HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-05-19, Page 210= lbtlautt
mita, xte44, Ilt011111tTens I
Uelleetion ot Rents isel.Asoosetie soisoielts
an Town and Form rbroinirtis
OPPIC11.-In the 1Cent Bleck,
13.a.rxER, ETC.
MrIe tiosnees Weed. No wittier:see
4.): Was amounts; met* in pro
;autism. Eeriest tonna.
Bottomar Use', Seuerrimeno..ero.
Oflice;-neet to Holmes lilock now b41411010
Zetabliehed 1840.
Bead Mika OtTICLPIt. ONT.
niers taken on an elasass of Insurable pro
perty on the cash or premium note evetem.
711.111[11 GOLDIN, Case. Davinsox,
President. Secretary.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc,
°face: Meyer Block Winghem.
E. L. Dickinson Dudley Hoircee
Money to loan at lowest ratei. °face
r 7-05. WINGHAM.,
• Office :--hforfon Block, Wingtuem
Ofile.es-Ilpirtairts in the Macdonald
Night calls answered at office.
Ioseplaine Street - Winghare
ea e Alb vIeW or Obriet's purpose And ht.
Silitday bOttoOli 1,Ltp0,44w4eveou010:%FetTASE OJY peo
ial personal favors, which, it grant-.
would ere them power end pro-
INWEiltni41IONA3/ 141.10SON NO.ViLiutinellee, St, Matthew. as was
11114 X ,
revent; Parball& 00 were all -4.tor'e Grain Uariret WAS very dull
GG 100A their loather. Salanfe, who mado the
The Mdrkets
Toronto 'Partnere' AlariAnt-,
end *the "SONTI retuirtling to wallow
1111.1powELL To in.itikw°411:;dnoubierny this picture he
0 II C
drove of Powell Oat Intitteed the InrY
. . .: 1(1 relaTi.1111Vtirolf3"1:411t1trlo,"ttYintgill,
pleture of the taif,fering that Mrs.
,p. Pawoll had endured at the hande
volved. Oar Lord makes His rePIX. to -day. tho weatber 'being unfavor. of her bi.utal husband lfirs. Pcevell
Jesus Teaches lItuallity,-ISteric 1013345, IlOwever, tet the t Wo seas; '''Ve know alble. One hundred buisheas off Trate, again filled the court room! with
deep sobs, that nomad to well up
oommentssz.ess An Ambitious re- net what ;yie ask," liew true, for tileY Wheat sold at IPA A bashel, land, 'a001 Slayer of Essie Albin Guilty of frore two:Icon' *art. It mess a
entirelg mistaken the nature of barked,/ or outs tut 33 to 8701,, splendid. effort, Von if It din 114
coteot 05. a0.47). 05. James cra0 ems eslory!," and perlutpe had little Will Produae quiet/ wIth PrIceS Murder in Second Degree, altogether avail.
jahn-Aecerding te Afatt. 1X. 2% idea, of the true eharaeter of t he otoadLy1/4 Tao boo dairy butter 0,010
they made this reqaest through their baptism at Witioh He speaks- n their et 17 to Tee, wee ego 1# .3.0 to
constant attondante of oar Lord, t1344X "WO 084) e'eYthInga ang Dam dull, four lends ,solling at $13
fl .aw
"he wee- eite of the Ambition for place and honor, the.y 180 par alotegu ,
PI .P.mara*
t9I CIA at rtati .for (51111005'1 andi„ at, ta Public Wrath Rising Against Turks nave CeelPie“31Y DeetteYed
ana nOW. faille; ceil her knees, mad: Tailaurt tit wIPPaottanatalSti aniosilowiveirriia doevire:Ilt.0
to 48 Son 'mixed. =trim nominee
Mena Villages.
her request. Nothing calild haY be ever elose to `the Dragster's elrle, sae ies lessee.
Man to Whose Door
Paris, May) 1.7. -An official de-
beeli more di -timed tbau this se but a human ambition tor place and Driaseed lioge are easter light be- spatolt to the Voroign Officio freer
fleli Petition adieu Ile Was goleg power that Prompted their renneet, log qtrated alt $7 and bea4viy1 $10. -
alt at Zebedee-"Taie - latberf
na,need, never appears in go&Pa',"'"- 'Dims' wars indeed baptized with tile goose, 04c; eait,a, Innat.., 410 to ma;
bush., Oonetantinople noafirms the report
forth to Idle deatil."--alaelear• ea" is snowa by she solemn Waitron whieb aa to g6,0,0„ -wawa., *mite, bus 950;
toryl alter their cliscipleslillai Areol same baptism of suffering and drank peas, bush., U' LP 08e; barley, is Laid Responaibility for that Turkish troops haVe ;tainted
tb,c/I21 He proceeded to teach thern. red, hush., Sao; apring, bu'sb., Da0; , • 4
which it is luferred that he tvas el- at the ieante :sorrow. arid martgrdeinItat,y1, per ton; timothy,* gala to aletrict of Aemenia, .killing tho In-
villa,ge,s throughout the Sassoun
habitants. Who Preach Ambassador,
actor." Sassing -However faultY tile aolin, alter mach suffering, was per- ton, 010 t)0 1010,40, ; 0004,,,, tasaca,
=WWII to die a 'natural death ; but boa., $4,00 to $7.12,0; rod pewee , ,, sending Consule to Erzorouar, in the
conduot of Salome apneara on thie Dover Del May 10.-Alfter a de -
dying love for the Saviour in tilt *"
of Ohristse glore and kingdom 17111d $21 to $3; strewed hog* $0.25, to $7; quarter, and after seven ballot* tl; hope aS limiting the destraction and
occaolon, elle mantiested a true, un- Is wao tater au much, wrong now s
hilail-, $ra75 to $7.75 ; tinio'thit, basil., liberatien lasting an hour and
most 'teeing time% of alle subeequen been eeetrOyed In tbem by the Dente- eggs, por doze% 11.0 to 17c, butter, - aloodislied. However, the officrials ad-
Mastere4"ttbew' 81kY's costra baptesna, of tho Hag GlIOSt4 ViOeSt although brief, indinate that
dair,si, 17 to vo; oremoory, 32 to jure to-niglit brought n• verdiet Of the work of extemainating tbe Ars
She recognired Him as the divine by the Path Of bumility ; we descend second degree, agai
district of Bassoon is practically ties
lanpo ecapeing the mountainous
that Salome came werchiPing blin' The truest exaltation is reached 200, obtokeloa, vox, illy., ,1:4 to 15o; murder in the net men
. a per dozen, 40 to 50e; ealliflows and,
promise in a general weal to Saant by any other means must fail. "Is or, per 4 1st se- t ore orthe e.yletena of three trial have been lashileli tire eame a,s Abase
their requests; the.vi must state de- it so great a thing to .he tittle, D. I. ti 40 t 50e; elf, 1 i
own, ese e , ; eels
halges in vogue hi Delaware there adopted during the Arnreniam mass -
Matey, wliat it is they desire. Here
le aa argument lu favor of epecial who art so great, it could not pos- isD.50 t,0 lc 6,0; se. P; fore uartere le little or '110 110P0 Di a newt 'trial.
choice, eergeese, $7 Acres alio official raparts do not.
tha,t, uuless it were done be thee, titartote, $.7.66 A.,„,
"Ph is re-
-- - to $7,26 ; medium, carcase, -$13 to r2he verdict 'alas Nomothing of a glve exact details as to the nutnper '
I 1
higher as you faithfully fulfil the t...,,..„,
to out leinfba, ;yearling, $10 tosurprise, as inan.y) wore sure it wou a 0 toevne berms/ end people killed,
prayer. 87. Grant unto us- . sibly be learnt 2" eYou i will mo
quart, 1. Dieplae,ed their ignceanr
duties of tree lower optimal." but they show that the action of
of Ohriet's; plans. They; were loo .
ther dead or ot an insignificant char- that Jesus was baptized with, though $14 ; clover, 07 'to $(0; effralW" the Crime, -at Consto,ns has Joined Watlt the
ilansian and 'British apaliassatlore in
turl'rees, per 16 to PJ0C; porde We. leterY AIM ales carries ,AcAmplislindo
King -the Messiah. to ascend. All of our efforts to ele- tom per "jag
' , S125. to $1.801; eab- wO.th it imprieopment for life, and Tho Turgish methods a.ppear to
8,6. What would ye -He could not vate ourselves in the eYes of God 1*(5
We mutton, per ewe. $7.5Otoste., yeas, he tile Sheet • degree. However, es the Turas bap been sweeping. The
Ing for a kingdom or thle world and must be helpful, not helpless, not
7 50 9», .1 el oy imam
"the •servant of all." 'There must tur ithdlug of tlei juiese "Tee wo- °tuella() time egd the't TeirkeY Wh'S
Ward deolared al- Drench authorities were advised
a temporal Messiah. 2- Was mai'ke'd waited upou, but a servant; yea, Per CWiE
lorwardoess and 1z/resumption. 8. British cattle Markets.
be sure, but he is often best quail- London, May 14.-pomadian cattle Mail 11" gr"" k"vneau"'" ' occupation in the fmr east, and in-
tia, ng Advantage of Russia's pre.
Wee cbaracterized b.s1 woridlinese. It be rulers in cburcb and in State, to
apparently] looked no further than
• fled for suck positions who least de- are steady a,t 1114 to 12o per ib.; le was euortie leeier 7 &clue& thee tended to adoael. a deteleive coarse
Bight band. Left • band --, siree them, who in bis bumility pre- 1..,,, ,,,,___ ..
refrigera.tor beef, 9 1-8 to 0 1-20 per wora was 'soil, ...o JUtige elerueetee, tow.ard the rebelliolua Armenians.
e presene life."
e. Jewleh tarns of expree- fors to be least of all, and esteeros Vet. ""aeie sa'so Per lb.; yeerlings, at a lueguborims Doto.., Lbw. a ver- The power,s made an emergetic pre -
Mon for being next to the ' ICing others better tban himself, he to a"a' • , • , t . C14(.:, 4 had oueu 'agreed uoJe. SVitli ' test. Tale delayed 'llarkey's Action,
In honor.-Oani. Bib. In tbel glorY- wbous the responsibility is weighty Leading Whe at Markets. Judges druno alai .1.kayou ne immou- 3,11111,, howeVer, htes now been ex-
: mews, repaired Le toe court roune milted with the same severity as
bratthew use& the eXpression "In and the position a cross. • , May. July. Atroady too oows had epreati acme, at firist contemplated.
! 4 —I
promised His disciples (Matt. xix. 28) failure to reach a place of clignity
that they should art ou twelve and authority Is a great trial and apt. LOuis ...: ...t ...105 - Sil 5r8 innem bad arrived to opeu -tale doors
They probably understood this liter- place, and would probably "lord it Toledo .., .., .,. ee. :----, . 88 3-4 were crowded and eseop.e were tem -
Cromwell, "Cromwell, I e.harge thee, Belleville, Ont., Icay 14,, -,Te -day. room W,Ito at tru,Oted tile attenton anconeer, Mae 17, -The Austral -
Cann ibalism.
dignities in this may, government. opportunity. Sbakespeare said to 41'ne one partumiar person in the
a The Cheese Markets.
1,1. ahrist's reply (vs. 88-40). 88. fling away ambition.* By tha,t sin there were offered 1,020 white end of all wom Alfred M. Isowell, buss:mem u .Laner enowera brings a tear -
Ye knoar uott: "You; do not know fell the angels; how can Mao Then, 75 colored; Magra.th .bought 1,035 at oS tile women wilo will bave to alexia re. story of oanniaallem ou the Ad -
the na.ture of your requeet nor What the image of bls Maker, lame to win 7 1-10e; same offered tor baireice; the balisnce of bar life in pawn, anti miraity island% where 1 ive .men
it would ineolve. (You suppose that by It?" It Is- a serious mistake for not sold. I svpo was driven to murder bet:alive of
If granted It noun te attended Only one to regard the sacred °face of Coweesville, May 14. -Mo -day 20 jealousy; ior him. ale tooir. a eonseAcu- svere recently killed, eoasted and
vete hamar aed ssappinees ; whereas, the Christian ministre as a genteel, creamexles offered ODE) boxes of but- ous seat to the right or tlic Pages' fahe German war
eaten. Punishment followed swiftly.
it weadd require dnuah suffering and respecta‘ble and remunerative pro- ter, 14 factories offered 030 boxes eland. As 1.1: Conscious that ati eyes slap (Condor vise
trials, iryckwi Oftea is it that fession, where there Is little to do cheesi3; Hodgson secured 805 butter were turued on him, he geared about Red the scene of the borrible out-
rage, arrested the ringleaders and
oer tiecires and Perhaps even our but artin the church" and have the at 15 8s8e ; Gunn secured 542 boxes In a defiant wanner, alai his coarse, bombarded their village. From those
p'sayeeke :would ruin as if granted." entire flock as his servants, to obey butter at 15 le -80 ; Fowler 75 'boxes red face became more leflamed in who had taken part in Um wild orgie
Tee eess, To &ink of a cup often, his every whim end keep bis dell- cheese at 0 Isae; Alexander 50 boxes appearance. But :the menacing eyes they learned the following details
In ;the seaeptares, ,sIgnifies to be af. cate ' bands from' being [soiled bY cheese At 0 1-2.4 ; Brice 86 boxes turned in his direction proved more of what occurred previous to their
cheese at 0 5r8e; 53 boxes -butter of an ordeal than he could etand, arrival cm tte scene. It appears
Dieted; or 'sometimes Ito be punish- toil. . •
and he soon took his retreat to one that a ,Chineenan and four blacks
ed (Ise. 51, 0,7', 22; P,sa, 75, 8). That "Some persons are like precious stnd 400 boxes cheese held over.
I drink. The mei from which Jesus stones, glittering, but non-produe- Watertown, N. Y., Vey 1e.- Go ol the side rooms. ., wtile working in tbe bush were at -
%Ms to drink 'was one of affliction. tie.Others are like the plainer mill- the cheese board to -day 250 cheese Just at thie point Sheriff Mervin, tacked by a tribe of islanders, armed
The baptienr. This means about the stones, whicb by steadfast werk min- sold, 0 1-8 to 0 1-4e for large and gently leading Mrs. Powell by the with- spears and 'clubs. Relay were
scene 'a.s "the ou'la" "Baptism is rester food to the hungrY and Wealth 6 1-20 for small Wee. + t arm, her face auring in a lia,ndker- brutally beaten to denth and then
tends to separate friends and arouse taivoilimoin Holland, chief, pawed slowly, through the the Dodies were pickea up and fires
famillerly lased in the Sariptures to to the nation. Self-seeking ever Live Cattle Trade. •
denote a person -being overwheitned
discord in tee Christian church." et the animal crowded room to Eche dock. There were kindled. larhile the feast was
What is true of the ministry is true an4interi _.. .s,e
ttneezt! tirtade iset.,1t2.41 pg. the IiIverepol fere. Powell sank into a chair as if preparing the barbarians danced
witir ealamities. Tad baptism with
which Christ was to be baptised wee
that Jot a eruel and ignominious of all. Any place, in the will of God, 'is: se ' .mmadess fitegtes that all hope of life liad lett her. :, ate round, chanting their bideous war
death. k honorably occupied. Let us do our
eine United Kingdom parts l.n 1903, im- a. moment later, when she stood up With the advent of the Warshifil
can be made henora.ble by b a rt6,0 0 theat anamiats Were landed alt had .eeldentle heard the verdict, for songs. ,
89. We can. frhte NAG the decision- best wherever we are without being pleeted erafee else f plonies and foreign to face the jury; her teatures were Condor an expedition was sren
of the two brothers. ."The hear ut - anxious "to be good or 'great r Vo,res, f4id '1141,Aallq/ peps dead meat. drawn wall aeguish and all the ashore and at the point of tbe ri les
o , , ag flritae tei re- color had left her face. , , the natives were compelled to hand
consciolas yet presumPtimas reply wise In any but our Saviour's eyes." PArsY "31Nrit 119 WI
"One very common error misleads have you over the instigators of the outrage.
(Wave the reetricticals eira Carta,diar, "Gentlemen of the jury, ha
was 'no idotast !uttered under the ime
'cattle, put tthere', list lit* chance agreed upon a verdict 2" asked Clerk
the opinion of mankind universally, Irons were laced on their arms end
pression (that OA istroggle wias tq
' t t ' s of the P ea MisClyment in a loud, legs and tEe men were :taken on
Teel Kingdom," "Our Lord bad Just Mae aspiring one, to ' whom,
e t • . .
a' New York 8i.-2 eeteeta axe tneore tne evert of -
thrones, judging the twelve tribes. grief, is SUrely not the one for the ulutt,“ ...1 14i 'JO t11,0 iftepv ieadiug to the qourt room
ily and oa,me to request the able over God's beritage," had be .the ...... 90k4 stairee arriving, 011 4:11,0 ruu• A.dmitatity Island—ers Break Out Into
take piece at aer,saleum, In wb + that authority is pleasant, submis- .
perhaps, they tatere Ito fight bry his S103 painful. In the general coarse leaeures east Week, toe. Teen the airy and the prisoner
side, and they Stealer° themselves of human affairs the very reverse of ales? 114,„-pc(ir.imerielal failures !this were ordered to face each other and
this is nearer the truth. Command (week in the Ste/seed ea/3step, as ret- the verdict. of guilty of murder in
ready for Sam ;trial." Ye shall, in-.
deed, eta. You Isbell undergo' suffer- is anxiety; obedience, ease." "Our 0/..tirtefl NV O. fA Pale & Cp., ere the second degree was announced. xt
Uwe Patterned /after mine. "Thee' Lord's career on earth was I one 230„aigaintat al/ !mast rivleea, 202othe seemed as if the proceedings were
heel yet to &teen botivi serionet their long Ministry of wisdom, faithful- preceding ;Meat, and aDeathe carrels- hurried some,wae,t, as everybody ap-
•tvords were; afterwards they were nese, love and power." pe.neing (week last elear. Felluteas in peered anxious to Math with the.
nabled to drink Of tha.t cup and to , , Lanson H. Mulholland. Canaaa ananabler 20, egainet 47 last awful task.
board the ship. Then the bombard-
ment of the village commenced, and
the whole tribe quickly took to their
heels and sought the shelter
of the woods. Tbe inverisoned ring-
leaders were taken beak to the near-
est German station, and there await
trial for their crime. ;
T P. KENNEDY, p.1.0„
ouzoer of the British Medical
Special attention paid to Diseases of worm
and children,
Genoa Morste:-1 to p.m; 7 to S p,m.
:Si. T. Holloway
D.O.S., L.O.S.
Graduate of Royal
Coil - of pental
y • • • or Ter-
.,. and Honor
e of Pont-
\ 1.01 Toron-
' 444 '43 4r.
Improved methods in all branches 01
ttz. Prices moderate. Satisfactiot
irderentedd. nrOffice in Beaver Block,
D.D.S., L,D.e.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the
, nsylvartla Oidlege and Licentiete of
I Dental Surgery of Ontario.
' Ofiloe over Pols Oface-WINGBAM
; JIIIkindietroughand dreaded....
Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
large quantity of dry hard
wood for sale, delivered.
Telephone Qrders Promptly
attended to.
litoLeaa (fc San
lee 'baptised tvIith that ,baptisuf."
Not mine to give. As a spec-
ial ,fa.eor. This saniet noit be under-
stood to mean that Christ does not
reward Ids aolicavers, for sueh a
otatexaentisvloa. id be at variance
with, the uniform( testimany of the
acripteres (Matt. 05, a1-10; John
5, 22-00). For (whore prepared.
The true Meaning is that suca dis-
tineticer oduld eati be given except
to these "for whom( it is prepared."
And for whe(na is heavenly hollOr
prepared? Not tol every one wee)
saltli Lord. Lard V limit to the hioly
ill heart, to the "Israelite indeete,"
to* the trne eircuaecision (Rem. e,
29; WWI. 38, 0), ito] the ene wilt, en -
h "stru4.nht ate" (Matt
74 10., 14) and who presses "toward
the mark (Phil. 8,114).
- III. A lesson in humility (vs. 41-45).
41.. The ten -The other ten apostles.
Beard it -Heard of tide bold requeet
made ley Salome and her sone. teach
displeased -"Moved with indigna-
tion." --11, 'V. "The sone of Zebedee
lead been in a 'better social potation
than most of their brethren, and this
attempt to secure a pre-eminence of
honor kindled a storm of jealousy."
elem. Bile 42. Saith. unto them -"Our
lord seethed their jealousy by as -
staring them that in Hie kingdom
there were no lordiehips." Accounted
to rule, ete.-That 10. those who are
to a position to exercise authority
and dominion, Ruuk ae prinoes and
governors, use their power to grati-
fy their worldly ambitione and their
love of naing. 48. Not so among
you (R. V.) -The priueiples of MY
kingdom are entirely different end
are peculiar to theniselvere There are
to be no ranks and no NO. -sounding
titles'. All are to be on a, leVel -tbe
dole the poor, the bond ,the free, the
leaxnedand the unlearned. Will be
great -There 10 a, .holy ambition
welch every true Christian should
possess. ah aMbItion not for plat*,
but ter ability to serve. Minietere-Al
servant. 'lite original word is deacon,
rd meaning a eervant of any
klrd. Preachers dr the Gospel are
eaited tranleters, beeause they are the
servants Of God end die church.
44. The elliefeete."The
Write bete to be sought le a super-
iority in labors and (*Merit* • for
the common good. If any 'would he
great let hinibe the greatest •
eel: -
vent." 45. Came to MilliSter-teda
points to Himself as an exo,ouge tor
th,ore to fano% Ile was not a Emits
seeker and "came hot to be MIDIS,-
tered unto"; but Ile came to »stele. -
ter -to terve. WS Was the that**
meter of Ilia life. "The Son Of Man
tnintStere to the sons of men." To
give MEI life -The Son of matt elk/W-
ed Ilimeelf the greatest of all by en-
during the greatest tufferingS ad
making the greatest eartrifiee of all.
le ransom...The literal meaning le a
oriels paid for the redemption of
eaptieee„ Christ aled la the pladte of
sinners. or many-"Thia does not
Mean that ell were het renowned.
'Ali' aro not skimps 'many.* AM the
great poete of the world are not
many. net the pereater for whore
Christ died are tmerty"-Incaletdabile,
numerous not ono has been left OW
-Merl no rt,
A etrange feet eiteitia tO come owe
TI at is Attneking the: Trees Around
St. Cathay Ines,
Cotemendleg on the. teperted
ovory of a. beta kind of (scale near
St. pallilarinag. Afr. c. Jamee,
Deputy Minleter of Agriculture, quote
ed Irony a oullestrn On the San Jose
ramie, isetteel by t he Department In
agoo, the etatensent that in the
United Skates and Canada there are
126. epodes of the poet and 100 ad-
ditional varltles in the tropics, any
one of which etighit find its way
north. Mr. Jamee could expreee no
definite opinion without emieg the
softie, but he erne lnelltext to believe
$roas KieseriPtioP !that it woe the
PeldbM Or cherry settle that Illnd
tr000 dtietorered et, Oatharinee.
Xe 'not often eeett in Ontario, but
lin 1000 Wis0 found in one tree in
Rt. Cathartnee on !the preralsee of
W. 1110100. Lake street, and in an
foreheell In tilo Itetelleillifr of Salts the elecipiere when Jesus imettlee of
fleet, Wentevlortit serenity. di full ills eiefferinge and death, end
desoriPtion or thid male le ton. mgerly leads tbe way tatvards Lendoe„.--Tha -correspondent at taa Mew Niggly!: ow, Afay 8 in an ame Itingunge, he evoke oe the unle,w1n1
tainted In the tbelletin referred to erneffition. Tiltst eeant to have no Dail man, unnenthend in that pa. lema es several hundred Mere& ZVI) Dreotiees of elie,pair who bed driven
per this mornlitg,has been expelled from
tetke tee tleat 'Thel uncle:rattled I I f I i der. And in wiorda long to Ihs rememb•
. arreat, 16 'Xill3 'pre-eel/nes weelr end. lA - A.s soon as the verdict was an -
CHURCH UNION last yeas*. Of saituree thils week in nouncedf, and the full purport of it
tlie United Ettetate aa (wler,e in the dammed upon the prisoner, she sank
— east; lea seept ep lieesta aee 21 in into tho seat wkth a moan of an -
Discussed by the Ministers at the Paisilie Melees, area 04, renetrt • guisla ,
liagellities ' di 056000 ' o;r more. - "Sherife 1 remand the rfflisoner to
Liras:titles of ocaoltnerelal faierres re-
Mceetreal, MaY 16. -Sen informal dita (pow Re efa (to date are $1,- your care," said Judge Spruance,a,nd
cussion of the proposed union of the 720,491, elgeints aa,218,0,5)3 for la.st the crowd began slowly to file out
into the night.
Protestant Evangelical denomina- Veal'. . 1 ( , l'Veth sootning weirdo the good -
tions le Canada took place here this - ' hearted Sheriff le_d the stricken svio-
T ,ronto Live Stock.
morning at a sneeting•of the Prates- Receipts of live stoek at the To- man from the room, and as she pass-
ca.ttle market were 85 carsf, iscl out, her form shaking with an -
tent Ministerial Aseociation, and as
consisting of 1405 cattle, 897 hogs, guild), ehe passed her husband, who
e result it was decided to bold a 11411/- 4a idmep., 110 ardvarg.. t t . , stood complacently, in be*' way In
lie meeting at an early date to fur- Although the receipts were light the peewee°.
tiler cons 'el' tbe ma.tter. • The die- compared with Thuredayt trade was "Mary," said he, "I'm sorry."
cussion was Intro ped by Rev. Hugh not as ibriek but prices ruled steady! If the poorwspnran had entertained
le all the different claeses, as (mole a desire to make reply she was not
Pedley, of Zion , Congregational ed below. given the opportunity, for a couple
Cburch, mho referred to the ram- Nine cars ef the a.bove numeer of of deputy Sheriffs shoved Powell
lution that had been ,passed at To- cattle 153 In number were export- rudely back out of the way without
ronto, declariug the sarrop.otsal both de- ewe). the kicking of a dog and he did uot
ers from Cbleago for Lunness Ye Hal- more ceremony than would attend
, ' , .
sirable and practicable. For himself, Coeghlin Eros, received 8 oar loads again attempt to speak to his wife,
purchased in the °omits% being who passed on to the jail.
he felt that the plan must move
merely, delivered bete and not for weer) Mrs. Powell reached the
along the line of least resistance, Iwo.
and 'that might posabily exclude such .1This left only) 18 ears of 'all kinds jail she bi-:A° down. Sberiff Melvin
deremin.ations as the Anglicans and for sale. t t later said her eondition is not ser -
Baptists. •- Exporters - Molt*, well -finished Lou% Old ahe riv,ill be In good condi-
These remarks elicited an opinion heavy. exporters isold at $4.75 to $4.- tion to appear in Court on Monday
from Rev. X. L. Gilmour, pastor of D5 per cwt, ; medium at $4.00 to for sentence. '
the First Baptist Church, formerly of $4.70. t : ( , 511;03 Charge Of judge Spruanee,
Hamilton. Nebo said that fromthe Export bulls--Obioice export butte veldole' was concurred in by Judges
point of view of tile Baptiste union eced at $3.75 to 04,25, medium at Grubb and fleece. In one particular
wan rot practicable at the present $3.5O to 03.60. • : paragraph reflected tbo- opinion of
time. Th., e question of the rite of bap- Export Cows -Prices ranged from the Court regarding the crime of
tism would prove an inseperahle bar- $8.75 to 04.25 Per Mit. 1 Mira Powell:.
rep. BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVLEIV. 1 It elm, eadrrs that at/ an intimate re-
al* Church of Eagle•nd was rep- e et on to, or some time been main -
resented by Rev. Dr. Symonde. Ile Trade et Montreal bas made some tallied between -tate tieceased ana the
Raid that the question that now sap. .advanee this week In certain depart- husband of the defendant, and that
crates the Congregationalleta Pres. inents, end the outlook for the balarice the defendant had anvil% this. "We
byterie.bs and Methodists was prime- of the spring and the early weeks of etarge you that no suripecion, how-.
tleally the same tie SePtl,rated the the sumer is premising, Improvement IS over deep-rooted, and no proof of
. high and low! Church parties in the looked for after the seeding is INV) that relation, however convincing,
Cburch Of tntgittbdr Viz., the aPoel:0110 out the country. will become enoreattive. could of itself justify or expuse :the
The cold weather has prevented such slaying . of that girl,
succession: of the ministry.
Bev. C. E. Vend, repreeenting the an expansion in the dry goods trade at Perwell left foe fats home, at Mons
Mathodiat body, Argued that if real Toronto its expected. Stocks are rap- golia, to -night, eitee &laving been
fraternity existed, organic, unity idly arriving to replace those recent- teased by Shereft Mervin permis-
ly destroyed by fire. The building treat; seen to 'see fats Wife. This action
meet follovi.
here shows much activity, and there ttre avIrcs taken at (the reqltest of Mrs.
no signs of any scrims° labor troubles. pow's% who eollaPsed/ when she
At Quebec reports frost various cor- veached her cell. Where le no doebt
respondents throughout :lie section in- that the feeling ot ties comas:may
'Beate that ram it is- wanted. is intense regarding the part play -
Wholesale business at the Pulite ed by Powell lin the life tragedy
toast keeps moderately active, and the of (hie unfortuSiate rwye.
outlook cohtinues to insorove. The de. ,Thetst etre musty, rumors of pros -
editions flop/ling abotitc but there
anted for the Yukon is large.
Mashies. ince through Manitoba and Leine one (In nAtItlfority who will give
the west are in a more theerful mood them; tangible shape at preeent. The
over the attic,* for trade. Pettit mer- • epilogue may comer isome- as thoro
delete are buying liberally, and num- are zany Paretene Mho! speak vag.
atm of new stores are being 'stocked. uely, of the neemsity of preserving
In Ifamilton, ricearding to trad. the eatetity et the hcarthIetoItie,
street's reports', the sorting treat: hes and NVAett it dolea wane?, there will
been Very fair thas week. Values of sta- be et wale in the role of deferidailt
pie goods are firmly held. Remittances ineteaa of a Pavloreran. ,
are fait for this teaser' end are taped- Sentente W411 *An passed by juidge
London wholesale trade is showing stil b8Cilie,roclIk11:C° ,4bild" M°11.11ing at. at)
ba. to iinproVc 8000,
expansion in the movement in some de. The arguneent of Mr. illeigely In
behalf of Mrs. le (well svas One Of
partmente. Prieee are libuly held,
Thereiniebeen 0, feirly good demand the mdet brilliant ofratorlea ret;
forte sover heard in ri. Deism/are
for goods at Ottawa.
court of lastloe. It ;WO replete with
........,-......e.....1...e.e-e, logic, and pattimildr pathos was at-
tached to the °fleets by reason cl
CAUGHT IN AN AMBUSH, the ffeet that ;Attorney Ridgely te
Seventeen American Officers elleughe totally leind ersd hap to depend non
tered by Metes. it svtonelerfa bleinOTY, Without the
Ahl; of hoitee.
Manilla, MaY Vi..-Liettt. Winfield Oa nrrnIgMent a "PWV611; the'
Beeper rind 30 hien of V COmpanY Inhumane Ittisteme," wan moist math -
of the Seventeenth U. S. infantry, eillot Ill the istrongeot terstre that
ld be framed. 'Nem the 1:tighter
Rev. ,Trimes Fleck. pastor of Itnex
Church, referred to the fact that itt
matters of governtnent and worship
the Presbyterians, MiethodiSte and
Congregationalists were practically
tdi one, and he sate no reason why
the lientiste should not be ineluded
as well making the union quadruple.
Paola Perfect Spseiniett jiver Peund to
be Secured by 0 verninent,
Vittoria, Pt C., mle,y - Dawson!
Panora teteltrnd be the lett wart/tern
mail, give tial leformatioo that the
Dominion Government will Purchase
and take possession of the perfectly,
preserved Mastodon found recently
113 Cluarte Greek, frozen eoliely; as it
has been for perhalle a eourste ot
thousand cyears. Commissionnt Cong.
eon tecentle helmeted the' ramaine
and found them egtellentlyi proves...
eg. 1110 hoped to litave tbe speelrners,
the beet of Ito kind ever seettred in
any part of the world, ready for
/shipment and exhibition toonees
don *WI 0o,nadoW digtiloy o,t the
Worlds/1 Exposition In St. LOUIS.
try PAW. Walt ifofehhead. tree eeneeption of the tennning, St. dimerleat offleere and fifteen zunt Peevell to deepeir Mei to mar,
e grate, eriett., or s tevere eone 11'014/killed find fills Olen Wet() woll (wed' he told helm Mrs. Powell lied
Virtue is often 1110115 WW1*, eontrast none et theft thinge; n,nd this ony.
;with teiger-eotited vice. ha from, theas. (dap role meet on the tonspirators NV110 planned ad. TM umbgeh oceurred at Sine- I emit the girl n;ivity front her holli
OW end glees the rest the laugh. Ableterhed With worldly and *el. Itioundor qaetiri Drage. tigneeen, blelid of Mindanao. the "d(g returning tet Lie
Thorte Portutie }mike on the favored IA.) •
and exeetited the ASSitasinatieff of Xing'patent, Oa the diet Shore of Lake then les ;quoted the adage
U. S. 5.tetitodists Meditate a Change
Itespecting DanCing%
LOS Angeles, MINI 17.-1. question
ott importance nowk to the fore in
tile Methodist Generaa Ccmference le
that involving a ehange in, discipline
to! the extent of entirely re -moving
the church bent on pleasures Of
dancing, card playing and theatre-
It (smalls Otot (unlikely that the con-
ference will vote to remove the
,p -resent rigid restrietions. The.sub-
committee ef the Committee on state
hes reported a recommendation for
a radical change, making the rule
simply an advisory restriction in-
etead of a, Mendatoey prohibition
alt present.
Upon the prevailing rule the mem-
ber of the church wliel attends a
dame or theatre Is guilty df a di-
rect infraction of the rules of the
cherch, and inlay ao puniphed by ex -
volplane but if the recoyamenda-
tion nottp proposed( is adopted this
penalty 3vill be rendered entiresy
optional avith the authorities. The
leamraittee on state of the church
aria net decided definately just wthat
,form the reeommentlation Seal take
but it le assured that it will pro-
pose souse radleal ichanges In th edis
cipline along the, tines -indicated.
This. committee lo alSO considering
other important questions, among
Watch is one tof the ratio of rep-
resentation in the !general ;confer-
enoe. The plan /Wolf hes been pro,
pOsed, and whieli (hag met with raver,
if adopted, Will reddee the member -
alas of the (general conference front
748 ;to %II
Killed ills Brother and Threw Body
in the It( -ver.
Calgarat N. W. T., Afay 11. -Fran -
cols Mallet hoe been committed for
trial before Magistrate Woreley at
Camaro On the °linage of murder-
ing Ms brother, Sohn Seurat, After
being properly w,arned he made a
complete statement, /le wild he
slept with hie brother. no had de-
cided to kill him en the night before,
and about midnight went down -
:Attire, took the it1;e and brought It
upstate and took it to bed with
hint At 6 o'cllock he got up, took
the axe aid *bile his brother was
eleeping hit lilm over the head. The
body moved, and he hit it again.
He then took the bedy on his ghouls
der and tarried It to the rarer and
threw, it in. Ilo threw it in the river
eo that the ghoet alit Would not
come back to worry him, net then
went to a heighbor to get a mart
to take his brotherplate to work,
1±0 said he killed hie brother beeause
hie brother had tried te kill hlin by
using art electrie machine. Ile had
never seen the maelehe, but had ofe
ten hood it.
Dr, . illehardeen teatitied that
there had been ten &athirst wounds,
nrty one et which would have eatteed
death. The trial will take placid
this week,
fir. W. T. Stead, le the lievieve of
el, meg teem ill 1430. Witteton Chureh-
11 a O01illinf4 party leader la view of
lile appreelatIon of labor eirdiret.
'rho doott estimatesubmitted by
the Toronto City Treadliree tall for
a tax rete Of ID 74 mill* Which
the Board of COnt0151 hope"' its- ro.
dui* te 10mfl1a;
'1+1111 II1Z2gtdtgtd"Mltgllj
He Declares for a United
,aaaa mla
Mutual Preference Was the
Thing Wanted,
When Mandate is Given Will
, Visit Canada.
London cable says, -Mr, Chamberlain
prefaced. his speeca at Birmingham last
eight with the reminder that the day of
empires had come. Let them hold the
banner higit and Amy would, come to the
standard, What littler ambition could
they have than to unite the empire?
They must have a federation of sister
States, or sink to no account in the his-
tory of the world. Tho oolonies
wonld not hang forever on the skirts at
our indecision. The great colonies had
decided with unanimous voice that the
question of union could best be approach-
ed on its commercial side, • They had
made concessions and were ready to make ,
more. He would not call them sacri-
fices, because they were mutually bene-
ficial in order to secure a self-suataining
empire, the interchanging of products
more freely, the strengthening by ties
of interest the sympathies already exist-
ing paving the way for the consummation
of the highest gee which A nation can
reach of evolving front the loose assem-
blage of several States a great imperial
organization, preserving for all its mem-
bers a local independence, but whith is
against all the world when its interests
or the honor of any of its members are
He was at a loss to understand, how
the Duke of Devonshire or Lord Rose.
beg could treat the offer of the col.
omes as not existing, doubted its good
faith, go about assuring their country-
men that the colonies would give them
nothing worth acceptance, and, on the
other hand, demand a sacrifice they
could not afford to make. If any rea-
sonable proof they could ask was af-
forded these statesmen would, they then
give favorable consideration to these
proposals of preferential and mutual
trade within tho empire, and authorize
the Government of the • day to enter
into negotiations with the colonies to
sscure that great object?
He had received within the last few
months invitations from tbe Govern-
ment of Australia and important repre-
sentative organizations of Canada, to
visit thein, but he had replied that he
must convince his own people first.
'When the mandate is given," lie said,
"1 or another will go to Canada and
Australia and claim front them the same
patriotism as is fonna in our own people,
and we will unite the empire." He want-
ed to arrange taxation so as to promote.
freer exchange among our own people.
He would prefer to take everything
from our own empire, which would pyo -
duce everything. Trade with foreign
coimtries was falling off, and disaster
was only staved. away by theincrease
trade with the colonies. The decline of
trade with foreign countries was eertain
to continue, and the increase with the
colonies would not continue under the
present policy. A mutual preference
alone would keep the good -will and full
sympathy of the present large propor-
tion of trade with our colonial brethren.
He wished the free trade statesmen to
declare definitely what assurance, either
front the Government, the Legislatures
or individuals of the colonies, will con-
vince them that our ebildren across the
seas are earnestly and unselfishly desir-
ous of closer union. Could. a referendum
be taken in Britain he believed a large
majority would favor his proposals.
Vive Dwellings of Sardatia pal us D Is-
. Interred at Babylon.
Derlin,Way 16.-13*e Society of Ger-
nian anent.-- -.everts that 1.02.5
havo --"^a hiStn•-'^., diSeOveryi
the greatest Interest in the Valley;
of the Tigris; where for some years
they have been busy exploring the
ruins of old iBaby,lon
frltis last 'discovery; consisting of
five palaces and a large tenaple In
onlyi slightly dam.aged oondition,
will now permit the historian to
construct and locate the principal
events, of the reign of Plardanapalue,
of syliose historyonly very little has
been knosvn heretofore, and this i• e
not eubstantiated byl any proofs,
One of the palaces which has now
' been unearthed to literally; covered
with description* describing the
, glorious reign of tbe famous King ot
Aesierlas the last descendant of Sem-
iramis. . ; 1 •
This palace is undoubtedly! ono of
those which Sardanapalas, _had built
in hie °Metal in the seventh centue,y;
before Christ.
Other very' Interesting finds have
been made, among these a portrait
•etatite of the -king, Out in voila reek,
and nether emitter tO it represent-
ing Xing Salme,nastir XI., covered
with the akin of a lion.
Both theen are work' of art, and
will be sent to the Archaeological
Mageum in thie city. ;
• Am*
Peemier Ilalfoutos Leiter Itegarding
the Aliens' Bill.
Lohdon, Mae' 1.6.-Prernier Italfour
has written as follows in reply to
a letter of Inquiry : "X believe it to
be quite untrue that England, Irt the
language of the newspaper ea-
ting you send Ind is eatehing the
epidemic Whitah rages everywhere
else egainet tl,e *Tow, tint aliens'
bill is designed to protect the eoun-
try„ not against the jeW, but against
undeeitable alien* quite irresBeetive
of eationality or creed. X should re-
gard the rhea and growth of anti-
Sernitie feeling in this country to
a most 0:ortolan national mIsforiTne."
Miming Selmoner Sent /knell 06 --
Ballwin° Aiso Probably Bare.
Vietories 11 C., May 10.-(80Wal4
-Copt. O'Leary, a eettling captain,
hag reaehed Clayotittotand 1'0001±5
%tit lea sighted the missing echootier
Triumph' :oft the coest on Alfril _135'
She WAN SO1110 (Detente aWaY. but
O'Leary is mete surd elm is the MIAS-
, leg veteel. Ono sealing °Meer de-
elatee the Triumph intended going
five hundred ranee off the flolumble
Inver in rtestroll of a big wheel of
Neale. Tf Mite returns the will have
a thawed vette. The Ilmbrin0 Was
oleo reported Abend the traem time,