HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-09, Page 81
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rl` lailAID1 W SI i;O11a STORE.
A Shoe vent.
This i$ the time of the year to buy your Spring
stud Summer Footwear,
Think of the Saving.
As au introdction to our New Store we will give
a uniform discount of
Ten Per Cent.
on every pair of Shoes we sell -Men's, Women's or
Children's ; also Trunks and Valises. Sale will
last but a short time, but while its on is the time to
- buy Shoes for the family. Come and get first pick.
Don't delay. But buy or not we ask our friends
- to stepin for a social call,. We will bepleased to
welcome you.
Ws it Greer, The Shoer
L ee�
1/111/1111 .11 111 IMI I1. esaeraINA1111111»eee1111111ereiw111 I i 11 , - 1
Thos. Skelton returned, from Wood-
stock last week, accompanied by his
A. M, McKay has returned from
Toronto unci is visiting hie sister, Mrs.
II, Jackson.
The Council snot on May .30th as a
Court of Revision ; members all Pres-
ent and subscribed the oath required
by Statute.
Appeals were heard and disposed of
as follows :-F. McCracken coin plained
of being too high assessed, reduced
$100 ; Thos. Bernard complained of
being toohigh assessed, reduced $150 ;
Walter Youil! complained of being too
high assessed, dismissed; J. J, Elliott
entered tenant N. pt, 1 and 2, con. 1;
Reg. Watson entered F, S. Ni 13, con.
5 ; Daniel Barclay entered owner lots
12 and 15, Belgrave ; John Stewart en-
tered M. F., lot 23, con. 2; Thos. Mar-
shall entered tenant Si 27, con. 9 ; Levi
Lott entered tenant Ni 24, con, 1,
Ott motion of Shaw and Jackson, the
Court of Revision was then adjourned -
to meet again on June 27th at ten .
o'clock a. m,
Council business was then proceeded
with. Minutes of last regular and one
special meeting were read and passed,
On motion of Code and Jackson, Mr.
Shaw was instructed to have a ditch.
dug on sideline between lots 20 and 21,
• con. 3, the same to be put in a satis-
factory condition.
On motion of Code and Taylor, By-
law No. 6, for the purpose of prohibit-
ing stock from running at large in
this municipality, was read the third
time and passed and the Clerk or-
dered to have printed copies of the
same placed in the hands of the pound -
keepers of the municipality.
On motion of Shaw and Code, Mr.
Taylor was instructed to examine side-
line between lots 25 and 20, con. 4, and
report at next meeting respecting the
necessity of a ditch on said road.
On motion of Shaw and Taylor, a
By-law was passed appointing Mr.
Jones of London as .Engineer for this
municipality, and the Clerk was in-
structed to notify him to that effect.
By-laws No. 6, 7 and 8 were'duly read
and passed.
On motion of Taylor and Shaw, the
following boundary line appropria-
tions were made, providing the ad-
joining municipalities expend equiva-
ent sums, namely :-East boundary
$150, west boundary $150 on prairie
near Wingham and $50 south of Bel -
grave, north boundary $50, south
boundary $50.
On motion of Shaw and Jackson,
Messrs. Taylor and Code were in-
structed to have sideroad between lots
5 and 6, con. 7, opened out.
On motion of Taylor and Code, the
Reeve was instructed to have the
bridge at stone school -house and Mar-
tin's bridge on first line put in a proper
state of repair.
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follows :-A. E. Bradwin, publishing
Railway By-law and printiug ballots,
$52 83 ; A. Button, lumber, $79,40 ; R.
B. Alcock, building culvert, $12;
school sections Nos. 1 and 9 for use of
school houses at railway vote, each $3;
W. Clark, part salary, $40 ; Jno. Wat-
son, assessor's salary, $70 ; T. S. Bran-
don, attending Provincial Audit, $5;
A. Laidlaw, D. R. O. fees, $6 ; R. Bew-
ley, D. R, 0. fees, $6.
The Council then adjourned to meet
again after Court of Revision, the 27th
June next. W. Clark, Clerk.
My Business is Buying,
Selling and Exchanging Real
Estate in. Ontario
Vanstone Blook
I bring Buyer and
Seller together .
House For Sale.
Mr. W. J. Chapmam is offering for sale his
residence on Victoria Street. This is a rare
chance to secure a most desirable home at a -
reasonable price. Apply to
Abner Cosens.
A number of other good properties for sale.
You can buy cheaper than you can build.
Grocery Store.
of all kinds.
Cash for Butter and Eggs.
Phone 61.
W. F. VanStone
Binder Twine.
We are sole agents in Wingham
for the Ontario Government Twines.
Pure Manilla, 650 feet to the lb........129c
Manilla, 600 feet to the ib..... ....... 11e
Farmers' Special, 550 feet to the lb....110
Farmers' Special, 500 feet to the lb ,...103c
Each package contains 60 lbs, of
Twine, with a two -bushel grain bag
and three rope halters with snaps
and rings. Every ball guaranteed.
Freight paid to your nearest station.
Orders must be in by June 15th.
Hardware, Wingham.
Fred. McLean spent a few days last
week in Owen Sound.
Mrs. Baxter of Toronto is renewing
acquaintancea in town. `
Mrs. John Smith of Pinkerton is
visiting friends in town.
Mrs. S. McGee of Owen Sound is the
guest of Wingham friends.
Miss Morton, evangelist, is a visitor
at the Parsonage this week.
George Disney and Harry Carr left
last Saturday for Owen Sound,
Misses E. Greer and M. Robertson
of Lucknow spent last Friday in town.
Miss Maggie Tibbs spent Sunday
with Miss Ida Reid, East Wawanosh.
Mrs. W. T. J. Homuth and Miss'
Marguerite have been visiting friends
in Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cummer and Miss
5, L. Moore .of Listowel spent Sunday
in town,
Mr. and Mrs. A. McGuire and Miss
Winnie of Brussels spent Sunday with
relatives in town.
Mrs. Treacy is spending this week
with her daughter, Mrs. Fyfe, 6th con.
of Turnberry.
Mies Carrie Hingston of Brussels
was a visitor at her brother's, Mr. A.
Hingston, this week,
'Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Anderson left
last Saturday on an extended visit
with friends in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Breen returned
on Tuesday from spending a couple of
weeks with relatives in Grand Rapids,
Mrs. Eck of Aylmer is visiting her
sister, Mrs. H. Ball. Their brother,
Mr. John Crothers, is very low at
Mrs. Skelton and children, the Miss-
es Farquharson and Mies Montgomery,
all of Walkerton, were guests of Mrs.
J, Bugg over Sunday.
Jos. Smeltzer of Lanes was calling
on old friends in town on Monday.
He was formerly in the employ of
Wm. Holmes, blacksmith, and was on
his way home from Belmore, where
he and his wife had been visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton of
Seattle, are spending a few weeks
with relatives and friends in Wing -
ham, Gorrie and other parts of this
neighborhood. Mrs. Hamilton will he
remembered as Miss Etta Green,
daughter of Mr. Geo. Green of town,
T. J. McLean made his trip over the
Bruce Peninsula during the past
two weeks, in the interest of McColl
Bros. Mrs. McLean and master Neil
accompanied him. Although the
roads were rough, yet the scenery
was delightful, and they enjoyed the
trip very much.
East Wawanosh.
Mr. J.Tierney has purchased a new
black driver,
Miss Laura Bell is the guest o£ her
aunt, Mrs. pansy,
Mr's, Robt. Taylor of St. `Helens
was the guest of her parents, M-', and
Mrs, J. D, McClinton, last week,
A meeting was held in school No,
13 on Thursday night, on behalf of the
new railroad bylaw, The meeting
was largely attended and addresses
were delivered by several able speak-
ere from Blyth and Goderich.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place on Wednesday, June 1st, at the -
residence of M. D. Snell, when his
daughter Lizzie E, was united in
bonds of matrimony to Mr. Win.
Rogers of Westfield. Rev, Mr. Coup,
land performed the ceremony precise-
ly at 5 p.m., after which the hostess
led the way to the dining -room, where
all partook'of a sumptuous repast. The
evening was spent in music and Banc
The following is the report of S. 5,
No. 9, E. Wawanosh, for the month of
May. The names are arranged in or-
der of merit: V. --Bella McDougall.
Sr. IV -Stanley Elliott, Willie Shoe -
bottom, Ella Walker. Jr. IV -Lau. a
Currie, Katie Shiell, Annie Leaver,
Tessa Anderson, Wilfrid Pocock, Sr..
III -Maggie Shiell, Garfield Shoebot-
tom, John Kerr, James Ferguson and
Herbert Burchill (equal). Jr.
don Rintoul, Rintoul, George Walker, Gwendo-
lino Currie, Earl Elliott, Mary Elliott,
George Currie, Walter Pocock. Sr.
II -Pearl Deacon. Jr. II -Verna Tay-
lor, Part II -Richard Deacon, Daniel
Ferguson, Bernice Shiell, Harold
Walker, Herold Currie, Part I -Bella
Ferguson, Charlie Taylor, Franklin
Robinson, Maggie Pocock, Katie Cur-
rie, Ernest Shiell, Bessie Burchill,,
Viola Deacon, Nellie Deacon. Aver-
age attendance, 33. Miss Alice Duff,
Council met on Thursday, May 26th,
as a Court of Revision and Appeal ;
members all present. Having each
severally subscribed to the affirmation
required by statute, the following ap-
peals were heard :-John Marwood
complained that his property, N. W.
pt. lot dO, con. 6 and Et lot 30, con, 7,
was too high assessed. After compar-
ing these assessments with others in
the same locality, they were confirm-
ed. Sampson Carter Si Ni lot 31, con,
3, and Wm. Deacon Si lots 33 and 34,
con 11, both complained that they
were too high assessed ; reduced $100
each. J. W. Cartwright of Hullett, on
application, was assessed as owner of
W4 lot 30, con. 3.
The Court was then closed, to be
re -opened again and finally disposed
of on Monday, 20th June next,
Council resumed; minutes of last
meeting read and passed.
Account of Sawyer --Massey Co.,
Hamilton, for two new bits for grader,
received and laid over till next meet-
Ellis-- Wilson --That the assessor,
Wm, Robinson, be paid $20, being ex-
penses incurred in equalizing the Un-
ion schools of the township for a period
of five years -carried.
Beecroft -Menzies -That F. Ander-
son, treasurer, be paid $5, being ex-
penses incurred in meeting and sub-
mitting his books to the Prov. Auditor
for inspection at Goderich, 4th May
last -carried.
The Treasurer reported cash on
hand at date, $39L41.
Janes Raithby, near Auburn, was
present, complaining that water in
certain places at or near his property
Miss Mary Thornton of Wingham required an outlet to take same away.
was visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Tho Reeve was authorized to look
John Gardiner, this week.... Mr. and after this matter.
Mrs. Walter Burgess and children of By-law No. 5, 1004, ratifying the ap-
Mitchell spent last week visiting Mr, pointment of pathmasters, pound -
Burgess' aunt, Mrs, D. Lewis.... Miss keepers and fenceviewers for the cur -
Laura Snell has returned from a five rent year, duly read and passed.
months visit with relatives at York- By-law No. 6, 1904, for the purpose
ton, Assa....Miss Belle Burgess is of granting a bonus in aid of the
visiting her brother at Brantford.... Guelph Junction Ry. Co., read a first
Miss B. Thynne of Underwood is visit- time.
ing her sister, Mrs. Bailey....Mrs. J. Resolved, that this Council expend
Geddes of Morris was visiting her $150 in fixing gravel road at prairie
sister, Mrs. Robt. Shaw, last week.... near Wingham, and a further sum of
Mr. Chas. Coultes of Listowel spent $50 on gravel road between Belgrave
Sunday at home.... Mrs. S. McGee of and Blyth,, provided Morris Council
Owen Sound was visiting her aunt, give an equivalent.
Mrs, J. Johnston ....Miss M. Alexan- Wilson -Ellis -That Coun. Menzies
der and Mr. T. Tennant of Listowel be appointed to co-operate with repre-
were visitors to Blnevale last week... sentatives from Morris, in the absence
A number of the members of the Blue- of the Reeve, for the repairing of gra-
vale branch of the Women's Institute vel road, etc. -carried.
attended the annual meeting of the Arch'd Brydges wase pointed path -
district at Gorrie last Thursday.... master for road Div. No, 30, in place
Miss Miller of Wroxeter was visiting of Win. Grigg.
her grandmother, Mrs. Fowler, on the Debentures were passed and signed
Bluevale road, this week ....F. B. in favor of Wm. Robinson, services as
Scott received word on Monday of the assessor, 1904, $55, and expenses equal -
death of his father. Mr. Scott and izing Union schools, etc., $20 ; George
Misses Mary and Olive went to Sea- Mason, Wingham, one minute book,
forth to attend the funeral...,Messrs. $1.25; F. Anderson, treasurer, expens
Wm. Messer, Robt. McPherson and es incurred in meeting Prov, Auditor
R. N. Duff attended the Liberal Con- at Goderich, etc., $5.
vention at Brussels last week ....G. The Council then adjourned till
Paterson has gone to Winnipeg, Monday, 20th June next.
where he intends to reside in future .... P. Porterfield, Clerk.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Paterson of East
Wawanosh visited Mrs. Anderson this MONEY mo LoAN-At 4h per cent. on
week ....Mr. and Mrs. F. McCracken improved farms. Easy terms of ro-
of Brussels visited Mrs. Gardiner last payment; expenses light. Apply A.
week.... John Haney, of Palmerston, Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan
paid a flying visit to his home here Agent, Kent Block.
Saturday ....Mrs. Andrew Holmes is
visiting relations at Dundas and - Belmore.
i! Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wylie, of Turn -
berry, visited at Win. McGee's on
Gre Monday... .Thos, Richardson has re-
s turned from his visit to Sault Ste
We are glad to be able to report that Marie reporting a very pleasant
the condition of Will, White is very trip ....Mrs. (Rev.) D. Rogers and
h roved he beim able to sit family of Fordwich spent Sunday at
of Toronto, is visiting with her
................0....J Congratulations to Rob. Pearson of parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barton. .
Rev, Wm. Lowe will conduct divine Victoria College, Jas. Jackson and W. Mr. Edwards lost a fine horse last
service in Zetland achool•honee on Fri- E. Bryans of Toronto Medical College, week and replaced it by purchasing
day (to -morrow) evening at 7.80 o'clock, who were successful at their recent one from Jas, Merkley.... Mr. John
sharp. examinations. Lamonby and family of town moved
Mise Belle Miller entertained `Roe's to Wingham this week, where they
Mr. Geo. Mason conducted the ser- choir on Monde evening.All are have purchased the grocery store of
vices on the F absence
circuit last ger unanimous that the eveninwas most Mr. D. Rush, We bespeak for them
day, in the absence of Rev. D. Rogers pleasantly spent. The party was giv- a kind reception by the Wingham
at Cdnference, en in honor of Mr. Rob, Pearson, who people and wish them success in their
. Next Sunday is Children's Day in the leaves shortly for Manitoba. new venture..,.Mi'. Lawrence is
Baptist church. Rev. J. N. McLean, finishing the largest contract of the
B.A., willpreach to the children in the We are sorry to hear that little Tom. season -the foundation of a large barn
_ 1 morning, sting services are son of Sam, Burke, had the misfortune for Mr. Fred. Taylor, Wroxeter.
cipated, to have the waggon run over him one !
day last week, We did not hear full
Miss Morton, evangelist, occupied the particulars but understand his head Jamestown.
pulpit of the Methodist church last Sun- and back are injured, We trust the Miss Maud McKelvey returned
day, and preached excellent sermons to little fellow is not serious and will home from Toronto last Thursday.
large congregations. She also gave an soon be all right. She intends remaining for the sum -
address on Monday evening at the mer months.,..Mr, and Mrs, Alex,
League meeting.
Rev. J. N. McLean, B,A., preached to a
the Maccabees last Sunday morning; yin Abell-Leathorn,-On May 24, 1004, at of ilrnescls visited Liver Sunday with
he evening Prof. Campbell occupied the residence of Mrs, James W. Orr, her friend Miss B. Bryans.... Mr. and
Mrs, Dave Ramsay epest Sunday with
the former'' sister, Mrs. Pugh of Bras -
eels... . Mr, and Mrs, Alex. McCosh of
Kincardine spent a few dayl of this
week with the latter'' parents, Mr,
and Mrs, John Strachan.,,. Wm, Mc-
Kelsey, who has been so poorly all
spring with nerve trouble, is some.
what better at present....I1obt, Mc-
Kay of Ethel is expected to conduct
the service in Victoria Hall next Sun-
day evening....Tbe Jamestown Sun-
day School have decided to hold a
picnic on July 1st in Alex. llryan&
bush, as they have done the last t'vo
years in succession. It promises to
surpass anything yet held in the line
of picnics,
up again improved,
hope it continues. Wm Lowry'' Mrs Fred. Waldon
Bryans sp ent Sunday With friends
MARRIAGES. near Fordwieh,...Miss Jessie Elliott
the pulpit, Meetings are being held Stratford, by ltev. Dr, Langford, Mr.
us to retain old customers and to each evening this week, conducted. by - 'mewl Abell,
d of Marg tet County
gain new antis are the uniformly - Prof. Campbell, of use, anam
of the Wall Paper we sell, and the
Communion services were held in the
Presbyterian church bet Sunday morn-
ing;; the pastor, Rev. Cl. Perrie, preach-
ed, in the evening, Rev. 0, H. '4''essot,
of Montreal, spoke in behalf of Pointe
s Tremble School in connection vrlth
Craig -Robertson --In W yngham, at
1 the residence of the brides. uncle, on
the 8th June, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr.
Orlando G. Craig to Mies Miriam
Robertson, both of Wingham.
at which we sell it. Our new line 1 French Evangelization work. Clark--ilentioui.•-On Thursday, Pune
include. many exclusive patterns 1 At 8.80 this (Thursday) afternoon in 2iid, in St Paul's church, Winghatll,
things yotx won't see elsewhere.. St. Paul's church, Miss Itirkby, return- b Rev. W. Lowe, Joseph Clark to
May we show them to you? ed missionary from China, will address chug Kizzie ltentioul, both of White-
the members of the Women's AnXiliary, /311MIS,
and sill others Who choose to attend. A
COOPER Vl C colle0tion will be taken tt Thera will Adams, -MIs Lower "W has.- m, dune
be a recti will for Miss Kirkby at the 4th, .- Mr; and Mrs. Cixas. Adams, ie
Rectory on Thursday evening frons 8 to
(aucee*soxe to AUX. Ross) 10. A most cordial invitation is given
to the ladies of the oofigregation and
their friends.
Irvin. --In London, June 5th, Nancy
Irvin, aged 88 years,
Active, bright, hustling agents want-
ed to sell teas, coffees, spices etc. Over
$2000 aear is being made �' agents.
G, Marshall 1 Co,r London, at.
Thursday, June 9, 1904
Shirt Waist Suiting'.
Among other "Specials" which we wish you to note this week, are our Shirt-
waist Suitings. If you desire a cool, summer gown, come and see our stock in plain
Linens and Linens with flake effect. We have them in all shades. To be in "style"
this season you must have a Shirt -waist Suit, so come .and purchase before they are
all sold.
Dress Goods.
We have given special attention to this department, and this week we would 1
ask you to call and inspect our stock of Light -weight Novelty Dress Goods,
including French Voiles, fancy Etamines, Canvas Cloths and Crepe-de•chene. We
have them in different shades and prices to suit everyone,
Parasols and Umbrellas.
A lady's costume is hardly complete without a fancy Parasol or a lovely black
silk one. We had, a large shipment of Parasols and Umbrellas arrive this week and
we are now ready to display them. If you like one with a pretty fancy handle, why
we can suit you, We have had so many rainy days lately, that it is hardly safe to 1
venture out without an Umbrella. It will be to your advantage to purchase one from •
us, so if you require one, come and invest before they are all gone.
Big Prices for Trade.
t�Ihi1l'iilliln1l19u19111 1Vi it 91III IIIIRT 11ITIP11111191IiItii 11110diii`iII 11IiTMITlllll'llTIMIflitIill i1
Nom -
We Are Ready For
.II s ..1 .!1.11 1 AYH. 11 ., .- ...I..,h,..... ..[ . i.101,..J11 11.14.i. • ..1!Ili IUII . 1. 16 .1.1
Our stock of Watches, Chains, Jewelry,
Rings, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc., is more
complete than ever before, with attractive goods
at attractive prices.
We carry a complete Optical Stock.
Eyes Tested Free of Charge.
BARGAINS IN WATCHES.- We have the largest stock
of Watches ever shown in Wingham, which we will give big
Bargains in during the month of June.
W. G . Patterson
Opp. Queen's Hotel. THE WATCH DOCTOR
yew "ace Ewe" SociaLs
For This Week.
We are showing an elegant range of
very new and pretty colorings of Art
Muslins, worth in the regular way
from 12ic to 15c per yd.
Bee Hive special price, per yd IOc
The new and up-to-date in Trimming
Buttons are here -Pearls, Gilt, Gun
Metal and Fancies, at prices ranging ---
5c, 8c0 10c, 12}e, 15e, 180, 20c, 25e and
up tel 75c per dozen.
Wonderful Hosiery selling for this
week, a few dozen more of those
Ladies" fine, fast black, 20c per pair
kind, still on sale at 2 pair for 25e.
Other money -saving valuer at per pair
20e, 25e, 40o and 50c.
2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat Biscuits., .25c
2 pkgs. Orange Meat for 25c
2 large bottles Tomato Catsup for, 25c
Money -saving prices all through our
Grocery department.
The real Irish Linen kind, the kind
that laundries smooth and nice.
Splendid values at 25c, 40c, 500, 60c
and up to $100 per yd.
Ladies' & Children's Undervests.
Forty dozen, choice values of Ladies'
and Children's Summer Underveste,
with or without sleeves, some beauti•
fully trimmed with lace, others plain.
Prises are ---5c, 10c, 12i, 15c, 20c, 25c
and up to 50e each. livery one of
special value.
Special for Men tint Boys.
New Silk Neckwear
New Collars
New Fancy Shirts
New Summer Underwear
New Hoeiery
New Hats
New Suspenders
New Umbrellas
All at prices in favor of the buyer.
In Parasols, Dress Goods, Dress
Trimmings, Corsets and Corset
Highest Prices Paid for
Butter and Eggs.
The Keeler Co., Wingham.
I II 1111E11E1611a"^ """