HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-28, Page 2ttt
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xn0311% libbrout
TzOr.O. BAIA IlItoPautTols.
•• -.10•••••• taq
Collodion ot Rout' and amonnto tieeeltatr
Venstone Block.
Opt% Satueday evenings. 7 to a
PA Town and Farm ProvertY,
OPPICE.-In the leant Block.
atesideneo-Oatherine et.
Marriage 1,1ceuses issued. No witnesses
Mouoy 4): large amounts; smaller in pro.
portion, Easiest terms,
Oince;-next to Holmes. Block now building
saildety kneek-Tine Mee =tattle eletleartratetateteeletteattee
• very important direetions. Iti every' -
aro to make our requeste known unto a° be Mdrkets
teareoteteertoNeas easeasae NO. v Goa; then We are to "seek"-eetnitinue eos.
MAY 1.1904, to ask an knock ea the door of Vs. via -asset " "
tblag. by Meer ante eupplieetiOn, Nve
McVey. Our approttchee to tiott
Toronto Farmer*" .114a.rleet.
eboald 'Nat* earnestuese and in
JU 1 a ti w P-Lti kit, 11.143 aneerity. "theee three words In- The toeelpite of grainto-da Y Wore
UoMmentary.-I. Christ teaelang elude th°Moderato, and Prical generallY rue.
ideal; Of Went and lege.
We a,re destitete of all p s i 4 I d A ttla goo ed isteady. Wheat is tiachaugedevith
tas. tees:woo -vo Prase, re. 1-5. 1- wile and Isere lost God, and are In dellger °et" ol 100 112141146°In Maaat at
praying -It WaS the habit of Chriet of losing eternal ilto ; be In earneste Delee, 100 baahele Of res1 Winter at
to pray. Many instances are re- be Importunate; net with confidence 95e, awl 100 Imehels' oil gooe0 at
fcrred to in 'the goepels besides tile and humility ; seek with care and a.p- e0 to 81a. Beale'', calla 100 Inish-
general atatement la Hob. Y. 7; antling at 45 to 400. Oats, firm. -
en Plieation; knock houdly and longe't eel°,
When It° maRedeePerlha,Pe tleeeelve,„"e 10. Everyone receivette etc. aa:ees'a"- th°611°1"°1111/2 a't1 °IN l'G
praeing each A PeWeaaa Praey''' a'a Christ binds hinsself to hear ait-d a
to arouse the leeling that them knew „, -_ . . Dairy peaditee in Moderate tillaplY
our eating must oe In harmony with i to least a ladder, in order to reach the
a swer. No soul can pray in vain Oompanies Blotted Out.
that Drees to God as directed. Bet with pricee generallY easier. Choice
,-Thee. knew that prayer was Ins. tbe will of Goil. 0,nd in faith (james eggs 15 to 100 per ileums fire escape attached to Gillespie, Ansley
not how to In•ael, and needed te be "
taught-Wbedon, Teach us to pray s . tub 'butter beugla 18 al 0201e, and
portal:la anti ehey had a desire tor HaY aulee atepay, Nvith,fair re -
ability! to pray aright, as John also ta• 2-3a eelpte ; ap loads veer° sold' na $10
taught.Each new ali,spensation may 11, 1i2. If a soa alma ask, ette tid 012 a. ton fee tineother, and let
not only have Its new unfoldhla of From that wale% the friene will do, 58 tO $9 for mixed.. Strata easier,
truths, but is iiew aevelatiotis ma' the discourse of the Savieur rises roar loads Selliar' at $9 to 0.0 s,-1.
Open new intalese of aoceee, and new even to thee which one could expect ton, .
topics of prayer and modes or ever- of a "father e' and from that sviach Dressed liege were firm', with beavy
ship. A different praaer wag Offer- a.n ineperfect earthly father does sollinig at $6.0 and lighe at 50.75
I 111. I i 1 fr m tbe cia. oven to that which. the perfect Fa- to pp. ,
a Wellington and Bay streets limed
tons of •tvater on the NV. la Week elle
Wykl-Darling Companieel buildings, and
only retired, whoa attaeked by lire ea
three sides. These IsuildInge ettectinibed.
Fed by these huge piles, tile fire Timbal
IN ToRoNi itf5 way sttorityytollsbtlirleheig
Rubber Compaq's warcheuee, awn to
the Esplanade. At the imitie thne tee
.6. heat ignited the buildings to Om wesa
bght Blocks of Warehouses in-
• crept back along Front street,. tbretedt
and in the teeth of tlie gale the_flainee
Copp, Clark Conipanice, oil the north
side, and half a dozen wareleereca on the -
„ . .
south, Mail the Queen's Mika was
E, .a, S. Currie, ties. reached.
Pugsley, Dingman & Co, TOronto & Co's. building to the east, In the ,
pour. Here again volunteer -efforts availed,
Velutiteers Againr
Soap Co., loss $100,000, insurance, $80,- meantime three lines of hose were
ing water into Cerrie's 'rem Wellington A small park separates tbe .ensi, wine;
the great stationery ameerns, the W. t.r.
Ruins as a Result. Gage, IVarwiels. Bros. & Rutter, ane
est n the osa tua o
. .
riarchal forne . thee Ln beaven bestows. -Lange. The Folldivena are the quatatione;
steno represents to us useless gifts, Wheat, Vete, allele,; wheat,
a afaY - Tub beauty and value of
the lessees in the Lord's play
are real y Itexinful I; human lattirrs 88 to 903; wheat, goes.), 80 to Sl.e; George Bargfeldt & Co., agents.
red, 'bush„ 95e; wheat, spring, bush'., Continental Costume Co, wny up through the third and fourth
er theseep at and soorpien things which
Wise frone 1. The tone et holy con- would not give either one er the peas, , latishel, flats, and was spreading to tho build -
would teaches us to approach
other to their children, then it is 68 ; to 70a; W. R. Brock & Ca, dry goods, loss on ings to the north et Currie's. 1 had
solute uuselfisliness-it is •offered for impoesible that crir Father II heaven
Nelel mo?,k the prayers of his children bash, 45 to e0c ; haY. timethy, Per Rolpli Smith & Co., lithographers.
Oats, bush., 87% to 4.0%c ; barley. stock 5600,00D, insurauce $540,000.
Brown 1.3ros. etationers, loss $300,000, The fourth and fifth Vats of Gillespie's
four men with me, and the next move
was to get on the roof of the building.
God as our Father (Rom. vill. 15), in
000. street, Um lane to the oast of the bui t •
J. IL Peters & Ca, agents. s ing being too narrow to attempt to Work
G. W., D. ROSS (SI Oa, agents. in Finding Ulat the blame wits entining
of the betel from the IVaralek BIOS,
& Rutter building, but after the eerie
ier experiences of the night thiS proms
•no protection. Mr. Henry Win -
A. IV. Grassett, agent. heaslway *with great rapidity, I at- Ised
Robert Taylor, wholesale millinery,
tempted to break open the front door of Mat, of the Queen's. and tecsers. Beare
oGiiiletsipleie'isn,siadneilwaifttherualreleialridnetsusosflehogsoet, lil,!1;rbea M. Ih P., and B. Joynt, M. 1'.
firemen, organized an amateur brigade
Thos. Norman, agent.
Diekerhoff, Raftloer & Co., small with tbe assistance ef some
• Gillespie, Ansley St Co., hatters, but the streams did not do inuch good,•
. wares.
and sayee the hotel. The window -
as the fire by this time haa fought its
shutters were blistered by the heat
when they began work, and it appear-
ed a bepoless task. Every bath in the
east wing was filled with water and
heavy blankets wore soaked in them.
Tile upper window sashes were lowered
and the blaukets bung outside, the
windows then being ;Hosed. When thie
had been accomplisbea every window cm
the east side. was protected by a wet
blanket. The intense heat ca,used the
roof to ignite several times, but hotel
employees were able to keep the fire
under control. The blankets woula
dry in a few minutes, but lady guests
of the hotel working: with the house-
maids as water earners, kept pouring -
water on them, and on the saibes and t
inside shutters. All of tee geese;
were notified that they Might; have to
leave at any moment, and many of
them did no with their belongings to
love as well as holy fear. 2. Its ala
tan, 010 to $12; hayi, ver, per
ton, 1$8 to $9 ; ;Anew, per ilen, $0
to $2,0; iseeds, :shake, bush., $4.ret to
*5.75 ; 'seeds, red clover, bosha $6
to a6.7a; 'seeds, tinrathY, 10a 'be.,
$2,25 to $8e25; apples, pen bbl., el...50 to $2.25 ; dressed bogs, $6.50
to 57 ; eggs, per dozen., le 'be 11.60;
butter, dairy, .18 to 2Q3 butter,
creamery, 123 to 213e; cleckens, per
, 13 to 14o; turkeys, por lb., 16
tO 120; int -Aft -does, per bagi, $1 to
01.15; kiebbage, per dozent 4.0( to
rsee ; ciauliflower, per dozen!, 51.25
to $1.75; celery, rer dozentea
003; beef, hindquarters, $7.50 to
59; beef, forequarters, $5, to $6.50;
beef, !choice, carcase, $7 to; $7.25;
beof, medium, carcase, $6 to $6.50;
lamb, yearling, $10 to; $11; mutton,
iB to $9; veal', per cyvitA $8 ,to
09 .(5101. : (
The Cheese Markets.
; April 28. -Twelve fac-
tories offered 460 white and 35,' etel-
ored Ohms() here.to-day ; 7 asic bid;
no 'salmi.
Leading Wheat Markets.
all the brotherhood of man, 3. Its on- insurance $250,000, I which are used by Pugsley & Dingman
$550,000, insurance 5400,000- ed. Breaking the locks, we found the
11 tire spirlumlitya-of its seven p
whe call upon hine-Gociewin, 13. Be-
ing eVi. Sinful people are ready and
anxious to g;ve good g•fte to their
clillren. From natural a/fection they
are r.ady to p chile everything n c.
ossary to their support nee com:Ort.
F10017 =eh .111000. HOW much more
111 one whose nature 13 lova and
who Ls inanitely holy and gooa give
good thlngs to them that ask him.
"The world often gives stone for
bread, serpents for fish • and tscor-
Wont for eggs." tut Gad nor3r d e'.
Holy Spirit. The essence of all good
gifts which the Father In heaven can
iestow on his praeing (MM. -Lange.
The Holy Spirit is a dhine person,
and truly Col. He laterc:d3s for be-
lievers. Ha guides, hears, sp3aks and
shows things to come. To them that
-1,sk. The asking must be hearty,
sincere, earnest, fervent and in
fa 1 th.
13y example Jesus taught His
followers to pray. On this occasion,
as Be retu.rned to His disciples from
His private devotion, His face aglow
with &vine inspiration from His I
comuinnion with God, and His man-
ger even more tender than was usual
by Illa inward sense of divine love,
what wonder if His disciples steeled
conceive a longing to pray as Christ
payed; and that one of the com-
pany, a little more *beld than the
rest, should -voice their desire in the
request, "Lord, teach us to -pray."
This model prayer is addressed to
our Father in heaven, and by tae
• very address the children see
brought close to their lovicg heav-
enly Father. If they eay "Hallowed
be Thy name," they say It with
reverence for !their Father in
heb.ven. This, then, Is the perfect
prayer to the Father in heaven.. It
speaks the language of ' adoration
and eubmission. rt asks for the sup.
/1..1. Mackay {% Co., dry goods, loss for storing puiposes were securely leek. -
done, oae only, is for an/ earthly
bean, and that only for tile Bimplest,
4. Its brevity and absence of a.11 vain
repetitions, Eccl. v. a. 5, Its eiropla
city, which requires not learning,
but onLy holinese and sincerity (cir
Its univease,1 comprehension. For
these reasons the Fathers called it
the "epitome ai the gospel" and "the
pearl of prayers." Farrar, Our Fa-
ther -An expression of love and con-
decension. Here are two grand ideas;
1. That tender and re,spectful love
Nvhicla we should feel for God, such
as that .which children feel for their
Lathers. 2. That strong confidence
in God's love to us, such as 'fathers
2. That strong confidence In reoda
love to us, such as fathers have for
their children. This relation die-
tattee to us reverence for Hie per-
son, zeal for Ills honor, obedience to
His will, submission to Ills diapen-
sations and chastis,ements, and re-
oemblance to His nature. -Clarke.
Which art In 'Heaven -In the former
clause we express bis nearness to
us, in this Ms distance from us. In
this We contrast 'Him with the fath-
ers we bave bere below, and so raise
our souls to that "heaven" where
He dwells, and 'that majesty and
glory -Welch are there, as in their
proper home. -J., & B. This phrase
in- the Scriptures seems used to ex-
press 1.2. 'His omnipresence (1 Kings
viii. 27), 2.111s majesty and dominion
(2 Ohron. xx. 6). 8. His power and
might (Ptsa. crv. 3). 4. His - -omni-
science (Pea. xxxiii. 1.8-15). His in-
finite purity and holiness (Ise. lea.
15). --Clarke. Hallowed be Thy name
-The "name" stands for the man
himself -bis character, his ability,
his possessioas, all be has and is ; so
the na.me of Ged stands for all 'God
Atkinson Bros., fancy goods,
tipper portio of the building enveloped
, Cockburn 4 Rea, milliners.
Mereliauts latildinge in flames. A cloud of smoke Ailed the
John C. Green & Co., millinery. flat, and, having no lanterns, we were
lastablished1840. . Drake, Hambly & Cockburn, imprisoned, and were unable to locate
Vend Mee °UNLIT(' ONT. 0 •
ecocide fancy i the stairway, The firemen on the ma -
i side, throwing streams from the narrow
Baku taken on all ohms of insurable pre Dignum & Monypenny, woollens, loss laneway, heard our calls for help. They'
porta est the cash or premium note eystem.
President. Secretary,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc,
Office: Meyer Block Wingbam.
E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
Money to loan at lowestrates. Offica
7-95. WINGHAM.
Office: -Morton Block, Wingham
Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald
Night calls answered at office.
Ply of earthly need. It seeks la-
te. "To hallow God's name is to give
Him high honor and veneration, and - mission of sin. It calls for protec-
tion and deliverance.
But even a rerfect prayer could
not be offered by His listeners
without difficulty. Perhaps Jesus
saw that by the necessity of con.
tinued prayer alone, the sluggisb
faith of his children iniglit be
aroueed to leap the chasm of its
ow,n indifference and bring back the
long waiting answer.
How graciously does Jesus hold
out the promises to His disciples.
As Jesus stands at their heart's door
to knekiki for admittance, they may
draw, Up near and knolok at the
heart of the Eternal, and the door
svllI bo opened and fromthe door
will beam out that mighty love that
will transform and renew their
sinful hearts and shroull them for-
ever in eternal bliss. If they were
destitute of grace they may ask
and patient labor, moderation, be-
nevolence and faith. -Norton. Day
and receive. If they have lost the
by day -In the order in which. our favor of their Father and 'with It
needs are felt. Our daily bread-
the comforts of earth and the
"Lite's most common necessity.
blessings of heaven they may seek
Strength to gain 4t, ekill to earn it- lais favor again and surely find.
Jesus tells His disciples that the
alt are from God. From tee eon,
the eed, the sun, the harvest.
very best gift for which they can
s •
"alles includes a prayer for the in -
ray and the blessing that Includes
etruction of God's ,word, which. is all others is the Holy Spirit, ;The
10 Un versity. often compared to food (Job. =III.
Latest improved methods in all branches el 12; L Tem. Iv. 6), and for the as-
DentIstry. Prioeg moderate. Satiaractiox
guaranteed. taTODIce in Beaver Block. 'esteem and support of His grace,
for strength to do Bo w:1`, for thea
bread wide)" endureth unto ever-
laattng lite." -Rall.
4. Fore_ve us our sins-Sln is here
L.D.B. represented as a debt. Man has
nothlng to pay. If his debts are not
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Fere forgIven, they must stand charged
nsylvania College and Licentiate ol against him forever. -Clarke. $10 hi London, April 26. -The Horse of
Dental Surgery of Ontario. an old debt, a just debt, a great , Commons to-das, passed the second
and growing eebt. -Henry. We also reading, by 238 to 129 votes, of the
render His name sacred ; to set Him
highest in our thoughts ; to lore aned
trust in His 'name; to give Him 'hon-
or and praise in all that we eo for
Bim." --'Watson. The Kingdom- -come
-"The kingdom of His power, ' His
gospel, His grace and His glory:"
The kingdom here intended is. the
deminion of His grace -that provi-
sion of His infinite mereyi by which
Josephine Street - Winghare He is to aubdue our sinful race into
I cheerful obedience and service unto
I Eihriself.•-•Williams. Thai will be done
P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.0 -The will of God is infinitely
wise and holy. As in heaven -By the
' (Member of the British Medical angels and all the hoots of htasen.
Association) So in eartb-by: 'mortals.
COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. 3. G.ve us -The good things of this
afe are the ate a GocL Tills tectahes
Special attention paid to Diseases of women; us our dependence upon Himeand is
and children. a 1:sson of 'contentment, frugally
Orman HALMS :-1 to 4 p.m,; 7 to 9 p.m,
W. T. Holloway
D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal
College of Dental
Surgeons of Tor.
onto, and Hor,or
Graduate of Tient-
Da 't. Toron-
praeer olf the Holy Spirit is the
most acceptable Prayer. The
Father delights to answer this
$100,000, insurance $75,000.
Dodds Medicine Co.
C. H. Westbrook & Co., notions.
Garland Manufacturing Co., clothing.
loss 5100,000, insurance 575,000. air. One of the firemen dropped a rope
out of the window and tbo men below
Alleock,.Laight & Westwood, notions,
Ritchie ee Ramsay, papey. I attached a line of hose to it. The nozzle
Wm. Jessop 34 /eons, steel. was fastened oil the interior of the win -
R. B. Hutchison & Co., woollens. dow sill, and one by one the men de -
Andrew Muirbead, paints, loss $20,000. seceded to the pavement. I was the
• Davis & Henderson stationers. last to leave the burning struc-
E. W. Gilmore & int., silverware. ture. In endeavoring to wasp
International Brokers, Limited. the window sill, my left hand
. Canada Paint Co. slipped, but I managed to get a firm
Ontario Neckwear Co. hold on the hose. I slid down very fast,
. Canada Screw Co. , . my right leg striking the aspbalt pave -
Geo. IL Lees, eon 4 Co., svindiew merit with great force. I thought I es -
shades. cared intury, ere when I put my left foot
Menzie Manufacturing Co., shades. down I dropped in a helpless position. 1
H. F. Sharpe & Co., photo supplies. was hurriedly carried to the hospital,
Crown Hotel, P where it was found, that tbe ligiments
of my right ankle had been torn away
Telegram Building, damaged.
Brereton & Manning, furs. and several bones broken."
000, insursuace 050,000. Water Pressure Unavailing.
W. J. Cage Co., stationers, loss 5200,. Water
their chief thus disabled and
Ames, Holden Co., shoes.
rook Supply. Co. . out of action, the firemen began to light
Copp, Clark Co., stationers, loss 5200,- the flames that spread as if blown by
ten thousand bellows. East and south
000; insurance, 5175,000.
Warwick Bros. and Rutter, loss $200,- they rushed with great tongues. By 8.30
the structures oa the north side of Wel-
000, insurance $150,000.
lington . and Mincing lane were shells,
Qreen's Hotel, damage slight.
Gale Manufacturing hitewear; and the firemen, bravely fighting the outs
0 Co.,e , break against the wind, saw with con.
loss 5135,000, insurance $100,000.
sternation the buildings on the south
Office $S3p0e,ocola01.ty . Co., loss 550,000, in-
side break into flame.The water pressure
was very poor, aria the twenty streams
Toronto Engraving Co., loss $500.
from the mains tapped so lessened it
National Club. damaged. • that some of the branches could scarcely
Gutta Pemba and Rubber Co., loss throw over two storeys. The engine
$500,000, insurance 5500,000. streams were unable to throw over four
H. E. Bond & Co., clothing. storeys and the spraying water was ut-
, Jobnson & Sword, neckwear. • teas, useless tamest -the vast sheets of
Scott & Bowne, chemists. flame that rose far above the highest
Chas. Coekshutt & Co., woollens; loss warehouses in the quarter and made
5300,000, insurance $250,000. night as lwight as noonday.
By 9 (reads the fire had obtained such
Wm. Oroft & Sons, fancy goods.
Ilechborn & Sheridan, clothing. headway that no human power could
overcome it. All the men could do. in
G. E. Boulter. rubber goods.
D. D. Hawthorne & Co., shoes. • the face of such a fearful display of ole -
J. J. Gartshere, railway supplies. mental force was to confine the flames
Eckert Casket Co., loss.$200,000,insur- as far as possible to certain areas. To
ance 5100.000. - the north a gallant fight was waged by
a group of firemen on the east .side of
Bay street, who from the roof of the To-
ronto Engraving -Co., steadily beat back
the flames. The danger point on Bay
north of Wellington was the factory of
raised a ladder, which, however, did not
reach within ten feet of the Window
we had broken open to get e breath of
• • ailay. July.
New, York ... . .. 69 8-8 88
St. Louis 891-4 807-8
Dulith , 69 • 80 1-4
Toledo 96 1-4 87
Minneapolis 905.,8 907-8
Toronto Cattle ItlarICet. .
Receipts of live stock Were al. cars,
535 cattle, 1,078 hogs, 210 eheep,
152 calves' and 561 hose, to Para,
Blackwell. .
The quality of fat cattle was fair.
Trade was not as braes as it was
on. Tuesday, but nearly everything
WAS sole bes'ore the close of the day.
Price,s in all classes unchanged
from Thursday's quotations, which
we give below. ,
Exrortere-Best head of exporters
«old at 54.00 to $4(.751 per cwt.
Export bulls -Choice quality bulls
-are worth $8.50 to $3.75 per cwt.
Butchere cattle -Choice picked lots
of butchers', 1,000 tel 1,500 lbs. each,.
equal tin, 'quality to be.stt exporters,
are worth $4.25 to 51.40; lots of
good sold at $3400 to 54.20; fair to
good, 53.50 to 53.75; common, 53.25
to $3.50; rough to inferior, 53; can-
ners, 02.50 $2.75.
Peeders-Steers of good quality, 1,-
050 to 1,150 lbs. eaeh, at $4 to
$4.25 per 'mit,.
Stockers -One-year to 2 -year-old
isteers, 400 to 700 lbsi each, are
worth 53 to $3.25 per cwt.; Off col-
ors and of poor breeding quality
of same weights are worth 52.50 to
$3 per ewe. • t
Mach cowls -Mach cows and spring -
ens are worth 530 to $e5. •
paives-Caves sold at $2 to 58
melt, Or from. 53 to 55.25 per met.
Sheep -Prices, 51 to 54.50 per cwt.
for esee.s, and bucks ea $3.50 to
Yearling lambs -Prices for 'grain-
ed, choice ewes and wether s for eX-
port, 05.60 to 56.25; barnyard lambs
at $4.50 to $5.50.
Spring lambs -Good spring Iambs
aro wtorth 53 to 55 each.
Bradstreet's on Trade.
. Trade in wholeeale circlet; at Ilion-
tral is eh.owing a little more ac-
tivity mew. There is a better -sort-
, trig dem.a.nd foe seasonable geode.
Lame ellipments are 'being made .to
eastern and wee -tern paints. Con-
tinued warm spring weather is
needed to stimulate the demand for
seasonable goods. The market for
dairyj pro:duco is disappointing. Rail-
way earnings are increasing again.
forgive -Else how cou.d we entrea,t trades unions bill, legalizing peace- The dleaetrous fire at Toronto this
thee for pardon. Not intO tempta-
tion -Ay the prayer for daily bread 'ful picketing, amending the law a 1 week, which burned out 121 businees
oonsplracy in tonnection 'with trade limns, destroyed many of the tia-
ra! es us abeve care for to day,. and disputes, and protecting trades un- eet homes of mercantile and menu -
the prayer for the forgiveness- of icei funds, legal process for dam.: facturing houses., caused a loss of
elns is meant to quiet us concern- age, caused by this action of mem- 510,000,000 to el5,000,000, on
twee the past, co la the prayer against
bees of such unions. The bill is the Nvhich there was 58,000,000 to 59,-
certain future, that we- may not
outcorao of the recent judgment in 000,000 ineurance, and threw. 3,000
fall again under the might - of evil.
the 'famous Taff Va,le Railway; case, to 51,000 hands out of emplosemenet
-Lange. D. I ver inftom evil-aFrom.
the Ilailwaymente ' Union was lia,s greatly unsettled the trade sit -
all tbe wicked tarscanton and &iv when
mulcted in hea.vte damages for. pie,k- tiation in this city. Spring business
ttnd intereering • with non- is now- fairly active. Valuee of .staPie
era,ble regatta or s'n, irons. Its blind-
ness and Insensibility, from its 'un- 'eting
tali nista . . goods aro firm.
it Quebec little change is percept.
tible in .general trade from that ct
the preceding week. The backward-
ness of `the season lies been againat
the dema.nd for. Iseaeonable wear.
At Victoria, and Vancouver whole -
Alio trade is improving. There is a
fair inquiry from the provincial min-
ing &striate. The outloolc for tho
jobbing trade. is Pronsising. .
. In Winnipeg trade is improving'
again after the snow storms of last
week. Seeding operations are being
resumed. Marry new settlers con-
tinuo to arrive. Collections tire bet.
tem .
_, ,
The teorting demand, °smolt:01yr in
dry goods, at Iramiltob has been
Week 'Ole week, &V reported to
Braelstreetee eleteilers are • anxi-
ous now to lget their stocks well as -
/sorted end *the disasiraus fire at To,
rent°naturally; increased the in-
quiryl among Hamilton wholegale
houses. In otheri bines there Is the
ateedy development usual with the
spring conditione of trade. "Values
are tirinly! held.
Londen wlicileeale trade In witting
more dotty°. 'rho eountry roads are
not In very good condition. Pbe
OutlOok for busineee le good. . .
There has been a nteadyl imeeoees
meet In Sonic department:if of trade
at Ottawa the prtet weak. Ship-
Ment,g aro notw 'quite lien,ve. Velma
Of Staple geode are Orme , . I
Impettant Bill pproved in the
British Commons.
Office over Post Office-WINGDAM
MeLBAN a 5014
All kinds Of rough and dressed....
Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
large quantity of dry hard-
wood for sale, delivered.
Telephcne Orders Promptly
attended to.
McLean & Son'
Synod of Rupertes Land Make; Its
Select ions.
Winnipeg, April 25. -'-Che Synod of the
.Anglican Diocese of Rupert's Land, call -
el for the selection of two candidates
for the vacant Archbishopric, continued
to -day. The first ballot again resultal
in a deadlock between the two names
suggested for second choice, viz., 13ishop
Grisdale and Archdeacon Fortin. It was
then decided to ballot on two new
IMMO, Rev. Dr, Eden, Bishop of Wake-
field, England, and Rev.,Prof. Cody, of
Toronto. The first ballot resulted in a
email majority for Bishop Eden, but
uot euiricient for election. Three ballots
were taken this afternoon, the four-
teenth of the session, resulting in Bishop
Eden's Seleetiott in a total vote of 135 to
The names to go before the House of is, Ins unblushing persistence.-Itar,. who hate, disconneeted the telegraph
Bishops for selection will, therefore, be rar. Ills perseverance In asking andinstrumento at various pointe.
Bishop Matheson, of tins city, and stating his own Inability to suppla a A band of /50 employees seized a
Bishop Eden, of Wakefield, England. friend. AO many-Ths reluetanee train at rila-TorbegY. broaght It ter
sprituality and rebellion, from a oSai
baadnees and its punishment; from liPrremwiejorstoBanIfeouhurroppethill erookteheinu.
all that (rottener/a God and ruins the
goul, from its guilt, its sower, its Port oe tho bill, but towards the
sham ammo and its doom- Rey_ close lie suddenly; last the thread of
fields. "ambit delivers 1 rem evij, 1, 1 hie argument. and, ater a pause of
by forgiveness. 13, by filling,tbe 4 Isom° moments, during which he
heart with Iola. , by the gift of the thrice essayed to resume, Mr.
Holy Spirit. 4, By setting us to Churchill at down in some confus-
work for Film," - ion, without finishing. .
II. The parable of the impbraine .
borrower (vs. 5-8). 5. /le geld- GREAT RAILWAY STRIKE.
Although idle repetitions In prayer
are forbidden, yet persistency and ITO-
port:unity in prayer, wrestling with
God and not letting him go until be
has blessed us, are here distinctly
Traffic on Hungarian State Lines:es
Budapest, April 25. - As a
taught. See Luke 1-8.--Far-
raa Brdnight-In those hot noun -
tries it is common, where It can be
done safely, to travel In the night.
-Seott. Lend nie-It was usual with
the Jews to borrow bread of ofiean-
other ; and certain rules are laid
doWn, when and upon what collat.
Ion this is to be done. -Gill. 6. Friend
is come - Benighted, belated,
and who has lost his way. A strong
reason why be should have prompt
7. Trouble me not-Tlie treuble
made him Insensible both of the ur-
gency of- the ease and the claims
et friendship. In bed -We learn front
travelers that it is usual in the
East for a evliele family to sleep
in tho same room, each laying ids
mattress on the floor. I Cannot-
Witlsont exertion, which was equal
to "1 will not." C. Ills importunity
-Literally, Ills tillainelessness; that
thousand railroad employees have
been arrested in connection with the
strike of railway mon, which began
yesterday on the Hungarian Neat-
en) Railway. The strike became
general, and on Cal the Hungarian
State railways to -day traffic 10 at
a complete standstill. Me Southern
Railway, which Is not evened by the
GOVernment, alone managed to etert
trains out of Budapeet. Six trains
due last night heeee not yet arrived.
Tee strike committee by telegraph
Ordered all traffic: to step ne
night, and all trans to be abandon-
ed by their crews at the stations
whore each happened to be at that
The railroad stations are now;
guarded by troops. The prices of
provisions have risen.
The men In the werkshops of the
Western Railroad joined the strikers,
once ovorcotne, all the Craltng Of Budapest and reported theinselvee to
Judge Wurtele, who is presiding' over
the Cooke-Illackley libel ease at Mont- t triendcbil) arid neeefeetY are felt to the pollee, who began criminal Pro -
real, bePaltIO Setioully of heinorrimge the fult.-L, F. 84' a ceedIngs against them.
of the stomach shortly rater dinner hat IIL The diseiples urged to per-
, ,.
night. There Is some -anxiety as to the sieteneY in PraYer, Oro- 04.13)-
0 1 • Port, Dalhousie, Ont.-Thenew tug
result. The Cooke -Mackay trial Iota Nay unto you -Wo have It from Skylark, which was built in itfuir's yard
aeon or, now for about, two weelo, and Christ's -own mouth, who knows s tins winter, left here for Toronto this
lute proved a severe Strain on the aged rather's mind, and Ws
whom all morning. This is the first departure this
judge. promises rtre 3'ea and futon. Ask season.
New York, Ain't 26.-A. despateli
to 'the Sun teem Anatin, TeXas, Sn.ya
word has 'been reteived here that
Mere than 1,800 head of cattle were
killed by hall ogtonns In a storm
witith ban evvelet the State Of San
Lula Potosi, itfeelett. The corn crop
was deetroyed.
Philadelphia.-Miehael Colt and Faille
Litiquille, telegraph linemen, employee
by the Pennsylvania Railway CO,. Were
streek by a train on the POMISylVallit
Railway toels,y, ;Ohl instantly killed,
tAiquilles' home was iti Montreal.
Barber & Ellis Co., stationers.
Tooke Bros,
W. E. Sanford Co., clothing.
A. A. Allan & Co., hats. -
Toronto Cap Co.
Davis & Henderson. It was full of paper
G. Goulding & Sons, inillinery.
Lowndes Co., clothing. and other inflammable material, and the
Wyld, Darling co., dry. goods, loss sob
n flames refipreeattehedly ocifierocsseodt thTehestrEevetenahnig
surance d
5500,000, insurance 5400,00.
Dominion Fence Coeloss $125,000, in- Telegram and the warehouse of the Of-
Buntin5,1175,0e0iT Ss Co., stationers, loss
5200,000, insurance 5150,000,
Rename Cartage Co.
•Henderson Roller Bearing Co.
' R. Simpson's factory.
Barber Ellis Co.
Cortiecli Silk Co.
Carlaw building.
Gault Bros. & Co., dry goods.
Empire Cream Separator Co.
Garlock Packing Co.
Globe Tobacco Co.
Nisbet & Auld, dry goods.
A. Bradshaw & Son, dry goods.
M. and L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co.
Mercantile Manufacturing Co., cloth.
Toronto Coffee and. Spice Co.
McLaughlin Flour Mills. •
MeClary Stove Co.
Toronto Pharmaceutical Co.
Toronto, April 20. -Indescribable in
its terrors, irresistible in its force, and
calamitous beyond any disaster that has
• yet overtaken Toronto was the great -
fire that last night swept through the
wholesale centre of the city, leaving in
its track acres of smoking ruins, where
a few hours before there had been huge
warehouses and factories tilled with the
costliest of merchandise.
Thank God, the wind blew toward the
lake, or the story of Toronto's loss
would have been written among the
great fires of history. At this writing
the fire area probably includes thirty
acres, bounded roughly by Lorne street
and the Queen's Hotel on the west, the
Esplanade on the soutn, and midway be.
tween King and Wellington on the north.
Eastward the fire still rages, in spite of
the utmost efforts to stay it, and there
Is no longer doubt that a large part of
the block between 13ay and Yonge,
south of Wellington, has been destroyed.
The wind was a gale from the north-
west, but veered at times almost to the
northeast. in the malt, however, the
'course of the fire is from the northwest,
end the strip blotted out of the heart
of Toronto is about 000 feet wide, by a
quarter of a mile long.
The money loss cannot be guessed at
event Some 'of the great warehouses,
like those of Gordon Mackay & Co.,
Copo. Clark, the Lock Gordon,
Brothers, Gage & Co., and Warwick
Brothers & Co., had stock ana machin-
ery in °tem worth from tt imiter to
three-quarters of It million. The de-
struction of at least forty of these
great establislinierits is complete at the
hour of going to press, nisa the money
.loss cannot be less then five or ells mil-
lion .dollars. As the fire bas eaten out
the heart of the block betweeri Bror and
Yeligc, it is beyond all doubt that the
lose will run up perhaps eight millions.
The fire bee its origin ln tho seamd
floor �f the 11. & S. Currie, neckwear
factory on the north Aide of Wellington
ab e.04. The story of the first few
minutes of the terrible all-night battle
with the flames is thus told be Chief
Thompson of Oa firebriee.dei •
The Chief's Story.
"When I reached the fire flames were
issuing from the windows en the second
flat of 11. 4. S. Camilla Unfitting, and in
the rear cm) of Gotta building Ebel-
ing that 1 war; bitable to gani tin ea.
trance into Currie's .ordered the men
flee Specialty Co. The employees of
The Telegram fought the fire inch by
inch in a fashion beyond all praise. The
great plate glass windows broke under
the heat, the window frames caught fire,
the building was filled with smoke, but
The Telegram men, using their own hose,
won the day. The firemen, too, seeing
that if the fire leaped across Bay street
so high up, the whole centre of the city
would be destroyed, turned several
branches uaon the Office Specialty Com-
pany building, and subdued the flames,
after the roof had fallen in, By 9.30 the
walls of the :warehouses on the east side
of Bay north of Wellington were totter-
ing, and before 9.45• all the floors had
fallen in; the first building to collapse
being that of Davis & Hender-
son, whoch fell with a crash
that brought terror to the thousands
of spectators massed on Bay street north
of the police lines.
• -
Turned in an Alarm Shortly After
Eight O'Clock,
Nightwatehman T. H. Johnson was
the first to see the tire. He tells the
following. story: "At tebout 8 o'clock,
or a iew minutes before, I was stand-
ing on the corner of Bay and. King
streets talking with P. C. Armstrong
and Watchman Bell. Leaving them I
came to the west side of Currie's pre-
mises, where a lane is. I smelt smoke
and turned into the lane to investi-
gate. I had not gone far wben I heard
a roaring sound. I rushed to the back
of the building, and there I saw a
column of fire shooting up the elevator
'shaft. It looked as 1± 11. had been going
for several minutes. Turning without
trying to get in, I startea to run for
the fire alarm box, which is itt the
corner of Bay and King streets. Before
I got out of the lane I fell, losing a
few seconds.
"When I get back from turning in
the alarm, the flames completely en.
velored tbe rear end of the Currie
building. and was fast eating into the
front. As to the eause of the fire I am
not sure. But in my opinion it Was
electric wires that were responsible
There was a heating apparatus, bue I
do not think that this could have any.
thing to do with it. There is nothing
about it that could cause fire.. And
aa to anyone being ht the building, I
feel sure there wan no ono around.
Every door WAS padlocked, as well as
"By the time the fire reels reachee
the spot the flames had. Retried to lap
tbe side of .Ausley's, the furriers to the
east of Currie's, and aided by the gale
that was blowing, the flames soon got
headway on that building."
The watchman added, with a wistful
game armee the ruin: "All my build-
ings that I live been wateliing so long
are gone." He had lost his job by the
fire fiend.
other Weis.All of the silver and
valuables in the hotel were taken to
the bead offices of the Venal Transfer
Company, which company also remov-
ed the effects of the guests. Colonel
Matheson, M. P. P., whose room wast
in the cast wing, was one of those \vies
went to another hotel, but Mr. 3. la
WIlitnese. lif. 1'. P.,. contented himself
with taking another room at the
Swath of Two Blocks.
The building directly opposite the
street from newest wing of the gluon's,
occupied by J. J. Gartshore, had a sim-
ilar escape, and, although there Was
great difficulty in rescuing the borses
from suffocation, the stables of the
Hendrio Company, extending down
Lorne street to the Esplanade, were
saved. A little cotage occupied by an
employee, which at times was hidden by
flames, came through unscathed, al-
though the 'small possessions were
strewn in the mud of the Esplanade,
where they had.been thrown be the
panic-stricken stableman.
Estimates . cf the Loss by the
Bay Street Boomed.
There was no chtmee to stay the pro-
gress of the fire in this direction, as the
necessity of the moment Was the proven -
tion of further intonde to the north fine
!lids woe successfully accomplished
• but 10 the the fire Was blazing
on both sides or 33ay to Front street.
The water tower stahoned at the corner
Insurance men who are thoroughly ac-
quainted with the devastated district es-
timated that the total monetary lose
would reach from $13,000,000 to 510,000,-
000. The different lime would be insuied
to at least 75 per cent. of their total
value, and this, as the loss was not total
in all cases, would mean an insurance
of oyer 58,000.000 at the least, which,
the insurance men sav, is the heaviest
loss they have ever experienced in one
conflagration. An approximate list thus
far shows that the insurance carried
was about 58,825,000.
It is rather a curious thing that the
Canadian Board of ,Fire :Underwriters
recently decided to put on a new system
of rating in the business seetioe of the
city, under which each risk would Le
rated separately and upon its individual
merits. One block was taken last week,
upon which a sample rating was made,
the block on Front 'street, north from
Pay, as far west as the Queen's Hotel.
bfr. J. A. C. McCuaig, secretary of the
board, personally inspected every pro-
perty there. Most of the merchants
when discussing rates wore positive that
there could be no danger of any fire
destroying their premises. Every build-
ing along the north side of the street
was completely destroyed.
From the conversation among insur-
ance men yesterday it seems to be clear
that an advance in rates in Toronto
will certainlybe made in the awned:ate
future. It is possible., too, that the
advance will not be confined to Toronto,
but that outside points will also be af-
fected. This last •loss, aiming on top
of what the insurance companies claim
has been a series of unprofitable years,
has apparently determined the compan-
ies to act as soon as the present losses
are arranged. Last year the premiums
paid to fire insurance companies doing
business in Toronto amounted to $11,-
434,856, divided as follows: Canadian
• companies, 52,330,540; Britieh. compan-
ies, 57,336,475; Aire. an companies,
51,767,832. Upon the atine basis as last
year this present disaster will eat up
nearly two-thirds of the inemee of the
companies for the present year, I air-
time°. officials figure expenses •alt about
.33 1-3 per cent. upon the total iecm.e,
and they claim that during the past
thirty-four years, which is the time that
official returns have been available, the
total premiums naid to companies 011
Canadian business was $188,000,000,
while the losses in that period Were
5126,000,000. They point to the-Fella-
ures re showing that the Canadian field
has not proved profitable, for, while
some companies have made money.
aoittlioegreusIliearve had to go out of business
nnveerisoptibele'wholviale narmanufacturing
putelccilidneyllesinteitereyteitl3ittt y.eax1.1
cept three or four, in email establish-
ments, have been destroyed, arid that
it svill take some time to replace them.
Here is the story of the conflagra-
tion, tte summed up into lines;
Loss On buildings, 58,000,000.
Loss on stock, 4,000,000.
Insurance loss, $7.783,000.
Net loss, 55,000,000.'
Firms wiped out, 220,
Out of work, 0,000.
Cause-Itlectrie wire, supposedly.
Where it started -E. 85 S. Mello Co.,
stiereelavelavrest.mnnufacturers, Wellington
8dd taa‘yyeVIV'ellen ere Iiiettended-At Yong° and Front
When it started -At 8.00 p. in., Tues. •
ecnodnettottt 4 A. in. Wanes -
Duration of fire-Eiglit hours,
alike of hose usea-Alsout 24,000 fect
(nearly five miles.)
Number of engines, 10,
Number of hose eomparties, 24.
Number of truck companies, 7.
Number of fire fighters, 300.
rendered from-Bultalo, Hamil-
ton, London, Brantford,.. Niagara -Valls,
Toronto Junetion, East Toronto,Kew
Men injured, 20; "
10 •
1.44)ipttsraifet' CieetribeAkTATMOO the en:lire
Who Witne
seee i1''75,000,