HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-16, Page 8g
r1 Ji1'. 1 1 1 _I
s1,1011, STORE.
A Pretty Foot
If our handsome Slippers or Sandals won't dress a
lady's foot to perfection, we don't know what will. It
is Certainly a collection of choice
jfootwear Vegance.
The display wins the admiration of every lady that
sees the handsome new styles. Sandals in every height--
Slippers and Oxfords in late cut from every good leather.
We ask the ladies to coxae and see the handsomest and
most elegant Summer Footwear ever shown in Wingham.
Every Shoe has a reasonable price attached.
Morris township Connell will meet
on ,Monday, 27th inst.
The reeldenefe of John Davis, 4th
There will be service in Zetland line. will he rebuilt on an enlarged and
schoolhouse on 11'riday evening of this modern plan,
week etBp.m.
Rev. J. N. McLean, 13. A., will ex-
change pulpit work next Sunday with
Bev. J, U. Dunlop of Qlinton.
Rev. Win. Lowe will be absent next
week attending the Executive of the
Diocese, the Synod, and the Counoil of
II liurQn College,
.A joint meeting of Congregationalists,
- lifethadists and Presb).teriees at Truro,
N. 5„ last night, passed a resolution in
favor of Church union,
The attest building in the world that.
has been uninterruptedly used for
church purposes is St, Martin's 'cathe-
dral at Canterbury. The building was
originally erected for a eliurah, and
has been regularly used es a place for
religions gatherings for more than 1,600
Rev -.I J. Holmes and Miss Elder were
delegates front here to the Convention
at 'Ginesday,ngham on Tuesday and Wed'
Mr, John Wilford was at Picton last
week in attendance at the session of
the Grand Orange Lodge of British
North America.
On Sunday evening, Rev. Holmes
started a series of sermons from the
book of Daniel ; they will be very help-
ful to the young.
Mr. A. Carr of East Wawanosh has
purchased the property of Jno, Mof-
a tatt in town ; the fatter purposes to
move to Toronto,
4 , Wm. Fmigh has bought the Wal -
J. Greer The Sheer _ ton hotel. Councillor pods Morris
`r � has purchased the house and
lot be-
longing to Mr, Emigh.
Mr. N, H. Young has disposed of his
+ LI1I11I 11 I M 1 1111 1111 II 1 1 i,+ 1. 1 lie 1 I p I, 11 °i property here to Dr. Long, There are
indications that our popular dentist
- has resolved to leave single blessed-
^"" """"" """�" '"""""� SCHOOL BOARD. ness and try the felicities of wedded
Why lino t Tuesday The School Board meon uA social under the auspices of the
I am successful in
this no of business y Anglican Young People's Association
evening ; present ---Messrs. Homuth, of Trinity church, will be held on the
Moore, Abraham, Irwin, Griffin, Kerr, church grounds on Friday evening of
Long. this week. Wingham Band has been
The Secretary read the certificate of . engaged to furnish music for the even -
the election of J. D. Long as Trustee, ing a admission 10 and 15 ets.
in place of R. A. Douglass, removed.
The minutes of former meeting were A meeting of the local Union of Ep-
then approved, and the following ac- worth League and Christian Endeavor
counts passed, on motion of Messrs. societies was held in the Presbyterian
Abraham and Moore :—Cooper r& Co., church on Monday evening. The topic
supplies, $6 60 ; McCall & Co., chemi- was a very practical one—"The nature,
eels, 85c.; W. i3, Green, coal, $25.42 ; need and power of faith," Mark 8: 21-
J. B. Ferguson, election expenses, $3. 43. The meeting was opened with
The Principal's report for May was singing, prayer and Bible reading,
then read :— after which a much appreciated trio
DEM. REGISTERED AVER. ATT. entitled "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" was
1 A & B 71 .... 61 rendered by the Misses Anderson,
2 411 36 'Curring and Somers. Two excellent
3addresses were given on the topic by
o ' " 45 18 Miss King and Miss Taylor. When
r, 53 ,... 50 the meeting was thrown open for re -
7 .... 55 50 marks on the topic, an interesting and
s 79.... 67 helpful discussion took place. After
452 402 - a few minutes of social intercourse,
The report was adopted. the meeting closed with singing and
Offers to supply coal were received prayer.
but no action was taken.
A motion byMessrs. Griffin and ' There died in Morrisee, one Tits most evening of last week, of its most
Kerr, authorizing payment of salaries highly esteemed residents, in the per -
for the past month, was passed. son of Mr. James Logan, Sr, Deceased
Mr, Currie interviewed the Board received a paralytic stroke about four
regarding the water supply of the o'clock in the afternoon, while out at
school. The Medical Health Officer the barn doing some chores ; he was
will be instructed to make a thorough found in an unconscious state by the
test of the water. hired man. Medical aid was sum -
The Board adjourned. maned but of no avail ; at eleven
T - o'clock same Evening, his spirit took
its flight. The bereaved ones have the
sympathy of the community in their
sad blow. The funeral took place on
Saturday to the Union cemetery ; de-
ceased was a member of the A. O. U.
W. He leaves a grown-up family of
six sons and three daughters, In poli-
tics deceased was a pronounced Lib-
eral, in religion a Presbyterian. Rev.
Dr. McLean conducted the services at
house and grave.
I am making a specialty of this business.
I know my business.
I am aggressive and progressive.
I never show parties my investments unless I
am satisfied they have the money and
mean business.
All matters are strictly confidential,
I have been here for years and believe that I
have the confidence of the people.
There is a buyer for every business somewhere
in the country. I have sold property in a
very short time that the owner has tried to
dispose of for years, and some good ones at
that. Its my specialty and I know it.
Yours For Quick Sales,
Real Estate Agent and Business Transfer
(Office—Vanstone Block, Wingbarn)
liouse For Sale.
Mr. W. J. Chapman is offering for sale his
residence on -Victoria Street, This is a rare
chance to secure a most desirable home at a
reasonable price. Apply to
Abner Cosens.
A number of other good properties for sale.
You can buy cheaper than you can hue, -
Grocery Store
of all kinds.
Cash ' for Butter and Eggs.
Phone 61.
Frank Cody has returned from Fort
Miss Laura Homuth is visiting re-
latives in Orangeville.
Chas. McKinnon of Woodstock Col-
lege was in town Last week.
J. G. Roberts of Peterboro is visiting
t VanStone
cousin, Benson Cruikshanks.
rX . 1' ■ i� anStone Mrs. I. Davidson visited friends in
Ripley and Kincardine this week.
Miss Maggie Smith of Pinkerton
a, spent Sunday with friends in town,
Binder Twine.;
We are sole agents in Wingham
for the Ontario Government Twines.
Pure Manilla, 650 feet to the Ib 121c
Manilla, 600 feet to the ib.... 112e
Farmers' Special, 550 feet to the Ib11c
Farmers' Special, 500 feet to the Ib,101e
Mrs. Robert Mclndoo returned on
Thursday iast from a visit to Toronto.
Rev. W. Findlay of Kincardine was
a guest over Sunday at Mr. A. Reid's.
Mrs. Hind of Rogersville is .visiting
her daughter, Mrs. W. T. A. Fish-
Mrs. John Henry of town spent part
of the past week, visiting friends in
Mr. Geo, Brandon of Manitoba is
Each package contains 60 lbs. of visiting at Mr, Thos. Abraham's, East
Twine, with a two -bushel grain bag Wawanosh, this week.
and three rope halters with snaps
and rings. Every ball guaranteed.
Freight paid to your nearest station.
Orders mnst be in by June 15th.
Hardware, Winghatn.
Miss Millman of Gorrie, accompani-
ed by her brother and neiee from
Hamilton, were in town on Monday.
14Iiss Jean Halliday returned tb her
home in Harriston on Tuesday, after
visiting her aunt, Mrs, Halliday, Min-
nie street.
Mrs. Robb, Menzies and little son of
kat ,�
Staples, and Miss Maggie Nicholl of
Blyth are guests of Mrs. Percy Hill
this week.
Miss M, L. Maxwell, who has been
Ile 'spending her vacation at home and
other places, returned to Buffalo Gen-
: eral Hospital this week,
lnaketi snitable presents
kr alI occasions, We've
a splendidassortment of
French China, decorated
by the famous Ea'aland
and Elite decorators.
German, Austrian and
English Ware, also the
choicest selection of 3`ap-
azieSe Ware, alt of which
'e itnpat at special
Come and see what
we have for Gifts of alt .�+ �t'r 'The 'rrtrsteas . Mise Mary Taylor, of the 5th line, I err the prevfa is Pridgy.
d ii i p.rtvi na of tloderich took is the excuraloti to Guelph ant Ito', 15. Rogers has completed hie
ki> dil, lfoepirflal invite 'renders for the rnasonr , car• Saturday, ' three year's term and has been stationed
penny, plumbing, treating painting, Dirootrir. r The work ilk various cls•
wiring, and Other trades in the construction of % e sint:eroly regret to hear of the near London,
the blinding ih the Town of Gledarirh, bereaveptant that clouded the home partttlents has prospered, the givings
'renders sealete and ondorst'tl "Tenders for
1#a�pitat" will be received up to Duan at ,lune of Nlt. Donald I'attersan, bythe death for local and Missionary purposes large.
23rd, 1904, by the Arehiteer, at whose ofrlce of itis dhughter, a very fine young ly iaoreased, end additions have been
• Om and speeiftcation$ arm be seen and fr m lady, from that fell disease, consiimp- made to the reernbership. We with
(Su essore to Alex, Hots) Weider nil information be obtained, to turf. Mr. Patterson and faintly have eaaoees for hire In hie future field. This
dei' r Or
Mr, and Mrs. 3. T. Elliott of Wing -
ham were visitors to Bluevale last
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leech and child-
ren of Detroit are visiting Mr, and
Mrs, A, Jackson.
The semi-annual meeting of Morris
district L. O. L. will meet in Blyth
next Monday afternoon..
On Thursday last, Mr, Logan, a
pioneer of the Townsip �tassed to his
long, items_, (See Blyth items for
At last meeting of the Towship
Council the By-law prohibiting the
running at large of stock hi this muni-
cipality was passed.
A Leicester ewe, the property of
Wm, Wilkinson 4th line, presented
her owner with three tine lambs and
she raising them all,
Mr. Jackson. of the lst line of Morris
has sold his farm to A. MacEwen.
We understand that Mr, Jackson in-
tends moving West, and he announces
ap auction sale of stock, implements,
furniture etc,, on Tune 29th ; watch. for
Wednesday of last week Mrs. Wm.
Marshall passed away, aged 05 years
and 9 months, Heart failure is said to
have been the cause of her decease.
She is survived by her husband and
two daughters (Mrs. John McCall. of
Morris, and bars. Wm. Rath, of East
Wawanosh,) out of a family of 1 son -
and 5 daughters.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 5, Morris, for the mouth of May,
Names arranged in order of standing
formed from written examinations : —
5th class—Martha Armstrong, Jeanie
Cole, Sr. 4th—Fred. Swindlehurst,
Clayton Procter, -Irene CIegg, Edith
Procter, Annie Johnson, Mabel. John-
son, Will Watson, Frank Stretton.
Tr. .4th—Grace Ferguson, Lawrence
Armstrong, Noble Wheeler, Jennie
Anderson, Fred Corley, Maggie Irvine.
Sr. 3rd—Mary Irvine, Lizzie Ferguson,
Willie Watson, Willie Dunbar, Mur-
ray Johnson. Rennie Wightman, Bet-
tie Young, Thomas Frazer. Jr, 3rd—
Jenny McCulla, Norman Geddes, Hes-
sie Johnson, Leslie Wightman, An-
drew Procter, James Vancamp, Irvine
Ferguson, Norman Wheeler, Leslie
Bates, Alfred Shaw, Annie Bell. 2nd
class—Morley Jordan, Scott Irvine,
Horace Irvine, Bella Wightman, John
Tasker, Victor Young, Henry Arm-
strong, Henry Armstrong. Pb. • I1—
Albert Tasker, Carl Procter, Elmer
Wilkinson, Cameron Geddes, Charles
Frazer. Pt. • T Sr,—Gertrude Arm-
strong, Willie Vancamp, Willie Stret-
ton, Gordan Ferguson. Pt. I Jr.—
.Mary Cole, Charles Cole, Josie John-
son, Bessie Wightman. Clarence Mar-
tin, Willie Irvine, Norman Stone-
house, Florence Procter, Orval Bell.
Average attendance 56. F. T. Bryans,
Miss Eva Bryans visited with her
friend, Miss Eva Cameron of Brussels
last Sunday.
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of Miss Mamie Pearson. We hope
she will soon take a change for the
Mrs, 3. McBride, who has been
:pending the past month with friends
e this locality, returned to her home .
in Hamilton on Wednesday,
The Rev. J. E. Hunter of Brussels
will take charge of the service in Roe's
church next Sabbath }Horning. Mr.
Hunter being a former pastor on this
circuit has many friends, who will be
pleased to have him with them once
On Monday while assisting in shing-
ling a baric on the farm of Joseph Ben-
nett, near Walton, Hugh Ramsay, of
the 17th Con., had the misfortune to
fall to the ground a distance of 20 feet.
He alighted on his feet and was badly
shaken up although no bones were
Alex. McNabb, youngest son of W.
McNabb, passed away from earthly
scenes at the early age of 20 yeara and
4 days. Re had been in failing health
for the past 6 months and on account
of this had sold off his farm stock, &e.,
last winter. About a year ago deceas-
ed was married to Miss C. McTaggart.
of this township, who survives him.
On Wednelday evening of last week
wedding bells chimed merrily at the
Messrs. Juo. Burgess, Thos. Stewart, comfortable residence of E. Sperling,
and A. Wheeler are attending the 24- miles from Gorrie, when Rev. Jos.
High Court of the 0. O. F. at Toronto Holmes, Methodist minister, of Corrie,
this week. tied the matrimonial knot between
Wm. Whitfield; a well-to-do young
farmer of Con. 12, Grey township, and
Miss Mary, the estimable daughter of
the host and hostess. Mrs. Ed. John-
ston, of Morris, played the Wedding
The monthly meeting of the Blue- March in fine style. Mr. and Mrs.
vale branch of the Women's Institute Whitfield left for their new home
was held at the home of Mrs. Robert amidst many good wishes for their
Mason on Wednesday afternoon. future happiness and success. Mrs.
Mr. A. Jackson left on Monday for - Whitfield is an exceptionally fine per -
Calgary. Mrs. Jackson Sr. and Dir, son and we welcome her to this town -
and Mrs. K. Jackson and children will ship'
go later. They intend making their -
home there.
teresting meetings were held in the
Foresters' Hall, on Saturday, June Road work is the order of the day,
4th, under the auspices of the Bluevale Miss Lizzie Bryans of Grey is at
branch of Women's Institute. In the present visiting her grandmother,
afterhoon, Mrs, Swann occupied the Mrs. 3, Gallaher.
chair, and introduced Mrs, Strong and
Mrs, Armstrong of Gerrie, President
and Secretary of East Huron Wo-
men's Institute, who gave short ad- d,bratn of this place.
dresses on "the work of our Insti-
tutes." Mr. and flits. R. 14IClntosll spent
Music was rendered by Miss Sunday last at the home of Mr. Geo.
Mr, and Mrs. Jno. McDonald and
children of Goderich were visiting
Mrs, McDonald's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jno, Gardiner this week.
1MIr. Anderson of Bleevale spent
Sunday last at the home of William
I r va i'atterson ann I%►res Gray, after Gallaher of Corrie,
Mr. and Mrs, W. V. VV. Burgess and which Miss Millar of Guelph was in- t
- children of Mitchell, and Mrs. Lewis of troduced. Miss Millar spoke on The Sabbath School of this place in-
Bluevale, were guests of the Misses "Home Nursing and Emergencies" tend to hold their annual picnic in Mr,
Burgess on Thursday of last week, showing how to apply the different Galbraith's bush on the 23rd of June.
Mrs. Dennis, sr., returned an Thurs-
bandages and making very timely Rev. j, V. Tinnier will deliver an
day last from Platteville, where she aragkgestiopl about the treatment of address on the Forward Movement for
had been attending the funeral of her sick people. A dainty lunch was Missions on Thursday evening next in
father, who died recently at the ad. served by the members at the close. the Salem Methodist church ; all are
vanced age of 83 years, At the evening meeting, Rev, Mr. invited and will be made welcome at
West, was chairman, 1�2iss Rills of this meeting.
Mrs, Percy Carroll of Wolseley, N. Toronto spoke on "Invalid Cooking,"
W. T.. was in town on Tuesday. Mrs, giving demonstrations, She made a Rev. Mr, McKelvey returned from
Carroll came via C. P. R. and Was an cornstarch pudding and a cup of co- Conference last week, and for the
her way to visit her parents, Mr. and cca, lvhich all were allowed to taste, cowing year he is stationed at Louise -
Mrs. R. Sample of Brussels. Miss Millar's address for the evening vide. Rev, Mr. Osterhout will have '+', -
was "The farm end of the dairy butt- charge of the Wroxeter circuit; we
Dr, Jamieson, M. 1'. P. for South : nest." A good program of music was trust that success may Attend thein.
Greve and Mrs. Jamieson were ghosts ' rendered, those taking part were Miss ON SALE ISIS WEEK.
of Jr. Robt, Johnston. 'Their stay Eva Patterson, Ibiiss Thytine, W. 13, ,l
- was brief, but they found time to give Harvey, Miss Edna Patterson and a
the Advance friendly all n Mo • g
111111$(3A, June 16,. 1904
Shirt Waist uitingst,
Among other "Specials" which we wish you to note this week, are our Shirt-
waist Suitings, If you desire a cool, summer gown, come and see our stock in plain
Linens and Linens with flake effect. We have them in all shades, To be in "style"
this season you must have a Shirt -waist Suit, so come and purchase before they are
all sold.
Dress Goods.
We have given special attention to this department, and this week we woujd
ask you. to call and inspect our stock of Light -weight Novelty Dress Goods,
including French Voiles, fancy Etamines, Canvas Cloths and Crepe-de'chene. We
have them in different shades and prices to suit everyone,
Parasols and Umbrellas.
A,*lady's costume is hardly complete without a fancy 'Parasol or a lovely black
silk one. We had a, large shipment of Parasols and Umbrellas arrive this week and
we are now ready to display thein. If you like one with a pretty fancy handle, why
we can suit you. We have had so many rainy days lately, that. it is hardly safe to -
venture out without an Umbrella. It will be to your advantage to purchase one from
us, so if you require one, come and invest before they are all gone.
D. M.
Big prices for Trade,
1llillll +lllll►I i111111I111111►I 11111!ll ���1J'�111il!�i�lillfllfi11111111ttt11
Vie Are Ready For
, .. a .J.. ..,: 11 1 .1. MI. . Ilio .
I i :.0 . I i .�@J,.. 11-1
Our stock of Watches, Chains, Jewelry,
Rings, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc., is more
complete than ever before, with attractive goods
at attractive prices.
We carry a complete Optical Stock.
Eyes Tested Free of Charge.
BARGAINS IN WATCHES.-- We have the largest stock
of Watches ever shown in Wingham, which we will give big
Bargains .in during the month of June.
W. G. Patterson
Opp. Queen's Rotel. THE WATCH DOCTOR
Iiilil1W Wlli W111111tii111ii111111111ILl1if� 1111lli1111ilil1il��
A Swarm at " The ffive."
d..m11.: I 1 - 1 .G.. 1 : M 1.1.1 I1 : 1. ba. ■ I.l
There Was wonderful selling at. The Bee Hive last week. Of course, the reasons were
very appareizt to shoppers at TIAs Bus STORE. Nice new goods at money -saving Prices
were the magnets of attraction, and hundreds of pleased customers have advertised Tins
STORE. For big business again this week, we are preparing for quicker store service, and
must apologize to our friends for having to keep thele waiting so long on Saturday last, and
thank all very kindly for their patience.
We put on sale this week one lot
of Bays' Cardinal all -wool fast color
Sweaters, with black roll collar and
doable cuff, the kind that will stand the
rough and tumble wear of the boys, and
come out of the tub without fading,
Worth in the regular way 65o and 75o
each. "Bee Hive'' Special Price this
week -50o each.
This is not just the season for self
e va ce a o , o n = ing Wrapperettes, but a bargain lot
ay reading from Mies Duff in her usual came our way and we had to snap it tip.
_ ;good :style. The meeting :lased by We pass thorn to our customers at a
- ; . ' singing "God save the King." The Mr, E° Graybiel who has been in great saving in price, :to much so, that
t members of the Institute desire to Cuba is paying a short visit to his it will pay you Well to make your pur-
Activo, bright, hustling agents went- : thank all those who so kindly gave friends in and sheet the village. chases for next fall. They bre extra
ed to tell teas, coffees, spices, etc, Over ! their aseistance, good width, all new patterns, splendid
$2000 a year is being made by agehte. ; ... Mr, Geo. Mateo, of'Winghatn, accept- quality,,, lovely colorings, and worth 160
G. Mars all tit Co„ London, Ont.1 ably occupied the pulpit of the Metho- per d, an where our Ba: atn Pnrchato
, dist Church on Conference Sunday. ets es hand thein out to you at Oe per
- .. .. . _... _. _ �� .__ East W�."WS110S11.
ALEXANDRA GENERAL AND MARINE ' Last Sunday WAS Communion clay in yard. "They'll tell rapidly don't mitis
i#09PrTAL G iiEltrCg Mrs. Geo. Solar vielted hex' sisters in the Presbyterial Church The pastor your share in this Betvaaln.
0 • Guelph oyer Sunday. . wat emitted by a. tzei hbdrin
tT f?; rniaister
Ar C 'ow%kit, tleest sympathy
istheir bereave. H�ebtll is the by. Mv. atom' 01
,irahltsct, ftiil/lMont«
This department of our business is
rapidly growing. Money saving prices
await you here, and we handle only the
best goods. Butter and Bgga wanted.
The baokward season has left us
with too many parasols and the policy
of Tins Smite is to never oarry over
goods from one season to another. This
week every Parasol goes on sale at tre.
mendoue reductions. Come in and get
our prices,
Nothing but the beat fitting and
best makes of Corsets are found in our
stock. The Tape Girdle epeelal at 80o is
a great favorite, Land our pretty euminer
Corsets eft 85c, 500, 760 and $1.00, ars
quick seller, and make customers every
time for this department.
We want to clear out every Waist
in the store this week. AR new goods
And latest styles. Prices like this will
hustle them out: ---All $1.00 and $1.25
Shirt Waists, now 85o; all $1.50 Shirt
Waists, now $1.10; $1.76 Shirt Waists,
now $1.40; higher priced lines at pro-
portioned prices. These goods are all
nicely trimmed. Lawns and Muslins,
also in Basket Cloth and Silk Stripe
Value of Economy are here this
week in Dross Goods, Muslins, Prints,
Ginghams, Dress Trimmings, Linings,
Embroideries and Lace Goode.
This is always a busy department in
This Store. New Fancy and White
Shirts, epeotal new lines of Suspenders,.,,,_
Neckwear, Marry, Gloves, Collars,
Umbrellas and Fine Straw Hate.
The :Keeler Via., Wingham.