HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-21, Page 6lof iter tome The .1,lincte, of
her parents, ot all hey Tilferd
, (Amide, with mile the eXeeptiell of
tho Lonsdalee, wilow see appeared
to ba.ve quite forgotten. But
though she never mimed then' Nile
• Mid the brilliant Amount of ail
festivities. elm knew that Felix
thought or them ; and When tate
iolet s Lover
"1 bop° that I shall meet Lade
Rolfe," she eaki, "juet for the plea -
Bum of cutting her 1"
She drove at onee to Tee Limes.,
and waa met with the kindest of
"I should bave gone to meet you,
Violet, had 1 knoevn that you were
coming," ettid Mrs, Iraye.
But Lady Chevenix thought that
under the eircumstances it wadi Pat. butt rought with leer trom her home.
as well She bad not come, Aulnelg i11 treitenree of ter girillood
They went to the drawing-roong wee. a, small roseriveod writiligedeele.
together. Francis Hoye was more ,On it elle noel evrittep ell her leve- -
of an invalid than usual that day, letters; in it he kept overy
awl hie daughter, hearing thet he letter Ale id revolved, and Ole re --
was asleep, would hot have blor die- memberee uow that she bad not de-
turbel. royed them before ter in a r -
"Let us lingo a long talk, mamma," Siege, and t hot &II ought to
she said. "I have so tench to tell elm doue so. nem was alone in
in the eumpteoue mom that WA S
Tbey sat down to exchanber oudoir—al room hung withge con- •
faience% anti Mrs. -Hoye agwitt blue elle; and lace,. welch had a rich
trembled with delight as she looked! earpet And magnificent furniture
at her daughter. of ebony and blue satin; cootie* Ple-
"turee lined the walls, rare flowers
How well you. look, Violet 1" she stood in beautiful jardinieres. The
saki. "What a superb dress, and eipartmetit woe perfect in its Wee,
how. It become. you, I Are elect very : and, nig goidenehaired giel who
happy, my dear ?" stood In it looked lik,e a fitting
"As happy as otber Pectin°, 1 suite eeee t
pan . •
POW, illetalna. 1 am Ter-lr rich—And She Toole out a little •key and
that must mean that I am very • opened the desk. Hew, welt she re -
happy. It wliI take me a whole membered the perfun;e of violets—
day to show, you my, dresses and, the eaint 'sweet perrume that she
jewela" had always liked so natlehl There
"Will you sten] up, Violet? 1 feel, laid the great bundle of letters tied
quite sure that you have graWn, or with blue ribbon—letters on which
le it the new style or dress that mutts . a, life of love and passion had been
you?" wasted; there, too, lay the por-
Violet stood up. trait 'that Felix base given her when
"I have grown, mamma," she ans- he came home •1 rom college—a. poe-
wered. "'eau itnow ant only usit trait that had seemed to her one
twenty• I may grow taller still." of the finest ,-works or art, She
"You 'are ouite tall enoug11 to be would not open the lettere; it
graceful, my clear,". !mid Mrs. Hoye; would be folly to irritate old
and her es es lingered prolixity on wounds. She would burn them ; sile
the lovely face witle its dainty •'ought to have burned them before
bloom, so young, so fresh. and ber Marriage, but her mind had
fair, and on the graceful figure ,,been in sueli a whirl then she had
that was shown to such advantage .1 She went to the fire-alace and
by the costly erecse that swept the stirred, the fire into a bright flame.
ground. eTou have improved very She nail not theught what he Vas
melt, Violet," she added. about to do woulti pain her—it had
In that she was right; Violet had , eeerned an easy thing to barn old
a grave and refinement that go.,ve .° letters; but, when she placed the
Item an additional eharm. eirst bundle in the midst of the
They talked long and not un-. flames, it eeeroed to Ler that she
happily. Presenter Violet prodeced was burning a tieing. thing, Alas for
her presents. Mrs. More went into the love wasted in them, the passion,
a rapture about a dress of Genoa the pathos 1 It seemed to her ;that
velvet and some superb Mechlin she was torturing Felix again ; tile
lace. Meer that Violet began to Idea of the flames was like a re,
inquire about her oldfriends. proachful voice. Still it mpst be
Mrs. Ha ye had ,inany little facts llone. One aeter another ebe threw
to relate /cheat, all eof them, them -all In, until the dast one was
"litammee" said Lady Cheverige, destroyed, By thee tine -the color
with a slight flush on her face, had died from her face, and tier
"what do they say In Litford about hands trembled.•
'Then she came te the portrait
of course 'she must destroy it. .And
what was that folded so carefully
lu the tissueepaper tear ? A spray
of Was, withered and dead 1 She
remembered the day aiid the hour
when It had been gathered. She took
the portrait in her hands; there
mad be no harm in looking at it
for the last time. The noble, band -
some, frarik young face—how she
had loved it once How those eyee"
had 'metaled her—flow those Inis had
kissed and worshipped her! It nntst
go 1 She looked at it intently for
te law minutes, ona then she held
it OVer tin flames; but . she could
not alestro-y mulct trot see the -
flames leaping round that face:- It
was impossible. She wrapped uptbo
portrait quieten-, and hafted It out
of sight.
White and trembling, with- canoe
tion, her hands trembling, her heart
beating, she looked up suddenly eke
her husband entered the room.
"What are yon doing, Violet 1"
he cried. "Are you lir. Yn look
an if you had seen a ghost."'
81,0,,tvtlytra Ken one," sire replied,
"What leave yott, been burning ?.
During the uext few dare- Lady
i'llev (MIX Waa Weep:el in' a rranging
all the en
betiful ornaanieit:•„ pietuie e.,'
gtud Maturs halt brouglit with her
ft oin alaae, Bee 1i'1 ber own (textile
meets to. arrange; tem heel te wiper -
intend the gatttup; away of the 6tr,
itemb. garments "that she bad pate
eletsed en leen e WI the tbings she
my marriage and me?"
"What can they say, my dear?
Every one envies you, every one
talks about your wonderful marri-
Violet took up the rich tacisels of
tier dress and played with them. She
never raised her (wee to her moth-
er's face.
"Bat do they—I mean, have :they
mkt that I did eanong
"Wrong," Mon Mrs. Hoye. "Why
etiouki thee": Which red them would
mit have done the same thing?
Which of them Would not ba pleased
to de tile Keene. thing?"
Lady Chevenix loaned relieveda
"1. Was afraid they would' gay' I
Dat! acted iteritirly," she said, elowly.
*einamma, how, are the Lonsclales?
How is Felix"
There was a brief silence before
the question Was answered, and then
Mrs. Dane told her wenderful
"You have never heard of suoli
change of fortune, -Vielet," she Amid;
"At in almost, WOnderful as • your
own; I can nardly understand it,
Tee Lonsdaies seem. to have the
business of the town now and eel
the county, too. They have—I
The grate is full of burned paper."
She looked at him with wintful
not telt how many clerks; they give
grand dinner -parties; and, what ei'eff• Their expression did not
eeems to me etranger son, they are please nne
frequently United to Bramb-v 'I have been burning all the old Tomo
ere' letters I ' found in, my writing
"We Arai] visit there, I suppose," ee"ey she replied,
remark& Laely -Ceevenix, "I am very ',mimeo; she had on idea that Ile
please.' indeed to hear an thee would say solnething kind to her;
mamma; if any family over did lee- but he laughed contemptuously.
serve good fortune, tistry did. They - "What sentimental simpletons wo-
e" eeeogehee ay The county now.' , men UFO: Are you going to keep (suppose Re that shabby little desk here ?
"Yoe, quite. Lady Rolfe has taken simile the roontehene saki;
them up. I bear of nothing but the
There Wil'; eflenee again for some
minute% and then Vielet sake slowly:
"Ane p,lix, 131,//111110.-1iave yot teen
him eitire my marriage?'
"No, eot once, znyetear," wan Mrs.
Haves reply. "I need hardly say
that he has never beet here."
"Do they say—eo yoa know if he
thought much of IL? Did he make
great trouble of it, inanuna te' k,i3
caneot say," reel:el the cantioue
mother ; hese never Leard the eel).
ect mentionehd
Lady Caevenix wee silent again.
After a little while she eald meaty :
"I :ghoul like- to vek you ono (men-
tion mote : Doc,.; foetid
neyone else to care about yet 2
"I have not heard so. Violet., niy
doer, you have every blessing the
world can give: clo not think
about him. Awl If yon will take
my athlete yon will not talk about
him ; i1r Owen might not like it."
"I Atoll be careful, mamma; I shall
Itot wale of him. But 1 Watitta
to hear about .ithe Just once.'
She said fiJ more then, but as she
sat in the familiar room she thought
a great deal of hint. It was inipege
ellee to bent! it. The quick eyes
noted how rominetety every trace of
him bad been removed. The Weems
that he had given her, the hooka
were all gone.
"They need not have banished ev-
erything, elm thought to herself.
"I thought it quite a grand niece
of furniture once," She replied.
"Did you Tour ideas have altered .
on mato; subjects, no doubt. I mune
to ask yoe to ride out with me.'"
nee head :totted with eepreesed
emotion. rut she dared not refuee.
She had 'Portion one lesson. already,
arta that wag that she must keep
her husband in a good humor irp OS -
tibia. Now that the novelty and
restreint of ivr presence were wear-
ing off a little, he was beginning
to indulge in nts of temper that
etartleil her. She. must keep, hint in
0 good humor. She dressed and went
cut with him.
" do, you alWayS seleet 'the
OhltitOrie /l0a,1 2" she iteked lihn.
" Because! t like 0.dstone far better
that Teliford. Meet or my property
nee in Orcistone. I intend to go to
1. historic; Obercit when I go to church
tit ale and I Omit patronize 01(1-
etone gen oeti ly."
, A painful ranee of (*Reappointment
aide over her, hut she eared not
express her feelings. She Mut pie -
tumid herself in nil the pride of her
new state, rustling in her coetly
would read the same, that he ld
bear them. ta,lke0 about. Otte thing
alto chit wouder at, and that was.
why be itad never contrived to see
her, She had ituaginel that he
11.0111(1 inake Ritort, but he
had made none. Chink:tines came
told went, The suowtirops and the
croceees came, the blue violets •
peeped out, and the desire of ber
beat, woe Oxen lg. Latly Clieveinee
atm went to London and natede iterdebut o e Court.
Theu It seemed to her teat she
Dat! reached the climax of ell il
pineee and groaldeer. nix Owen pos.
eesecti o handsome atansioti in Bel-
gravia, and the season they spent
in town was One long 'scene of un-
iw(errupted gayety and excitement,
Young, surpassingly beautiful,
_graceful, Lady Choreal); soon won
a place for herself in the bighest
and most exeluelve circles; she woe
idolized; her weelth, her -Maitland%
her superb mane:Ion, her grand par-
ties, were subject of public). comment.
Etit alter a time she found that al-
thOugh" she was likel and flat-
terea, her husband was sim-
ply detested. No one Keene,
ed to • care for him; his man -
neva were so coarse that when she
own:rested Wm witli other men of
Itis own eerie. and position she was
usbacued of hint. $he reed intense
Menke and aversion to him in the
faCeS of the 'people whom 'she liked
beat and 'of whom she most 'ap-
ved. Thoughtless, lauging young
men, saki to her
"Come without your husband, or
we 'shall not enjoy ourselves."
When site particaoa
lly pressed any
lady to 'come to gee bet'for some
:medial purpose, the answer alwaye
was: • •
"Well, tell. me when you will be
quite alone and I will coulee'
She found thiet $ir Owen and her-
self were seldom Invited twice to
the sante place, Onn it dawued upon
Dor very slowhy that. she sbould
never be whet she aspired to be—
a queen cit society, because she laid
a drawback in the shape of' lier own
husband, She was glow In reaching.
tlear conclusion, bit, it was a cor-
rect one, and she etudied him 'to find
out she could how it was; thet
adlemon-so odious, tie
8he could noe deny. that his face
was dark and almost •sinister -look-
ing, 'Met bis manner and !carriage
were •awkwerd, that he had an un-
Piensant voice e the outward ap-
pearance or the man was, hoev-
ever, the best .pert of him. No one
could have called hima gentleman ;
howas selfish and brutal, and so
egeetistjeal -that in company no
person. ever had a cheinect of speak-
ing bat htmeelf. He had: tWo moode
—he was ' `either fateiller and
boasted until • every man present
felt a great :desire to put lain out
of the room, or he as so gulien
that to look at him was like look-
ing at a great black aloud. .That
was Sir Owen in his sober moments;
but, -as the novel restraint, of his
young wIre's presence wore off, he
fell more frequently into Ins old
andratal habit of drinking, .
At first hecarefully concealed it
from her, bo, -In his toarse faebion
he loved her. A woman of more eta
ble emit perhaps would. have made
a better man of him—would have
helped Min to overcome his bad
habits and auquire ,good ones, The
woman who Dat! marriea him, not
for love, Out simply tor bla money,
had but . one eloingbe—it, was to
keep lina inn good temper while
Lt was feasible, and Whet' it was
not to keep pee of. his Way.
The season was over, and Sir Owen
and Lady Cbevenix were expected at
Garswood. By that titne Sir Owen,
to use bis own expression, was him-
self again ; tits novelty, and restraint
or his new life bad worn off, all his
natural characteristice 'were in full
play, and there were times when his,
young wife wielied herself dead'. She
was not often driven to •sucit des-
pait• ; but occasionally; he was ter-
rible. As a wbole she enjoyed her life.
She had money: and everything that
Site wished for; site enjoyed Iter mos,
nincent home, with all its attens
dant. luxuries ; site was by universal
consent queen of tlie e01.113V.
For some time there ,vas
between herself and Lady Rolfe. She
did not wialt to ask either that lady,
or iter daughter Lavinia to Gars -
wood, but after a few words froni
her husband she was compelled to.
give way, She had the good sense
to make tile best or it, an n Lady;
Rolfe became a lrequent visitor at
(la rs wood.
During all this time Violet had neve
er once seen nelix.• Bee. bad heard of
him continually—he tets rising rap-
idly in -elle world. Site beard
old Colonel Riddell speak of Mtn
U( evening' when she, with Sir Ow-
en, went ol,.er to a formal end
.stately dinner party at Lady Renee:,
!Mare; my woo's," sail the. delonci,
" the leading man hi title part of
the world is, or very soon wilt be,
young Felix Lonedn.le, the Inevyer's
CPU. have watched him with in-
terest. He will be a leader yet. Ile
nets ai; the eerie; agent ilow, and
Lord Arlington hos implicit court -
donee in hint I proplieey that with
the earre interest he will be re-
terned as member for the borough,
and that once In lattliament we
shall hear of elle:
One or two ethere agreeil with the
eolonel, The feel) or Lady thevenix
grew crimeoh %glen) elm heard ner
le.slettel give o t 11 in
ing She Haw with dread
that ho had drunk too much wine.
silk up tile old.fatiltioned akio or the ei have beaten atm Gnat!, pew eie
iT.oar p11 CIVIIV011 MUM:1i, to Owen, and 1 vela heat lam ogati;
ell her oel frienrie went she amild
, „' t.se ...---• If he goeg in for one interest, I wil
have liked tO Fee .e.fllili: again, to see co in for tt if "
ei 0 tete
how he looked and whether he hail - - .. I
uttered. She wormerea what he For me wife's sake no or.0 ammo?,
meet think or her nt her new int 1111n r and LadY Rolfe gave the
omelet and bot etirjoila an F;igntli 10,1' the laillee to withdraw,
to where and itow they wattle " t khan nevce go oat to
meet. Then Fee remenibeieg cline again if 1 have to meet that
Iiis Lumbago Was Cured by
Doild'S Kidney Pills.
nattered tor Twenty years Before tie
Pound Relief in the Went 4ansdian
Kidney Remedy.
liesedene;Oetetepril 11.—(SPeelftl)ea
RObert fellillettlati, the weir known
Geineleoro farhier and stock grower,
is eompletely eared Of Peng-Stand-
leg "WO LUIntlagot 0..nd lie leits
made statemeet for the benefit
of the psiblie, -which he. givee the
entire candle; for the cure Pttnicr3
,1111Iti„ 111 his st,atemeat, Ur.
Lawman says
"For VIrentn years I suffeeed from
Lutribago with till its 'word syenle,
tams. I had. the Most diStreSsing-
pains it seemed possible to hear,
emt2led witb an irritation or tlie
Vine. e
".et times I Vas entirety Prostrat-
ed and was tor weelos linable to do
Anything whatever, and required the
services Of nov family to assist me
ill dressing and moving free) a tiliair
to the sofa.
"I tried dootore and medicine% bat
gclt beeent till, 'on the advice of
a neighbor, I conituenced to use
Poodd's Kidney Pills. Alter the
! nest box I noticed an improvement
and when I had taken six boxes ea,
mute. nappy whey win Injure Theme
selves by netting Too Igt1011.
itelli:11:01111;1701.7 vi:
they be norilial,
('11 tt WLL1i-OLI 1.
Crave for sweets. A glei,t matil par -
in the ineetee iten.y to !their chit -
reit ell Medi kJ turrets. Tliey tio
ibis from snuo preeoneeieed cotton
that sugar awl cantle and ;mike*:
are bad for elebleen. Other par-
le:ctillgge) • c,1)) cf).111;11:1°rsetitte I t:is: 1111TiMe.;
of confectateery, front! 'the eiteapaet
to 1110 -t I sp.,. fl. IVO, allowing tly'm
tO engh P1).4, liltligest mines, )ung,
eaudled ereservee, ete.
They beth are making a mistake.
Children • .!',m Id be allt.Weil tO rat
eweete, it ,tlie grayer einel of sweetie
enoen, ty confeetions shout I n.,ver
be given to Owen eetther :dwell they
potige or. stuff tint maseuereeles un-
der the asmo norm. 130Ware ef
cheep painted canines ; , they are
poleonous. •
But give the edillren meets in the
forte or pure elitoulate, honey and
s,yeup tuaee from friths. A 1 imp of
Sugar or a f ck of wet oently now
.ane thee w 11 not burt them. Let
them eat nalateee, lint be mire it
is a. good *quality. • Prult pities, if'
unaclur crated, and plant tt‘to` that
are not tocosevi et 2Nre, poet for ell ide
Let the eh leren have SWt O'S.
%velem craves for them. They 'im-
part ' Warmth and en Envy .
ehsrlTeds.Y,,Illietom of my trouble hnd vane. nourisli and bu 11 up the tleguee.
Like Itheninatism, Lumbago is calis- 'Ilia nest time to give the children
ed by lerie Acid in the blood. Sound. :somata is at, meal ieine. Let fruits,
Kidneys take all the Uric Acid out
of the blood: Dodd's Kidney Pull
make sound lildneets.
neliS and ThunderstOretS.
Ar i instance of the absurdity' of
amine of 'the notions held by oar. an7
'eegtOrS was tire notimi that the ring-
, Vag of the ell -arch bells had a coun-
teracting effect In a thundersterne
It was oupPosed that the vibration
of the eir, caused by the movements
of the bells resulted in the diesipa-
ton of the Electric fluid in the
The belief was so contemn at one
time that the privets bad the belle
rung as soon ea signs ntA an ap-
Pronehing thend'ereeerni were seen.
Science now bolds a contrarel opizt-
ion, Notominedoes the Round have no
posstble effect on the air, but tbe
vibration caused by1 the sound of
Dell upon a cloud, cbarged With
eleetricty, cane* it to eliscifarge•
its oonterite upon the ringer of the
bell in t he church tower, i
• Top Many People Daily With
Catarrh.—It. strikes one like a. thunder-
clap, develims with it rapidity that no other
disease !lees.' Dr. Agnew's eatarenai 'Pow*
der is the radical, quick, safe and pletoiant
cure that the disease demands. Uae the
means, prevent the deep-scan:1g and yeere of
distress. Don't daily with Catarrh. Agnetr's
gives relief In ten minutes. 'SO eente.-97
Royal annale have never 'recorded
a more varied and extensive ward-
robe. than that which belonged to
the ."VirgIn. Queen." Eiren at the age
of mixty-eight, weer) site aulglit be
supposed to have outlived lier
yOUtliful -Vanity, she possessed 99
eomplete official ecistunits, 102
I. -reach gdalum 100, robes with trains
and VT withoust, 126 Antique dresses,
V3.6 bodice,s, . 125 tunics, not to
mention .m011. -trifles as 90, mantles,
85 dressing gowns and ‘27 fans.
• It is possible that she had an -ugly
foot, for she possessed. only nine
retire of slimes, colech, considering her
extravagances in other articles. of
apparel, Inuit' ha,ve some Meaning.
At. her. death three thousand ar-
ticles were Tound duly catalogued
in! her warclrorbe which had adorned
her proud person.
Minard'a Liniment Cures Dandrnff,
Great Service to New York
The New York Central affords excel-
lent service to New York, Boston and
points in the Eastern States, See your
ticket agent for fell particulars..
Useful flints.
Alvicaye keep your celery roots and
dry them. They are good for seas -
oiling soups and sauees.
To obtain a. Aron or two of onion
juice for seasoiting, cut the onion
across- the grain, and, boldieg it firm.
1Y, draW a sharp -edged spoon aerate;
the cut edge, holding the spoon so
as to catch the juice.
Who» tomatoes and milk are to be
put together, ae in a cream soupe
have the tomato juice and milk of
the same temperature, then beat
viperously as the tomato is added,
little by little.
A good general rule alwaye to re-
member In the tise of gelatines Is
to soften the gelatine in cold water,
then to cliesolve in. boiling water; lie -
gleet of either part -of the proem
will cause trouble in making jellies,
Ulm terrible Parting, and el -1 to man,' said the old colonel, who was
Presently her father awoke, ele hergelf thet cite innet not think of an tiristoerat de put' sang. "Sueli
was delighted beyond measure to Ree 111111. InPll WIWI e Ali to ,be Alia. Witat that lovely women ',nut your hero and heroine get mar.
bee looking ro wed! and ter beanie n
elle eeer saw him. She ss ent :,ev- oi
pnt] men have been
fulera' times to i11:01aM re than
enee thinking. of to nnu.ry him r,_ for the ried in tbe middle of the story. How do
. . 4`. .
you expeet.the publie to keep ou tieing
Later en ea. ()wee None ape they she drove paid Vele Heuer., init elle colonel was far aboin tem scandal
Dear, f•eiree—Thie la certify! that
I Wave been • troubled 'with a hone
back for fifteen lysarst
Vave. ttaed three bottles of ;your
LININLBIlik and am: eoni-
p1ote1Y1 enretV '
It gives mo groat pleasure to rc.
commend it and Volt are at liberty
to use this in any, way to further
the nose of (your valuable tnedielee.
Two Itteere. ROBERT Wein. !
DOuble Mee of Joy.
(New York Baralde
.JellY, syrup, neelitsees, lioaey or
cookies., !form part lot each. meal and
'then obildren will not often
for !candy and cake.
Let tire ch Jaren have eweets. 13ut
500 to, it that they are furnished.
the proper kind, at the riglit time
and in it ecusible quantity.—Medieal
Talk. .
Stifferers Read!
0. 9. Ayeher, at prayer, Maine, says:.
"I have hail catarrh for . several years.
Water would run from my eyes and 110eo.
for days ata time: About foto months age
watt induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhol
'Powder, and since using the Nvondertui
remedy have not had an attack. It re-
lieves in 10 initiates."
, Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure relieves
in 30 minutes.
(hhilanelpliia Record.)
Mrs. Buggies nail ;feet rammed. erom
a shopping tour. "There! I just knew
there was something it :had forgotten to
buy," she exclaimed.
"'What was it?" asked:Mr. Buggins.
"Pm sure I don't know," replied M.
Bugginse "but I find I have 50 cents
left." •
. • •
DY local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. Thereto only
one way to cyre deafness, and that is by con-
stitutional remedies. Deafness Is named by
an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of
the iiinetachion Tube. When this tube is in-
dented you have a rtimbling sound or imper-
fect hearing, and•when it Is entirely closed,
Deafness is the result, and unless the
matloWcan betaken out and this tnberestor-
ed to Its normal condition, hearing be
destroyed.fotevernine moles butottew aro
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an
inflamed condition of.the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for an,y
Case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by Ettire Catarrh Cu re. Seed
for circalars. free. - • •
' J. CHENEY .f6,04.-1, Toledo, 0:
Sold Draggiats, •
Take Ftuniiy Pills for constipation,
The. Tyrant.
(N. Y. Sun.)
. tfrs. Knicker—De you treat your cook
liko one; of the .family?,
Mrs. ' :docker—We do Sen't, brit she
treats us like one of Vers. • '
Ininadr's Liniment Cures Burtis, etc.
The Old Log Home.
(Toronto News.)
The York Pioteers have done 1vell in
voting $300 for the renovation of the
Simcoe Cabin .at the nixhibitioa
Grounds. Governor Simcoe \mid be
ashamed of the log -house .if he saw it
to -clay.
I The harder yen coug171, the wOrse
the cough gets.
C.64,4.‘b. Tonle g
saloga, The Lon
is gitarenteed to cure, If it
doesn't benefit you, the drugged
will give you your money back.
Prices: S. c.vhtts &co. $02
4 MO. SOC,S1 telloy.X.Y..Toronto,Can.
, Raster Morning.
Mitreita, in X, Y. Scottish Amer'
Illiesful inoritingt All creation
VieWS with joy and light,
Christ is risen from Ms prison,
And the world is bright
With the wondrous ?aye Anne
Front Iiis eottutenattee
The !Output.
(Toronto Globe.)
The anneal consuinption of pills in
the 'Dented States is 40 per capita.. De.
troit is the eentre a the pill itinnetry,
With mi °idled of -four pilln er
06 per emit. of the tuttionel producefor
both foreign and domestic emistimptiou.
44. Y.....
Warrior Woes.—Through (lento, eold
end ekpOsure many a brave moldier Who left
Itis entire hearth HA "lit" as a man eould be
to light for country's honor, has been
" invalided home ", beettuse of the vulture of
the battle ground-oltheitinatisin. South
American Malamute enre raseentely
wuu spent a IF:NV.41;4A hour together. Pat mwer liltn. liareiVt,o 1 fieed and goeshe a lib. Doigiamolooa : none Ple1Arcr,,t,e16eirl t%ei/e(1),1,1; 11:11411botil.1.4,t,Zut .thoy
with guests, and her time wan no or it waR breught to lain. cure every mote of glottal attain in existence.
therv Wail 11 ttreattiy 1.Onk 011 the iongor her ow.n. gli„,,, ought 10 ha„ , , I get divorced in the last ehapter and live nel/el In all hen"'"4)8
/(1".1Y fltee' 1/1411"i")/e been perfectly happy. :411e W11,4 pant, luxurious tan when, Lady cher, happily, ever alter. So, you see, the'
SO there were times in ter or ,
(emir rove; elle voted trot hale Irene of the wed meggineent home 1, reader ut made twiee glad for one priee
libi thinking or tho r-xwt. bright, gir11811 lit the emintry; elm e very Tt:11",01S1.11.,,Flp eteit:parri.,ecen .nto ii,rnunt; 0 e
tinti 1'04 lif"hi 148101 ury that metiey eould purellit4V.; Q41,!;.intNd coiled L„0 'Eve!' Loiotor', .
life. and she maid not Intl re• 'velvet] nnwonirel local „An" ;goo, had been tfunimat on powier it lion to say home. 11 „ban.
I but
PT. 1:411‘ lind lteibn !MIL or that 1c1114 retfli, 1101101'Ni, rilltiei`••fi; 1,7,s,,, bad declined tn. tee her, tuid . tever,11 .k...zonso neevoitinfeetant soap
the gayeties owl Ittunt.entents groins.. the eeenelee' teats ats1 aeons at the IMMO time.
reel talk ch be toile:ay nneedoe,-; of the hiehionniile
iilie enjoyee !mace!: she Inutreal en at antrewold, :mil gave it list of 10T1,4talle(•().1/thttitIllertedifixf bRoantkibtlIgt.1%leerbyesitost,)41,1.1:;;
%lei tore gathered
114-4' tOttni,11, 14 P.?ri,, i bat n;; Rho there ; anti marg. new 11,10 then eat" • dressed to sheeny eilk and inarvriong Ilaveiet Heard of It.
(Plitt .1 *i'i• Lon 1' 11 ' (Yr4nliv n10141- sonit, reterence to tile greet hen ety inter/ when lhe,e1"; imly ("vs IP, "/ (Toronto Telegram.)
!ea going woe the 4-I ro may I)e-I 01 of Lally i'lleveni... The Jellies or the ,n" In°, "20004 all" unenillPrnnlising
or hag teo
ig for :t mment at the neih
gborhood, rending thle lookat ,
tel ""In nvn'e .A. )3eatendersh—beg pardon, 'Wine
gordt.11 gate. .1,`, fr11. liit/“. I:0111e 1,lie elleil 01.110? ill Ivo Apr, lig though "Sly niece deelinee to ern you, truly Cdorkst-enninvention ie in session ut
, eel t o !u* roseir: 110,y Nvolim i„,,i, 8,,14, ,,i.al, t1,14 Ito cliovirni-K," ehe meld, "stud f think elle lfarnilton • and 10{1011109 the newe-
1 I 4:1, not v.ra.... I . litzii go- 441 The the girl we knew. RR Violet 11(tye?'' Is onite right. "'Zed jilted our best papers of that burg with the sight of
Lime e very (40.e—trier :111, tie* j4Iiil For Lady Chevenle held up her trh'ml. AA naturally elunilelh we fentilier feces from their favorite
1•ar.4 iat its t Ix lilkilre."'
, heads ith the bielieet itinotig thee h
theta. take flitie. It,, not tan --• h
again aunts all oter the Province,
•• grj e
1:111 AP f 11- hot Olvil 11.11 i I. the peln she never Ignored tip peet -eh . epeke Eve deee not earl, to know you." •
mot. of il without Le:411311m; (••••lif/ talked (Tio bc Continued.) . "Near& Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
ter mberieg him 'alma tdie lliongia of Napa; were Nil or denerintiongab
Wall Street Arithmetic,
(13oetoit (emenereint Bulletin.)
10 Ming make one trust,
10 trusts make one eenthine,
10 combines make one merger,
IO IlleV01% inane one magente, '
1 Dingnete inekes ell the money.
Mit 14..E1P10ES
$59000 Reward 1.6111 be Paid bY
,.stiver Brothers
Limited, Toronto, to any person who
can prove that this soap contains
any form of adulteration whatsoever,
or contains any injurious chemical%
hot rev Pk. Oefimen Dar. IU
As Represented,
ilittitale ('ommercial.)
a‘larkham—See here, when you sold
me that home, you said he wouldn't
harm a nee
Markham—Well, just look at me. I've
been kicked and dreg,ged
iny dear sir, e'en are not a
flea, •
$50.00, to California,
and Return
Via tile Chicago, Union Puente in North.
Western Line, loom Chicago. April 23 to
•May 1. Choice of routes going and re-
turning, Correspondingly low rates from
all points. Two toting a day from Chi-
cago through without eletugeeDaily and
personalty conducted tourist, ear eXclun
slops, Write for itinerary and full par-
ticenare regarding, special train leaving
Chicago April 20.—B. H. Bennett, 2 East
King, street, Termite, Ont.
Minerd's Liniment for sale everewhere..
Au Unusual Question.
Mrs. Leslie M. Shaw, with her dough'
ter, Miss Ernie. and Miss Enid, vieited
San Francisco last month, and menet
social 'emotions Were given there in
honor of the Secretary of the Treas.
ury's family.
At a tea one afternoon Me. Shaw,
smiling towards her deughters said:
"When 'Enid was four or eve years
old she used to repeat at eight the little
prayer, 'Now I lay me—'
"I suppose that minions of children
have said, 'Now I lay me' millions of
times, but I doubt if the , simple and-.
charming weeds Of the prayer ever seg.
.gested to another ebild a question Ho ,
unusual as they did to Enid. She one
night repeated the prayer reverently,
and then asked lee, with a puzzled
"'Money, if I snould die before
wake, bow would I know that I was
dead?'"—Detroit Times.
kluldLLA LW 1 11 ��il
ISSUE .N 1 1 t 04,
Airs. Winslow'e hootilien es rue ehoula
ailiveye be 11.'441 141r rhilill`va '1PL.-0111114 It
SWAIM t110 e)111(1, 0,111.4 t .•:0111,1, en NA tvtuil
rt)1113 Ulla 10 the best reewdy nee oterraea,
highest, Wt.„."01 1101111 1I)1011)1't
home. Address or apply v. Um W..11.010)11,
Illtnititon, ()et.
Any Lady ate Wilco Unsay
$19,00 to $20.(n) weekly by representing 1114
In her locality I it her spare time `Vivi posi-
tion la pleasant mill profitable um year
round. Will gladly send particulars it) any
lady who may need to Beau, some money,
and wiii convinee you that this is no decep-
Von, Nirs. Davidson, drawer lie, Ilraltiforti,
Out Mention this paper.
The Indepentlent lanai Vire
sureare C /Meetly, Toronto, canasta.
Anrientiont wilt be received f(Vi Ontario
At" tides no ,ead bur towng
ereSti be 11 ttlIiCn, 21 King street NTS t,
,,Vel onion, President.' Watt maflogiog
3D '-e tor; Wm. Limy, tinperintendee t.
tells all Omit notes, receipts, mortgages,
leases, aeods, wills, property exempt from
seizure, landlord mut tenant, ditches mei
watercourses, etc., one agent sohl 17 copies
in three (lays ; another Sold 014 in a Week •,
French edition now. reedy;, outfit weer,.
outnt Meier; if hot satisfactory, money
refunded. The .1. .1.. Nichols tJo,, Limited,
Toronto, illenilon this paper.
Trouble Over a Name.
(Topeka (lapital.)
• A man elepped up to the window of
the post °Mee at Staffeel nee :eared for
Ids mail. eIlehat is'the na)fle?" asked the
postmaster. "Louder," replien the man.
"What is the mite?" then shouted the
• postmaster. "Louder," again -said , the.
patron. °Tour moue?" tocreti the post.
Anft,ster, WWI it rattled the wintipwe.
"Louder, 3. IL Louder," meekly npTied -,
the man,
Farmers' :drops
Climate Goes with the Land.
Winter his much sunshine and witrnith and
"The San Joaquin Valley," ,,.California for the
Settler," teilhe Land ' of Opportunity," and
other descriptive matter free to agents. .
Colonist .Rates MargILAndoneprit $33..00 from Chicago
..WrIte to 11. P. CARTER, 'Is. P. A.
75 Yonge Street, - -,. Toronto, Ont.
$842.1111111101111111111111111111111. 41 i ,
interesting Wee Itoutes.
The Werldee Work gives tbe fel-
lowing table of distance, showing
among other thing; how far Ressia
meat transfer -war supplies to the
Fan leaet ;
„ p.otersirrg to VI o tio k, 0.-
500 miles.
St Detersburg to rort Aiklintr,
003 inikee
Viadivostock or Port Arthur SO
Harbin, n00 reface.
N:.w Yoeic to Yekolienne viet the
now Panama canal, 10 Oel. miles.
Now York to Tokohema vet the,
elope canal, 18,$01 mile%
Odeesa to Viadivoelock, 10,823
eeenila to Yokohama, 2,848 iniice,
• Use
Courting a Girl in Spain.
Courting in Spain is • conducted -on
principles that might almost be described
as unique.. The Spanish girl .of any at.
tractions is almost always attended by
at 3.•oung 11110 IS known as 'ter
now, and who l)as the privilegeof
squiring her on her evaike, althoegli by
it singular Anomaly no formai engage -
meat existe. So long as this state of
thines -continues the young • MO- has
to he loyal and obedient -to her gal -
lent. But he may cease, Iris 'attentions
at any time and meetly transfer his
attentions to some other lady. Although
the advanteges of suelt a custom are all
on the side of the male,very few Span-
ish girls would earn to be without
=vie, however ilekle.
Can be had in TUBS, PAILS, WASfi BASINS,
Prom any Bret -class dealer.
1111 liTE 1,Y t.A_Si4E-A'n •
Gee% But Never rorgeten.
The •dame who kept our boarding home,
A very worthy lady,
litts shuffled oft' tins mortal eon.,
To realms that one mills slimly,-
Xo more we'll Self her irate face, •
By nature hard -and steely,
Cirow harder as slie Imam us eny:
dlieken soup ig verily."
'On stalwart ettalcs of iron east mole
• Now tendert y we're thinking,
.And -coffee ground—Stwas chiefly gowning
-ISM gave each morn for drinking.
We do Dot wielt her bark again,
" For lamb a wiAt 1110St isIt it,
Thlt With sineetity we ery:
"Pestee ha unto her beating.°
Thomas Edison Aran titiR ittex.
vittnittion of Itis ability to do the -aloe,
moue meet of work he performs: "I
eat , just about it pomul of feel per day
—three mettle, hut just euough to tour.
isit the hody. My diet eousisig of Meat,
vegetables, eggs or ittlythieg elee that
it want, but hi small quantitiee. People
eat and drink far too much. Iittleedt 3
know of men anti women who ere food
, cheek all the time. I needier ever take
0113' outdoor atareatioin leit 1 Jive nk"
Atentionsly, as my father did before
me. It people would ibet themseIvel,
and chop clove mony eminnou entente
Would disappear."
ifidekrftetIb16, ntindiomer Perfect; Only 20 aerator** tanning foot.
BoDpilerl by no or loon dealer, 202
HE PAC X Wittit SittiOlt CO. Littlitod. Vititrville, Mehl& itt, John