HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-09, Page 6_ 4%. ri ' Violet's Lover 1 eight ovee the earth. She had corning fruit that wan pleas:int to teve and teeth ready for lam, oho lute tot:re-thistle refreehinge but no etIoneant. lie peelted aside the pur pn grapes alai the erne:ton ;theme 14"1.111 Vero is the brendy ?" he tteked • iter. "Tia) idea ot olferinie 4 Mali nuell thl..an as theme I" he eeclalined. "nee for the bransly Me^ tiered eot refuee—moreover, re fueal would. have been of no use, elle meg the bell and gave the messege, but, before the brendy canto, with siveet womanly taet she had lured Idrn Irvin the roone boping that he would torget it. Kim walked threugh , the loug eerralore for some noluutes talking to ; thou he eurinealy re- ; membered Velixaend eald than notbeng ' would eatisfy unlees lie left e tun arid inbred t lent. Ile went to persuade bine while • Lady Chevente ordered the 'amps In the deawiug e•• room to be lighted, :¶Lw two gonLmeuetnet too. thee, and they played for some 'time at oribbago, a game for which air • Owen bad a giant flkI.ng. uddenly ihe remembered the brandy, and Asked for It. Lady Clievonix nreaded Its coming ; she, said tee evening was warm, and begged of lain to taito sar teeri.ced cup Ins -teach rie laughed . "Listen to her ladyship!P' be , erica. "lead enrol The very name of It manes me shud(1er. X, want brande', —notitiag else." • ; • ' She remonetrated again, bet very mildly. She felt that she netild „Jinn& I rinetbing bettee than thie, tbat the man she had lerealtee should see in , Irtt.rue colors the man she lied max- . Tbose last words proved too much for Sir Owen, He emir° roundly) at lion What business of liers Was it, lie asked, if he -wanto a sea • of brandy? Let her remember nereelf— ; remember from what position he had ; taken her, and not attempt to dic- tate to him; he would not endure It. She triee to soothe and conciliate eim ; she might as well have tried to soothe a weather. ; 1 • Thebrandy; was- brought, but even then be did not recover ins good humor. Folios was miserable. He long- ed to put down ids cards and say gdod-night, but he saw the face of. LettlY Chevenix growing white, end he was afraid to leave her. Miss Ildetlicoto heel told him a w Owen's, violence. He would not leave nor to the mercyi of that violent mart; yet everymoment he remained With her was. a torture to bine. . Sir Owen had no moderation. In vain his wife and Felix engaged him with eaten' and In conversation. Devito every- thing, he nilled and replenished 1110 tumbler. At _length the alooliol be- gatesto take each in effect upon him that Lady Clievenin deemed it pro, cleat to rlee. "It is ,growing late," she said; "we had better put aside • the cards." "Yes,' agreed Felix ; "I am tired." He had no time to finial] his epeech. Sir Owen did not -eosin to hear It. He merely turned with a, scowl to hie wife, and cried in a voice or thun- d er '"it dawn and go on with the Iwo game I" Felix saw, that she trembled to every limb,- yet she kept 'all sign of emotion from her face; nothing but its pallor betrayed her fear. Sthe sat dowo, but the young lawyer's spirit wars roueed. Se threw the cards upon the table. "Lady Chevenix is .very amiable to go OD playing," he said; "I shall not. It is late, and quite time to leave of f:" • . Without a, word, and so sruddenlY that there wassno time to prevent it, Ssnir Owen terneel and struck his wife on the face. Tone that," le said, nand mend YOU do not interfere with seta " "1 een scarcely hear." she nine etured, For roy heart beetle loud 0,nd I Ant surely, in the tar, Tar dire . • teem, 4 I can bear a sound at last 2" S'It canehe treapers singing • As they carry home their 1 Sheaver4 ; Aral the evening 'breeze bee risen, And rustlee tee flying lea,Ves," 1"Lieten I There are voicee talk- , irtg CalnslY still she strove to speak, Yet her voice grew faint and tram - '1 bliug, And the red flushed in her cheek. it is only tbe children play- ing', , Below, now their work Is donee And they laugh teat tbeir eyes are dazzled By the xays of the setting ; sun." '"Fainter grew. her :voice, and weaker, As with, anxious eyes she cried: ""Down the avenue of chestnuts I can hear a horseman ride 1" "et was only the deer that were feeding In the herd on the clover gram; ; They were startled and fled to the thicket As they Kew, the reapers press." • "'Now the night arose in [silence, Birds lay in their leafy nest, And the deer couched ID the forest, And the children were at rest. There was only a sound of , weeping From watenere larotind 'been— But rest to the weatry spirit Peace to the tinted dead!" T,here was silence as the last words - fell, and Lady Chevenix bowed her head, so as to hide ber `tears. The gray shadows fell darker/ .A. loud voice roused them. " "Viretere are you? Where, have you hiddext yourselves ? Surely a ramble m aong the flOwers does not mean an enca.mpment by the eake." Through the Quer, fragrant ear came the odor of a eigetr, and Sir Owen, looking very- cross, suddenly appeared before them. " I could not find you anywhelre," e said, n isallen tone. tem must have hidden yourselves on purpose." Lady Chevenix did not answer him, because she knew that it was 'need - Less to do so. Miss Het/tote was ennal to the occasion. "11 we had ws,nted to bide,•* she said, "we encsuld have hidden, As we did not, we remained here. If you are going to be Prose, Sir °welt, do not spoil an agreeable party by jbln- tg it." ; He laughed then, and sat down wtth them ; but the beauty, the poetry and peaoe, were all gone. iife began to tell of a fight he had eeen between a King Charles spaniel' and a toy terrier, laughing heartily at It. and 'wondering they did not laugh also. t was an exquisite Juke to him to tell bole -the little King Charles lay dying—and even in dying tried to lick big hand. "Do you enjoy seeing anything ,- "I eay uothing about that. He um love tier, or 110 maY not; but when It lobate mad with ellen she bas rease to be Wanted. "I 0411 110t think that even the he would Imet ber," said Felix. "Well, it is very pleasant to bteve each cheerful viewe of tiange I elieuld be Mad if I could eltare ,our faith, but unfortheately I have Fel% bruises on her arms and marks on ' her roue. such, as, 11 1 had been Et Man, would have made sue feel In - Mined to call' Mr Owen She raw the baudsome face of ilie • ttom she sew bis strong banes teems' , man before her grow pale with emo- isle and his fingers clinch tietitly. She , talked until the otoret of passion had pasted over him, "1 con not bear to thint . of any woman bethill-ueeti" I be Pail; "It IS one of the things that 1 Irritates inc arid makes me angry with an anger that feigntene me. But Leeley: Ceevenix la so .gentle, BO amiable, 1 cermet understand any man being unkind to her." "I can understand anything -Sir' !Owen does." rejoined Miss Iletheotie nnfr. Lonsdale, you will be kind to ' b et', woe't you 0" elle pleader'. "Be. tue a peasant woman working n the fielde, or a a factory glri in mill, is happier than Lady Obevenix of Genswood I" "I am grieved to hear it," he said; • and the Miss Hetbcote left him. See went tewey earls! the next1 ' morning, never neeaming of what I would happen before elle saw Gars-, 1 - woad and Its mistress again. ; CHAP.= tXXXIX. ' on the monism; atter Mies Iletite I cote's departure, fele Owen did not r come down to breakfast; but Fella - not bis valet with some soda -water and brandy. The young lawyer de- i . seended to the breakfast -room, wiune ILady •Chevenix awaited him. She looked very fair and young in ber pretty morning dress. She Was 00 pleased to see him; her 'face bright-, ebed, her eyes met; his With euch D .glad light; she could x.ot be cold ante formal to him. . - "How true you are to your cetera ' Latin Clieverdx," he said. "Blue and; white—I bardly remember to hero I seen you wear anything elm's' 'You will own that they are prete 1 ty colors, Will you not ';" she asked, I With a smile—one of thbose charms ing smiles that stir a man's heart) and pulse. ! . I GEN - sat dowe at the breakfast4 - table with her, and .he asked einse eslf bad fate ever placed another I man in such a predicament before. 05.50," sire said, as remember your, tastes. You like tea better than, 1 coffee, and you like fruit. These i strawberries 'have just been gather- ed; they have the dew o.n them." I She talked to him during breakfast so gayly, so aindly, but when he i looked at, her there was something ) almost pathetic in her eyes—some- . thing that, in spite of her brilliant) • beauty, was hall ead. Teen, where they had finished breakfast a servant i 00100 In to say that Sir Owen would ' join them in a few, minutere and : would take Mr. Lonsdale to the; istrongecione The long French windows were 1 e open, and great heavy red roses came peeping in. Lady Chevenix went to them; Felix followed her, and they stood talking together. In some vague way the years seemed to have fallen from 'Wein, the terrible past for a few, moments was forgotten. Ile :was like the Felix of old, she like beautiful Violet Ilaye. They had just a ife,tes happy minutee, dur- ing which.- they &peke only •of the roses before them and the Pleasant prospeet Theis Stir Owen came- in, and it woe ao though the whole face of the heaven e lia.d changed. The baronet and Ids legal adviser went away together, and Felix spent the whole of the day In the stroog-room, reading documents and papers of all kinds. Ile clid not see Sir °woo and his wife again until dinner, and time the first day of his visit passed quietly enough. On the tecond the tenants came to dine a,t the Han, and the grand banqueting -room in the western wing was thrown *open. The dinner pass- ed off well, and the tenants drank Sir Owerne h,ealth with nelay elteens. Nor were they much tees enthusiastic about Felix ween, ete health was proposed. After ..e, pleasant day they left Garwood pally In the evening. Lady Chevenix had been alone all day; the servente were In attend- ance on the numerous guests, and in the °mange ehe •ateten tor tea, think- ing that Sir Owen and Felix would like to Join her. Rir Owen, who had drunk more brandy In a few hours than another man would have drunk In a treek, made some observations about her tadsrship's tea which, when repeated by nue footmel iii the eere van& hall, caused great anmeement. Felix woe sorry to decline, but lie ha,d some hour e of hard work yet in the strong -room.; the leases were all to be signed on the morrow. Wben the vldiOrS were all gone, he returned to the stroageoom and resumed hia work. Lady Cheyenne went to Iiim to petematie Inns to let her sendsome tea there, aed lie cert - sorted. Ile looked at ber, no she uteri() In that darkened room, in the even- ing -arose of white silt aud trailing tone. She wore a, superb suite of opals, which shoe with the "fire that liver in gems." She looked like ft dream ef beauty to that dull, gloomy room. She sent him Fonie tint, and asktd him to crime to the drawingeroom when he lin/I /blight:a, and he proun. heel th do so. Alien she returned, Sir Owen ley on one of the coachee suffer, Sir Owen ?" asked Miss Here - co e. "I think a dog fight or anything or that kind capita/1 sport," he answered. "But the unfortunate ereatures must. feel?" "Feel In sneered Owen. "What non- eense. Foxes were made to be hunt- ed, rats to be worried, dogs to fight. Why should they feel?" With a shrug of her shoulders she turned away from him. Slr Owell laughed again; he rattier enjoyed a dispute with a pretty girl. "I am not one of your sentimena tenets," he Said. "Now, Mr. Lonsdale could give you poems by the yard, I am 13ure.n "I sbould be very sorry to 'do so," remarked Fenn; "at the same time, I give the preferenee to poetry ra- ther than to dog fights." Sir Owen laughed again; In bis own opinion he was a most manly man, and Felix most insig,sifleant. Felix rose from: his seat and strolled away the felt disgust almost amount- in.g to hatred for tills coarse, vulgaie repulsive inan. "Do not leave US, Mr, Loasdale„" Said Sit Owen. '"I will take Miss I/ether:ate 1n -doors, read you can escort her Intlyship-,-.tho,ugh she looks de- cidedly snllen." It was useless for Lady Chevenix to say that she had thou,gest or being &Wien ; -when Sir Owen had once. asserted thing, he maintained It. She looked up Into the lace of Felix Lonedele, with a Smile that made hie heart beat faster than usual.. " That Is riot one Of my faints," the saki. "I do not rmiember have litg• . ever been &eaten in my life; have seldom beep out of temper." lXe renierabered the sweet sunny temper that had never known :Auld of varia,bleness, but offered no re- mark—he bad resolved to himself no often that nothing should induce him to talk to her about the most. They i Walked toward the house through the deepening sliadeens, and raid Lut Ilit'e to each other. Viten they reached the 110,11, Ladyr, Chevenix was grieved to find a 'tele- • grein from. Mrs. Ilethcote, Some Mende had arrived ?suite uneepeete edier, end she wished Marian to re-: turn at otice. Felix vvondered wily] the mistreas of Garawood should turn -so wilite when she had read the telegrams—wile ebe eliould plate her band's' upon the girre 'shoulders and say, to her co sadly,: • "What sliall / do without e oti, Marian 0" "I vvill come back to e7,ou as coon, as eon, ear Lady Chesenlx„ ree. plied the girl, "and In the melee - time Lonsdnee will be here." Afterward, when I.ady Chevenix bad gone to ,give orders about her jonrney, Miss Iletheote ;mid sud- denly. to Felix f "I :Mall go away much happier for leaving you here." shall be here for a few do,ye I " t h.. "Wis you be happy abeut ley beidg here? I do not untioretand." may fecal: f may to you," Sill MIhise lietheote; '.you know, theft, an you, ledeng to tome measure to Or ni I iney tell you that Lady Clieveni Ilene in MOrtfil fear of nee husband, "Why?" uoked Ve:lx. leift been very violent to 1.* many ihnet It is not long eine *be bad to rend for Mre. Ilaye, being' afraid ot hieing her Ilk. She let* reftmea I*: 1: ft nlone mince tligf Mint I:4 why have been with ima long, a,nd vett/ I am' glad yott al qiitt," Paid ICtoff * wort Wye em'." , •••-•4 • ....••••••••••0•.••••••••••••••••0.....• JUST SFEIIED TO Elf EIS ME Welland rlerchant Restores' t Health by Dodd's Kidney Pills, Doctors and illedieInee Pailed—Loodd' Inbar; ey Pine Suceee de d—O thee Case 1,110Y -eget seem. to Suit. Welland, Ont., Man Da—MP:vial) J. Yokom4 a prominent Iner 011ftlitt Of alks01.ttrt I9 teilln frielldo Of a renrerkable cure of terrible Kleiner Dismee by Dodd' Kidney! Pille, Mr. Yokozit'e etatemen ao fellows:" "For entre than a Iyear I Iliad been • seitb l'adanyl Trouble in al its wernt „Firylinpltoms. I had a die tressed iteeling In ter. lime', little o no neVertite one a feeling of Ian Sneer. beeasnle greaelef reeueea In weight, , "Deetera medicinee falling t give toe `any benefit I becarue dee Fondent, When,, by good luck I °Mane ed to try Dorldna Kidney Pille and front the first they seemed to sul nityl eaSe. After tatting five boxes( old trouble had gradually: di:so:Wear ed 7end L was feeling better them hal In inalY ee'eare." Doddin Xidnkin PIlle suit the'ease o teversvi man, winnan or child who hail amyl form of Iildney Disease. TheY fl4W.h13115 cure and care permanently GREATEST OP THE: PORTS, NeW York Prams London Very Closely for the Honor of First Mee, The recent report by the Antwerp bur- eau of statistics on, foreign tonnage en• tered at the priucipal ports of tbe world o having proved to lie incomplete, and for the United States misleading, tbe ne- rertment of commerce and Daher has issuk a corrected statement on the Same subject. It may be accepted RS showing the tonnage (coastwise trade not included) entered at the larger ports ti CI the world—ports having a tonnage of over 1,00,000 tons— during the year 1902, with the exception of the United States ports, the figures of wbieli are far tbe fiscal year ended ;Tune 30, 1903, The figures for the United States and a, Great Ili -item aro teken from the offie e cial publication of both rountries, while s' the greater uumber of the remainder are 'taken from °the manual reports of the I linked -efface eonsuls for 10037 but cov- cring tonnage figures for 1902: ✓ Iiet'g Pore Entered. 1. TOM 140111104 . • . f • • • • • • • 10,179,023 e. New 'York •• • . • 9,053,900 O 3. Hamburg ..., • 8,089,000 4. Antwerp • 0,425,127 - Hong Kong • „. 8,e53,091 O. Liverpool .... •• •. .. 0,843,200 t 7, Rotterdam • o. , 0,040,473 � S. Marseilles ,.., • . 0,191,830 - 0, Genoa ... „ . , .. 5,090,012 1 10. Shanghai .. 4,720,411 11. Cardiff 4,088,088 t 12. Cape Town -...s .. 4,245,002 13. Tyne Ports .. 3,015,040 14 Lisbon .. 3,012,051 , 15, Buenos Ayres ,. • • .. 3,303,843 10, Copenhageu .. • , $,111,41g 17. Havana .... . 3,101,115 18. Algiers • . .. • . 79. tirtvre . ••••• ••,• aninene. s 20. Bremen .... ,. 2,984,410 . 21 Boston ,. . 2,978,013 t The figures for Philadelphia, are 1,993,- 422, for New Orleans, 1,50I,898, for Bal- timore, 1,419,520, and for San Francisco 1,010,284. HOW' NOT TO HURRY. If we want to get the habit of hurry out of our brabis we must cut ourselve off, patiently end kindly, from the at mospeere of hum about .ns, The hebi gets so strong a hold on the nervee, and is. impressed upon them so forcibly as • steady tendenen, that it can be da tooted, by a gloss observer even in a per- son who is lying on a lounge in, the ful belief that he is resting. It shows itself especially in the breathing. A wise ath- lete has said thee our normal breathing should consist of six. breaths to one min- ute. If the reader will try this rate of breathing, the `slosynes of it will sur- prise 11110. Six breaths to one ndieute seem to make the breathing urmecessar- fly slow, and. just double that seems about the right number for ordinary people; and. the habit of breathing at this slower ate is a great help, from a . physical • standpoint, toward erasing the tendency to hurry.—Annie Payson Call, tin Leslie's Moettly for June. again " o nextmoment a „pair of strong axles hied tetzeci Min and had Morelia: throven lum sweetie the. the room. His face white, ble wbole body trembling wieh passion, Felix stood over him. "If you touch her ladyship agent, If you lay your Cowardly !needs up- on her," he cried, "I will kill ;your Then he turned to Violet, She stood teeinbling with' a. great red mark across her lovely) pale face— it mark that burned Hike a hot Iron. "Oh, Lady Choveuix," he said, '"I aril so sorry I ought to have been quicker, more on mg guard. A.re you much' bu rt ?" She raised her face with tbat ter- rible bruise on it to his, and he saw greet tears' in her eyes. For a mom- ent the old . finnan; • of .. love Was strong upott blin, and he longed to shelter the golden head every hair of wheel) wee deer to him, on his breast; the •he recollected himself and said gently: , "I shall never forgive meeielf that this has happened. If had been quieker—" He broke off a.bruptlee for his wrath was rising again. "I sbali kill bim," lie cried, "lf be touches you I" ; She looked nn at him; the bruised face tc,nehrel his heart, and he turn- ed away. Sit OWen was lying just ev,here he bad thrown bim. Be Went over to him; the baronet hatl moat composedly fallen asleep. "Thank Heaven," he meld, "that I lid not kill him—that did net do him some deadly harm. Miall ring for tho eervaets 7" he asked Lady Chosen's:: and lie never forgot lier answer. "If you would not mind la"' -she said. "I should be so thankful if you would place him in re chair; do. riot like the [servante to see all that tappet -is." lie raised Sir °wee, who made 'Rome violent plunges the while, end placed dm In a chair. The baronet tell aeleep again, and Felix ezent back to Lady Chevenix. "You must apply something to your face," he saki, !,';or it will be black to -morrow." belie 01011071 and misted the White aee that fell over her erre. Ile firm a long dark brave the -mark 'of a cruel graop that the delicate arm tte in an iron vise. . "I ano onions without a mark." elle told hint; "bat I do not often find them on my face." Ito loeked sorrowfully at the grate. Id woman who had preferred money to love, and had Suffered so terribly faat asleep ' iShe Wan thankful to see hini asleep, and hoped that lm might wake *up quite himeelf. Site drew, down Clio Wale and darkened the 'room. Who could tell what She buffered In her heart, thle fair, stately woman, whe riltrunk ee keenly trout all stigma of die race her 71 11 1 1 1 4 I a y, Lour y rea it her husband eimpld eoneithIng that ivould entail everlaeting ululate, tip. on them, Wet any ono should nee hin, in thorn monocate when lie was quite unfit to be eeen ? Whet 4 dou- ble life elm led, this! brilliant and beautiful Woman—before the world all gayety, felines awl animation, in her Oltn heart ,y_lways a terrible weight of anxiety. For Ole oveifing at leas:VI:die vette Mtn. She thouglit mend wake up blineelf, reel then they would rpentl happy boar with Felix :7*0 *he' watt:bed hart eound or light light should dieturb him until Mr. Lonedale lolned them. Ile Menke at last, but the rani had tong not, and tim fragrent /Menet) of fur Ler deems; Ise longed to Hay eomethIng kind to her, but pru- dence forbade him. She held out her hand to him, and Tie raw how It tremble'. hio suilitld, and be never forgot the smile. "Amin dor," else said, "he will moat probably kill me. If he dot, you will alwaye renumber that fe-I wae retry bad grieved yon Folie," "I will remember," tee returned. gravely, IIe 111:14 ber hand tor one moment, while he leule ber gel - night, awl then elle went away, CRAM= Xle. Felix thought long and anxiouety after hie return from flarfiWinil. ITO Wow r;tad oat ao mid tweeted Rir OWall as he at: he mid -to fitment that ho ehoul .1 have heen leapt then eet art in diri, Yet it wale not likely that after stem t had peseed he eoute remain under e'er outioe roof; neither del he de. vire to tie re. It wa8 torture to .hirrt to roe Violet illetrentee 0oulff not hear It., nor could lee Intel -levy to prevent it. etio be Centli1044) Keep Minard's Liniment In the House. • SOME PROVERBS OF THE JAPANESE. The man who knows Japan was speaking the other evening of its pro- verbs. "We all' know," he said, "the proverb about 'more haste, less speed,' but the Japs put it: 'If in a hurry, go round.' We say, very crudely, that 'accidents will happen in the best regulated fam- ilies,' but the Japanese, with a view to malting the phrase more picturesque, say: 'Even e monkey sometimes falls from a tree.' The saying ahout edged tools and cut fingers, the people of the Flowery Kiargdom vary thus: 'If one plays with tigers one is likely to have trouble,' while our 'oil and water won't 1111X' they know as 'you can't rivet a nen in a custard.' Where we say 'out of evil gra may come: they say 'the lotus springs from n the mud; ° Mrs. PartingtOns attempt is m Japan scat- tering fog with it fan,' 'building bridges to the clouds' or 'dipping up the ocean svitli shell; And evhen the person mak- ing au& an attempt 'has failed the Jap- anese shy that, after all, 'thine own heart ma:kes . the world,'"—Philadelphia Press. Ask foe'Minard's and take no Oilier. • -THE VIOLETS OF THE RIVIERA. The violets of the Riviera are known all over Europe by their winter flowers, forming the object of it great maustry, of which caplet, scent aud preserve -mak- ing aro branches. They are grown by milieus in full sunlight, Or in the litnet shade of the Olive trees upon the lull - sides, mid their lavish profusion in .March and April eectedh anything seen froto the tonne tne spring being long and genird enough tO indute fell vigor. The effect of these carpets of violets., seen in southern gardens, is only equalled by Melt of the•bruebelle to be found in English woods during May. - THE $50.000,000 WORLD'S FAIR, ST, LOUIS. Lestr1Ot7 Passenger Agent McDon- ald, of the Grand Trunk Railway, 1704 reoeritly returned /rem Std .U44% fstetes thiet It is herd .ta - ;Ind imitable language to deseribe the: Imagultude and heauty of the greatest exposition ever held: ' The bite of 1,240 acres, boing tw miltus lolrg and ono mile wide, cov- tired twIlth beautifull buildings, broken wilt& Walloons, can:119, grand courts, reaeumente, etatuary, Perk% etc a all forming a a/tenure that must 'be tot be An electrieal ruii1wny, galled the Iritrepielree, maken it ettey to get 1 fetter one pant of 'the grounde t o a:nether, land , Tallow; out the daily tProeg4uerso 'e'ferejeotYlileerg nir 111100bailendtees, I cltr taking in a leeture or .address, Whenyou , wconesider the immens- ; 1 ow art gallery, its of tho bulitlinge one alone baring over 20 okras, Oe floor space, ,and reflect Oat they are filled With the ehoie.est of exhibits from all over i the Avorla, one exhibitor vying with another Ito obtain the eoveted geld+ tnedste it teeme to ettggeet the thought OX what a grand opportun- ity wet ttri Ovation it will be te the iyoung nein and :women of our land to open(' a nvieek or two at St. Louee this year. Really, TO ilia telligent joule woman or ehild eon , larillerel. 'to Wee this groat hvorlee: ' Vile 'beautiful teectrle lighting of .1 ftreat. the -Pan itm4'i101.111 4.%11011t1011, fenethouneit woulti over be eikereltelt- tel, I* entirely nellipere by this ;mon- I believe MINARD'S LINIMENDwilhl entre every ease of Diphtheria, Riverdale, Mira Reuben Baker. , I believe idlinl'ARD'S LINIMENTI will produce growth or hair. . , , Mire, Charlee Anderson/ Sianlee, P. IE. 7. : : ,. - I (believe .ISENARD'ke LINIMENT1 is the best boueehold remedy on earth. cut pity, Oat. I infrettinas, Foley, CROCKETT GATHERING MATERIAL. In gathering the material for a reeent book,S. R. Crockett lived for nearly three months with a family of 'smug- glers on the -eastern Pyreean frontier; he spent a week in a camp of Carlists, and with them ran away from the gen- 'dames; lie pressed three nights with a hermit, who dwelt -among the rocks at tee upper eed of te Volley of the Ari- ege; in it fortnight among charcoal burn- - ers he discovered that they were mostly ex -brigands, and "not so very muck 'ee! . either," as Mr. Crockett says. .... . . .. - La grippe, pneumonia, and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. t It is a dangerous thing toneglect. Cure it with . ; Ir SUnlight Soap Will not injure your blanketsor harden them, It Will make them sok white and fleecy. " .INVENTORS, ATTE1(TION4 "How rich I'd be," said au umbrella selesaien• "if 7 had patented the um- brella," The floorivelker smiled "Yoe might as well talk,' said. he, "of a patent on swinuniug or cooking. Um- brellas appeer to have existed alwaye. Wherever we exeavate.--Babylon, Nene. Von, Nippur -'-traces of the umbrella are found. This instrument is coeval with mankind, "It is of Oriental origin. The English didn't begin to use it until 1700. Shakes, peen) with all his gentile, had no bride, to protect him from the ram, Jon- as Ilanway was the fast English um- • 11 "Now, what you might do 'Would be to patent seine new sort of umbrella,— some rain shield built on better lines We have proof that the umbrella lute etisted 10,00 years, and yet in all that , time it has pot °nee been improved. I Consider it. It is by no means perfect.' It turns inside out readily, end it only protects the heed and shoulders from the rain. Change all that. Give us an umbrella that is acomplete retie shield. The you will become a Million- Mindrd's Liniment is Used by Physicians Imposing on Good Nature. (London Globe.) .1 At a musical meet last week a singer was requested by an extremely sedate looking individual to oblige with the 1 Japanese national anthem. 'It was ex- planted t,o him by the serious one that the tune was the same as the British rational anthem, and that all be had to do was to pronounce the Japanese words provided for bit on a sheet of paper, precisely as they were spelled. .A,cordingly up rose the willing warb. ler and burst out with the followiug lyric: 0 era' ta fu lyam' • A fu 'yam. He was only pulled up by roars of de- ' lighted 'attester from continuing the confession. There was no encore. 0011,011/1C0 AND RETURN. :Via 'Union Pt:eine every day front June 1,st to September 80th, inclus- ive, with final retiree limit October Oast, 1904, from', St. Lotus, $25.00, itlinhipc.ago $80.00, with correeponding- ly new rates from) other points. Be 'sure your ticket reads over this require of G A'. Eterrig, Cr, sea 708 Park leldg., Pittsburg, Pas PASSING OF THE ENGLISH SAILOR. The skipper of the tramp steamer Bumping Billy was engaging a new crew. "What's your name?" he said to be foremost applicant. "Giuseppe Grin - otter'," replied the man. '‘Eyetaliren?" Shiloh's c OEIST11 141 a pti CUre Toneic ung eeS,saar.' my good; step to one • ide. And yours?" he went on to the - next A, B. "Ivan Ikanoff.", "Russian?" 'Bash, sane" "Bight; step alongside f Y "Willuelm Zwillatiguel." "German?" " njar) "Very good. Over you go. nrext?" "Maned Oliveria. I Portuguese seaman, senhor." 'Step. over then, Manniwel. .Next ?" "John. Thompson, sir." "What?" "John The cure that is •guara.nteed by. ; . ; I your druggist. • - 250. 50c. $1, LeRoy, N.Y.. —what the—what nationality?" sereim, ' --'" ' - ' " " ' ' " cd. the horrified shipmaster. "English-, . Prices:. S. C. WErzs & Co. SO ISSUE NO. '4:4 I904. gm Winslow's Soothing; syrup elmuld always be used for Children Te..titing. soothe the softens i gains, en roe wing gone anti is the best noway for inarrhenv. OUR fAMOUS "B" "G." is tamest as 11QCE!tlailry' ail bread; nothing eheap about it but the price: 71. genuine end Rion: create given; freight pate. No ex- ' peraince necessary. A very protitains reliable "friend" to an agent; eie coulee:et (11 veceon ror hours. The .1. Nichols Co., Limited, TorontO. Mention this peper. 160a.11,0:0W1 61.1) , 11: I A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 STYX44 • MANUFACTURED ONLY SY RUSII CO. 4miusouTeir571;.., Matrimonial Advertisement in India. *t_., (Lahore Tribune.) Wanted—A suitieble match for an Iltradbi girl 14 years of age, who bas passed the middle standard examina- tion in Hindi, and also knows Unite Sanskrit and English. The match should be well edecated, with hanilsome pay or income, should communicate Ars age, family bistory and other particulars. Applications from Deklmas end Khatris will also -be considered. Apply to X., care of postmaster, Dera, Ghazi Khan, a $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of 1;1110 paper 1,0111;0 pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to eure In all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall's catarrh Our is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con, stitetional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in, ternally, aging tureetir upon the blood and mucous eurfaeAm of the system, thereby des, troring the foundation of the disease and Vive Ciffntsilltitratinf tarstrttigbrratliggitko4 Ito work, The proprietqrs barest:111inch faith In its eurative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to mire. Send for list of testimonials. Address CHP,NHY & 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists. 711c. Take Hall's Faintly Pills for constipation. • "7"--44`s THE LENGTH OF A DREA1VI, "Tbe other afternoon," said a doetor, • "I called to see patient, and, to my Satisfaction, I found him sleeping soundly. I sat by his bed, felt his pulse witbotit disturbing him, and waited for him to awaken, .refter te few minutes deelern eart, with discordant ringing bells,' turned into the etreen and • as their Rest tones ecached me my patient opened his eyes. .: "'Doctor,' he said, Tin glad to see you, and awfully glad. that you woke me, feel lia.ve been tortured by a most disteessing dream that must have lasted. for eeveral hours. , I eleetoned that was sick, as I am, and tbet my boy came into the room with a string of Most horribly sounding bells and rahg them in my met While I hadn't the power to move or speak to him. I suf- fered tortures for what Appeared to be interminable time, and I'm so glad you woke me."' • Thtimpson, sir." "What in tletbunder Standard Service PACTS ABOUT THE BANANA. ir," replied the man. For a full half Mint° the unhappy skipper stood peethless, his eoturtetance turning from :When Ripened on the Plant it IS Not P - 4ultable fqr Vocal, „it,. • 11 There is a vast amount of ignor- ance prevailing among, Intelligent People of ihe north Concerning the growth, productlith and 'Marketing of bananas. Manyjnpoople imagine that the natives in tie:initial climes atop out of theft, hute in the early, taorning and Week and eet bane -hat treah feom tne plant thl.4 seem ne f they would oranges and other freite. •• Bananas ripened, on the pIa.nt are not eitatabie for food and would be versI muter the same as the pita which Is round irt the northern aornstalit or elder. Banenae sold in, the United States, even after travelling 0,000 ;elite in . re green State, are every bit as good 110 .1.mxiana.fi ripened under a. tropical eine Phis le pronalnyi true or hO other export fr,ult. The pleat of whieb baearias Is the trait le riot a tree nor le it a Mush oe vine. It IS Simply' a gigantic plant, growing to a height of from firteen to twente feet. About eighteen feet from, the groirnd the liAtves, OftiMed eight feet long, collie ottt in a Stift of clitS- ter, /rem tlie centre of which sPriogs a bunch of bananas?. 'nese do hot grow veith. the bananas painting up - Ward, natetellse reed if the stein grew straight,. theyl wottid hang ex- actly' art nen in the reult stereo and grocerrn windows. This, 'however, Is not the ease ; the stem bends under the weigbt Of the fruit and this bringe it into directly) the opposite poeition, With the large brut et the stalk and tho fringes Minting to- ward the 'MIL, A word of eXpionation tOncerning some thalittere torture Ehteh'bant ante JO called a "finger" and each of theft little eitteters MOPS stir- rounditia a,- stalk, IS called a "hand'r the quality and Value a eterdi bunch deemed upon the number of betide it leate Moine bitty wonder how the fruit la oat from the to de Vara :fifteen feet from the ground. 'line native. jale orere tut the otalit Vert 'Wee UP Ito height, the wetglit or the fruit eatirSo8 the ntalk filOWIS bend over With the burien Ot hananee Viet Wire. ly, reneltert tbe ground, then the biniel) in cut oft Willi the ever -ready, nuiebete ,.1-trel carried to the rteer or railroed tor ehipment. The plent at ene onnt4 thrift In emit, ether to file ground, vino littnanti, le a item' wane proelimer of itself and, at every clean- ing of the laud it le neeeneatee ent down 'many oe the yourne plaritte an they ere 'termed, In oraer tint. thee may Wit become totrerewded VP to a Certain llnilt -, tria fewer eidinses on tt given area Ulu lerger the /reit thee wilt pro. Onto! , titer fair, • Ono pf tho featuree tif the, air le the beide Inn, a hetet uteoinniodat- tug 0,000, f, p1(31411(11y Ito at. repeknnao Tatee. , Tao ttotal rept:wee td tt 'trip to Mb.Lode, Teeetel ter helf reltwey raten , le within the retch. t)t 4111, 111711 Pfortnite etop wirer at Cleetigo othor sesinia, nue flee trlp le envie vitriekly and ceentortaley. .n4 Trenk :to run +through C111% trorri :0*ot:treat an:I Teprento to St, Lnies commencing .einie 11th, and poessiblY lee, • Canadian Proee teepee funanimone In their retn.lee ot the Grand Teunk reel 1111:Iola tiene trail eenetes and mettle thie eX.Poilltion• urple to orange, end from orange to • - The eoneeneus oe opinion Is that the. Neeva York Centrel nhe ,e01`.. rent line to Keel Yonk, Bastian and grey; and then wan a gurgling gasp of points east. Miner ticket agent will g y gum te o eted, a ag- tell yes an .tebeeet Lt. gored, s.nd fell prone upon the ground. —Liverpool Daily Post. • • WOMEN AFTER MIDDLE AGE. After middle age the average woman begins to care more for weenie than she •does foe mee.' 1:1C1; allegiance' undergoes a 'nitride cbange, her vest are opened, her judgment cleated, mid she learns to Sj apppremate her own sex fully, The char- - acteeistics that seemed to her hate- ful frailties long ago, are defended now as their poetic distinctions. She sees In every girl the fair mirage of -hr osvn youth; in the pathetic care won face of the young matron, the gentle heroism of her Other 'Years; ht the Mother o1it grown family her own queen days when sons axed daughters suddenly grew tall mid proclaimed her. .And for them all elm Las a chastened Affinity, Men have pass- ed out of hev calettlations. They are the things with whom she failed or succeed- ed, from lover and busband down to her youngest son. And, however melt she remains dependent upon lien she is 00 longer elated to them. in the same way, She has survived, them and returned to her OWP. • ' ! Use Leveret Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and, flanuelse,-you'll,like r Let the Children Wash. They ean do it easily and quickly i too with the . New Century Ball Bearing Washin,g Machine. MVO minutes work will thor- oughly clean a eubful of clothes— - no handling of the garments or -rubbing on the boatd necessary. Your dealer can get it for you - or we will send you it booklet fully - describing it. THE DOWSWELL MFG; CO., Ltd., Graviton, Been:MN, oisT. ; A STRANGE ENTERTAINMENT. Write. Tallyrend in her early Vieth was married to' an officer of the Dutch East Indies. He distoreed her on ae- count of a love affair with Sir Philip Eraheis, who is imposed -to have written those remits letters of .hunius. She came ac eta lier native Fiance and married Tellyrand, the most astute and brilliant num ot a singularly brilliant epode As his wife she one day entertained at diluter her mehtisisaird, ber ek-loverthe lawyer who defended her, the lawyer who proseeutee her and the judge who peottounced the deem of divorce. Minttrd's Liniment Littnherman's Prima& *444•14.4 ALWMtS Itt LOVZ ' Themes Moore was always iit love, If one looks through his people one may fled the naive ef SOnle sitteen different women to whom he swore eternal fidel- ity. Thnfellow who boasts of his artistie teinpeenment generally wants to • bor- row money. Defined. tlitiffalo Commerehil.) eitid little Iteginnid, "what hi a Initket ,hop?" Imettpt shop, my Wm," Said thd father,- feelinely, "a butket eller s, modern roopmage establishnnint to which ; a man takes it 1171e14 01113 bring,: back t the 1lu1ig-h011.4 esseeerasea...steasi.starg CONDITION OF RUSSIA'S POOR. To -day Russie's 140,000,000 and more of people are comparativelysecure mei content under despotism, Why? Be- cause while they are illiterate, ignorant, degraded, as a rate they have enough to tat and drink. They are supersti- tious, it is true, but religious, super- stition is not sufficient to make tilhiong of people to submit to it government that engenders starvation theough taxa- tion. Ressia's rulers have been shrewd; they linAre not tried to make their ignore ant, illiterate people intelligent, but they bieve ben mend so to govern that the people would net rebel, yelling: "Breaa: or blood!"; 'Nobody beeomes a Nihilist in Bessie. seve an Mutated man, who is a politicel enthusiast or is a MOM,. Inv of the nobility who bas become, through disappointed otheial ambition in the army 01 uavynr thii eerviea bitter, vindictive inaleontent.--Portland Oregonian. !I 1 11,1! II, 11 .11110 1 Use ONLY 1 the SOFT, SILKY, TOUGH Liri ,citimsgRAptimpes MANUPAOTURRO BV ea being neselied With inte W tha MI6 o.- In faot1o.."3,htgritgotip “Hotet,", 'York? 41101amanth," & in Shoota—" IntoarliklP 85 Royal," "ReigAV "Orleritt" 111.0.