HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-05-19, Page 5aa! h
Thursday, May 19, 1904
We give you the latest
style for the least money.
"Clothes Are
An Educatioll"
(Said Carlyle)
1eso are
More and more are we educating men—especially men of particular
and studied tastes in dress—into the merits of our READY-TO-WEAR
CLOTHING. As compared to fashionable custom tailoring, there is a
"distinction without a difference." Our Ready -to -Wear Clothing is as
carefully made, as correctly cut on the latest fashion lines, and as well
finished, But it only costs to the price of made -to -measure Clothing
MEN'S RAINPROOF COATS. — For rain or shine, body Lined, colors are groy, olive,
black and bronze, sizes 33 to 48 chest, short or long lengths $10, $12, $11, $16
MEN' SOGUARAS DBD` WATERPROOF COATS.—In Black, velvet collars, sizes 35
MEN'S AND YOUTHS' SUITS.—In all the note stripe of sets, latest cuts and styles,
made of best materials and right up-to-the-minuto ; tomo in and Foo them ; prices
within reach of all ; sizes 33 to 40 ghost $0,00, $7,60, $10.00, $12,00, $15.00
$0 Uand
MEN'S SUITS,, $4.90. —13 ..nly odd Tweed Suits, sizes 31 to 41, the
$7.66— Sale 54.90
SNAPS IN MEN'S PANTS, 81.25. —18 pairs Mon's Tweed Pants in nont dark
stripe effect, sizes 32 to 11 waist — Choice $1.25
14 ODD SUITS POR BOYS, $1.95.—For ages 3 to 10 years; regular prices $2,26,
$2,60, 52.75, $3.00, $3,60 — choice while they last 51,95
Now Hate, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Umbrellas, oto.
Wo are giving big valves in Men's and Boys' Shoes. Come and see us. Get our
prices and be a customer, Boys' Shoes—Ole to $1.60. Men's Shoes—$1,00 to $1.00.
The P. it Crowder Co.
ro- Furniture! Furniture
We're right at home in the Furniture business—we've
grown up with it, and we'll make it worth your while
to drop in and examine our stock of Parlor Suites, Bed=
room Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Couches, Fancy
Chairs, Baby Carriages, Etc., Etc.
Special Prices on Iron Beds—the best make.
Walker Bros. & Button
and when up, send him or her to
Term Begins Apr. 11, 1904.
Two Courses:—Commercial and Shorthand.
Send for College journal.
President Seo'y.
MANY CALLS aro received tram
business firms and
Many Students are placed in good posi-
tions each year by the famous
This school stands for the g
tf the eterleges Ask
highest and
best in business education in Canada to-
day. Many business colleges employ our
graduates as teachers. We bavo scores
o applications rom other
o see them o day you .
W. J. Elliott, Principal.
for tasty and
down -to -date Job
Printing. Prides
The Great English Remedy,
is an old, well estab.
fished and reliable
preparation. Has boon
prescribed and used
over 40 years. All drug.
gists in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend as being
the only medicine ol
ita kind that encos and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently curet all forma of Nervous TVeara
stns. Emissions, Bpermatorrha'a, Impotency,
and aneffeotsorabuse orexcesses ; the exCessive
use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental
and Brain Worry, allot which lead to Infirmity,
Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave.
Prise 51. per package or six for 35. One will
please, six wild cure. Mailed prompty on re•
Wipe of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address
Tile Wood t;rimpany,.
Windsor, Ont', Gonads.
Woods Phosphodine is sold in Winghani
by C. A. Campbell, W, McKibben, A. L.
Hamilton and It. A, Douglass, Druggists.
Rays s tars
—The Winnipeg City Council pre -
poses to impose a prohibitory license fee
of X200 upon the sale of oigarettee,.
—The police are looking for a Swede
named Amundson, who got out of a
Montreal hospital and disappeared, al-
though both his fent had been cut off.
—The question is asked "Will the.
editor of the Globo have to wear a strip-
ed suit if he gots jugged for comtempt
of court?"
--The Canadian Assooiated Press
understands that the amount paid by
Russia as compensation for the seizure
of Canadian sealers is in the neighbour-
hood of eighty thousand dollars,
—Lieut, -Col. Guillot, formerly com-
manding officer of the 21st regiment
Essex Fusiliers, and now., retired with
rank, leas been appointed Brigadier -
General of the London encampment,
which opens in that city on Juno 7,
—E. Zettel, a retired farmer of Cheps-
tow, eomuutted suicide one day last
week. It is reported that his mind be-
came unbalanced by his loss in the Dar -
ham Cement Co. He mortgaged his
farm for 54000 and invested it in cement
—Tho Buffalo Courier of recent date
publishes a full -figure portrait of Mr.
Alexander Kirkbride, of Goderich, who,
the item states, has boeu an Oddfellow
for fifty -eine years and a Mason for 40
years and claims to be the oldest Odd-
fellow on the hemisphere.
—A Tilsouburg correspondent says
that "Mr. J. W, Baldwin, auctioneer,
who has been collecting curios of var-
ious kinds, including two pianos of
great age and a number of clocks, has
disposed of his entire collection to Mr.
W. A. Wilson, of London."
—A despatch from Glens Falls, N. Y.,
says:—To amplify his pedestrian record,
ex -Assemblyman Howard Conkling, of
New York, has left his country home at
Luzerne for Montreal. He will make
the entire journey on foot. With him
are Jonathan Ingersoll, also of New
York, and Mr. Conkling's valet, who
accompanied him on his walk from
New York to Lnzerne last fall, in which
upward of 200 miles was made in ten
—Eleven cattle dealers recently Bo-
gan one action against the G. T. R. for
$20,000 damages for alleged delay in de-
livering their cattle at the Union stock'
yards, Toronto Junction. The plaintiffs
were Thos. Mason, Ed. Watson, Geo.
Paulin, Albert Walker, Smith McLean,
Wm. Finlayson, Urban Schmidt, Henry
Harris, John Martie and John Wolfe,
their homes being Clinton, Blyth, Ches-
ley, Luoknow, Walkerton and Kincar-
dine. The Master-in•Chambers ordered
that only one dealer could maintain
this action, and that each should sue
Now is the best time to enter. Tho Winter
rush is now over. Those entered are well
started in their work, and teachers can there-
fore give more Ulna to new students.
It is now current talk throughout the coun-
try that the student who intends to take a
business or shorthand course, and wants to be
placed in a paying place when graduated
should attend the
Students of last year already earning over
$1000 por annum. 310 placed in 11 months.
Do you know of any other business school
getting such results?
Wo pay your railway faro.
Have you ever seen our catalogue? If not
write for it and enter now.
Address, D., cLACHC� AN 0 00,.
o Write for our interesting books "Invents
or's Help" an 1 " How you are swindled."
Send us a tough sketch or model of your in-
vention orimprovement find wewill tell yeti
free our opinion ss to whether it is probably
patentable. Rejected appilcationehave often
bete successfully prosecuted by us. We
conduct fully equipped oftiete in Montreal
and Washington; this quntifiyyes ustoptoaipt-
ad broad xe work invention. tion.Higshest references
Patents procured through Tdarton & Ma-
rlen receive special notice without charge in
over too newspapers distributed throughout
the D•,minion.
hirers SPeeleit .' PtInisinese crf Menufac•
13 g t e
t ieat�rnt Export* mnd.SoiialtOrr.
offices t New York Lite B'Id'g�, Montreal
Atli t1eBIdwSb1 p C;,T
county and adjoining territories, to
represent and advertise an old estab-
lished business house of solid financial
standing, Salary $21 weekly, with
expenses advanced each Monday by
check direct from headquarters. Ad-
dress, Blew Bros. & 0o., Monon Bldg.,
Chicago, I11.
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute
or Mixed Goods in one bath — they are the
latest awl most improved Dye ii the world.
Try a package. All colors at W. Mossor's
store, Bluovale, and C. B. MoClelland'e stere,
Belgravo, Ont.
-. it .i 1 I-. [lin:.. I
Fresh Goods
verized coal into boiled linseed oil until
it is the consistency of paint; apply to
fence posts and they will be proof
against decay.
quassia chips in water and wet •:the
hands and face with the water, allowing
it to dry on. This will keep away mos-
qultoes and gnats for several hours,
KILLING WEEDS,—There is no time so
good to kill weeds as the time just be-
fore they appear. Land that is plowed
some time just before it is planted, and
cultivated several times before the Drop
is put in, is much easier to keep clean
than it would have been if planted
immediately after plowing,
Make a strong solution of sulphate of
copper (blue vitriol) in water and soak
the rope in it for four days; then dry it.
After it has dried soak it in strong soap-
ends and again dry it. This preserves
the rope better than tar and leaves it in
a better condition to handle.
health an animal is in may be judged by
feeling its pulse. In the horse the pulse
beats 40 times a minute; in the ox 50 to
55 times; in sheep and swine from 70 to
80 times. The pulse may be felt where
ever an artery crosses the bone. In the
horse this is along the lower jaw; in the
sheep the heart may be felt beating on
the side; in cattle, over the middle
bushel of quicklime and slake it m as
much water as will stand six inches
above the lime. This forms the milk of
lime, which is first diluted to form the
whitewash of the oonsisteuoy of cream.
To this is added fifteen grains of sulph-
ate of zinc, and then seven grains of
common salt. Whitewash made in this
way will not crack. If it is desired to
have it tinted, add a little yellow ochre
for cream or buff or a little lampblack
for pearl or lead.
crops of potatoes may be grown by pre-
paring the ground as usual and plant-
ing the potatoes about two inches deep
and then covering the whole surface
with a foot of straw. This will settle
down close to the ground, and the pota-
toes will come through without trouble.
No cultivation is necessary, as the straw
keeps weeds from starting and also
keeps the soil clamp and prevents it from
becoming hard. Sometimes a few weeds
will spring up, but these may be pulled
out with little labor. This is a favorite
method in many planes.
13 to 2 bushels; oats, 2 to 2S bushels;
barley, 1% to 23( bushels; peas, 2
bus.; buckwheat, } bus.; oats and peas
mixed for hay, 1 bushel oats and 2 of
peas; millet, 1 bushel; corn, drilled, 3
bushel; hilted, bushel; flax S to 1i2
bushels; potatoes, 12 bushels; red clover
12 pounds; white clover, 3 pounds;
clover and timothy mixed, 8 pounds
olover, 2 of timothy; alsike, 4 pounds;
timothy, 5 pounds; orchard grass, 25
pounds; rape, 1i2 to 3 pounds; turnips,
1 to 2 pounds; carrots, 2 pounds; bents,
4 pounds; onions, 4 pounds.
—From Fresno, Cal., comes a report
of one of the most disgusting affairs
that can be witnessed with pleasure in
what ought to be a civilized country.
Such "pastime" is a disgrace to any
country:—"In a ten -round preliminary
bout before the Central California Ath-
letic Club, Johnny Bryant was pounded
into insensibility by Walter Robinson,
a negro, and received injuries from
which he died in a few hours. The
fight ended in the ninth round, in which
Bryant was floored six times. His
seconds had thrown the sponge into the
ring when the blow on the jaw that
rendered Bryant unconscious was
struck. Robinson was arrested."
—The picture postage stamp and the
pictorial Dominion bank cote have been
introduced by the Canadian -Govern-
ment, and are familiar, of course, to
everybody, and from these the tran-
sition to the picture postcard is easy.
The germ of the idea is undoubtedly to
bo found in the Canadian arch, with the
intimation that the Dominion is Bri-
tain's granary and that it offers free
homes for millions; but it could easily
be supplemented by a series of views of
Canadian homesteads, wheat fields and
stock farms, to say nothing of the
picturesque scenery of the Rocky Moun-
tains. The effect that the constant pre-
sentation of this class of pictures has
upon the mind is well understood in Ca-
nada. It needs no, psychologist to toll
how it operates.
Most people appreciate fresh
goocls, it always tastes so much i
• nicer, and is much healthier
• besides. We are always ready
- with a fresh stock of
• Our Chocolates aro of the
highest class goods, i
Try our Oysters served in any
style, 15e a dish. ,
We have in stock Canada
Cream and Roquefort Cheese.
Ice Cream orders filled on the
shortest notice.
- 1'ottr Patronage Solicited
McKelvie's Old Stand
Mr, T. A. Marsden, who has been the
guest of Mr. Moorehoase Mitchell dur-
ing tho winter, left for his home in
Liverpool, England, on Thursday.
Mr. Frank Cain, who has been in To.
ronto for the past six months, under
special medical treatment, arrived home
on Friday last, and though he is much
improved in health, we are sorry to say
ho is not as well as his many friends
would wish.
Chief Taylor, of the Luoknow Fire
Brigade, has secured his volunteer force
to represent one of the contending
parties in the Groat Russo -Jap water
fight to take place in Ltieknow on the
morning of May 24th. Other arrange -
mouth are being completed from time to
time. In addition to our band and the
Juvenile band it is expected that the
gingham Band will also bo in attend-
The 0. 0. Foresters purpose holding
their anniversary service on tha first
Sunday in Jane at the Fnglisii Ohureh,
Luoknow, nt 11 o'clock a. m. A cordial
the brethren
of the 1. O. F. to assist in the parade to
and from church on the occasion; also
ati invitation is extended to the mom
berm of subordinate courts in the neigh
borltood that can intike it convenient t
be present at the anniversary service,
When the nerves are weak
everything goes wrong. You
are tired all the time, easily
discouraged nervt,us, and
irritable. Your cheeks are
Yale and your blood is thin.
our doctor says you are
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He orders this . .
grand old family medicine.
For more than 50 years I have used Ayer's -
8arsa artlla In my family. Itis a grand tonic
at all Mmes, and a wonderful medicine for im-
pure blood.'—D. 0. HOLT, West Haven, Conn. .
31.00 a bottle, d, C. AYES CO.,
- AllAll drums for Lowell, Maas.
Weak Nerves
Keep the bowels regular With AYpi7'a
Pills, Just ono pill each night.
The following from the Clinton News-
Record relates to the boys coucerning
whom the Advance contained a para-
graph last week, under the heading of
Clanton items: The two lads who were
picked up between Clinton and Seaforth
one evening last week by Mr. J. A.
Smith and brought to Clinton are ro-
mancers for lads so young. They wore
taken in charge by Chief Wheatley who
telephoned to Stratford, their home, and
ascertained the true state of affairs.
An uncle living in Hallett learning their
whereabouts took them to his home, but
a day or so later sent the younger of the
two back to Stratford. The following
from the Berlin Telegraph tells of the
youngster's further adventures: Law-
rence Keyes, a lad of 9 or ten years, told
a remarkable story after being put off
the train from the west on Saturday
evening. The conductor had put him
off because he had no ticket. To High
Constable Huber, who was called, the
boy said his father was a farmer living
about four miles from Clinton and that
last Tuesday evening while playing near
his home, a man took him into his bug-
gy and against his will drove him away.
His father Dame after him but the man
chased him back, The boy said also
that when near Clinton the man tied
him to a tree where he remained all night
until at last he managers to work him-
self free, Then he got on the train and
went to Stratford whore he was put off.
But he got, on another train coming east.
He added that he had nothing to eat all
day Saturday. High Constable Huber
searched the lad's pockets and found the
card of a Stratford traveller named
Keyes with whom he communicated by
telephone, fearing that the boy was his
son and that he had run away from
home. The runaway was sent back
to Stratford by the next train.
Heart Palpitation At Night
Rattles even the strongest man, but to
the average woman it is a taste of gen-
eral purgatory. Take a little Nerviline
in sweetened water and away goes the
palpitation. You'll bo saved lots of
worry by keeping Nerviline on hand,
which is a treasure for all sorts of pain
and aches. Nerviline cures headaches,
stomach and bowel troubles quickly.
Costs 250. for a large bottle.
Wingham vs. Brussels Junior Cham-
pions of the W. F. A. on Friday 20th
iust., on Victoria Park,
A consignment of butter was shipped
to Halifax by express on Wednesday by
Councillor Thomson.
Orders are being taken for next win-
ter's coal supply already. Our coal
stove has hardly cooled off yet from the
past winter's burning.
While Robt. Beattie and J. Doyle; of
Wingham, were driving into town on
Saturday evening their team of bromism
"cut up old Ned" at the northerly limit
of Brussels, the buggy polo suffering in
the fracas. Nobody was hurt.
Whole wo+.•king at the repairs to the
roof of Mrs. Jas. Wilson's stable,
Richard T. Hingston had the misfortune
to fall, receiving a shaking up that has
laid him off work. Fortunately no
bones were broken and we hope he will
soon be able to resume work.
_ mesa
—One of the largest elevators in Fort
William, owned by the Canadian Pacific
Railway, filled with grain, was des-
troyed by fire early last Thursday
morning. The elevator contained about
500,000 bushels of grain, which was
valued at $400,000. The cause of the
fire is unkuowu to the officials. The
total loss is about $741,000; the insur-
ance on grain, $481,000; on building and
machinery, $175,000.
NOTICE.—The question is bpw can
Robb. Mchidoo loan bis money so
cheap on notes and mortgages. Call
and see. ROBT. McINDOO.
The pnhlic are hereby notified that
I will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by my wife, Eliza An-
drews, after this date, April 30, 1904,
Wingham, April 30, 1901.
Take notice that the Rest sitting of
the Confit for the Revision of the
Assessment roll, of the Township of
Turnhetry for the year 1901, will be
held in the clerk's office, 13Inevale, on
Monday, the 30th day of May next, at
2 o'clock p.m. Parties interested will
please take notice and govern them-
selves accordingly. By order,
Binevale May 0, 1001.
Last Friday afternoon John MCKin-
non's pony, 8th con. of Grey, took a
run to itself from the back door of W.
J. McCracken's grocery, where Mr. Mc-
Kinnon was delivering Irish bullets,
The pony was,attached to a light wagon
but fortunately no damage was done be-
fore it was naught and restored to its
A meeting of the East Huron License
Commissioners vas held at the Amari•
can Hotel, all the members present. .A.
transfer of license from S. A. Proctor to
Geo. Town for the Albion Hotel, Ger-
rie, was made; and a permit granted to
Alex. Orr to carry on business in Ford-
wish, his hew hotel to replace the ono
destroyed by fire recently, to bo com-
pleted by Aug. 15th.
Young Ladies, Read This.
If you are bothered with pimples,
rashes of ugly blotches on your face, if
your complexion is sallow, it's au evict -
once that you require Ferrozono to tone
Ono 1. arr zi
no Tablet
n your blood. O o
taken at meals makes the complexion
like peach bloom, cheeks soon become
rosy, eyes bright, you'll be, the picture
of health. 'Thousands of ladies keep up
thole youthful appearance with Per.
tom*, why not yott? Pries GOD, at
The Municipal Council of the town-
ship of East Wawanosh will meet, for
the purpose of revising this year's
Assessment Roll, hearing appeals
against assessments, etc„ at the Coun•
cit Room, Marnoch P. O., lot 31, con. 9.
on Thursday, May 20, 1001, at 10
o'clock a.• m. All persons .interested
are requested to attend. Ordinary
municipal business will be taken up
and dealt with in the afternoon 00
sante day,
P. POR'l.`ERFI9 LD, Clerk
Clerk's Office, East Wawa.
flesh, May Oth, 1901.
Slim I'rieem,
btotlt Values
The Lading Store
small Profits
Quick Return
Startling Values
r.a<.. -4IN>
New Spring Clothing
Two Thousand Dollars' worth of Iligh•Class
Clothing in the Basement to choose from.
Our Prices are in keeping with the depart-
ment—" away down low."
The Stock comprises the best makes—garments
well made with good strong trimmings, guaranteed
to give good satisfaction.
15 Men's Fine Tweed Suits,
dark with narrow stripe, latest -
cut, good value at $7.50-
our Special Price $6.00
10 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, short
Pants, dark tweed, small pat-
terns, lined throughout, regular
$5.00— Bargain $4.00
Men's fine Worsted Suits in black, blue or grey, nicely made,
good trimmings, fit guaranteed, our special price $10,00
Men's Bucy Tweed Suits, dark with small pattern, very
stylish, regular $9,00 value, bargain price $7.50
Men's fine Tweed Pants, new goods with very narrow stripe,
will give good wear, good value at $3.50, sale price..... , . $2.75
Youths' Suits in choice new patterns, splendidly made, new
cuts, will give good satisfaction, regular value $8.00, our
price $6,50
Men's odd Vests, all sizes, strong, well lined, price to clear$11..00
Men's Overalls, all kinds, makes and prices. See our leader,
well made and riveted, for .75
Men's Rain Coats, a special line of dark grey. all sizes, with
velvet collar, a bargain at $4.50
It will pay you to buy your Spring Clothing
here — we will save you money.
nnua.,, , 1 , , , Ii n I n, u
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged
for et the Mike of the
Winghttes Auctioneer.
Sales attended in any part of
Huron county. Orders left at
the ADVANC'It 011lce will re.
calve prompt attention.
H. 13e Isard & Co.
Highest Price Paid for Produce
Opp. Bank Hamilton
'`Wwwwwiiwww4Y1iwwwWWWWW1! ,1iAikYiiliWit Chid'
ii• At this season ' of the year when the jars of
home-made pickles are running low, the woman of
the house is looking around to see where she can
get the best and cheapest. We have an excellent
article at 100 per bottle.
il▪ c
7c+ tic
31 sec;
A Snap for quick buyers—won't last long at
A the prices. 10 pieces. Printed. Roll Top Basins.
pp $1.95 per set.aliC-
7r• 111C -
White Toilet Sets.
A nice embossed pattern. The very best goods.
piece—for $1.50. S▪ ic
M▪ I
4 Vl ,,,,,, ,pw,,,liliYYl,,,, M
at griffin's
"Blow Your
Own Horn"
�Ze,re blowing our own horn" along with the rest of our
fellow citizens, but ours is a different sort ott of a horn ; it is a bus]-
ness horn with a bneiness end to it, and we're blowing it for
YOUR good as well as our own. That is why we have plenty
of help in blowing—why hundreds of people are constantly blow-
ing for us. HOMUTH BROS.' CLOTHES are the best clothes
made. Ask the man who wears them. "He knows,"
Hornuth Bros.' Clothes
From $12.00 to $40.00.
RATS ! RATS !—We have the very newest American makers'
Hats and Caps. Not a single out -of -style Hat in the store, so you're
sure of getting a new, up-to-date fiat when you buy here.
SHIRTS.—We have a fall assortment of the hest makes, and
can guarantee you fast colors, sizes 14!: to 17„ at 81.00 to $1.23.
Be sure you buy your Gents' Fnrnishings from as, If you do
you can feel assured yon have the best materials your motley can
bny, and always sure of it being up-to.date.
A Pleasure to Show Goode.
lair kenewer-
Always restores colon to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used
to have.N The hair stops falling grows longand heavy, and all -•
dandruff disappears. Att ell. antdressing .14 , .. a ' x:11114 "
d>t 1�p . ,