HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-16, Page 3With indignant osaffluic ut the vicar.. "3/:343“4-44^141"4711"4311“3"3"2“/"1".43e/t3.24""4"1441"/"4".. age and the tither bowies Whitlit hall 1 coallted On ilordeing Vie meet nuoleet F, ' . ::',if.11:,V,I,IFi). 1.:FLI , b ruill ow, 0 'or liacl lacer) waling; to e/Verioele the coiclue.se which lied WS:MUNI between — iterettli and Mrs. Porteolwa tance the iummeitsomomsesocpcsmitivomowo.40,,,,„10,witmemotockid . time, isoon af tee Captain Gera'mald's return, /when afro. Se.yer thought it lier duty to let airs. Poreteoluts Imola that alto dia not con - eider %Ilse z,floIi p lit companion for liar daughters. But M. Port- eous would not forget. Slio lral Oot ()hared Mrs. tiayer's letter withalter 6son, but bad deetroe•od It all soon as silo itaci road about halt Its eon - Meta Perhape there had never been aziy varer cordial Pooling bet:mon airs. aayer and Mrs. Porteous. Per- haps Gerald rortooue 1wd tio quix- atie "Areal in lanr from his mother. Anyhow, .the emitter tla.ye Went ber Undisturbed for (laptalo Geraldby any knetweedg,o of the etonny Indig- nation that fm, many hullos were feeling over lila frientislap with Miss Francle. Friendelap—it bad long ceased to bo only frienclebia, if, Mama, it had Oita beep tscr, Ile knew, the little WA through and througb, now, her pride, tier simplicity, her generosity,her austere high mindedness. He was fa/tient, without jealoinar, over that .extraordinar,y, absorption of hero in leer work. It lead been her Wo , elle void to laza once, and he 4,U44 411 he porch. .L1II'UUgu J4U las taste to a nicety. Not too strong, united heralip into the past tense open windows be caught a glimpse but Lot and nweet; be ard not know with delight. lie know that under of books Wad.. a. piano, a,nd a aro- wl,en he hail enjoyed a cup of tea her ilttle ruseet head laiyi a big !brain, mite's Work tnible, watch had cer- so „oieh. behind her white bream a moot gen- Utility not boon there before. She was so graceful. Ile watched 'tie wad toying heart. leke weak a man Captain Gerald was more than her delicate little attituclee and adt of action, aud It gayo him genuine commotily tall. After Le bad left the satisfied and rested. She chose to pleasure to feel that him wife.would little home) behind, the path Istill wait on lam. Ho was yet something Do more hetelleatual thao himself. Ao went.by the gardeu wall, with Its ef an invalid, and Le permitted her, her 'beautiful character, gulielese as trellis at the top covered with cher- after ti faint proteet. It was de- n cbild'o, sat with the intellectual Hos,. like the jewels of the Arabian lightful to receive tem cake and thin grasp of an intellectual naafi, un - Nightie, which made an effectual and bread and butter front Ler hands. folded itself before his eyes, he thrill - (alarming screen against the curl- As ate held the plates to lane, be ed with 'pride and joy, that ouch a osity of the passera-by. He had no saw how bronze tha lashes were woman should lovo fllw. There wiee attention of prerieg, but a little purl- over the bronze eyes, How 'sensitive ito doubt about her love. She was osity stirred en lain which be could the little, thin, red mouth was. Af- too treasary,arently simple and eine homily explain—he was generally the ter tea, to leis amazement, lie heard ti least eurious of mon. For ta Recent( his mother invite Miss Francis to ?57iT.i3minc:fill;tratb=1 1Zre'sleTelt a LTC - ho paused and peered above the trel- imolai. Ile could hardly bel:eve his that in—the little stretch of smooth onraptured her lover. . Captain Gerald Porta:Ma Of the canto. Mho emu not 90 'young fla 110 Bartel ktail cOme bong/ to Mnildietoo- 11a11sUPPOeed. The email, sensitive, italtbersio with a hale -Of lierolimi delleate, mestere iace, 1110.9 the face resting on his aterh. Curls. Ile had of a ity.onotti, not a girl. Lille bad beim absent from to pretty village hair (Lod eyes the meter of re eapilre fOr seeeral yeara but Ito found Mud- rola; coat, the waft, creamily Pale . illoton nouth tite Name aR the daski y n eyes flecloal, here and there Willi he had bit it, with one exception,' a must colored freckle. Mo was Wear - Gla Connnander Jooes. was dead, and ing a cool, blue frook. Ile wondered his little bottom with its flagpeet Whether pink or 'blue were tile mord; and the telescope at tile window, becoming. waer occupied by a niece of bis whocame In to find the fallout eart- hed been unknowo in tbese iatetutiett yeatteation in full Ming., his naother in tho old clays. . !catkin delightfully: animated. IFIlle Who Peet morning that Captain introduced her dotricleome on with Gerald took a weak down the village pride. captain ;Gerald had an odd as Street, with all lniuther's rabble idea that oho introduced Miss Facie - 01 dogs at his heels, lie, oleserved 4 cis. with tie> :same. , Rubtio change in the appearance of , Ho watched with wonder las mo- no) Haelior, as the late common- ther yield her place to „the visitor der Lad called his little house. It When Jane brought the tea. It was still Lad the spotlessly clean look, saillething his mother bad been usecl as though all the decks quid -been to be rather jealous about. . Now, riwabbed at dawn, watch be retileira it migat be a drifighter of the 'tense bored. But there was a cbatige. who sat there handling -the ..tea Soft, tirotty drapnries were at every pups, ate) loolted oo wIndew. In told 'days ithe winds - tome. 1 perfectly 'tat age had swept the 'unshaded rooms as- %the tea, tasted like nectar to Cap - they might a deck, A basket of flow- . Min Gerald, Mtge Francis had hit lis, , • , , ears; but there was the. dear old r Jae know what he would see witia Beet nodding, tend smiling at :him m deolaration of hive bad aet with the air of a fond parent while° t la'a bo made, when, one day, Captain lawn, with its arbor overbong by a child shelve) off somo trick, irre_ Gerakl was litterally run down and medlar tree; the bed, whIch rheld sistible but reprehensible. . captured byt Mrs. Sayer. The 'viestrie every old-fashioned flower ... wife was a 'lady of ample proper- ooted think of, :which sent shaoti•lpe 11811-a is a , tIons, Sao pinned •Captain Gerald in naughty girl • sho win do it, ' the old lady murmured, . breaths of fragrance over the trellis. a. corner, from watch Ile could es-- Captain Gerald had no cigarettes to the nostrils of the wayfarer. cape only' by main force. He aft las that little stretch of the garden 00- resolBut he hadn't expected to a Lind to offer. He smoked a pipe, but be ved maritally to Mocure the vo:7 hteeetilrrat'so oliren. A,,' a matter of fact, his way to Muriel and finest box procurable of gold tipped cupled. There WAS a lounging chair burning with a Loomis iinpatience. cigarettes from the town as soon there, with a pale green canopy. A :A. sense of dirty was written ter - lady in a. pink print gown at in it, as Pnssibie- 0 ' • ..... a ribly: clear on Mrs. Bayer's face, Miss Francis had &awn a sitter She haa a blotting pad on her knee.which was largo and gray'. like a cigarette case from 'her pocket at ci- Ider bat, wreathed in roses, lay on --(la atone wail, Captain Gerald sighed, was lighting up with the most <a the grass. A pen ney upen the blot- ligatfully un-self-conscimis air. Saw that there W4.9 no help for it, ting pad. For the moment the lady and resignea binesell. However, the "You must • ;have the four-leaved had ceased to write. She Was gazing interview, dal not last long. Ap Mrs, - ehamrock," he said to ber, "to have away at tete summer skies from un reconciled my mother." Mao. Sayer proceeded, in a manner,. *der her canopy. She beta a, light:eclat- !wavily impreoeive, his face became rEthe eally clid smoke with thorough garotte .between her first and second e indignant, half &mimed, wItollYi he - finger)). As he looked she placed it , enjoyment. Be sae, evaterang her ea 1 , , through the Iltt e haze of smoke. el'. 4 .°1143* • bettyoen her lips, held it there a sec- rane whic1;. added to it el quint, res Liu I. "It was my duty, however unplea- ond, and then, withdrawing It, sent (immune s. She stnyel through ti:e sant a One" Mrs. Sayer went on, afteration and waited for dinner, and to warn ?OU of tae character of ' out a long trail of smoke. "By Jove," said Captain Gerald, the person whom your dear, delude Nina Iveten the full moon was ,u,p 'over Walking on.. "By Jove, (audit. a ...he sea Captain Gerald took ( her ed mother has adaatted to her Intl - aline little body, too, and (looking back to her little house, She opened macy. Ellie would believe nothing as 'though she thoroughly enjoyed her door. with a latch ke nd against Mee Francis. In tact, So perfectly at home at It before. . sthough s le x cle looked at him a slto pa t- I • thought it was my duty to month; It. Pee hardly ever seen a woman d him to follow her • several it. ;I must ask the Mater." ' • "Had I !better ?" be asked, best- ago, after this unheard of °scandal -warn I wonder what Mudclleton thinks of 0 • mention the matter .of the smoking Yet, oddly enough, he did • not tatingl.Y. "Jeo," she said. "01 , Y . b , i I • .i• ou are t ink- oho did not 'believe me, and that woe lead occurred. She told me that she to his mother, with whom he was lng of Muddle,ton. I don't suppose an end olf it. But for all ;that, 1 they would mind, even ,if one cared. could not see you .going t le same presently conducting a most ani - of age to receive male visitors way withatit"-- ; mated finger' oonversation. Mes. Pore • 1. aur without scandal." . -. ; :teous had become deaf when quite a "I'm afraid I'm just like my mothe. young eironam, and Captain Gerald She looked up at hlin with her ken- or, Miro. Sayer," the captain return - had learned to talk on his fingers did gaze. The 'noticed that she winced ed. In his heart he was blessing in. phildhood, and bad: nee -r- e tOr- -I ever iso. slightly! when • she made the his mother! for.the staunch little soul gettlain it. It really was .a most I alluelon to her age. Ho followed her site Was. "Still, I nen glad(you brought charming sigirt to ;see Captain Ger- i through ;ale door into the hall, the story to me. I hope that what ala and his mother talking, to see wltere there Was a ;glimmer ce light, ' concerns Ares Francis will very las smile flashing to hers,' and hers and into the little "'Ming - room ale abortly most intimately concern ma; back ngain to helm, and 'her eyes remeneberede , so it will be my duty to find out bright as her -knitting needles nor she - "Tbetre was only. the enOonlight in it and punish the poneocters coe this read, the message his fingers gent now.. He stead by'. while. she lit the grotesque lie. I shall be obliged to bar; nodding with . great sattsfrie- latnp, and noticed the .eudden ilium, eall you as a 'witness, and, with. your tion When he paused at the end . `I' P- eleation of re on hor hair. The room help, we will, no doubt, bring it home a. sentence. ' . , was curiously; fragrant of a woman'a to them." Commander Jones's niece? Oh, ., ownership now, .so different • from , yes 1 an. dear, good 'girl. She wrote what he rememlbered Lt. . , Ile loft Alice. Sayer gagging like a 1 I cannot b3 ke t uncontaminated ,read. She had no Ulna _for novel read- brandy and soda ? -. _ heavens," he asked himself,person. a e is no g disposal syystern of the factory i room,- your play le to lio perfectly books, wh!ch Mrs. Porteous had neVer Would Captain Pretoria& like a • ' dying flail. and, hurried on. ' Good any of the old symptoms, and says he we p • bending over the. bureau in your so long as tile drainage and whey • tad come across some of her books. . self in the shadow, of the lampshade. 'could have changed again& alluelel? "was nen now go about Ids work as therein _, the first essential for a pure water come accuetomed to the darknees, likel that tliey sia. not carefully looked after, so that -8 Still, and when yznir eyes have 'be- ing, as Gerald quieera• Perhaps lie Captain Porteous .smiled to him- Otero .nothing more a t - .1- Was ever a creature 90 Incongruous? 1 he never had dyspep ia... supply from the ordinary well is Ford came to see Mrs. Porteous constant- Hte, wondered if she added brandy • that they should invent that of all I organs—like a 11 the oth- drainage. Next is the proper con- centre all Steer efforts on trying -to ly, and could talk on (her fingers e under his breath walieens' Pink Pills actually In The digestive struetion of the well, including its fix in your mind some Of the =ale and oda drinking t� her accomplieh- slanders ?" He ewer a - 1 er organs !if the bad t their strength physical characterietice that may Muriel Franeis. was her name. ..SI e What fiend Of folly poseessed them and during the Mush of his lantern, 'nearly as well as Gerald himself. Y—get blood: 1; so as n.ot to permit sur- . ment cia smoking Yes he would have : at Mire. Sayer and Muddleton. A land nourishment from e 'blood. This new blood strong °omen—, . . . Miens the eke new aid.,tito police to capture him, later , • A LIGHT-HEARTED JAPANESE Ureter at las atercY- departure therefrom and know that , Ia the second place, try eo corner the coast below is clear. In any Here is a pieture of an Arima coolie, a representative' of a class which does a burgier, and nine times out of ten event, LI will ba perfectly safe for hard work, is content with little and enjoys life. ' ' "t: iir •- 1WHAT TO DO WHEN IN .DANGER. I(33)' A. TA. DrUnartoncl, in Buffalo CoUrier4 ...e.e.e. 01.e.e.e..,14,00,00e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e. 4. 4,4 0.1.0 0 4.04.41 e.i.e.01.44 444.44 Ilow many titilee we ineae all heara have X a rasiol been foe, if not It that bit od convoreation. ehoot ?" the, owner aerial 'Mosel:ova-ea "Now, what ivould ,you do 11 ercni he Wee a lateglor lit ins Itioin, and lat should awakea to and a burglar in forthwith roaches for 11, 0.041 tilerOW your house ?" pats Patelife iu eleopairilY. lie Well) uses "Well—way—abem—I bardly knOw. tia) sante line of ttegtuntint when 110 1 bouldn't say until tile oeellsion poar arose." • . • 0 a burglar below; Wear)); ha gem" to the head of the elates and fires 0 'rYtell..11,:e111.0..egoip).or course eto *follow hi Boob. a eituation 18 simple. It Is -4111voRdliirigivr:T;Ittill:)tattill)111tta:v11144yPil°01;t11,1: ( ) X oreise, the eminent) tend 'e 'tion our,:my, wito to shrowa enoogo trot to v71. 1.i:A8,o11 (100(110: traorgiii,pootmlittilxili to Hu.xe, ai riu. oiyoloomuuoi au aupaol r: ft,uttto.. if.11701r18.171 1(laf. INF:I, tylliz".4,.yLiticeuzilD1,01:311.1.taittiliei rue:tv,. toel.i7eymetion. to the floor, or toutell the trigger tempt to corner and •capture the bilauierr•ogifyliatirp,,r.reToae:siteohlrntestra,ettr.geattonestgsouoellitaitil sat- hvith 4 hand thrower about in his a fa°1. 1 bItley?*w"ru1401.111fgg'tt)e.b: utitileeepiloVrie4ojr Iniiii pberdo-- ‘ In the first place, "the Intrilder tellaw will letoto you at a. decided, disadvae- i Do not attempt to jump out Of bed toga You have .just awakeated, and and grapple with a burglar in ,your yOur e,yee.are unsecitto atm darle•hess, room, for the samo treasons that while his have boat pearang through ; you shoula not try to shoot WM. It for some minutes lanai sere keen Lie perfectly still until be hos left in ale behalf. You cle not know just the Amin, and then endeavor to where be is, while, from previous ex- , frighten him off and •remove the Monition or exterior Wrestle:art danger to ,your lite in the manner ktirolonwl:ewtaerseiyocoa,utIcyddLyeoountrerforoonnil! cataxi(til 1 alcr)enacteiy citteOebriabregdiar ; t.as become how. Your night shirt, being white., frightened It Will not take him long tunnel, Isic4)1 ibatithieFtk faiNirtoirrt,,oftouirdeinehziste a tiawrieillis ‘ le% ettlklev itirowesEl eget°. c le elar and geaearoaol 11Ye though you eskuty to ;creep upon I open so that he .will lose no Uwe' Wm' unawares, bls ears are 4F4 i IS getting away either before or ate sharp as a watch dog's, and he bears ter the job is finished. Whenever insignificant noises Malt yours he can he departs by the rear, as be fail to catch. Every step that you le not HO likely to nuiet anyone in take is known to your adversarY, the alley as In the street. af your crouching alomewhere before you In room has a window opening on tho the shattering darknees. You are en- rear, you can witness the Tellowei he will shoot, and slioot to kid. you to venture downstairs to sum - How many times have each of its mot the police several aninuteel afe read in the newspapers of this or ter notifying the burglar of your in ? You wouldn't shirk unpleasant' sutepielous by sanitarlans asylien it that Man lailed by a burglar whom wakefulness. . . things ?" I { i 1 IS used for drinking purposes. Tito lie was trying' to capture ? • . a ' But before you ge atter the' an - "Little woman," a said Captain Ger- „reason ifor this einepiy is that suth. inhere was the Latimer case in thorities do not neglect to impress ald, firtgering the. Small gun-metal ; water is ground, water, derived by Brooklyn some three years ago. La- upos the otber. members (of the tinier was the treasurer 01 a eeeret eleusehold the importance of not cross that hung at las watch chain i eteep,ago through Roil of the rain or organization, and bad some tor the touching or elisturbing the . coo- ly:Web Muriel had juet kissed in a (mow; ;water. Shallow+ Wells are as- societee money in his , house. In tents of the roonr in which the bur - your grit and thorougliness. All the , or ,facturies which they are to sup - passionate homage. "I haven't half the night he thought lie heard a bur- glar lias operated, so that no pos- ually placed quite close to 1.I.e houses same you must make your heroes to- glar. lie went hunting for the in- cable clue may be destroyed. Some - tat abstalners for tee future." • , ply, and them the ,soil in their neigh - and shot him dead. i i trade]) who sprang out of a closet thing in the general appearance of 1 boxbood Is apt to become contam- i the ransacked room—the burglar'a "Not that,'replted Muriel, with a I Inated„a,m1 this contamination Is Several years earlier, in the same method of going about Ids businese— delicate shudder; "but certainly not I ' the other thing. I don't feel that laterO. i' il b see ge I could go through it again, even foe art's sake."—rIte Sketch. ; DYSPEPSIA CURED. . 'WWII, 4 buteher met 0death under or 4 piece of Wire left behind, ma? into the well. FoIrtun.ately, the will similar cirmonsta•nees, and about the sufficient evidence to the . trained is an excellent filtering and cleans- same thine another Brooklyn citizen eye and mind to put the detective.; dinbsgpoasgoenotf, abarlrittatins ahrillaaoaitilnyt aobflecotno. the Intruders, but before he had gone ultimate capture of the criminal. endeavored to rush. downstairs upon on the right track a,nd lead to the taminating material'. 'Snob disposal ten steps ire received. three bells For •the same reason, if neighbors takes time„sd that if there is a through his body. , have been attracted to your house A Severe Sufferer Tells How He particularly heavy rain, the con- , terninatin,g matter may be carried Brooklan le not uniquo in this' re- ley, your adventure, keep them from Rocca It is simply; representative, walking around the premise,' and Overcame the Trouble. far into the earth below; the pturify- !Every city can show, a long record mingling their footprints with those "Not only do I not hesitate to de- lag ha, er, and thee noak unobanged e , ' of murdero committed iYyt, burglars. of the burglar. Important evidence. dare the benefit I have received feom into the wells. If a large alteolunt 0-1 i A burglar always gooe about his is frequently! ;destroyed in this mun- Dr. Williams' pink Pills, but I feel it ' this contaminating material finds its Jabs armed, and the imaglar is a rare tier. And do not let any one towi- ng duty ..to de so." These are the way into the tioll, the earth becomes exception, -who prefers capture to per with. anything about the house, words widest) Mr. Ecimund Lavoie, of St• "Oared," and . van no: longer Ms- I taking me. Tile law recognizes this which the 'authorities shouki. see just Jercuile, Que., lately addressed to the pose of or satielify the wttste, 11'111(11.1:act, and therefore gives to the man as the burglar left It—broken win - editor of L'Avenir du Nord, when ve- tends to ociak into and mix with the whose house has been entered, the dow penes, jimmied doors anu all. kiting the story of his cure. Mr. La-, ground water. 1 I right to kill the burglar on 'the To reduce to the minimum the vole is well known in St. Jerome. alai Some Tests.—Prof. Shutt's chemi- I ground of justifiable homicide. In chances of burglary of your lona), Itroaste NhvellosakynsowcalriirnieLs 1Fvoerighat conasaligig, esti:int the majority of the weals to l a burglar intends to kill as well as porly vouched for be let past your alyses of farm well water have, other words, the law presumes that see to it that no stranger not pro - able time he eves a great sufferer, frol,n be little better than cesspools. From • to toot whenever lie enters a hou,se door, 1 dyspepsia, which caused severe Woo- 10D to 200 samples a year are an- 1 and ails ends will be corved therebyi It is the easiest thing in theworld aches, pains in the stomach and some' alyZed at the chew:oat laboratory ef I If' you virant to do tho correct and for a burglar, or hie confederate, timea nausea. Sometimes he felt as the Central Experlmental Varna and • not the foolbardar; thing, Stay in your a dayi or two before he enters your I though he would suffocete, he would be• not one-fiftli of these can be Passed; room and make a decided noise. The house under cover, of darkness, to come dizzy, and experienced ringing as Safe and wholesome. BY far the: burglar will beeir it, know that you present himself at !your ,door -with noises in the ears. His appetite became greater num'ber are utterly con- 0 aro awake and aware al. ltio pre- some such information as: "I'm tho poor, and. les general health so at Ile Drava it Oiliest iraposeibie to work, end when the headaches attacked him domned, while others are reported_tgenoo, and forthwith flee the house,, _gas man, and I've genie to look over as suerritiorts,* putting them to thIt is a* Obaracteristle 'trait or bur.' the. pipes and fixtureil,"- ;or, "Perth() category of those that are unsafe glars tot be frightened off by noises. plumber, and Mr. Smith, myt boss. Alit] W49 tO see that everything was all right ;" or "Pm' a building inspector, and I Want to see if tho fire escapes are ha .good working . 1e good , The man Is admitted without ques- tion, and While he goes about front room, to room', ostensibly examin- ing the gas fixtures; or the plutnb- ing, or what not, he also takes In the sidebon.rd With its displayt of sil- ver, 'the varioue dressing tables with with theta burdens of silver toilet articles, and the general arrange- ment oaf the housrt. Then, 'when he has secured all the necessary! infor- motion, lie leaves, to return • that night or the next. . Never admit or lot an'y one be ade vatted to year 'house without tha Proper Indorsement," ; and if you al - sot refrain from promiscuously' die- pinaing your silver, you need , have little tear of Irarglars. A burglar does not, as a rule, enter a house on which, in the language of The otrect, be cannot "get a line." t he had to qua work. Fel sl, months. to use. 'Me b,acteriological examine- Perhape, when you have frightened he says, he suffered both physically, and tions of Dr. Connell and Prof. Itarraa oil your burglar, he will leave eci can be hnagmed, ROJ, of the Ontario Agricultural Co-DmuenritnaglaythinsiotrAot Itrelltook medieme,from. loge, show simnel. reeurte. Dr. Con- nell mentioned that out of a dozen a 'precipitately( that be will neglect to factory waters waters sent him las.t sum- I take the 81Lyerwarti along. But if he soenvemalialydietectio.erasa, bouft eurotfhoeundnno il 1 ealps.i.mThil emir). through the use of Dr. 'William's Til were 1°731 wasfoundlitd lorU": , to profit and 1089, and be thank - 011831__I flight, then charge up another item c.arries a well etuffed bag in his Pink Pills, and decidea to try theme He e , a Y c einem e , stud fur i ful for tho comforting bit of know - 1 f mouths u , ranking purposes would be num- used. the pi s cat ' • t• ubled with Improvement Necesslry.—a factory Mutely condemned. and they have made him feellike a new . . ledge. that spoon e can be replaced and 1110 caunot If you wake)°, to find n. burglar 1 ' b 1 1 se , l Id itg�, when she bad given him the stomach, stimulated -the liver,...re.reu . She was rat ier lonely in Muddle- face washings flotylng in. As Prof. ton, and apparently made no effort .a brandy! and soda. Not that lie thought comet° Ins mind of Miuriels Shutt pointed out, this drainage hire he ought to be going. . . Claret, inotead of the brandy, and the bowels and sets the 1.vhoin cbgesave Winona eharaater, .is . the very ma- lei determined by notioing where hie to make friends, beyond her quiet, wanted It, but it gave bin!, a chance an.s.i.ous face that night, two months .. matter, apart from its actually pot - but she was devoted to . her werlo iahetairytt,moviggeoei;oeitisof prt.uotoect.,. Mrs. Porteoue lifted her eyebrows From. the depths af a curionely he smiled. The thought ;woo follow.' system blionoda health. That is why Dr. William's Pink. -toilet upon wbech microbes and, germs) iteadccomes on eomo object in the dumb friendship with Mrs. Porteous; , carved black oak cabinet alio pro- ed, by another thought. Ile remetn- !Pins aiwn,va brine good health to thoee live, and water polluted from the room. taller than lie, as, for exam - in arblinsical wonder as she •said it, Option of soda, a bottle ,and bered the scene in "Mho Chastisement - who use them. You can get these »ilk barnyard, privy, etc., IR always load- pie, the bureau. Don't trust to your Periulps she would come in this ai. duced a ternoon. She often came, and her "I hope the brandy! Isn't anything ial) hero, Who WW1 yot to prove moat :front Your' medicine dealer or by mail at ed with, countless millions of bac- teria. It is impossible to turn out a tumbler, . , of Diana," where the little beunder- sense of height without some such the worse," ,she said. "It has been • truly . a hero, had silegraced himeelf 50 cents rt, box, or six boxes for *2.50. by it. man's 'height off -hand within soy - visits wore .a. refresialment to MrS.irst-class dairy products where such a, guide. Very' few person.e can name , "Ii; tries me so," she said plain- open for two attars. and las Stooping goddess byi getting Brookville, Ont. writing The Dr: Williams' Medicine Co.,Cooral lbebes, ca.nel an inch or exi eats Porteous. ; , ; ' water is used, so even from the dole Ile smiled again at her anxioite ex- . drunk. "Groat heavens," Ietolliott bad I lars-and-centh standpoint, improve , - pression. Seill in the semadarknosee : said, "the thing is a ment in this respect is imperative. in ithilification., . tively, to have Mrs. Sayer and Jane t aV b t * a. > aii- shriek so THE WATER SUPPI:N. Green and the Saville girls anti Mar- marvel— Zola- Aseertain the general appearance !LB poured ;some liquid from. the bot- oscine. flew could an,y woman un- I It is not the sincOl oe appearance • ten. Get las height, which is very im- portant. This can bo pretty' cloge- 0 Mit t ot his ear.. -The measurement and in my Oar iitat my .brain really tin- tie, added soda, and !Tut it to hie der---------------------ces unless t had Many eamples of water, which to' shapo of the ear play an imoortant gles for hours afterward. And they , "Corking brandy,' he said to boa describefor beby a mani?" The Farm Weil—The ChOese ti. ae sense of Innen or sight or taste part nownelityle In identifying crime say Buell stupid things. 1 -can hardly hammed, aa he noticed the darkne 4s Doubtlese Mluriel had had It de - over hear them, but I •know they or its color. "The child 'doesn't know seribed for her. Once alio hail had Male, the Bertillon eyetein haying ! aro perfect, yet simply reek %with; Factory and Great-nen/a ' filth. The baeteria which we can_ ahown that while, a criminal may Mho old friends didn't at 'all like Worth it." little armlet, rwho was HO lonely. In Soeno rather 'startling facts. in re- not detect by our sensor more dangerouR than those Which ., are far , alter other parts of his physical be- ' ing by make teat ale eannot eu) hale have something against Muriel." the difference. Never •nilnd. She is; many brothers and many coutens — Mrs. Parteoes's friendship for Mu- , Ile taeted it, and made a w•rsliface.. e rd to the water stem!, of our. her devotion, to her art he could im- a°' ' - a -- ' - a Yd , we one detect. 'Thane; very truly. V. ale ear. asherefore, do not fail to Oet, apperently. ' . • . ' "It isn't brandy," lie said. "I den't farms, elteese factories an cream ..r c. : notice wbother the burglar's ear I .".A. parcel of caw!" flashed Ger,- know what it is but it ct'.rtainayi ag nee ag. free rig a er le sor tails of drunkenness, studying min- i I * ki ft ti dial de- feries, (Ware brought clut at the con- A. Clemons, Publication Cie 1 lies fiat against bis head, or stieko tald'a linger. wratlnutly. Hie moiler ' ' a c 5. utely the staple by which the con- erence al dairy instruntoas and • The 'Chicago Way. out alinormally„ or IR long, Or broad, .know that enough ocandal emanate. ate toned at him borroresdriela . experts held in Ottawa. last 10,1 1, the gltlicielotinclonwa wheelti. i. 1,... a ...1, i e ..k... A r Ito I 1 . (Cbicago Post.) or hats a•pecullarity of any .sort. tea ..from the Ilitatritge--eAtee. allYcie en, and then 'took the other. 13ottle on wale reecho that, when it wasaa. eateetie. ;report, co W014.41, SI 110W 1.1u- ellistributed b atr J 1. R d Also endeavor to nonce the gen- aittudaleton. And allure. -alma' old Prande? she Said, 'Pet dreadfully hour with Muriel before Mra Sayer's RAWL In diocu,ssing t ie taut La ion "I believe smite tem has taken the lib- • ' ' ,' i. • 1 if the man (friars env out of the or - maids' Nothing itai do but to aback Of ()Mese facturles !and Creameries, (Unary phytileat mark or character- - afraid the other must liava been oast aboitt aites Francis? whieb 1 couLdn't bring inalself to 'Dug hardly ceased to murmur that elle tl lit ciocureeta to hitn. She • Aral • ti Kingston Dairy School, point +1 t Piled. 1 Dr. Connell, baoterialo.gist at the erty of starting such a rumor," she re - I teeUm fact fizeirel4rion yoen)Hura ittriAinyilF.1 bite their tleighboro. 'What drd they, some claret the doctor ordered me naltonny, and itR resulting train of . istie, •such as a scar or limp, regle- • brandy bottle putialee me." • Was too old for hint, for love, tho i la good LI ou lay einem on such acculinalties There- er'Alt, that wee oomething Mre. Pore drink, though how It got into the • • , - ; that ono great .nanitary requisite • Well, don't you think it Amid be maws, aniii,i,y. d i ti 1 teous could laot ,enatisfyi hint about, wtater. Most ef our factor- ettsier to make the rumor true than to 44They grumble oo," he said, "each of toin brandy!, and very excellent I kisF;°s• The elaret bottle Proved to cora heresy watch he had stifled with hits 1 leo obtain thelr Wetter Saone .ehallow f,0 to•the trouble and annoyance of de- „.. . part would ix, exceedingly useful to Leto), Imo get of information on ;your th.em. in 'urn witit her 'mouth aga,inat Wells, only a ;few u:sing water from eying it?" he suggested, Suddenly he emoothea back 'the .cleept (walls. springs, 'creek.; and riv- :crimps you are right." she admit- . • • to tbe authorities as nearly ever Amy ,eler. I leave just' caught Murielee bran • 'Uncle Valentine had it when ha hair frone her broad, serene fore- , ero. Gookl water ean . be eeetered 4 ea. "Such details are always ineffective, ,sur.4.161.. 1 . unities he is. co nealee, hall itlYs name,' and front tittle looks I 'Melee d'escrIption in the eountry's rogues' thew( were toying ,something against Was HI," she said. "It has only (been ! head. . 1 ' I Irma elluillotcy or sureate evells„yet in addition to being more or less distress- bor. A tioar, good little ginsfl Air,ff, ' touched °nee. since. I au so ;glad "Little girl," he 'said, "you are hada ;Water is always classified as Mg." galleriee. Do not bother about try-. Porteous did dot keels, what she It wasn't quite Vogt." : l- Wenderful, Wohilerful. I an terra ' - - • - - • • ing to find out the color of ble hair vallould do Without heir. Gerald would' A •ouestiOn. !Mune all his tongue, . fied At Possessing sn011,„ a wise Per- • or eyes, or wateth(!,r he has a mous- ano Oen proea Aviv mnepoicen.,, she: son for my Own. Toll me how you tuella The poor light trill keep you see for ainestelf, • from bemiring the corre5et knowledge, .; "It is terobably' the smoking," he might be, ea she etad 'gala, a woman, i IrlI0Nir things by intuition which , you cannot really know. Tell me.' kat tho motor oloold ' and knot a, Vary yo,hag one in yeara, . thought; -"and, hew did you tindertand. how the bat olte looked; so itinooent me she • 'sry distroesed about it, it's no use little cad in Diana —.yes, X know ' mortal stood (there in the laimplIght thitt he telling .her. ;Muriel Francha. Pranced Now, Waat have I read of had et Midden itomputtetion 101 1.111* GM ho was a hero, but he wail a little did Soh, little. One ?" elioltld hear af it they Would tear- ' I Captain Gerald was riot a great .ot Course, old kiayter Wiae alr to stock loaf a dozen places like Hot_ wM brought It to himi. "Would yoa mind eeing if Ole art, nothing was unlovely to allurtel. Ibe had aeon a whole heavenly t ' 'a teperied to be engaged." leg dick chief of the dairy division Ot- y . • • 11. " understand," be said, "that we are , , broad labeling' roma:, oval, long, ;,a1m ral shape of the ram, and head, lato .asit 11 tito muddietown may cad nil the Mame—got drunk '? IloW veader. Ile laad found On book of tile little girl to ploaes.. Ile called She llfte:I her boitialfal, candid eYes Ilfo so profoUndlY, intereeting, had hinimeit 'bad brutes tor having yield- to him, no frank and yet so utitatii- turned lts Lagos' so rOPIdlY that c41 to the temiptation to come in. Ointtble. 1 i ilitd had little thne or inelination for no wort away liastily. fie had an "Why," she smith "I got drunk my- Ithe make helleVeli of life. Yot ideathalt elm ;would het helm olyjeete self, so that X might knoeO bete it libriel Prune's, 'At litstt In 11, erttl- 4s1 if led bed mitt dawn and talked 141Meiled. rel. quit° a long time I ixo to hootilor took notes, tilt n'it became too itineh den Slash of memory! he placed It. fairer as goin . Ight hi me. It wast at all nice after - ,Why, alio had written "The Chastlee- Man' nal he ?tviiisnit going tO he swill fad to to .x1,04.44,„ hot.! Ward. I etetcle np my mind to It just ;non 1 oi Diana " which he had read a beast and that once; I didn't know,. perhaps, on the troopship last year,. and had to horrible comment/ en the part law_ horrid It WAR going tee be. I Murmured "Ity Jove!" over, as he bud of the gorNilk4 01 afaclaileton. lie telt shall never ba able to look (Wen at 011101101y 1 allant AV her, ready to flan() over the emoking. wipe pgitin as long as I live." _ . Rut that little girl to write the ,, , tilt nt taiiiiimille Or anything dee : Ile took her faee between hie hulas beok—impaseible. Ille friend, li'fole it nor naks• ' ' 11lied p,eized into her eyes, • thell liott, who was a reading man, had .. after tbat their friendship greae hinghod out raved nbout it, finally forcing Cap- Itindilleton wpm unite ready to. make .,INtrs. Sayer told me tog much a tala Gerald to read lt, It woo it .re. iiviwb of CaptainGerald. There couple of Lours age. / .threatened Markable book,especially for a wo- Ware }seven daughters at the vicar- „ her with thte e rrors of law. flow do Man to holey written, /1 bandied ago, NAhe , indeed, toverldas 01 yott mammal the old cat laicise ?” ' feaclesdy subjeets alione, andel) 01414e11:4 of alI ogee In Matildietchl "WV, I ,telill them. X tOla the Witele Most Women might be supposed to be ;Mu) something renutrkahle, attul- ()trade of thein, Drifortunataly, they Ignorant; bat 10 Ito verytearle/s. dlelon *Ott ,cvet the not, Fait thtp- v i ati-i , tvio.covered ,fliailak and could talk ' tele) it WAR clean and innocent. "It . 1a.114 Gerald Would not come in, lln of nothing but that drunken thaP" . takes away your breatii,” rrolliott refitvzoil invitation4 iiin the vaore of ter. 'They asked ine how I did any. . had eatid, it bad made Captain iter. invalidism, ir.,c Wittilld 'was it i:lonven. 'thing 140 11011'1d, Ittil t tOld theta Of itld 'thoughtful itt thi, tithe 01 rend- ;mice, otagelonailly, though there Wag' 1101trRt, it Was Very disagreeable; but pg, , " Rurdly a throbbluit In it lialea yonal do no much, wouldn't you, Ger-. I Oat afternoon "thc little girl" WA polite ttrx)logies wore received *I41 or Anstliing your beart *to Natural Flavor „a foods When yea are at a toss to know what 4,0 serve for _fil tieing ana satisfying, try lunellovn -when you crave yuwthiru c:All 11114)0 • Libby's- (1`,I=1 4 • food Products - Among thb matte tihisy aelleacas aro, lIoneleun Clako. moit,,o pato. Vete 1084, rftriettA WaferSliCed Dried lied, rotted Item anti Cornea Teel 118811, ttc.—wholesomo toads that are es cialate as tiles, are aitela subscnialal as they are nopetlehur. . Ask Toet Grazer for Libby% Libby, McNeill FA. Libby .. .. Chicago and if Ztrott say the man's hair is brown when it to black, our faulty information merely tends to confute) the pollee in thole search for the criminal. Don't try to shoot a burglar wile is in yon' room. Von play right in- to 11114 114II(10. Whubcy ou are leach - Mg for On revolter under your pia lam alio odds are heavy that he will cover you, to say the least. The slightest noise wails his attention— Oven the gentle slipping of your arm along the sheet) up under your pil-i low for your Weapon. F.Nen If acru 4.11e0004I in getting hohi of the raeolver, he etill ham a detided adistatage. !Won ltis feet, you are on your astek, and so lie ran get his revolver into action with with greeter rapidity and freedom. It'ora will 1), encumbered by the btid elothing, and will have to make Rev. ern) movements preliminary to aim- hvg at him, While lie van nlmply whirl ,! nbout 00 you and bang away. Ms nil. ' vantage-Maybi n, hatitter of 804)011414only,Jbut seccindo count in smell o situ. talon. I firmly bAleve that a revolver na- iler a Tillovv. Is Mere dangerous to Ito oWitee 'theft the 'Criminal' It la nleant to protect him from. ," What NAIURE'S CURE FOR CHILDREN. Soothing medicines, opiates and strong drugs should iever be given to little ebildren. Any doctor will tell you this. Baby's Own Tablets should, be used, be- cause they cannot letent the smallest, weakest infant. These tablets instantly relieve and promptly One all stomach and bowel troubles, break up colds, de- stroy worine. ana allay the irritation no. companying the cutting of teeth. Thou. '4110(18 of mothers say they are the best medicine in the world; one of theee, Mrs. 111 Scull:rad, Calabogie, Ont., writes: "I have tried many remedies for children, but Baby's Own Tablets is the hest I have ever used. I have been giving them occasionally to ney child since he was six months old. They have always kept hint well, and he is a big, bealthy baby.' All medicine dealers sell thee+ tablets, or yon can get them post paid at 25 cents a. box by writing to The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. PROSPECTING Pin A RELIGION, although japan is building temple and shrineR and sustaining ancient cere- monials, they are more an expression of estheticism than religion. Pilgrimages to altars, instead of assuming the gloom of funeral ianaticiem, take on the mete tenant of holiday affairs. It is a pious festival which bears all the visible de - Bake of a successful pienia Religious intolerance is not one of the demerits of Japan, A. Buddhist deVotee is perfectly tiontent to pause and pay devotions to a Shinto shrine. Chris- thmity 18 micelle& the 'Japanese contend, not because it eondiets with the anciralt creeds of Asia, but because it is ithelf a faith -06.0A111 in origin—v.1Mb the 'Orient has finally outgrowe. • Believing, tle•refore, that Japan has developed idulosoplawally fur beyoud 'Christian powets, and that it is that t01111tr3'R duty to Ming Mimed se/VS.- 11014 to the Celestiel Empire, the Jap' anese people eoutend that they Will be justified ut establishing tbeir sway in Asia.— Itarold Bolee, in the jam llouldovere_M_agazl_rat. TIM WAS TOO mont "80,» eolibeit Ii1in4 Vitsdinrovitell. "Ivan Ninespetski dir.a lit brittle Do you fifty he uttered iny 114111e att Ite• WWI -(1.'11.1.1gai7t•tit IV replied the icinraell tot - diet, "patt of it." ---Tort Worth Mort