The Wingham Advance, 1904-04-14, Page 5Slim Prices, Stoat Values The Leading Store 13nt1t11 Quick returns Carpetillgs For Spring. Our Carpets, Oilcloths, L,inoleunns, Mattings and Rugs are here, and you are cordially invited to in- spect them. The new season s goods are handsomer than ever—many are our own private patterns and are exclusive. And while accepting our invitation to this beautiful Carpet display, don't forget that you can save as much money buying your Floor Coverings here as in the city. It will pay to come to us for all kinds of New Spring Goods, even if you're miles away. BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY. The very Latest Patterns in choice colorings and shadings, good heavy oloeo weave, Tho prices are 90c' FT $1.00 13 Patterns to choose from. Elegant variety of patterns, giving soft rioh effect. The best makers' goods. A11 prices —250, 34o, 45c, 50c, GOe, Mc. INGRAINS.—The Ingrains of to -day take rank with the finest grades of Carpet in color combinations and effect. Our stock embraces the best makes. Price begins at 25c per yard. STAIR CARPET.—We are showing a large range of patterns iu Stair Carpet, all widths. Price begins at 12ie per yard. JAPAN MATTINGS.-10 pcs. Matting to choose from, all new patterns and choice colorings. Price begins at 12ic. LACE CURTAINS.—We're showing a larger and better stock of Curtains and Curtain materials than ever. Price begins at 25c per pair. OILCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. — in all the latest designs ; Width from 18 inches to 12 feet. . • .1 a 1 11. E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce California Prunes At this season of the year when the xe jars of fruit are running low, just try some of our California Prunes ; we have them in all sizes ...3 lbs. for 25c, up to 15c per lb 311 30 310 ,311 ,311 1110 THE ROYAL GROCERY Here at Last After waiting a long time the new crop of Maple Syrup has arrived, and we can recommend it highly. It weighs over thirteen lbs. to the gallon—not sold in tins $1.35 per Gallon Thursday, April 14, IOQ4 No Old. foods Here, Everything Bran New. VIIIMINZINICRINOWIMIIII•1411.alfill Cl/1W Spring Sale ---OF Crowder's Tailored Clothing NOT MADE TO ORDER, BUT • MADE TO FIT. We have the largest selection of MEN'S WEAR in WINOIIAM to moose: FROM. A PLAIN WORD As TO PRICES. — Our prices on all our Olothing are PLAINLY HARKED, You can see them for yourself. We do not have half a dozen prices on a Suit, the price to one is the price to all. Your neighbor can buy here no cheaper than yourself. We offer the best Cloth- ing for the cheapest price. MEN'S SPRING SUITS.—In till the newest Tweeds, Worsteds. Serges, Cheviots, etc. Latest cut and made right.up-to.the•min ute, Sizes 34 to 40 chest—at per Suit $5, $7, $9, $10, $12, $14. YOUTHS' SPRING SUITS.—In stripes, checks, etc., comprising all the new effects for young meu and matte with a young man's look about them, sizes 32 to 30 chest, at the following prices—$5, $7, $8, $0, $10, $12. BOYS' SPRING SUITS.—In all the newest styles (two or three pieces) sizes 22 to 33, price•—$1,75 to $5.00, ORAVENETTE SPRING COATS.—Men's and Youths' shower -proof Coats, short or long lengths, sizes 33 to 48 chest—$10, $12, $15 each. MENS' WATERPROOF COATS.—Men's black waterproof Raglanette Coats. 52 inches long, cuffs on sleeve, velvet collars; (guaranteed waterproof) sizes 30 to 52 chest, worth $10—Special $7,75. ODD TROUSERS. -300 pairs to choose from ; for boys -35e, 50c, 75c, $L00. For youths—$1.00, $1.25, $1.60. For men—$1.35, $1,75, $2 00 to $4.00. SPRING HATS.—For boy, youth or man, all the newest English and American styles -50c, $1.00, $L50, $2 00, $2 50, New Neckwear for Saturday. The R. It Crowder Co. �• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A Coiled Spring Wire Fence With Large, stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of THE FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the running wires with THE FROST WEDGE -LOCK, making an absolutely Stock -proof Fence. The Locks bind without kinking or crimping either the stays or lateral Wires. Will not slip, and our new method of enamelling and baking prevents rust, which adds greatly to the appearance of the fence. Make no mistake. Buy THE FROST. it is the heaviest and the best. For sale by • • • J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch. MASSEY = HARRIS AG-ENOY Have you a Cutter 9 If not, call and examine oar stock before buy- ing elsewhere. If you will he needing anything in the line of Farming Implements or Machinery for the coming sea- son, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. SS Agentfor the Kemp Manure Distributor. We also handle the Wm. Gray it Son's Buggies and Cutters - universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF. GLOVER w WINGHAM8.J AGENT W. A. CURRIE Wingham's Auctioneer. Sales attended in any part of Huron county. Orders lett at the ADVANCE Office will re- ceive prompt attention. Money For Farmers. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on good farm property. Abner Cosens. Cook's Cotton Root Compound: Ladies, Favorite, Ie • the only safe, reliabld regulator on which woman can depend. "in the Mut and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of Strength. 2. No. 1.—For ordinary cased is by far the best dollar; medicine known. +Ido. 2—For special cases -10 degrees Weimer—three dollars per box. Lad es --ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists, In the Da Iminton of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of rine and four 2 -cent postage Rtazupl. wap .Opola o apiany.Onte No. and No. 2 aro sold in Wingham by A. L, Hamilton, It. A. Hougiese, 0. A, Campbell and W. McKibbon, druggists, PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books "invent, er's Neip" and "How you are swindled." Bend us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention or improvement and we will tell you true our opinion as to whether it it probably patentable. Rejected appllcatlonehave often been aucceaatulty pproeectned by us. We conduct shington equipped List to Montreal ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents as broid as the invention, Highest references turn lshed. anti procured through Marlon ik Ma 1t lion receive special betide without Charge in over zoo newspapers distributed throughout the Datniallon. 5pedalty i --Patent business el Menufae• were t e nti I{ngi teere. MARION do MAIZ/ON Pett.nt Experts and goIIoIter*. (*most st New VortLlie B'Id' . ftontrelil Atlantic 1dw D.c. 113e�3Lave ;he Xakakaks, Lots of them—do your own choosing, We know the styles. We know exactly how they should be cut—how they should fit—and its our business to put all these " knows " together, and fit you out in the best that your money can buy — no matter what price you pay. It would please us to have you drop in. Robt. Maxwell sigh Art Tailor - Wingham WANTED SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old estab- lished business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ad- dress, Blew Bros. & Co., Aionon Bldg., Chicago, Ili, Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pain ack of your eyes? It's your Pack Use Ayer's Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable. Sold for 60 years. tet i; ;e Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 01S.L P. nett a co.. SISUD . lr. n. 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DceIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. /Ancone sending ti eketeh end deecription n,ay ke 0 f ascertain our opinion free another en Invention is probably nstentable. Communion. none etrletlfconedenj al. handbook on Patents bent free. oldest money for eecurtn*,patenta. Patents taken through Munn W. receive epeeist notice, without eha , In rue $rdentllI . n eriran. A bandeoniely ilinetrated 'weakly. Lerseet air• onletton of any aeientilMq Journal. Terme. 1,3 a : four montbe, SL 8014 by tOl newseeatett PlittliS.9Z8016114*.".00,1Ark auth5 4tems —Tho Oeusue Bureau estimates the population of the United States, exolud- ing Alaska and the insular possession, at 79,900,380. Stratford, April 7.—Stratford's City Council has passed a by-law authoriz- ing the signing of an agreement where- by Toronto, London, Brantford, Strat- ford, Berlin, Ingersoll and Woodstock, raise $16,000 for iuvestigating the cost of transmitting Niagara power to these municipalities. These pities pay on the basis of assessment, Stratford's share being only 1342 at the most, —A now enterprise in Stratford is to be located on MoPherson heights. The Canada Poultry & Produce Company Limited, with a mita' of $40,000, has purchased thirty-one acres of land, and let °entracte for buildings which will be modelled after those at the Government Experimental Station. Thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks will comprise the stock. The buildings are to have a capacity of 800 laying hens in breeding peas, and for 0,000 in fattening orates. About 200 will be killed daily for shipping. An American exchange says ;—Few people realize how enormously electric roads have increased in the United States during the last few years, Fif- teen years ago, it is said, their total length was only 80 miles, with 172 care in use. According to a government re- port of last June there wore then 22,689 miles, 67,100 oars in operation. With few exceptions they are paying well and are so generally patronized that their oonstruotiou is rapidly .increasing. They coat but little more to build than hard roads and all classes of people seem able and willing to pay the small charge for riding on them. Quebec, April 7.—A boxing contest between a soldier named Geo. Wagner and another young man named J. B. Drolet resulted at 0.25 this morning in the death of one of the pugilists. Dro- let was knocked down in the sixteenth round. He was unconscious the whole night, and died this morning without having recovered his senses. Tho cor- oner will proceed to an inquest Satur- day. Tho fatal event will certainly put an end to the prize fights, which have b. en tolerated long by the municipality authorities Drolet was 24 years old, married, and father of two children. —A sad story comes from Owen Sound. Miss May Beatty of St. Vin- cent Township was a sufferer from nervous trouble. She went to Owen Sound about a year ago to live with her sister, hoping the change would benefit her health. Later on she went to the local General and Marine Hospital for treatment and while undergoing same occasionally visited her relatives in town. On the night of the 20 tilt. after one such visit, she started to return alone to the hospital. Instead of doing as intended she turned off towards the bay, and tramped for nineteen miles over the ice in the direction of her home, and finally, while apparently mentally deranged, removed her shoes and lay down upon a log on the shore. There the body was last week found, frozen stiff, within a mile and a half from the unfortunate girl's own home. —One of the most remarkable stories which has been heard for some time came from Port Huron Mich. Some twenty-eight years ago a man named Barry' died iu Toronto, leaviug a widow and three children. The children were placed in an orphanage, and the mother, after providing for her own wants for a number of years, left under the neces- sity of securing refuge in the Poor - House at Port HurQn. Meantime one of her boys, Arthur A. Barry, went to the Kiondyke and acquired there a comfortable fortune. After doing this he began a search for hie mother, of whom he had not heard for twentysix years, and fivally found her in the House of Refuge at Dort Huron, She will spend the rest of her days in com- fort in his Toronto home. The son who provided for his mother has also looated a brother in Toronto, another in Florida, and a sister in Mount Clemens, Michigan. You Have Indigestion. And conclude of course that the stomach is at fault. So it is, but there is a cause away back of the stomach that must bo reached before the stom- ach can be made do its work. The cause is nerve disturbance or nerve de- bility. First get the nerves in shape and then the stomach will be right also. Ferrozone has accomplished this for thousands of people whose digestion was completely gone. Ferrozone is food for the nerves and works wonders in stomach trouble. Where digestion, appetite and assimilation aro faulty just try ]~errozone. It cures thorough- ly. Price 50c. at druggists, COMMUNICATION. • The admission of it communication in these columns does net imply that wo endorse tho sentiments of tho writer,—Editor, Editor Advance. DEAR Sin—As you have given over a column of your valuable space to an- other commtnieation front South Africa, you can at least spare me half that space to reply, particularly as I am defending our own country and not seeking to laud others over it, Before the war the l3oers were mostly farmers; the war seems to have made travellers of them and the blame can hardly be loaded on the British flag, but upon adventurer*, emigrants and others who have gone in and orowded them out. Your S. A. Correspondent pretends to be a traveller, 'Very little of the North American Continent has he traveled and still Woof South America. The statement there is "good pasturage on the hills for the most part"—even in such qualified and ambiguous terms, is untrue, The hills ate mostly composed TITE W)NGETAM of bleak rook and shale and more bar. ion than the desert of Arizona,, Even Algoma with all its rock is a paradise compared to them. The few rivers that are there, and they do not amount to pooh --not suf- fiolent to irrigate the parched and bar- ren land—do not out across the hills. There is nothing wonderful about South Africa, except the exaggerated yarns that are spun about it. There are hundreds of things under the sun that never grew there and never will. Even tropical fruits are of an in- ferior grade there. Not one of them can equal our northern Spy apples or even the Golden russets. Mangoes, figs,. dates, guavas, latcheys, pomegranates, eto,, aro but sparsely grown, and excepting the first two are a disappoint- ment as native fruits. Bananas need a humid atmosphere, and therefore never reach such perfection in South. Africa as they do in the South Sea Islands, As for the climate, there is too mtieh of it, and the least said about it the better. It's about the worst in the world. The heat is excessive and en- ervating. The only remark that lends any color to the statement that it is easier to make $5 there than 5 pts. in Canada, is the equally untrue and boastful state- ment that your South Africa cor- respondent paid $4,500 to "dam" a river last winter. As for snakes and venomous reptiles, such as scorpions, . centipedes etc,, the beautiful valleys are alive with them, and as for crawling and stinging inseots there are a positive pest, and all these things have a way of bothering every one since that evil hour when Eve trifled with the fruit in the garden of Eden. The wild statement that there are farmers there who have snore money than all Wingham is false, and a slander on this growing industrial town. The price paid by the government cannot be taken as a oriterion. The government has a pernicious habit of always paying more for everything than it is worth. His rambling letter ends up with a slur en England, and an humble admis- sion that there is a depression on in South Africa now, which he undertakes to prophesy will soon be over. Has he had a "vision': or how does he know it will soon be over? He admits that England grabbed the country from the poor Boer farmers, because they thought it was a rich prize, and the innendo is, that they were after tho "dough." The following item I have just clipp- ed from the latest Toronto daily, and it will show that Canada is still to be preferred, and stands at the head: "A large number of inquiries bavo been received by the Canadian Emi- gration Department from South Af- rica from people proposing to emi- grate to Canada." ONE WHO KNOWS AND WAS THERE. NOTE. — Both correspondents have now twice aired themselves on South Africa, and no good can result from continuing the controversy.—Enrron ADVANCE. Slight Sprains Grow Worse. Unless promptly treated. The great strength of Nerviline enables it to quickly cure all manner of sprains and strains. '•I sprained my wrist" writes Leonard E. Milford of Rockland, while working in the mill but had to lay off, it became so painful and swelled, I rubbed my wrist twice a day with Nerviline and put on a bandage. The pain soon went away and frequently rubbing with Nerviline soon cured. Nerviliue is undoubtedly an excellent liniment and the best pain reliever I ever used. Nerviline is extra good. Price 25o. Lucknow. There is a movement on foot to hold a spring show for stallions iu Lucknow duriug the last week in April, and al- ready a good subscription list is pro- mised. There was a largo congregation pre- sent at the Methodist church on Sun- day evening last to hear the special song service by the, choir. 1.6 was one of the best ever given in the church. A meeting of the local fruit growers was held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on Monday afternoon when two address were given on the cultivation of orchards and shipment of fruit, by Messrs. A. E. Sherrington, of Walkerton, and P. J, Carey of Co- bourg. On account of the bad roads the attendance was not large. Last Friday morning, Mr. Geo. Adamson, accompanied by Mr. Jno. Glass started out to drive from liin- cardine to Lucknow. When seven miles out of Kincardine, upon ap- proaching a narrow bridge, one of the traces becapte loosened, and the horse made a plunge forward and fell. Mr. Glass got out of the cutter in order to facilitate matters and unhitch the horse. Upon attempting to rise the animal fell off the embankment onto the ice of the artificial lake which forms there dur- ing the winter. The ice gave way and the horse which belonged to Mr. Glass, harness and all have not been seen since. The men bad to walk the seven miles with the grips and heavy overcoats. Several attempts wore made to locate the animal but without success. Consumption is Scourging Canada. Year by year the White Plauge steadily gains headway, end why? Because careless people let their colds run into catarrh whip% in turn becomes consumption. 'Victims of catarrh need- n't he discouraged, for fragrant healing catarrhoxoue permanently cures every type of catarrh. The soothing vapor of catarrhoxono immediately kills the germs that canto catarrh and prevents them from again entering your system. Relief will be quick, cure will be curtain absolute free front any trace of catarrh follows the use of Cdtnrrhozone. Itis it soientifio remedy warranted to ours lung trouble, bronchitis and catarrh. Cure guaranteed " with two mouths treatment, Price $1,00; sample $50. • VANORS. You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood— Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your - mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it, They trusted Sarsaparilla - it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it.. "I suffered terribly from indigestion end thin blood. 1 fours$ no rellat until I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Four bottles perma- nently Cored F.�It, HTnr, ASR $taco, a 81.00 a bottle. J. O. Aran co., - lidrugglate. for Lowell. Maas, RichBloodI Ayer's Pllla are. gently laxative. They greatly aid the Sareapari€iae CONVENIENT NOTIONS. Two of Them IlI ustrated—ltltcking Chain and Halt Door. Whore trees are in a position to be used as hitching posts it is wise to make some provision like that shown in the cut. Many a fine tree has been ruined by horses gnawing the bark, but with an iron arm and a short hitch chain at the end that danger is avoided. A blacksmith can make such a device in half an hour. It is often the case that a doorway must be closed against animals, but 1 HITCHING CHAIN AND HALF DOOR. ventilation he still desired. The dou- ble door hero shown will fill the bill. It is a half door hinged to the reg- ular door as shown. When the half door is not desired it can be button- ed up against the full door and the whole used as one or it can be used as shown in the cut. This use of the half door keeps the air from blowing in on animals lying down, but keeps the air circulating above them.—Barin Journal. —The Chesley Enterprise says there is talk of a second Liberal convention in South Bruce. It urges every dele- gate to unpledged and support the strongest candidate. .1 111 1 I 1 •. 1• .li. L.u.:., . d. it Fresh Goods Most people appreciate fresh _ goods, it always tastes so much nicer, and is much healthier_ = besides. We are always ready with a fresh stock of • FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONERY. Our Chocolates are of,the highest class good. Try our Oysters served in any = style, 150 a dish. ' We have in stock Canada.' Cream and Roquefort Cheese. Ice Cream orders filled on the shortest notice. 1 Your Patronage Solicited I,. G, KRUSE! McKelvie's Old Stand FORMALDEHYDE w 5- ens+. �llltt�ttii�iiliilllili�lltl�lilli� FARMERS WHO USE -'5 for their (Trani are never bothered with Smut ; we .sell only the " Star Brand " which is the best. It is put up in ra and 1 pound bottles with full directions on each, -" dwrO iwOlt W s Benson's Enamel This is a cold water starch. New process ; requires no boiling ; prepared especially for fine laundry work 10 cts. per pkg at Griff!n's Homuth Bros.. TAILORS and GENTS' FURNISHERS Removed. We have removed to the store lately occupied by Jno, and Jas. H. Kerr in the Mac- donald Block. Call on us there. Your esteemed orders shall re- cWO eive careful attention. For Sale only by --41 e Colin Ar Campbell TRE DRUGGIST "" Subscribe kr 'The he Advance" the Paper that has all the reliable news.