The Wingham Advance, 1904-06-09, Page 2So lofae work thcep Oftwesfferin:th
u anevletol tardtz:rludLafle
UU bayinge.:
teethe ereeified.-eferis 22-30.
Consixtemtares.-I. The journey to
Oalitares (c. 422). 22. Titey bring iiitn-e
lelatets emiteuee is supposed to nave
boon given abut eight o'clecie in
the morning. The aaWa InIegt bave
taiton Josue tetel started tor the crows
airocat irseniedtately. "In 'advanee 'weer
a soldier carrying a w)ilt() wooden
board on weiels was Written tbe na-
ture oe the crime. Next came tour
eolaierse under a centurion, wite
the Imo:outer eine the nails, guarding
Jesus. who Ilaore, a awa1 Osuch
came% the crime on which He wee to
gaffer. Tam: pease two robbers, each
beariug Ida Cross and guarded by
fear eoldiera Wasik ;were followed by
a. great taultitude; many exulting,
at low, weeping." Golgotha, -Golgotlia
ia the Hebrew, and Calvary the Lat-
in word with tee imam !ramming.
IL Scenes arouna the erase (vs. 23.-
28). 23. difine....aniyerthes"dt Waif a
mereiful cutetom L ties Jewe te give
thoaecondeumed, to crucifleion, With
a. view. to producing etripateetion, a
strong aromatic wine.' -etaelear.
Tele "they4offered" R. V.) to Chriet;
He treated (Matt. xxvi. 24), but refits. -
ed to drink, as it would Obscure tire
clearnese ot We faculties.
24. Parted laiss 'garment? -The four
sokliers divided zouong themselves
Hia outer 'robe. headdrees, girdle and
eandels, but roe Ills "coat," tbat Is
Hie tunic or under garment, which
wbkh was tvithoet seam and which
wouldhave been ruined if divided,
they east tote (John xix. 23, 24).
Casting lots -What a 'picture. "Amid
the not seolexan seene.of /Inman hiss
toras the unconacious actors sit
dower to gagetee."' Tee legacyl in
worldlyj things left by Jesus was
very email. 25. Tbird 'hour - Nine
o'clock in the /morning. They cruci-
fied Etim-Hla beads arid feet were
nailed to tbe <woes (Luke eesiv. 39-
40), and tben it was lifted and :sunk
into the ground With a. midden shock,
producing great pain. dThe feet of
the 'sufferer 'were bray] a feet or 'two
above, the ground." -Schaff.
26. auperscription - The white
tablet nailed epee tbe crag?, above
the bead be the victim, to declare
the <rine for wbich Efe waa crucified.
"It wae comaion caetorn to affix
a label to the cress giving a state-
ment of tbe crime for which the per-
son ,saffered."--Clarke. Was written
-Pilate wrete this superscription
evidently in derision (John xix. 19).
It ware 'written ID Rialerew for the
jewa. In Greek or tbe foreignere and
'eaters, in Tattle for tbe Romans.
"Power. culture bad piety in their
noblest forms pay homage at the
feet of desne." Xing of tbe Jews -The
words ore ewhat different Ip tbe
different gospels. arobables 'because
some of the writere copied from one
language and tome Trona• another.
The truth was proclaimed In Jest;
jesta is In Tact. a King, withmany:
crowns. 27. Two thieves -This was
prObables done with the intention of
giving the people to think that jesits
teas to be classed with there. 28.
Seriptare was ftealled-Isalah lee 12.
Omitted In R. 'V.
III. Christ mocked (vs. 29-32). 29.
Railed on RIM -They uttered taunts
founded on calumnious misrepresen-
tations of His words; they ridicule
His kingship and even His piety t. they
trample. on Rio pretencelt and ex-
ult over His weakness. Whedon.
Wagging -An accompanying ges-
ture expressive of contempt. kb -
An exclamation of derision. Ab
stroyest tbe temple -At the first
cleansing of the temple Jens had
said. "Destroy this temple, and in
tbree days I will raise it niat (Iohn
IL, 19). Tney had never forgotten
this. 30. Save th_yeelf-They thouglit
that if Segue were the Messiah, sure-
ly Ile could deliver Elmo& from tbe
Roman crosa Come dowe-Let Him
show Ells !power and save His own
life. "If He does not then He Is so
far from being the Messiah that Be
is justly crucified for making each
31. Chief priests. Saribes-The dig-
nitaries and members of the Sex-
hedrin, as alai as the ordinary by-
standers), mocked, for they suppose
they have gained a complete vic-
tory. 82. They reviled -From this it
appears that at first both of the
thieves approached Chrert. The
word here rendered `reviled' is render-
ed 'carte the same in Ells teetb' In
Matt. xxvii., 4.4 One et them, bo, -
ver, went further than this and
was guilty of blaspheming Him.
(Luke xxiii., 39), but as the weary
(hours passed away, the other, sep-
arating himself from the sympathies
of all who stood around the cross,
turned in humble penitence ad faith
to Christ." -Cern. lab.
"Father. Into ther bands I commend
epirit (Luise eat 46). (.lave up
the gboat. "He 41191419gal Cie spirit?'
He lameelf Malinely geve up hie own
life Toronto *armors' Markets,
.The mtl Vas rant. he great , Receleits Of grain on the street te--
td3:Olte (dt2 feetlong, and e.0 cubits salett of 800 buebels of widte selit
CPO feet) wide, el the tbleknese of
the *palm ot be hand, and Wrought
la 72 *square% erhiett wore jollied tot
detbers-adderaliehrie 89. Thel leen.
tarion. The. Borman ()lacier who liad
charge of the cruelfixion. Ater.
*When be time +wane was done he
acknowledged that God 'himself wise
ahiewang his approval of Jesue (Luke
2.3,, 4'7). Son of God. What a testa
and from a Roman officer -
vell ot the teneple that Wog between day Were fele au(.1 prlees generaill
tee eoly pleathe holies, 40 anehauged. ;Wheat eteady, Witk
History presents no theme nom-
paralble in importutee to the ins
carnation, sulferinde alid death 01
Jesuit Chalet Tres is seen when we
consider the dignity of Bis persori,
the intensity of ells sorrows and the
great end of Ris death. •
Mie 'Mira who had the light et
Moses and tete prophets, were ex-
pecting the Sa,viour. Teey bad
heard and seen the teachings aud
miracles of Cerist Yet because Ris
purity of life and teaceeng con-
trasted with. their own depravity
and SW tLey hated Rim -without
cause. They refused to acknowledge
Hes righteousness, they ela.mored for
His life, tkey bore false evituess to
convict Rita, and persevered until He
was eoademned by Pilate, -set= the
historian declares was te "base, sor-
did and oppresaive ruler." Yet base
as he was be endeavored to release
Christ from the hands of those who
professed to be awaiting Rio °ow-
ing. Crucitlxion was a Roman pun-
ishment which 'never inflicted
but upon the most debased eharae-
actors. It was 'therefore associated
with_ the deepest ;infamy, and to this
death was tbe immaculate Saviour
consigned by teejudicial authority
of Pilate, as against His judgment,
uederstanding and conscience,' simPly
to- gratify tee „cereal hate and envy
of an apostate people.
Christ knew tbeir bate and envy,
.yet after tb.e Serval work wits ac-
complisted and the aalls had been
driven through the nuivering flesh
of the feet that bed traversed Judea,
on errands of Imercy and through
the had tbat bad so often been
been open to 'bless the people, and
tee cross had been lifted 'with its
• victim to endure tee agony of hours,
tbe first werd etpoken by the suf-
ferer, was "Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do,"
which was soon Verified, for they
taunted Rim, Paying, Saved
others, hinaself Re cannot save."
Stough uttered in Wicked trony, yet
It -was iinporta.nt teeth. Almost
every town and elllage where lie
had travelled could Produce evidence
tim.t He had eaved others from dis-
ease and wretchedness; ; lepers
ceallised, blood issues stayed, pal-
sies healed, demons vanquished, the
dead raised and Wins forgiven.
Ceesist could have etaved Himself
had He seen fat to do so. He pos-
sessed all power, both. in ,Efea.ven
and on earta Re bad life in himself.
If he had spoken the word He could
have frastrated all their plans by
summoning angels to les rescue and
by paralyzing every Need lifted
against hine bat there was a sense
In wbieh their words were true. As
the pledged surety and mediator of
mankind He must suffer. 'leere was
a necessity for et, for If 1.e exer-
cised His essential power the pure
proses of Heaven Would have failed,
and the predictions of the prophets
would have been falsified. The types
and sacrUicee would lave bad no
signific.anee, the end Of His coming
would have been rendered void, and
the world must have remained un-
redeemed forever. Sin produced spit-
ituni death, opened the grave for
the body, and ehe regions of eternal
deserter for the soul. He tberefore
suffered death on ehe cross to make
atonement for sin. are did not save
himself from 'the -suffering and death
of the cross, so tbat whosoever be-
lievete in bine /might have life by his
death. He could not exalt us with-
out being debased, could not deliver
us front the curse without being
made a. mu•selor no; could not pro-
cure our justification but by being
-condererned himself. Ste mastery of
the mass Is /the mystery of the love
of Gerd- welch tpassetb lall wider -
standing. • William P. Ferries.
TV. Christ crucified (re. 33-39). 33.
Sixth hour -Noon. Darkness - The
darkness continued three bourefrom
noon until three o'clock. Over the
whole lands -Of Palestine. This
darkness was typical of the moral
darknese that filled the land. "This
wag a miraculous occurrence, allow-
ing the amazement of God at the
wickedneee of the crucifixion of Ellm
who is the light of the world and
the sun of righteousness." - acetate
The ninth hour -The hour of the of-
fering' of the evening eacrifice. Jeans
cried -This wee Christ's fourth ut-
terance on the cross: and it le the
only one recorded by Mark. It was
spoken towards the close of the dark -
nese. Eloi, etc. -Mark preeerves the
Araneac wordexactly as they were
spoken, by gams. The repetition. 'My
God, ley God," gives a deeply pathetic
force. It is an erpreesion of utter
lonelineas and desolation, the depth
of sableh It Is not for, man to fathom.
It its getting beyond tbe Seripturee to
Ray that a settee of God's wreab ex-
torted that era, for He weaftlie wen -
loved of the Father. -Carr. Tbese
words of Christ are the filet words
of Psalm 22.
23. Reealletht Elias. They eitear
oulytaaght the -first seriaOle dr
mesapPreltended the werde. Or, no
some Vett, Awake 10 Warn! Meakery
and detiared be tailed not en "Ea"
Gad, neat on "Mime" -geese Appear-
ance Nees tinaversally expeetal, -
Cane Mc C. IVLiastar., eBerntng
thlret Is ttif3 roost palatal Reamers -
ton od 'death eey ertieetiliezie'Cleitt
not tittered tee Cita settler ere 'Idle
crest, "1 theist" elate 19 21. T1171:s
man ads tote! el-A*0ra* el' boe.24y
safferLI.g. On * Totte!!, The seerrt
ate* Of o.feepeeta aliitt. Vsla Seat
tete Pre an 'tow* juum^,b
*eta lada eat/eget ettere VIC diret
ttretk zettrger anl gall :eats re -
bet "V'
een laisited etty
drag, was eteereselesa Let eleire, eta
This was eaeleeeely "uttered sarieless
a el-ettee wise *a "Wesel eriteliereet
1.tWakesisd Isy 'the awful
ter atieetettr tee See ear icterpdatiet)
Mall heft tak
ille at 96e, 100 buabels of red win-
ter at 960, and 200 Oushels ot goose
ah WO to .840. larle.y sold at 46
to 47tiet for 100 bushels. Oats tins
ellanged, 700 lau.shels selling at 138
to Mato.
Detre Preduce le moderate eupplY,
Vaal prices sm, 01
ter sold a,t (16 to 1.$e per ibeand
eggs at 170 per dezen.
Itay steadyice 1, 26
loads seal at $1,1 to ela a. ton fon
timothy, and at $7 to $9 for mixed.
Stra-sy encerusged at $10 to ell
a. ton.
Dreseed Ions in limited supply and
price e firm; light sold oa $7.e0 and
breav,y at $7,
erbete., ibussie, 90o; red,
06 centre goose. 80 to al ecu to;
timing 93 gent's; oats, per bush-,
3.3 to 88aio; aela,s, (le to 600; lbarkeve
besla 46 to 47o; betel timothy, per
ton, $11 to ela; clover, $7 to $9;
tram. per ton, $10 to 511; applee,
ap)les, per bbl., $1.7e to $4.)04;
dreesed hags. 57 to 57.50; eggs, per
dozen, 17c; Putter claim 16 to 18e0
creeenteren, a8 Ito 210; chickees, per
lb., 14 /to 15c; turkeye, peer lb., 143
to 20e; potatoes, 'per bag, 51.0, 51.-
15;; cebbage, per dozen $1. to $1.-
50; beef, landqua,rters 57.50 to e9;
do., foreepeastere, $5.50 to 56(50;
do., cboice, czerca,se, 57 to 57.25; doe
medium, ca.renes, $6 'to 56.50; lambs
yearling, 510 Ito 511; tuatton, per
cwt., 07.50 to 59; Yeah Per mitt,
57.501 to 59. , I •
Ridley College Teacher Hag Invented
New Form of Airship.
St. Catharines, Ontijune6---ti St.
Catharines man named J. /L Dal-
rneidar one at the teachers at Ridley
College, claims to ba -re invented it
practical airship. Mr. Dalmeida bas
now completed his machine, and
hopes in the course of a few days
to make bis first flIgla by its aid.
It is constructed of Hest but tough
and strong bamboo, and is built to
resemble as closely as possible tbe of it bird. l'he wings, con-
structed of bamboo and silk canvas/
of beautifully fine and durable tex-
ture, are fashioned of _the exact
Model of a bird's wing. Facia eying
lies an area of it4 feet. They are
worked tey a, most ingerdous but
strikingly system of levers, which are
moved by pressure of the operator's
Tire laventor expects to have a
trial trip in a. few, days, and if ev-
erything goes eatiefactorily he wilt
then er090 to Toronto, atter welch
he start on ft trip to St. Louis
to tee World's Fairs TPhere it prize
of 5100,000 is offered for it netlike.;
ti at will enable it mea to ay.
Report as to lord Minttes Departure
-toed <Meow May Succeed,
Ottawa, Juno C. -The reekert was
current to -day teas. Lord and Lades
Matto will vacate Gevertimentrioune
arid leave for England the stewed
week fin Oct -peer. Teeir Excellencies
wrei return to tbeir coesstry ironer,
Itte' to House, litociek. &awl& Af-
terward they will take a two
motels*" holiday in tbe anatb 01
Pratte. No effieial annonneenieut
'&as et lases made jAt IrAditAtI Hall
of terird Ulada Joueeesator. A definite.
azberneeetteet la eXpereed Within a,
f etteiglit, aad reirpriee would not bs
feet il Lord Otielair were to seeettre
Zlrr ISettelieerea, aroesnetertied
Ltivly Liken Meta Arid Captitin
teieseam, Aetate, left tele afternoon
ier Wettest', *Sate they veal take
lee Tutease for Eagland. 'While in
Lateen Lad, Flees Mott laal
preeteted at court. •
,feedy Wirt% berate leaving ter
et. tr.tal *Mee, ast it Were the ; Preteented the prises saw&
tritairAmolt * atatiateeta d bust year fa eeeteisetioo with the
twat eatteset kies saltth teeter, 'It - reddefl eelsPetilloe. tat*, prateeton.
flaisertel Oahe 111, 'ent:e 6416MI a &old &lid gatertatdala
MOO weird It Akio fireek, and has
beset 200104 /tow reestesee eigisie word it is often a mait's leaking that ete
Wet lettere& 'Mad gionaS fleshed 1 WS Aka hitt to pat on a hold front.
Weiit Terropen
tiotee the Oraillg
L of now tattle minletering to saii0
families in 1dAnitoba, anti the Ter-
a, aad e encouraging tie-
velopmente of 'tile 'Weak among the
Galiciana arid Who Doukliobere.
elaritisue Mine Litealons.
I Tito report et tbe Mime ADA1910a
Committee, eastern neetio0, drew at-
tentioe to Ithe f oat -010 in meet
place') in elle Maritime Province's the
increase. in Population wee email,
while in bowie placeit was diminish -
lug. The congregationreeeived
grapte from the Homo )4i9filell Fund
amounting to 46,082, being 81031
ken than thee peel for the same lar-
vae bast lyear. The recelpte for home
missions durin gthe -year totalled
inissloes during tbe year totalled
Ing, bowever, 0676 ln repayments,
retaking the real increase for thee:ear
Presbyterian Work in theWest
Grows Rapidly.
Only $7,000 Unpaid Out of a
Tatal o ver a i ion,
Synods Get Right to Establish
Vine dIV-aeleclee "et le miler ea
morniug'p assembly of the General
Assembly of the Preehyteriall
Church, after devotional exercises
the dooket of busineoe. of the day
was read. A.t 3.1, o'clock Rev. Devid
Lang, the xecently installed pas-
tor of St, Andrew's -hurch, where
the assembly is held, escorted mayor
Weite, of St. John, to the plat-
form, where he delivered the civic
welcome. ,
suitatical Iteport.
Tee Committee on etatistice then
pretiented as report. ,
'11ae report of the Counnittee 00
etatistres showed thateournes- the
year there were added to the roll
of cormnunicant members ou profes-
s oa oi bite 11 4.23 and ou
British Cattle Markets. can, 8,teer. Removed by ceetiecate,
7,000; by death or otherwise, 6,175,
I:cue:Ion, Juno 4.-Oanadian •cattle
are ateadal Ile to 123e per tie ; total menthershiP was report -
.refrigerator beef, 8% to 90 per lb. ed as 228.1.51,, as comet -Arad with 222,-
alteep, ete,aays 112e to 14e per lb.; WI for 11)02.
lo regard to finances the total
amount •paid towArds stipend was
0456,171, an of 91,800.
Tne total ordinary expenditure was
91,92;3,638. l'ayments to Synod arid
Presbyterian funds and other relig-
ious and benevolent purposes aggre-
gated e490,500, an increase on the
previous year of $57,512. For 1e0e
the debt on church buildinge and pro -
party was reported as a1,427,890.
isor 1903. it amounted to e1,210,070,
a decrease of $217,812. The total
amount raised for all purposes last
year was $2,743,199, inereaee
over 1002, of 9144,007. Sae average
amount contributed wee e22.45 per
family, and $11.95 per communicant.
Tile average increase per family was
$1.77, and par communicant $2.50.
Judge Forbes, speaking on the re-
port, patted attention to the fact
that out of over one million dollars
of ministerial stipend there is only
o deficit of seven thousand for the
year over tap whole Dominion.
Powers or Synods.
At the afternoon etassion Rev. Dr,
elacLean reported from, the tam-
mittee an Enlarging the- Powers of
eyoods. Th,e. committee had met and
revised the overture whice tee
assembly. report con tallied, and
sent it down 'to the eyrsods andrpres-
teeteries, requesting their elem.
Thirtyelive presbyteries reported.
Alost of the anewers were in fever
of the overture as it stood, while
ay:arenas, 15e. 1, • t
The Cheese Markets.
London, Juno 4. -On elmese mar-
ket lo -clay. 15 factories offered
1,975 boxes; sales, 135 at Sc; 522
at 8 il-16e; 110 et 8 1-8e.
Corawell, June rt. -There were 854
white and 1,888 colored clieeSe
boa.rded here tto-clays All eold at Se
except 226 colored, which brought
1-16e more tied 215 held over. .
To ronto Cattle Itterket.
ReoeSpts of live stook were '22 cars;
3.90 cattle, 812 bogs, 55 calves land
150 hogs 'to Park. 131ackwell.
Part of the above shipment came
in Sthureday afternoon, after we got
the j25 calls mentioned in our report
Friday; morning , .1 '
Four care of the above mentioned
cattle were stock calves, In transit
-to the Noethweeti
All offeringe of cattle to -4n yi as
well as what were left over from
Taumsdaiy, found ready sale at un-
changed quotations, when quullty; is
coeisideredi . • •
Prices for steeP, la -miss and calves
-were steady tat quotations given
. 33.ogs-Dellieries Amounted to 1,-
000, English bacon markets being
lower, prices took a drop of 12 1-2c
per cwt. Selects sold at 55.12 1e2
and lights and fats at $4.87 1-2 per
Exporters - Melee, well -finished,
hea.vy exporters sold at $a to eu.3o
per cwt., medium at el -a° to $5. _ otbers mfered suggestions. .
Discussing this report. Rev. Dr.
Warden did not think the synod'a
should have power to receive or re-
ject ruinisters from other (aerates.
After aolue debate it was decided by
a, vote of 10,5 to Ca that power to
receive ministers should not be given
to assuode Clauses were adorited giv-
ing the aimode 'the rigla to deal -with
the establisement of new presby-
teries within 'their bounds
There was it long discussion over
the clause giving the synod power
to deal finalia: with appeals not af-
fecting the constitution of tbe Church
or the 'administration and schemes
of the General Assembly. Ilnally,ou
motion of Dr. Sedgwich, the over-
ture wan laid on the ta,ble. ,
Aged and Infirmed.
Rev. T. McDonald submitted the
report of the Infirm Ministers? Fund,
western. ;motion, showing tha.t for
the lima time in the history.; of the
fund the maximum annuities have
been paid. The debt balance of the
fund reported la,st year was nearly
the same. The report wee adopted
except a clause referring to tbe am-
algamation of the tundra east and
w.ast, and one requiring ministers to
connect themeelveg with the fund
within four ateare of ordination or
lose the benefit of it. 1
Rev. Andereon Rogers, submitted
the report of -the same fund for 'the
eastern sestion. The condition of the
fund hair decidedly improved. An ad-
verse balance lies been reduced to
5273, and 'the capital increased 58,-
197. The tatnualiets number 21
llowe hlissions.
At the evening meeting, Rev. .T.
Steavert presented a. report of the
eastern faction lorne raisslons, and
Rev. Dr Warden that of the west-
ern section. • I
Tire report of the Home Misition
Committee, western eection, showed
a. remarkable growth during the
year In the missionary givings and
work of the church. ear home nee-
sions the church had Asked for 5110,-
000; the ?fetal contribution was.
8114,316. Sixty-three new fields were
opened, ineluding 40 in Manitoba and
the North-west earritoriee, and 18
in British. Columbia. fleventyeaven
fields were raised to the status of
augmented cbarges, and five becanie
self-sustaining congregations. Tee
total number of fields now under -the
eare of the committee Is 488, with
1,311 preachers; stations, and 15,6e5
church memberg in full communion.
lem number of communicants added
during the year wee d9. 'Reese
Export bulls -Choice export balls
sold a,t 53.75 to .$4.25, medium at
53.50 to $3.60. ,
Export cows -Prices ranged from
53.75 to e425 per ewt. .
Butcharee-Choice pickled lots of
butchers', equal in quality to best
exporters, 1,100 to 1,200 : pounds
each, sold at 91.60 to e4,75; loads
or good at $4.50 to 54.60; medium at
54.25 to 94.40; common at .$3.50 to
$4; rouWa and inferior -at ei to
$4.25 per cwt.
Feeders - Short -keep feeders, 1,-
100 to- 1200,pounds each, sold at
54.50 to 94.90. 'rase weighing from
.950 to 1,050 of good quality sold
a.t 51 to e4.25 per cwt.
Stockers --Choice yearling calves
sold at 53.75 to el; poorer grades
and off colors sold at $3 to e3.50,
according to quality.
Milch cows and springers sold from
$25 to 962 each.
Veal catree-Calves sold from 52.50
to $8 mica and 43.50 to $5 per
cwt. •
Sheep -Export ewes sold a.t et to
$4.25; export bucks at $3 to 53.50.
Lambs -Yearling grain -fed lambs
sold at 55 to $5.25.
Spring Lanitas-Prices ranged from
52.50 to e4.50 each.
Hogs -Prices for straight loads, fed
and watered, hvere 55.12 1-2 per
cwt.; and $4.87 1-2 for lights and
fats. ,
13radstreets on Trade.
Wholesale trade at Montreal con-
tinues of fair dimensions but it is
not epecially: active. adle sorting
trade in ireasenaale goods is a lit -
tie more heave in Tome linee. Values
ot reanufacturer,s generally; are
pretty web 'maintained. The ehipping
business is ishosyrng a. amid deal dof
In Toronto there has been a, mod-
erate amount of activity'. this week
in wholetaale trade. Prices of staple
goodie are tateady to firm. The oat-
leok for tall butainees is very fair.
Pricee for wbol axe a little firmer.
There is h. lair demand for money
and retest are steaded
.A.t eatebec, the sorting demand for
tire 'week basr been fairly active, and
it is likely to continue for a I'
weeks. With continued •seasonable
weather the prospeete are favorable.
The movement in Hamilton whole-
sale trade as reported to Brad-
etreetee this "week is allowing an in-
crense in ecene departments. 'There
Le a good demand for sorting retail
stocks- and that is expected to grow
as the /9P-1.6013 advences. Tire -con-
ons of general 'trade are eound. cemmunicante tontributed an aver -
In Landon, the jobbing trade ties age of $6a6 per person, while the
week bate been oetupted largely' with average contribution throughout the
eorting order% vital! baso been whole church tor the past year was
emnieg ferWard quite treeiy. $4.65. During the year 48 churches
The meat favorable outlook for and ill manse)? Were build, of which
tee wheat crop le heving a good Of- LIS churches and 21 mamas Were In
feet on the wboleaale trade 'situation the new western syntel. Six church -
at Winnipeg. ee were built in N8W Oraario.
Basinessi at Ottawa le fairly ace apeAking of the vast tield for home
live. Prim) are feeler held. ; mission work In tile West, the report
• says; "Ilie only eluirch that begins
MILITARY PRISONERS KILLED. to compere with ours in its efforts
fothe religious welfare of 'Western
'Were Trying to Make rhea. Fetape
Faint Custody in flartarks.
Milwaukee, Wire, ;atm tl-Tivo mile
Hare' prieonere at Fort Snelling
Made an attempt to esicape toasts',
and one id them, Tony Witeeb, • weer
ebot dead by Pte. Xerinedy. Wiseli
baa triad to throve Kennedy into
& raver. a
Columbus, (kilo, Juno W.
_ Manning, a primmer n.t tbe totted
_States barraeke, was ebot and kill-
ed here to -jay by Plc. Speck, one of
the eentries; at tile garrieon. Man-
ning bed (Warted twiee and roan -
leave OM tins, aild was await -
tag trial by eeertstnartial. Toefee 1r,
attern-Pted to escape. railing to topi
at the Command, he was *Mt
throngh the head, dying instantly.
Canada, has less than halt the num-
ber of missicet fields under the et-
ers-get ot your committee."
Tee estimetes for tbe current ,pear
call for $120,000, ineluding 520,000
for Ontario and auebec, 521,000 tor
Manitoba and the Northavest Ter-
ritories, 527,500 tor British Columbia,
and $4,000 for tee Yukon Territotte
Ara addithei of 550 per zinnia* to
the galariee of trained inimeonar-
ies le recoteMentled, Ineolving an les
ereaeed tapentliture bt $10,000.
Itepotts of Su erintendents
'The report ed the eoperinteudent
01 micedens in Now Ontatior
detention to the faet that bat
winter, atter Making litie a Ali avail.
able inen, no leta than seven !aide
ere Mitted for In the premby-
tray a North Tiny. The emperinteti-
deet to idealideleit Ufa the NOrtir
13 del 506.
Other epee/kers,
Other epeakers ea a packed aura -
once 'were de 0, Seek, who moved the
adoption of the Mgt report, which
was accepted. Rev. e. 0, Babinsou,
Rev, Dr, Carmichael, Rev. Dr. Herd-
man, Rev. Dr. MoLaren, Rev. D. G.
McQueen, and Rev. Dr. Pringle. The
erecting continued to a email late
,h osutr..310bn.,
N. B. report says -This fore-
noon the Genera -1 Assembly discussed
favorably the increase of the ministerial
- ;pen( frou $7e0 to 9300, -wxtii mans ,
end referred the question to a special
committee, .
To the same committee was .referred
the proposal that the Church give over-
sight and support to the Good Samari•
tan Hospital established mid conducted
y *. A. a • , • y
of Dawson City.
Widows' and Orphans' runes.
The report (western section) showed
that there are now 120 widews and
e3 children on, the list. After meet-
ing annuities and. other expenditures
there remains to the credit of the or-
ainary fund $1,008. There are at pre -
rent 374 ministers connected with the
fund by the payment of rates.
The report of the Maritime Provinces
showed receipts 519,325, expenditures 54, -
Rd, leaving a. balance of $15,224.49 to be
added to capital. The assets of the
fund to date are 5145,814,08, as against
$.134,488.50 reported last year, showing
notwithstanding the great shrinkage of
securities during the year, thp very sat-
isfactory increase of $11,320.12. The
number is the same as last year.
The report of the fund in connection
wile the Church of Scotland showed re-
ceipts, 512,078, expropriation 58,437, bal-
ance $3,641. The assets are 5100,188.
Church and Manse Building.
Hon. Colin H. Campbell, of Winnipg,
eresented. the church and mouse building
fund report. He said ,the high water
mark bad been reached, in revenue, and
eounnended the work as of the great-
est importance in newer Canada.
The report for Manitoba and the
Northeast showed that in tbe 23 years
%ince it was established. it assisted in
tee erection of 589 buildings, valued at
ebout $731,000.
During the last census period the
Presbyterian population in the area eov-
et el by the operatious of the board
grew at a rate considerably more rapid
than that of the whole population, and
a chief element in the explanation un-
doubtedly is that thp appliances for
effective Christian work have been so
freely at the comniand of western con-
gregations throe& the agency of the
h°11artother words, tbe total ailment of
interest earned was $3421, while the
total number of grants (not loans) was
5e,065, and the expense of management
$423e5 -a total of $3,088.05, 1, e, the
,rants made and the cost of menage-
/trent were mare thau covered by the
interese earned. This is a goal to which
• the board has looked forwardfor years.
The receipts were $20,050, the expend-
iture 57,352, and. the balance 59,30a
Reports on Colleges.
The reports of the theological colleens
were entered upon-, beginning with Hali-
fax. Prof. P., A. Falconer was appointed
principal in succession to Dr. Pollock,
wbo is given leave to retire and who ia
setained as honorary prindpal, Rev. A.
S. Morton. of St. Stephen, N. 33., is ap-
pointed lecturer for three years on prac-
tical theology and clurch history.
Lieut. -Governor Mortimer Clerk sec-
onded the motion making these appoint-
• His Honor Lieut. -Governor Clark,
Chairman of the board, presented the
report for Knox College, leech was ad-
cpted, without discussion.
The sixtieth annual report of Knox
College states that diplomas were
,usanted to twenty-three students at
fhe Ouse f tbe session. Of the
seventy-one students in attendance, for-
ty-three were university graduates
The college had a. satisfactory finauciai
year. The total receipts in the or
einary fund were 520,076. The dis-
bursements amounted to $19,898.
The whole afternoon was devoted to
contideration of the report of Queen's
'University, presented by Principal Gor
don. The chief point of public inter-
est is the constitutional one regarding
the relation of the university to the
• Church. Principal Gordon 'reviewed
the proposal to ebange teat rqlatien
led by the late Principal Grant, the re
iersal of eite Assembly's attitude last
e ear, and the present suggestion the
the connection between Church mei uni
-versa), be maintained and vitalized.
Dr. Fletclted as Mame of the As
sembly Comes:eon, reviewed the meet
hi goof the year ata presented their re
port. He favored the maintenance o
Queen's in its old relations.
Ilea J. A. 'Macdonald, of Toronto
pressed the duty of tbe Presbyterian
Church to maintain unimpaired its in
attest rind sympathy for all other uni
TItis line wee foilowed by Prof. Mac
Loren and Prof. Bryce, of I'Vinnipeg
Prineipal Patrick, Dr. Robert Campbel
and °there took -pert in the debate, bu
the hour of adjournment arrived befor
•A vote was taken. The question ail
probably be referrea to a committee and
be disposed of next week.
The report seowed flat last sessiou
there was no inerease in all the facie
tiee, tbe eumbers being: Arts. 520; the
elegy, 38; medicine, 216; science, 143
Deducting 20, who were registered
two faeultiee, there was thus a totAl o
e97, an increase of 44 over last year.
Foreign Missions.
This evening was devoted to foreim
missions. The report was presentee 18
(Mime he cannot with advantage to the;
finelpiltectilinie hie former work in Cen.
I beta.
The work in China was never more
encouraging. The utlealons have recov-
ered from the shock of .the Boxer eyrie.
ing, tuel all present, indieetions roe fav-
orable. The extension of railways. in
China, facilitates greedythe movements
of missionaries over their large fields Of
labor, The work' among the Chinese
and 1ndian in Canada issteadily main-
Reportsof the growth of the spirit of
union and co-operation come from the
foreign eche The union of all the Pree.
bytenan bodies in Japan into the
"Murat of Christ in japan" bas, proved
eminently satisfactory. 'All of the
working. in India have merged their in- _
terests nto the "Presbyterian Church of
Christ in India," Movements of it like
character are on foot in Amoy, Cone
and Formosa,
The support of missioneriea by congre-
gations and individualhas been found
not only practicable, but also stimulat-
ing to both congregation and missionary.
The total receipts of the western sec-
tion for the year, including 540,200 from
Ilia Women's Foreign Mitsionary Soci-
ety, were 5107,818. The year's contribu-
tions did not reach the amount asked
for. The receipts from 1egaeics-$1,745,
-were the smallest fax many years, the
average lucerne from this source being
about 59,000 annually. The committee
were compelled to close the year with a
debt of 525,603. The eastern section of
'the committee report that with the ener-
.getic assistance of Dr. Grant they were
able to entirely remove the debt of $13,-
535 standing it year ago. The ecceipts
for the closed were '548,033, whielt
includeci the 516,170 from the W. le M.
Society. The expenditure was 551,200.
leaving a balarce due tee Treasurer of
$3,326. From this it is deer that the
total receipts for foreign missions were
5155,851, And total expenditures were
5182,981, making a total deficit of $27,-
twelve different Presbyterian Churches
a capital speech by Rea ea A. 3. Mar-
tin, of Brantford, convener of the cone
raittee. Ile gave a simenaty of the re-
port, the recommendations of which will
be eoesidered at a subsceuent meeting -
of the committee. Dr. Miller, Yannoutie
2d. S.; Th.. a. P. Simith, 13radford; Rev,
1 oug r
(leo. u ter am , anerara; ev. .. 1 r
-The rune, silently giving title hand
Sinelair, Itegina, nee Dr. R. P. liacKriy, to the kneeling visitors to be kissed,
• earnest and. crammed. with facts and ar-
Toronto, delivered addresses which were
Pepe is vete anxious about the litee
Opinion In the 'Veticae le that the
Peaee, prograse end prosperity were
reported by the Foreigt,i Mission Com-
mittee tit liming revalleil "in all our
fields throughout the year 1903." Sine
of the teildioneriea bad been seriously
ill, but no fatality was reported.
The etmernittee recommenes tbe foram-
-lien of a new Presbytery in 'North For-
With regard to Dr. 'Wilkie, the rota -
mission Ascides that under exkding ton.
Bitter Rivalry of wings or Woman's
Suffrage Movement.
Berlin, June 6.--The International
Woman's Suffrage Conference, call-
ed by the International ;Woman's
Suffrage Committee, met here to -day
for the purpose of organizing an In-
ternational League for the Promo-
tion of Woman's Suffrage. Delegates
were present from' Great ppBritain,
France, Germany, Holland, Sweden,
Austro-Hungary, Switzerland, Den-
mark and New Zealand. Miss Susan
B. Anthony at:mop-tea the presidency
of the leAgne,
ate leading ladies of the German
feminist lineament are engaged in
mutual vituperation, Wild accusa-
tions and counter -accusations ore
flying fast and furious in all direc-
tions, the dispute beieg the outcome
of differences between the .Conser-
vative and Riadierie wings of the, fem-
inist movement. • t ;
eke Radicals, or women suffragists,
headed be, Fraupen Anita, Augsburg,
were extended. from the management
of the Interna.tional Congress of
Women, to be held from June 10 to
dune 15, by the Conservatives, head-
ed by Frauilen Helene Lange. erhe
Radiuses retaliated by organizing a
rival congress of their own, the
International Woman's Suffrage
Conference, 1
elm Conservatives attempted to
kill off the Radical Congress, but
were unsuccessful, and the Radical
women declare their show will be
a far greater success, resulting in
the formation of an International
Woman's Suffrage League.
Now- the Conservatives are calling.
the Radicals "horrid political adven-
turers," "noisy agitators,' "meddle-
some political Amazons," while the
Rn.dicals are abusing the Conserva-
tives as "timid old gra.ndmothers,"
"nesera,ble creatures whose spirits
"are crushed by male ty:etnny," and
"slaves of the mete sex." , •
Newioundlanders Br- ing a Good Prize
to Port.
at. John's, 'Nfld., Jane 6. -The :Am-
erican herring catcher, A. M. Nich-
olson, of Buckeport, Maine, adrift in
an ice floe all wInter, sailed safely
into Bonne Bay yesterday. T,he Nich-
olson's crew abandoned her Jan. 29,
and made their wAy over the lee to
the mainland, near the Bay of St.
George. Five Nesefoundiand fisher-
men boarded the vessel April 5, 40
miles from Bonne Bay, and, after a
trying exp.erience of 57 days, four
of the fishermen brought her into
port. The fifth, .luising grown weary
of the close confinement, lefathe ves-
sel May 29, and walked across the
ice toivard Portland Creek. He litts
not been beard from since.
The asbermen had very little to
eat. They lived most of the time on
bread and water and flour boiled in
a ventilator cover, the only thing
left on board that could be utilized
for cooking. They arrived in l30nne
Rae weak and exhausted. • .
Called Himself' Pocke- t Edition or Ntr.
New York, dune 6.-"I're a pocket
edition of 'Andrew; Carnegie, and I've
rtionest to throw away," cried Leo
Haman of No. 144 Wost One Hun-
dred and Thirteenth street in Mad-
ison Squatre Park yesterday Lifter -
Newebeses and park loungers
ecrembled for 'the bills which Delman
threw front itt, roll in one hand. In
the other heMeld a pair of live rab-
bles. 'When it "policeman arreeted
lor disorderly conduct he mad
"I am philantlir.opist and have
as much right to. give m,oney away
as aria ono els-e.' tie had theoWit
away at least twenty bele of small
denomination, and tor every email
boy in eight larrelYarsee a mechanical
toy'. •
leranente brother, *Who balled him
out, said; . .
"Ho hatcl a 'tip on the recoil 'to -date,
and I galena- it was too mute fer
1 ; e 2 1 • ; e
nio liollitteis Very Anxious About the
Hostility orieratice.
Remo 'Tune '6. - Papa recep-
tion at the Vaties.n to -day.
Tito rope. was evidently de-
(' tl 1 1 D R 7 retried. Ile hastily Walked ti r I
-elt Mind air( Abilarat
Taw. rEarannon. I
(Jelleaten of Routs and-tioteuntse speollilt7
Ofiloctein Venstone Block.
tepee eaturdey evenings, 7 to A.
f V
y ranee, though apparently
indifferent to the threatened revo-
cation of the concordat.
Ilaernreither, forinele AuStrian
Minister ot Commerce, and Mina
Morvelft, former Governor of the
Preeirece a Tyrol, esed dalleeln, will
Keil trent Cibetheenstg, jenti 10, fur
Ntw York. 'Thar will tour the
Ited States and Canada to study' Mn
tearttental iniNtItntInnt ;
on Town and Perm Foveae.
OPPIC13.-In the 'Kent Block.
' Residenee-Uatherineek,
Marriage Lianas trowel. No witness%
Money te large amounts; smaller b pre
sedan, rimiest terms,
Oftlee;-nozt to Helmer' Meek now building.
Head Office OUELPH, ONT.
Risk% taken on all 0111.1511 of insurable pro
stray on tee cash or premiere uote system.
lemma Gomm, CRAB. DAVIDSON,
Pres:dent. faroretere.
• Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office; Meyer Block Wingham.
L Dickinson
Dudley Botha*
Money to loan at loweetrates. Office
• j. A. MORTON
Office t-Isforton Block, Winghs.m
Mane :-Upstairs in the Macdonald
Night calls answered at office. '
Josephine Street - Wingharn
• (Member of the BritisliMectioal
special attention, paid to Diseases of winner
and children,
orrws Rouss:-1to 4 p.m.; 110e pea.
T. Holloway
D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of ItOyal,
Oeu e of Derea
tt eras of Tor-
en arid Haar
• oe Toren-
te emear.
Improved methods le au branch& or
Pens moderate. staisfactior
ra•titcod. ea•OffIce in Beaver Block.
D.D.S., Lela •
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en.'
nwlvania College and Licentiate IA
Dental Surgery of Ontario. •
Woe over Post Offloe-WINGHAll
Ail kinds of rough and dreesed....
Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
large quantity of dry hard-
wood for sale, delivered.
Telephone Prders Promptlyi
attended to.
McLean & Son
01W%4104"%ffelletSirbalat \Pal
leare will be four Canadiens 00
the reorganited "eooe directorate.
• t.'t new mtintelpett buildieg De pro-
ieeted for Toronto ametion.
eAtit. Peter lauttlart, the British
61hitiolT111113,1abeleirialin1:070ce4:pitalet:ntedaoft. illettlseesarndoet abblt
00heeetIlig GtOrte41131 4114 AMerlea
The Ontario Governitient hail de-
cided te era a moue betWeen Stur-
geon River and IValinapitao Lake.
Mr. MI 1f. Elliott bag heen ale
minted Clerk Mid daeasurer ut
Petetboro" County.
%tie WOreettiter Spy,
/destorstablished in 1770, has sus"
ponded publientiOrt. Of Worcester,
It le teported thh,t men are being
enlisted in Mongella to red the Ties
betans against the British,
/1 19 reported that the t+,will erect new depot and lo
tive v.•Orks at Battle Creek, ,
nte Ontario License Del e
Las taken proceedings 1 a
Menet-ten hotelkeeper for refasing