HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-16, Page 61117,711o.,.;.se• , • - . .
Violet's Lover
• 1
eXoreover..Ite bellevedilt toibe quite -
Imposeible -Oat afterthe frlarne Sir
Owen couln continne lette butaziess re-
lations with lanieelf ante his rather ;
a man miglit fergive muter., but
keening a person dove:Weems a tier -
lotus matter. eo, ween :the suublene
pupae peeping into is room, Irene;
had quite nutdo up his emend that That
Would be las last day at the EMIL
His ideas were confirmed whea ,o,
servant, tapping at Mei door, said
that Sir Ow.en would Me glad to see*
Lonsdale in his own* room. Thate
ho believed, was a, preluele to bis dig -
"Never mind," geld Felix Walla:setae
"if I were placed in .euch circum-
stances again, I shouted (Realest the .
maw, and perhaps mo•ree'
He went immediateer tote ban•
onet's room. As lie paesed efrom one
room to another, he could' not help
admiring the magnifier:nee and lux-
ury of the house; it yeas mply su-
perb, and the morateg stun shirdag
through the windowenade it more
beautiful still. He little guessed what
teat same sun would see beeore it
ea. • - •
Ile entered. See Owerre Moore: quite
anticipating, utel Intim& halt hop-
ing for, las easratssal ; but his ',heart
Was tone:heel when he saw tbe trem-
bling figure before him. Sir Gwen,
nuehea und excited with drink, was
bad adough; Sir Owen in the usorn-
jng trembliteg, weak and hag-
gard, wee worse.,Felix quietly await-
ed tele beginning of .the storm; but,
eta his surprise, Sir Owen held out
eels hand. The young lawerer would
not see it ; be felt that he .0ou1d
never toneh sat hand that had been
raised against a woman.
"I am really very sorryseLo, n.sdatee,"
Sir Owen began. "I am merald I Was
too much excited over tbe tenants,
dinner, and forgot myself, I am very
*parry. I hope that I was not offen-
sive to you.' • .
"Ho has forgotten what -happen--
Me' thought Felxi to 'himself, "I must
tell elm."
"You were not offensive to!me, Sir
Owen," he sal& "but you 'behaved
with the greatest brutality to Lady
Chevenix. You struck her wath such
violence that I was compelled to
There was something ruefellyieomic
about the baronet's face.
"I ought to be much obliged tolyou,
am sure," he said. eA ;love my
wife very much, rend cannot
*understand how I could; have so for-
gotten myself. But I am very unfor-
tunate when I exceed my usual al-
lowance of wine, Lonedale. You will
shake Minds and be friends?"
"I am willing to forget my .share
In the bukiness, Sir 'Owen ; but eacuse
my sbaking hands with you."
The baronet laughed uneasily.
"You are very particular," he said,
and then turned the conversation.
Felix, despite his disgust, felt a
great pity for him; it wes not less-
ened when he eaw his valet come to
him with a bottle and a glass.
"Slake less of that, Sir Owen," he
said, "or you will kill yourself."
"You may be sure that I wilt,"
returned Felix; and then he 'went
Ile might as well hare appealed
to, a rook. All that he said Sir
Owen laughed •to worn.
"Sonlothing happen to ?" be
cried. "Yes, I know; what it will be,
sh:all come Ileum cured of the
'blues!' I eau going to gallop dull
care aave,y, and Plantagenet shall
help nnee
e'ellx looked attentively at the
"I WAS never afreld of a, herse
yet," he said; "but I would ncit
ride that one.!"
Lady Chevonix, finding that Felix
elid not return, came to see how
matters were progressing. She
gave a little cry of alarm when
shie saw the great powerful hunter
•and 'her husband preparing to
mount efun.
"'Owen," she cried, "my dear, do
not attempt it 1. Pray, pray do
He felt rather flattered by her
evident anxiety, and touched her
face with las lips.
"Goodebym Violet, Do not make a
scene. I leave said that I will ride
Plantagenet, la,nd I mean to do
so; no•thing on earth shall prevent
She cried aloud in ber distress. Fel-
ix interposed.
PI should enjoy a gallop this fine
morning, Sir Owen, he said. Shall
"As my bead -nurse, ell, Lonsdalee
his side.
"Whet • has happened ?" she said.
I go with you?"
No, thank you. I can take care or furell me the worst."
"Sir Owen has been thrown front
myself very well indeed."
For more than half an hour tee . his horse; and Martin.. says the
herfie fell on elm !" eried a' dozen)
thew -the true friend, the niece:nes
wife, and the faithful servant reuse
And then. his oyes dine.wite tears,
oned in vain. They could never re -
his wbole frame tretnbling with ex.
preach themselves in after -days teat ,
ettement, Martin forced his way
they had not done their best ; but I through the group, and stood be.
their words were ae vain its the beat-
to stay. aley to imagine that; Wr
eetnes to vile not unreasonable."
They sat alone at the stately din- . •
ludelable, weere tee Never plate end
• the reilleecut gloms loukea ;so brie
littnt-the table where Lady Oheyee
nie had undergone a° many humile
lationo. It was but a farce; neither
of them collie eat. " (bowel and Bladder Disease
Eight o'elocic clewed, and no :Abe c tired by Dodd's Kidney
or round brae the summer silence.
"I van mat till, here any longer ao. Mlle.
Eng nothing." sale Lady Wavered "1,
am quite sure Dow that bometiang
lute hapPened i 1 Mint sene out te Toronto Bricklayer Itellevee of those
Terrible Troubles -Medical S0101100
few of tee servants."
'I have done that," Felix told her, ,, Makee amother Move Foreranl•
"All thnt is possible bas beim dello; Toronto, Ont., June 6. -(Speciale -
they will return together voon." Medical mimeo has aft length awakened
His words were prolatetically true. to the fact that Gravel auti other blab
Even as be spoke they beard a con- der troubles are cansea by disordered
fused noise at the grand entrance ,
hall -the ruse of many feet, the kieneys, anti that the modern. modata of
cries of women, atel the deep voices venlig them is to cure the kieueys with
Doda's Kidney Pills. This. doe.s away
NEEDEDNOW D.solateuTal:ovlugallnythAettYrraocrionuta Is, et
One of the most vivid descriptions of
of men.
Felix never forgot Violet. See rose with those terrible operations that in
front her Neat, am} stood besitating past years have been ell too common.
• • , t wild ewers, but which in winter ten°
.• I are merged, with the frozen ocean in ono
.arctie scenery ever penned is given by
Harry De Windt in his book, "Pens to.
New York by Land." In it he gives the
followiug picture of el•to Arctic S'ea;
"Place a Piece 'of coal sprinkled welt
salt on a white tablecloth, a few incites
off it scatter some letup sugar, and it
will give you in miniature a very fair
presentment of the scenery. The coal is
the bleak coast line, continually swept
clear of snow by furious gales; the sugar,
Sea lee, and the cloth frozen benelt -over
which we journeyer' Tor over 160 utiles.
The dreary outlook never cluingea; occa-
sionally the cliffs vanished and our way
would lie across the. tundras -marshy
-plains-which in summer encircle the
Polar Sea with e belt of verdure and
for one moment, pale as deatie Then I case 0 10, as,
trhe turned to the door. But Felix was layer, 159 Mill street, this city, is one of
before her. That welch was liappen, the recent proofs .of the efficiency of the
tug in the hall was most assuredly. treatment. Mr, Thorna-s says:
something which she must not see. "I had been troubled avith Gravel and
"Sit down, Lady. Chevenix," be *aid. Bladder Disease for seven yeam. I bad
"You. must not go out there. Let ane to go to the hospital end have water
see what le wrong." taken from me. I tried medicines of aif-
Silo did not seem to understand ferent kinds, but they failed to remove
elm ; but he placed her in a chalf,
and then opened the door. There was the trouble, and at such times the bergs out at sea
a rush of terrified servants, and wo. "Rearing of cures by them prompted would flesh like jewels in the full blaze
men's voices cried, "Ole my. laey, - me to try Dodd's Itieney Pills, ited. after
of the suushiee, while blocks of dark
oh, nay -lady!" . --tolone them for a time I passea a stone green ice, loaf buried in snow under
., Re held up ear hand with an Myer- ' 0 ' shadow of the cliffs, would appear for sal
' the 8170 of aelaree bean Four boxes of
ative gesture. Dodd's Kidney Pills made a complete the world like "cabochon" emeralds drop -
"You will kill Lady Chevenix," he cure in my case." ped into a mass of Whipped cream, But
said, "with tele nolo°. Let no one .
the reverse of this picture was depress -
Re took one atep forward, and an DISINFECTANT AleD DUST -LAYER. • •
in in the extreme. For on cloudy days
go near her,"
boundless, bewildering wdeerness of
white. Li hazy weather land and. sky
formed one imperietrable veil, with: PO
horizon RS dividing line, ween, even at
a short distance away, men and clog
sleds iesemblee flies crawling up a white
"But on clear days, unfortunately
rare the blue sky was -Mediterranean,
— the snow woula assume a leaden ap-
A. crowd of 'men stood round a litter, Preparation Recently Placed on the pearance, and the sea ice become a elate
013.00 eaw the cause of the commotion.
and on the litter lax Sir Owen. Felix Market in England.. gray, with deuce banks of woolly, whito.
pushed them aside. , . fog encircline the dismal scene. Fair
The automobile has mule evident the and foul weather in the Arctic reminded
eTilfaiik heaven fer that I" he criece dust -laden streets and roads of this and me of some beautiful woman, bejeweleo
other countries.. Run a car along
and the same divinity landing disheveled,
els he dead ?" ee asked; and the
e rind eadiaut amid liglite and laughter,
answer wee "No,"
Then he uttered a little cry or die- road that has the appearance of being
May, for Lady Chevenix stood by bard and free from dust, and which Pale and seasick froan the deck of a
would actually prove so if driven over ebannel steamer." •
in a carriage, and the Machine is fol- .
lowed by a perfect cloud of dust. Water-
ing is not very effective as it . soon'
dries out, leaving the road in ea, condi-
tion as bad as before. Oil and tar as
dust -binding materials have been used
td a large extent in road -making in
California, where the heavy California
crude residuum is available at a low
priee, but their -use has net spreade as
ng o tiny wa e g i s. wee anticipated. In England a resin -
MY ladYe' he said, "1 wish I had fectant dust layer is being marketed
sturdy rock. Sir Owen would ride i been dead before this day came round.
Plantagenet, and there was an end . is mixed in the proportion of 5 to 05,
of it. The only compromise that You sent nu* .to take care of eim, and
. he,. is brought Immo so." . per cent. of water, making an emulsion
Lady Chevenix could effect was that that can rea.dily be applied by a water-
" t ith I 1 I Tell Lady Chevenix how it bare ing cart. Several sections of roadway
fore Lady Chevenix and Felix.
110 5110010 iaito . rened,' directed Felix, hastily.
ellf it will please you, Violet," he 'Sit, Owen rode manly all the time) .h.avo been e.x.perimentally ereatea with
self very good-natured in giving the new compound, which as known as
said, 'I will do so." He thought lien- ate* lady, and I rode by his side. We
way so far. She liked to reruember Westrumite, and very satisfactory
went all round Lilford, limberly and
and said; took some refreshment. Then he came sults obtained.
The manufacturers claim it is disin- A Tedium clock, which will keep time
direale. Be stopped at Ripdale, and
afterward that she went .tip to bile
home by the woods, and elm Maras . fectaut and a soil binder, so that its indefinitely, has been constructed by
world for you if you would glee up wag all right until Sir Owen came ' application to a roadway greatly im- Harrison Martindale, of England. .
'Owen, I would do anything in the
this Mad iclea-anything. Do please to tee ring .fence. The church clock , proves it. Particular stress is laid on The clock comprises a small tube, in
roe this once." at Lil'ord had chime 1 her -gest eeven, 1 this claim in 'connection with macadam which is 'placed a minute quantity of
the saddle. In fine style.' I begged Min not ; i either crude od or tar, amoun s o
Deer Sirs, -Within the past year I
know of three fatty tumors on the head
having been removed by the application
of TOWARD'S LINIMENT without any
surgical opeeation, and there is no bide
eation of a return.
Clifton, N. 33.. Gondola Ferry.
Re kissed her, and then got Into He turned to me and aid& 'Mar- roads. The cost, which is apparently radium supported in an exbausted glass
tin, I shall take that fence moderate, being lower in England Veen vessel by a (mart rod. To the lower
end of the tube, which is colored violet
"I shall be back to dinner all e prayed him not I told him $30 per mile of roadway, six or seven by the action of the radium, an eleetro-
right," he told her. "I may be rather
late, for I shall ride round by Park- , the Terme was too lege for any, horse, yards' 'wide. Country roads require an
. even the best in tee kingdom, to take. • application every three or four months.
erly Copse." ' But be would not' listen-yoU know,
"Martin," said Lady Chevenix to my lady, he never would listen. He Mind's Liniment is 'used by Physicians
the groom, "do not leave your lime- put the borse at the fence, and It
ter for one moment, Do what YOU I refused. Re whipped it and spurred
can." ' ' it until mel blood ran cold ;.and then
"I will, my lady," he replied f "but be reit it at the fence again. ' But
1 rcledoubt me it will end badly." Plantagenet would not ta,ke it. A
re-entered the house, and Felix went ntil the herse was ahnost mad. A many years,
With a heavy heart Lady Chevenix third time he used the winp and spur, And he has succeeded a littee better
than you .
When you'ee known a man a gooa
taking medicine. Some men have away erith boat-. feet caught the top, and lveofell over lyedouyloau etvoellyoolkraiir him
back to his writing. Violet retired third time he went at the fence. The
more to live for than I have. ant The sunny hours of the beantiful master- being underneath. Min, my
. a A nAslul ourhkataso
"Well, I have to die, and 1 maY
just as well tile taking what I like as to Jeer awn doom, to while the time horse tried his • best, bct Ms fore -
very fond of my wife, but she does clay worn on; no cloud came over lady. 'When I• went to raise him, I ve admitted his supenonty
your wife what a
not care much about me; and I have the sniffing hea.vens; yet there was was afraid be had been crushed In- 1 eceArnetdlyyoaandbragyleuctoalndt1;0.
that I should be quite a different which to the weather-wise heralded nor eves he killed, for I felt his heart Anti
smart man he is,
no child. I really believe, Loasdale, a faint Avail in the summer wind to a slia,peless mass, but he was not;
you have token him Home to meet
man if I had a child." •
"You have plenty to live dor, Sir
Owen. You eave your duty to do
on earth; yet more, you must think
of a future life," said Felix.
" I can pay other men to do my
duty ;and, us to a future life -well,
I have not been n,ble to decide v -bout
that yet."
"It is high time you did so," said
Felix, gravely; and Sir Ow•en
neighed. • •
"1 have not thought of dying yet,
Lonsdale • indeed, I dare not die if
all that t'he parsons say is true. Let
us talk about something more sensi-
ble. Are you going to work again
to-doy ?''
"Tho work has to be done and I
suppose I must do it. Tho leases
have to be signed this morning."
"1 will sign them before I go,"
said Sir Owen. "I am going out this
meriting, because I do not feel like
myself. I am Gut of spirits; a cloud
Is hanging over me. I shall have a
good gallop, and see if I cannot
clear away the heaviness."
Felix went to his work, which on
this morning was in the library; and
before he had been there very long
Laddy Chevenix entered.
"I did not icnow, that you were
here," she sad& "Shall be In the
way? I have scene letters to
He placed a °heir for her, and
then looked at her face. Across
tire soft cheek wee the mark of a
:Violent bloev.
.. "It is not very painful," she said,
•- Presently air Owefl. came in to
sign the papers. Ile seemed very
much ashamed of himself when lie
BMW the bruise on his wifeer teem'
He teok bee to the great oriel'
! MilndOW, and they stood there for
Rome time talking; then Lady
Chevenix came back to her place,
and Sir Owen went out of the room.
Violet and Felix went on writing
In kfienee, when there came a tap
at the door. Ser Owen's groan,
wanted to know if he might speak
to her ladyship for a few minutes.
Lade Chevenix bade him come 10,
The man stood before her, cap in
"lay lady," be said, "I beg your
pardon; 1 %malt make bold enough
to fork you to interfere. Sir Owen
ing. That IA all good and fair, my "1 am growing terribly frightened, 1. "et le junt a (matter t i
parr n nee', "Herta of Lake Joseph," scenes in the all day long until finally, sometnneir
. .
-he will go oat riding this morn- .. N. .
lady; but lie mill ride the new hunt- poled she said, r he replied. I Muskoka, Lake &stria, handsomely after the latere of two or three days,
er' l'Idutagenet, and 11.0 le me Male ' In this hour of suereme aneletY It will take two honrs and b, brief 7 framed, are en the beide front well. they have been able to tram the Bitten
fit for it thin a 0111141." all barriers seemed to have fallen to bring the doctore here; that will : These two pictairee will be •Placed ill tile of their food front great altitudee down.
" You had letter tell him AO, Mar- betweee them. She forgot teat he make It a reineter to tsvelve. My latly Xing Felward Rotel, Toronto, after the ward to its location on the ground, •
• • was the man she had forsaken and might come in, elle There Is nothing wan closes. One of the late:est Mooell As Pref. Moore &elates, the /listened
tin," retuenea Lady Chevenix.
"My Way, I leave told him over and deceived. She thought of him only to frighten her." heride in tee world, is also on the wall. from whieh they come, often 100 miles
ea one In whom elle put infinite , This head has o, emend of fe3 inches, the raid sometimes from an altitude of he.
taVet• again. The more, r tell hint, the Then May Chew:nix did come hi.
Lady alievenix lociked helplessly nt paling having 0, wiath of 14 Males Ana 000 feet, "giVenome idea of the gentle
more ho vvill go." ti -la ,whom she lisui infinite faith. Felix looked hopefully at her.
Felix. Ile '117an onCe more the Felix on whom I "I begin to liave every hopele i is one of the finest specimeni oetaxi. slope of these so-called nseending cur-
e mie ddiedead., .11„ melt Helm dee elm had relied from her ebildhood meld 1 there is riot Meth the Malt!
i ter. f think. Certainly there are dermy on the ground:4 . lento welch are twisted aria eontroted
go and try to eereuadie Sir Owen not . ind'eard• I neither broken Ilmbe norsilirrulgeo:,onI dem coiling ii divided in three range. into every imaginable shape by tho
;nettled annual, and he has never cd, Lady Cheveritx, arid ror thin reit- owl-pand hav'ing an Mt glees Skylight .Wind." . .
to ride teat horse? It Is a highly 'I do not think you neea be alarm- ain of opintou net ,
rid len it e et.° een-Mertie is with Itim. xr anything !ear been ettinnee by the, fan, We win , of uniqUe design, the whole being light- Mittard'a Liniment LuMberman'sPriend.
Martin ten- he) hie forehead to had bid:petted to :dr Owen the gloom bathe IAA head, and try to get Immo ' eel. with over one hundrea potted glue
brandy between his leer, I do net ineariaeseent bulbs. The general color- . . . .._. - -...... .
Felix. werti'd1 have liadt""(' I 11 l °rthink there le very Muth the mat- g is =mon ana cream, and the Tight
a storm. The sha.dows len.gthentel, beating. I had a flask of brandy. in P •
and Felix had not left the library; my' eocke.t and I put it to his lips- And he has talked about himself all Ivo, with final return limit October
he bad partaken of a biseuit and a he could not swallow it. I nad to evening, • Oast, 1904, .fromi et: Louis, $25.00,
Chicago $30.00, with -corresponding-
glass of sherry there, as he was anx- leave eim there while I galloped off . Ana your Wife tells you frankly that
ems to get his work done. Ile had teethe nearest cottage and gave the she considers him a conceited,puppy and ly low river* :rota other points.
completely finished by six o'clock, alarm. ,Then. we made a. 'litter, and mat half the man you are,- Besure your ticket reads over this
and on going in search of Sir Owen carried Iiim home." i • ! Ain't it gmndt-Newark (N. J.) Even-- eine. .
Felix turned to him. ,1 ' : 4 big News. . • quire of GI. Ad Eterrig, G. 'A.r,
Was told that he had not yet re- I .
turned. Lady Chevenia was le her "Row long will it take Abu," he, . . 7108 Park Ridge Pittsbierg, Pee
room. He wpuld eave been glad if said, "to ride to Milord, and bring Keep Minard's Liniment in the House. •
A Straight Thinker.
scope formed of two long leaves or strips
of silver is attached.
A charge of electricity, in which there
are no beta rays, is transmitted through
the activity of the radium into the
leaves, and the latter thereby expand
until they touch the sides of the vessel,
connected to earth by wires, which in-
stantly conduct tee electric charge, and
the leaves fall together.
'This 'simple operation is repeated in-
cessantly every two minutes until the
rediuna is exhausted, which in this in-
stance it is computed •will occupy 30,-
-000 years.-Scientifie Ameriban.
Via Union Pa/eine 'every clay frees
Juno 1st to September .80th, MMus -
N 0.
Results from common soaps: iSU .I
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels,
*'or the octagon uar *31
A. Socialist Paradise.
Tito situation in the Confeclea
that exists to -day is not a very pleasant
one. The various. experiments in State
ownership have not proved remunerat-
ive, as they are not managed. as econom-
ically as nee private enterprises. The
railroads sem deficits and are a burden
on the treasury. The general paternal-
istic pregramme required large sums of
money which hem been borthwed from
Upend. Now Australia's demands for
aattiorml me. are respeeefully nege-
tived. Her credit is not very goOd. And
most ominous sign of all, there are more
people leaving that continent to -day
than are entering ie. In fact, during tho
last deeade Victoria, bas lost 112,000
more people by emigration than she
gainee by immigration. Daring 1902
and 1903 the emigraion from New
' South Wales has also exceeded the ar-
rivals by a large number.
he could have gone home then; he back two doctors ? - _
advised Andrew Carnegie how to dis- '
smith denies thee lie.. found. to be competent to handle doh -
did not care to _remain for the long "I can do it in two flours and a -
. Prof. Goldwin
Ing. • I "Go at oncee said Felix, o'and lose Strangers in New York are . often cate matters of business, and then the
formal dinner and long formai e'en- half," replied Martin.
'still he was unwilling to leave no time .You. Sohn, go to Oldstone heard to complain of the briteque P
good, but neither Mr. Carnegie nor any boss begins to rely on them. He may be
enso his benefactions for the greatest
Lady Chevenix until her huebandi station, and send. a 'telegram to Sir treatment they receive in churches!
other well-disposed person can nuteco a at his country place, fifty miles ont of
Willictill Dais-, tee great Loudon' ;by- either from tho ushers or the owners of
• - • • town, and he will telephone tee Mice.
' The seceetary tells hen what's. doing,
Standard Service
The concerisits Of opinion Is that
the Newt York Central Is the cer-
root line to Kele Yoirk, Boston and
points east. Your 'ticket agent will
tell yea all kebent It. . •
' Finding TheM Out.
(St. Mary's Argus.)
In order that the poor editors [at the
St. Louis Fair] might have something.
to spend on the Pike, leyrie Bros., ot
Toronto, presented them with leather
coin purses containing two newly minted
cents, and gave then wives silver pencil
cases to keep amount of how their bus-
-bands spent the money. lenowine that
editors are peceliarly subject to nervous
licaaaeldee, the Royal Distillery of Ham-
ilton sent several bottles and flasks of
whiskey-foy medical purposes; Whilst
the Tuekett Tobacco Company distrib-
uted eigare pipes and tobacco in abund-
ance. Had the presentations been com-
pleted by a gift of "comeort bags" from
the W. C. T. U. nothing would_ have been
lacking -at least for the coke water edi-
I ,
The thousands of people who
write to me, saying that
lure ThoonicLung
cured them of chronic coughs,
cannot all be mistaken. There
must be some truth M it.
Try a balloter that cough of yours. -
Prices; S. C. WELLS & Co. 1310
25c. 5(1c. Si. LeRoy, N.Y„ Toronto, Can.
:45 t 0 is
Mrs. Winslow's beetle:la serer) Should
always be used for ChildrAn piquing. Ili
Sandia the child, ant tone lir! gum*, mires wlaq
. colic and Is the hest remedy f.a. Din rrinaa.
OUR FAMOUS “B" 440."
10 alinafit 00 neceesary 1114.114 ; nothing
cheap about it but the price; a. genuine nod
reliable "friend" to an uncut; big commie-
, spot; credit given; freight pal.l. ex,,
perlenee very profitable di.
verfiloil for spare hours, The
Co., Limited, Toronto. Mention thispaper.
Be Was Splendid.
(Chicago Chronicle.)
Stanley used to yelate the following
funny story: One day erbile he was eon -
wising with a friendly tribe 'during hi*
travels one of the chiefs present in-
quired how many wives he poesessed.
'Upon Stanley replying that he had none
al; those present stood up like one man
end unanimously exclaimed: "1,Vhae
splendid liar!" They inteneely adnured
the apparent calmness wah Which 110
had, as they thaupit, tried to pass off ou
them a wondrous traveller's tale. •
$100 REWARII, $100
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least ono dreadelindialrirts:
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
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ternallyo acting directly upon the blood and
inueous surfaces of the system, thereby -des-
troying the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by b iming
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Iniuirdreeucrgoirlearpsofowrearenyigittetlat Iffear11;3tnoe
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Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipatiOn.
Government Lands for ilomesteadern,
In western Nebraska near the Union
Pacific Railroad in section lots of 640
acres each, for almost nothing. The sal-
ubrity of these lands is something re-
marlca,ble. Distance from ,railroad is
three to thirty miles. There will be a
grand rush of homesteaders. This is the
lest distribution of free hoines the Unit-
ed States Government will ever =the in
Nebraska. Write for pamphlet telling
how the lands can be acquired, when en-
try should be nutde, and other informa-
tion. Free on application to any Union
•Pacific agent.
Socialism in China.
(Chicago Tribune.)
According to a Remit% traveller who
BIG SALARIES OF WOMEN, recently made a tour through Manchuria,
.some young and seine not, who have neither proprietors nor employees. All
There aro 490 wonien in New York, there is in mines, liminess limn,
salaries bigger than United States persons employed are •partnees, who
',senators. Ma Rockefeller's secretary's sham in the profits of the undertaking.
annual income is $14,000, and. the Dunne tire year each -member receites,
aomee or at least not old, woman, who at seated times, a kind of salary'. winch, '
occupies a similar position to II. H, however, is so meagre as to be barely
Rogers, also a Standard Oil magnate, sufficient to supply the necessaries of
drags off $10,000 a year. These girls life: Then at the eed of the year the
all begin as stenographers. Then they profits are divided.
are found to possess the necessary s Cp. Oittlil.0 nil OM) ,
gooa sense and diplomaee to answer Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
routine letters without calling the boss
0orip Powder is better than other powders,
of the job to their aid. Later •they are
.a.'s it is both soap and disinfectant.. se
The Editor and the Lawyer. '
to els room. Sir Owen, he was told, Gardena Say what has happened, • pews to which they may be shown. `.
straight like Prof. Smith.
g Y and then he will probably say: "Well,
LC .
Vie first bell rang, and he went sician, he -address is Hyde Park
They do not, of course, realize that Rudy be obtained from a man who can
. • t d, d h • d •h' and ask elm to come at once. You, ' use your own judgment in this matter, and uo ono makes a eomplaint • Vbell
keemed anxious about him. After a Stephen, go for Mra Ilaye. Take many a pyeersaornsforp
rsevseeartasl • and that!' . Ile usually ,finds teat "her Court . was adjouthed... If a newsphper
drawing -room, where Lady Chevenn at once. Horton, if you Will belp eid I and naturaly expect to eave them oc-
Aik for Miner& and take no Other. own judgthent" is good. So it happens prints, suck reflections. ranee, man's char-
• •
little -while Felix: went int�. the the carriage, so that she can return '
sat, dressed for dinner, looking su- we will carry Sir Owen to his room.e . cupied in the way they desire.
perby beautiful ip a dinner-drees of Felix sent for Mrs. Wardley. the ! One woman from out of town went to
bine velvet and a suite of pearls. She liousekeepe,r and 'careen she appeaeed a. fashionable church on Sunday. and
returned to lam anxiously. , he beg•gel of Lady Chevenix to leave told the uslier she wanted to sit in the
"Sir Owen lias not returned," 010 them .ae. e time, she wee very unwill- pew of a lady who bed invited her. He
said. "I have told them to keep back InF .1°41° se. I made no movement, mice she repeated
the dinner until he comes." ; 'I ought I.o be with lam, Felbee her request to be shown to the pew of
He saw that ehe woefterribly anx- she. said ; "I ought, indeed." I Mrs. X., who had invited. her to share
lone and did hie best to timer her. I aeo you retail be when I think it it. She was somewhat insistent now,
He went to the balcony, where Mice Is rigli 1 1.0 send for you," 'ho an- as the gavial was beginning. •
and jasmine grew in wild profusione swerea ; and she went away. - 1 "Mrs. X. has only one seat in this
" Come and look at these flowe tree carried the baronet into a church," answerea the usher, gravely,
ere, Lady Chevenix," be said. "I read epao!oue, handeomely furnished bed- "and she is occupying it herself at pre -
0 beautiful _legend about the les. room. Tee curtaine were drawn and sent. But if you will wait, I will try
mine the other day." And while see the lamps lighted. They laid him on to find room for you elsewbere."
d f It! l 1 Th the jady did wait until a seat
(Routt County, Colorado, Courier.)
A lawyer in a 'ecnirt xoom may call a
man a, liar, ecoundrel, 'villein. or thief,
Some Odd Facts Relative to- Odors That
Are Not Generally Known.
It has been ascertained as the result
of experhnents conducted by Prof. Zol-
eny, of the University of Minnesota, that
the diffusion of odors throegh the atmos-
phere is much slower than is commonly
suppose& The professor hair investi-
gated this phenomenon experimentally,
the Tihe anxious look fell from her faee, 1 : was found for here -New 'York Sun. - aalnridelleiseisfinadtgletaltsatt titub thaelecersatnhea odor of
to stood ,by his side he related it to • •
. servanta wept over elm.
her. ' "I alwaye knew that it would be ;
eould keep her attention engaged une
tit Sir Owen returned, how well le
would be. -how much pain It would
and it Ilan, dome. at last." •
added, epeaking to Felix., "and I '
named him until he mete three years , eupying a central position in the - , light eii the
elm I Vie Grand Truhk Railavay exhibit, athegliftdsseattorbfeurtaboolaritfogfivasoatteong. With
Grand Trunk Kxhibit, NVOrld,s. 17a14.. odors
its Way to the opposite end of
estry, Vise and Game Building, is one
pnysical particles of subatomic sizet,tibtkloi
not, they actually consist of tangible
eh:trader of otlore-that ie, whether or
so," said Mem. Wardley. "1 have ' •
and her eye:* twit their Hendee& in -
always expected tins e'vfl day. I I
tent expression. ele though a if he
was his mother's name sir,"
z.eiteelmeye. her. She turned to hen mid- Old. He nevee woula listen -never- of the handsomest pavilions on the , ,
• t 1 pounds. It is of Doric and. Corinthian,
rearinfioenatseewartds antrdegesoeeftaticIA31 aavaiang e
"Da you think anything men flay° The men took ofr hie clothes, end ' architecture, with Deer and Moose heads
to gond servants out to look for Sir pIaorel him between the fine linen 4 as central pieces in the cornice. Laree -
happened ?" she asked. "Ought I and noting the time of their diffusion.
Owen ?" sheets. Felix examined lilin atten- ; bromide pictures depicting bunting, flee
tively ; be coula discover no bruise, ' ing and summer resort scenes along the
this conection is teat the odor of cam -
One. miens phenomenon noticea lit
"Martin is with him " saki Fella. no worm& But for the pallor of his-, line are in panels on the three sides. The : ithee folded' twice as fast as it de.
under the pretext of finding mime- to the, butler, "that there is not is decorated with large photo- - vended,
facer he might have been asleep. while ammonia diffused equally
Ile left her for a, 'few. minutes, "I begin to hope, /Torten," he Raid I ilit"i°17 ienveeked . rapidly in either direction. It as as-
• thing that he hail miesed. In reality
he gave directione tor four of 'the much the matter. I 'cannot eee a • grapeic productions, well mounted 11.8b,
er ••e.Ye Piece gen sulphite odor carried. b 1 1
serted that it is the penetrating hydro.
t . t y s ow y as-
.enetnmsiosatingottOftfiutlitirOjelike, trout,
. en mg Curren S of rer lint the vulture
all a ' .
/ "I ant afraid, sir, that It is more it entail mead, laek bass and maskitionge, e d.
dam of birds that feed on carte
wound. Ile in *thinned with the fell." -- -- a e -
men-eervants to mount at once, and But Horton shook his white head.
Y --e- than that. What timo Is it no
, w?"' ewe oil paintings, 943 feet, exemted by
one of the best toilets it Cenade, told able Ion are
are o -en seen sailing round and round
ride off in search of their maker - e to locate their food. These bird
and then he returned to Lad oh
I titled "The Royal Muekoka liotele' ana, ft • •
" '
Never Cot His Peet V/et.
" If yt,.11 prima To the master yon may be quite num" ; 1 1.1 „it men frames of the broMides and the (Chicago (ihronicle.)
t1) btaY at hpule t17i7; MOralig, you The theught,was, i metalling, runt
eveuel do him a, reeved., sir," he mid. Lady Chewed% nal r - keel&
etaleed, my lady." he eontinund, turn. VITAPIdele xtr. :
Ing to Ludy ( lieverriee air Owen Fever) O'CloOk .41110: and then hale,
Wile hardly matrage Romeo 11004 this - paid, and eche perm:ailed Lady here arse meshed, se keen torolo of 1 . It' e 'n Manu', are run eine 31 ef them en the eerviee of the Otinard
n iv r. 1,
merriltie. hie h.1,44,4 110 80 Shaky.' • ilevertle to take tome MetierIf . pay nett vompaeelon for him to„1
awoke • ;---
uonsly, while the wonderful reflection remprilly, 14 of whose vessels he has
" Thank yell, Martin," 6110 resperel. anything 11(1(1 !reviewed, fm thought 10 iP0)' eeale., elm toek Ida handl; in t.l•n
01; It was very theuelitful of you : to lieneelf, 8110 WOdld I93 better able her owu and rubbed theiii. i pleturmeOrt Shadow River?' continue* to commanded. For one with Om long an exe
revolve every thirty seeends, ana * liez- Valence, his famed ie pi•obtibly uhignere
to mime to me. lite. Low:elate win ' to nwet it niter dining, 51113 watt eOweit," she said -"my dear, try to
follow ou.4 , very 'unwilling at fleet, but :tiler 11 (+oak to inc.", rle to many Is, whieh is the retlettion?. Aa he putt; it iffinrelti "I have never
:When tho room bad retIroh
td o ' time ('.110 eonschted, and dinq
dinner NV ;IS t„,eibrought bramly, ; mix gave ` • 1Tandseme1v printed matter, &fleet& met via, a disaster in my life, never lost
went up to Felix: ana laid her hand trereed. It to ilimhou wan a eidee-aed irta of the diflerent section, is being dill. it ahip, never grounded, never ran any -
Woofs Vs arm. ' 1`1 know wirAt X think myself," P:1111 this now they were quite sure ho tallied, end the reoreeentettive irt tody down, never was run clown by any.
' I kre av 1 het veil will do your hest Felix. 44'mit, Owen has caned in st,me. wallowed 11, Felix 'looked at Violet, tharge gladly fornisheti information rebody, haven't even litul my feet washed
itte tan," tbe said, pleadingly. . ivbera, and they haw perouaded Ions ertio 110 'Oontinned.) . , • garding same. by salt water since 1 went to see
Lady Clievenix went up to her ints- gold of the oil painting*, make a very . Captain Alexander MeKay, F. G. Se
eau 1, and knelt down by Ma pleasing contrive, Two Timing picture eornmodore of the Cunard Net, flailed.
irad 00101'profeseed any love for nutehinee Allowing ReenCS 01t1 the road bislard voyage on tee Lumen before his
Iiirn ; but As lie lay there, white, ni- from the fit. Clair 'runnel to the Andre* retirement. lighter been at sett 48 veer,
that ninny of the big. things reported tweet there is re libel.suit or. a c .
editor. And this is owing to the fact
In the financial columns of the daily
newspapers are really negetiated by that people belieee weal an editor says;
what a lawyer says cuts no figura.
the yoinig woman geeretary.
. . . ..
. . . .
ea. , 1 e. e ,1 ,, ee i .... 'del 1 ii
. '
bidet on being supplkd with one of the following brands:- ,
' In Rolls-" ttandard," "Hotel," "York," " Mamm Oth," dta=
In Sheets-" Insperla, ," "Royal," "Regal," "Orient," &o.
'n,t3t4803001a3t11013102003,t3t3t3rattAVOMMOt itt.44.4^C4-411341C.4:
Sacramento Valley
Fine Climate, Rich Soil, Well Irrigated,
Not Overcrowded
The range of production here is marvellous. Almost
anything can be raised that is raised elsewhere. And
there is
Room for More Workers
on irrigated lands. Aced the book, "The Sacramento
Valley*" issued by the Southern Pacific and sent to any
address for 2 cents postage ; 112 pages,. 111 tine lialf-tone
Illustrations. It shows you what the valley looks like and
tells you of its reaources. Write to
H. Pan 0.A.FIIM
Yonge, St., - Toronto, Ont.
*ICS uv writ roA011111r1Co
7 7 > 7 > 7 > 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7