HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-08-04, Page 5Thursday, August 4, 1904 Imense Reductions ....f. Il.\ .....t Boys' Clothes. At this late stage of the season we find ourselves heavily overstocked on Boys' Clothing. Therefore, in order to quickly close out all our light weight Suits, we have cut so deeply into the prices that these fine Boys' Suits can now be bought for the bare cost of the material. The dull season is at hand and we realize. that profits roust be sacrificed to induce 'people to buy. So here are Boys' Clothes of best quality and style at prices to interest the most indifferent.. 8 only Boys' 2 -piece wash Snits, sizes 3 to 7 years, regular $1,25, choice .75 42 pairs Boys' Mole Pants, sizes 22 to 32, regular price 50c and OOe, choice .30 0 only Boys' gray tweed Russian Blouse Snits, sizes 21 to 28, regu- lar price $0, choice $3.00 9 only Boys' two-piece Suits (belt- ed coats) sizes 23 to 30, regular price $3.50 and $4, choice $2.25 11 only Boys' 3 -piece Tweed Suits, sizes 27 to 33, regular gular price $4 and $4.50, choice $'3 00 10 (Ally Boys' Norfolk wash suits (2 pieces) ages 3 to 7 years, regu- lar $2 and $2.25, choice $1.50 30 pairs Boys' Tweed Pants, sizes 22 to 33, regular price 05e and 75c, choice .30 10 only Boys' fancy tweed Brownie Suits, sizes 22 to 28, reg. $5.50, $0, $0.50, some slightly soiled, choice $3.50 14 only Boys' 2-piece•Tweed Suits, sizes 22 to 28, reg. $2, choice $1.50 10 only Boys' 3 -piece navy blue Serge Suits, sizes 27 to 33, regn- lar $3.50, $3.75, $1, choice .$3,00 12 only Men's Tweed incl Serge Suits, sizes 35 to 44, regular $0,50, $7.50 Suits, choice. $4.50 11 pairs Men's black worsted Serge Pants, sizes 32 to 38, regular price $2 and $2.25, choice $1.50 Bargains in Men's Flannel Suits, Lustre Coats, Ministerial Coats, etc, Boys', Youths' and Men's Shoes at Bargain Prices. The R. Ido Crowder Co. MEN'S OUTFITTERS, WINGHAM Furniture Buyers I Resixmweeks r, wille be ext of interest to you. Special Prices on Furniture for balance ' of July and all of August. Call and see us. Just think, a good Couch, in velure covering, stripe pattern, assorted colors, for $4.75, regular $G.50; for $6.50, regular $8.50; for $7.50, regular $9.50; and a nice line not so good for $3.75. We will guarantee to supply the above goods at these prices through Jnly and August only. In Parlor Suites, we lend. in prices and quality, Every Suite guaranteed or money refunded, Note our Special Prices- A nice 5 -piece Suite, 'solid oak frames, done in velure, good patterns, spring edge, plush banded, regular price $35.00, our Special Price $28.00. Rug Suite, guaranteed quality. $40 for $35. We don't handle any slop upholstered goods; we buy in our own town, therefore saving a big freight charge. See our $2.0o Mattress. Walker Bros. & Button Eye Specialist Dr. J. H. Egbert Will make regular visits to this town and is equipped with the most modern methods and apparatus for testing your Eyes in the most scientific manner. The Doctor is a graduate in medicine with 10 years ex- perience in the practice of medicine and surgery, and has spent eight years testing eyes and fitting glasses. If you are in need of glasses, do not hesitate to call and have your eyes fitted. The Doctor carries with him all the latest styles in Spec- tacles, Eye Glasses, Chains and Pins. You cannot secure better styles or better goods in Toronto, New York or Chicago. Eyes tested free ; if you do not need glasses the Dr. will tell you so and it costs you nothing. At thllO011'S Hotel August 22, 23, 2 Fresh Goods Most people appreciate fresh ' goods, it always tastes so much nicer, and is much healthier - ' besides. We are always ready ;with a fresh stock of • FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONERY, 9 Our Chocolates are of the highest class goods. ▪ Try our OS+eters served in any - We have in stock Canada • Cream and Roquefort Cheese. Ice Cream orders filled on the shortest notice.• i • Your Patronage Solicited sunomemo style, 15c a dish. I,. G. KRllSE: McKelvie's Old Stand 1 `V. T. Colwell of Centralia, lost 180) bales Of flay by fire at I3oston on. June 30th, The shipment was en rotate for England, -The affair's of the Walkerton Sugar Co, have been wound. up.. Two- thirds of the money subscribed. was required to defray expenses, ----Guelph Socialist League has de- cided to place a t•tnididate in the field to contest the rifling of South Wel- lington at the next general election, ---At 12,05 o'clock on August 1st the city of Kingston took over the Light, Beat and Power. Company's plants, and they became municipal utilities. -A company is being organized to dispose of 5,000,000 acres of land in Alberta, They will bring colonists from Utah and California prin. cipally. -The Southwark sailed yester'dtay with 488 Bai'ntulo boys and girls for hfontreaal. This is the largest group of emigrants ever sent out by this as- sociation, --A 0. P. R. engineer states that be- fore the enol of the month 2,500 men will be at work on the construction of the Toronto Sudbury line, which will cost $8,000,000. -A fow days ago H. Milton Moir, r agent of tale C., P. R.. and Dominion Express Company at St, Mary's was arrested on a charge of embezzlement laid by the latter company. I'Ie had been found to be $00O short in his ac- counts. -The plant of the Dresden sugar beet factory has been moved to the American side. \Vailaceburg and Berlin are the only paying factories in the province. Last year some farmers realized $02 per acre for their sugar beets, and this year some -have over 30 acres planted. - Reports received by the C. P. R. last week point to one of the biggest crops ever reaped in the West. In some cases the heads of wheat are four inches long and experts are counting on yields of 40 bushels in some sections. -- With occasional showers, the crop is now considered as assured. -Mr. John Webster, of Ashfield, last spring lost a gander and two geese. It was thought they had been carried. under the ice by the flood in the creek and were given up as dead. Quite recently, however, the chaff house was being cleaned out, the three birds,. were found underneath the straw, alive. and well, after their three months fast without either food or water. THE N!M.A ITA ADVANCE. Brussels, A new roof ecus been ploeed on the engin:. 'house Of R. K. Ross* flour tulle. Mussels cheese factory sold the last 2 ' half of June make to lbl:cssrs,"'Ballan• "I tyne, of Stratford, at 7 cents. Brussels is Court Canadian Order of Foresters, No. 21, will attend, service in St. John's church, on Sunday even- ing, Aug. 1.4, when Rev. Bro. Dealt IIocgins, of Seaafor'td1, will preach, • A. short time. ago Mr.'s. W. E. I3aist, of Kincardine (a former resident of this place) gave birth to twin babies. One died shortly after it was born and the other succumbed during the past week, Arrangements are being made by Brussels '.Turf Club for a program of horse races on the half mile track here next month. The date was (Welded upon, but finding that it conflicted with ZVinghaln a changes will have to be made of• which partieulars will be given. Miss Mary i1lcNaughtou is returning lronle this week after a month's visit with the family of K. McKenzie, at Marden, Wellington Co. What is re- markable about this trip is the fact that this is the first outing from Brus- sels Miss McNaughton has taken in over 20 years on account of rheu- motism and its effects. Brine Scott, who has been employ- ed at Brussels G. T, R. depot for the past ar, has beenpromoted t o Pal- merston to the post of billing clerk. His place at Brussels has been fill- ed. by Albert Hoffer, of Milverton, who arrived last week, The Ladies of the Guild of St. George Church, 'Walton, very kindly handed Mr. J. Jones, Warden of St. John's Church, Brussels, $25, to be forwarded to Itev. L M. Webb. The Guild is to be congratulated on the stand they have taken to help the Rector in his Boor of affliction. Two special trains accommodated the excursion people in their trip to Kincardine on Tuesday. From Brus- sels there were about 500 passengers, from Lrcknow 150, and in all about 1200. Both trains were crowded, and the excrrsionists formed a well -con- tented and happy lot of people. The excursion throughout was a financial success. - A. sad affair occurred at Pottsville a few days ago when Maurice Thomp- son, aged 14 years, while shooting with an air gnu, was told by his grandmother to aim at a sparrow. He did so, and instantly there was a cry of ''Oh, my brother is killed," from the other side of it nearby fence., Thompson then jumped_over and saw the lifeless body of Leo. Beamis, aged 10, who had been killed by his care- lessness. At the side of the body was the boy's eight year old sister. - A Bayfield correspondent tells the following goose story : A goose be- longing to Mr. A. E. Erwin, which had reached the venerable age of 30 years, died recently. It was bought by the family 28 years ago, when it was two years old, and every year since it reared a brood of goslings. This year it had six, but it gradually grew weak and collapsed from shear old age. Twenty years ago her head was accidentally cut off, the neck be- ing completely severed with the ex- ception of the windpipe. It was a case of she went home dragging her head behind her. Mrs. Erwin applied. splints and. bandaged up the neck which grew together and the goose lived for a score of years longer. Palmerston, July 28th. -About 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the 10th inst., David Gibson, a veteran of the Crimea, left his board- ing-house in town without giving any intimation of any intention of not re- turning for supper, but failed to re- ttuv.. Enquiry was made for hide in the neighboring towns where he had acquaintances, but without success. To -night, William Lawrence, a young man, was looking for his cow in a swamp half a mile north of the town, when ile found the body in a partly decomposed condition. The coroner and the police were notified and. took charge of the body. -Nothing of any value was found on him. Mr. Gibson was 72 years of age. THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE • CHATHAM, ONT. Is unquestionably Canada's greatest business school. No other school gets such results. Itis now current talk throughout tho coup. try that the student who wants the best train- ing and a good position when graduated must attend this school, 250 stridents pla16 16 ced„ in •,ear 11990:1020: . 360 ” 375 " " " 1903. If these were placed in picayune positions worth $3 or $1 per week, the showing would not bo worth the space in this paper that it takes to tell it. Bat when the salaries aver- aeod over $600 per annual a fow of them over $1000, the pnublic should know that no other business school in Canada publishes such lists and gels such RESULTS. mending ofourfernier from graduates0 $1000 annually. WHY Snorr.D IT NOT Ili: You We pay your railway fare up to $3. Good board in Chathani, $2.50 to $2.75. For the handsomest catalogue published by any business school in Canada, write D. McLAOIILAN t& CO.,ham, Cha TRAIN UP A CHILD and when up, send him or her to LisT/J,/ O Two Cout esi-Conlmerclel and ghorthand. Sand for Collage journal, C. A. MAIMING A. L. MclNt'VRe Pr.sid.at 11100'1. 1 Danger of Living with Consumptives, Is real danger because the sputu 1 of affected persons diffuses itselft through the air and finds lodgment in the systems of others, If exposed. to consumption use fragrant healing Ca- tarrllozone, the most efficient germi- cide known. No case of catarrh can withstand Catarrhozono which eaves this loathsome disease thoroughly. Cold in the head is cured in a fele minutes, ;and bronchitis asthma and lunge trouble are cured to stay cured if (;atarthozone is employed, "I don't know any remedy so good for catarrh ,and bronchitis as Catarrh°. zone, writes N. T. Eaton Of Know ton. "It cured late after years of suf• feeing and. saved Ane from cc:minil )- tion. Two months treatment $1.0O trial size 25e. 1JIb. OVENS ENS Loxno.r SUI1GEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases 1i130, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1: ers - Don't try cheap cough tnedi • cines. Get the best Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. What a record it has, sixty years of eery Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. "I have found that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is the best medlctue I can prescribe for bron- chitrs,infuenra. cough.. and hard colds." M. Lomita, M.A., Ithaca`. N. Y. - 23c.,300., 91,00. .7,Q. &us 00., All draiu,det'. Lowell Mass. for swier..� _ Bronchitis • 1 . 111 it 1 1 I 11 :orrect any tendency to constlpa Ion with small doses of Ayers Pills. MONEY To LOAN -At 4& per cent. on improved farms. Easy terms Of re- payment; expenses light, Apply A. I)ubnage, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Kent Block. NEW Grocery Store. The Smallpox Question. Any intelligent physician will admit that you don't catch shall -pox be- cause someone else has it, but because your condition favors it. Low vitali- ty always encourages sickness and at this season especially, everyone should take Ferrozone which destroys disease germs and makes the system so strong and healthy- that sickness can't exist. Ferrozone is a vitalizing tonic that cures nervousness and drives away tired languid feelings. To. get strong and keep strong use Ferrozone ; it assures health and costs but 50c. at all druggists. Clinton. The Clinton Cornet Band will run an excursion to Goderich on Tuesday, August Oth, the occasion of the Bow- ling tournament at that town. Messrs. Jackson Bros. of Clinton have placed their order for a complete electric light and power plant with the. Electrical Construction Company. of Toronto. Chas. Tisdale, who had been at the Royal Military College, Kingston, for some time past, writing on his matri- culation exams., has honorably pass- ed, standing third in his class. The great question of who will get the new King Edward is at last set- tled. W. H. McLean, of Clarksburg, 1111 old experienced commercial hotel keeper, is the lucky man, getting it on a five year lease. The indications are that the Strath- cona lacrosse team will win the chane- - pionship of the district for they have not yet lost a game, while three wins • stands to their credit. The next home game will be played on August 10th with Kincardine. At a meeting of Temperance work- ers held on Friday evening last it was decided to circulate petitions in favor of local option and the town council will be asked to let the question be de- cided by the vote of the people. - The other day J. Bamford had oc- casion to call up Sarnia, Collingwood, Toronto, Sarnia again, by telephone. From the time he asked for the first place until he completed his four con- versations was just 15 minutes, 5 of this being consumed at one time, is Your Doctor Rill Large ? Best way to keep it small is not to call the doctor, but use Nerviline in- stead. For minor ailments like colds, coughs, chills, cramps, headache and stomach trouble Nerviline is just as good as atny doctor. It breaks Alp a cold in one night, cures soreness in the chest, •tud for neuralgia, tooth- ache and i'heuruatisul you can't get anything half so good as Nerviline. The fame of Nerviline for cramps, colic, and pain in the stonfnach extends fan' and wide, Good for everything a liniment can be good for and costs but 25c. for a large bottle. visits u11glI.ilI)8nrrxuvNagACAeinmandltAAVNFs treated, wing11a111 officeat MoKibbon's Drug Store, Lond�o�n� otrice-22.5 Queen's ave.; hours Feb. 1, Lobi 29, M Dates. Maiy' 2, y030 June 27, July 98, Aspt, 8, Oot, , Oot, 31, Nor. 38, Canadian Order Woodmen " The World CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 01. W. F. VanStone Baby's Picture will be treasured in coming years. Photographs taken by us will last a lifetime. Also Picture Framing neatly done. Remember the place. ±URB,GJ FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 6. Jiff" flf7/%�:iS'/ STR ATFO R D. ONT. It pays to get a business education and it pays to get it at this School. Our attendance this year has been the largest in the history of this College. we have placed more students in positions this year than in any provious,year. Write to the College fora magnifi- cient catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, President D. A. McLaciiL<ux, Principal ROBT. N. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGIrAm ADVANCE, 119e Vain the Xatev‘a\s. Lots of them do your own choosing. We know the styles. We know exactly how they should be cut -how they should fit and its our business to put all these " knows" together, and fit you out in the best that your money can buy - no matter what price you pay. It would please us to have you drop in. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham REXALL IIIIOLD- DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath -- they aro the latest and most improved Dye in the world, S s Try a packsggo. All color at W. 1fes, er's store, 'Unmade,and C. B. AlcClelland's store, Bolgravo, Ont. of Cook's CAMP NATIONAL 139 Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday each month. in Oddfollows' Hall All visitors welcome, IL. MAxwilLL, C0. It. H. OIIOWD1:11, Clerk �7 �y�t LIFE INS U I ANCE FIRE Lotrest rates consistent With absolute security. Ali. claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS Cotton Root Compound. Ladies} Favorite, Is the only safe,reliable;regulator! on whih woolen can depend. "In the ibouil and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of Strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1,–,For ordinary cased in by far the best dollar medicine known. No. 2-ror special cases --10 degrees Stronger ---three dollars per box. Cotton .toot CoLadles-,ask your arusgtst for Cook'Compound. Take no other !ns all pills, mixtures and imitations aro dangerous. No. 1 and NO. 2 are sola and recommended. by ail arugglsta In the 1)o - minion of Canada.. Maned to any address on receipt of price and four 2 -cent postaSu 1lthtnp4.: WW1, Cook Company, Ont.' 140.1 tura No. 2 are sold in \Vinghean by ACai pb ll And W. McI bbari,gdrnggt te.A. Slim Prices, 'Stout Values The Leading Store Small quickReturn; AUGUST BARGAINS The Bird of wisdom says:—" Be Wise and Follow the Crowd." All roads lead to the place where satisfaction is guaranteed, at, , ..... ............. It E. ISARD & CO'S. Briefly stated facts and plainly printed figures, backed up with these goods, best tell the story of this AUGUST SALE. LADIES''VESTS.--A3 doz, light wool Summer Vests, good value at 25c -to clear at ,1tI RIBBONS. -Fancy silk neck Ribbons worth 20c ---half price.10 CORSET ('OVERS, -••Trimmed with lace, regular price 25c - August price .15 LADIES' HOSE. -Seamless cotton and Lisle Bose, best black, 'worth 20c and tae -August price were sold at 85c -August price .15 .00 GINGHAMS AND MUSLINS.-Worth 20c=. -to clear at, .. , , . .10 SHIRT WAISTS. -Fancy shall pattern, nicely made. Waists, SILK WAISTS. -Ladies' fine Japan Taffeta 'Waists, regular value 4.00 -.-to clear at $3.00 $ CORSETS. -A. nice lot of Summer Corsets, regular price 50c-- August price r ,30 WHITE SKIRTS. -Full width, with deep embroidery frill, good value at $1.25 ---August price • .95 BOYS' SUITS. ---Strong, well made, good fitting Tweed Suits, worth $5.00 -August price $4.00 MEN'S SUITS. -A special line to clear, well made, new pat- terns, regular valve $$.00 -August price $0.00 MEN'S SHIRTS. -Soft front' Regatta Shirts, faney patterns, fast colors -75c quality 50c, dollar quality for .75 VESTS. -5 cloz. Ladies' Summer Vests, white ribbed, worth 10e -to clear at half price ,05 SHOES. -Ladies' fine Dongola Oxfords or Slippers, regular value $1.25 -August price $2.50 -August price $L00 LINEN SKIRTS. -Nicely made Linen Skirts, regular value $1.00 PRINTS. -A few pieces to clear at .05 UNDERSKIRTS. -Fancy striped Underskirts, to clear .50 Numerous other lines at greatly reduced prices, which we haven't room to quote here. Our July Sale was a great success ; we want August to be still better. Come in the morning if possible. THREE FLoons crowded with Bargains. H. E. Isard & Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton AIm Highest Price Paid for Produce No Tailoring Bettor Than Ours and our prices begin at $12.00 The man who needs a net; Suit, whether for daily, business wear, or for dress, can do no better than leave his order here. He will save a great deal in first cost; he will get his Clothes quickly: and he will get them as well made and stylishly fashion- ed as it is possible to make them ; he will have hundreds of fabrics to choose from ; and he will be saved the doubtful economy and uncertain satisfaction of readymade. SUITS -made to order- , made to fit -made to measure -made to satisfy. No FIT, No PAY. You know of course "thats our way." SUMMERY THINGS. Summery Toggery is now on the bills. We have lots of cool comfort in store for our patrons. Make your selections now. Don't wait until the Thermometer says O9' and then rush in madly ' for Summer Duds. Now if you need anything in Summer Plumage WE'RE YOURS FOR COMFORT. Summer Hats (straw or otherwise.) -Our Neglige Shirts -Our Breezy Underwear -Our Summer Neckwear, there's Ocean's of Comfort. It will take but little of the "wherewith" to buy the outfit, and just think how contented you'll he after we have togged you out for the summer campaign. HOMUTH BROS. TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS j6° ierlinerGra hone. Li No Home so Humble that it need be without � WKv.9L�a,, or.r,"n4uu.,l�w, The Berliner Gram -o -phone $I,00 brings you one. We make it easy for you to own a Gran. -o -phone. Even an ordinary piano or organ costs a lot of money—there are lessons to pay for and weary hours of practice—and then a piano is only a piano. The " Berliner Grant -o -phone " gives you more than 2000 selections to choose from.--" A child can operate it." Ven can piay it in five luin Iter. The work of the most famous instrumental - ids, the veme9 of the grandest 20caudae al E• produced for you. It sin,; o and talks and every mote and tone is tine to life, You: have in your home an Instrument that is, at your pleasure, either An orchestra or a flute --a singer of eomie songs or a speech aalal er—x11 nt prices not one•twentietlt the cost of do ordinary piano and on terms so easy that anyone eau Afford it. it Prices Of Gram.o••phonos 1 _ complete with 3 Records `Pt/om+ Guaranteed for five yells. "It is made lit Canada.' Sold on eass' monthly pm 'moiatS if desired. Write tor particulars, CatnIo sue and list of Records. Agent Irill et°clara,; a your old Berliner Cra►n•o-phroale Records ?BBB when you bray two nee' Records for each one you return for exchange: for instance, you return evm Records; receive sfv: pay for•f f our. alAneXAetuhro rev YHE BERLINER ORAM•O•PH0111 CO. of CANADA, LTD, MONTREAL, P. Q. FOR SALE OY E. Moore and L. G. Kruse, Agents, W.ingham, Ont,