ask for any- thing that you want --we are always pleased to show goods and quote prices. Groceries. We 'desire to call attention to our Grocery De- partment, where all lines kept in an up-to-date Grocery Store will be found in abundance, and of the purest, freshest and best—the quality and prices will please every customer. Phone 63. Rings us up when you need anything Big Prices for Trade. D. M. CORDON DIRECT IMPORTER 1 Liu Gm i! I..:SL i..IILWYi a 1111511i6Iii 11.&II i hi LC.. a ILING UP --AT-- The Bee Hive, The list of steady customer$ for THIS BUSY STORE is grow- ing larger every day and THIS WEEK we are piling up burgains in every department, that will bring crowds to our Big Summer Sale which continues for tett days longer. We positively will not carry goods over from one season to another. Ten Days more, Bee Hive method of reducing stock --clear the decks of all Slimmer lines, and while this is the real purpose of this sale, still we throw into it nearly every line of goods in the store, and in that way make it worth your while to lay in supplies for fall and winter, at more than exceptional Money Saving Prices. We've only room to quote a few of the great values that await you this week. Come to the store, look around, whether you want to buy or not, you will be made welcome anyway. SAVING ON Dress Goode from 20o to 40c on Livery dollar. Wra'perettes 20o to 250 on every dollar. Table Linen 20o on every dollar. Oottonades 200 on every dollar. SAVING ON Prints from 10o to 20o on every dollar, Ginghatns 10o to 20e on every 'dollar, Men's Clothing 20o to 40o on every dollar, Shirts, Hats, Neckwear, 200 to 50o on every dollar. Bargains in Groceries. We pay Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs Bargains in Shoes, We put on sale this week :—.A. stock of Shoes which we decided to clear oli,t at once, and prices like these will move it out quick. Ladies' and Missbs' $1.00 Shoes now 60o to 750 per pair 75o to 90o " •' $1.00 per pair 1.00 to $1,25 per pair 1.00 to 1.35 " " $1.50 $1.50 r1 ,1 11 1.25 e " 13 a1 31 1.50 a 11 71 I1 14 11 " 11 11 .1 11 „ 11 11 1.75 " 2.00 " 2.25 ,1 1.25 to 1,50 " 2.50 " " 1.40 to 1.75 " Men's Lace Boots, in sizes 6, 7,, 8 regular price $2.25 and $2.50—now for. Men's Congress, size 6, Regular Price $2.50 --now for Bargains In Every Department. It Pays to Deal at i THE 81313 111V13" PHONE NO. 96 The Kegler Oo w Wxi hay, t .0