HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-09, Page 5Thursday, June 9, 1904 YES! IT'S FOR YOU. Surprise Special Sale No. One... For One Leek Only, June 10th to 16th 35 Meu's and Youths' Tweed and Serge Suits, sizes 32 to 44 $4.90 10 Boys' 2•piece Snits, sizes 22 to 20 — Surprise Sale $2.00 17 Boys'• 3 -piece Suits, sizes 27 to 33 — Surprise Sale $3,25 37 Pairs Boyb' Mole Pants, sizes 22 to 32, regular 50c— Surprise Sale.... Site 12 Pairs Alen's Colored Worsted Pants, regular $3.75—Surprise Sale$2.50 50 Men's Flannelette Shirts, all sizes, regular 25c—Surprise Sale , 20c 67 only Mon's Colored Shirts, separate cuffs and cuffs attached, sizes 12e to 18, regular prices 75c, $1,00, $L25 — Surprise Sale 55c The R. II. Crowder Co. MEN'S OUTFITTERS. FURNITURE! For honest prices, we lead. For value, we give the hest. Where does honesty come in by trying to get $125 for goods worth only $75. Wo are not guilty of making a charge of $267 or thereabouts for goods worth only $75 or $80. If we were, we would feel like going to our customers and giving it back —and then talk about honesty and truth. If some people would do as they advertise, there would have to be a lot of money refunded, and a big drop in prices. When you DEAL WITH us you are used right. The truth will soon be found out. For the next 60 days, come and see what value is and what satis- faction is. Walker Bros. & Button TRAIN UP A CHILD and when up, send him or her to L/STOW.EL IT PAYS TO Term Begins Apr. 11, 1904. Two Courses 1—Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L, MCINTYRB Secy. President MANY CALLS aro received from business,firms and Many Students aro placed in good posi- tions eaoh year by the famous CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Tliis school stands for the highest and hest in business education in Canada to- day. Many business colleges employ our graduates as teachers. We have scores of applications from other colleges. Ask to se them the day you enter. . W. a. Elliott, Principal. TIIE ADVANCE OFFICE for tasty and down-to•date Job Printing. Prices right. REXALL 111= DYES Those Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in ono bath — they are the latest and most improved Dyo inzthe world. Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's store, illuovalo, and C. B. MoClolland's store, Belgrave, Ont. 1f,)e 3tave the ItC,aterka\s. Lots of them —do your own choosing, We know the styles. We know" exactly how they should be eat -how they should fit — and its our Business to put all these " knows " together, and fit yott nut in the best that yonlr money eats buy-., no matter Whitt price you pay. try . It Would ld P le ase ug halve y0 ti drop in. It is now current talk throughout the coun- try that the student who intends to take a business or shorthand course, and wants to bo plic ed in d attend payingyplace whon graduated sho CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CIIATIIAM, ONT. Students of last year already earning over $1000 per annum. 316 placed in 11 months. Do you know of any other business school getting such results? We pay your railway faro. Have you ever seen our catalogue'? If not write for it and eater now. Address, D. MCLACHLAN d CO., Chatham, Out. W. A. CURRIE Wingham's Auctioneer. Robt. Maxwell Eigh Art Tailor Wingham Sales attended in any part of Huron county. Orders left at the ADVANCE Office will re- ceive prompt attention. ]DR. OVENS OF LONDON SURGEON, OCUt.IST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. —Harry A. Fergie, who has been on remand for spino time charged with bigamy by Flora D. hill, changed his plea. of "not guilty" to "guilty" in the Toronto Police Court, and was sentence ed to ninqs mouths in the Central Prison, —Mr, and Mrs.I-Ierrondeen, of the Caster .House, Woodstgck, have entered suit against the Woodstock Express for damages of $1,000 (moll for libel. The Express printed oil April 15 and 18 alleged erroneous reports concerning Iierrendeeu. —Mr, A. W. Robb of the Walkerton Telescope has resigned the candidacy of the Liberal party of South Bruce. His - reason for taking this notion, ho says, ie largely a question of iruauces, and he has found that active politics are bad for business. "I do not caro rough who the next candidate may be—any good man can carry the riding." —J, A. Rittinger, editor and publish- er of the Walkerton Die Glocke, the only German newspaper in Bruce county, has removed his business to Berlin, where ho has formed a partner- ship with his brother and Mr, Motz, publishers of the Berlin Journal. Mr. Rittinger has conducted the Glocke for about 29 years, the oldest journalist in Bruce, and enjoyed the goodwill of all his brother journalists in the county, Ho leaves with the warmest wishes for his future prosperity. —A nice question as to a railway com- pany's responsibility for baggage camp up before Judge Morson in the Toronto Division Court last Thursday, when Mr. M. R. Goodorham, barrister, of Toron- to, sued the New York Central Railway for $85, being the price of a fur -lined coat which lie had left for a few moments hi the Pullman drawing -room, which he had reserved, while he went outside, and which was gone when he returned. The company deny responsi- bility, claiming that the coat should have been given in charge to the porter. They also assert want of jurisdiction in, the Court. Judgment was reserved. —During a discussion in the House at Ottawa the other day, Mr. Taylor (Con., S. Leeds) again urged his ques- tion about the Hon. Mr. Fisher's two cases of whiskey for the Wolverhamp- ton Exhibition, and elicited the fact that the beverage was utilized for entertain- ing the representatives of the press. The sum of $40 for a leather trunk ex- cited the curiosity of Mr, Taylor. Mr. Fisher said the $40 leather trunk was for carrying papers, documents, etc., to Japan during his trip to Osaka Exhibi- tion. Mr. Bennett said tho Opposition did not object to the expense but to the depth of meanness to which 'Ministers would descend. Visits Wingham niouthly. GLASSES FITTED PROr1:RLY. NASAL CATAuRII and DEAFNESS treated. Wingham oitice at Campbell's Drug Store. London office --225 Queen's ave.; hours 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays— Feb. 1, Feb. 29, Mar. 28, May 2, May 30, Juno 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28. I. Fresh- ads Most people appreciate fresh i goods, it always tastes so much nicer, and is much healthier = besides. We are always ready 4 with a fresh stock of FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONER7i'. Our Chocelates aro of the highest plass goods. Try our Oysters served in any :style, 15c a dish. We have in stock Canada Cream and Roquefort Cheese. Ice Cream orders filled on the _ shortest notice, Your Patronage Solicited L. G. KRIISE Mcl<elvie's Old Stated THE WIXGRAIVI ADVANCE, Tu rn b e rry. Council met in the Olerk's phis(, i3laeevnle, on May 30th; members of Connell all present; the Reeve In the chair, The ,minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Mr. Agnew of W. T. Plot applied to °Gauen to Cut some shade trees on public street, Coupland---Rutherford•---That the Reeve and Mr. Kelly be appoiuted to ex- amine the said shade trees, and take what action is necessary --carried. John Mosgrovo reported having sold - timber on 4th con. Hue, opposite lot 5,. to Wm Eagleson, 10 trees at Ole. each; R, Gilkulson, 2 trees on side read at 00 cents each; Jas, Nichols, a number of Elm trees, $1,80 for the lot. Mosgrovo.--Rutherford--•That the Clerk be instructed to notify Henry Godkin to Olean out to original depth the two Govt. drains on his place be- fore the 1st day of July next; also to notify road master of G. T. Railway to clean out the portion of said Govt, drain on their premises by the 10th of July next; also to notify Henry Thompson to clean out the portion of said drain on his place by the 15th of July next; also to notify R. Lamont to clean out his portion of said drain on his premises by the 22nd day of July next, and also to notify Wm. Deyell to clean out the portion of the said drain ou his pre- mises as soon as those below him have cleaned out their portion -carried. Rutherford—Mosgrove—That wo .let contract of Elliott drain to Messrs. Duff and Stewart at $2,005 and $20 per thou- sand for what lumber is necessary—oar- ried, Coupland—Rutherford—That we take no action on claim for plow damaged on Morris boundary—carried. Kelly—Mosgrove—That any person cutting trees or sods or removing gravel, earth or sand, from the public roads of this Municipality without consent of Council will be prosecuted to the utmost rigour of law—carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—A. Young & Sons, splices, 77 eta.; Theo. Hall, adv,, $2.50; H. B. Elliott, printing and advt., $0.50; H. Henning, tile and culvert, $3.00; A. Longley, 33 yds gravel, $2.31; P. Mc - Laron, expenses to Goderich, $8.00; J. S. McTavish, salary and postage, equalizing S. S. No. 7, $09. Council adjourned to meet in Blue - vale, June 20th at 10 o'clock a. m. The members of Council having sub- scribed the oath as members of Court of Revision, the court was opened at 2 o'clock p. m. with the Reeve in the chair. The following changes wore made on roll :—Alex. Kelly was assessed for park lot 38 and A. Swindlehurst assessed M.F; Geo. Pollard assessed for lots 11, 12, 19 and part 20 C. S., Bluevale; Jas. Pugh struck off roll; Gus, Gannett asses- sed for lot 110 D. S., Bluevale; R. King struck off roll; Wm. Reid, lot 30, con. 11, assessed M. F.; Wm. Brokenridge, lot 18 D. S., Blues -ale, assessed M F. ; Geo. Hawthorne, 216 W. T. P., assessed M. F.; Alex. Robertson, W. T. P., as- sessed M. F.; James Robertson, W. T. P., assessed M. F.; Wm. Reid, 101 W. T. P., assessed M.F. ; Ed. Groves, 152 W. T. P., assessed M. F.; Wm. Sander- son, 3 C. S., Bluevale, struck of part 2 and added part 1; Chas. Findlay, 351 W. T. P., assessed M.F. ; Thos. Bastedo, 1, 2, B lino, assessed M. F.; D .Pocock, assessment to stand. Kelly—Coupland—That the Court of Revision do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, June 20th at 2 o'clock p.m.—carried. John Burgess, Clerk. —Mrs. Anne Johnston, an aged in- mate of the House of Refuge at Walker- ton, wandered away from the institu- tion before dawn ou Saturday last, and going up the railway track towards Southampton, was run down by the early train from the north at the cross- ing just outside the town, and instantly killed. Her foot caught in the cattle guard, and she was unable to release it in time. Mrs. Johnston was 83 years of age, and had a family of two sons and two married daughters at South- ampton, where the remains were taken for burial. She was interred on Tues- day beside her aged partner in life, M. Johnston, who died there a few months ago. —Judge Morsou, of Toronto, has de- cided that the man who borrows money to pay a gambling debt contracts a per- fectly legal obligation as between him- self and the man from whom he bor- rows and can be sued for it, whether the lender knows or does not know that the money was wanted to pay a gambling debt. But the man who wins money at cards cannot sup the man who lost to him if he cloes not pay. The suit in which this decision was given arose out of a poker game. F. L. Leduc, a com- mercial traveller from Montreal, took a (nand in a small game, in which six other sports took part. Luck did not comp his way, and at tho end of the game he was $125 out. Thereupon ho drew a check for the amount and one of the winners, Jas. Smith, cashed it for him. When Smith presented this check for payment there wore no funds. Then he saw Leduc, who asked him to accept notes in lien of check. Smith did so, but as they were not met he sued Leduc. Judgment was given against Leduc with costs. 1r• Hurried and Worried All Day., And the worst of it is you are a little run down and have mighty little chance to catch up. Everything seems like a grindstone wearing down your nerves. You are irritably and got less Sleep than is absolutely necessary. 13.ettor stop bo - fore things get worse. Your best plan is to use Ferrozone for a while and give your nerves a chance to pick' up, Fer- rozone is the finest tonic a busy man can take. It snakes now blood, nourish- nervoe thous the siren , es tiio body, g improves the appetite and reliabititates the whole system. Try Forrozone. Price 50o. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, • TN the only sate, reilabld regulator on which woman can depend. "In the Neuf+ and time of need." Prepared in two degrees 64 Strength. aliirNO.' islby aFrxthertbleltydoela medicine known. No. 2• 1"i'or special cases -10 degrees gtronlCer—thrco dotiara per hot. Ladies --ask your druggist for Cools'.i Cotton Itoot Contponnd. Take no other and i rnitatio n>1a are - nli x tures 118 all 4119 , >s id rid dangerous. No l anti Na 2 are so a The Greatest Family Remedy. And one well known in most Cana- dian homes is Nerviline, a perfect cure for all internal and external pain. Mrs. E. Cartwright of Morris says:—I could not think of being without Nerviline. When I get toothache Nervilino stops it. If I get a flick headache,• have a trouble with niy stomach or bowels I rely on Nerviline to euro mo promptly. To break up a cold or rub on for rheu- matism or neuralgia Nerviline has uo equal. It's priceless in any family. Norvilino is king over all pain and costs 25c. PRESIDENT COOPER'S OPINION ON THE POPULAR WORLD'S FAIP. ROUTE. I' :0 ers. Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it , falls out, turns prematurely - gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a ilair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows :- long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears.. - "my hair was coming out terribly. I was -' almost afraid to comb it. But Ayer's flair - Vigor promptly stopped the falling,and also - restored the natural color. leas, E. G. Lt. Wein), Landing, N, J. , 81.00 a bottle. .1. 0, ATER 00., r - All druggists. for Lowell, otos(., i f rs oor aur - 1 111 ._ 1 .a WINGHAM fIACHINE SHOP Having purchased the machine shop business of Vasbinder and Rod - well, I am prepared to do all kinds of repair work promptly and at reason- able rates. Bicycle repairs receive special attention, New Bicycles of the best grade for sale. We shall give careful attention to all repair work entrusted to us, and feel confident we shall be able to give satisfaction. W. G. PATON, Wingham ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGHAuI ADVANCE. The Grand Trunk Railway System aro in receipt of a letter from the Ca- nadian Press Association, signed by their President, Mr. John A. Cooper, ex- tending their appreciation for the ser- vice afforded them by the Grand Trunk Railway System while en route to the World's Fair, at St, Louis, Mo., recent- ly. An abstract from the letter reads as follows:— "Qn behalf of the members of the Ca- nadian Press Association excursion party to the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position, I desire to express to you our appreciation of the excellent service af- forded by tho Grand Trunk Railway System between Toronto and St. Louis. The twenty-two hours each way in your magnificent train, over your excellent road -bed, passed quickly because of the utter lack of discomforts of any kind, The promptness with which tho trains were ruu, the cheerfulness rfnluess and atten- tion of your officials, and perfection of management impressed the members of our party and should insure you a large traffic) between Canada and St. Louis during 190.4. I should like to refer especially to the excolleneo of the din- ing oar service and of tho Pullman egnipnteut with which your trains are provided; these aro the finest I have ever seen, We aro proud to know that a Oa- radian railway has a sorvioo and a staff unexcelled anyrailway running into St. Louis. You display at the Fair is nlso most creditable and is undoubtedly ono of the finest advertieernonts Ca• nada will receive during this Bxposi- tion." Canadian Order Woodmen o The World CAMP NATIONAL 139 Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday each month. in Oddfcllows' Hall All, visitors welcome. R. MAXWELL, CC. R. H. CROWDER, Clerk CHOICE OF WESTERN ROUTES. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee As St. Paul Railway. idatuilgijaktm St, Louis --'World's Fair $I8.30 -Good I5 Days ON SALE DAILY With stay over privileges at any intermed- iate Canadian station, also at Detroit and Chicago. In Omitting yotnr western trip Why not take advantage of this splendid offer of the Chicago, Milwaukeo & St Paul Railway to allow yen a choice of mita? The Sonthwest Liinited, Chi Dago to 'tames City; The Overland 1 Limited, Chicago nFio to Omaha and San en n' 1 o DO. Muter Ltn ltE!C n the , ti The P , tst ha d recommended bV all dragtr dI rancfaco, anlin1011 Of Canada, Mailed t0 any ntddr°98 dltieago t0 St. Patti and MlttnCAdlolis, receiptand font 2 -Cent postage (Ito (70o1L Cotnrinny, 1 O •trx el strep For tickets, and further information, apply to L. Harold, Ticket Agent or to J. D.. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Steamship Express COM?IENCINO TUESDAY, MAY 24th NORTHBOUND will leave Toronto at 1.3o p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for Owen Sound; Thursday, May 26th, southbound, leaving Owen Sound 9.0o a.m. Sunday, Tuesday Thursday, for Toronto. Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or A. H. Notman, Asst. General Pas- senger Agent, 'Toronto. r 1 4 on uVik oP ileo of fuer a variety of routes and C - atairirsl. . ,_- ZVittQ,sor Ilial;• in dorvice and egtnipnnent riot obtailnablo - - -- ° ~ - .- .. _` Nn.1 null NO, taro solei In Whlgham by elsewhere. Complete fnfele natitllt re- - "WHITE RTAiI UNE A, I.. Ih nniltoii, It, A. Douglass, C. A. 1 fording these three mein traveled roads ism• 6.1111 , I1 Campbell rand W. MoKibbon, dru{tgisttl. (free On ugliest. $1.00 Round Trip GODERICH to DETROIT TUESDA\, JUNE 21 Return Thursday, June 23 STaamen GnnvsOuNl Two Days in Detroit );. II, Ayer, iron. A gout Special I'Ircurseon Train wilrleavo r rd at 6.40,Clinton 7'40 a.m. Tues- day, dos, Juno ..t. From Kincardine, Wingham, etc., take morning train June 21, connect- ing at Clinton, 17.10 a•m,1 with Special ?`rain for Goderich. ;lpocial trate leaves (4odarich for Clint.nn and wily Stations to Stratford and Wingham, oil arrival of steamer Thursday night, Goderich Band Moonlight 8 P.M., Monday, June 20 Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 a.tn., Tuesday, June 21st 11.ETU11N TO t10DEIITC'II Llra,VC Detroit for Gltlderieh 2 p.m., Thursih y, June 233rd RIITI'HN' TO DETROIT Leave (loderieln for Del voit 810 a.nn, Friday, June 21th All ('ainada Time. Isines sl 111 11111t11I 111111 1111 111111 11111 11111 1111111III1I II I 1 i i F111ni Priees. Stout Winos The Leading Store u et 4 It Is Time To Buy Whitewear and Waists nawaniornmalmom You only know half the story of our remarkable values in Whitewear and Waists when you know the prices. The other half is told in the quality and style of the garments. Come in and learn the other half. CORSET COVER SPECIALS. NO, 1. —• Five Dozen nicely made Corset Covers, fine cambric trimmed with Lace, perfect fit, good value at 25e ---our Special Price 20c NO. 2. — Five Dos, embroidery trimmed Corset Covera, regular value 45c --Special Price 33c NO. trimmed wtra ith Insertion and Lace—tocclear ovors,50c A. large range of LADIES' NiCHT GOWNS at prices much less than you can make thom for. See our value at 75e, $1,00, $1,25, $1.50, $2.00, Dollar value for 75c. SPECIAL IN LADIES' SKIRTS, Full width, deep frill, trimmed with embroidery andinsertion, regular value $1.25 — our Special Price, 95e. If you want something better, see our value at $1,50, 52.00, $2,50 and $3.00. Ladies' Drawers. At surprising values. Well made and trimzaed. Prices are 25e, 35e, u0c. Extra Special at 25e, Ladies' White Lawn Waists. We have been complimented at different times on having the nicest and largest assortment of Waists In town. No room here to describe our many styles — please come and see them. Prices range from, 390 to $5.00. Three special clearing lines at 50e, 75c and $1.00. I, 1 . d _ . ,I. .1 , 1. , 1111 1. . .-,11.1n.,1.1.I 11. E. Isard & Co. Highest Price Paid for Produce 5 Opp. Bank Hamilton THE ROYAL GROCERY Dishes. We have just opened up a crate of White ware with gold lines and clover leaf ; very pretty goods direct from the potteries of Bishop & Stonier, Hanley, England. One dozen Cups, Saucers, and Plates, thirty six pieces, for $2.00 Japanese China. We have some very pretty things in Japanese China ; we have reduced the prices twenty-five per cent. Everything marked in plain figures. Brooms. We would again remind you about Brooms. We think we have got the best Broom for the money ever came into Wingham, at least that is what the ladies say, each... 25c at griffin's WWWWWWW1 U ➢ Y v M "Blow Your Own Horn" "We're blowing our own horn" along with the rest of our fellow citizens, but ours is a different sort of a horn ; it is a busi- ness horn with a business end to it, and we're blowing it for YOUR good as well as our own. That is why we have plenty ' of he) in blowing—why h hand il reds of people are constantlyblow- ing for ns, HOMUTBROS.' CLOTHES are the best Ilothes made. Ask the man who wears them. "He knows." llomuth Bros.' Clothes From $12.00 to $40.00. HATS! HATS l --We have the very newest American makers' • Hats and Caps. Not a single out•o£-style fiat in the store, so you're sure of getting a new, up•to-date lint when you buy here. SHIRTS,—We have full assortment entn£ the best mitk c and can guarantee you fast colors, sizes 14S to 17!:, at $1,00 to $1,25. Be sure you. buy your Gents' Furnishings from us, If you do you can feel assured you have the best materials your money can buy, and always sure of it being up-to-date. A Pleasure to Show Goods. HOMUTH BROS, TAILORS AND GENTS' V CRNISITERS 99 Sugar-coated, easy to take, r The cure Iklild in dCtiOn+ Y 1constipation, biliousness, yers rl. tis, sick-lacaditche p yy • Y.tirvaln ita.,1. Want your moustache or beard BliGKINGHAWS DYE abeautiful brown or rich black? Use . rurt eve. of woofs 41$ r, mob log PAW, tw