HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-07, Page 5Thursday, April 7, 1904
You cannot make a mistake buying Rete.
Ask the many who buy here.
A Word to the Men 1/1
Huron County is full of young men who
pridethemselves on dressing well, They know
what's what, and they insist upon getting what
they know is the proper thing. We are now pre-
pared to show the men of Huron county the
NEWEST line of
Spring Overcoats and Suits
ever seen in this county. All the popular fabrics
and cut in the very latest styles and made up
by the foremost tailors of this country
$5 $0 $7 $8 $0 $10 $12 $15
There are none better anywhere, come in and see,
Large or Small Boys'
In all the latest styles, 2 or
$3 $iocosults, Norfolks, etc.—$2,
$, $5.
Boys' odd Pants, Lion Brand,
doubie seat and knees, all sizos-
75o, 85o, $L
Boys' tweed knickers, all
sixes --50c, 05o, 75c.
SPRING HATS AGAIN IN STOOK. — All the latest English and
American shapes just to haud. in Hard and Soft Felt Hats, Our lines
include every new idea — $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00.
STETSON HATS always in stock• — Price $5,00,
Of the stylish as well as the
serviceable kind.
Boys' GOc to $1.75
Youths' .. 80c to $2.00
Men's, .. 90c to $1 50....$2 to $1.00
New Shape
CAPS ! CAPS l—All the latest novelties
in Spring .Caps at popular prices — 25c,
50e, 75c, $1.00, $1.50.
SALEM SHIRTS. — Just to hand, in
soft bosom, separate cuffs, new Greys,
new Blues, Stripes, &e.—$1.25, $1.50.
Four-in-hand Neckwear.
Newest Champagne Browns and Greens 50c
New Strings in Plaids, ete 25c
The -R. II. Crowder Co.
Ornamental Gates
Light in weight Artistic in design
Reasonable in price •
Also a large line of Staii Lard Parm Gates
always on hand. Every progressive and •
up-to-date farmer insists on having FROST
GATES. Catalog and prices on request.
J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch.
Have you a Cutter? If not, call
and examine our stock before buy-
uying elseivhere.
If you will be needing anything
in the line of Farming implements
or Machinery for the coming sea-
son, place your order early and
get the best.
Massey -Harris goods are leaders
Agent for the Kemp Manure
We also handle the Wm. Gray
& Son's Buggies and Cutters—
universally acknowledged to he the
best and most durable to be had.
Wingham's Auctioneer.
Sales attended in any part of
Huron county. Orders left at
the ADVANCE Office will re-
ceive prompt attention.
Money For Farmers.
Any amount of money
to loan at 5 per cent. on
good farm property.
Abner Cosens.
'Nfrcoqc.Voio. Phosp iodiinet
The depot English Remedy,
an old, well comb.
nailed and reliable
preparation. Baa been
prescribed and used
over 40 years, All drug.
gists in the Dominion
of Canada soil and
recommend as being
the only medicine of
its kind that cures and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently curds all forms of Nervous Weak
Peas, Emissions, Spermatorrhaa, Smpotencil,
and all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive
use of Tobacco, Opium or Seimufanis, Mental
and Brain Worry/, all of which lead to Infirmity,
Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price $1 per package or six for $5. One will
please, ate will euro. Mailed prompty on re.
(3eipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Addrost
The Wood Conspany,
Windsor, Ont', Canada,
Woods Phosphodino is sold in Wit li in
by 0. A. Catnpboll, W. McKibben, A. L.
Hamilton and 1t, A, Douglass, Druggists.
Befort and Alter.
�e Vave
the Xakuia\s.
write for our interesting books "invent
ora Help Add How you are twlndied.
Send to a rough sketch or model of your in-
vention or improvement and we will tell you,
free our opinion as to whether it is probably;
patentable. Rejected applications have often
beau successfully prosecuted by us, we
Conduct fully eryui ped oniece in Montreal
and washiagton ; thta sualtfiier us to prompt-
1ly dispatch work and quickly bemire Patents
asbrotdasthe invention. Highest references
Patents procured through Marlon & Ma•
than twelve i,peclal notlwa without charge in
over foo newspapers distrtbuted throughout
the Ditttinion, .
Speotatty t—Patent Wittiest vl
turerb end Itngincera,
Atsa nlon Patent Experts and Soliolto.-.
lfcaa t Vora
Maar, Wait
Lots of them — do your own
choosing. We know the
styles. We know exactly
how they should be cut—how
they should fit—and its our
business to put all these
" knows " together, and fit
you out in the best that your
money can buy — no matter
what price you pay.
It would please us to.
have you drop in.
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor Winghani
county and adjoining territories, to
represent and advertise an old estab-
lished business house of solid financial
etandipg. Salary $21 weekly, with
expenses, paid each Monday by check
direct from headquarters. Expenses
advanced; position permanent, We
furnish everything. Address, The
Columbia, 030 Monon Bldg., Chicago,
III. 27-33.
Ayer's Pills are good liver
pills. You know that. The best
family laxative you can buy.
They keep the bowels regular,
, hr.q oo.,
cure constipation.r ro0wel ,Miles
!Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
Anyelle sending a sketch and deserletien may
inventri0n ra probably O�Ostentabte. Commaee nte0
tfonestrictl cone dentist.IIandbOOkonPatants
bePt free. taken A roug for Munn Wet
Patantb taken through Mnnn Co receive
venal mike, without 0 a O, is tb*
IlIC J`nmtrrafl.
A t, foIllustrated
t ter•
cilitiOof snntehepel00bs;inb'atet.
0 yySOtlrotdwt
o. is
V $t,,'1'tw al o,
news ,Items
—At tho regular meeting of the
Orangeville Crunch on the 21et,,
deputation from the Public Library
Board waited on the Council, recomt
Mending it to take the necessary ptops
to secure $10,000 from Andrew Carnegie
with which to build a library.
—West Oxford cheese and butter
factory sold 184 tons 041 lbs. of cheese
last year for $38,321,72, and 18,240 lbs,
of butter for $3,605,74, or very nearly
$42,000 all told, The patrons received
for their Polk $85,780, the maker re-
ceived $•4,059, and the cost of drawing
was $1,993,
—The rapidity with which the carry-
ing capacity of oars is expanding is il-
lustrated by this statement, There
lately arrived at London, Ont., a oar
containing 95,200 pounds of corn. A
few years ago 80,000 pounds was clan-
sidered a large car load, but more re-
cently shippers havo become accustom-
ed to 60,000 -pound oars.
—At Bolton recently Judge McGibbon
gave a decision in an unusual case.
Some time ago R. D. Simpson lost it
sum of money, whioh was found by J,
Gott, His Honor decided that Simpson
was the owner of the money, but he
will not have a great deal left after
he pays his counsel. The amount lost
by Simpson was about $80 and the
amount found $15, Gott gets $5, the
court costs havo to be paid,' and Simp-
son has $6 left, out of which he has to
pay his own lawyer.
Rich Color And Soft Skin.
May be imitated but beauty is more
than skin deep,—it is hidden in the
blood. Eliminate the poisonous pro-
ducts of indigestion by Ferrozono
and complexion rapidly improves. In-
crease the red coloring matter in the
blood, give it more nutrition and more
red cells, do this and cosmetics won't
be needed. Give up cosmetics, they
wither too quickly. Use Ferrozone and
have your complexion firmly establish-
ed, There isn't a case of blotched skin,
poor complexion or lack of color that
can't be quickly remedied by Ferrozone.
Try it. Price 50c.
Council met Mar. 28th, minutes of
last meeting approved.
Mosgrovo — Rutherford — That the
Clerk notify Andrew Gemmill to at-
tend the next meeting of this council,
and settle for timber cut on public road
by his order.—Carried.
Couplaud—•Kelly--That Mr. Mos -
grove sell by public competition the
timber on the 24th concession line, op-
posite lot 5, certain shade trees to be
Mosgrove — Rutherford — That four
12 feet and four 14 plank 3x6, be laid
down on each of the Township bridges
for the use of all traction engiifes pass-
ing over the said bridges; any person
removing these planks from said bridges
will be prosecuted.—Carried.
Rutherford—Couplaud—Tho' we let
the job of rebuilding the B. Line bridge to
Messrs. Duff & Stewart on plans, and
at rates agreed on with this council, the
Clerk to draw bond and have it signed
in accordance therewith.—Carried.
Mosgrove—Kelly—That the tender of
the Wingham Times be accepted for the
township printing for the current year,
it being the lowest. Carried.
Rutherford—Kelly—That John Black
be appointed inspector on the Elliott
drain at $1.50 per day.—Carried.
Coupland—Mosgrovo—That we peti-
tion the Parliament of Ontario to have
no -change made in the County Council
Act as passed in 1903 and that the Clerk
forward this notion to the member for
the East Riding of Htirop.—Carried.
Mosgrove—Rutherford—That we ad-
vertise for tenders for the building of
the Elliott drain, in the Wingham
Times and Advance, three insertious in
each.—Carried. '
Bylaw No. 5 1904, was passed ap-
pointing Wm. H. Mundell, Thos. Ait-
kin, Thos. Goy, John Robinson, Sam.
Vanstone, James Elliott, Jos. Lovelll
Peter Scott, E. Orvis, and Robt. Lea -
thorn fence viewers in this municipality
for the current year.
By-law No. 6, 1904, was passed ap•
pointing John Little, R. Metcalf. Geo.
B. Scott, Hugh Tucker, Allan Fralick,
Jas. Kirton jr., Peter S. MoEwen, Peter
Scott, E. Orvis, Wm, Netterfield, H,
Diluent and Wm, Maxwell pound keep-
ers, for the current year,
By-law No. 7, 1904 was passed tip -
pointing, R. Metcalf, John Weiler, W.
Aitkiu, peo. Bryce, Itobt. Jenkins, W.
King, Jas. Stapleton, W. Webb, John
Tervitt, Isaac Stokes, Reuben• Stokes,
John Metcalf, L, Pearen, Thos, James,
Murray Wilson, August Homuth, John
McGlynn, John Fortune, Herbert Hen-
nings, Wm. McGill, Frank Carruthers,
Wm. Adair, George Taylor, J. Robert-
son, Jas. Wylie, Robert Breen, Robert
Yeo, Sam. Vanstone, Wm. Eagleson,
Jas. Kirton jr., Jas. Elliott, Alex.
Hastie, Wm. Yeo, Wm, Wright, Robt.
Hupfer, Jos. Hislop, John ),�IcDwen,
Win. Willis, D. IL Moffatt, R. Black,
P. Thotnas, henry Dintent, Gavin
Davidspp, RAW'. J. McItenaio, Jas. Cl,
Anderson, Jas Ciminero, George
Yeo, John J, Moffatt, 0oa. Walker,
John Mulvey, John Lane, Robt, Mo.
Miohael, Henry Muir, Robt, Miller and
John A. Miller pathmasters for the
ourrent year.
By1a�v No. 8, 1904 was passed for the
commutation of Statute Labor in the
unincorporated villages of this munici�
panty at 50 cents per day for the current
Bylaw No. 0, 1904 was passed for the
appointment of Collectors of Statute
Labor Commutation and for the axpon-
diture of the seine on the streets and
sidewalks of the said Villages and to
render an account of all ret:oipts an
expenditures, with vouchers attached
to the municipal *moil on or before
rjiE WINGRAlra.
the 1st of December of the current year.
The following are the appointments:
Bluevalo, Robs, Musgrove; Belmoro,
Wm. Chittick; Winglram Town Plot,
Hiram Smith.
The following accounts were passed
and olrequoa on Bank of Hamilton is-
sued; T. Hall, printing contraot, $14,00;
11. B. Elliott, advertising, $4; H. Hon-
nings, oleaniug bridges, 050;
Eagleson, cleaning bridges, $1,55.
Kelly—Ooupland-,-That this Council
adjourn to tweet in the Clerk's office
at Bluevale for regular business on
the 80th day of May at 10 o'clock a.m.
and to meet as a Court of Revistou of
Assessment Roll at 2 o'clock p.m. on
the same day and at the same place,—
John Bargees, Clerk.
Why Catarrh Poisons The System.
The catarrhal germ excites inflam-
mation, offensive secretions are thrown.
off and pass into the circulation, con-
taminating the river of life and thus
wreck the whole body. Every catarrh
victim should use fragrant healing
Catarrhozone, the surest curd for every
type of catarrh yet discovered. Ca•
tarrhozone can't fail to cure because its
vapor kills the germs and removes the
cause of the trouble. Than it soothes
and heals, stops the cough and relieves
the stuffed up condition of the nose and
throat. Ten thousand have been cured
by Catarrhozone which is guaranteed,
Use only Catarrhozone, Complete out-
fit $1,.00i trial size 25o.
Potchesfstroonl, S. A„ Feb. 13.
Editor Wingham Advance,
DEArt SIR,—As I promised some
time ago to give you a fuller descrip-
tion of this part of South Africa and
receiving your issue of Dec, 24 lately
with the communication in it from
one who signs himself "One who was
there," I hasten to do as I promised.
"One who was there" gave no proofs
of what I said to be untrue, only that
the Boers are leaving here for Old
Mexico, I can tell him more than
that—they are going anywhere and
everywhere they can, to get away
from S. A., but it is not on account of
the climate or country they are leav-
ing ; it is because they will not live
under the British flag. Boers did not
leave here before the war. I also
think I am in a better position to
judge of the lit"erences between Can-
ada and S. A, than "One who was
there" as I have travelled over the
North American continent and know
whereof I speak.
I will first give yon a description of
the Transvaal, At a general glance
you would call it very rough, but it is
not so bad as it seems. It is composed
of ranges of foothills running as a role
east and west with beautiful valleys
between, There is good pasturage on
the hills for the most part, and one
peculiarity of this country is that the
rivers cut across the hills instead of
running parallel to them, as they do
in other countries, In fact this coun-
try is made up of peculiarities which
make it one of the most wonderful
countries on eaith. Our wet season
is in the summer, instead of the win-
ter as in other countries. Even Cape
Colony has its wet season in the win-
ter, thereby making it impossible for
them to grow two crops in one year,
while we can grow 2 and 8 crops off
the same piece of ground in 12 months.
For instance, we can grow a crop of
potatoes, then a crop of tobacco, and
lastly a crop of wheat, oats, barley or
any other grain, as grain is only grown
in our winter months and has to be
irrigated, for as I said before the win-
ter is our dry season. Another thing
that makes this the most wonderful
country is—that where 1 live, every-
thing under the sun grows and yields
from 50 to 100 fold. We have growing
here fitlit of all kinds, including
oranges, letnons, bananas and a great
many varieties that are never seen in
Canada. "One who was there" will
please describe then the next time he
writes. Vegetables of all kinds grow
in the summer, the hardiest of them
such as onions, cabbage, etc., grow
equally well in the winter. Alealies
(they are the sante as our corn) and
what they call Kaffir corn are grown
in the summer, while grain of all
kinds is grown in the winter and is
always a sure crop. Now to say some-
thing about the climate of this dis-
trict—it is as healthy as any country •
in the world ; you never hear of con*
sunption, asthma and kindred diseas-
es, The only thing now you do hear
of (and that is in towns) is enteric
fever, and is caused by dirt being al-
lowed to accumulate. The.towns here
have open sewers on each aide of the
street, and all the filth passes down
thein and if this state of affairs exist( d
in any other town or city in the
world, instead of the most healthy,
there would not be a living soul left
in 3 months for plague. Now the heat
in summer is not excessive, nor have
I ever found it as hot here as I have
in Canada. My father, who is near
80 years of age, is out during the
greater part of the day tied eilloys
excellent health arid never tog plains
of the heat but often says— "I hal e
often suffered mare With the heat In
Canada than I do here," Of course
there are hotter and colder places in
S. A. than here. No matter what the
day is like, we have nice cool nights
and you. can rise in the morning and
feel refreshed atter a good night's
sleep. Neither aro the winters cold.
I havo no stove or fire in my house.
I dor not need it for heating on account
of cold, Cattle and horses do well
running oat in winter. Last winter
I bunt a dant across a river, costing
the $4,600, and my animals got noth-
ing only what they picked up, and
they were fat in the spring. This Is
the finest climate In the world, I say
again, and you only have to take the
British army report, read before the
d' i( of the WOrid
1 dicot Association tict
London, England, to corroborate what
I say. Since coming on the#area `thi
When the nerves are weak
everything goes wrong. You _
are tired all the time, easily
discouraged, nervous, and.
irritable. Your cheeks are
pale and your blood is thin.
Your doctor says you are -
. threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He orders this .
grand old family medicine. -
"For more than 60 years I havo used Ayer's
Sarsaparilla to my family. It is s grand tonic
at all times and a wonderful medicine for im.
pure blood''—D. C. HOLT, West Haren, Conn.
A1a bottle.
1 dr1 Relate. II for 7010011 a Maes.
Weak Nerves
teen the bowels regular with App9'r's
)I11s, Just one p111 each night.
has been only one death in this dis-
trict, and that was caused by eating
canned corn beef. No sickness have I
heard of at all. We have not many
snakes ; I have only seen 3 or 4 since
I have been on the farm. You would
die if they bit you but they won't
bother you if you don't bother them.
I could go on indefinitely, speaking
of the wonders of South Africa, which
would no doubt be news to "One who
was there," but I do not want to occu-
py all your space, so will now conclude
and will write again some future time,
I am not an emigration agent and do
not care whether anybody comes from
Canada or not. One thing I do and
can say—you can make $5 00 here
easier and quicker than you can make
5 cents in Canada, and you are living
where it is not too hot nor too cold,
but no person without money need
come here. There are farmers here
who have more money than all Wing -
ham. One sold a farm to the Govern-
ment a short time ago, for $250,000.
So you see land is valuable also. If
this was not such a rich country, do
you think England would have gone
to war and spent hundreds of millions
of dollars and thousands of lives. I
think not. Of course there is a de-
pression now but it will soon be over.
W. H. WELI.s.
Nothing Loosens Up A Cold
On the chest and relieves that tight
feeling and hard cough like Nerviline
writes E. P. Renshall of Sntton. "I
Dever used any other remedy but Ner-
viline and find it serves as a general
household liniment best of all. Child-
ren's colds, inflammatory pains aro
quickly cured by Nerviline. and its
action on colds, cough and sore throat
is unequalled by anything I ever used.
Nerviline is both powerful, pleasant
and reliable." Every mother should use
Nerviline. Price 25o.
• Fresh Goods
Most people appreciate fresh
=goods, it always tastes so much
nicer, and is much healthier
_ besides. We are always ready
with a fresh stock of
Our Chocolates aro of the
highest class goods.
Try our Oysters served in any
style, 15c a dish.
We have in stock Canada -
Cream and Roquefort Cheese.
Ice Cream orders filled on the
'_. shortest notice.
I Ypur Patronage Solicited
, 1 J 10116411. i . 1 .. n1 h.,. 1-1,1.. LS. 1i.1k
McKelvie's 'Old Stand
We are sole -3
agents for 4:
Por Sale only by
Colin A. Campbell
THE Dttn c ZS
lilt _
Slim Prices,
Stout Values
The Leading Store
Shirt Waists.
Swill Pronto
Quick Return'
Just opened, a large shipment of the very
Latest Ladies' Shirt Waists, comprising all
the newest weaves, and nicely made and trimmed.
You are sure to get the right make and style if
you buy your spring Waist here.
Big range of Prices, from 50c to $5.00 each.
Ladies' fine Linen Waists,
tucked and well made,
all sizes. Our
Special price ... $I.00
Ladies' Fine Blaok Japan Tat-
fota Silk waists, tucked and
trimmed with Lace. Fit guar.
anteed. A Bargain $4.50
New Whftewear.
This is a growing branch of our business, and
this spring we are showing a larger and better as-
sortment of White Skirts, Corset Covers, Night Gowns, Drawers,
etc. Please ask to see them. Prices the lowest.
New Spring Goobs.
r They are coming to hand thick and fast now,
and our greatest trouble is to find room for them.
Every department is crowded with bright, new
spring goods. New Dress Goods, New Carpets,
New Muslins, New Curtains, New Boots .& Shoes,
New Cottonades, New Prints, New Shirtings, New
Underwear, New Trimmings.
11. E. Isard Sc. Co.
Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
here at Last After waiting a long time
the new crop of Maple .
Syrup has arrived, and we can recommend it highly.
It weighs over thirteen lbs. to the gallon—not sold
in tins $1.35 per Gallon liel
SS California Prunes At this season of
ao the year when the
zais or:
Ao jars of fruit are running low, just try some of our
Al California Pfrarunes ; we have them in all sizes
la ..3 lbs. for 25c, up to 15c per lb
Al sr
70 IN▪ EZ,
:511111 111C_
Benson's Enamel This is a cold
7.32 Ito
water starch. New
• process ; requires no boiling ; prepared especially
:Jo or
for fine laundry workZlim to cts. per pkg
o▪ r
,„. at Griffin's ..▪ .„sic,..
Homuth Bros.
We have removed to the
store lately occupied by Jno.
and Jas. H. Kerr in the Mac-
donald hock.
Call on us there.
Your esteemed orders shall re-
ceive careful attention.
Subscribe for "The Advance"
the Paper that has all the reliable news.