HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-08-11, Page 6_
reeeheiseeeeepeehieleereateeapeepeeeeeeees tioniethlog ,almeat fiercelO 14
ear. •
Site started back, anti Sprang to
. her leet, With a low ory of borror.
"Oh `Welter, you will not!" elle
. The X:Julinown ggietth:ii, her Ova faCe blanching mule
"I evilll h Woe said lt, tend( you Will
be ino---e ..
. "Iderol, Wolter t No -not that 1"
Irtli OP •
1 .g
ria room.
D petite(' the agitated glrl. Then elm
added, vvildly ; "Yes -I will go -I Will
. be reedit at fano ; it couriat matter-
. a et ear earlier cannot etutite touch dlr.
op e ference, Wile it 11111 be swab A dread-
el ful burden to lueve to awry all tbat '
rearetioefeegearelooreceeeseegooreaporeseoreeleer.eoegeggeereheareea time I still, I will Wet that better
. than -the other !"
CHAP.Ptalli X. s • "Surely, then, you have not muchTbei map's face lighted witil seinen
alloy, say tlia,c you will-protniso faith in me," rep:led Florence, with 303. i
Ine 1" , „ a littio proud uplifting of her 'Origin; He did not give a, thought to th
'Walter, you frighten roo-I dare head ; end yen pity my bailor a velar Pal.° n-nd rtInignaneo which the had
net I" . Poor compliment by your doubts Of euxopiorti.oie
ssed te view of this clandestine . MODELING IN CORK.
"You must, deterest. 'Mere is noth- : my fidelity."
ing else --
-or me to do. Your guardian "Forgive me, itioy." gate her lover, fee raid maned iefehont-henote. won New Fail wtohi" tWerhEyileenAiwrigase: the Long Itlildernic Believed to be Running Itself
Will take you ahrOod to -morrow ; It with Assailed humilitee t "but WhY hke bride -and her 'rou,nh..beilf niii- eighOtutyeint:andlit
An interesting and extremelr feseinat- Neatly
ately. upon• cheek, brow and Fps. after a little practice the pexeevering 9° first time in l'atdern IRdio. ". a
ocean eep&rates us. Tell me, darling. Planned. iWe shall be sure of eaeh
own darling t" he j0000sly ones Will be surp1ise4 to find. what clever i widespread scale. Beginning in the rat -
that you will be my wife, Linn then I other than -we oao eaellyekeep the 'NY
men hope, end wait, ant work toayou matter secret ; and, when evil, re -
while you ore gone t" . turn. if hie nibs is atilt opposed, and cried. oI knew you would 'not break 1 mid ingenious young architects they Will ; infeste4 grain stores 'of Bombay and its
MY hea,rt 1 and, °nee My were, Ion beef:into, while tbey will be greatly '
Mien breve Tour town way ire everY euaneee 4,, tbe erede aeolgee golly be. ineouceivably filthy lanes and tenements
"But, Walter. why not hope and withholde his °consent, because be
.thing. Now, just rest until evening, neath their nimble Angers. , the pestilence was carried by panie-
wait believing and trusting me to be does not copelder me an eligible tern\ I vrill arrange ter your flitting. Let us suppose that it ie desired to stricken, trowds all oher western Inclia.
true without taking ouch, an under-, tetra, lell we will have to do will A carriage will be at tbe back gate Manufecture a model of some old ruined Evilly year since the Inortality has
d d I t tt t t heck
11.0 ILie WTI PAR= FOS
smoirimmoro ort
IWO* lee Welt MAW with NO it We etelewleg
In Rolle," standard." ".14., **eV "York." "Miltensiseth."
In Sheet.," Imperial," ""Illeniale*"110111111r "Orlessa" 100.
(wain, and I cannot beer tbia tart-' of ay beart Ourely, cae do you ago-. in Septem-
wilt be a long timo before we meet will tear not grant me this one wish Dom"
laughed Maude a low, 'glad .
lug evithout making *um that sou • fio borne to glve :yourself to Of triumph ; then snatched her to ins lug toeuPation for the long. NV nter eveo-
breast agein, ante kissed aer, Paiision- ings is that of modeling ein cork, and -
hart 1890-bubonie plague appeared for
are mine before you eail midi the few menthe earlier tbau we had
_ • be to present our popers aiiil as, t
, # a nine o'clock, anti I will Join you eastle, upon which the cringing ' v ' g -
. handed atep--" , , •
/7- it,' till the surviving Hiedoos have be -
"Bemuse, Ploy, you 'mow tbeet , sert %eurselves.. Fihe'll FinY l idein'et a.t the chapel.--" ..
your guardian does not like me- I .deay me in this!' the Young Ina,' 0,0h, (Walter, surely yen. wilt come hover ..
that he bag done, anti will do, every- pleacied, reaclaino out Ins arms and
e for Inc yourselt 1 I could. not tlana twiues .00 tenderly, and weird which I
tend splendor. •
many menneite ox pegorie *tow •come io i er n , . Y.....
eisting the humanitarian and scientific
d'ff e t after succeasfull re -
thing possible to prevent our melon, closping her convulsively, to, bine "e ofgoing alone to Rosedale'', Flor.once w 1 e e e • action of the government. Every mail
notwithatateling be icnows that your may; be foolishly superstitious, but exelaimed, in an affrighted, tone. -or cers mus rs sueply themselves
Reenter and mine planned, years something seems to tell me that if I i
t "I caneot come for you, sweet- with the necssary materials aud prooer ; 0,
, bringa its ghastly record of the mortal -
but the • figorea and the facts are
ago, tnat we should marry." let eau go without bintling you irre- • tools, Of the letter they will require
t beart. ruuch net I may wish, for I passed by as normal or of no account.
"But X abaft be of age La it Ilittle etmoblai to me. I iehall lose you en- I bay, an important eegae.emenh wheel some peint bruehes, a hamrneo a sharp
more I.ben it yeax. Walter, wilier I timely. Darling, you will euero
rrY e, will prevent, bat m
t I wileat You iet Penknife, a pencil and a pair of seiesors. In the last week if May 28,219 deaths
from plague were recorded in India,
men ract my own pleasure -when I to -nigher . Having procured these, they must o'btAin,
I the churcheAnt intimate irleud. whom, chiefly an the Punjab.
cau marry witsom I chcose-whUR"." it can saOely trust
-, will come in it quantity of cerdhoard cork sheets, a,
" • "Walter, I dare not t" But the seine week gives tbe first
"I cannot wait -a yeer la an age). led the girl, lifting a beseeching look
Place, and you 'nay feel•pertect conefew :old bottle cork% a little fine said, Streak of hope that the pestilence is
Flay. I atienot run the risk o[ lositiM to lam. Menge in him," the youngMO .. .
exr runts, glue, wire and, a small quantity burning itself out ,at last wherever sani-
you. Surely, you love( me, do you, not. "Leave It to me ; X trill dare all pla,ined, and so absor,bed le Ills own of artificial moss ant ivy.
. tery reforms on a sufficient scale have
deepest t" ' for you; I will take all the reopen.- thoughts that he did not observe And now, having decided. upon the
; been effected. In Bmpbay the total mor -
"Ye -s, ,you anow that X do, Walter." sibility,, and 1 bieve my plans at- how sensitively his bethroteed shranle building and. precured the necessary •
tality from all cases, including plague,
"You nave expected to marry me. ready; laid." . Orom the arrangement he proposed. materials, tbe ufell -steadily to 38 1-3 per 1,000.ext thing to be done is i
ever *Once you wet' e a 0114 ?" :
"ness-I-know--" "Don't -pray do pot urge me aelY "Who is this friend, Walter ?" she to dm* a plan of the castle you intend'
e. . to reproduce. This accornplishee, you • The mortality, fell from 1,000 a w.eek
" tarther," she faltered. "Seca. a, see- gravely questionnued. ,
in February to only 578:. The specific
"And ou know that. If your fe-
• ret would eptell nea whole trip- it oNeer mind dearle, who he is," in
I t tb e . ay proceed to make a fra.me •of light cause of plague and the life of the
would oppreas zee by! day and haunt her lover rospontled Foaling Into ber
redeemed bis pledge to my fa,ther, one moment of peaee - I could not swehroom oug arnvee
no one cardboard, cutting it carefully to the
oeveer6 met,e one it le requisite size, and then securing .11 bacillus outside of the human body are
cease of Rebert Beaver, he would leave ate by night ; I ahouid not know i n t
the =inboard homework a layer ofthettdkenown. But thianauch Bombay has
lain -that' the pestilehce is a
And !given you o m enjoly1 a. single thing -to me it would better you ehoold not know hine for,
rived et yeane of discretion, and be- .
came fond of each other. to, really, be enytbing 'but it 'pleasure, trire." ,
You Should ever cha.nee ' to meet
The youeog man's upper lip again lam hereafter, you will not be ham -
grudge againet me, and his evident Eloy, In spite of your guikrellan's ecurled upward, revealing Me white leered by any self-consciousness on
teeth in a disrugoeeable smile. t 1 account of his knowledge of our Bee -
determination to keep us apart, you "Arid 'what about me?" he began. ', ret. Matti X &lour° you he is perfectly
rightly belong to um, end I am only .
In an injured tone. "How Mbout me i trustworthy. Surely, you cannot
eryg out our parents' wisbes in being left here behind, for a whole think itha,t I wouldm
, trust y deareat
urging you to settle the matter fox- year, while you are trevelling treastire with. any one who was otla
all time, before you go away." about from place to place, seeing erw•Ise ?" , e
The young girl did not inernaliately. the wonderful sights of the world? "Nee," reluctantly returned. the
respond to these last arguments. 'How aixort my days being oppress- . fair girl. but still shrinking from
She set with downcast eyes and el and nay nights haunted by the committing herself to an entire
fluebecl cOeeks, but with an anxione .. fear of losing you? stranger at' night. i
expression on her fair face. -Whicih be-
trayed that her heart was ill atoetese, . .
'Hut you will not lose mee-X 'You will not fail me darling?"
She, withher compa.nione was eat-
oan lie just ap true, to you on the said her companion, studying her
ed in a pretty rustle arbor tbat had e
other side of the ocean as here," troubled face attentivelt. • •
veld the fair girl, loyally., "No, X will not fail You," she re -
been erected in a, way, wok of some "You tidnk so, perhaps, but you sponded, vrtth trembling lips. "I have
ageeclous grounds that surrounded a do not know to what temptatione . promised." . • ,
handsome mansion, whose stately,you may be subjected." He kissed her again, rapturously,
tower and massive chinueeys could be .•.a- girl who could not withstand calling her all manner of tender
dieperned rising above the fine oltt any temptation and be true to thot names. Then, telling her tbat -, he
trees -maple. elm and .oak-whiatt Man elm loved, would not be worthy would have much to oeoupy him diming
heel been planted more than a cen- of hbaa," Florenoe retorted, with the remainder of the day, he bade
tury ago by a wealthy. 'Eraglishme.n, more of spirit than she leaO yet be- her it. fond farewell, and went away,
Alonzo Se"That all Wands very fine as a 1 out upon the highway., 1 i . ,
Seaver, the great -grand
I hurrying by a. densely -shaded path
father ot Robert Seaver, the pre.sent o "-
owner of the valualike estate. ' theory," said her lover, sullenly ;
he arbor was coveved with: c m11 --b` "but I . want you to prove your ' 1 • 1 . CHAPTER IL . , ..,. ,
ing viues-roses, honeysuckle and love tor me new. Floy, Floy, I can't .
woodbine, time making le a romantic let you go so -41 won't let you go." A aecret Marriage. i
retrea,t-an ideal trysting-plaoe fox. As he gave utterance to this, with Itorence Richardson bad been left
the cla,ndeetine malmost
meeting or a pair of sa,vage vehemence, he again an orphan at the age of tifteee years.
lovers, on the bright summer morning drew her into his armee and bend- 1 Her father, Appleton Itieliardson,
on eveupp. our story, opens. big over her, looked dovrn into -her I had been a proeparous woormer-ohont,
Tbe eager wooer is a handsome eyes, with an expression tha,t made ' forming during hie early life a part.
fellow, of medium height, well Ionia- -her involuntarily catch her breath, 1 hership with Sherwood Leighton, the
ed. Ma rather massive head crowned! and regard him with a look in wilich I two bayitig been close 'friends from
His forellead is broad and Lull; i i r,ometieing or fear was mingled with boyhood, and, after tbeir marriage,
with closely -curling, dark -brown hair,
-1-9 i ita wistful appeal. and the birth of the son of the one
Ms eyes a deep dark -blue, and gleam- 'Flay, you will -you must re lie• and the daughter of the other, they
brows straight, and a. trifle heavy ; .
e nose is per- whispered, peosionately, while with had planned to perpetuate this 1 Amid -
Ing with intelligence. Hione hand he innoottied her golden ship the union of the two children
caiseled. the upper lip wea,ring a be- . hair from her forehead, caressing it • provided they could rear them to
fec,tly romped, his mouth delicatelY.
sortIy and fondly with his magnetic look upon the arrangenoent with
comIngly-trimmed mustache taat ex -
fingers, his eyes fastened with ski- favor- ,
aPtly ma,toJaes the dark hue .or his gular Intentness' upon hers: i ,When this partnership had first
At tile first glance,,, one would callow-pepollarly Sh'h
e shavered filightly, stirred rest- 1 been entered into, air. Leighton ad
lessly 1n. his embrace for u moment ; ' charge ot the purcbasing and - ship -
attractive, indeeth in every veal- him e. bateasvme litelland then, all at once. became ' Ping of the wool train Austral.a,
strangely passive. I going back and fertla twice a
Bis attitude is very loverlike ; hie "Bo you really love me so inech, '• yea.r tor this purpose. e .Lat, -as the
niseener earnest and tall of magnetic waiter o. she Iluestioned, the look ; bualneas increased, he found it na-
pe:Meal, and his eyes are bent upon ol rear and anxiety vanishing and; cesertry to take up Ms residence .in
his beautiful companion with; a evert- a sweet, dreamy smile vereatheug her Sydney, to avail binizell of oppor-
ful yearning which beeraya his fond- beautiful lips. • 1 amities which he eould not have ass
nese for her ; they have. at /he saine "I -of •worship you," he muttered, a. traveler, and, being unwilling to
time, a &learn of determination In hoa.rsely. "You are my proinised ' be separated 'DOM them, he removed
thetr depths wbieb shows that he ie wire, are you not? And you. belong . his family thither abeitt eight years
bound to win his wax, if possible. • to me, and me -only 9".. t
and Vet, as you study. it, there is -Teo"' . , l previous to the opening of .our etory,
1 Mr. Ilichardeon remaining- in New
a, suggestive pallor in the clear-cut , "You /told your father when he 1 York to conduct the business on this
face, which palettes one suspecioue of was dying that you would marry . ewe of the /eerid.
night revels, and too mucb wine; the son of hie old friend ?" i
and a Pertain tremulousness of the e "Ves-I told him that I would be I Tbus tuo Ilieleing ,Iriends were
bands, which are tooting nervously, your wife, if -if we eoulel learn to • parted, although their affection for
evilth a smell Of honeysuckle, broken love each other," the girl dreamily1 each other wan gill as strong as
from m
m the tattlee near bim, coefirs responded. ever, and they looked forward to
tale suspicion. . . "And you do love me, Floy ? There amaseing, at no late day, a large tried tall kinds -of remedies but to no use.
athere Is aleo an NOSf line between is no one elea In the world whom fortune, which would ona,ble them to My attention Was called to Dodd's kid-
tbe shapely, brows, end a sullen edam- you could love better than you love retire trona a,ctive buslnees, settle as ney Pills by an advertisement and I be-
preselon of the mobile mouth, which me ?" queried his companion, his reighbors to eacla other, and con- gan to use there. 1 oniy used six boxes
betraya a feeling ce impatience at the mesuterio eyes EOM . holding her oummate, their pities to marry their when I was completely cured."
indecision a the girl beside bine, nad gaze. 1 children. Bat the sudden death of As it is conceded that what will cure
a. spirit of intoierance of any optic/el- "No, Walter ; I -I atn quite sure eve, plehoraeon, about two years Diabetes will cure any Hidoey Disease
ton to his whites., I love no one else."' _
iiie companion is very! young - b. "Then you hre betroth,ecl to me previoue to the opening of our etory, it must be admitted that Dodd's kidney
Might, graceful creature, with an ex- -you gave yourself to me more blested these hopes, lo a meaturti, • Pills will euro and. Yidney Disease. .
quisitely fair complexion, a lovely than six months ago." •
leaving her. Leighton mourning • e. .
air.cere friend, and with the heavy PARIS AND NEW YORE.
face, open which innocence and per- "Yes. I promised te marry you reeponeibllity of settling up their .waeone up Fifth avenue and. out
ity, are writtetn, and verified lu ev- when I am of largo businees In accordance withlife.
eryi varying evreesion. Her hair, of "That betrothal makes you mine, through Central Park the Sunday that
Itichardeerne dying request, because
purest gold, Is coiled in a 'massive as sacredly as any marriage vows I landed in New York, rtniong ail the
knot at the top of her email head, could do -at latast, as far art you he wished his daughter's fortune to varying and sad impressions made upon
and tastened with a curious pin of and 1 are concerned -morally speak_ be eecured to her againet all risks me, I was especially moved to inquire,
amber and saver, while a few dainty( Ing, It makes you bay evile ; It means Thh Mr. Leighton -did, with un- Where are Ameriean families ? Wliat
Woke curl lovingly. about the milk- that to you, does it not, they'?" owervIng fidelity, and the youthful
white forehead and neck. Iler eyes "Yee -I -think -so." maiden was found to be 'soirees to a in the world is the matter with Amer-
tilete ore blue, but, as she tette them "Then why will you not grant me good balf-nallion. . ... Jean mere and who taught American.
to her lover, alter the tong pause what I at -.k, darling? You will, Few Iler another had died aboitt a year girls their Manners. I saw men and
following his last arguments, there le -you will," said her lover, 'bending previous, tend Air. ilichardeon, when womee promenading together and I
ten expression of trouble in tliem les face closer to hers OA speaking he realized he oould not live, coin- saw not a few eliildreo romping unat-
that melee them seem, for the mom- with an intensity which so thrilled mated her and the care of her for_ tended by their eldere or else in the
ent, almost black. her that she shivered again. tune, until he eboulti became of age, eompany of nurees. / 'tow nowhere
"aerate" oald the youing man, ques- Tell Me, telli me 1" he pleaded, still to another trusted friend, wbo had what makes the chief beauty of all Paris
tioninglee no 110 nost her &nee, while making proses over her brow' *with long 00ndUeted all lam buelnees tot aVenUeS and Parks on. Sunday ,after e
his upper lip curled slightly, reveal- hie ebapely heed. "I have had the hirri-Robert Solver by name. Aeons - innumerable family parties --
log the strong, white, Perfect teeth latrine in my packet for several days, 1,12r. Leighton wino obliged to come fathers and mothers with. their children,
beneath, the coPreesion being piing- and have all my plans arranged to to New, York to bonsanunate title Antall arid big, often the grandparents,
ularlo suggestlea of an element of consummate the mar
tinge. 718 but busincee ond lie became greatly at- too, gayly .geing along, glad of the sun -
Cruelty aad selfishnese in bla nature. a, Eill1100 thing I talc of you, ftweet, lathed to Florence during hie vielt; flaw, the fresh air, the exercise, and,
'"Yes, Walter, I know that Mr. and the moment you are mine you and tlite feollng woe fallY retl0ro- most of all, glad to be together in their
Seaver does not opprove of ;ewe+ the sled! ha where you will, and 1 will cated on her port. She wee a
maiden gravely, remarked; "but I not murmur." pleasure. Then the girls X fleet on
know, too, that be es honest lir his teed el lye,' Florence eXclo,lined, in tte- charming girl, arul the, man fouba
blower looking forward with fond Fifth avenue, protneneding in poirs or
objectkvits to trour attentions to me toitisliment. In groups, with swinging stride, laugh -
have naticipa,tion,s to the time when hie
--lie hes alway.'s been kIndnese Itself "'Yes; 1 grew desperate -X ing loud, and talking louder. Where
eon would • meet and win her, and
to me, and Would not 'willing1y. pain b ell almost wild ever since ties
flint rip began o 0 a o . he could thaw her tio it dear thole-
eme thee, or course, he ems 'been could not rest until I Una planned t(lr.„
kind to Lyon, was the irritable rec. our marriage, even though you have. 'With this end In view. be ressolved
• eut inc off every time I have eiza. that the two ishould meet he catty
volute "Rut -cannot you see tbroueli to. etre it. All is arranged for le nlab.t. as treetsible, ami he retuned to MIS -
that? Ilia ward, Mists Florence Bieli-
ardeen, le a oversee] of great Itio however. you, with your maid - tralia with the intention. of failing
e„, en •, ,, a — • - Aerie, wile w,11 do anyth'rig f Or you, oet MA own blueness, -ad seen as he
''''' Tt 'ti. ;41 es S '' i 5 "' ''''' " tau Op out of the house about could do ao with profit to lihnerail, 'Whining intlitmee of ethole. taught by
min- Alan ulkuloll. 'winch lin lmfeeit •Otou have hall the neense for rave when be Wottld return to New York, f religewies.-Harper's Pasant%
Otie of these diteo to sWeep Into hie nine ; a carriage will be waiting by and °nee inore take up Ms resideriCe '
coot) froully coltera bY Wilit(41:1)"; 741u MO gate Iv Web lotide out tion tbe In the city of lite birth.
into a marrioge with that tan-enie . LAST 1416,7 'YORK EXCURSION OP
sbeet cork to form the walls. This ma, (linen ee eiheieho
be anade to represent atonework. bK, and that the re -
meters of uneven pencil strokes; ethic medy is the *tearing away Of the sites
should afterwards be colored in with i owehithit haunted and the reeonstructiou
black or dark brown paint, in order to after year.
quarters where it occerred year
give the !structure. a suitable appear-, . .
ance of age. . •
Tho particular portion of the castle '
which has fallen into absolute ruin and •
decay should. have ‘‘rough and jagged A. Summer Cough
edges. The walls should be darkened by is the hardest kind to get rid (lend the -
means of a little browe paint judicious- net dangerous kind to neglect.
Iy applied, and smell, irregular pieces of
cork may be leape'd against the sides llaleairl meek * ese "
Broken columns are quite easy to im- era
%.*Ir i A" "
torepresentrepresent fallen nmsonry.
itate, and if an ordinary cork te roughly Consumption
carved with a sharp pocketknife and ea.
then carefully painted. and sprinkled ut; re The Lung ,
with a small quantity of moss, -which .
should be rubbed between the fingers - will aura you euictIT geld arehrellstog
until a ligb£ powder is formed, it will thtegtetheheritehete."°'"t° Aug° an"
be found to y. serve the purpose most - '''' — --
Men dmidesta, 25c, mo and 111,00 * iota%
ff t'vel
Aeid now the artificial ivy (which must " ' to save War. It was impossible to stop
be of a small leaved variety) may be
called. into requisition and trained . • THE SOCIAL SECRETARY.
around the broke columns and open the
crumbling walls until a most realistic Very often. the. question is asked,
appearance is given.to the whole. The "What is a social secretary?" One
floor should be strewn. with sand, of the writers in Social Service has
which a little powdered antes has pre-
viously been mingled.-Memplis Newa. given a definition of this new profes-
sion. Ile says that the social secretary
What shrunk your woolens?
Why did holes wear so soon
You used common soap,
Ask for the Octagon Su: ee
Quite as romantic as any novel is the
true story of how the Earl of Darnley
filet with his clever and charming wife,
to Wail then Ivo And wbile vis-
iting Melbourne with the English crick-
eters injured hie band at a (wicket match.
The wound. was bound, up for him by
a lady who was present, who used her
own handkerehief ft the purpose, and.
when, later on, Mr. Bligh wanted to
thank his good Samaritan and return
the handkerchief, be was Introduced to
Miss Florence Brophy, daughter of a
local magistrate, a charming young girl,
with whoin he fell instantly in love.
The sequel reads like a story book, for
they were married in 1884, Sixteen
years later Mr. Bligh, by the death of
hia brother, became eighth Eeri of Darn-
Flies ,
Fly Tads
Kill the flies and
disease germs too.
• Engineer's Story of Why He Cried.,
"Yes, indeed, We have some clued- lit-
tle incidents happen to us," said the fat
engineer. "Queer things happened to me
about a year ago. You'd think it queer
for a rough men like me to cry for ten
minutes, and nobody hurt, either, would
youl Well I did, and I can abnost ery
every time I think of it. ,
"I was running along on'e afternoon
pretty lively when I approached a lit-
tle village where the track cuts through
• the streets. I slacked up a little, but was
still making good speed, when suddenly
about twenty rods aliead of me a little
girl not more then three years old tod-
dled onto the track. You can't even im-
agine my feelings. There was no way
P1118 BUCHER, is a paid officer of a firm, whose Iasi-
ness it is to establish a synepathetic
IS ALL RIGITY itoorucitihebetween employer and 'employee
promotion of better relations.
The social secretary, representing the
workers, brings to the attention of the
Had Diabetes but was Cured by firm say grievance that may arise,
Dodd's Kidney 'Pills. or suggests any improvement in the
workroom that may make the workers
comforteale and happy.. Representing
• . the employer, the social secretary loolcs
Great Interest!, in the Case as People
Toronto, Gut., Aug. L -(Special) -As
Realize Cure Diabetes will
Caro any liadney Disease. Lion.
maintaining of better relations'
between heads of
to eeeure the most intelligent co -opera -
departments so as
the peoele team to realize how much: the The head of a department store which
general health depeilds on keeping the employs 500 girls,. says that his, social
kidneys right, and how many diseases Secretary lias beeo _worth to him. in
are the direct result of bad. kidney, ac- cash three times as much as Oer ser -
:Lion evexy verified cure df a severe kid- vice has coat him. She has given the
ney disease is received with interest, gale talks on hygiene, thus improving
For that reason the case'of A. W. Hol- their health and their physical effee-
man the well known betcheit 1.93% tiveriess, She has organiked literary
Mutual street, this city, is well worthy clubs among them, thus stimulating
of attention. Mr. Holman had diabetes. them mentally, and improving the so-
cial atmosphere of the store. She has
Now he is a well man. Dodd's Kidney
Pills cured it. Asked concerning his mothered the gale many of Whom are
the daughters of immigrates, and who
case, Mr. Holman said
years. r in our public school have enjoyed op -
"Yes, had diabetes for Bile
ortunities which their mothers never
had. These girls, uccordingly, at the
most critical age, make the perilous
discovery that they know more than
their mothers do. The social secretary"
ifs one whose knowledge and position
they respect, and one to whom they
mum as a friend. And if she is what
she ought to be, she acquires an in-
fluence over them which ift as vela/ale
to the girl as it is to their employer. -
Josiah Strong in Soeial Service.
Mingres Ligament Cures Diptheria.
One summer afternoon while walking
near Treguier, Renan; the famous French
writer, inet a sergeant and four sol-
diers, and the sergeant, after saluting
hini most courtemisly, said:
"Sir, T. Went you to do inc it feeor."We
ate alone here, and as no one ean see us
I shall consider myself greatly indebted
to you if you will allow Ma to give you
a snit& token of respest and admira-
Ronan was taken Aback at his wordy,
but seeing that the amen was in earnest,
lie replied politely: "All right, sergeant,
• Pm. Mire Fin inuoh obliged to you."
Thereupon, turning Ix, -Inc four men,
the worthy sergeant bade them etand in
line as a guard of Winer, and then, draw-
ing his sword, he said gravely, "Present
ma I"
• At this unexpected compliment Relabel
do they get their manners ? Pane Volleyed his hat and bowed, Ana there
the home of the griectte, petites fan- wee an unusual tremor Om voice at he
meg, it is the rarest possible thing to thanked the tiergeteit for his courtesy.
see a -girl of immodest tmaring on the
strece-enyself, during tete years' resi- u,nard ,8 Linament cures colds, tic,
Aimee here, I have never seen. This, ""
think, resalts largely from the subtilely,
bt:4; road; we vvill go to Rosedale Nit ininfortuno warned to pursue SEASON.
ored hopeful of hits, whom he is van- (1,11)4 where we will Ir. quietly mar- pi t t t
A treasure which Ittme. Patti values
'highly is it fan which bears the auto-
graph of neatty all the European. sov-
ereigns of her time. The late Queen
Jangler Tioec
you meet in Germany a reel; flan you ettrt come directlY Upon lila arrival. ot Sydney, he Victoria. has 'written: "If Xing Leer
feiv monthe henee." home let youroelvee irt with your Everybody is going. It will to the spoke the truth when he saki that a
great and grand event of the emote sweet Voiee Was the most preeious gift
'Vatter, how teen elan be Se 1111- was greeted with the terrible Intel.
lal'ell'-kitth. and n° °fter fotthl our" ligestee that lao Wife litul eickened alld what IR m"8 'Will bo tlic ittAt clialvee it *Mien could possess, you, my de
lust /"` etelaltacil Plorentg!, it.r,enaeli- Etice,.4 ned our WitnteSell. ueed ever arei died very elideenly, only tlie to visit the sreat American Metropolis er
fully. "WitY," slue atideici, with ti lit. karn our iseeret until -re see fit to Adelina, must be the richest woman in
tie laugh, "I could tiot•er tnarryi divulge it." week previoas. at an excursion rate. Ihe West Shore 6 r
Stanley Heaver ; Ile le Years end "'Walter, X tell yon 1 dare not do TIM, in Recta wale a blow from Mabee(' win run a cheap- exeursion te th,elr Eitelp"ress and BMpoter Of Austria
years older than I. It le too bad, itoit, why will 37" tiptil Wittelt it 11-011141take hint long to New 'York on August 15, good 15 days have simply written 'their signatures, -
though, to eall him ten -Oolored, even rue to It1" viorento- - -monis:4 ratty; hut it WAR elliteeeded diming far lotutti, giving Privilege of trip on but the Kaiser hes added these words: z
if he le dark; tend flier', Wieldier', have ns she suddenly relenind herself tho e ear by tea after IOW, Man- IfildsOit River stermere leetweett Alban? "Der litielitigalle eller leiten," Coils
*nit 1 preenised to -.to -.�1' trent her worts embrace, and hat elallY, *Weil threatened to leave and New York, without extra -charge.. Nieliolas wrote:, "Iliett tontine vette _
"1 marry Me ?" the young man ep, elavering with ripe been in 's ifl.W hiln it. Otsir man nal blight the prole- Fare will be $9.00 return from gasmen, chant," The Queen Regent of Spalthi
eagerly: altfifilefilehted, no she hei,l- - of MO proposalspects et his only son, it fortuneer mien Bridge or Buffalo. In s.ddition to trord6 are evpihpaig6616,, Imo *line qui
tated and Melted tql' the brows a lie rr,garded her tt, roommit in ill, wheel did not noon take a tnoro fait. readier bottle, thhe Will be it eilieelei bt itet tient de tempter en tternirre tie see
. iovelyt pink. "Yee, I know you, have Mace, his Mt.,: deathly white and rig- orablo tor,..leaving Buffalo at 10,15 p.m., reliving ingots:, The Queen of the Belgians hes
*Lid that $041 Will marry M, When Id 104 Ulatbitt. 11 . ,
au be centimted,) New York 10 a.m., end 'finking good eau- voitteri the Artit bar of the "Itusswal-
t* •
loon return: but tlierete many ft ellt.,1 Timir, leaning forward, he again
y'ott know, and I *halt be wretched all laid Ma litted upon her foreltead, and, Levee Maker; the woeld go round -motion et Albany with 1104180n River :
,. bet day boat for New York. PositiVeIy_ last I .
the time re sem. a&way, Tearing Penne holding lier bead bark, looked kerne it won't always bring the girl's father Of seiiiinfr. Write L. Drage, 55% Tent A Mall le SeldOin litingry ettOligh to
One Sites will win 31011." '. i . . IY into Iwo (Its, while be wilitnereit around. Arcot. Toronto, eat bis own word*, r,
or even slack much at that distance, ae
the tithe was heavy and the grade de-
scending. In ten seconds it would have
been all over, and after -reversing and
applying the 'bralce I shut my eyes. I
didn't want to see any more.
"As we slowed down my fireman stuck
his bead out pf the cab window to see
what I'd stopped her, when he laughed
and shouted at me, "Jim, look here!' I
looked., and there was a big •blaek New-
foundland dog holding the little girl in
his mouth, leisurely walking toward the
house where she evideialy belonged: She
was kicking and crying, so that I knew
she wasn't hurt, And the doh had saved
her. My fireman thought it fenny, 'and,
kept laughing; but retied like a woman.
just couldn't' help it. X lkad a little
girl of my own at honie."
C. C. RICHARDS Oc 05: -
Dear Sirs, -I have great faith in MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT, as last year I cured
a horse of ring -bone, with five bottles.
It blistered the horse, but in *Month
there was no ring -bone and no lame-
Four Falls, N: B.
Until early in the nineteenth ceetury
it was a very ancient custom practised
at Inverness for the Beefeaters to meet
the matrons in an annual game of foot-
ball. All the available women took part,
and the men surrounded the players and
urged on their sisters, wives and sweet-
hearts in their struggle, ditecting thtii
efforts by word of mouth and encourag-
ing the exhausted to steuggle °nand se-
suce the much coveted prize.
The honors of these unusual combats,
strange to say, rested more often with
the married than the ' eingte, efor tbe
men selected their wives from those
who showed most prowess and endur-
anee on the 'football field. Hence all
the better players were mated, and fre-
quently more than a match for the less
tough and skilful maidens, though the
latter fought like the knights of caa for
the lady of their choice and to the death.
A strange reversal of positions, which
doubtless luta its compensating Advan-
tages when dintiestic differences arose
between a tymetnical husband and his
former footballing consort.
Levees Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens
the water and 'disinfects.
_ "t•"'"1
ISSUE NO. 33 1904..
Sootiene Syrup should
always be used for Children "leetiiing. es
soothe the child, softens the gums, curee whet
cone awl le. the nest remedy for Imirrhusa,
for Sato Chop low on rosy Torms4
.s.gplY to .40IiN Wean,
trauiliton, Oat.
Toronto and
Montroa.I ,Una
Steamere leave
Toronto 8 p.m, dolly
for Rochester, 1,000 Wanes, ltapide,11
LeWr011ee. leontreal, Qineee. Murray pay.
Tadoueac SaguenaY Iliver.
Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal Lino
Steamers leave Ilamilton 1 p.m„ Toronto
7.30 p.m., Day ot ()elate pores, Mentreal
and intermediate ports.
Low rates on this 1100,
Further Information, apply 10 14. & O.
agents or write to
Western Pausenger A gent, Toroatti.
Wbrit British Fishermen Pay for the
Pleasure they Seek,
"God never did melte a more cyan,
quiet, innocent le:creation than angling,"
wrote Isaak Walton some 300 years ago.
If the philosopher could come to life -
again this twentieth century country
of preserved. waters he would provably
hasten to add "expensive" to the list of
The sportsman whoee.thoughts run to
trout streams or salmon pools Mid an
infinite variety of "taking" flies will tell
Tau that "angling" le still. a "calm, quiet,
innocent recreation," within the reaeh of
the poor man's purse, but "angling.'
means to him the patient individual who
may be setoi on any of the quiet reaches
of the Therrien, sitting on a, kitchen .
chair in the middle of a punt, with a
rod, a black bottle, a dog and a. paper
bag, listlessly watching a float.
Or perhaps the quiet looking men who
may be seen by their /Mies and sixties'
sitting on soap boxes in the summer
time on the banks of the camas Ilea..
London, watching each other's rods ap-
petently ownerless lying on the baults.
This is the poor man's "fishing come
petition," and there are many worse
ways of spending a holiday.
"Fishing" to the same sportsman
means something infinitely more excit-
ing And more difficult to obtain. A beat
ofi a Saadi or Irish salmon 'river, or
the right to •fish a email 'nation of it
West Country trout stream the brief
dry -fly season -that kind of fishing. is
fast becoming the monopoly. of the mho*,
"The silver salmon is a nusnomer. The
king of British fish should be at once
re -christened the "golden salmon," f or
the man who takes it beat on a Scotch
riv.er nowadays may be . well -excused
for muttering "that fish eost me exactly
fifty sovereigns" when he lands a 30 -
pounder, or even a grilse, -London Ex-
press. •
Government Lands for Homesteaders.
In western Nebraska. near the 'Union
Paella Railroad in, section' lots Of 640
ages &abaft abnost nothing. The sal-
ubrity of these lands is eoraething re-
moerkable. Distance from railroad is
three to thirty miles. There will be a
grand rush of homesteaders, This is the
last distribution of free. homes the ther-
e States Government will ever make in
Nebraska. Write for pamphlet telling
how the lands can he -acquired, when en-
try should be made, arid other informs-
tion.- Free on application to anittnion
Pacific agent.
, - •
• Fred Mooreheadliad -an encounter with
big black snake last Friday morning
'which he will remember for some time.
Mr. Moorehead had taken the contract
to paint the iron bridge whicli spaus the
Hocking river just eolith of Heydenville
and Was engaged et his work when he
encountered the reptile. .
Baroness Burdett -Coutts, 'Who is 00
years of age, is one of the best known
of English philanthropists. She Abolish.
ed Nova Scotia Gardene, one of the
Worst elutes in London, and built upon
ite site the model Bate of Columbia,
!square limci the stately and useful Col-
umbia market, She built and miaowed
St. Stephen's, Westminster, and endoeo
tel the bishopriet of deckle:las and Cohen-
bia. Many other parts of the empire
owe much to Iter benefactions. Rajah
Broke dispenses ehatity for her in Sara.
wak. She eetablished in 1801 the Eaat
Landon Weavers' Aid association and
earliet still started the shoeleack brigade
upon its useful meter.
Minion' Ligament Cares Distemper.
Tobias Hobson Wag the filet man in
$Inglitrid that let out hackney horses.
When a man eame for it horse he was
led into the stab), where there was it
great eholee, hut be obliged him to tate
the Mille width stood Itext to the stable
door, so that every easterner Was alike
well served netording to his chance, from
whieli it %keine n prover,v when what
aut,ht to be your election was toned
Joon ittiv 12 say "Irobion's choice."
lie was painting the under side of the
structure from a swinging scaffold, and
pushing his brush filled with paint into
a crevice where the wider beams, rest
on the abutments he received an intro-
duction to the ophidian which was not
to .his liking. When his 'snakeselep was
disturbed he quickly darted his head with -
wide open mouth and darting tongue to-
ward. the intruder. Having no weapon
but a large putty knife, the,painter ga.ve
battle, and in a sbort time the reptile's
heed was several free( its body. The
snake measured five feet in length. -
Logan (Clo) Journal -Gazette.
Deafness Cannot be Cored
by local applications as they cannot reac1.
the dummied portion of .ho ear. There is only'
one way to cure -deafness, and that Is by eon-
stitutioual remedies. Deafness is caused by
au Inflamed condition ot -Wm mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is in.
lathed you have a rumbling sound or Mapes
*feet hearing, arid when it is entirely closed,
Deafness is the result, and Unless the inflam.
watl�n cea betaken out and tles tuberestor-
ed to its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine cages out of ten are e
canoed by Catarrh, which iti nothing but an
funneled condition of the MUcouo Harmon. •
We wilt give One Hundred Dollars for aur
case of llearneoo (caused by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by lina's Catarrh. Cure. Send
for circulars, free. 31,
F. 3. OFIEls.INY & CO., Toledo, 0 •
Sold by Druggists, 'Mc.
Take kTall's Fturiily Yens for Conettpation.
There is a story going the rounds in
Londo11 of a cruel revenge wreaked by it
woman on a rival- whom she hated. It
was not a sense of financial ruin, but in
its way it ems quite as effeetive, 'She
eimply asked her victim to a pretentioite
airier and arranged a eolored light so
that it thould fell full upon her and
make her look glutstly. Toadd refiee-
anent to her vengeance she placed her
enemy's partieuler admirers directly op- •
Minard'S Ligament CULTS (large In Cows.
Of much intereet to omen travelers
ig the department over whieh the port
steward prepides. Ilia task le to pro-
vision the sbip, end he is kept working
, almost night and day preparing for the
hundreds of passengers who will bottra
the ship on her uext saihing det, As
won as the amount of provisions maned
for the hext trip is estimated, the vs."
quisition sheet for the vie, ego is made
out, mid OM poor Siewfulti, with big MI-
fliStalltS, begins- the marketing, and the
purchaser run soniething like this
Thirto to forty thotisend peat& of fresh
Meat, 000 to 800 (+ideals and dueks,4000
to 0,000 pounds of hair and bacon, 3,000
pounds of fresh fish, 11,000 quarts of
fresh milk and erefun, 5,000 pounde of
better, 1,500 quarta 01 icaeream, 150
' to 200 barrels of flour, 115 tone of pota-
toes, eeversil tons of Auger, and other,.
things in proportion. ----New York Eo*'
big Post,