HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-06-02, Page 5041
We have just opened up a orate of White ware
with gold lines and clover leaf ; very pretty goods
direct from the potteries of Bishop & Stonier,
Hanley, England. One dozen Cups, Saucers, and
Plates, thirty six pieces, for ... $2.00
Japanese China.
We would again remind you about Brooms.
We think we have got the best Broom for the lie
money ever came into Wingham, at least that is
what the ladies say, each 25c re
at Griffin's!'
We have some very pretty things in Japanese
China ; we have reduced the prices twenty-five per
cent. Everything marked in plain figures.
Thurdiay, June 21 19Q4
se -
Gentlemen Your Summer Fats.
Time is ripe for the change, All the new shapes are displayed
hero, Every style is new and correct, Prices --25c,, 5Oc,
$1,04, $1,50, $2,00, $2.50, $3.00,
The Success
The Serge Suit has a winning
way with men who like comfort
AO style combined in their sum-
mer wearables, Our text to -day
is the superiority of our
Blue Serge Suits
Light in weight for warm weather
and made up as the most particu-
lar man would have them in cut,
style and finish— $7.00, $8.50, $10
and $12.50.
Men's and Youths' Tweed Suits.
In all the newest styles and cuts, striped
Worsteds, etc., at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00.
Tweeds, fancy
Gents' Furnishing Department.
New Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, Gloves, Handker-
chiefs, Umbrellas, etc., etc.
Boot and Shoe Department.
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Shoes, $1.00 to $4.00 per pair.
Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, Grips, Telescopes, etc., at low prices.
The R. IL Crowder Co.
Furniture! Furniture 1
We're right at home in the Furniture business—we've
grown up with it, and we'll make it worth your while
to drop in and examine our stock of Parlor Suites, Bed-
room Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Couches, Fancy
Chairs, Baby Carriages, Etc., Etc.
Special Prices on Iron Beds—the best make.
Walker Bros. & Button
and when up, send him or her to
Term Begins Apr. n, 1904.
Two Courses :—commercial and Shorthand.
Send for College journal.
President Secy.
MANY CALLS aro received from
business firms and
Many Students aro placed in good posi-
tions each year by the famous
This school stands for the highest and
best in business education in Canada to-
day. Many business colleges employ our
graduates as teachers. Wo have scores
of applications from other colleges. Ask
to sol them the day you enter.
W, J. Elliott, Principal,
for tasty and
down -to -date Job
Printing. Prices
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute
or Mixed Goods in one bath — they aro the
a latest and most improved Dye im,the world.
Try a packsge. All colors at W. Messer's
store, Bluevale, and C. )3, NxoClelland a store,
Bolgravo, Ont,
11�e Vavz
the 16,aterka\s.
Lots of them—do your own
choosing. Wo know tho
styles. We know exactly
how they should be tut --how
they should fit -wand its our
business to put all these
" knows" together, and tit
you out in the best that your
money oat buy — no matter
what price you pay.
Itpould lease us to
have you l v u dropin.
It is now current talk throughout the coun-
try that the student who intends to take a
business or shorthand course, and wants to bo
placed hould atnena d e
paying place when graduated
Students of last year already earning over
$1000 por annum. 30 placed in 11 months.
Do you know of any other business school
gsuch results?
1 your railway fare.
Have you evor seen our catalogue? If not
write for it and enter now.
Address, D. MoLACHLAN d CO,.
Chatham, Ont.
Wingham's Auctioneer.
Sales attended in any part of
Huron county. Orders lett at
the ADVANCE Office will re-
ceive prompt attention,
Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
Visits Wingham monthly. GLASSNS FITTED
treated. Wingham office at Campbell's Drug
Store. London office -225 Queen's ave.; hours
11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays—
Feb. 1, Feb. 28, Mar, 28, May 2, May 30, Juno
27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oot. 3, Oot. 31, Nov. 28.
Fresh Goods
Most people appreciate fresh ,
goods; it always tastes so much
nicer, and is much healthier
besides. We are always ready
with a fresh stock of
Our Chocelatos aro of the
highest class goods.
—The degree of D. D. Intl been Con-
ferred by the Western University, Lon-
don, upon Very Rev, Dean Evans,
Montreal, and. Very Bev, Dean Davis,
--Much to the surprise of the our.
goons, Osoar Collor ie reoovering at the
Harlem Hospital, New York, from a
pistol woaud in the heart and lungs, the,
result of a suicidal attempt.
—It is well to bo careful in handling
bananas, 0. W. Lovegreen, a grocer in
Indiana, was bitten by a tarantula while
pinking bananas off a bunch one night
last week. Ho will probably die.
—The water works and electric tight
by law, to enable the town of Strathroy
to raise another $10,000 to extend and
enlarge the plant, was defeated on
Thursday by 130 majority. A good vote
was polled.
—Mrs. W. 0. St, ,john of Uxbridge
will leave Toronto about the last of
June for California, where she will take
possession ,of au estate valued at $150,-
000, left her by the late Archibald J.
Ferguson of Redwood Oity, Saumatia
County, California, who was killed in a
railway accident last March.
—During a storm last Wednesday
morning, the house of Mr. Frank Reed,
not far from Belleville, was etruok by
lightning. The end of the building was
torn off, and considerable other damage
done. Mrs, Reed received the full force
of the bolt, and was rendered un-
conscious, and her death is expected.
The house was set on fire, but the
Menses were extinguished by the neigh-
—At a recent street fight at Peterboro,
a young man named Robt. Sheridan.
was seriously stabbed in the thigh by an
Italian. The fight was caused by some
men aggravating a party of Italians,
one of whom laid out one of his op-
ponents with his fist. Sheridan was
giving assistance to a friend in the fight
when the stabbing occurred. Two
other men received slight cuts. The
Italians got away, but three have been
arrested and are held awaiting en-
—The orop of dandelions which aro
roaring themselves unweloomed upon
city lawns and boulevards is declared to
be the greatest yet. Some lawns have
been virtually killed oat by the way
in which the dandelion has taken pos-
session, and persistent efforts to kill
them off have only partially succeeded
in the majority of instances. The little
yellow flower is seen in thousands along
the country roads, and promises to be-
come as great a nuisance unless checked
as was the Canada thistle.
Try our Oysters served in any
style, 15c a dish. _
We have in stook Canada
Cream and Roquefort Cheese. -
Ice Cream orders filled on the
shortest notice.
Your Patronage Solicited
Robt Maxwell : JflXeIvt
High drtTailor IV=
—J. Walsh of Otley, Yorks, writes
that, in reading the Bible recently, he
found the appearance of the motor -car
predicted, and even the presence of the
active policeman foretold. He refers us
to the book of the Prophet Naham,
II : 3, 4, 8. The quotations are as fol-
lows: Third verse: "The chariots shall
be with flaming torches." Fourth
verse: "The chariots shall rage in the
streets; they shall run like the light-
nings"; also, in the eighth verse: (the
police): "Stand, stand, shall they cry,
but none shall look back."
Prefoutaine gives notice of an
amendment to the Fisheries Act, pro-
viding that every dam, slide, or other
obstruction across or in any stream
where the Minister of Marine and Fish-
eries determines it to be necessary for a
public interest that a fish pass should
exist, shall be provided by the owner or
occupier with a durable and efficient
fishway. If more effective means are
required to enable the' fish to reach their
spawning grounds, then the Minister
may cause the removal of a portion of
such dam or slide withont conipen-
—H. B. Cowan, Superintendent of
Agricultural Societies, has received
several hundred reports of the fruit
prospects, and has been compiling au
estimate. Present indications point to
a much smaller crop than usual.
Strawberries have been ruined to the
extent of from 25 to 75 per Bent., while
in some places 25 to 80 acres have been
ploughed up altogether. Peaches also
will scarcely exceed 50 por cent. of last
year's crop. Plums will be light. The
excessive and continuous oold of the
winter is given as the cause,
—A curious case of insurance bas
come to light in connection with the
late Marquis of Donegal. A policy was
taken out in 1890 against issue being
born to the Marquis, who at that timo
was in his 70th year and was living
apart from his wife. The Marchioness,
however, died, and the Marquis married
again in his eighty-first year and had a
son, who is now a few months old and
the youngest member of the peerage.
Cousequentlr, by the payment of a
single premium of $050, the insurer has
received $12,500. An ofifoial of the in-
surance company said such iusurauces
were frequent, This, he said, was the
first time it ever had been called upon to
make payment.
The Canadian Society of London,
England, oslebrated Victoria day with a
banqust, at which Mr. T. R, Olousher
presided as chairman. General Laurie,
in responding to the toast, "'The Im-
perial Forces," said that the oolouial
soldiers bad come, not to. the aid of
Britain, but to the aid of the empire.
Sir Chas, Tupper responded to "The
Parliament of Canada." In a stirring
address he said he was indignant over
the strloturr of the English press that
Canada was not contributing iter share
tie the defence of the empire, Canada
was liberally doing her share by draw -
lug in a population, developing the
country to sustain them, and strength-
ening the weakeat point in the empire.
along the borders, believing that the
first element of national life was not to -
depend upon the good feeling and tem-
per of their neighbours in the United
States, No amount of contributions in
ironolads could effect such good work
as that lie had outlined. Lord Dun-
donald had assured him that his scheme
of citizen soldiers in the light of the
Boor war made Canada absolutely safe,
even against 80,000,000 Americans.
Now Canada had opened up her wheat
lands she was able to give happy homes
to as largea population as the United
Status. If six millions of people had
sent 8,000 troops to South Africa, what
would a larger population be able to
The Southwest Limited Chicago
To Kansas City
The Southwest Limited via the new
Short Line of tho Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway, Chicago to Kansas
City, has taken its place with The Pion-
eer Limited, Chicago to St. Paul. and
Minneapolis, and the Overland Limited,
Chicago to Omaha and San Francisco,
among the famous trains of America.
These trains offer excellence of ser-
vice and equipment not obtainable else-
where. Thero are many reasons for
this, one of which is the fact that this
railway owns and operates its sleeping,
dining, library, parlor and other cars,
thereby securing an excellence of ser-
vice not obtainable elsewhere. If yen
are going West it is worth while to
write for descriptive folder. A. J. Tay-
lor, 0. P. Agent, 8 King St. East,
The Mail and Empire says: --Mr. Sit -
ton has made a fatal blunder in prompt-
ing the attacks upon Mr. Osler on the
subject of the Regina and 'Long Lake
Railway. The millionaire Minister
thought ho would injure Mr, Osler by
pretending that there was something
wrong in the flnauoing of that road, but
he has succeeded only in nreating trou-
. ble in his own party. One of the pro.
_ motors of the railwAl was Mr. Pugsley,
the Liberal At torltey.Gcneral of New
i3ruus i
'ck and all the abuse directed at w
Mr. Osler lilts this gentleman also, but
with more certain effect, for it eonles
le _
. from a political ally. Mr, Ptt gs y does
not think inucli of Mr. Sifton now, and
he declines to be traduced for the pur-
- poi si of that individual.
—The French Government has issued
a yellow book on the Anglo-French
Colonial Treaty. It says the visits of
King Edward to the President of the
Republic and of the President to King
Edward led up to 'the agreement. In
abandoning tho French shorn of Now-
foundland France preserves her es-
sential rights iu the caro of off -shore
fishing and the purchase of bait.
Neuralgic Headache is Usually
Attended with blinding pain, but re-
lief comes quickly when Nerviline is
applied, for it is the strongest pain -re-
liever in the world. "I consider Ner-
viline a most magical remedy for neu-
ralgia. I am subject to violent attacks,
writes.Mrs, E. G. Harriss of Baltimore,
but never worry If Nerviline is in the
house. The prompt relief that Ner-
viline brings makes it priceless to me.
A few applications never yet failed to
kill the pain. I can also recommend
Nerviline for stiffness in the joints and
rheumatism." Try Nerviline yourself.
Price 25e.
Council met May 18th in the Tp.
Heli, Gerrie; members all present;
minutes of last meeting were read and
W. A. Irwin waited on the Council
and stated that the Police Village of
Gorrie want $'150 raised by special
Gowdy—Binkley—That the Reeve and
Councillors Spence and Spottou be a
committee to bring on the Engineer to
inspect the Fordwich bridge site and
have plans and specifications drawn
Messrs. Gamble and Lathers asked
for a coutraot of gravelling.
Spottou—Binkley--That •this inatter
be left to the Reeve, it being in his di-
Messrs. Simpson and Irwin wanted
an outlet for water.
Spence—Binkley—That Conn. Spot-
ton deal with this matter, it being in
his division—carried,
John Dane waited on the Council
with regard to timber he had cut on
the road allowance.
Spotton—Spence—That the Council
give the timber to Mr. Dane for its re-
.moval as it was an injary to the road,—
Tenders were received and opened
for the iron work and flooring for the
new bridge in Fordwich. After duly
considering the tenders it was moved by
Messrs. Spottou and Binkley that the
Council accept the tender of A. Hill &
Co. of Mitchell, for the sum of $1600,
Tenders were also received and open-
ed for concrete abutments for said
Howdy--Spence—That the Council
accept the tender of T. W. Hill, of
Bornholm for the sum of $4.60 per cubic
yard, to bo built according to plans and
A number of accounts were ordered
to be paid and Council adjourned until
,Tune 15th,
Why is it that flyer's Hair
Vigor does so many remark-
able things? Because it is a
hair food. It feeds the hair,
puts new life into it. The hair
:flair or
cannot keep from growing.
And gradually all the dark,
- rich color of early life comes
back to gray hair.
War was 'out first
gray. Ant now It IVigor ice
rich *lack, and as thick as I Could wish."
eMa, Seiler KLOPPENSTI*N. Tuscumbia,
al.00 * bettle, f Mau.
J. 0, ATElt O0.,
fray Hair
Meeting of the Council of the
County of Huron.
The Council of the County of Huron
will meet in the Council Chamber in
the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the
7th of June, at 3 o'clock. All accounts
to come before the Council must be
placed with the Clerk on or before
first day of meeting.
W, LANE, Clerk,
Dated May 23rd, 1901,
MONEY TO LOAN—At 44 per cent. on
improved farms. Easy terms of re-
payment; expenses light. Apply A.
Dnlmage, Real Estate and Loan
Agent, Kent Block.
Having purchased the machine
shop business of Vasbinder and Rod -
well, I am prepared to do ail kinds
of repair work promptly and at reason-
able rates. Bicycle repairs receive
special attention. New Bicycles of
the beet grade for sale.
We shall give careful attention to
all repair work entrusted to us, and
feel confident we shall be able to give
W. G. PATON, Wingham
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged
for at the office of the
Canadian Order Woodmen of
The World
Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and
41h Friday each month. in Oddteilows'
Hall All visitors welcome.
Active, bright, hustling agents want-
ed to sell teas, coffees, spices, etc. Over
$2000 a year is being made by agents.
G, Marshall & Co., London, Ont.
Fools Use Washes and Snuffs,
Thinking perhaps they will euro Ca-
tarrlt,--batt no one ever heard of a
genuine euro, following oueh senseless
treatments. 'There is sleet one prorui t
and thoreugh euro for atarrh and it is
fragrant healing Catarrhozone which
goes right to the root of the trouble.
It deetroj's the genus, heals inflamed
rauesand cures any
ease no mat-
ter how obstinateor long standing, I
expeerilnented for years with Catarrh
remedies but found Oatarrhozone the
most 'rational and satisfactory„ writes
d. Mllollieohern of Waterville. "It
eared me for all time." p'or a entre
Ore nee nn150 Catarrlanzone. Complete
outfit 41,00; trial false 5110,
mal i meat
St. Louis -World's Fair
$18.30—Good I5 Days
With stay over privileges at any intermed-
iate Canadian station, also at Detroit and
For tickets, and further information, apply
to L. Harold, Ticket Agent or to
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
will leave Toronto at r.3o p.m. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday for Owen Sound ;
Thursday, May 26th, southbound, leaving
Owen Sodnd e.00 a.m. Sunday, Tuesday
Thursday, for Toronto.
I+'all particulars from any Canadian l'acitle
Agent, or A, Ii. Notnian, Asst. General Pas-
senger Agent, Toronto,
Wood's Phosphodii e,
Tie Great Eegfah Remedy,
is an old, well ostab.
lished and reliable
preparation. Iias boon
]proscribed and used
over40year& All drum
ofstCanada moll leaned
recommend As beim
tine only medieino o9
its kind tliat curosand
gives nelvoreal satisfaction. It promptlyy and
pornumently tures all forma of lverrous ?Yeah,
Hera, lentiaatons, dpermatorrhera, Iml)oteng11
and alieffects of abuse or excesses; the exeessive
ass of Tobacco, t p
ium% or Stintutastta, 2W,'ntat
and Praia Worry, a of
]l which lend to Infirmity,
Early Jr �sdl o, Consumption arid an Da Y Grave.
Priest si per package or fix for $5. Otte tutu
ptaase, six wfli lure. Mapro
iled mpty nn ra•
*apt of prlbo. Send for free pamphlet. Addreil
Tbei. Woad Company,
Wlndsor, Ont', Canada,
llgeord and d,ller.
WW2 Prices,
Stout Values
The Leading Store
Quick T•lAturns
Make Us Busy.
3 Floors oo ,s well stacked with Bright
1 New Goods at Money Saving
Prices. Our doors are open
to all with a special invitation to come and
look around,
Dress Goods Department
In this department you have the best makes
and weaves to choose from,
Special Values in desirable lines of Dress Goods
for present wear—Voiles, Crepolines, Canvas Cloths,
Granite and Basket weaves.
One Piece Black Basket
weave, 56 inches wide, fine
finish, good value at $1.25—
Special Price $I.00
P.25 For $I.00.
25 yards extra fine Black
Venetian, very wide, regular
price is $1.25 — Special Sale
Price $1.00
ZISKA VISTING, 40 inches wide, new pattern, all wool,
regular price 50c—Sale Price 40c
3 Pieces Cream Voile, very wide, nice new patterns — our
price while they last 50c
7 Pieces Fancy Figured Lustre Vestings, very pretty pat-
terns, regular value 50c — Sale 4tk
1 Piece Tweed Suiting, double width, new pattern --Special
Sale Price 25c
WASH GOODS. — All the newest and best in Chambrays,
Ginghams, Muslins, Sateens, Canvas, Flakes, etc. See
our special line of Ginghams at 10c
JAPAN TAFFETA SILKS, 27 in. wide, all colors, per yd.. , 50c
.11.1 ...d. .. ani
1-I. E. Isard & Co..
Opp, Bank Hamilton
1Vooes eelespliodtns is said in Winghaon
Ise 0, A. CAmpbell, W. Mob -Abbott, A. L.
Uianalltofa and 1p, A. Douglass, Druggist*,
Highest Price Paid for Produce
"Blow Your
Own Horn"
"We're blowing our own horn" along with the rest of our
fellow citizens, but ours is adifferent sort of a horn ; it is a busi-
ness horn with a business end to it, and we're blowing it for
• YOUR good as well as our own. That is why we have plenty
of help in blowing—why hundreds of people are constantly blow-
ing for us. HOMUTH BROJ.' CLOTHES aro the best clothes
, made, Ask the man who wears them. "He knows."
Homuth Bros.' Clothes
From $12.00 to $40.00.
$ATS 1 HATS 1 -We have the very newest American makers'
Bats and Caps. Not a single out -of -style Hat in the store, so you're
sure of getting a new, up•to-date .Flat when you buy here.
SHIRTS,—We have a full assortment of the beet makes, and -
can guarantee you fast micros, sizes 1472 to 174, at $1,00 to $1,25.
I3e sure you buy your Gents' Furnishings from us. If you do
you can feel assured you have the best materials your money can
buy, and always sure of it being up-to-date.
A Pleasure to Show Goods.
, 1.. . 1.o
Hair Renewer
A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair *oft and
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends.. Cures dandruff and '
always arestores color to tray hair. '° ' ." t 't' "