HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-05-05, Page 61110.00811 40,0 reeereueataearaketeverigiareetraheeetrevaeweareeeeetreettaeogerwate Violet's Lover He dal not toneli the hand site held the wife of 'many' a poor peasant. Slue out to him. Ite I4 bidden fa,rewell tO tho' banee—th.ir leatit tweet nue UD longer fur him. "Do you mean, Lady Cluevenix, to ask me 1f. I w,UI be your frienel 1 do not see that that is potiable— you forget the difference in our positionter "You are Lally Maud e's friend," she Interrupted. "Yea that is natnrat 1 ra,ve business relations with Lady elauthes father. It IR quite a tlifferent mat- ter. Theta never ean be mutat friendship. I think, between peo- ple ot different positions." The tears stood in her eyes. °I did not think you could have spoken so to me," site said. "I am unrortunate if I have spok- en impolitely or abruptly," he la - turned. "Friendship is to me a very sacred thing—I never lightly use the word—and I can uot but say that for Lady Chevenix ot arewood aml a very hard-work- ing lawyer there can be no tom - man groin(]." "I have known you ail my life," she said. He looked at • hr; he del not peak; it seemed to him that fur- ther speech would be imprudent. Her eyes fell before the clear, hon- est gaze; there was no reproach! In it, no upbraiding, but it reach - it the depthOf her soul. They came to the. end of the path ; ha eel not turn baok. There Was a• gardataehair ; ehe eat down upon it, and he pasard on with a low bow. . CHAPT,Elt •Ign .r-tgarT". ONE MORE ISSUE NO. 19 • much for ine., 1 woe tired of ita ABSENT TREATMENT. Mite read 'the note, and lala It down without comment, " Aro eou pleacied, Violet ??" he mated. "I am pleased If you are," elie re - She was thinking whether this would bring her and Felix more together, eI tell eon witat we'll do, Violet. WO will give a afield tiloger-pertY, anti you must rule all the people from Dearuber Towers, with Mr aud Mrs. Lonsdaie and Felix. See about It at ()nee; eerie, the notes oat toe daye• • She obeyed lam without a Word. t'11011tili would be so pleased and tot content "Wo can not refuse " said Darey Ledy Cheveniv and Felix Lour:dale ;lid not meet again tor :some Lime. Sir °wan had not made a very favor- able linereasion Broenber Tower'. 'rlio earl had invited him, with his beautiful young wife, to a, grand ball, but Felix. was not present, and Sir ()win foegot himself so far ao to drink -too much, and then, when in- toxiteacd, to u.se coarse language. In aeptember, Sir Owen was invited to be preeent at a. grand political bauttet given at Oltiatone. and Fella mule one of the most telling speeches of the night. It woe so eloquent, so inagnific eat in Ito true, noble Ideas, Ito picturesque language, that he be- came popular; a man who could rpeak au well ought, to be in Parlia- ment, tkaletitiers said—and it seemed very probable that at the next elev.- tiou Feltx. would stand an excellent chance. Sir Owen was etartled; he thought a great deal about 'young Lanai dale." With all his own dense stu- pidity, he wits capable of admiriag something about •Ms earnest dearee, great talent in others. Another, and he made some impression on Darcy? Lonsdale by his evident trust In him. Once the older man was in, @lined to turn round and sax, "You robbed my, son of the greatest joy, of his life—his love—and will have nothing to do with you or any- thing belonging to you." But that weuld bare been undignified, and he had h anted his assail ot mercy. To him there was eomething almost piti- ful_ in the fact of this strong, coarse rich man unable to take care of his own, 'unable to hold his position with dignity, appealing ta him for the sera :able management that lie could not give himself. He would not decide hastily; he did not think his son would like the business. But five bundree per an- num we- a consideration, • besides which, Darcy Lonalaie shrunk from the remarks that people would make if be refused such an offer. He said nothing abont it until he raturned home at night, and then he annul Eve Lester there, and the matter was reviewed in solemn council. "1 gay take it," urged Kate. "It seemi; to me, really, Darcy, that there Is an especial providence for us. Take it by all means. It is a ale to throw away five litendred a year." 'My dear Nate, this is more a mat- ter of sentiment than of money," eaid Bea Lansdale. "I am of aateil opinion," put in Evelyn. "I quite think you should accept it. If you do not, people will say disagreeable things." "I have thought or that. too. The general impression 'would be that Felix held some kind of resentment againet Lady Chev- enix, or that he had still Ir email see Felix somethues—not Lolled:Ile. as lie ;held gir Owen's In - that she wantea any allusion even to eitation open in his haw. "We their former acquaintance, but Rho must go this once. o,nd then we 3ieVer knew what that coveet minty ean please ourselvee afterwaed, presence of his had been to lier We What do! you say, Felix ?" until It bad paused out of it. Felix thought a, few. minutes, and If tbey could meet emeetimes, and then he Bald, frankly :, laugh as they used to laugh over "To tell yea the truth% ratite'', I all 'tile little eolule scenes and some- think I Would rather not go—I do tions Lilford afforded, if sbe could not like the idea. To trausitot Sir ta,lk to 'him of some of the thought ee Owen's business is all ver well, and ideas that began to crowd tile- but to dine teeth libn Is quite an- ent her mind and brain, tate would other thiug.e I be Well pleased; there was always "You shall please Iota:self," re - a sense of something wanting, some- turned Mr. Lansdale. In his aeart, tiling mlesilla3 in her Me, Se she although' he bad felt great corn- itoped that he would consent to onto passion rend great indignation cone as Sir Oweiesi agent S.urely s11O ' cerniug his son, he was pleaeml. • DIRECT PROOF That DOdd's Kidney POO Cure Promptly and Permanently All /Aims and Stages of Kidnee soase—Neiv etrunswica man Tens of Terrible Urinary Complaint Bane -. lobed Once anti for All. St. litars"ii Ferry, York Co„ N. April 25.—(Speciale— Thoinae Hale. rison, a wellacnown eesitlent tie& olaco, addle his testimony to that of the thousantis who have pro.yed that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure prOmptly arid permanently any form or stage of Kidney Dielease. Bea Har- rison hays; "Sime Yeara aka I began to euffer from pain in tbe 'back, accompanied I by a lethargy impossible to over- come. I was attended by a phyrec- Ian, but continued to grow worse, And 'began to pose bloody urine. "On the advioe of at friend I started using 1/odd's Kidney Pills, and by tbe time bad taken one box I paesetl a stone velelob le now in the dilator's po secession. should see him occasionally. 1 that he had not married Violet, ., Three boxes Of Podd's '<Wee' Her husband was not a. pleasant He liner seeu no eltance of liappiness cured me completely, and though it companion, and at times, when her for him—ho heel resented her 0011 - nerves aud patience were overtaxea, duet to MM. is now years since LI was oared I have had no return of any QOM - she would go to her mother with Darcy Lonsdale knew: that his son plaint." a long list of complaints. But Mrs. was bitterly wounded, but he se.ed Dodde; Kidney Pelle elere the Kid- Haye wag always diplomatic. She to iiimeeir, "Pain is diselpline," and neys, and with sound kidneys you would listen with every appearance every one had some land of trou-, newt never fear urinary complaints. or sympathy; she would eondole with bio to uadergo. So, when lee de - her daughter, and then she would Mined leo go to Garwood, Darcy say: "Every wire, my dear. has a sighed to himself, and woe sorry great deal to undergo; the toolish that Ids son still felt the rankling ones talk about their trouble, the . Of an ofd . 'wise ones keep it to themselves. After put Kate evould not ,have It see all, you must expect some little draw- for the first time almost in her 'back. You have wealth, title, gran- life she differed (roue leer stemma. deur, diamonds, carriages, servants; neat must go, Felix," she said, the only drawback is your husband, ',Only think what people will say and you must study to bear with hint If you stay away Even Lady Cheve- . as well as you can." nix herself well be flattered and That was all the comfort that Lady think you dare not umet her. Cio, Chevenie over had front her mother. Fella; shou•Id not like to give her Frolic's Ha.ye woula say to her at times: that triumph.. You will have to "I do not like to interfere, Violet; ain:ewt.glier some time or other—do it but is all this I hea,r about your husband's intemperate habits; true?' - He was Met quite willing at first, tat after a time Kate persuaded him, "I am afraid so, father," she would and it was arranged they should go. :reply; and then he would add: "Co.n Von do nothing to check him? Yet Felix hardly liked it. To have refugee' Sir Owen's agency would ho.ve A. wife abould have some Influence been to stand In his father's light, Veer ber husband." to prevent the children from receiv- "I 'can do nothing," she would ansa Ing the benefits of an ample income. wer e and then ber tatber would He would not do that ; but when he doubt whether, after all, things bad was in sight of .Garswood Ile hated * * • himself for baying come near the happened for the best. place. He could not help wondering Sir Owen bad rode over to Lile how Lady Chevenix would reeeive ford and called at the office In das- him, what she would say to Mm, tle street. If be bad found Felix there whether she would be pleased or the his request would have been refused; reverse. but Darcy Lonsdale was in the of- "It can never be pleasant for her ace, and listened calmly to what the to meet me," he' ahought "The baronet bad to gay; sight of me must remind her of her "I cannot give you an immediate unfaithrulnees." answer," he replied ; "but I wile As. they cante in view yr tbe towers think over Tour proposition and let and turrets of Garswood he expressed you. know our decision." this idea to his rather. He wished Sir Owen stopped reline be said even then that he could return. He ' looked anxiously into Msfather's race. "It seems 'to me," he said, "that we have .compromised our independ- ence by accepting the agency." " My dear Felix," Darcy Lansdale laughed, "if every men were to carry his private feelings into. busi- ness, ,business would soon Attie. Men came to my office este) have elandered me, who helped to raise the cry that I had robbed James Hardmaa of his Agate, 1 bave to forgive them. I do not make friends with them, but I freely for- give them and do business for them; you must do the same. Bear one thing in mind, and aou.will never be vexed about coming here. You are invited here, not as the lover whom Miss Violet Ilaye in her inhocent pride forsook, but as the a,gont with- out whose services and restraining hand, air Owen, rich as be Is, will won be ruined." "There is comm0n-1i sense in that. view," eald Felix. "Then again, for your ow,n Felix aorget the past. The world is very unjust. A. woman forsaken ie always pitied; a man forsaken is often laugned at. Let people see how little it must have affected you since you ean visit her husband—not Ito whitterly , you must grieve after her since you are compelled to de- cline all invitations." And with those worde the car- riage stopped before the great en= tranee. Father and Son entered the superb hall with its ancient oak and armor, Ur; itito,ined-glass windows, an ancient crest emblazoned every- wliere. • They paesed throngli a broad beau- tiful cerridor where gto.tuare--copies or 1.11:• great masterpieces of the woe' eastood, where blooming flow- ers kayo, color o.nd fragrance-' thrteih magnificent rooms, until they reached the great drawing - loom where air Owen n.nd Lady Chevenix reeeiveit their guests. aev- eral were already assembled, but etanding alga t from all others Felix ewe Lally Chewed:v. It war; the flrg. time he awl met her in ber oven home, in the midst ict the attendee that was now hers, and his eyes were dazzled by her wotairettu brauty. Ifer dress or white silk with trnhing roses was trimmal veal: fringes of gold. She wore a tiara of diamonds set in gol41. Her eaquiel to beititty and her vequieito Orem dazed iiim for a. few momenta tut he made no sign ; and Darcy Lonseala wart prowl or his son, us he advanced with princely grace and carriage into the room arid belt' ed to the lovely womitu, who, ,desigto all ber efforts, grew deadly pale as elle saw iiim. Lord Arlington, who never neg- lected any opportunity of publiely Fhowing• his great affection and re- gard for Davey tonsdale, went up to him and began a long and Interest - lug conversation with him. Lady ataule called Felix to her side. And eo the Lonetliateie arrival wised off act the arrival of any other gueet thing struck htm. During the ban, quet he sat next to Captain Hill, who told Min that he had heard Lord Arlington my that the wisest ac- tion ot his life was the placing of Itis affaire in the hands of Darcy and Felix Lonalale, Sir Owent hought a great deal of that ; a good, clever, trustworthy land -agent was a per - eon he had long desired above air others, and, if the Lonsdales served Lord Arlington 60 faithfully, they would perhape serve him in the like. manner. He thought over it route thave before he mentioned the sub- ject to hie wife. 1 Ha anew that he was deficient in bueitiese capacety. In his sober and most sensible moments he owned that. atudy—learning of any kind —had always been Irksome to him. Ho never bail read anything but the daily newseapers and some of the sorting prints; he could not write a letter properly, and lie had just: Seuse sufficient to know his own ehortcomings. One mornina he received a num- ber of lettere that puzzled him -4 come dontnents that he could not understand were cant to him to sign. • "A man may sign his whole fortune away withova knowing it," said he. "I wish I had Rome clever mau to him to it all for me. Arlington has none of this trouble, I know." Lady Chevenix, in her graceati ficorning costume, sae olnarsite him. They bad just finished break- fast, arid tnat was as a rule, his most: amiable hour. Ile looked up ax his wife euddenly ; he had never con- sulted her on any business before, end would not have done so now but - some lingering liking left for her. What do ion say yourself, Felix ?" "My dear father, I will tgay noth- ing," .he smiled. "It in a matter of atter indifference to me. I do not SOO that there is the least connec- tion between Lady Chevenix and her husband's agenes. Accept or de- cline it, just as you NVii11." • "11 1 accept it I will undertake to do all the work,- said Dares Lon Wale. "Then I Wili 410 more for you, 80 that vett may not. feel it," said Felix. "There would be one thing," re- marked Mr. Lonsdrare "If we take the agency, we shalt be compelled to Ilea Garstvooti at times; and I do not know whethee etet would like that, Felix." "I ehall neither like nor dislike he replied. "IL is a matter of utter Indifference. to ma I do not "But ou inuct ; surely you have like Sir Owen, corifesia as to emne elea—you have know.' them a Ladv Cheeenix I say nothing. If long time. What do you think ?" we are compelled to vieit them, We "I slimed say /lie Longdales must suffer the penalty of tuixing be very pleased; they ought to be. in imeiety," You would p•ay them wall, of conree?" spoke e tone of imelt perfect "I NhottM be quite willing to give freedom and ;difference that Darter five hundre I a year ; lea then boull Linuelale said to hirnselle "He has teepee% alt my work ilmie foe that. forgotten her"; but Kate and Eve pay ahnixei. as melt as that now . Loth looked iteociaaely at him. He in one way or another. I think nuttropent, and Rau. wait go Eft0 tlt(111 about it, ouneght 1.* itad achieved the vie - that she knew the Longiales. "Violet," lie sal,l, "what a clever man that young Lens:lea Is : Ire I, making quite a good position tor hirmielf. ehoulil not be surprised to hear of his getting. into Parliament.' He did not noilee the thigh on her face 'or her agitation. She did not know what aumwer to make—elm dared not ray she was glad. Sir Owea did not want an answer. He went ore "I have been thinking of (taking. him to be my land -agent ; tbeY say he doers so well for Arlington. I really ean not gratple with all these Matters myself and he seems! to be the only man about here who has a head worth carrying on his shout - dem. 1 wonder if he would under- take the lost if I asked him, ?" "I ean Mot led you -1 do not know,- she replied. THE BLEATING OF THE Dad ses I am always on the go, but I don't feel that way nt bedtime. Pa rather sit up. Every day when I wash myself, maw ses Pm afraid. of water, and yet she makes an awful fuss when I go in swim- ming. Just about the time a feller tries to Le real good the fellers begin to call him a sissy, I ain't never been called a sissy. Girls has just as much cussednese as boys, but they don't phew it in the same way. From *Oat I kin gaiter repartee is wbat called "back talk" in a kid. Dad ses if I could raise the dust as easily as I could raise a dust he'd own bank.—Pittsburg Dispatch. New Yo:k Central Lands You In • Grand Central' Station, • Above station In New York le situated on corner.Pourth avenue and 42nd street, and the New York Central is the only trunk lino whose Unica enter it. .USEFUI: HINTS. -- X have oceaeionally been troubled evitlf bread moulding In the jar, says a writer in •Good Housekeeping, My new maid placed a large sheet of brown paper in the bread jar, creas- ing it well, so that the bottom. and sides of the ear were well lined. The paper 1 replaced two or three timtes a vveleidee,Y, a freiee one. It ab- sorbs the extra ;moisture and we have no more mouldy bread. X always keep in the house a small phial of antiseptic powder and a roll of ,antiseptic gauze, I find that sprinkling a burn or anger of any kind with, tbis powder and applying the gauze and then a piece of oiled silk, is much better than salve. It dies and:flesh: like magic. An excellent Work &prole leas fu'l ruffle across the bottom to stand out and protect the dress skirt and It has -a pocket, not a little patch pocket, but a. ;real one set in the seam, ree breadths ere gored just enough to get good pieces for mak- ing the pocket. Hew a Baby Was "'Voted" at UM - Mile Range. young mother left her baba with her obliging mother-in-law one night, in order to• attend the wedding of a relit- tive who lived in a town about it Mul- ched miles distant. The young wountu, apparently free from all family cares, spent en enjoyable evening; but just as the newly-aateled couple were pre- pninig to &pert on the midnight train, tut expression of acute .auxiety flasbed across the young mother's countenance. "Oh, George!" she exclaimed, clutch- ing her husbaud's erne "there NVOS (180 thing that I forgot to tell your Mother HEADACHE RELIEVED INSTANTLY Got a constant headache?' Ten chances to one the secret of your euffering is that "white luau's burden," catarrh. Here's a sentence front one man's evidence for Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder: "One appli- cation gave me instant relief, cleared the nasal passages and stopped the pain in zny heal." It's a quick, safe and sure treat - meta, and It never fans to cure. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure is for heart, stem/ten and nerves. 80 Facts About lIussia. 'Two and a half times as large as large as the United etatee and (Alaska. Thirty thousand mileg of coast line, half at it iceebound. Thirty-six thoueand miles of rail- road, Lula two-thirds of It owned by; the Government. Total exports $350,000,000. • Next to the United States as a grain -producing country', I • 1 1. Population iri 1903, 141,000,000. Itassians, 00 per cent.; Poles 7 per cent.; Finns, 5 per cent.; 'Turco Tartars, 0 per cent.; and Jews, 3 per cent. Average laborer gets one-quarter as much wages ate In the United atats. ' Only; 90 daily papers. • 'tarry wont cure a cough. When you find a cough holdittg one- When everything else has failed -a by Shiloh's Consumption Cure til -ung rt 43 guaranteed to titre. 11 it dOeszete We'll refund your money. 6 mint." bore bat leve knew him better, Prices: S.C.Viretts &CO. 304 "It wouie 110 LIP; wieest elate" Mae . 3.1, "YOttitil Ltrit.-rhits has not 54:aiomt '- al.:, great an%iety v;i4,` f:o; u(thtinar 11, with 14 11:17;Zio., 'd sec? 5",t4'71 MP 0164 t g -04 t INZO /.01. coi1 f Y]; 41;e firy.;14e,VALI, 17.0)D, 0.lid ° Ak, e teed. o e We re • tread ' aeo meta art blear a 1 +leaf Pet toalay a•,. them )1 prang' Lorec.. riak I wilt itmlit, him 111011 null dim* nit 11 n IL!, dined 011.011 1-Moitn'it braltilinr / hope he will consent. r thought of travelling nova year and should unjoy my tour noir!! better if loft Itiiii 111 etuill3;1101." -1 Imp.. ;von 'a ill citeeeed," ithe 11). 14111% Iii(1 110110 80 8110 WOO1d 141,V1, been glad or ntlythina that would 'have Reeved Felix into lier ea. elety. Flu. mote loni•ly in Watt of n. her tountlettr, avid there were time,/ when elo. weal dreadfully tired. et %%lit; ha hi tet r. with Mr amen, tello 111111 to watch him hiceRfatialy, 10 entry Me intuiere, to obey him read - had le!gs rota liberty that( to do for the baby, and he'll never go to sleep without Yoa must, go right out and send ber telegram!' eNousense," said aeorge; "this isn't 1 the first baby she's taken care of," "But, George, she'll never think of doing just the right thing, and the baby . Is so perfectly trainee that he won't accept any substaute. I know he crymg hard et this very minute," She was right. A hundred miles away a weary grandmother was at her wa's end because she could think. of nothing that would pacify a wailing introit who was most wretchedly sleepy yet utterly tumble to go to sleep. She was pacing wearily bade and forth in the nursery to the accompaniment of bey grandson's howls when the door -bell rang Mal her daughter-in-law's telegram arrived. Tear- ing it open, the tired, perplexed greed - mother read: 'Lay baby on his stemach in the eribe' Two minutes later the baby, adjusted to bis liking, was sound asleep.—Gordon Watson Rankin, in Leslie's Monthly for May. Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolen.) um. 1Vinslow'e SoothIng Kyrap should nor the surface off linens. alwaya be used tor Children g eething. It, UNLIKAT AP 0 REDVCES •EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Oar, ' GREAT AGE OF LIQUOR TREES. A history of one of the sequoias of California, as shown when it was cut for umber, is given by a United States Sem atm. It was but 15 feet in *diameter, 111110 nutuy of them are twice that size. In 245 A. D., when it was 010 years of age, a forest are burned on eta trunk a sear three feet in wieth. .After 1,106 years of placid life, in another fire in 1441 A, D., the tree, Aged 1,712, received another injery. Another scar followed in 1850, and Was not covered with new tissue for 56 years. The worst attack of all was in 1787, When the tree, then 2,008 yaws of age, was attacked by a tire, which left a scar 18 feet wide, .reduced by 1800, in 103 years, to 14 feet. Only ten isoleted groves of these tree roman, arid only one grove protected by gov- ernment ownership. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend, soothe the child, aortae; the fru me, cares wind, cola and le the hest remedy Inc Dlarrlamt. WANTED—DOINIMALD, WAGES, YY comfortable home, four maids kept, Mrs. Coillason, " Ilightielti School," lIamlh ton, Ont. — — Any Wady Can Make Easily el 2.00 to $20.00 weekly by representing us In her locality in her spare time. The posh tlon Is pleasant and _profitable the year rotind. WM gladly send partlenlars to anY lady who may need to make soMe Innen atm 11111 convince you that this is no Ocoee - Von. Mrs. Davidson, drawer 00, Brantford, , Out Mention this paper. :qui toeferelood that he 'amid Bela weulti have done. . eere eec. tie LeRoy, N.Y.,Toronto. Can. . to teti death. bet wont,' never "1 ant glad yen came," goal Lady •eleet. feta after a Iffag; allel aide efueule to Felix. "1 Imo afraid you . egated relemeetrei, it veaee s dnid W4,11141 refuee—and I should have JOLLY` OCTOGENARIANS. ;,...t parew TiGumials. ohouiti write beet: carry for that." ae so i' r0:1 LW g. . in gi, 1 lien 4111Iner WAN an o i c, t aefda teem aeeepted, the long awl niateiy procession "1 Lta OWL" Mid EV1`, "Pit' 1 1•010 moved forward to theollning-rootn, fleece, to -4114e, rely teat uniene mat- • Tolle, from wbere he eat, could not er-ea Emorote flee time will come eley (4.00, Laity elleVcnIX, bitt be wi NJ 11.,d1v C'IoN:41i',.: will belle' meld hear all that Wall intsaing• 110 There is more Catarrh in We section 01 1130 country than all other dieeases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable. Vora great many years dor- -tors pronounced it a local disease and pres- cribed local reineeies awl by constantly fall. ing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a couittltutIonal disease mut therefore re. quires a constitutional treatment. If all's ea- tarrh Cure, mampfacture4 h,v J. (honey Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 deems to a tertopoonful. Itacts directly on the blood -and mucous surfacee of the rrystem. They offer (ma Inindred dollars for ans 0000 11 lens to cure. Send for circu- lars and testimontale. 'Wren P. J. CHENEY $z CO., Toledo; 0. Soid by Druggtsts-75c, Hall's Family Pills conetipittion. A Stern Chase. "Do you suppose grafting will ever be. stopped?" "1 don't know," answered Senator Sor- ghum. "Somehow NVO don't get started to investigating a graft until it is a played out roposition. And in the meantime something else bas developed. We are always on the trail, but we cent catch up." • , Keep Mivard's Liniment in the House. SUCCESS AS AN ENTERTAINER. ' A visitor undertook to amuse the pee tients of a lunatie asylum by singing a comic song. lie was carrying every- thing before Min, shaking the place with. laughter, and fillinghthe eyes of his audi- ence with tears of joyous hilarity, when a voice from the back, breaking through the laughter, plunged the witole farce into tragedy. Said the voice! "You'd. better stay here l"—Kansas City Inde- pendent. • ."They Sell Well" me Druggist 0' Dell of Truro, N. 5.• Want any better evidence 0( 180 real merit of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets as aeure for all forms of stomach trouble than that they're. in such great demand? Not nauseous 0003 tbmt ' mattes one's very inside rebel—out pleasant, quick and harmlesa—a tiny tablet to carry In your pocket. 85 cents. -104 NEW STORIES ABOUT BISIVLARCE. There are many stories of Bismarck's valet, Pinnow, who has just died. When 'Pinnow filled his master's last pipe for hint the day before he aspired, the end of July, 808, he was astonished at whet he thought was a return to Imolai and life. "What!" said he, "the Prince wants to smoke again? Well, the devil can fill his pipe for him." A few years before, he trod on his waiter's foot and appear- ed most unlappy. Bismarck swallowed the pain he felt from his gouiy limb, and turned to his servant to soothe aim "My dear Pinnow,I should have suffered no other European to tread on my corns." rinnow served Bismarck for twenty years, rind was a 'veritable sphinx viten rig inquisitive journalist or politician tned to pump him. It would be inter- esting to know just how large a figure his great master appeared to this faith- ful servitor.—Leslie's Weekly. I know AVINARD'S cure ZORN Le French Village.; know, AVENARP'S cure droop. C Cape Island. . I knew elaNAB;D'S the best renteda on 03:50 Norway, LINIMENT Well rpu:riamn: LINIMENT will UNNINGITAiMI. LINIMENT Is earth. PO de SNOW, A BIT OF DOMESTIC Ecorroiviy. "There's mint of money waiting for the man—or the woman—who will in- vent a sock that won't wear out," said the 111011 with an erotomieal turn of mind. "1 can't Afford to buy a neW pair of socks every time my toes poke a hole through a sock, and I hate to have my wife spend triost of her time darning for me." "I am worse otf than you? declared the economical man's motioned friend, "for I've got no wife to darn for me. "But," lie went on, "I've found a way to make my socks last more titan what you might call their normal life. It's simple emu& Don't wear the same sock on the same foot more than one day at e, ' tinta Put toolay's left sock on the right foot to-motrow, so on. 1 t. t 1 fr n ono an in the charming Maga of Challis, France, 140 of its 623 inhabitants have attained the advame age of eighty, and alt are in tlie nnoyninnt ot xeoUent liealth. C1111011, is situated in a delight- ftd vialey, epr'M on ite itortheastern side, ana has a eat frontage of 350 yards It is interesting to note that Chailly is known throughout tbe country as the village wbieli emisinnee the largest amount of spirits in proportion to its size,and among Re octogenarians not . one evelited with heing of sober habits. Colored Tailors in Washington. (Sattoriai Art Journal.) One of the best Wore in 'Washington. I). C., is a adored nom, who is employed by one of the barest establieltments iti the national eapital, 'He is an expert in uniforms arid makes big money. There ftre also two firms -of colored mercbant ham in Witehingten who alive a large and growing trade, end heieeper Accord - Ingle, 1mi,4* (tEP Ir, lese.k tr.P d • ocvini drint.8 ilre;td_ her' perfect grace and leiter* :Jet lea; tar tiootialit tint LUL seller. Poor taely (leafage* elii• lied been accnstomeil to it ail tt frieteta 01001 111140 1110 :gaucherie Of - (31 0:0g0110.4!. ..he took her place at that • 1•111,oe..r: hr. /30,1f4gp,4 Wilon 1,0 enPerley eippeintee table as though t;.111. 1 -it aa.ty wat;t, "IP" 1%410 14113inqagg 110 r.r 1.01,0 vai,1 Thirow .14(biatilalabisPr. 11 ,)ie 118.41 been the daugh- to ho with phi. sjtorp, T beer, mere Avoll-brol, more 'retitled and doip‘ may. ..17 1 hue anything ter ea' duelims, she eoula not have mitat do in v beile tWilyg TOT (' Ile, watched her keenly, - so the 1.111 1."10V W1LPS 8.4 tied, aim g'ty-liatomre al:10.J1 rsalre : ;AP .0werT, -Whn h ea read the 11010 In .wlacit Me. /Antal:do gave his eon- of 11111111148' , vent, wen grateful. Jr.i took it ello Contintien,l conee 10 3118 wife.. entry have tenaginted, Violet," be Artifivial (Wee 'were lieet .11801 by the N.1.141. ;NOW. from this day Egyptians loug before the thrietivi era. henceforth.1 ktell lead a have teen found with Attila lappy oll that reita- oldie; 'flay Ntreft fit4110110a 'of gold, ing and Writhightnii 11. orry WWI tau silver, topper or ivory. MUSICAL SCALE AND COLOR SCALE The analogy between the musical Bade:and the color scale has been luny times noted. Helmholtz draws the following anal- ogy: • sharp a .. a a ..End of the red Ge... „ .• . • • • • • 4 • •. Red G sharp.. . .1ted A sharp .. ., —Orange -red B. Orange C . a . a .. 6. ..Yollow (3 sharp ..., ....Green .... „Greenish -blue D sharp Cyanogen -blue ...... Ineigo-blite ....... . . Violet F .... ... Violet G.... .. t. ...... Ultra -violet • sliarp ....Ultra -violet A ........ Ultra -violet A sharp., Ultra -violet B.. .... . End of the solar spectrum "I've been itetonishea at the amount 'of extra wear X'VO got out of ley gala 1 lay this catty method, It bee saved me 1 The Independent Cash Mutual Vire 111'. 0111111100 Company, Toronto, Canada, A.pplleatiotur will De received for Ontario Agencies at leadIng towns n.nd vilingee. Ad. dress head office, lit ging street west. Chao. O. VanNormen, President and Managing Director Wm. Gran Superintendent. BUSINESS GUIDE tells all about notes, receipts mortgages, leasee, derAla, wills, property 'exeliapt Irma seizure, landlord and tenant, ditches and watercourees, etc„ one agent sold 4'T copies in three days; another sold 138 in a tveelc ; French editioa now ready; outfit 250 ; order outfit to -day; if not satisfactory money rotunded. The .1. L, Nichola Co., Limited, Toronto. Mention this patter, Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians. lust What the Trouble Was. "What's the matter, little boy?" asked old Mr, Goodart. "Whitt are you cry- ing for?" "Boo, hoo" sobbed the boy. "Boo. Imo" "Come, come Don't Mind! -Don't mind." "Boo, hoot I didn't, an' that's wbat I t'as licked fur," . • Lever's et -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectaut Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 INTOXICATED WASPS. 'Wasps have a great fondness for over- ripe fruit, especially pears, plums, and sweet apples. The sugar of these fruits has a tendency to pass into a kind. of , alcohol, in the ordinary process of rot- ting, and after imbibing large quanti- ties of this liquid the waspabecome out- rageously intoxicated. They crawl away in the grass in a serni-somnolent con- dition and remain tilt the effects have passed off, wben they will go at it again. It is while in this condition that they do their worst stinging. A person receiving a sting from one of these in- toxicated wasps will suffer severely from nerve poisoning for days. • . many a dealing bill at the Tannery, mut if you will try it, your evi.fe will Mee less darning to ;lo," 1 Ask 10r Minard's and take no Other* .i Ye•••••••••••• The Tired Root. (Catholic 'Maniere Ana Timeiej Gitsawiteneaty )'azor's- in pretty Imor rendition. I believe it's hred. Yon know they say tams get that way. Sharply (warily)—MI yes, tired of . your ebb'. . . 4 - LONC HIP) A POPULAR CQRSET FOR 1904 sTyrail 253 NO BRASS EYELETS ,ars MANUFACTURED ONLY EY • BRUSH CO, TORONTO - ONT. _ Enghsh Story of American Women. King Edward recently left some cherry stones on his plate at a public amain. The moment lie left, the table a crowd of American ladies scrambled for them, with the object, it is sale, of banding them down to their descend- ants as family heirlooms.—LondonDaily. Mail. •. When Baby find Scald Head — When Mother had Salt Rheum— When Father had Pi It:tn.—Dr. Ag- new's (Attu:tent gave the qulelteet rellet and %tweet cure. These are gems of truth picked from testImony whielt Is given every day to this greaten, of healus. It has never been matched in curativit quallties in Eczema, Tetter, Piles, etc. 05 cents. -103 Present Popularity of the Walking Stick. For the past few years walking sticks have been more generaly used by the gentlemen of the frock coat. They will, however, be seen on all occasions during the spring and summer season. The well groomed man carries his walking stick to business for service all through the day, and, the man who spends but a feee hours about the business district of town like- wise leans on his Stick. Some are of white walnuastained with acid. to thes taste of the owner. Eng- • lish furze is very popular, as are like- wise the Madagascar and cherry. Part- ridge wood and the pimiento, are sought, and oak is always in demand. It would be quite impossible to say what. style of handle is most favored. Eacb is good if not clumsy in treatment. Thorough- breds carry the cane um service rather than to whirl in the hand. . 1 I. 14 1 1 !I 1113 i • le 1 1 11 41 . 111a 11, II 31111 14 •• _ Use ONLY the SOFT, SILKY, TOUGH suraiLam-r• migtommFea MANUFACTURED BY Insist on being supplied with one of the following brands In Rolls—"ttandarcl," "Hotel," "York," "Mammoth," &a. In Sheets—" Itnperlae ," "Royal," "Regal," "Orient," &c. OUR BRIDAL SUPERSTITIONS. efarried in white, You have chosen all right. Married in gray. You will go far away. Married in black, You -will wish yourself back. 'Alerteed in red, • You'd better be dead. Married in green, . Ashamed to be seen, Married in blue, Yotelt pewees be true, Married in pearl, You'll live 111 ft whirl, Married in yellow, Ashamed of the fellow. Married in brown, You'll live out of town, hiavried in pink, Your will .sina. - THE LABOet OF THE DAY. Oh! if you would know the usual way The honuay maker spends the day, 'Tie more or less like, ieraps rather more, The way the waters came down to Lo- dore, He mulles and rustles, And struggles and mashes, He hurrice and seurriee, And enutsbes and amities, And wedges ahd dasbes, lie fights and he hustles, ' Ile tuna ate be bustles, He'll do it, or die, • Or at all events try liy foul means or fair, But he will get there! And be does—arta litter homeward wilt With the cbeerful remnrk, "I've enjoyol mv801 so!" 00.00 GIVEN AWAY 0 VOR CORKECT .ilastsWERS TO Tins SEXY:, PUZZLE, We aro spending thousands of debars td advertise our beelines. Eact,o es x omall picture.3 repreiefltS a well.known Carden Vegetable. Can you think out the manes Of three of them? If so, the money is surely worth trying for Three correttanwerswin- I: you cannot make itoutyourseit, get some friend to help you. EACH OP THESIX— ..---..., P1CTURESREPRE. N. SEMI'S A GARDEN VEGETABLE. CAN '''"''...rttik YOU NAMETOREE ' 0 04' tt/is' p OP THEM? :i. it does not aoot you ono tient tO try And solve this puzzle, end te on am &elect you may win A loge amount tlf Cash. We do not ask rely money front you, and seordest like this is very -interesting. It does not matter where you live; we do not care ono bit who gets the money ; it you eartmeks out the flumes of Ora of these GardenTrgetabics, mai your answer to us, with your name Ant a re p s al y ruid if your Answer is correct we win notify you. We ar4 oivb1O sway $200,00 for correct answers, al at a few minutes of your time. Send in VOW faleigl at once, with your WI *vont and Address, to ITISIS sdi A.R.VIES, litiOastO CO.. DEPT 1407 VOltoNTOd OStre ftiNN-- Wonlen Discarding Iteavy Soled Shoos. (The Shoe retailer.) Women who have aped the sterner sex in the matter of footwear are discarding the lleaVy 0010t1 simes which were mote I or less populat for it thne. '.rhe niatirel euccessor to the "mannish" shoe is the distinctively feminine pattern in it fine turn or 11 fine Welted shoe. The singie sole Oxfovd mode on a "mainuish" last is about the only reminder of a clumsy 'looking heavy shoe—never eeriottiely M- in(1ed for women. The Curse of War. (Woodstoek Expresa) Von :.Nioltke is quoted us raying that "war is holy and of divine institution; it is one of the sward laws of nature; it keeps alive in men all the great ana noble sentituenthonor, ilisinterested• nese. 'Orfila; ill 0110 word, it keeps 118 frOm falling into the most hideous ma• terialism," and it is to he feared that a good deal of what passe,: for (leis. tianity 011 these days 14 ,otorate41 with this same babarism, 11 the fetes that fait !toe the tett of thiteastands the lace:lea etritinationce ssgs—the *endue the World over. Order through 011r Meal agent or dlreet from us, tilt PAO* WUE FitN01 00, inlirt0, Wallterraid,Ont. SissItesitikst. St..1•1110i.n. es , 201 Ittillpea, 1010 •