HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-28, Page 3__________U: 4'
turevil /0 tee Then a eladacil
MeMel I fled from lei.dy Feather -
.. se etoile`e (yea tilai saw before ber nO
I HAD MET BEFORE .. lent lever of her yeah, tii0 Man
faire ittleideOniegal
, -
Am. lOnger au ill dreseed, midele aged
olt luau, Bunk, au it seemed, In lamely
a and lue, but th
X whe had level _her so long and faille.
4 Whom once site had loved -ah,
,e4+144444+1.4.444.4.4444414.444,444..14+14.414+14+ wheat in 'tor heart she had :never
ceased to love-esvliona elle hived still
Ididesreatilersdone 011,10Yed..not un- at the. card in her hane-saidaul Gres. Yee,. llei tratb eine) oe bsr th'that
neetle the ropatation of being one solder," lestant with ilia thrill of all Piec-
e( the most 00100tic litenesetiee In I:Incense'sloele her rellees quieken. = trio leved lilm sal 1. •Walt
Lei 10011, aild bed 'for sOnlo 'yearS OC- ed, the color resnened to her cheeks, a. quick4 silly gesture, elle turned to
„.7:7 cuplea thee Possition in sodie(r." to hoe ea,tl came o.Uy fast. WHat theellabby figure and 1 11 toils
whiele tier eartle her wealth, len: fit- eel mean ? alase sated it mean ? bee Jamie,
eossOishiaants, and hot, "Out Tiol. Vaal liressonier The rie ii wile had "De not 1avo ine," sil,t knit slatliY1
titled lier. Isadr. Featilero‘alle'4 j;er; cell; year 4go r(i'• (11'SS01114.1` 1:111110, LOO, Alta
least, her undoubted beauty, en-- toyeAL d ,r sat t lel se "I tole You 1"
liouse -let her Itttle Racial (seesaw- 1.1 e 20 11411 w 11:)8e 11411/1"11 " light leaped into his eyes). He be -
Mee, her eoniees, lier oceasienal dine ttl 11" r1 hee had (tressed mato iteloctouly ereeio leeued tea
tiougate-witoise face bad risen so
ner partiee-one might be sure of yearsi yoinger, ill a),;;/..ed bee exsesel-
e raegely N.'lvid out of the mists of „ , 1,„
meeting only those people upon rule stud carried them again ena
lotote um, cachou ot coluestleeeti long deperted years whose voice had ‘07gleTe, to las ap,e
breedinhas been . rung but new: uleoll 1101' falleY wit!!- HAIL ataeame," It i mureaurtd, it
g sot,
A woman lierseg of uneeaug. toete, half-forgotten Names of her girlhoou to initen, hly loe-me own true -
ct„ tho most doilcate ethical die_ dee e-Gresseander I It must be some love a 1
orameateout Roe , oe ti fakludousi mistake, seine Singalar illusion, or * * * !, *. *
fancy,, elle wee never able to Wier- • It:km.
io:5mo curious 0011201d01100 - no " mar
et I 'ry you," eald Lady Feath.
- ate in others the least deflection lerstone, a few minutes Liter, "I leen
Irom Der own high Standard of cri- Thn NerVant coughed ripologett- ail my money -you enow that,
' tleisuf end mature. 'She Ives clever ealiS.
.enough to admire 'clever peeplee yet "1 told the gentleman, your lady- 'Money !"--lie stretclied out ale
not stupid. enough to pass for being ellip,". he went on„ "that your lady- hands, eeepreeatinalee
,y "•Witat of it ?
clever herself, eliessees a widow witli shit: wee hot receiving , and could It Is not your money-eo, it is yew,-
tw,o &ming dangliter,s. 0, largo 10.. not eee aisitors at this. beer, bra reit that X want, thee I hate wanted,
' canna and, as It seemed, a consider- lie :wouldn't take no 'reamer 'Take ah, so !mg iil Thon Ise looked at her
able capacity ter eaeoying it andpeo- up my icard,' said he, ' to Lady w,th a, eudeen thnelety. "But you?"
role ,said--tbase -people wbo alwaye Featheretesse, and, say I wish to see he added, ''it is 0, great sucrifice 1
"ay?" thInge-tbeth
t e feet or this. her .partictitar.' Does your lade -ship I am so poor. You do not love me
large income ceasing on her re -mer- desire nos to say 'that you aro In- well enough to give no your money?'
riage explained the other fact of dist:0SW 1" he inquired, greVely. Lades Featlieretene sighed, It was a
Lady' Featherstone remainiug a wi- "No," saki Lady Featherstone, great eacrifice, certainly', But she
slow. To'gisto up several thoneand a SPeaking with eudden effort. "Show loeed him. After all, so long as they
, an aesured in society, the gentleman up." had enough to live upon - Sim turn -
and bet' liberty would be inueli to There was little time in which. to ed bet' isoft eyes upon Greesonier's
.. C expect Of a evoman in return for the adjust her mental attitude to an rata
.,„ questionabke. advantage a a ewe- adequate conception of the enso-
lend bueband. ale people said. They tlonal possibilities that this quite
knew that LadyFea,therstOne had unexpected ineklent seemed likely to
leado a 'brilliant marriage at an create. It had happened with. 'so
early age; that term was enviable be- .complete a decidenness 'that the ef-
catiee she Was •ricii, and happy be- feet of it upon Lady Featherstone's
cause she waS enviable.' But, oddly; mind was considera,bly lessened by
enough, Ludy Featherstone was not the . difficulty of reducing tbe ut-
alwaye happy, and on a particular eerly improbable to the practically
afternoofl in ja.nuary! 'she sat alone existent, the abstract of the actual,
in her drawing room sveth a look of iir the brief mean of two minutes.
- s eingular sadness %/dr her beautiful There was, in short, a strong sense
tacos her chin rested on her hand, of unreality still upon her, mien
her gray eyale *were bent wistfully the door again peened and the vie- : that in two hours she would 'lave 11.o
on the fire, and now and again nhe itor was ushered into her ore- i recetve her gueste.
. .
eighed softly. to herself, as though ;sena "I -I nen giving' a dinner party'
a °Mood of memories were on her. A. gentlem'an, tall, with grizzled . to -night," She began, and then stop -
ate sat alone, perhaps this con- moustache, e strong, aquiline fest- Ped in acme confusion, glancing at
sciousness-this conecioneness that ture,s, keen earnest eyes and gray II. eressonier's clothes, ere noticed
almewas alone, had something to do hair brushed beck from a highs. the glaiice, and the ,smile on his lips
With the stirring a those secret ern- wide forehead, entered, took a step flickered oddlet . .
cations, which a retrospect of the forward, paused, then silently bowed, "Ah," Ire said, "a dinner, parte?
at Will Often evoke; perhaps it A sharp surprise, a certain disap- That is se (nice. I Will come, too, is
was this retrospect itself that made pointment, a troubled gladness, a, I it 'no, .
the ccynscionsness more acute; but, singular emlbarrassment-all these I "Of eouese," said Ladyl Feather -
atone, areassay; og you wale tea 100,000 acres 01 artificial. °sister
ttt least the !burden of solitude ceem- sentiments evere fueecl into the con -
- - "
Proper feed. is just AS itn.
portant as proper breed.
Every farmer CallrlOt have
$5,000 Short Ilorn or Red Poll
-but he ean nave his.cows give
every drop of milk they are capable
of giving. More food won't do it.
/irons' Royal Spice will.
It gives a spicy relish to ordinary dry food -makes
cows enjoy everything they eat -tones up tile stomach -
makes them get all the nourishment out of all the food
they eat - makes them give more nailk - helps them
through calving -and by regulating the stomach and
bowels often prevents abortion,
Whether you hate one CoW or a hundred-. 4 ,
it pays, and pays well, to season the mash and 1/44
-Lay with My -ere Royal Spice, Rem
Write for our illustrated booklet. It's
worth having, and costs nothing, 1,4t,
eared for. In the big pavilion every
day a Itineh will be served and the rest
of the time will be spent mostly in
bathing, wading and playing around
the saud,
Natural and Artificial Beds bastern
"Yes," elle WA "I Will give up part of State.
everytlang for you 1"
There was a curious smile upon In eastern Virginia there are Bev-
Greasonieres .face as be drew nee to- ere] tlieesand acres of oyster farms,
raises.), by arta
ward lam, and kissed lier reverently 'where OYIsters are
upon tho fOrellead. ficial methods on artificial beds.
'Mon angel" he whilsperecir "Mon The "natural" oyster bed is where
ange! . . . Men ango :" the oats:ter, breeds and mattreo nat.
wrally„ Ti.ere•are thous -ands of acres
Into sudden str;king of the little
clock on the mantelpiece awoke Lady gisch beds In the Cluesapeake Ikey,
Featherstone the next instant to• a meat= of salt water. In Biwa beds
yude conecieuenese DT the realities the oysters breed by the million%
and am they are too close together
of life once more, and len recollected there they canna all reach a &sat-
isfactory' arowth. If taken wilen
small tram these "nateral" beds and
Strewn along on the bottoms, where
there are no oysters natorally, at
the rate of 600 to 1,000 be:semis per
acre, small settee; oysters mature and
elpen Off for the market, some in one
and til rest in two :years. :
{Teem is a proTit In sech work,
when intelligently managed, of 2-r,
to 48% per cent. Probably more than
beds are made to. grow an oyster
ed to weigh `heavilyi on her soul. Her • solemness that before her etood, "But," added M. Ceremonies', asud- °pop, in addition 'to the acreage em -
children were too iyoung to be cons- at least, after long year, 'the den expression of doubt crossing his braced in the "nateral" beds. The
panione to lier-too young to till lover Of her youth, and Lady Reath- feature% "me, --my (-clothes. I fear -
quite that void in the heart ot a 'we- oral:one's eyes dropped before the -it is in effect that I barea of "artificial" beds IS inereas-
ave not any Ing ra.pidly each year.
Wan of '85, which looks for seine gaze of M. Gressonier. - drese clothes," he stammered. "But
other and fuller source of repletion; Fifteen years had changed from if 1 meet 'come -atet aet I axe_ t
ter is this: illhes1 All look exattlY
One singelar feature'about the lees-
, 1%.. hell (riends-but a woman's friends, a young to a middls aged man -a ' "There will be tso-me distinguished
'Ir ' ;what are tbey12- , . man ebandsome still, but in whose guests," !altered Lady) Featherstone. alike; there being no difference be.
appearance seemed manifest the tween tile male and the female ex -
Yet it was not usual for Lady ron- "The French rianitassador is coming ternally or internally ; in fact the
buffet of adverse 7ortune. .
iberstone to, indulge a morbid train His and the Count de Serillacn- : rerej eseman Is not sefficient to dis-
clothed were sbabby-so shabby 1 "Ale the French anamegador and
cilf fancies; and on this very evening tingles!' one sex from another. An -
at one ot her large dinner parties, de a`erillac; nui cberia; mid CI -reason- other unique feature Is this: The
thet, .when he had divested lihneelf
coat, footman had looked ler., "that is helium chance, To nee.et male oyeter laeeti as- many eggs as
it ;seemed curious that her thoughts 171 th6. ball below, of his rich Sur
. Efilatdd have carried her into 83 mei- at two !such men -whet pleasure! Tben the feinale-"equal eights," we per-
Ancbory a groove, that the WO,
him epicene, half doubting thepro. may . ' " 8 . ceive. The eggs of the male are call-
tar -off chord of earlyy Featherst•one drew , a deers
nunneries priety 'of conducting; such an ill- 1 Lad
should have 'been suddenly truck by;breath. "As you are'?" she inquired, -
dressed person into the presence of
name of a stranger, the name. of little at the strenge discrepancy I'
GresSonter drew back ;as though he
the sound of a French name- the his mistress, and marveling not a
wb 1 the Frencb ambeesaaor lined overcoat and the la i Madame - you -- you are not
had been stung.: .
One of her guests, the Count de ;Stir 1- between the stranger's costly, sable
wia bringing, with Itim to her dinner
Except that he was a d'stinguished
'diploiliatiet, Lady Featherstone knew,
nothing of M. de Serillap and cared
les; but that he was a Frenohinan
awakened in ber heart the sudden
memory' of rehOthistseet compatriot-
& Fame:Armen, poor and obscure, but
at ooblebeagieg and an exquisite
" Manna, tender and gallant, hand -
nine and 'debotialte who once had
loved, her. lance, fifteen yearago,
*hen she was twenty's and he had
beenebers-drawing master. He had
laved her, this Freneh artist with
the eaetteet face and the tnexpres-
One Air of. :nobility so oddly at set-
- aiance with the nature of his
lima loved her, this drawing
master,' and yet, what in .another
similarly situated would have, seem-
ed the acme. of arrogance, ia him
seemed but tire assertion of a natu-
ral "prerogatiVe,' carrying with it
nothing lazaere, nothing prosunite:u-
ous, nothing inappropriate. Iio had
loved bar,- and Rho had loved him;
sO theta wee but one tling to do, and
1 the draweng master did it -he Went
from leer presently forever, for he
„svele a geatleman. Only this he said
on parting; ,
"Madetueselle, go, but leavensy
itueart herc-w;th you. Treae it as, you
'evAll, mademoiselle, keep It or cast
it away, think of me or
sforget me, but renumber that, if ever
the day comes when I may return
to you, I Shall return; and thet4
mademoiselle -then, 'if in 18 in your
power to bestow what it ma,y be in
my power to, este X flhall demand
of you the halm:nose whieh only you
clan give me, I live now' for thati day
readbare T ..., ,)1,
garments underneath it; for tbey i , ' `-' '
were threadbare aad ill fitting; ids II ",,;-„rh,,en-,,,,,*/ am a,
eh Paull" ehe murmured..
boots w,ore even patched, his col. 1.. -yes-," said Lady Featherstone.
ler frayed, his neortie a mere cheap es
ribbon. Yet even the disaclvan- lb was not without certain qualma
tages ol Bach attire were unable f anxiety that Lady Featherstone
to eoneeal in. the wearer a. cer- :waited the arrival of her guests
tain aspect of dignity, a nobility two hours later; her courage fait -
of bearing evjach seemed natural to 1 •
tered not a little at the prospect of
hint and endeps endent of all extran the effect likely to . be produced
(mum aids. upon the rest of the company by
es, the appearance of one of their num-
"M. Gressonier," said Lady Feathe box' clothed not only in morning
teratone, aftet a brief, awakward l-
lenee, and beld out her liand. dross. but in very ehabby morning
psty' Featherstone -ale madame,' tle'ese; and she wondered in wha,t
"teernat me." With a- grave reverence, pinozible way she could condone what
pld. he outstretch, ht not unreasonably be constru-
M. Gressoner raise
ed hand to h's lips. • ea iato an offence against good taste
and the respect due to her other
"Madame," lie murmured, "It is guests. [Why did Paul Gressonler in -
long -so iong-since last time." I sist ' upon being present under such
aeady Featberstone wetadrew lier 1 cIrcumstances? He had never in the
hand somewhat hastily ; her cheeks early days of their acquaintance,
ware emidenly camson ; what magie shown himself deficient either in
was there in a voice that could, set either breeding or In knowledge of
her heart beating so at the first tile esages of society, so that there
nrustaal vibration of its tones'? Yes, ' reemel the lese evcuse for his pre -
it Neap the voice of her girlhood's met strange want or tact. 8
days; the same low, tender, pas-' Thesdrawing-room was already half
.sionate, pleading vo.ce that fifteen full of guests, when the footman
year's.' ago lead tluel.ed her, saaen throwing open the door, announced
Ito way into her heart, lingered so "Hts excellency the French ambas-
long eget' In het memory, and now sador and the Count de S3rillac."
again wile nounding :in her ears-, Lady 'Featherstone turned es the
YLICAS a the ittan. she had loved. I two gentlemen entered the room,
"sen, Inadaine," went on Grea- took a step forward, then pa.used.
gonierface-"fifteen years, is it not, the Chambord advanced with a bow
e still With his eyes upon lier e
Inet time ?-then I said, ene days and a orni:e. But Lsdy Featherstone
scarcely noticed the aniba.ssador.
perhaps, I would coin back. Mad- Her color went and came, her heart
anal,' I !Pave come s I am here. Ala, boat violently, her eyes remained fix -
you find Me elianged, but you -you,
Madame, aro the same, more heauti- (id with a beivildered wonder upon
the Count do Serliac-clad in 1 ault-
ful-no older -than the girl wacee lase evenLng dress, the Order of the
rape hag lived treasured in my Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor
- .-for that day ,a,lone, heart and memory, so fresh, ea :re- upon Ins breast, a smile upon las
And, eveth teams in her eye, she had - diant, so vivanth, day and night, handsome face.
pleaded, girl like, th.ite 'he should not since that last time, Madame -fir- 1 "M. Gressohier I" she stammered.
leavo her, and for reply I
he bad taken teen scare ago, is it not ?" "No, in.adame," he atunvered, bowing
her hand very tenderly; and pressed ''es,". was all Lade Featherstone over her liand; "but your most hum -
it to his lips. . .. ' collie find to say hi that moment of
"Madeniolselle," he had murmur- supreme emotional retrospect; ryes, ble, your most admiring, your most
devoted slave -Paul de Saliba I Do
ed, 41 meet. Farewell." fifteen years ago, M. Gressonier, I
lia-Gressonier never returned, and think. It le a long time, truly," she you think," lie whispered in ber ear,
"that I should really have come to
four yeare afterward .illitas Maxwell added, with an .odd little laugh, 'and
merried Lord Featherstone, 1110,11 OU s, Etril o longer a, g• V you like that -a, poor; troken down
of cenelderable social attainmenyounad ---------------t'c brit a woman- man -and asked you to !harry
Report Concerning Canadian
Q °Wein Great Britain.
Departnaiit of Agricultere,
Coungiaisionees Branch,
The following ie the report of Air.
A. W. Galiallee, agent 04 the De-
Partment of AgriOulture in Greet
Dritain, regarding Canedian Food
teeodueta In Ureat Britain :
Canadian 10ed predliete are often
sold in Great Dritn.in to the con -
Sinner, las {being the product of Greee
Britain or the prpanct of rime other
eountry-leicapreetice of wineb MaY
eorismaial 0 higher priece Lite mar -
eta The only tiling thet eau be done
to for Comadian, slept/ere to brand
"Canada" or "Canadian," Oil ev-
wattling, and advertise freely in the
Britoil trade Jot:reale, A. few C'aite
nalan limns bare followed tills, plan
and to -day their brands are in ae-
mand, and are known au "Canadian
produce," `but this pc:Killion bee onlyi
been gained by' Spending a let of
turns are what the average shiPPer and Days W—hen Ufa Seems
money in hdrorthsing. Financial re- , There are Backaches and lie4ditchei
looks for, and if he recetvea more
money by having lila goodfs Bold as Scarcely Worth Living.
the product at eome Other country', se
he very naturally poolsete tbe high- %I:1We ceases a time In the lite of
el' price alai saye nothing. It le a all women when they are face to
yer.r, slow .galne, gettlag the Bei- fitee areth a grave oriole; when there
ed "milt," and the eggs of the fe. tieh people to clienge their ideas or aro distreseingbackaelleee beedaellee,
male, are called espawn.., An mile- tastes, to "play, the game," one diszlneSs; when. even Sante worsen
417 NIL grown oyster Is supposed mast have lots of time nad grand are threatened with the Wise of their
to lay a eggs a year. In money! freely. Tide the average Gan- tv.,..ason; when they t suffer because
opawning seaeon the water is full ashen exporter caanot odford to do, that' are Wonien. The happiness ot
Of 'Mom) eggs, and when the "mitt" but Canadian geode are gradually, weruen ffar Vie rest of their lives lee -
and the opawn creme in cantata If slowly, gaining In favor. This gain kande upon Seeing satelyi tided oven
and the iwater is at the right tem. in favor ie oblong: due to the fine this crisis.. 'WilliaMs' Fink Pills
perature, lite is imparted to the quality' oT the Canadian goodie In. , haves proved a ble,saing to women at,
za'.eroscopic egg, and it drops to the ternational competition tis so :keen all ages. and are particularly' vat -
bottom, w hero if it ;succeeds la groan,- to capture tbe Dritielt market that liable at two critical periode --when
Ing hold of Sonlothing, Such as an. there is no room to tryj fates gaines, girlhood isoiaergIna into womanhood
other oy,ster, or shell, or rock, or and I am sorry to say the only way and wben women are approaching
tho tura 01 life. These pille inake
anything to hang on to, the. tiny to make some Canadian shippers
:lterpottrating in a mentos, ere proz,
vairated in the open fields, mat4.
meted evith less labor than ordinary
vroPs, and are exeelpt trent initeet
Paste, and bra rarely trocibledItlth
disease, exeepting Ordinary Nage*
The average life of a tied clernee
tion varies tram two to three
years. New, plants aro taken in
cuttings from, the aid onee and put
directly into the ground. They.
In about ten months aro in -1400111
and eentlime to give their daily
quota of blossoms until they die
out, In pleating tlio eariletione are
. pieced. 111 l'Efirl three feet apart
and the plants two feet from each
other. This fermitS tbe. oultIva-
tioti with horses, and letter once In
hcalthe grearta they require only
watel.fulness for disease and ineeet
poste, Irrigation about every • twee
weeks and daily pleeinge-Los an.
gelee TIMes. ,
createre begins to form its shell, boneat is by act of Parliament - Great
and in a 103V weeks beeoMeS Visible geed lias aireatiy1 been. done by
to the eye. c, "Tho Fruit 1.1).rki Act." Our dairy
'The Oyster farmers are harvesting pro:lute aro landing each eeason in
the crop at present. While the great- more Er rfeet is dun
er portion of the United ata,tes Is to the clese Inepactioa k pS in C
ender ,snata, and in 'the grasp GT win- ada over the manufacture or elleese
ter, our oyster, farmers are busy and butter, t ) 1111 imp.overnmt In
harvesting their crop, which re- tio c:.0.!se f..ecries Ana ereame
quires no fertilizer, food or fencing, tut al.() larg,ely duo to 'Ilia "O. -W-
and costs only for the seed, the sow- eminent Coei Curing Booms" for
Ing ane the harvesting, and. Which cense, and the imp:oved ancl
paya a good dividend, on theinvest- and "cold" storage for food pro-
ment. Front 12,000 to 15,000 bands ructs Go the various eteam-lep lines
are enga.ged in the oyster work in running 1001 (Anneal. to the a r e ent
eastern Virginia,. It le an odd sort British ports.
of farming, and the oyister farmers Canae.ita Butter paeked it Dan -
in winter become corn farmers in 1411 Kids - Grindley also re-
snannier.-Ciountre Gentleman,
ports• foliows concerning, the
peeking of Canadian butter in Dan-
Ish kic : 1.
The butter pleked 11 style- is
1.111, Lest cestehty of Caned an cream -
Once, in a certain play, Sir Henry cry, ane 14 put up in tale shape by
Irving needed a stage horse, one war- the shippers who receive their in -
ranted steady of nerve. After some krueuees from tonsignees on this
trouble a long-headed, sardonic looking elec-most of it 0311126 with no mara
steed was brought to the old Lyceum except wises 13 on the sacking which
Theatre by an astute stableman. "I Extreme the. cask -If any meek is on
warn you, Sir 'Enry, that he's" a bit the cask it can be cagey erase.).
skittish," said the hostler. "Only last There is no doubt that the bulk of
week when Mr. Tree, that's Beerbohm the butter pecked le Gies style, is
Tree, Sir 'Enery, liras astride of this sold as Choicest ,Danish.
'ere beast, 'e was very loose in his Only a few Canadian firme ship
actions -I mean the 'orse, Sir 'Enery." butter in kiele or eggs, In the for-
eign or Irish came
"Hal" tiegically eeelaimed the actor;
Canada in the majority of CLVOS
, "the brute. is then something of a dra•
does rot get credit for her food
p:atitictR. Orin never scan in British
retail 4 pi "arad8an .Cheet,e,"
"Canaditri Lettere' eetieiedian Eggs,'
"Canadian Bacon," 0,-,. "Canadina
Deer." A Sew Camden firme are ed -
sea -using their goode, and In time
our goode may be celled for, tut In woollen goods colenne„ vole ana
as yet ths average 13raish con. umer etamine are worn roost
does cot cage wh ea las food coulee Toile and etamlne eliould not be
front me lung as it sulta his taste contilsed. The.first has a fine, round
and the price reasonabit. As a thread evenly woven, while etatnine
general rule the wholesale firms buy issvoto.olulyghiertr,anameoraeritunneeev.en, arid rather
evil sell goods for what they are,
the funny -work is -done by the Broadcloth Is an old standby and
always fashionable.
or, and the consumers are the only
ones who are decived, and they don't Homespun is made up into soma
stylish pedestrian suits.
care if the quality is good.
Under the "Merchandise Marks (White serge is particularly tasheil
triable for a simple cut suit'.
.ect" of Great Britain, goods can en-
ter the country with no mark or A small black and while shepherd's
plaid, ina.de NVIth black, braid and
tiny mark that will not lead people .
astray as to where the goods come a few touches of red, would ba very
smart and dashing.
from. For example, If you put Some vory handsome gowns are
Boston on gocals, the party ee"- nin.de of changeable silk.
be fined, bier there o
tonis, soft finish, soft materials being ab.
Taffetas are now made with a
Mass., or Boston, U. S. A., would be solutely required by the present
en."Binoedsto3va°111fild E
safe. "Nova Scotia" on apples from etylos. eta
that Province would be allowed, as Ofessaline is the favorite silk Cr tho
Nova Scotian almlets are classed by reason. It is used for shatwaist
themselves. Eggs come from Can- suits, or simple, dainty frocks,
ada packed in the foreign or Irieb One variety of it: has a series ef
case., wIlich holds 1.440 'eggs. These lines whicb eeseinble nothing se mime
r."1 are sold as Welt or Selected Danish, :as the Me grain of wood. The (Medi
whichever ma.y bring the highest. or lights and shadows is wonderfulle
matte critic!
the Mel), red blooa that atimulates
all the .organs at the body, expelis
disease and makes the weary i suf-
ferer bright., stetiVe 'and strong. Alm
A. Tones, Cispress atan„ says:
"Out of goatee -fulness I feel that I
must let you know, the good Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have dime me.
For yeare I suffered from inflamme-
tion of the Womb and kindred, trou-
bles. Only, those. 'who have been sim-
ilarly afflicted can etell blew, much I
suffered or how, dreary life seemed,
I tried mane 'medicines but none ot
them helped me. Then I was ad-
vised to tryi.Dr. Williams' Pink Pine.
I am grateeid 'now tor that advice,
for after using 'about a dozen boxes
every symptom of the trouble dis-
appeared and life again seemed
worth living. It is now several „years
since took the pills, and as there
has been no sign of the trouble kalnee.
I feel safe in saying the cure 14
permanent." •
`What theft 'pills have done foe
Mies. Jones th.e,y 'will do for all 8 -ut-
tering women if given a fair trial.
But elou mast wet the genuine with
the full name "Dr. William's Pink
Pills for Pale People" on the wrap-
around every box. eleld by all
medicine dealers or 'sent by mail post
paid at 50 twee, a box ori six boxe4
for aa.50 by 'writing Tile Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont.
Such as One Sees in a Tour or
• ......
• ....
. . .....
1 ....• ss .
esea • i
:Miss Alice Bailey, of Atlanta, Ga.,
tells how she was permanently cured of
inflammation of the ovaries, and escaped
the surgeon's knife, by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and some political influence; w;ho had a wedow with 41dren. people No, 110, moil ange-it was to trY you; The universal indicationsof the approach of womeeses great enesnyt
fallen deeperathla lore with the ellanget 15reneenIer. Ise:Ingo a little ruse, that is all. And you mation and disease of the ovaries, are 8, dull throbbing pain, accompanied by
beautiful girl whom he had met itt change." would have saerifieed everYthing for .1), sexise of tenderness and heat lew down in the side, vvith occasions:1
a country house,
• 'Ali, efadaree-you Ray?" broke In me. You would even have sacrificed ,tdsooting pains. On examitmtion it may be found that the region' of pain will
some swelling._ This is the first stage of inflammation of the ovaries.
So, in course of time, Gressonier the Pro:labial's, pleadingly, 'No, your pride! You were williog for mehow,
Weis forgotten, and the one romantic ao; it Is not so. 'Illie love of a man's to come here -even in rags -aria dis- I i Duan Mits. PINXIIAM:-I wish to express my gratitude for the
f Lady Featherotoneal
I te chaages not. But y et, it is true grace yen before the Planet' arnbas- . restored health and. happiness Lydia E. IPinkham's Vegetable Com -
lay buried deep down it the ditn re- 0, -- Young g:r1 F0011 torgcls." sador and the Count de Serillae, is it 'pound, has brought hito my life.
ceges of a woman's memory. "Not soon," site corrected. E'rott not? Ab, dear one, but I am not
. . "1 had. suffered for three years with terrible pains at the time of
Her reverie was 'Suddenly alter, went away. lou did not return. r a poor man -for I am rich. "You shall Imeiyatruation, and did. not know what the trouble was until the doctor
rulited by a rim at the front door pronounced it inflammation of the ovaries, and proposed an operation.
,m -a$ all pies in society must satirifice nothing for me -not even "
bell. dol.. 1 neVer eXpected to see you your pride or name, for Serilla.c, too. l "I felt so weak and sick that 1 felt sure that 1 could. not survive the
anogt"Nva:gi. ; to,ireprovh Ino, after all agooa eagreo tor my dear ono to' ,ordeal, and so 1 told him that I would not undergo it. The follovvin
. Lady Featherstone ,started, for she M Gressonler. Surtly yea do that is a good Mime in Fra.nee • Yes I
Was not expecting visitors -nor, as the,eo e °are. k 1 d d tis t ' th f
twee rea, an a ver emen in e paper o your Vegetable Competing
it rele, did visitors arriee so late- She gave another rttle laugh, en -1 be
"aSrol," Lady Feath(1rstone," said the . in suck ali etnergency, and so I decided to try it. Great Was my joy to
and, rising abruptly, looked with 51 deavotIng to place their interview, ;ambassador, smiling, "I seo that you tflnd that 1 actually improved after taking two bottles, so I kept taking
woman's instinct into the large upon a more commonsense and eon- and Ar. do Bernina aro not, after all, it for ten weeks, and. at the end of that time I was cured. 1 had gained
mirror above tile mantelpiece. The vontional footing. The tension of total strangers ? You hem) met be., "eighteen pounds and was in exeellent health, and am now.
reflection of her linage showed taw 1411 tease c,1 tontiment opprf°re ?"
ess. "You surely deserve great success, and you have my very best
nothing on mal-ri0t a tress of hair cd her ne someth irg b'zarre-almoot
De Serillite placed his band on the wishes."--Mms Amon BaitErr, SO North Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga.
disarranged, not a ribbon ttwrYi no theretr'cal; and .yet her heart re,
trate ot dieorder lu feature or dress spona,:a 1153 a ennfo.vo inqtrumcnt, natural laugh,. . .
ambassador's shoulder with a good
4 1 . 8 "Potglve hie, ntY friend," he mud, rinkh.Another woman saved front a surgical operation by Lydia E.
am's Vegetable Compound. Read wliat she says :-
-the image, indeed, of a very bean- to tilt? touch ot a ratte'clan. to every
Wel Wome.11 elethed with the per- word, to tv‘ry to- e of M. r, Omen el.
"I have already the honor ot Lady
feetion of aimplicity that made her Ile pereeived her embaertess e
Featherstone's aequaintance. We have
seem .0000 niere than a young girl and, vnitlt Wok adroitness, adapted
Still, Italf-Afnillng With a satisfied II'S attitude to lila unspoken wish. met before, And no* that ive 1111310
Consalettaneaa of tills fact, she at "Let Ine exPlain," he sail. "I 'to re- met again, I do not latend that Lady
' 'Iowa again aft the nervallt entered preach you ? .N0 1 1 went from you- reathereteno shan ever leart from ine
the room mid headed: Iter it eard ' for there was no other count) open,. -no, not any more 1" -The Sketelt.
on the salver. 1 Thort, 'whon I would have returned,
Lady Featherstone glanted at the , heatd you were Inarriett Madame,
Card, and suddenly her face airtime t I leittlit baft a OW 'uethat
s ago hat
pam, 8.110 hmkol at &ha corylot 8 yen were a widow -and 1 ant hero! Charles M. Schwab will shortly see One
But why t To MIO you once again, of his cherishea scheinca realized. For
t “A geitiemoo, you say -to 950 .ther, hear your voice, to 10l -it natty throe years the steel magnate has been
interrogatively. ' to
'Yen, 370111' ladyahip," ' br,ar6stsoll'avtiou'i, ,,I,,Itoll'Itr, tal.nml,orattai(15504411";:lit.i10.161 planning a, eltildren's health told fun re-
' sort for New York, The resort is
It WAN ncu
ot atornary for r;ady A.nd,Madame,K
for onething elm- ' 10.
of 41 eated on Stateii Island an0!d eonalats
Featheratone to question her ger' 'to learn whothor the heart
*ants on tho subjeet of a 'visitor'a maiden ('118 rentain true for fifteen , all ultougive Path 111 W1116 are all sorts'
me, uadame! 1 am of contrivanees for onesministering to the .
appcaranee, but alte could not at 1 years, xtegard
tbis Instant forbear from staking, 001 youm r am a:mr,.,,,dass .„,aor pleasure of little . A big boat will
"DEArt Mts. Pita:DAM :al cannot thank
you enough for what your Vegetable Cont.
pound has done for rite. If it had not been for
your medicine, think would. have died.
"1 will tell you how I suffered. 1 could
hardly walk, was unable to sleep or eat. Men,
struation was irregular. At last A bad to
stay in iny bed, and flowed so badly that
they sent for a doctor, 'who said I had in.
/lamination of the ovariea, and must go
through an operation, as inedieint eould help
1110, Trot 1 could not do that.
"I reteived a little book of yoMS,
atiti after reading conelnded to try
Lydia 13. isiiiltbam's 'Vegetable
_ W'Compound, and 1 am now tt Well
hat kind o g I" oye, ; 0 m
t 1' 11eet 14 between there and the eity, cunt the shall praise your Medicine
".A tall ,goi-tleman, your lady. It in true,. am it poor, Shabby, old plan is to take about 1,000 ebildrert over SS long liv ce atid aitto recommend the Ramo to anyone oolleriog no I
Alp," the ttervant ttnewcredi "eider- I man. I ishonla not bavo eomo. von every day in summer and bring them "- -- MENTZ 0110801‘ Otho X0Vitt
iv wIth pray balr.-0, foreign gentle- 'MVO fergotton all -all. It is Well. baek itt the early evening. Trained f
Oen, 1 think, your ladyship.' leave 3101 for have learnt what Illuses, perils and prieate pOlictillen All elek_Womeklivould Wiese If thoy uld take /4rdia,
1.44dY Ilmtbenotono ktithood again Itlabod to loitrn,'' will see that the visitors aro properly 01110i Vegeta:dub • poutt4 and VC 'Welk - -
price. American and Canadian bacon `pretty. '
and hams are sent from port of land-
irg to English smoke -house% and ap- Awful Experience with Heave f
pear on the market as Wiltshire, Diseasse-Mr. L. J. Law, Toronto, Oau.,:
Cumberland, Yorkshire, Derkshire, or .write ;. "I was so sorely troubled with
any other favorite brand. Of coursea liearrilitglise that I was unable for 18 1
if you could prove n. caso where months to Ile down in bed lest I smother.;
marks were forged, the parties con- Atter taking ()nodose ot or. Agnew's Heart'
corned would be heavily fined, but Cure I retired and slept soundly. I used;
all this funny work is done in eel- one bottle and the trouble has not re.
lars or behind the scenes. turned." -e0
Yours very truly,
Publication Clerk.
A Table Oddity Worth One's While te
20 ACRES OF CARNATIONS. . Achieve. .
— Pretty to look at is the fanciful cabin,
Average -"eta is et°111 0'000 80 10, built of "logs" of potato, and some'
000 Flowers Every Day in Year. thing new for the dinrer table, if nee
Commercial canna:Lion growing In very easy to serve. You are so apt LC
the northern, middle weet and bring down one side of the structure
eastern parts of this great coma unlese you allow the waitress to servo
try of ours has been a, probleus you. The logs are long straws of /lo-
in economice, Outdoor growing in the , tato' made mthis shape, before being
geetions named Is alweys confined 1 adnidvetdheinn they are plunged itto the
yoke of egg and breadermnbe,
to limited time, or ratherseasons, same pan, in
a deep bath of melted
and iLio, much of it has necessitated '
butter. A short time suffices for the
hotlionse adjuncts that theories 1 inimersion if the butter be hot enough,
theories vanished before the attacks nal by careful lifting out you ivill
of condition -3. The flower is one
that hes always ben popular, and g15ttayebtillriultoiligip, striancleinrgleoagbeiin•ead to be -
Ins been (ul urea and specialized le
almost a perfection, but never com-
mercially ,.satIsfactory, excepting to EXPERIENCED MOTHERS.
the interested ,grower whose ef-
forts beeaxne reimineratIve upon
the extreme demand (aid limited sup. Eeperioneed mothera know that
most of the 'troubles that aftlioe -
To the etranger within the gates young cli:hirca are due to some dos
of title altate, the carnation grow: erlavn.goonnideuttlinotf tithethiren ocnimaisl or borve.vs
Ject of the greeteet interest and moved the latle one will be Plump.
mg of Califon) et • becomes an ob- I
OUCh s ttirpisaitz blot en.s.
a most satisfactory sight, Then " rr asell'atiedselil:PaitY*00I)eaer,
success roi the enterprise, and tho diin,rrhoea, simi.le fevers and teeth, -
very iiimple and offeetive %tsar of 1 ing tronbles, there le no medicine In
cultivation make it another mar- i the world can equal Baby'a Own
vet in this land of natural wonders. Tahlets. The netion of tito Tablet.
When V. ,T:. Vawter retiree from le specify, find above all things sate,
the active life of a banker lie Iv they emitted) not one parttele of
nought recreation in ranching. Part ; opiate or harmful drug. Ask any
the la tut in the confines ot *' an tit ' moti•er who has used the Tablet*
Mouton, the martiettlar seetion of! tott Noo ,w, 11 8113' that they are tips
0.14 city, claiming title Off Oeorin ' hoot mcd'eino in the world. Mrs. ,Totto
Park, be experimented witli, five 0 11, Cranberry, (awe says ; "Atter
yOff,t4 ago for a more remunerative having thoroughly tested baby's
crop than ,that of barley. A: tract , Otya Pallets, I can say they aro
about two eerie: was slanted with the beet remedy for the ailments of
pure californitt , seeding carnation : little ones that I° have ever- Utiene
}anti '4. Mace then the nereage in : No Inotl,er should h., wAhout them in
increased to twenty, and at the' tho house," You can get the Tab-
clogr of the planting work this seas., lets front any clruggist, or they till
on the ranch 1011 have, 204,000 bo 01011. bY "143 "A: 2‘) 00,0(811' blix
plants in active growth. Minato.. by Writing the I)r. Williams' :Medi-
ly the most of a 200-arre ranch alba Co.. 1lr:600111e, Ont. . •
eta11011,,i0gooons•laawneAveerNetvgrey tslay rn i,trii06
You cannot say how far that feted
will be devoted to the cultur,.. of • ....-
this flower.
, . Reader, stop ere yon plunge reeklesily
In brief tho carnation fields are hito the antsllit et plelleilre. are yen lee
pftalsrss.i.on whirl you forward in a blind
.yoar, With a Market itt with% the They carry you. When at last yot1 penile •
demand it; at all times ;creator to think, it may he too late, the chattect
titian the vupply, 1The plantis are of 1111100 With (nit May afar lag**