HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-28, Page 5Thursday, April 28, x 904 Mk to see our Razzle-dazzle Iiwts in Black and Brown Winghain's Greatest Clothiers The Crowder Co. may=to� �e SYSTEM ' ear Are you needlessly, heedlessly pay- ing twice as much as you might for your' Clothes ? Slip on a garrpent made by our Ready-to-wear System and tell us candidly if your tailor can give you more, yet the garments cost you just about - half what a reputable tailor would charge. The fabrics are as carefully chosen and prepared ; the patterns as stylish and exclusive. The garments are cut singly—not a score at a time, as a grocer - would cut cheese. The designer commands a princely salary because he leads in artistic design. ing. These superb garments can be had only from The Crowder Co. Suits, Top Coate, Rain Coats—the price range on each is from $5 to $15. The special sale of Men's Clothes at $10.00 and $12.50 is well worth your immediate attention. All new garments of latest fashion worth $14.00 and $16.00 a suit—your unlimited choice $10.00 and $12,50 Specials in the Boys' Department. Our Spring Stock of Clothes for boys is larger, more varied. better than ever before. Whether for the little tot of three or the young man of twenty, here you'll find the things best suited to their needs, always at an actual saving over prices usually asked. Note these two specials:— Bois' BEST SUITS.—Long trousers, sizes 13 to 20. smart styles, designed espe- cially for young men, broad athletic shoulders, narrow trousers or regular style, new attractive patterns and plain colors, $12 values $10. LION BRAND' SULTS.—They are all wool Suits, sizes 22 to 30 chest, trousers double seats and knees, sack coat. high cut vest, price $4.50. Knee Pant Suits $1.75 to $7.00. Young Men's Snits $7.00 to $15.00. • BATS ! HATS 1—We have the latest in Men's, Youths' or Boys' Hats and Caps -50c to $5.00. New Shirts, Collars, Oafs, Sox, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc. Ask to see the new champagne colorings in the new four.in-hand Tie, price —50c. We have them exclusive for Wingbain. The R. H. Crowder Co. • S��a5 • V • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • "FROST" Ornamental Gates Light in weight Artistic in design Reasonable in price Also a large line of Standard Parm Gates always on hand. • Every progressive and up-to-date farmer insists on having PROST GATES. Catalog and prices ou request. FOR SALE BY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch. e . • w.n�vvv�.n..v..�w..iiv..vw..n�w�..ww�•+••+�• ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGIL M ADVANCE. W. A. CURRIE Wingham's Auctioneer. Sales attended in any part of Huron county. Orders left at the ADVANCE Of'tice will re- ceive prompt attention. Money For Farmers. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on good farm property. Abner Cosens. Subscribe For The Advance � $4 Per Year —The assessor gives the population of Mt. Forest as 2140; total assessment $723,720, —Wm, Oehring of Chepstow, sold his farm just east of that village, to Mr. J. Siegel for the sum of $4,900 and bought the Fischer farm owned by Mr. Miohael MoNab for the sum of $6,000. —The saw mill at Eden Grove has changed hands, the new proprietor be- ing Jas. Ward, jr, The price paid was $2,000. The mill includes a chopping outfit and a plant for making apple butter. —Mr. Henry W. Allen of Harlook, was stricken with paralysis while doing the chores at his barn about seven o'clock on Monday evening., He died the following morning at three o'clock. —John Johuston of East Simoom has announced himself through the press as an iudepeudent candidate for parlia- ment, by Divine authority. He says he is "inspired by the Lord, and it will be a grievious sin for any man to oppose him, as he is one of the elect." —No fewer than twenty-one of the lite assurance companies of the United States have eaoh more than a hundred millions of dollars insurance in force. The New York Life heads the list with more than seventeen hundred millions, and the Provident Savings Life, with $105,000,000, is the latest to join the aforesaid list of twenty-one. 119e 3Cave the XakeTka‘s. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies* D'avorlte, Ie the only sate, relfabld regulator on which woman can- depend. "in the llqun and time of need. rtepared In two degrees of etteugth. No. 1 and No. '2. No. 1.—For ordlnary'ea,se.9 le by far the best- dollar medicine known, Rijo. 2- Por special cases -10 degrees Stronger—three dollars per box. Ladies—ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as 1111 pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of price and four 2 -cent postage ltarn&1!. Woe Ggolc Windsor' Ont. No.1 and No. 2 aro old in Winghate 1 y A. L, Hamilton R. A. Douglass. C. A. Campbell and W. MoKibbon, druggists. D PROMPTLY iaT LY 5 EC URE Write for our interesting bookn"Invent. qr'e Help" and " How you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention or itnprotemeuf And wewin ten you trop aur opinion at to whether it Is probably patentable. Rejected application' have often been succeeefuhty prosecuted by tie. We do dntreat an Washington; uct fully equipped offices in Mothisqualines unto prompt- •ly diseeteh work and quickly.secure Patents at broad as the invention. Righest references' -furnished. Fatenta procured iltrottglt station & rfon We've special notice without charga itt over too newspapers dletributed throughout, the Dominion. is sit 1—rateut boldness of MatiutaC• tent's Ina Iseselnikra. 3 MARION St itrMARION iaattnt Experts and Solicitors. Oilleu f New York Life B'Id' , Montreal Aneurine ild Wash a Lots of them — do your own choosing. We know the , styles. We know exactly how they should be cut—how they should fit—and its our business to put all these " knows " together, and fit you out in the beat that your money can buy — no matter what price you pay. • It would please us to have you drop in. Robt. Maxwell THE W'INGBAM ADVANCE. Lucknow. Rev. J. Philp of Itincardine preach* ed Epworth League anutvereary ser - mous last Sunday and lectured on Mon- day evening. Mr. Jolla Brown, for many years in the employ of Mr. Wm. Algin of this village has entered into partnership with Mr. Taylor, of Toronto Juno. tion, Miss Lottie Oantelon, of Sharon, 7th con. of Goderioh township, was married to Mr. Beattie Webster of Luoknow, on Wednesday evening; Rev, 3, Hussar, B, D., performed the ceremony. The members of Luokuow Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows will celebrate the eighty-fifth anniver- sary of the Order in America by attend- ing divine eervice in the Methodist Church, on Sunday May 1st. Eleanor Jane Savage, relict o the late Jas. Glenn, died at her residence, lot 12, con. 3, Ashfield, ou Wednesday 13th inst., aged 66 years, The deceased. had been in poor health for about three years, but the sudden termination . was rather nnexpected. The announcement has been made that there would be the usual celebra- tion in Lucknow on May 24th. The musical society has taken the matter up and a special meeting was held on Fri- day evening last, committees were formed and from the support given by the citizens to the subscription commit- tee, we are warranted in looking for a much more than ordinary jubilation this year. —A unique tableoloth will be exhibit- ed at the World's Fair by Miss Ella Bar- rett of Solomon, Kansas. The cloth is two yards square and cost $500. In two corners are displayed ears of corn and in the remaining two are sheaves of wheat. In the center is the seal of Kansas. All are done in the finest needlework. Medicine Hat, N. W. T., April 22.- 11. 0. Cooper's large livery and dray stables were totally destroyed by fire this morning, Not one of 60 animals was saved. The firemen worked heroi- cally and by their good work prevented the fire spreading into the adjoin- ing stable. The fire is the worst Medi- cine Hat has yet experienced, the loss being about $12,000, with no insur- ance. Toronto, April 23. —Au explosion of an acetylene gas machiue in the hand- some brick residence of J. J. Gartshore, on Eglinton avenue, North Toronto, to- day, resulted in the entire destruction of the place from fire. Francis Morgan, au employee, who vas attending the apparatus pin the basement when the explosion occurred, was severely burned about the hands, arms, fade and *body. The loss will be about $12,000. —The report of the Minister of Jus- tice respecting the inmates of our Peni- tentiaries makes interesting reading; it givea the following figures, Roman Catholic, 635. Church of England 269, Methodist '127, Presbyterian 99, Baptist 76, Lutheran 14, other religions 30. The social habits of the prisoners were as follows, Abstainers 126, Temperate 646, Intemperate 442. Out of 1250 pri- soners 217 can neither read nor write. There are only 48 Irishmen and 31 Scotch, and the rest give their nationali- ty as English, Canadian and a sprink- ling of others. Some .of the prisoners have been oommitted 25 times. High Art Tailor - lilingham WANTED SPECXAr.'. REPIRESENTATIVIi in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old estab- lished business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses advanced each Monday by cheek direct from headquarters. Ad- dreas, Blew Bros. & Co., Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. • • For A Stiff Neck Or any soreness in the muscles of the flack or sides you can't get anything half so good as Nerviline, the most pow- erful liniment made. "My neck was so stiff I couldn't turn it a quarter of au inoh, writes Fred T. Baldwin of Ports- mouth, "I had it rubbed with Nervi - line a few'timesand all the soreness and stiffness disappeared. I don't know an- other liniment you can depend on like Nerviline; it is splendid for colds, lame- ness, and oan't be beaten for cramps and internal pain." Try Nerviline yourself. Price 25o. Clinton. Mr. H. B. Chant sustained a rupture of a blood vessel in the leg last week and will be off work for ten days longer. Mr. Alf. Moore has been suffering from gangrene in one of hip feet. A toe was recently amputated, but the disease has not yet been fully checked and he is in a critical condition. The many friends of Mrs. A. Good- win will learn with regret of her illness and that it was deemed necessary that she undergo an operation, which was performed on Monday, when a tumor was removed from her breast. Mrs. Goodwin stood the operation well and is now making satisfactory progress to- wards complete recovery. The anniversary services in connec- tion .with the Ontario street S. S. last Sunday and Monday were in every way successful. The attendance at all the services was large, especially Sunday evening, when the ohuroh was filled. Mr. W. H. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post, made an ideal supply for such an occasion, his addresses being instructive, pointed and pradtical with enough of the spice of life to make them a special pleasure to the children. —Owing to a defect in the stovepipes the family of Mr. McDougal of Hensall. came near being suffocated with coal gas on Wednesday night. Miss Papple and the children of her deceased sister were sleeping upstairs and daring the night she was awakened by a choking sensation. Upon arising she had just strength enough to get down stairs with one of the children. Mr. McDougal ran upstairs and brought the others down throwing open all the windows. They were all so weak and sick that they had to have medical,attention and were con- fined to bed all the next day from the effects. Had they remained in the gas a short time longer all would have suffocated. —[Hensall Observer. —A singular operation was performed a few weeks ago, on a young son of Jno. Gray, Varney. The boy became very 111, and tho doctor was unable to diagnose the case to his satisfaction. In some ways it seemed like appendicitis, but evidence was lacking. Other physicians were called in and a consultation held, when it was decided as a last resort to examine the intestines, The operation followed accordingly, and it seemed that beyond a slight inflammation of the intestines they seemed normal. There DZZ ri was nothing wrong with the appendix to pause any serious ailment, and the Appetite poor?a Bowels doctor seemed more bellied than ever. constipated? Tongue coated? Before closing up the wound, however, Head ache? It's your liver! the intestines were again examined, Ayer's Pills are liver ills all when the discovery of a lump caused a y P suspicion that the seat of trouble was vegetable. •Ixtl cadre. L'owol , . now located. There seemed to be some living thing inside. An incision was Want your moustache or beard made, and with his forceps the doctor a beautiful brown or rich black? Use drew out a large sized worm, eleven Eand one-half inches long. This had been curled up in the intestine so as to WTI ore a P. nnu a ce., n,enns W. U. - form a lump sufficiently largo enough to ' stop all passage. The boy is now well. BUCKINGHAM'S DY 50 YEARS' EXPERIENC ATENTS. TRDESIGNS K$ CorvatoHTS Anyone sending a eketrh and eeseription may tthtokly Mrertatn our opinion free whether au inventions probably patentable. Cammuniea. tient *Wetlycconfidential. Handbook on Patents tient 11613, oldest ageencyhoMunarht'Co resale Patents taken through *Notnotke, without charge, lathe SCIentIIIC 3ItnerlCan. A bandeomely meowed weekly. ?.arMeet rir- cnlerton of any nelentine iiournat. Terme, t3 x par I fnnur months, $l. 9oid bl all newsNewdYenters. rK "" N cTl CS S If M W hiisnos, T. o. If your blood Is thin and im- pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilia the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for _ 60 years. Adoctor's medicine. owe my life, without doubt, to Ayer's eareaparllia. It is the most wonderful meds. cine in the world for nervousness, My mei* permanent, and I cannot thank you onou h."- dia9, v%Lt. NOWELL, Newark, N. J. - SLOP a bottle. J. 0. Arlin CO., All druggists. for Lowell, Mass.. 1 Poor Health .axative Idoses of Ayer's Pills each light greatly ald the Sarsaparilla. —The license commissioners for West Huron met at the residence of Jas. Stevens, Clinton, on Monday. April 18th, and granted the following li- censes: Hotels—D. T. Sare, Ellis Bros., F, Davis, B, J. Saults, W. Babb, Mrs. A. King, M Farr, Goderioh; G. B. Roe, L. Hanson, Alex. Orr, Orr Bros., Jas. Broadway, Wingham; J. Batten - bury, J. J. McCaughey, A. W. Brandon - burger, Clinton; Jonathan Emigh, Mrs. F. Mason, Blyth; Thos. Hill, Londes- boro; Mrs. I. Mallough, W. J. Moun- tain, Dungannon; Alex. Young, Neil McDonald, Kintail; Nelson Pearson, Port Albert; W. Glazier, Dunlop -24. Shop licenses—W. W. Saults, Goderich; Thos. Bell, Clinton. The following ap- plications were laid over for considera- tion at an adjourned meeting to bo held on Monday, April 25th, at 4 o'clock at Jas. Stevens' residence; S. Pike, J. Perkins, S. S. Cooper, Clinton; Hy. Mo - Brien, Auburn; N. Boggs, Carlow; J. McDonald, Whitechurch; R. Bruce, Londesboro. Last year there were twenty-nine tavern licenses and two shop licenses. i Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., April 23.— President Shields this morning announc- ed that work would begin on the power house on the United States side within a couple of weeks. He also announced that it was the intention of the company to organize 'a department, the duty of which would be to bring industries to the Michigan Soo to use the power de- veloped by the canal and power house. He added that the rail mill already had orders on hand and would be ready to start as soon as navigation opened, and they could get ore. --[Durham Chrorliole. Drugging Won't Cu Catarrh, air t. All the medicine in the world taken hi the stomach won't cure Catarrh, and it's useless to squander money ou tablets, bettors and liquid remedies. Catarrh is a disease of the nasal passages, throat and bronchial tubes. Stomach medi- cines can't reach those parts, It's only fragrant healing Oatarrhozono which is breathed all through the air passages that is suio to reach the spat of Catarrh. No failure ever known if Oatarrlierono was used. It heals and doesn't irritate it soothes. kills the gcrme and therefore carte. Use only Catarrhotono the ono certain care, Two menthe treatment $1.00; trial eke 25o. —Tho Walkerton Telescope vouches for the following :—There is au old ad- age which says that truth is stranger than fiction. And sometimes it is just as difficult to believe. Not many people for instance, could be induced to believe without some kind of corroborative evi- donce that a calf could live for four months in a straw stack without ever once getting a drop of water. And yet that self same thing has been done by a calf owned by Mrs. Whiteman, of the township of Carrick. Here are the bald facts: Mrs. Whiteman, who lives near Steinmiller's grist mill, at Otter Creek, missed this calf, from the barnyard, one day about the middle of December. On Saturday afternoon last, however, Mrs. Whiteman's son was out playing with the dog in'ths straw stack. All at once the dog began to bark at something which appeared to be in the stack, and as it subsequently turned out this thing was the long lost calf. The calf was soon brought to light, but it was so weak that it could not stand up, indeed could not hold its head up. It had occupied its prison in the centre of that stack for four months lacking five days, and while it had plenty to eat, it had not had anything to drink. The poor thing was down to a case of skin and bone. While up to the present it is still unable to stand on its feet, the chances are it will live. The nearest approach to a parallel case of this kind in this vicinity is furnished by three lambs which Mr. Ben. Cannon of Brant once owned. They got under a barn where there was neither food nor water and here they lived for nearly three mouths. Leaving Town Friday Afternoon. ts:rfa Madame Livinski Palmistry • Psychic AT NATIONAL HOTEL — ROOM 2 Madame Livinski gives marvelous revela- tions of the future as well as facts told of rho past. Crowds consult her The public cannot fail to appreciate and visit for consultation Madame Idvinsld, the noted Scientific Palmist, tho knowledge of which has made her the wonder of the ago in her chosen wor hbo is simply marvellous. She tolls of events in your past lite long ago forgotten. She sets the wor- ried mind at ease, tells of losses sot to conic, hose to avert disaster, and locates beyond the shadow of a doubt the scat, of any physical ail throughout Amer ca is have pub ished so a y useless repetition to publi h thorn would ro ld be a NATIgNAt. ItITl,t,-..ROOM 2. FEES '38e ANO 60c a f ti Slim Prices, Stout Values T e Leading Stare I Small Profits Quick Returns ,. Carpatings For Spring. Our Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Mattings aid Rugs are here, and you are cordially invited to in- spect them. The new season's goods are handsomer than ever—many are our own private patterns and are exclusive. And while accepting our invitation to this beautiful Carpet display, don't forget that you can save as much money buying your Floor Coverings here as in the city. It wilt pay, to come to us for all kinds of New Spring Goods, even if you're miles away. BRUSSELS. The very Latest Patterns in choice colorings and shadings, good heavy closeweave. The prices are 90c & $I.00 TAPESTRY. 15 Patterns to choose from. Elegant variety of patterns. giving soft rich effect. The best makers' goods. All prices —25c, 35o, 45c, 50c, 60o, 75o. INGRAINS.—The Ingrains of to -day take rank with the finest grades of Carpet in color combinations and effect. Our stock embraces the best makes. Price begins at 25c per yard. STAIR CARPET.—We are showing a large range of patterns in Stair Carpet, all widths. Price begins at 12/c per yard. JAPAN MATTINGS.-10 pes, Matting to choose from, all new patterns and choice colorings. Price begins at 12ic. LADE CURTAINS.—We're showing a larger and better stock of Curtains and Curtain materials than ever. Price begins at 25c per pair. OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. — In all the latest designs ; Width from 18 inches to 12 feet. H. E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce THE ROYAL GROCERY BROOMS. We have something very special to offer in Brooms. Well made, well sewn, with four strings, and weigh 30 lbs. to the doz.--try one ..25c each HOUSECLEANING. This is the season of the year when the thrifty house keeper does her housecleaning, and we would remind you that we are Headquarters for Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Scrub Brushes, Starches, and the won- derful cleaning soap, Nova... 5c and 10c per cake TEAS. We have been appointed agent for the sale of Lipton's Teas. These teas have the largest sale of any tea in the world. Sold in tin cans—from. . .25c to 60c per lb. at Griff!n's mmfwympmvywommwmmplA Homuth Bros. TAILORS and GENTS' FURNISHERS The Weather doesn't say so, but the Calendar does. Its Spring tinge ----renewing time. Now is the right time to buy, and this is the right place to buy at----- . • - •. - .. We needn't go into any long argument as to why this is the right place to buy at either. Most folks know us, as our customers, or have heard of us through these self- same enstonl•ers. Wo only claim what we believe is the fact, and that is, that we've got the biggest and hest 1 stocks of Tweeds, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collate, Gloves, county, We've the newest of every- thing, Hosiery, ate. in the c3' y _ no matter tiling, aud�wo ve valises that court comparisons, where you've a mind te, brake them. Be sure you see, our goods before buying elsewhere. A pleasure to show goods Subscribe for "TI2e A d va, ce" thQ Paper that has all the reliable: news.timaiiiiiii 11i 1111 11 11'i-