HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-16, Page 5Thursday, June 16, 1904 The Men's Bargain Store News 14 Boys' 2 -piece Suits, 29 Pairs and SURPRISE Secial SaT No. 2 For One Week Only June 17th to 23rd. 12 Men's Cravenette Showerproof Coats,. sizes 33 to 44, regular price $12.00 - Surprise Sale Price $9.25 t3 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, short pants, regular $5, 00 -Surprise Sale 27 Pairs Men's Black Pants, sizes 32 to 40 $2,25 -Surprise Sale sizes 27 to 33, price $4.60 and Price $2.20 Worsted Serge waist, reg. price Price........... ..$1.59 sizes 22 to 28 -Surprise Sale Boys' IKnicker Pants, sizes 22 to 32, regular price 60c 750 -Surprise Sale 390 $1.50 24 Pairs Children's Pebble leather Shoes, sizes 5 to . )0, regular $1.00 and $1.25 -Surprise Sale 750 30 Pairs Boys' and Youths' Boston Calf Shoes, sizes 11 to 5, good stout Shoes -Surprise Sale 90e 160 Pairs Men's Cotton Socks -Surprise Sale price, per pair 50 Men's Unlaundried White Shirts, short bosom -Surprise ,. 5c Sale.. 39e The RAI Crowder Co. (Trade Wanted) MEN'S OUTFITTERS. FURNITURE! THE WI `OEEAM ADVANCE. NOTES OF TRAVEL. A TRAN.SCONTINLNTAL TRIP. (i3'' TPAs I DV.VOlt No, 7 Front Los Angeles, the tourist may be seen ostriches of all Agee, down to take many interesting ,aide -trips at the chicks just hatched, In their na- !medium cost, At Alhambra, he will tine African home, the birds lay twice find elegant villas, where reside people a year, bat Pasadena climate seems to tof wealth and refinement, Its profuse agree with them so well that they flower gurdentr are an attraction, heve been encouraged to lay much Monrovia, l0 miles, an the Southern oftener, to which the owners do not - Pacific railway, is termed -"The Clem object. The ostt ich eggs weigh about of the Foothills," It is situated on the three pounds each, and fifteen form a southern slope of the Sierra Madre, at nest for hatching. It requires forty ' en elevation of 1000 feet. Itabeautiful days to hatch them out, The reale - drives along avenues of pepper and bird does his share of the "sitting" for eucalyptus trees are attractive. Porn- he covers the eggs three fourths of the one, the third city in size in Los A.n- time and takes care of the neat at For honest prices, we lead. For value, we give the best. Where does honesty come in by trying to get $125 for goods worth only 575. We are not guilty of making a charge of $207 or thereabouts for goods worth only $75 or M. If we were, we would feel like going to our customers and giving it back -and then talk about honesty and truth. If some people would do as they advertise, there would have to be a lot of money refunded, and a big drop in prices. When you DEAL WITH us you are used right. The truth will soon be found out. For the next 60 days, come and see what value is and what satis- faction is. Walker Bros. & Button TRAIN UP A CHILD and when up, send him or her to «sroW.E i// Term Begins. Apr. Ix, 1904. Two Courses :-Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal, C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRB Seo'y. President MANY CALLS aro received from business firms and Many Students are placed in good post - tions each year by the famous CENTRAL STRATFORD. , ONT. This school stands for the highest and best in business education in Canada to- day. Many business colleges employ our graduates as teachers. We have scores of applications from other colleges. Ask to see them the day you enter. W. 3. Elliott, Principal. THE ADVANCE OFFICE for tasty and down -to -date Job Printing. Prices right. • REXALL H OLD_ DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods rn one bath - they are the latest and most improved Dye in._the world. Try a package. All color] at W. Messer's store, Bluovale, and 0, B. McClelland's store, Belgrave, Ont. IT PAYS . TO It is now current talk throughout the coun- try that the student who intends to take a business or shorthand course, and wants to be placed in a paying place when graduated should attend the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CILATIIAM, ONT. Students of last year already earning over $1000 per annum. 310 placed in 11 months. Do you know of any other business school getting such results? We pay your railway fare, tefrittror oatalogub? If not write ever Address, D. iloLACHLAN it CO., Chatham, Ont. Fresh Goods gelescounty, received its naive from night, while the female site on the nest the Goddess of Fruits. It is in the in day -time, As soon as hatched, the centre of a beautiful valley, wherry chicks are taken away and fed on ' fruit -growing reaches a very high green Alfalfa, and grow at the aston- state of success, and olive oil is a spe- ishing rate of a foot in a month, 'The _ : cialty, Bight fruit -packing houses, first crop of feathers is obtained when one large cannery and 2,000 carloads of oranges and lemons annually speak of its trade. Nor must we forget Ontario, in the county of San Barnardino. This thriv- ing Colony is now twenty years old, and was founded by Chailey Bros. of Canada, It is known as the Model Colony. Its double -drive avenue, sev- en mites long, Iined with peppers, palins and eucalyptus trees, four rows. the entire length (7 miles) with an electric railway in the centre, is indeed a rare driveway. The irrigation sys- tem of Ontario is said to be the best in the world, and 'a model of it is on ex- hibition at the World's Fair in St. Louis. Redlands is said by many travellers to be one of the prettiest places visited in years of travel. It lies in the foot- hills, encircled by snow-capped moun- tains ; a'city of beautiful homes, sur- rounded by acres of perennially -green orchards, where grow the famous Red- lands navel oranges. Smiley Heights, with its 2011 acres of tropical trees and flowers, and the Smiley Public Library of 8000 volumes are two of its attrac- tions. Another beautiful place is Riverside, the oldest and most famous orange district-- the original home of the Washington navel orange. This va- riety is seedless and must be propagat- ed by budding. Five thousand car- loads of the luscious frnits are shipped every year from 20,000 acres of ever- green orange groves, and bring to the growers more than two million dollars. San Gabriel Mission, 9 miles distant from Los Angeles is an historical land- mark. It was founded in 1771 by the Franciscan Fathers for the conversion of the Indians, and at one time there were 1700 Indians under their super- vision, The old Mission was of brick covered with adobe soil. It still stands as a monument teethe men who braved death to bring religion to, a heathen people in the years long ago, Four of the old bells still chime forth the "An- gelus" and peal out the summons to mass. This is the best -preserved of the old Missions, and contains many hand -carved images, and oil paintings brought here years ago. The bells were traded for when the Mission was built, and received in exchange for hides, tallow and beeswax. Remind- ers of days long past, are these Mission premises. The moral tone of San Gab- riel neighborhood is not as good as it should be, within the shadow of this Mt. Lowe are rendered safe by peculiar venerable Mission. Sunday drinking, devices, but are nevertheless, thrilling carousings, appeared prevalent, and and exciting experiences. the village is a dilapidated. collection Baldwin's Ranch, about four ,miles of Mexican hovels. There to a grape- from Pasadena, is a popular point vine here said to be the largest in the visited by tourists. This is owned by world. Last year, it bore fifteen tons (Lucky) Baldwin, of race -horse fame ; of grapes, an almost incredible state- it comprises 51,000 acres. There are ment, yet vouched for on good here 300 thoroughbred horses and 500 authority. working horses. At present under. San Pedro is the port through which neath the trees lie thousands of orang- Los Angeles will ship across the Paci- es, that it is not thought worth while fie. It has a land -locked harbor, and to pick up. We did hear, however, when the Government breakwater, that this fallen fruit, both oranges and costing three million dollars, is coat- lemons, is sometimes sold for 55 a ton pleted, it will have a water -front of at IL factory, and there the rinds are eleven miles. It is the terminus of the subjected to a great pressure. Lemon new transcontinental road, the "Salt oil thus produced is worth $80 a gallon. Lake Route." One peculiarity of the orange tree is Santa Catalina Island lies out in the that it is possible to pick from the tree, ocean, 26 miles from San Pedro. It is fruit just ripe and also fruit of the about 22 miles in length and is pro- previous year's crop. Just now, orau- vided with wireless telegraphy with ges of last crop may be seen upon the the mainland. The submarine gardens trees, and also blossoms for the next as seen in twenty fathoms of water, season's crop. through boats with glass bottoms, are ' Should the traveller wish to see the quite an attractive sight. There is "Big Trees" of California, he will find good deep-sea fishing hare. his way to Santa Cruz, 80 miles south- good of the oldest seaside resorts is east of San Francisco, and then by the beautiful Santa Monica, 1S miles stage routes he may reach the forests from Los Angeles. It has a population where these monsters are found. Sci- of over 3000, with modern improve- entists differ as to tho age of these ments. It is said that it is not unusual trees, some dating their beginning' as to see on Christmas day, a crowd of 4000 B. C. The President of Le Stan - bathers, enjoying a bath in the surf, ford University holds that they are in view of the snow-capped mountains. 7000 years old -older than the pyre - Many from the inland towns come to wide, They are majestic, awe-inspir- Santa Monica for rest and recreation ing and, as one stands in their pres- and a plunge in the ocean surf. ence, he cannot fail to be impressed On a peninsula in San Diego Bay, with his own littleness and the great - and between the mainland and the mess of the Creator. We give here - Pacific Ocean lies Coronado, some- with a few facts regarding these mon- times designated "The Tent City," archs of the forest. The "Wawona" Here is erected the spacious and beau- towers to the height of.300 feet. or 15 tiful Hotel Coronado. Near the ocean feet higher than the Masonic, Temple shore there is a level tract or strip of in Chicago, and is is 30 feet through, land about a mile in length. To give A tunnel is cut through the roots our readers some idea of this Tent City above ground, through which two six - we ask them to imagine this strip horse stages have been' driven at once, with a boulevard down the centre; side by side. On another one, the first divide each side into blocks of thirty limb is 125 feet above the ground, and tents each, with short streets running this limb is 0 feet in diameter. In an. from bay to ocean across the peninsula other, fire has (without killing the tree) and other avenues along the hay and eaten a tunnel in the tr uok in which ocean shores ; put in hydrants, sewers, 20 animals can tied stabling from a electric lights, toilet arrangements, storm. Another ---the "Grizzly Giant" etc.; let each block of tents have its -.flee feet from the ground measures lavatories and receptacles for garbage ; 00 feet in circumference and 80 feet build an electric railway down the through. It.takes eleven men horse - centre of this camp, and erect a thous- back, the horses standing close side by and tents; then place this city of tents side, to cover the width of this mons - in a climate as near perfection as can ter tree. Another, the "Fallen Giant" be found, and you will have some idea in the Mariposa Grove lies partly burl - of what Coronado or Teat pity is like, ed in the soil, Upon the trunk of this Here Paint cottages may be seen, coni tree a six -horse stage with sixteen pas• structed of a light frame work, con- senors has been driven. Another is ered with ripe paltn leaves, 1000 being pointed out, which, if split into rails 10 used for a cottage 18x22. These cot- feet long and three inches thick, would tages have five bay windows each, (it is estimated) furnish' 410,000 rails, Itthatif a man are con- is fnrthe coutended the floorsr c n ' he and i lights, electric el , g s tree alone would Tent150a the t e ered with Chinese matting. City split day, has a Public Library and a small daily provide work for him for over nine paper giving items Of camp life and years. The "General sheat" is an- annouttcements of amusements' this other. sQ large that twenty people rte paw sus y. Ir ipq- F s an a ora a last can Most people appreciate fresh goods, it always tastes so much 1. nicer, and is much healthier besides. We are, always ready with a fresh stock of FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CMT GOODS • and CONFECTIONERY. Our Chocolates aro of the highest class goods. i Try our Oysters served in any style, 15e a dish. 'We have in stock Canada Cream and Roquefort Cheese. ' Ice Cream orders filled on the shortest notice. Your Patronage Solicited _ y�e 3eane L. G. KRTJ$E McKelvid's Old Stand xakoka‘, �hld Lots of therm ---do your own choosing. We know the stylee, We know exactly how they should be cut -how they should fit --- and its our business to put all these " knows" together, and fit you out in the best that your money can buy - -m no matter what price yon pay. It would please as to have you drop in. Y Maxwell R0bta Mfg Art Tailor - tiog1am 'Vt'"dG1d��1 .vers To be sure, you are growing old. But why Jet everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will ilair Vidor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Said for 60 years. I am now over 69 Tears old and I WW1) a t)dek, glossy head or long hair which is a wonderto everyone who secs it. And nota Flay irDiris, IL It, B nils, eeida iMinn. SIAM a bottle. .1. 0. A7$n c0., Ari drapgicts. for Lowell, Mace. the bird )s eight months old, and there- - While after every nine months, At four1t years of age the .ostriches are mature, 1 and commence laying; they are said to live to the age of threescore and ten ; they stand•seven feet high and weigh 300 pounds each. When "pluck- WINGHAM ing" is to be done, the bird is blind- folded and led into a while another oneher man A i 1V R SHOP holds the creature, while another care- fully clips of/ the long black, white or gray feathers so valuable in the milli- nery world. When the bird has been pluckecl, very often a boy mounts it, and it is turned loose. The zig-zag run and the haste the bird makes to hide among its companions are amus- ing, and the boy rider is often eom- pelted to dismount and quickly end his comical- ride, The nests are made in the open ground. A visit to the Os- trich farm is indeed interesting. Should the visitor receive a kick from one of these birds, he will remember his visit to their Pasadena home, Just to the north of Pasadena lie the Sierra Madre mountains. They look as though they were only a gun -shot distant, but it is five miles to the foot- hills. By electric car line through the pretty suburb of Altadena, Mt. Lowe is reached. Here an incline railway has been built, that is considered one of the triumphs of engineering skill. The grades of the incline are 60, 62, 58 and 48 feet. It is said to be the most wonderful electric railway in the world. In 3000 feet, we ascend 1,800 feet, and cross a bridge, the steepest ever built; the length of this bridge is 200 feet, and yet the upper end is 120 feet higher than the lower end. When you reach Echo peek, you step out of the car 3500 feet above the sea. Here is the Observatory, containing one of the largest telescopes in the world, be- ing twenty-two feet in length, sixteen inches in diameter and weighing twenty-two tons. Here also is placed the World's Fair great search -light, which may at night be seen at a dis- tance of fifty miles. The range of vision from Echo mountain is wonder- ful. Entering a trolley car we as- cend still higher, winding around pre- cipitous rocks, crossing the circular bridge which encircles the mountain, until we reach Alpine Tavern, 5000 feet altitude. Froin here further ascent must be by the aid of sure-footed bur- rows. The views from these higher points of the route are indeed scenic pictures. The ascent find descent of Hair s Having pr. -chased the machine shop business of Vasbinder and Rod - well, I am prepared to do all kinds of repair work promptly and at reason- able rates. Bicycle repairs receive special attention. New Bicycles of the best grade for sale. We shall give careful attention to all repair work entrusted to us, and feel confident we shall be able to give satisfaction. W. O. PATON, Wingham ROBT. N. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGHAM ADVANCE. Canadian Order Woodmen of The World is distribt d t taus Z 4c� t other. la It h d3 b P th All these advantages, excellent bathing touch the fingers of the first as they in the surf, and good fishing; their it stand in a circle. Perhaps the largest mtlet be admitted that to gross who of these forest monarchs, is one tits - have time and money at their disposal, covered in 1001 in the high Sierras ; it Coronado Were inducements rarely is about 100 feet high and measures surpassed for enjoyment of life upon 109 feet in circutnference, and about Photitphodifle, the oceans shore. tai feet in diameter. 11 is estimated TwsOreetEn ltehRemedt, Long Beach, 18 miles from Los An- that three million feet of lumber could is an old, well astab• geles, is a delightful resort for the be cut from this tree. Such toweling fished and reliable weary business man. Here the ocean and stupendous trees must be seen to preparation, fiatbeb1 air and a bath in the strtf aro indeed get en idea of their immensity. A prescribed and used invigorating. mere "ehip" of the bark of one ttf. the faith in tato Dominion A most interesting hour may ho smaller of these redwood trees, hap- of Meade sell nd spent at the Oawstnn Ostrich Fain in renetl to be lying in a novelty factory tbcommen a boons South Pasadena. The ostriches have in Pasadena, It measttt•ed live feet 1isf'orb and Afar, iter• }mak niltliatoenresAn increased in number' to over 800, and 1131080, 12 feet long, and thongh it Was glvbb universal etttiefAetion. It Yitomptly9__and another farm has now been purchased fully eighteen incites thick, there Was - pormAnantlycurosallforina o! Nereoua Won for their convenience, The entrance no indicrttion of its having been cut ,teas Fnifrsiona, �fPcr»iatornc�t'athneaoc sivA to the grounds is by way of the sales• eft close to the Woad. These dimem CAMP NATIONAL 139 - Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday oaoh month. in Oddfellows' . Hall All visitors welcome. R. MAXWELL, 0, C. R. H. CRownx.R, Clerk Lia " e St. Louis -,World's Fair $I$.30 -Good I5 Days ON SALE DAILX With stay, over privileges at any intermed- iate Canadian station, also at Detroit and Chicago. - For tickets, and further information, apply to L. Harold, Ticket Agent or to J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Steamship Express COMESNCING TUESDAY, MAY 24th NOR'Cnnooxn will leave Toronto at 1.3o p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for, Owen Sound ; Thursday, May 26th, Southbound, leaving Owen Sound 9.00 a.tn. Sunday, Tuesday Thursday, for Toronto. andallAifeeta Or °reeorer stied ! Meteor .Pty»tar Ettcnutanra, Moen mem, where a utast li)ngnificerit exlti- aaiotrs arra rihnost incredible, but they arse o . lead bitlon of phones ma y 1 >Y err and .Brain 'Worry, 1 Bros perpaurf,. efix o . ptraac atx ivitl t�uro. Melted ipromjOtyAddt'i� grotinile, a floral ptetnr � fgre(fts tt � (t tl) � rcf�rvf t l s re• Clr�if� t'til• itatilntoti ltefgilt is covered to the top with a pass Ogden. Later Nu, 0 will hey de. acitAInfltwity, be seen in rent are vouched fob. e rv. Inaenity Consumption Abd �a Early G a ! r is Uste tetfl variate of stye, On entering the Our next letter (Na. li) will have for- insanity' return J hies . • •. • •e feet and part, 0 ) i Tara tit. t n C lag° oak for p e. �A i t . p t for t c y *Apt Oi pri0b, Send � Fi Thin Weed Coinn(Ln5'',.`.a� . w hosph6d nb is sold Y , , llesutiful rase bush. with bnn(treds of voted entirely to Salt Lake City and grit W. McKibben, A. L, Weeds fi f id hi Wit gl ani _b�rr 0, A. p H1►1a1lton rad 1i, A, Dou,XlM$, Drttg%tetL seen, except In n O . y fragrant roses- a eight ?est a.ps never its attrractioas. There will be n'iare to aUf tni'a �ilere uhf► folios ereu then. Fall parttenlars from any Canadian Paoiflc Agent, or A. H. Notman, Asst. General Pas- senger Agent, Toronto. r $1.00 Round Trip GODERICH to DETROIT TUESDAV, JUNE 21 Return Thursday, June 23 AMER GREVEO STEAMER. VND Two Daysin Detroit E. rt. Ayer, Foca. Agent Special ktcui:alon Train will leave 5, - Stratford at 0.10, Clinton 7.40 a.tn. Tues- day. Juno 21. ),ranr Jtineardine. Wingham, etc., - take morning trail June 2t, connect- = ing at Clinton. 17.10 a,m.l with Special Train for Goderieb. Special train )caves Goderich for Clinton and way stations to Stratford and Wingham, on arrival of steamer Thursday night. Goderich band Moonlight 8 P.M., Monday, June 20 Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 a.m., Tuesday, dune 21st 111aTU1ie TO (101)Liti('IL Leave Detroit for Goderich p.in , Thursday, done b'?rd It13 tl'il TO 10,'1UOre Leave Goderich for Detroit :'l 80 a, m , Ftiday, dune 24th All Canada Time. WHITE: STAR UNE ettnrlt+llsirls+etarrw�aflaiear.ut Slim. Prices, Stout Values The Leading Store Sniall Praet�t "' Malek llatwriss It Is Time To Buy "' hitewear and Waists, You only know, half the story of our remarkable values in Wbitewear and Waists when you know the Prices. The other half is told in the quality and style of the garments. Come in and learn the other half. CORSET COVER SPECIALS. NO. 1, -- Five Dozen nicely made Corset Covers, fine alepclaperfect fit, good0cvuat trimmed Special Price NO. 2. -- Five Doz. embroidery trimmed Corset Covers, regular value 45o - Special Price 3$c NO. 3. - Extra special tine cambric Corset Covers, trimmed with Insertion and Lace -to clear 504 A. large range of LADIES' NiGIHT GOWNS at prices much less than you can make thorn for. See our value at 75e, $1,00, 51.28, 0.40, $2.00. Dollar value for 75c. SPECIAL IN LADIES' SIKIRTS. - Full width, deep frill. trimmed with embroidery and insertion, regular value $1.25 - our Special Price, 05e. If you want something better, see our value at 51.54, $2,00, $2.50 and $3.00. Ladies' Drawers. At surprising values. Well made and trimmed. Prices are 25e, 35c, 50c. Extra Snead at 25c. Ladies? White Lawn Waists. We have been complimented at different times on having the nicest and largest assortment of Waists in town. No room here to describe our many styles - please come and see them. Prices range from 1190 to $5.00. Three special clearing lines at 50o, 75e and 51.00. 11. E. Isard & Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price. Paid for Produce 1i110W '�i�ild� WWWWW��'W1dhl1�I I ............ ii i l WMEIii THE ROYAL GROCERY ziovw. VI lie We have just opened up a orate of White ware with gold lines and clover leaf ; very pretty goods direct from the potteries of Bishop & Stonier, Hanley, England. One dozen. Cups, Saucers, and Plates, thirty six pieces, for ...$2.00 ez NC iii wiC Japanese China. ire Nkit AP We have some very pretty things in. Japanese iirIx China ; we have reduced the prices twenty-five per .3 A0A.cent. Everything marked in plain figures.ec 31. 3e :Ccrte;_• 4 Brooms. a. We would again remind you about Brooms. air We think we have got the best Broom for the WC tis money ever came into Wingham, at least that is mit liawhat the ladies say, each 25c iic 131 ocE ii. , ,„ , at a a „. 4� TekilIMARIPAIMAIIIIMIARAIMAIMARAWARMA▪ MMIR�1$a 1 Dishes. No Tailoring Better Than Ours and our prices begin at, 512.00 11111111.11111111111111111111.11111111011111.1.111 The man who needs a new Suit, whether for daily, business wear, or for dress, can do no better than leave his order here. He will save a great deal in first cost ; be will get his Clothes quickly ; and he will get them as well made and stylishly fashion- ed as it is possible to make them ; he will have hundreds of fabrics to choose from ; and he will be saved the doubtful economy and uncertain satisfaction of readymade. SPITS -made to order - made to fit --made to measnre-made to satisfy. No FIT, No PAY. You know of course "chats our way." SUMMERY THINGS. Summery Toggery is now on the bilis. We have lots of cool comfort in store for our patrons. Make your selections now. Don't wait until the Thermometer says 00' and then rush in madly for Summer Duds. Now if you need anything in Summer Plumage WE'RE YOURS FOR COMFORT. Summer Hats (straw or otherwise.) ---Our Neglige Shirts --Our .Breezy Underwear ---Our Summer Neckwear, there's Ocean's of Comfort. It will take but little of the "wherewith" to buy the outfit, and just think how contented you'll be after we have togged you out for the summer campaign. HO1VItJTH ROS. TAILORS ANI) GENTS' FURNISHERS VEGETABLE SICILIAN _ then remember -Hall's Hair Rene wer always restores color to you #1ko�otr ra. hair; then keep #t. Perhaps anflair ewerlgh.50fttmoul , es*. up. t