HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-21, Page 4T E. WI ThhAMM ADVANCE. ANCE. LOOM WINQUA1Vi;' DRESS 000DS AND TRIMMINQS HOUSE For the Balance of April we will sell at one-half Regular Prices our stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Ready -to -don Clothing, Following is a list of the great Bargains to be had at RITCHIE'S this month :--- Men's $12.00 Suits, assorted aizea and Colors $0.00 Men's 38.00 Suits, aizea 36 to 42, ,srssorted colors 4.00 Men's $5.00 Suits, sizes 33 to 39. assorted colors 2.50 Younis' 3300 Suits, sizes 31 to 30, assorted colors 4.00 Youths' 30.00 Suits, sizes 3r to 35, assorted colors 3.00 Boytl' $6.00 Sults, sizes 24 to 81. assorted colors 2.50 Boys' 33,50 Suits, sizes 22 to 28, Assorted colors ............... 1.75 Children's Suits-., oft regular prices. The above prices are for Bash or trade only. House-cleaning Time is here, and we have an excellent assortment of Carpets, Oilcloths and Linoleums. Below we give a few prices :- 5 Pcg, all -wool 3.ply Carpet, 36 in. wide, assort. patterns, yd . $1.00 3 Pieces all -wool 2 -ply Carpet, 36 in. wide, asst. patterns, yd.... .75 4 Pieces Union Carpet, 80 in. wide, assort, patterns, per yd,,..,50 Tapestry Carpets, assorted patterns.., ,., 4ee to 75c Brussels Carpets, assorted patterns 75e to $1.25 Wilton's Carpets, assorted patterns....... ............. 93c to 31.50 Linoleums and Oilcloths.—Large sariety of patterns and widths —4/4 at 25o ; 5/4 at 85e ; 014 at 45c ; 8/4 at 50e, 60o and 05e ; 8,•1 at 75e, 00c, $1,00, $1,25 and $1,35; 15/4 at 32.00, 32.25, 32.60 and 32.75; one 8 piece 8/4 Inlaid Linoleum at Toe per sq. yard, Curtains and Lace Netts, and Madras Goods, in an endless variety of patterns and prices. - RITCHIE'S for Dress Goods & Trhum'gs Alex. Ritchie BEAVER BLOCK WINGHAM Take the Baby Out RITCHIE'S for Carpets, Rugs, Etc.i for its airing in one of the new Carriages or Go -Carts we have just put on sale. It will be Safe and Comfortable You will think from their style and get-up that they are high priced, but they're not. Not having sufficient room we have .decided to sell them at a very low margin, making profit a second consideration. Nothing will delight the children more than one of our shall Go -Carts or Waggons, UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick 5t . Sth house West of tiarmfrton's Drug Stare. Night calls retains prompt at- tention. Bali Bros. The People's Furniture Store w SEEDS! amen• ammo SEEDS a dr..w dw se• w dr: 01. 818.8. 1,▪ 14.8 00▪ . a 40▪ 4. 4110. 40 w E T. A. Mills has just com- pleted his stock of Garden and Field Seeds. CommonRed, Mammoth, Alsike and Lucerne Clovers Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, Red Top, White Clover, Lawn Grasses. A new lot of Corns and full line in Manolds, Carrots,. Sugar Beets, Rape and Tur- nip Deeds. When in the market to buy see my Seeds. T. A. MILLS —The New Fork World states CANADIAN 00GRAPITY, that John D, Rockefeller, Sr,, has Thursday, April 21, 1904 been, seized by the 1nQ11eygavlpg 4 1 1 �I I_ 4 i R •N _. 1 u h i impulse, Ile has already, so it is Vat xll3'111i Abe stated given away $35,000,000, $100,000,000 before be dice. As he wishes every dollar he gives to be as useful as every one that be keeps, bis gifts are being made very systematically, —The Rev. Dr, W. l ..Smith, a missionary to China, now home on furlough, has given to the Christian Guardian the pronunciation of some of the names most frequently met with in accounts of the Russo Japanese war, We append the names with. their pronunciation. phonetically spelled ;---Pin Vang (Pin Vong) ; Seoul (Soel) ; Ohe- mulpo (file uinlpo) ; Taku (Taw- koo) ,• Tientsin (Tee en sin) ; Won - son (Wonsoon) ; Kirin (Cure) ; Nieuchwang (Newehwong); Peehi- li (Peechelee) ; Penn) (Peeho). In mission station, Ratting is pro- nounced Jawdin, and the province Sz-Chuan, Sub chewon. 1 --The eleventh report of the Su- perintendent of Neglected and De- pendent Children of Ontario is to hand. Its perusal causes a feeling of sadness at' the thought of so much suffering and neglect among the little ones ; so many east out upon an unsympathetic world. Yet there is hope and encouragement in the work that has been performed, under, perhaps, many difficulties.. Children have been rescued from surroundings the most wretched and depraved; they have been pro- perly cared for and placed under proper moral influences, with the result that they give every indica- tion of growing up to be useful and respected young men and women. To be left as the Society found them would mean that many of them would swell the population of our prisons and reformatories, or become a nuisance to society. The Society is doing a good work, and there is plenty of room for its operations. —This is the way the Toronto Telegram puts the case.: --The Grand Trunk Railway shareholders in London assembled were with difficulty persuaded to risk $]5,- 000,000 of their own money in re- turn for the ,use of $150,000,000 of Canada's credit. The Dominion of Canada shareholders at Ottawa as- sembled are willing, by a large and partisan majority, to risk 150 -mil- lion dollars of the country's credit to secure 15 millions' private' capi- tal in the Grand Trunk Pacific scheme. The Grand Trunk share- holders hesitated to risk 15 million dollars in order to secure a trans- continental railway for themselves. The Dominion of Canada share- holders do not hesitate to risk 150 million dollars of their country's credit in order to secure a trans- continentaI railway for other peo- ple. It is a pity that the Grand Trunk shareholders are not legis- lating at Ottawa and the Dominion of Canada shareholders discussing Grand Trunk Railway schemes at London. u r ,� i1 l�Ir.r And he intends to make the amount TUBO, HALL, PROPRIETOR, APRIL, 1904, Sun WA Toe t 'e Th Fri, Sat t 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 24 18 10 20 21 22 80 statim"IaJ Rotes .Cs --Hugh Clark's Bill to do away with "saw -off" of election trials was defeated in the Legislature. 1 --On Saturday last, the Ontario Legislature had sat 65 days, and the session is reported the longest on record. 1; ---Marton'. says the wireless ser- vice between Britain and Canada will begin so soon as he can cow. plete a bargain with the British postoffice people. —The debate on the bill to aid the Algoma Central railway brought out instances of opposition to Cana- dian interests by the United States Steel Trust. '1' —Several families of Frenah Ca- nadians from the New England States have removed this Spring to Edmonton. It is expected that at least 300 families will remove from those States to the Canadian North West during the coming Spring and Summer. —Articles of incorporation have been filed for the National Farmers' exchange, with South Dakota head- quarters at Pierre, and offices in Chicago, with a capital of $50,000,- 000. This corporation has for its purpose co-operation in the hand- ling of all products of the farms ; or, in other words, a "farmers' trust." —There are 1,800 churches in Moscow. They are the wealthiest churches in the world. One, St. - Saviour's, cost 28 million roubles— nearly 14 million dollars—to build. The Russian church is the nation's great wealth storehouse --the nest egg which will be hatched out when the great crisis comes. '1 —It is reported that Hon. James Sutherland will shortly resign the . portfolio of Public Works on ac- count of ill -health, and that he will be succeeded by Hon. Charles Hy- man. Another reason given is the differences between Hon. R. Pre- fontaine, over the sphere of their respective departments. Mr. Suth- erland is at Woodstock, where he has been resting for several days. —The indications are that there will be an enormous area 'ander THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. grain in Manitoba during the corn- _ ing season, the acreage being esti- The report of the Ontario Agri - mated at 4,000,000 acres. It is cultural College for 1903 has been recalled that usuaIIy a hard winter issued. It shows the attendance of bas been followed by a bounteous students during the year to be 728; yield in grain crops, and the san- of these 299 took the general gain Manitobans promptly seize course and 215 the school course in upon this piece of experience to Stock and Grain Judging ? 114 the build an unusually high fabric of Dairy course ; the remainder took hope. up other lines of study, 'I• - Eight of the students were from There are, according to a re- Brace county and eight from Hu- -eon cent report for the Province of On- eunty: The President, James Mills, tario, fifty-nine Hospitals, thirty- sums up the benefits resulting from five Refuges, thirty-one Orphan- the agencies for agricultural educe - ages, three Homes for Incurables, tion, as follows t.--- two Convalescent Domes, and two 1$t, The farmers of this country Magdalen Asylums. While it is are producing more per unit than sad its think that these are all re- formerly. For example, take the quired, and at times insufficient, it province of Ontario. Daring the is pleasing to know that so much is last ten years the population of being done for the sick and suf- this Province has remained sta- tionary, faring, tionary, and there has been Iittle, t 1 if any, increase itt the prioa3 of farrl} -`he annual report of the TIP, products , and, nevertheless, there tb A Geography of Canada has been i issued by the Department of the Iuterior, intended, we presume, to ' ' —,,,-- give -.� •• give information regarding Canada to intending emigrants and others. aaa From it we make a few extraets for ; - Tierr the benefit of our readers :— ii 01 a �,, 1....-$ Eighty-seven per cent, of the gp1e living in Canada were born = there, and as many as 95 per out, were born in, some part of the Em- pire. At the beginning of the 20th century, only 5 per cent, were for- eigners by birth and 55 per cent, of these were naturalized. Most o those who live in Quebec province are descendants of early French settlers ; they form 30 per cent, of the whole population of Canada, The value of Ontario farms, buildings and implements as placed at eight hundred million dollars ; live stock, nearly 132 millions ; the average value of Ontario farms is reckoned at $4,967. lanadian factories in 1901 pro- duced $481,053,375 worth of goods. In 1904, Canada exported 1,288,000 barrels of flour, 229 million pounds of cheese, and. over 34 million pounds of butter' ; lumber exports totalled over thirty-six million dollars. Canada's railway a tit i C r wa m le a per head of population is greater tan that of any other Country. In ac- tual mileage it stands eighth in the world, having 19,000 miles of track, compared with 22,000 in Great Britain. In 1902, the railways of Canada had a paid-up capital of $1,098,852,209, a train mileage of 55,729,856 miles, carried 20,697,- 794 passengers, and 41,376,527 tons of freight. The Government railways are the Intercolonial (1,333 miles) and the Prince Edward Island railway (211 miles). There are 33 chartered banks, with 1,020 branches and a paid-up eapitel of over 76 million dollars ; the deposits reached nearly 425 million dollars. New Ontario is described as that portion of the Province of Ontario lying west of the Ottawa River and its tributary Iakes, north of Lakes Huron and Superior, and extending to .the western boundary of Mani- toba on the west and James Bay and Albany River on the north, and the agricultural laud there is estimated at fifteen million acres, Considerable space. is devoted to the newer provinces of the Domin- ion, and there is much information of value to the settler or intending emigrant in this "geography" of Canada, "1 —The news of the death of Mr. John Pollard, editor' of the Napanee Express, but for many years proprietor of the Tiverton watchman, will be received with regret by many old friends in Bruce. On Saturday morning Mr. Poi: lard left his hone to witness a fire that was in progress in the town. Before proceeding far he became faint and sank to the ground, Be was carried home and expired an hour afterwards, Mr. Pollard left Tiverton some 14 years ago. A widow and three children survive. Grand Trunk Again To The Front. The New York Agency of the Grand Trunk Railway System are now occupy- ing what is conceded to be the hand- somest railroad office in the world, on the ground floor of the new Dun Mer- cantile Agency Building, at 290 Broad- way, New York. The floor is finished throughout in Sienna marble, bronze and plate glass, and these decorations east the owner of the building $i00,- OOQ.OQ, and it is considered the finest display of this handsome stone in America. The Grand Trunk leased the entire floor and called it "Railway Ex- change," having as sub -tenants: Great Eastern Fast *eight Line, behigh'T alley Railroad Oo., Maine Steamship Co., Clyde Steamship Co„ queen d Crescent Route, Louisville & =111g!'31 ashville Railroad Oo., Wfseons#n Oentral Railroad Co., Oentral Railroad of New Jersey, The Central States dispatch, Pere Marquette Railroad Co., Georgia Railroad Co. The consolidation of these interests is a new departure, and in the brief time that they have been together, it has operated to so much advantage to the roads interested, and has been such ah accommodation to the 'shipping and ravelling public, that its success is as. sured. The entire office has been fitted roughoot iz1 niallogan w responds With the buildings decorations, apectors of Penitentiaries hat been has been a very large increase in izsned. The average daily popuIa the sums received for the agricul- tion of the penitentiaries for the tura' products exported from the past year was 1,224, a slight de- Province. crease on the previous year. The 2nd. Our farmers are living bet- nutuber liberated on parole wiles ter, getting more of the necessaries nine per cent. ; pardons, 2,8 per and comforts of life for their labor. neut.; deaths, 1,4 per petit. No 3rd. They are more intelligent. escape Geed/Ted daring the year. Evidence of this is seen in the fact The Report says :—It it a matter that they are reading more than Of deep regret that one-eighth of formerly, and ,are much more ani - the total number are mere youths, Ione for knowledge. ' It is seen also who have *treacly reached the grade in the character of the dlece siblre of criminality that Involves peri- at the Farmers' Institutes, tertiary tereatinent. 4th. They are more refined, dress better, and look beer that in days 0E10 by. In the eouret of hie rernarkt l 5th. During the last fifteen years Irl Parliament, Mr. Taylor, the , there has been a general and clear- -chief Conservative whip, has given ly noticeable uplift of the farming some interesting figures x garding ,community in this country. I have the new financial demand of the : had ample opportunities for study- Government.Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier ing the situation in this Province ; r instals upon giving frons $150,000,. I have seen pretty mach the tame 000 to *170,000,000 to the % ra tri hle---20,000 to 30,000 a year—. Trunk Pacific, This money mustf for ak nniid er of years, and I have come from somewhere. This In no hesitation in maklpg the state, bin -idea the bea will he distributed: metra. ' Upon every Canadian $21i Every 1'akrnilyr $126 Every voter,..: ,$150 Every township .,,,,*100,000 Every tuency .4800,000 Cath, I`armn.rrs are loser inclined than formerly to apologize for themselves and their occupation ; send their social standing ias impro- oipg (rota year to ,year. cot; the offices being in the centre of the space with a lobby down each side, Everything considered, the Grand Trunk Railway Systorn's new offico IS worthy of a gall from anyone visiting &iv York. ROBT. H. GARNISS RLUEVA1. -- ONT. { Get the Habit x 1 " Shop at the Big Store I t Our stock of Dress Goods shows a happy colnbi- 1 nation of variety, good. taste, exclusiveness, high quality, { and price moderation, Our assortments are still complete in spite of the greatest testimony of popularity we have ever known. Visitors are heartily welcome in our mag- 1.1 ag- 1 nificent Dress Goods department. We are showing a • fine range of Voiles, Eolienne and Crepe -de -Chine, etc., also Scotch and French Tweed Suitings in fashionable ' mixed effects. NEW NECKWEAR FOR WOMEN. In view of the fact that women are bestowing more 1 attention than ever on becoming and attractive styles of i dressing the neck, we have .provided her with a large _ variety of very dainty neck -pieces to gratify her tastes in _ ` this direction. The tendency is towards transparent and filmy styles in chiffon and unlined silk stocks. Linen stocks are all of moderate and comfortable height in - Kerchief Points, colored and drawn work border. We'll be pleased to show you these goods. MEN'S AND BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. • This week we have put into stock a complete • assortment of sizes, styles, colors, etc., in Ready-to-wear Clothing. For fit,• style, finish and quality there is no better shown. Prices moderate. All our goods are marked in plain figures. No two prices. You pay the same price that your neighbor pays. • GROCERY BARGAINS AT THE BIG STORE. Re -cleaned Raisins... .5 lbs. for 25c New Prunes........ , . 5 lbs, for 25c Cooking Pigs 8 lbs. for 25c Large package of powdered Am- monia, each 10e McGregor's Orange' Marmalade 10 and 15c VanOamp' i Tomato Soup, ..15c tin " Mock Turtle " ...15c tin " Chicken " , ..15c tin New Pure Maple Syt up 35c qt. The kind that's made from the sap of the maple tree. 1 e .. . ui is TRAIN UP A CHILD and when np, send him or her to - - r, Fresh Goods Term Begins Apr. xi, 19o4. Two Courses:—Commercial and Shorthand. ti Send for College Journal, Most people appreciate fresh - C. A. FLEMING A. L. McfNTYRR goods, it always tastes so much President soo'y, _ nicer, and is much healthier • besides. We are always ready with a fresh stock of MANY CALLS are.received from business firms and Many Students aro placed in good posi- tions each year Uy the famous CENTRAL ,a/.4;a( STRATFORD. ONT. This school stands for the highest and best in business education in Canada to- day. Many business collages employ our graduates as teachers, We bavo scores of applications from other colleges. Ask to see then' the day you enter. Bt. d. Elliott, Princlpai. r 14A C ` tYStl"' ETA'. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONERY. '` - Our Chocolates are of the highest class goods. • Try our Oysters served in any style, 150 a .dish. We have in stock Canada Cream and Roquefort Cheese. - Ice Cream orders filled on the shortest notice. Your Patronage Splicited Wohir,p'S p'.4trt, ST. boats, Alen. 80-Dcc. 1,1004 Beate Hall,2feet high, in which is installed the Largest organ In the or-tl5stOps, Return Tickets Will Be Issued lircertnqafter tMneiSnosng stop vannintermediate ' Itt..Ul..t-.i_!.. Os.r c.._.-� dian Station, also at Detroit and Chicago. • $z7.ro To Washington D. C. and return. Good going April llth, 12th, ' ., valid returning on or before April 18th, 1004. $61.5o TO Los Angeles or San Francisco and return, good going April 22nd to 30th inclusive, valid returning, reach. ing destination on or before June 80th, 1901. miitm��ini��i`miimi_ _ one Wa�� y Special Excuriden T.iokete fl f/s on age diaily to pointe #n Colorado, 13ritia .,. Cblunihia, Ca111¢finia;'eff1; ' �"^ Special Settler* Train* E 51 .a, -A--. . E To bantidten i.*orth- "'•`�'-" tYest will leave Tomo) foe.. -tee ovary Tuesday dpring A.pr, at 9 P.M. aaascn- .�. gars travelling without live stockshould take ea"'s ., 1. WHO usg, Pacific, Express leaving Toronto at 145 pin, For tickets end all Won:nation, f pply to L. a'". . Harold, agent at wtngham, or to Frill__J� ( f1 T 1 l i 11 J. D. McDONALet .... (uJfltlj�� ]�lll�JtIJIM� @J1 E. for. their - grain are el Auctioneer for Huron County r , .;:,;A ,r never bothered with >;:..;;:: smelt ; we sell only - Termer reasonable, Sales arranged �� fiAC urtimt w, the Star Brand for at the o1ce of the_ - WORLD'S 1hAIIt, Si'. LOUIS w which is the best. WfNf323AXi Als�`Abp1. April 30 to Dec. 1, 1901. It is put up in 3 4. .. V RNA Lot, Hlastllart, l�.r,.,, ,.... 45 .' ▪ ▪ sad I pounce bottles LrrtOZOif flCIlrafrkr ,SPI3CIA>rX8'1'.'. $41 .Diteasea Eye, Isar, "ose and '45tos , /W4atitri01 . ,r.r.....r W;th f4 1 dirf:ptipps Visite wiagharn monthly. 0r.Ae•_rs Ewan i'itoz�itat hr. Y,e.tt; CATAnittr and ztvAtses treated, winghxm offteo M (arnpbelrs brag Store, London Office -22s Quota's Ave.:, boars 11 a,rn. ttl 8 , m. aiiatoat.ssiKabt vJelt,tSt—i lon.da st-- Feb. 1. Fath.1y 2 ay ;30June 27, July 25, Sept. 6, Oct 3, Oct. 31, Nor. 28. y..W. ._,.✓ .... m..... .. IIOLD Theo ixeda�Cioo0ddsdin Oat boCotton, t? 8111c,rrthe Try' ole, BlutlYitle, tad improvedlatest rod meet 3AoCisilas4''i[ world, aelatauvat; arc, = on each. Vancouver C.... Victoria, ii Seattle, Wash. - $43s t/O ETacoma, Wash.. Portland, a'+r,•.....,, . 08.8 `M..Y.."" E . Por' Sale Only by Ft'anl �i>ufthaari,'t econd CIsas, tlntil VV ill[ ,tlk� U(1i111 II1�ilI Apr. 00th, 1904, Lower rates to many other, pointii." Apply to nearest C'ADA. Hl� DRIXGGISI dian ,pacific Agent, or r lr NliULUttiiii11111tUJJ1U4UUILi11U ar $t, ut,'Iot`tlsta. 4 alt