HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-23, Page 8-
Thursday, Mine 2. , I9Q4
01111101111040114t101001040J I. II 141 11 Iforipippliopiwpa
Iilal;.e your Shoe purchases this week.
We'll be closed Dominion Day.
Don't negleet your feet. Give them a
chance to be comfortable on our National
Summer Footwear in Shoes, Oxfords, Sandals,
Slippers in every wanted and correct style.
Patent Kid, Patent Colt Skin, Vici, Tan
Leathers, Canvas, etc,, etc.
$L25 and $1.75 or $2,25 and $3,00.
It's up to you to say which style you
prefer. You'll get full value for your money
at any price you pay here.
■ J ■
4 ai ,
Greer, The Shoer
See us for Trunks and Valises.
SVby I am successful in
this line of business
I am malting a specialty of this business.
I know my business.
I am aggressive and progressive.
I never show parties my investments unless 1
am satisfied they have the money and
mean business.
All matters are strictly confidential.
I have been hero for years and believe that I
have the confidence of the people.
There is a buyer for every business somewhere
in the country. I have sold property in a
very short time that the owner has tried to
dispose of for years, and some good ones at
that. Its my soocialty and I know it.
Yours For Quick Sales,
Real Estate Agent and Business Transfer
(Office—Vanstone Block, Wingham)
House For Sale.
Mr. W..1. Chapman is ofrerintr for sale his
residence on Victoria Street. This is a rare
chance to secure a most desirable home at a
reasonable price. Apply to
Abner Cosens.
A number of other good properties for sale,
You can buy cheaper than you can build.
As we have made a new display of
Photographs for our Studio, we would
call your attention and invite you to
call and inspect our work. Will be
ready for yon on Saturday eve'g., 26th,
.and each eve'g. of the following week.
Call, and we will surprise you as to
style and quality of work.
One Hundred Acres, splendid build-
ings, 85 acres cleared ; first concession
of Morris township, Write to
Or to 246 Borden St., Toronto,
Wingham P. 0.
A new postoffice will be opened at
Con. 12, Ashfield. It will be known as
Lethal!). K. McKenzie will be post-
master, and it will be served from
Lucknow by a triweekly mail.
Be Deserved Pity
His suffering from Sciatica was so
great, but thanks to Nerviline he was
cured. "I suffered for three years from
sciatica" writes E. S. Jenkins of Port-
land, "and no man ever suffered more.
I spent a small fortune on different
remedies but the only one with real
merit was Nerviline, I used a few
bottles of Nerviline and was perfectly
cured. I can recommend Nerviline as a
sure cure for sciatica; it's excellent for
rheumatism and neuralgia." Try Ner-
viline 25c, at all druggists.
makes suitable presents
for all oaeasions. We've
a splendid assortment of
French China, decorated
by the famous Homeland
and Elite decorators.
German, AYistrian and
English Ware, also the
choicest selection of Iap.
anew Ware, all of which
we import at special
Colne and see ghat
WS have for Gifts of all
(Successors to Alex. hoed)
Mrs. J. E. Swarts is visiting in De-
Alex. Ard has gone to Hespeler to
Miss Minnie Ross has gone on a visit
to Chicago.
Mr. A. E. Lloyd is absent this week
on a business trip north.
Mr. Geo, Henderson has gone west
on a prospecting tour.
Mrs. A. K, Gifford of London is
visiting the parental home.
Miss Olive Mason is spending a few
weeks with relatives in London,
Mrs. Geo. ging has gone to Chicago
and will visit the World's Fair before
Gordon Griffin of Toronto is spend-
ing his vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 0, N. Griffin.
Mrs. McCracken of London attended
the wedding of her sister, Miss Daisy
Field, on Wednesday,
Miss Ethel L, Wade has returned
home, after spending about three
years in Medicine Hat, N, W. T.
Messrs. J. Cunningham and J. S.
Borden of the Western Foundry, are
in Penetang on business this week.
Mrs. W. Allenby returned last week
from Toronto after a few months visit.
Mrs. Allenby, sen., accompanied her
Mrs. (Rev.) Garbett of Wallaceburg
and Mr's. Kennedy of Leamington
were guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy.
over Sunday.
Jno. Young of London was in town
one day last week. John has secured
a good position as traveller for the
Hobbs Mfg, Co.
Mrs. Forster of Charleston, Mo., who
paid an extended visit to friends in
town, left on Monday for Elora and
other places before returning to her
Mrs. Robt. Willson and Miss Ethel
Bray of Vancouver, formerly of Wing -
ham, are the guests of Mrs. C. N. Grif-
fin. They are returning from a trip
to Europe.
(Sergeant Brown (Montreal) of the Royal
65th Victoria Fusiliers—and of the First Con-
tingent—reads Sir Wilfrid's speech in the mess
after the evening parade, and speaks his
"A foreigner," boys ! That beats me ; I can't
get over that.
It fares me entirely; I don't know where
I'm at.
The ''Union Jack is upon the wall ; it doesn't
look forlorn;
And I 'wonder if I'nm a "foreigner," too, in the
country where I was born.
Sir Wilfrid calls him"a foreigner," alien in
mind and in heart.
Then were wo a "foreign" legion, serving the
Queen for hire,
When we marched with Roberts actress the
veldt, trying to do our part,
By the
h Cron eon 'spitide, in
the long days' march,
I wonder if I'm a "foreigner?" Was I serving
a "foreign" Queen?
Have I lost my Canadian birthright in the
places mvhero I have been ?
X have never been under a different flag from
the one ou the wall -there now,
But neither has Lord Dtmdonald ; and yet he's
a "foreigner!" How?
Gordons, Shropshires and Cornwalls; Boys of
the Old Brigade,
Was it a stranger's welcome wo got from yon
comrades? No!
Right front the heart, my brothers; and bro-
thers' cheerful aid.
Yoh did not know wo were "foreigners" till
our Premier told you so.
I am sorry about Sir Wilfrid ; I thought him a
right geed kind ;
And I'm serf, I gave him a vote or two before
he showed us his mind ;
But I'll never give him another while the
Moddet grass growseen
O'er my comrades who died'noath a "foreign"
flag in the pay of a "foreign" Queen,
Srigley,—•In Lower Wingham, June
22nd, Mrs. Geo. Srigley, a daughter.
Murray—Scott--At the residence of
the bride's parents, by Rev. G. M.
Dunn, on June 15th, Mr, Jim. Mur-
ray of Langside to Miss Lottie
daughter of Mr. Jno. Scott of Cul -
Hicks—Field,--On Wednesday, lane
22nd, at the residence of Thos. T.
Field, by Rev. Dr. Gundy, Mr. Her.
bert F. Iffekd to Mist Daisy Field,
alt of Wingham.
Caldwell—Walden—At the residence
of the bride's parents, Mullet, +on
Wednesday, June 15, Mr. /no. Cald-
well of East Wawano hr to Midi
"Sharia M., daughter of AIr. and Mre.
J. Walden.
13tooanfielcl,• In Morris, June 20. Eobt,
Bloomfield, aged 70 years,
Brandon.—/n Morris, June 20th, Clark
Mins Brandon, ;eon of Mr. and Mrs.
1, 11. Brandon, ageci 12 years and 8
The following is the report for May
of 8, S, No. 8, Turnberry. Names are
in order of merit ; Sir, IV—' -Lily lMtof-
fat, Lily Ilogg, Bert. Elliott, Jr, IV -
Maggie Wheeler, George Moffat, Ger.
shorn I`etgueon Jr,III-Alba, Hogg,
Hannah Walker. $t' II Roland flew
derson, Peart Walker, Oharlie Fowler,.
`Villie McKenzie. Jr, II-•-Itobt, Hogg,
John Walker, .hive, Elliott, Minnie
Walker, Ariel Ferguson, Harvey An-
derson, Clara Reid. Pt, II --Idabel
Reid, Percy Martin, Pt, I- Clarke
Moffat, Denton Ferguson, Della Reid."
A. Rowson, teacher.
The Council met on June 20th;
members all present ; minutes of last
meeting confirmed.
Jona L,wr.-114x.. Musgrave reported
letting a culvert an 5th sideline to J.
Wylie for $5; also two culverts and
furnishing cedar rcequirsd to James
Elliott for $7 ; also two jobs of gravel-
ling on B line to U. ltloKinnon at 47
and 40 cts. per yard --contractor to pay
half cost of inspection.
The Treasurer was instructed to re-
mit $8 05 to the Treasurer of U, S. S.
16, Howlett, Turnberry and Grey, to
correct error in payment for 1903.
and cartage, $L25 ; E. OrvIs, 85 yards
gravel, $5.10; H. McKinnon, gravel-
ling, $13.20; Jas. Wylie, culvert, $5;
W. Mitchell, inspecting gravel, $1,88 ;
Jas. Elliott, 2 culverts, $7 ; W. Elliott,
tile culvert Morris boundary, $4; 3, S.
McTavish, equalizing 4 Union schools,
$7 ; J, Willis, repair culvert, $3; Thos.
Bennett, S. S. 16, $8.05,
Council adjourned to meet on Satur-
day, July 16 at 10 a, m,
The Court of Revision was re -opened
at 2 p, m. as. per notice of adjourn-
ment. The following changes were
made in the roll :—Mrs. McDonald's
assessment of lots 52, 97, 98, 99,100,101,
102, 103, was struck off roll and Chas.
Thorns assessed for said lots ; Town of
Wingham assessment increased $2800;
Jas. Fowler was assessed for south
part lot 5, con. 1, at $3600 ; Geo. Hen-
derson assessed M. F. lot 5, con. 1 ;
Thos. Baker, M, F. lot 8, con. 12.
Moved by Mr. Mosgrove, seconded
by Mr. Coupland, that the Court of
Revision be now closed and that the
assessment roll as revised and correct-
ed be the assessment roll for 1904 -.—
John Burgess, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards spent
Sunday with friends at Brussels,
Miss Annie Diesman of Palmerston
is renewing old friendships in town,
Quite a number from the village at-
tended the annual excursion to the
Model Farm, Guelph on Monday.
Mrs. Chas. Sproles and children, of
Grand Valley, are at present visiting
her sister, Mrs. Jas. Merkley of town.
° Mrs. Rev. H. McConnell of Hopkins.
Mich., is spending a few weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Brem-
Mr. and Mrs. Lowry and family at-
tended the Silver wedding anniversary
of Rev. and Mrs. Rogers, Fordwieh,
on Saturday last.
The young people of this place held
a very successful picnic on Wednesday
of last week, in Irwin's grove ; a plea-
sant social afternoon was enjoyed by
all present.
Rev, 3. E. Hunter, of Toronto, spoke
to the young people of the Epworth
League on Friday evening last in the
interests of Missions. The League
purchased from bins, a missionary
Active, br:ght, hustling agents want-
ed to sell teas, coffees, spices, etc. Over
$2000 a year is being made by agents.
G, Marshall & Co., London, Ont,
The semi-annual meeting of Morris
District Orange Lodge was held in the
Orange Hall, Monday afternoon.
Mr. W. H. McElroy has purchased
Mrs, John Putland's property on
Queen street ; consideration $475.
Two loads of young people drove to
Goderich Monday evening to take in
the moonlight excursion on the lake.
The first strawberries of the season
were brought to town on Saturday;
prices are a little high this season
owing to the scarcity of the berries.
On and after the 27th of June all
stores and shops will be closed at 7
o'clock, except Wednesday and Satur-
day evenings, and the evening pre-
ceding any holiday. Farmers and
others will please take notice of the
The annual Lawn Social under the
auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of
the Presbyterian Church will be held
on the Manse and Church grounds on
Friday evening, June 24th. The
W:ngham Band has been engaged to
furnish anusic for the evening. -
West Wawanosh.
Vote on the By -taw for C. P. R. will
be taken on the 25th.
John Leddy of St. Augustine receiv-
ed a shipment of potatoes from his son
in Algoma.
Last Friday evening a large number
members of the Methodist church Bur -
prised Joseph Washington, at his re-
sidence in West Wawanosh, by pre-
senting hire with an easy chair and
four volumes on the life of Christ, in
token of their high appreciation of his
services as superintendent of Auburn
Sabbath school for a lengthy period of
The Methodist Church of this place
has issued the annual Report for the
year ending May 31st last, Belgrave
appointment raised $541.50; Brick
Church, $350.21; Sunshine, $691.16.
The total raised by the circuit was
$163555.62; of this $053.37 was_ pastor's
salary, $547.00 for Trustee Board re-
quirements, $158.40 for mission fund—
the remainder incttided connexional
funds, Sabbath School, Ladies' Aid,
Leagues, etc. Wm. Wray is Record-
ing Steward for the circuit. The
work appears to be prospering tinder
the pastoral care of Rev, A, '..tones,
the energetie pastor.
The Popular Route to World's Fair
Now that the World's Fair is in
complete running order, the Grand
Trunk Railway System have inau-
gurated a double daily through car
service. Montreal to St. Louis, which
gives the public an exceptional route
to the Ivory City. In addition, pats-
rond aro offered atop -over at any point
its Canada, Detroit, and Port Heron,
Chicago, Ill., without extra charas,
Do not make it mistake, but, area that
your tickets read via the Grand Trunk
the great donhln track route to St,
Louis. J, D. McDonald D. P. A.,
The. Methodist congregations here
and at L angstde are pleased to have
Rev. 0. Baine return to thein for an-
other year,
Rev. G, M. Dunn will preach to the
Canadian Order of Forostere, Court
Langside, next Sunday afternoon in
Lao'nclock,gsids Presbyterian church, at
Rev, G. M. Deno conducted post
Ournnauuion service itt Calvin churvh
St. Helens Stteday evening last, Mr,
Mr. Donn will conduct preparatory
services for Mr, McCrae in Oranbrook
and Ethel on Saturday neat,
The Whitechurch Creamery Co,, is
in the midst of a -prosperous season,
and a broad smile adorns the faces of
the Directors. One day last week,
Mt. Sperling made and put in cold
storage 2,078 lbs,, of butter, The fac-
tory is running to full capacity,
Rev, Chas. Vessot will speak in the
Presbyterian church here next Sim -
day morning on French evangeliza-
tion and education of French youth in
Quebec province, Mr, Vessot is a
French Canadian himself and repre•
sents the Board of the Point Aux
Trembles schppl. ,All should hear
A Lawn Social will enliven the lawn
of the Manse on the evening of 28th
inst. In addition to afine program of
music by Teeswater Choir, recitations,
solos, instrumental music by Wing -
ham Band, and addresses, there will
be a good supper—all for 25 cts.,
children 10 cts, The Social is under
the auspices of the Guild, Don't miss
An interesting event took place last
Wednesday at the home of Ii'lr. Jno.
Scott, 811i Con. Culross, when his
daughter Lottie, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. .Tno. Murray, Lt,ngside's
popular nierchant. Rev. G. M. Dunn
performed the ceremony, and the
community join in wishing their
young friends every happiness and
success in life,
Sheep -shearing is past,
Township Council meets on June
Crops are looking well, except on
very low land.
And stili more of the residents of
this township talk of going west.
Mr. T. Miller, who suffered from a
paralytic stroke some time ago is still
in a very weak condition.
Mrs. A. Conon, 6th Con. has a hen
that is distinguishing herself by lay-
ing eggs that measure ¢x7 inches.
Not often do we have auction sales
in the summer. .Two are announced
by posters --J. J. Denman's on the
28th and A. K. Jackson's on the 29th.
The great West has taken many from
Morris, and now two more families
are to lea''e ns.
With surprise, the residents of this
township heard of the bereavement
that fell upon the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Brandon Monday last, when
their thirteen year old son, Clark
Mills, was called away. One day last
week, he stepped upon a piece of glass,
cutting his foot. Blood poisoning set
in and his young life was ended on
Monday morning. His parents have
sincerest sympathy.
With the death of Mr. Robt, Bloom-
field, another of the sturdy pioneers of
Morris has gone from our midst. He
was an industrious, upright man, a
loyal Orangeman and a Conservative
in politics. For some months past, he
had been in failing health and as he
was in the neighborhood' of fourscore
years, and on the declining hill of life,
the frail tenement was unable to con-
tend successfully against disease, and
he passed away on Monday last. The
funeral took place on Wednesday to
Wingham cemetery, his brethren of
the surrounding Orange lodges per-
forming their ritual at his grave, The
bereaved relatives have the sympathy
of many friends in their sorrow.
A number from this part took in the
excursion to Detroit on Tuesday last.
Miss Edna McIntosh spent Sunday
afternoon last at the home of Mr. R.
Miss Lizzie Bryans of Grey is at pre.
sent visiting friends in Gerrie and
Miss Flannigan of London is at pre-
sent visiting the home of Mr. Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. R, Ashton of Corrie
spent Sunday last at the home of Mr.
Albert Gallaher.
Mrs. Wm. Weir is preparing to take
a trip to Manitoba next week ; we
wish her a safe return.
Next Sanday Mr. McKelvey will
preach his farewell sermon as pastor
of the Wroxeter circuit.
Mr. and Mrs. Abram of this place
spent Sunday last at the home of Mr.
Jno. Abram of Belmore.
Rev. Mr. Bunter gave an excellent
address to the League of this place
last Thursday evening.
Mr. Win. Weir attended the funeral
of his cousin, the Iate Mr. Renton of
Harriston, on Monday last.
4 rey.
No less than five new bridges are to
be built in and on the boundaries of
Grey township this year,
The contract of King's bridge abut-
meats was awarded to Andrew Hislop,
at the Iast Council meeting, The
price was $1,150.
Mise Mary Pearson, who has been
suffering from appendicitis the past
two weeks is very low at present and
there is little hopes of her recovery.
Word has come from Neepawa, stat-
ing that Jas, Govenlock, a well known
former resident of the 8th Con., had
died suddenly at his home there on
June 2nd, Deceased had only been
ill a few days. Govenlock moved to
the West about 20 years ago.
East Wavvanosh.
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mr. R. Chamhey, on
Thursday evening June 16th when a
number of the friends of Mr, D. Cham.
!ley assembled, rad spent a very en.
joyable time, Instrumental music by
the Misses Lottie and Giussie 11attes,
violin music by Edward and Evans
Haines, while Mr, Robt. Chaniney
rendered some beautiful selections on
the mouth organ. There were also
recitations, games, and athletic per-
: fornrances, after which a tasty sapper
was provided Uy Mise Euphetnia
(llaarnney, and folies Lena Deacon.
The evening ended, by all singing
with hearty voices "Clod save the
Ding" played by Mies 141. Thompson,
All returned to their homes, fully
eatittled with the evening's enjoy.
rens Goods Sale.
. ;aa . a:as
We would direct your attention this week, to the great bargains we are offering
in our dress goods department. We are giving to per cent discount of all lines—
including Voiles, Crepe.cle-chenes, Etamines, Basket Weaves, and silk and wool
Eohennes. We have them in white, black and all past elshades. We know that
these goods will go quickly at such a bargain therefore we would advise you to call
early and get first choice.
We also have a very "Special bargain" in a black and white Tweed effect which
we were fortunate in purchasing at a reduced rate and which we offer to you at 58c
a yard, It is suitable for Skirts or Suits and is well worth double the money, Ask
to see it when you are in.
We have a large stock of trimmings ---the very newest—which will make a
smart finish to your gown.
Every day fresh groceries are arriving and our Stock is one of the best in town.
We keep only the choicest canned5"goods put up by the best packers. Have you
tasted that delicious and wholesome breakfast food—"Orange Meat" ? If not, try
a package. We keep it. A prize:witli each package.
Remember to look at our Bargain Counter.
Big Prices for Trade.
We Are Ready For
Our stock of Watches, Chains, Jewelry,
Rings, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc., is more
complete than ever before, with attractive goods
at attractive prices.
We carry a complete Optical Stock.
Eyes Tested Free of Charge.
BARGAINS IN WATCHES.--- We have the largest stock
of Watches ever shown in Wingham, which we will give big
Bargains in during the month of June.
W. G. Patterson
Opp. Queen's Hotel. THE WATCH DOCTOR
uWWUW111A1WIIu u quuuuuJuuuluW�
Nuggets of Economy.
a .. ,. �, std 11.. Y.
This will be a great week of active selling at
/ / I
Prices. at This Store will be very interesting, and Nuggeth
of Economy can be picked up by shoppers in
every department.
We aro showing extra good values in Boys' two
and three-piece Suits and odd Pants. Prices range
from $1.50 per Suit up, and odd Pants in good
Tweed and Serge at from 40e per pair up. You
cannot afford to puss This Store when in need of
Clothing for the Boys.
Ladies' Belts and Fancy Collars.
Another new assortment this week of the
Latest styled aro here, and you'll find it easy to
snake a selection from our up-to-date stock.
We aro always looking for Bargains for This
Store's oustomers, and have secured for this week's
selling 87 pieces of Colored Ribbons, worth from
10e per yd. up to 30e, all on sale at ono price, per
yard 7o. This is a Ribbon Bargain which seldom
coines- more than once.
Men's Furnishings.
Repeat orders have filled this dept. with Latest
in Shirts, Neokwear, Hosiery, Hdkfs., Suspenders,
Umbrella!, Fine Straw and Linen Hats, Gloves, &e.
Wonderful Values itt Dress
You will always find Bargains in our Grocery
Goods, Prints and Ginghams
We want large quantities of Butter and Eggs.
Highest prices always paid.
The Keeler do., W'ingham.