HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-21, Page 341,r4- UdIl RUSSIA'S SIBERIAN • .FIGHTING TRIBES; . on the Russian type of timid fmasion Jas been applied, to eomplete subjugat tion, uhliongh it is doubtful if the Clad: - chis comprehend it further than wait etated earlier itt this avtiele. Soli is the Chalteld to -day, lime end terrible in his persomility. his toff° ever ready. to ifl. dose 1ii, viewm, even down to the merits of one of two hays. wrestling or ite to the virtne or beituty or it woman. These are the men who will grab a wild slug ter' the heels and stielt to tt until the toweling Antlers of the Wag of the 'tern come down in submission. They wreetle or race or light with or without kuiees, and outdoor lire with bucking reindeer istee them • Mtge,. swelling mtieeless Strong 05 they are, they were never able to mentor . some 1.200 Siberian lesquimaux 'northeast of t4tiii,eaut, at Indian Nita, on the Delving This little heedful or Esquimau% are , beyoud question lite hardiest,"strotigest . people on earth. Tile men continually. tram and exercise, They eaves, a one neared pound stone, and w1k,rnn or - race over interminable dietituces. Army! 'engage a walree ar wbale, with ban4 one entre eonflict They wrestle s stiperbly• mid fight to a *stendstilr - Withal they are among the eery beet disciples of Sebenels and 'their poker game would thin o,i1 oven the distill- guiebed gatherings of the Waldorf,As. Lode. They' will be delightea if the Japanese, with fleet, will visit Iudian Point, leave their guns abort' and come ashore with nothingmore than swot*. Tbe tough- est American whalers who trade there will ten you what will happen to the Jimanese. As to the Chukithis, defeitters Of the Cossaeks, they had enough after a few conflicts and have since leen evilliug to confinetheir witted to .tradeeof deer- skiu and flesh for blubber and oil. It should be saki of all these peoples that like man like dog, 'Mr certionly the Siberian dog of the Esquimau type is the fiercest to foe and the tenderest to •friends in existence,. How Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple toblettn Give Instant Relief. —net 're handy „to' carry—take one atter eating—or whenever you feel stowed: distress coming one -waterers have proved It the moy remedy knewu thateelli give instant'relief. tont per. mauent euro—no leue tedious treatmeete with eueithetteble results- beet for tat orte ' 1 et stomach troubles. 85 eents-00 „ (New York, Ileraht) isolated habit% almost impossible to Tim,attanite.of t.he nmy tow, in approitelb several_ thousand mike; diet aldi from the strong tribes, in the extreme Russien .Asie toward the present Mete eortiasese-eamost, semen, eion o.fjtiPtineea roves le et Preted The Lamas are also probably heyonit nuttier 'or iiileinallennet interetit Mel ko i IHieie Stud. evee the knowledge of not a little miseonception. The general the will' in ibe nertinrestrol mountains, They are tote nomatle, Hong opinion seems to be that the Wire mountains, etelt,enten. women, children native *aee oe Siberia will seize the end -camp. make foret•er roving and present opportunity to revolt owe tern seekieg -.Damage. 'rimy are souped only t eative doteywi, to mihse-se- " their ancient ellet4;7 tU�('Q•4,t°, aby traderetm 'their _docile arde tine deer, the best 'It 1'3 tree that sone 'Ofthese tribes i!t • in the world, and 'their deerskins, A Lo. the past have giien tile Cossacks malty met reindeer, by the watt. F.; a thing to oni " 1°3°41 WiliPPI"g' but "1"tte" "O jure standwith'since, like Rtrunt's withotit bitchine and me tit* different at pie.tet. Not tlesiteill man can ride it. Resides, it ran be milked ing to eugage in.eeewae. of extertninn' like n On% end its flerirls like that of a suell as we peojecteel egaleet the tier, liege enring elde4Po- 'q • •' - ages ef Ametien, but willt 4 view . This will be appreciated, ueettuse the Siberian reinfraer in general, it is known, preseevieg tho. six ntiils.. ofetiberiau. ece nniapeoeee eilis be milked peoples ae industrieue eubjects or the when wound in cores, and enenotebe • rid- ene5 Rusin Obit the defeat of het :ilrelly; 4tvigetrirttilie4:370teesdes!eorasitetaligienillilagulaiy1 Cosstreke; by 'emelt tribes -its• t1110 .e0uhr 'net*, .„, „ , nutilung. te: ote omelets and Tenguese not conquers' 08.41(1' 1.)* C05$841141:ale.M' aeclusreely tbet -breed tame and' ridable selves„ i, gime , pert, antl, centmencedeacer. -Wet wonderful Wort of 'Weed, leorat ' iteany Tektite. , suasion and finve, largely by wldeh it The Waits am the himeet Siberiad is stated she has subjected 108 peoples tribe, with a population of 270,000. They in Jew rineet-- •e -e e- " 'Welty -the westernend of SiberiaeIront America proeeetted on the lines Out the Tartar border to the Antic Ocean, an, bailie ie at ide beet,. when, deed. in -whielearett they breed the flue white Roane, (encoded DIM', her tribee were IterseS, tattle and reinSeer. Like the Cos. better alive, with flourishing and enor- sack, they live much on -horseback, and -musty rielt iedustriee of reindeer, pan, and probably will, put 50,000 cavalry berets eattlef and dog breedieg, fur -4744T in the field in the present war, which, fish rethering, eta,and usefully. pore -with. the Retrials .end.Kalunicalts. are to tiding the wastes el vast Siberia, ex- be given free rein to make raids and bar= tending from the polar. cold .And night, ass the enemy, They are genemly a rich fee south into thte.etamperate. Zone, end_ people, their best population being eon - from, the Pacific fat 'across the tundras bred at Yakut*, the capital of the pro - and Mieentaime to: the Melee .the bor- vinee of that name. Like most of the Se deeline of Europa • • • ,berians, the men are big and strong, It must i� remembered that tlie* Cos- many of them exceeding six feet in sacks themselves were one* •suemadie tieighti - tribes,' always at, War. with, Ittessie, and .The evonten are likewise big aul one other nation% but Under 'subtle Mite sidered the handsomest of their .0s. in eaves became more Russian than the -Asia. Although the women still Affect a national attire of their own, constructed of Mee richest furs and gold ornaments in- winter, the men, paeticularly thoSe of wealth, stick to European, clothes or military emits and caps. Tlie herders, however, dress in rieli furs. These people are fiercely patriotic -in way. While they will push along if the Tartitre or Bolide get too. nutter- oes in their vicinity; because of their love of plenty Of room, and 'anti, eorie of the Asiatics, 'Cossacks or otherwise, care to inepire them with military .ar- dor. A six or seven foot Yakut, with huge breaste,ebig mooted lege end long, powerful, moo,. wielding a sibre from the' back of a swift horse, is a good thing o admire, but not oppose. These men wont& dearly Iota to engage . . the Japanese, hand to hand,. or any oth- er race, For .that privilege, they would undertake the conduct of war. Row they a'ifI.behave in the presence of moeern machines of war is an unknown quan- tity. For them he sabre, the wrestle end back breaking,• smashing heads to - ;ether and .such like purely. heroic war! It seems a pity that guns were invent- ed -whim the earth atilt possesses giants of Romer's most apprewea type,•.about Nekom some of us cannot help reading in Pope, one a year; 'at least; and ad. miririg And sighing over more than all Ike Napoleons and Caesars of warfare. • 'Ehe setitichte••ettere'.the :inventors' of ku •niss. There is now A (IOWA ttb011i; the Tun- guspeopl Tbe liineyelopiredia Britan- nica estimates their population on eonmetent Authority ateepward'ef '80,- 000, but Mr. 'Waldemar J. dochelson, at the Amenian Museeitteof •Natural Rumen himself. net any Siberian tribe. will revolt eagitiest, its, inigitey proteetoe, the Czar, is therefore too abeurd to .cooteemiate._ Nearly all these - tribes have"torne under the hole banner of. the Orthodox Creek Church. What- ever shemanistie rites and private mar- ital eeremonies they. iney still perforin, most of their 'omega; and worships are first made in. the orthodox churches, seettered all over Siberia. To the Ithesien priests they confide ali of their persimal affairs, The kindly but priest knews the hearts. pf the ineidens and' young men. He in no way interferes with the peculiar and an. '''seeient forms of love making, supersti- thine, •and even .polygarniesi. but ,he ,does- scenehow round them up to. be married in- the church and baptize. the '.eldldren. Oh, no, the missionary, frontier, pion- eer, Russian priests are ,too snbtle combat these. people mid tower them by, telling them, as • our foreign mission ariee do abroad, that their. creeds and superstitions are wicked, .sinful and of- fepsive • to heaven. Oneithe contrary, they first win the eenlictenee of. the native; ..tind gradutilly woe,' hiin finder mm etre!, no atter how tons, how. mime years it takeir and let his eyes' grad. nay open to the beauty, the desirabil. ity and the necessity of the 'Greek relWiRner." 7'. • ea. Cossack and Priest. The Russian soldier, the Cossack, it just in .the baekgroundeof thepriest.bright uniform is very attractive to the native. .That sohlier isenpt there,to.eupe presSeditattYrittiiiiee, WM& the native in- etinctively realizes,but at the same time hes sees f1he lurking shadow there. of tory, Who etiednetedeseme ofthe aiber- rereetlieSehigtke -rand•eitf 'the distant, ian ,Terup eePeditiOni,`:avarsAlint there are 9,000eor 40,000 of --them. The wide -differente calls tor an explanation which is "not forthcoming, so we must leave it to Russipersavants to fight. out. If Mr, joettelson is, correct, as he is cer- tainle• in a Poiltien'to be, the Ttingueee are practically out of it, so for as the present war is concerned. They are a line race, somewhat similar ,to the Yaltuts, but enga,ged in other pursuits, befog known as. forest men. The Chukchis are apparently, Menton worthy of the steel of Merritt* They occupy parts of Northern Siberia,where they are the wor10 largest reindeer breeders, and leer nothing -except the spirits ;which their Amen sedulously striei to. combat. Here. is a tribe which mysteroue • Emperor—and *news, that there itta some thitigs he Must not do r to arouse that docile power. Thcanateve4urt1ey Itintwe that itt.this outwatally latheely appearing group of Ruseian officials and soldiers i8. a sere market -for the fruits of Ifisidelestry. He Ituoteme that • these uuiformed men, that graye. andestern, but kindly „ Military elovereene, haye toi eye .not only on.every „ foreigner win!' eomes to trade, but every Russian as well. Re knows that, some- how, theediet is there, that the. buyer must trade "square." Perhaps"the native , cannot coot and -does not ktiove how many animals he possesses, nor realizes just what he is getting Mr his product, but the watchful Russian is there, and hieknows that he, at least, has not been cheated, but :lute received full. market ,the Cossacks never conquered, which rai value, peatedlY whipped. the Cossacks, and. Such is.the :bulwark the nit ve races ii , Which only- the Russian system . of stand beitind. They know it and appreee nioral suasion has convinced that they ate it. 'Andetio, the, the man-Whe goat have a master. These people are es- . there to trade eleeti the wall .ef power inut et to have a i opula ton of Io,000, that the native can only dimly realize, . but with their neighbors, tre hardy and is mighty glad to get otit with the Koralts, to wboni they are „related race furs or other goods he has ebtained at ally, could possibly put as many rare O fair nutiket value* .- . fighters - in Abe .field. Their story is Russia lute been severely criticized for told by Mr. Waldemar Hogoras, of the the squalor and ignorance in which some . American :Museum, who Heed with them Of these Mai% Rea- as if the peer we and Mastered their vocabulary—Gad ie, have not always- with us everywhere onso numb of. tliell, etory as has to do with earth: She has also -been °reticent' for the' their fighting proelivitees. I condition% of the tribes generally. Such Hostility between the Chultehis and natives are alive, and few of them have • the Russians began with theit lirst been killed Mt es in America, where ap- contact .iii the meldle of the seven• parently a human life has had no value teenth sentury. The. Cossacks, Who ' if it fttood in the march of the white eame front Kolymn, and who, in their .. •,..., . ' • conthets with the Lamuts,.Yultogirs and lluesion policy-alloWs Ogee netives to nee in their own way, to which they ave addrited,Leelear 'the eltithet 'Which they field beet seitable to the climate and work • Olitetlielt- destiny -in: 'the anion* native to the soil and conditions, The result is seen in the great decrease of eavegeree. the :great iiieyease of eative. Wealth rad theigerie daltlieretted of point-' Mien. Intermarriage has been °Moue aged, so that to -day the native May 'mere te'Itteasian wife or the Russian a untiee Mixture or 13140d. Prom our viewpoint,. it may, and. doubtless seam an aboininable „Re- ined of .biood, Siberia. is not, .an Americo, nefelestined te be one. A Atosioo giir of tbd onlinere ateee eftn see Yu) objectiohs to husband Owning five thou- eroid, or twenty thous:old reindeer; nor to 'a Yalote owner and greeder of great hetfis of boeutiful white horses and rine tattle. Nov ie 'the ordinary Ihneiiati en Chem& averse to 0. Wahl). bride, ht.h.05.4 Of euch rieli pessessione. luterMterriage With rich indictee is eo- Ing on by the thousands in Incline ger- ritory, and deseendante of intermarre Ages with Indinne entirely eurround our Arent "When we criticise the other fellow we invariably overlook ourseiveie tind Iliteeittn •totvard her interior . t•ribes will bear every vy inspection ned every comptitleon witlt onr owe treat. meld of neelititie man, even ne 1101 trent. m . eet of the Hebrewe will compare well With our treetment of the ilogroee. The Ibtssienieed (vibes of racial Mite prise the Wolfs. the Tuuguth ese, e Clod:Otis, the "efarinut tiand 'Reindeer lreryake, the Chtwanzis, th Iremehdale. tionte reembitates. the termite tend *Ono. gliirs, Which n144)eeprese the eviler •or their importneet, There. is Aleo a levee eepresentatioil of 11,witete Reltinteke, Oteetfinteillg frent 'iLtointolitl. The eke- gliire may be 4180115(41 from. eonsidera- thet, stetvation and ditienee Mee re. ;lured theta from a Minimum people to oboot heithlred eettls, Otelfit te their er. Chuvanzie, had been accuetomed .to easy victories, and ofteit -a. Mooffiese eubmis-; shim met' with the most obdurate re - %stance. The Chtikehis had no social organ- izatiom. but 'Nese tot one man, to the surprise of their opponents, Major Pay- • Malty and 105 Cossacks, *were eomplete- ' ly routed, defeated and nearly netnihil- . ated, _By order of Rursia the Cossacks then destroyed their own outposts, in- cluding Fort Anody, and sent their sup- plies to Kolyiesiceaud Gishyginsk. There- after the Cossaelts were repeatedly de- ., I "faded, The Chulohis then boarded their bay- , dotite, paddled to leolynuteaud destioyed the Russian Ailleviet or of their attest }mottle death, 101 hititory' thus' dramatirally- des - tales. Sent Ind ene, murder- er!" said theipeophare this eaptive. "'We have t -to iron axes with which to cleave you, ee you hove done -air people, het we will in seine Way make .you feel the pain of 'death. They snipped Min ef his Armor and put on his head 4 reindeer bridle, with a. • hong strap, and mole hint run bnrefopted through the snow. When be ,grew tired they lashed him with reindeer whipe. Patintsky, and tic&irtied to It it the lion esei,:e stroke demise. elooa, Now Irak. Ontinin. the Wieked {7.ilittnaever, Wes ex. banked. Me hack wa5 eorely ineentted and his tinemei They draeged him entil he Tell, thee lashed him with whips, like women heat lug a ient eover. Vakounnin sprang to his feet again, anil ran la it (melte bie tongeo hanging. agein he fell awl mule viee no more, The,v made 0 huge fire and ,roasted hint itlivteitte ing bis testi itt thin filters until lie was dead. \Athol eaptured 0 Chullelti cointeite ettleide, reetefUl /ttvitelett aSUCCO50. The beet Ituesitin itwastou began ill 1780, when Alen, fresitieersk eolunteneed eelteratielte With gifts. FrOtti that time WHEAT OROWINO The Kind of Wheat to Grow in Western Cenede. Department of agriculture, leotreelesiollers Westera (emote eviteitt Lae 411e1- . viable repetatton la foreign cotane trios, Wye Mr. U. R. Clark, Cbler Of thh e, atelon, Ottawa. It .1.8 In deMand 108' Ainerienn eentreels it e Weil as. Owe of iengland lame because it le nett In giuten of , exeeedingle gond quality. Tile erop of Wereteru Vaitada, ten ecare hence, will rettell, et 18 (estimated, WO Mil - '10114 of inneitele. elite* or the rap- 1-1tein (Dr increasing* nrodee, It 10 im- portant that its Kevin good repetetion be maintained _'i int- proved.le melee 'that it may continee to grow In favor in torente eteintriee, where( 1 lenniett eitio a market. But Alm legit standard of tteetd- lenee hes already been appreenbly lowered through the ititroduetion of wheat of interior milling quality. Through carelesenebo: so Leie mixtures aro allowea to yearly increa.se, while In ether eistriece Inferior varletlee bave been grow* that depreninie the totiti op, , 'Pim eel tentage of growing only me.' mixed wileat may be jedgealrelle tile differettee prie.e between "No. 1 Ilaril" ahe and tnext two grades, ail this alffarenee is moot conunonly due to the' prevalenee or eat, inaretlY grains lit tho -bower gradeo. "No. 1 hard" invariably bus a bigh pe ge rcen- taof translucent grains Indicat- ing a high percentage of a good (pettily of gluten, 40 it Is the qualitY quite as much am the quantite of tbe gluten' that lends, value to the euperior wheat. • • R ' ed Fife is the standard variety, the hardiest; 'wheat grown In west - ere Canada. It win ourvive late Raring frost e that are eufficiently severe to kill out most other Tarle- ties, Its milling qualitiee are not ex- eelled. Preston wheat Is a bearded vai- iety that has grown in favor among farmers In dis•tricte witere .iled Fife bas frequently betel Injered by early frost. It is from two to five (Jaye earlier than the Red Fife. V the welt - eller untaVorable at the time when,•ripening takee place, It may ripen eyen, tep days etirliee than the latter variety. Some Canaelau mil- lers'elaim to Imo made careful mil- growing goal wed or wheat, Oaties oftVeff±efile;4174'14,4444++.+4444;44401444144- rye, Willey anti other grain, are ine vette' to. become membere of the ase ecelation and make seed growing a sponal Industry in their farm oper- atione, They,may comment° by SOW.. ing n tiot in the confaii; Hoeing with. fee the btet obtainall • Heed,. There will • eitt a reader market for all tint tieed that van be produced by membere, at pnii.em that wilt puy liAndontnely y • for the extra, treuhle In producing s.t it. epee is now ton annual 410104101 eoeeeteseetteee.eeeeetesete4iatrattaierera:etreoere.;44.407.sferei'ertrerePtlert,84040444$ roe 7.5,COU Miele le •of seed wheat • alene. , (Loe Angties Times,/ Or a Man, id -What ,tintl white DIE ON DESERT SANDS. PERILS ENCOUNTERED BY THOU WHO EN TER THE ARID WASTES - rot to %lose who hare never (1W841 1. on art Alio 11141i tit/MU of tile teterree, AN in ii101:11EltSthe deeert cannot ettisibitS haVe 410Y ii'VQ44 e' st tl tbs 11)(94 A, Won, ot what deeere life inettne. IL was ,r11.-oit Pelt 11) will Antlii41 In t11010and4 (1 caees it has been 'Mere le no tiro anywhere elee nye Mitt.iatea /83 remains. The way proved OM; Itabyet Own Tablets. la It. There are no diemtere of a libel- they wera fauna. 110ivevire told their Eh e tory beet ttii�g for children suf- lar character to ha sl,VPerleaced Story. There were no tlotbeit ileark tering front ttolie, vonetietetion, diar- (iniwitere. The froeP.eter. the in0.41 not a retie'. EvlaciltlY tile Man had ritoea. einuele levers, cantle nate wan 52e$ most at It, eon deeerihe It ilone ae issuy do who are drIvon , tetttbing troubles. tete Toblete are to you, Ilo can telt you of Ito neat, cresy by Want nr water on the guaranteed to co» lain no. opiate or its blinding glare and the -Whit doeert. B It 4 serlap o'l hIsth7thee Imonfut drug, and may be given feel Isr, -Of being without water to one run on wit:4y, in he had 1).010 with equal safety. ea the tender, new lli° Mkt, the Panehed 1lp with; but Its eantoen, lout it lay beanie itim bore beeee, or ell., wietgnte7,1 with all that, he can Flay nothing eta it nod dropped years Mere, No Mrs. doe] Anderson, oat, that adequately describee the 4We Riga Or riefth WAS On his bone. Tho ono of the *mothers; Who hose Peeved -1•4at (01003 hrioa 0. inutPeeho ie 'there ants lutil cleaned, that err' and left the -value of Ceti ;medicine and say.: Alone. %lure eomPallionehIP In the them, etvithie a few weeks- after tbe el have ueeet Babes, Own Tietneta N.of,Y reeksf•and trees Of the intent- matt died, as white at they were ' with the very . beet resulte. They are tam Ttes ne s C the Ireds singing thea. The two pro:pectore looked at eaay, to gave iittie ones, and I ba,ve tuld the rutin lig water cheers, the the -seeleton, "Poor f 1 our,” sail one r • ti fnil to bp eta ,, heart, but on the dessert there is LO theetve.ter Of this exp,sionee, tweo of these th:ngs. A Man Oft 'the fell by 111 wayeide. Tim tit God, we• IFIverv nictiter altoultr kc-ep the Tele. trail, lost there, is indeed holiness tv, '11114 of the J ninny, lets In the 1101100. In an emergency! and well 1111)'080 Egty 'Clod help trite not 1114(14) without an effOr, t they] weer eave a Preirimut little it. elm. They bad 110 men'e water for twenty . Fold by all droggiste or mental at tie Every year • the &ore clainne Its mile> and ilia :tallote w r lefleter- el5 cents a box by writing Tb,3 Dr. , quota 01 Y.ot11113, just as tine P0080 oiler many beure tiering the doe era Willittunts Medicine' co, Er"kYli‘e, must he fed its -list of wrecks. Dee degIseei atitl' there was no shade. Ont. . : I - eon(' 1:11(, Corti nvf, they are little Wotiol Not Reed Warning, 1 ettrd 0: -IV 0'n .1) 01 thee' i Oniellin 4 The' rolloweng month two German Oldeet Vamily in the Warld. happen and are not known toe twos/mews eel; ot 14:04n, tb„ next tif the four hundred barons in the years, thet.sh lipase 01 Loille about a doret Leave Corpses on the- Mire. (late beets to 1410, ti:e curliest be me ethit. Tile cattiest family in the Belt.- 0:x7ns:ovally prospectora. be, iele _mew the me,. la eieo.te too, may b off tho frell—stuinnles aerois tlitt ileaelial b. n s of another lend 1093 • The Campbells of -tee from 11 99, and Blemarek from leve , it)stiletVYteajle17.51113et'fvoill'el,:a(AdtIlivele."; 101 10dp' aler r-,.. by the tales Of mining lite he had gyli, began in 1100. Talleyrand dales heard; wonted' to. try libi leek. To The Grosvenor familye the Duke of ull oicl enVelone Or a PoeketWook the One whd could speak Bogdan Mr. Westminster, 1000 ; tea Anoteian , rimy give the data to identify the , Pay, the storekeeper • at. leeljotoa, house of Hapsburg goes bitek to 052, 'el:malls' bet, but oe'ten there Is until- • -painted out the danger- of going ear anti the Louat of Ilcurbon to 804. The ing, and 1. ey or: put lum,eath. the, from water, but without. avail. NW. descendants er Molutumute, born te70, ground to lid gi with the -loft. to-' midway between the 'Quijotua ineweet ero. ail registerda earefullY and nli- "Irk"! l'Y ""/ )1 1.e""9 f°11eartY' 1 and the Rarbitguivari mount.aine thoritatively In a book kept lit ' AeresillWrireg 11 Is initOrd to 0°700 4 hren depi inter, One oe teem lay efeeca by a pe 1.4 of the family. Little 111.0.1 -tiv, sli,•41 tot of'seiro.tod pew- '". teateree Zlitilr, (0 ,t1, Mail, , it l down and died, and the Other was nathentleity of the long line of Mo- wen !ciente lima r., nen wile the ii-il l'Illr-t-‘,..; . "hen insane, i t ti 1 but fortunately fell ar ety (letibt veleta of the absolute ii o the lands ot tlie Iireitine, who hammed's de .onnlants. In Mum Mt te travell ng parallel with the 'trail or I are many tdd famil:es, also amolig the ems, nut en teelle or pedigrees, attracted. 'For a few mi netel he f r. e e i pc le to the north or eouth oe it, Lime, brougbt him bavic to Days ,eeore, witer h vete oneed and regained record. Die plaee luta been filled by oger6ter nue loutiviT eredieliment. HP Fit'Intili lils reason, ponders—Who waS ho ? 1 The India's who found the Ger- the Mikado of Japan has a unique When del Ito die I' Ile erleseelf he In, matt wandering had but a few - an Lia desert prospector, to call to mouthfuls of water in a, ecalabasas tuna those 'whom lip has missed arttl 1 ourd. They gave it to him to drink who nm,y have cone) that way; ee 1 and one took hitt to a band. which p•ritept lie 'e a newoota r; and. it -18 , ivas rested rt, white near by, being the, ekt leton of st man who prasp; et- ; en a migratory passage to the .wte ed there be:ore his time. Ile that as i or In the foothills under ield. Rare it may, to a man Lest 'oe the, desert baguivitri peak.. The two other In- tim sight • ill aw""Plring in'•Y°11(1 diens took Ids trail, and, follovilme : eb l' ty te: nee ee worleeo (1, eer b e his zig-zag courfie,• :mime tign.4 Itle.• An ilifistratioe of this ntay . be ' - 00MparliOn. 11,0 Wat3 dead; had dice ' gleaned. front the experience Of two Amer.e.a,n prospsetolts who bati been exPloring the rite country bstween Sonora tied Ar zma. G.I 1 velne, mime carrying tome values, 81,3:plentiful in tee little ranger wielell appear li;eogrleonnutl there oe the de ert of that . . . Whites are Searee. The white population in a tract of tountry embracing 16,000 square miles numbers less ilta.ti twenty - live eouls. And there may be as Mexleaue, and there is 0 foet- many ing eopulation or Indians. These latter, In email bands, dig consid- weenie baelas in the ground' to hold the rain' NVII,i0C which falls twice A, year. Twice n year, some- times, It should be" saki, ..but Alen. often onlY mice, and emetimes there are•emasons ar amulet wlien the rain deee not fall 4Lt all for sev, - eral years. These little iteemeulit- tions of water do not lout long anti when they bave drieil up the Minium leave. Here. and there le an oasis 'tvillel"feooatlwillblist.e llellearlestiliTe'rLell.wttrneliii: and hew, and whemete died. It was and Wes, maybe, a little store and • only fin Ditlian's reasoning, but It ' tva-a,fterollepTrilioatpall,°eIrnsteas ngoeiant tale. m..11,.ellei wndsiltrietlisY was an experience such * just sefficient for his own pur- eeveral hundred feet deep, add its leletny another ' like It could -be 101a ft14 is not uncommon to the. desert. poses. *The dodians can get a $ue_ aly In ipasishig, and a little -to tam- ley. These tote experienees came to near Death Val - by those who lien • port life until the next 'water is a man. who lived on the desert In ' reached, perhaps forty milem away, . • erlzona, one who was of 0 party but they cannot remain and con- ot two wlio -survived, and evil° laten ' euen-e the little there is. . and it so happens that there are adieu to civilizatien. It may no or saw, the two German prospeotore bid timee when the desert is almost de - interest to those who never saw the nailed of its inhabitants. It was on great American desert except from one cif those occasions tlmt two e ,,,,,,,n window. .. _ American prospectors were crossing e...`"“ , irony -the Sonora, side of the bound- ary lino Into ..erizona. They were range, tlie Quelotoari. One of the prospectors' bad been on the desert Intro*, lint had little experience; the other was' over front the old mien - try only a, shell time, and, lured A FASHION HINT FOR NATURE. A (UV. FOR INSOMMIA. A Weil Known St. John Merchant Tells liOw tie Was Freed Front This Terrible Trouble. One of the best known men in Sa. John, Ns 13., Le err. G. G. Kiersteael, grocer and general dealer, • 014 Male street. :Mr. Kierstead has an inter- esting story to. tell at taillike health, insomnia, and finally renewed strength, width cannot tail to IrltCO- cst otherte He saye ;—"A. fewe years ago I (was alt 1041 delve' arid falling he health, no doubt dna- to overwork and shattered nereee. I Was unable to .sleep at night anti foetid no rest in bed. My life wattled burdeu to me and I found oo pleileure tie any- thing. I peught medical aid and the piterelelanst wito attended nut were un- able to give oat any relief. The doe - tore (littered In their opinion los to my ailment. Finding that I was geeWing worse, mud almost crazed through loge of sleep, I concluded to glee up lousinetes- anti lee to the eoun- try fei a les • I t my very world and had edinoet no deeire to 1 ve, my wife urged me to try Dr. Inflame Pink. Mlle. I Inui loet fatth ht all mealeinee, but to lactase my Wire decidei to give the plits a t have had reason to, he thankful that did eo, e from the entect tio pine belped Inc a el I (woe elate to find ethers. con- • ' nued uie tta. . well egitent 1 mind sleep 08 1 did in my childhood; grew' healthy and strong end hetet mwer hemeu (me hour.* trouble from that source Pirtle I have 00 hesItation sn..ying thee I we 'MI, ‘4 Pink Pills ,eaved my We, and will alwaye say a • geoid worst far thrill to any who are tronbleS with leeplensness." Wil Leine Pit* PION work euree like ate. Klersteeel'e, after doetore rind enmeion inealeihe8 loviktre they aetitelly melte new, ebb blood, . ane te,tengthen MI the organs of the totly and rreet up the 114,1`l'e% TWA t10 Wey they awe indigo. tion, kidtey a Irt t'Vev troublee, tier- vonsnese, neutetigie, ptiplintlen of ihi It t, ton ohm and thet ial nibeceite 'that fit the IIVOA of 1,0 many wottustt witilt Weepy. The 'gen- uine (away levee the felt name .Wittiame Pleic for Pale Peonla'. on the wrappee 81 00021 eve. y Wm, 1' in donbt writo direct to the De. ItViellante Medicine Co., Brock. 'OW, Ont., anti tit Nis Will be aent post _paid at renta a Ilex Or HIX lios.s for le24sil, . . After De Mar in Philadelphia Record, ling tests ot, Prestoe wheat 0114 openly condemn It as meet' inferior to the. flet Fife; Itesul,s of teats Carried on under the direction of De. °mindere who ori ,:lnetect the var. !eV, Indicate. that ie only 'slightly Christ. inferior to tha Red Vire. The comparative productiveness of varieties differs with lo1000111108 and conditions of soil cod climate. Agaiii there may be quite as much differ- ence between two strains of seed of the same variety as between two distinct sorte, se far as their eap, Twitter to give a largo yield of grain is concerned. Whatever va rie Lite; re Selected, they grow . ep- ara•tely and melt kept retteonitely pure. On account of earelese prac- tices, in the matter of seed eelectIon, 102cl:tires of undesirable sorts hate increatled In t he. standard wheat of the west. These imperittai eonsi8. eitiefly. carnet maturing verleties theeb t ell mr ore eadily than the Ited b'ife, thus having a larger propor- tion of ,seed froth them co come he "volunteer wheat" in the next, Nue!. eeeding cropp. It Is ot much Impertanee to 00 Otnintry, as well tts to individual wheat grOwers, that these eundltione be overcome. It is cleat that. evee farmers w are careless about keep- ing their seed ye ee are willing to Pay fancy prices for ton, twenty Or fifty bushel lots of good pure seed of wheateentts earley, lent the sup- ply of legit elate; seed is limited. With 11.• 110W 11trlba to 01100001140 the. productem tied more general wee of Reeds of the best quality, an an- lionneement was made hi the spring of 190g, inviting farmers, who had been giving 00100 special attention to the growing of treed got's', to wino and torm on ,assoelation of seed, growers. 11111 ,s 4001 1114 the e at noon, the Indian said. Driven mad by Thirst'. The Indian was a Papago and he reasoned thus: The two men had slept that night without water. Ile could. see where they beth had paw- ed the night. ln the morning they tital started .out together, but the sun Noon oveiname one of them and he went "loco." The Indian always uses Spanish 10 deeerlyttlon, even if he speaks Env. lish. Then one started off alone,. ne of the •greater etrength, and waii. found afterward by the Indians. In ids delirium the inan lett behind took off hie clothes. The fierce rays of the min scorched him, and lie stood in the shade of a giant .eactue, As the sun moved the ehadow. movede and the poor German followed it. ar- ound the tree, Filially, at noon there was no shadow, and unable to hold out longer he erawled up to the trunk and died, T.he Indian pointat to the ground and showed nom lie had followed his footsteps OAK LEAF POINTS. out cif water. Twee° they had been .- (Reappointed, On each occasion the Beautiful and Novel Trimming for a Indian upply they had counted 00 modishGown. . --- woe dried up. 'Tim bottom of the . inembere of Hs faiu'ly foe more than chaca, as it is called, teas ne hatel A beautiful and novel svay of twenty -fire hundred years. The pres- as a brick. They Inul been nearly trimming a gown is with "oakleat vitt Mikado iii the 12211(1 in the 'Ina day and a hair Nvit bout Tee, - tee points," of Preemie all-over embroi- ( , Nehneltadoezzar, 0103 years betore pm ointelit, laid » dowand could not tiered 1ettiete or of all-over lace get up again . wiLm tile decoration cannot be per- _ • . — Obstacles are Molly. Chased In the uesired shape. The oak.: .._ ___... 'WhSu at an outlook 1 rely enough leaf points a.re deeply serrated and 1 to stagger the bravest. The pate- (terve out and in with the sharPetred ' lectors, old hands. ftt the game, outlinee of the model which they ex - realized their predicament. No. time ceeel In proportions. • of a. tinaje, or trine of water, In a IL makes a very. good effect when range of hills about seven miles die- the Own, lays a traneparent yoke taut, at elle -mouth end of the Gull- of the lace or embroidery and when eight range, After taking the pecks two sets of oakleaf points- are cut from the burros, which they fully as a prolongation of the yoke on realized bad made their test pro- either side of tee breast. There are 'meeting trip, they set, out for this, about four rows of oakleaf pointe their last hope. Hours lai.er, for atretching from the yoke to the tile i the atm was high, and the heat in- which is quite low down 'on the i teitse, they reached the foot of hiouse. 1 the bills. ;A Olintb of 700 feet erne An afternoon getvn of pin -stripe in 180114 of them, and silently they green and *white summer silk has a made It. 'Words take strength and yoke of transparently Inset Llerre in emergencies of this kind none lace, with the doable set of oak- - is wasted. ion they were et their lent invinto of the lace descending l goal, anti, heaVen be thanked,theee on the blouse frontsant ; and the e deed, the Veriest trifle—but It was in the back. The blotase faetens in wittier, just enough to save their the middle di the back and so does tines'. was water there. Not much — ine arrangement prolongs the lace yoke net Interfere with the lace figures. . la the mild roek beneath their feet 'Pim edges ot the oak leaves and 'Pao first one was contemparary with an1 the anituals at the last (Reap r. - 0.118110.1 ail. a t ( ( 1 . for pedigreed eeed wilt be el om,en-dal bY Mt advisory board ,e0011)08e1 repreeeritativ(' me.) ir0311 the volitive breech 08800.11,1.0 18. 'Mere are elm thirty.iive seed geowere who tire inetnbere of the Wietern Canada .\s- 41011101 bit. Veer- work IS rimpervleeil and inetteeted bet it eaperintendent. Reetertte etre kept ot the amount and pedigree of &veil proaiteed by them. .1(vord.og to tie rules of The owe- e!ation, emit menthol, is required to glee (lefinite guarantee as .to the parity, vitttlity and freedom from eetele ot noxaetts wertle, with all 101e of weft soil by blur The tessoelatiott tertifieetto 88111 640‘v 1110 pargrait ef the seed—the number el enneetnitiro Years (luring widen Intuit 00-leetIon heti been follotved. Farmer.; Of Wretera Canedit, -Who hove farmst that are free from itoXe lona iyeeds anti Otherwise rented to yloke are boond with nerkow green attain to snatch the tint in the et:m- uter silk. another application of the' ottkleaf point Idea is (teen in *the. sleeves of the gown, which are cut tbetaselvee in the mune pattern Mt the upper arm oection, and piped with apple green satin. The eleevee then 01 el' isfulerialeeeee of th* Another club woman, Mrs. v n the under au merlumging Cliff, was it Hanle, of Edgerton, Wis., tells 't110411.,;froc,131;,!:,11,3:1 II ge"- orov,y. T1)14 wee the te tut j how she was cured of irregulari. hi" It was knotvit otter to a tow Pro - ties and uterine trouble, terrible 1)„,c4i:i. 11 r mg, th le home or ever s and a few wili toenail , welt pains and backache, by the use ame II 1.0 11 NN 11C (I, Other 1401Treigi ra.0,d. EV08 8,4 they ntoollni 11) dimi of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetoble 1111 81081081.8 lt0.t WAS bOtietat, sneaking around se huge bowider. Compound 1, They had just (helmeted him, (4V'1.(4V'1. taffeta ,silk. handsome lace made up (MOP Whi t 0' . " Dean MRS, riliglIANC: —A while eetatly, jtst le Vine to prevent his a high neck -band ot the Lierre ittee ago ray health began to fall because of 1 . p 114 un th . f••w pints w Weil had owe white taffeta batiks in the baek, feivate troables. The doctor did not Id Wet elver aeter many 1101108. He th1t11.1* lite ?With Is ri neat beau of ata help me. I remembered that my Mother • et I '4911)' tante -111 ro 0' tee, for It's tee gteen satin, with a jabot Of htee had used Lydia E. rthitharies Lette144 were le 4'V. 87 p tte I of $11.1(.. deeeending, Jot' four inehoo; believe, VeiretablO Coinpattul On many oc- atonal Ie. Al ,.1 (0 Ott kind paid the fall of lace is another satin bow. , 0051008 'foe ieregUhritien and Uterine little attetetlen le sue% elene. Mew' and then a second jabot n third, troubles, mod I felt sure that it could worill even dei .1k le thj y hail to do edition tif title decoration -carries the not harm me at any rate to give it a 11:i rt1.11,(..i;11t-Tereolinii 11v111,111.1 Noi.1.0. illel•etetliol re ,e1 I. taus.tr. jabot ete far We the girdle, trial. Isivilltittiellt it hangs Immo. The jabot and '1 wee terteinly glad to find that drawa given to Ornirer• Ilut ttl°831 ribbon bowie are set on a etrong within a Vree.i, 1 reit much betters the irere Prilred- L W34 Yi...1.1`tl 81004: I not foundation to preserve the eon. terrible pains in the back and side eine(' 110)' heel -dour "3 1/4"r0, nil" I %Imlay or ill,' 808100. thdr words ATP.* few. 1•: n41 .vent 1 green satin and below title the pane There ie it rotated girdle of twilit etvilezoti•eginieetntrgualtooetteaiseitatintidoe.tthlivi: emit oil 1114 kom4 rtad with (1.0.1)01 hands eeld, Puritanic Gni 1" 11E14 IV" ; ty 8111e ekirt Mile 111•111 gOres to the nearly as serious a time as- heretofore, I foot, Where iL in e.Xeeedifigly fell. so I' continued its use for tea) months, eiltelt filiNr.,111.1Leti,n,titeti,otill,,iit,t::eions. 1 almond out to 01' the semblatiee of Itanlideawt twbeonetiuntli,.ot Ititt,aetaltIlyMtivai.v.Welins 0,.1vile‘tre 11 Again and ttgaia they moistened ' a late; Mame.* (nee white taffeta _me a tiller 1 p 4 a 11 1 tiratar a le,v (1114)4 t.t petticoat+. tfeitllb(''lltettt7alettltemYslinlefee: lillailVtr iltr°etlirlit lilt) II LIMN 414 14) 1g Op . I .1 e ' b id la g t The Silk edge is tat out in elterp. permits Mere thait I ever did, so I nta them was er issee. hi tit , mottling 11. !11(11111S 0 qietrter eard tieeli. Pielete heeitatingly recommend yam, teeth. litele 114014 it tel ertumulate 1 atel i with gromi aatin, the hue! Is not ciee."•— Mier MAY Melilla E(1gertote they dyable that ton, and MAX -it'd ; n11101) deoleee, and the silk 10 UMW I. 74 sso. ,olositivieletiottitriolaildfillgootr pa tiel4Z14. alitektflo. rIlot trio., 1.1.,,,,i li' 114171110)ftedealitiolla O( (*1111- ,vittt,litt tit' littingi al 1t1.411,velintliesitItitowililittittri; vomit/antis &Mot be pndacol. . . 1,..,-.1 ii:g .031 'erne they tante uwn the kW. pereallne rouudatlen skirt*. /