HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-07, Page 4THE W.I TGHAM ADVANCE. ,1, WING HAM'S DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS HQDSB �w..ti..rr... Arch Support of a Dorothy Dodd =A Steel Arch Most shoes are made to a certain last. But the Dorothy Dodd shoe is made to the human foot, and that is why it is so graceful and comfortable. It follows the exact lines of the foot. Every shoe is arched in the waist, so all abase are made arched also. But they don't retrain arched more than a few days ---the arch flattens out completely, the foot then slips up and down in the shoe, But the Dorothy Dodd has an arch of steel between the inner and outer soles. This arch is firmly held by sewing the inner and outer soles through and through, a feature found only in custom -trade shoes—it can't flatten, The weak arch of the foot is perpetually supported by this arch of steel; There is no slipping. This explains why you can walk for miles in these shoes without the least fatigue, Sole Agents For RITCHIE'S for Dress Goode. Trimm'ga. Alex. Ritchie BEAVER BLOCK WINOHAM d.1 ,w! RITCHIE'S for Carpets, Rugs, Etc. Every intelligent person can see at a glance . that the Corrugated Carpet Paper is the most practical and common- sense Lining ever placed beneath a carpet. It speaks for itself. It snakes an ordinary carpet seem like an expensive one. It imparts the spring, elasticity and softness, which are so .greatly desired. The folds keep the dust away from the carpet. No noise. No hard feeling. No bunch- ing. We also have Stair Pads of same material. x Utlin pm .bb ince u Tnz,o, HALL, PEOPamr0R,. MARCH,190, )7( Sun h1'u Tue We Th Fri. Sat /11.11.1110011 01111..4, 5, 8. ..7. 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 24' 20 2? 28 20 80 il.Oxi cJ gales --Tighteen Minneapolis flour mills were shut down recently ow- ing to the bad Condition of trade. 1 —The faithful of Zion City are praying for the safe return of Dowie from Australia, where he has already been chased three times by mobs in the principal cities. Seems to be a case of -- "Physician heal thyself." —According to the latest infor- mation from the American Pension Commissioner there are 996,545 pensioners on the rolls, to pay whom $133,029,090 was paid out in pensions last year. Other ex- penses incident to the business raised the total cost of pensions for the year to $137,759,653. The average amount paid to each.pen- sioner is $133.49 a year. —At the death of Mark Hanna, the Salvation Army of Cleveland, held memorial service and muffled their base drum. That was befpre Hanna's will was read. The Sena- tor had given the Army some money during his life, and they had expectations. • They were doomed to disappointment, for he left them nothing by bequest, al- though his estate totalled up to seven million dollars. - l —The general interests of the province would be the better ad- vanced, if Mr. Stratton had been shelved after the Gamey episode. The Government overreached itself in the whitewashing business, and the revelations of the trial in con- nection with that affair threw lurid light on the moral ,condition of characters trained under the influ- ence of the Government and sub- servient to its behests. —There seems to be little doubt that the United States National Good Roads Bill will pass both houses of Congress. It has passed the Lower House and is very fav- orably considered in the Senate. This bill appropriates $24,000,000 for good roads improvement, $8,- 000,000 to be used annually for three years. The work will be under the direct supervision of the Department of Agriculture, and the money will be distributed ac- cording to the population. —A. little over two years ago the Legislature formally set aside two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars to be granted during three years in the form of bounties on beet sugar produced in the Pro- vince of Ontario, not more than seventy-five thousand dollars to be expended in any one year. Mr. Ross has now given notice of a resolution setting aside a hundred and fifty thousand dollars more in order to continue the bounties for a period of five years instead of three. UNDERTAKING Residence—Patrick St., Sth house West nI tta,nilton's Drug Store. Night calfs receive prompt at- tention. Bali Bros. The People's Furniture Store MItttttttttttttttttttttttttitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 4444 4444 4444,, 4444 L.4444. :...• ,r 4444. 1.0.1101110.4*110.04144,46 41404.0 11144. 4444 .114.44 er— 1104.4 4110444 ..rw s.•-- r.=111.4. A0444. 414.4.4 101,441. 4.0.00 4144.4 ew 1.044. 4440.4 41444. SEEDS ! T. A. Mills has just com- pleted his stock of Garden and Field Seeds. Common Red, laminoth, like and Lucerne Clovers Al•, mothy Seed, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, Red Top, White Clover, Lawn Grasses. A new lot of Corns and full line in Mangolds, Carrots, Sugar Beets, Rape and Tur- nip Seeds. When in the market to buy see my Seeds. T. A. MILLS 211.1111411111,11110111111111111111114,1111111104111A 4.40 44410 .4.41111 .4.4410 4444. 4.441. 44.41. 44411 4.44,40 4444 44.41111 .4.. 4440 40400 444411 4.444110. 0040411 04.01 44.011, ...0 40.4111 0.4.00 • TC —Daring a recent debate in the Legislature, Mr. Whitney, leader of the Opposition said :— "There is no such thing as railway bonusing in the United States. Any than who would propose a land grant to a railway there would be hooted out of the country. Why should we hesi- tate to take the same position here?" On this the Weekly Sun remarks : "We have traveled a long way, and in the right direction, when the leader of the Opposition can give utterance to a declaration such as that in the Ontario Legis- lature." -The Saturday Evening Post says ;—Whether or not it is true that Russia has overwhelming "re- sources," it is certainly true that a great many people who use the word resources do not take the trouble to think what it means. Millions of square miles are not necessarily resources; millions of people are not necessarily resources. The only resources that cannot be defined away are inen capable of intelligent ieadership and men capable of being intelligently led. How is Russia off for these? If she is not rich in them, her millions of res and of people will avail for nothing. Since history began there has been lno time in Wilich brute force, undirected by brains, was of touch aeoount ; in these days brute force amountf to very littlb indeed, beoanate eery dial over" of defence haat itiel\llitittl the power of the intelligent brain and deem ,the power of the brain that cash or svAl not think. -A serious fire occurred at Rideau Hall, the residence of the Governor-General, on Friday last. The damage is estimated at dearly $40,000, and new residence may be necessary. 1__ —Several of those charged with. ballot -box stuffing at Toronto civic elections have been proven guilty and will suffer the penalty., Serves them right—but the prluci ails should suffer as well as the tools. The investigation should ferret them out. --Mr. Ross finds himself con- fronted by a hostile minority among bis own followers in the Legislature. Mr. Stratton is re- ported in the dailies as being the leader (in Caucus) in the opposi- tion to advanced temperance legis- lation. —In reply to a question of Wm. Redmond, Irish Nationalist, in the House of Commons for information upon the working of the Irish Land act, Mr. Wyndham, Chief Secre- tary for Ireland, said that he be- lieved that if all the parties con. cerned worked in the same spirit as last year great success would attend the operation of the act. Now that the Land act stock had been successfully floated they could proceed with greater energy. Ap- plications for advances amounting to $10,000,000 had been received from 4,152 tenants on 206 estates ; 61 evicted tenants had been re- stored and others were about to be restored, but the working of this feature of the act was necessarily b —Bystander writes in the Week- ly Sun thusly :—This province has a Government with a majority of three, which an appeal to the peo- ple would, it is universally believ- ed, turn into a minority, support- ing itself in power by expedients of which this Sault affair is the last and worst. Meantime constitu- tional legislation is at an end. The Legislature is supplanted by an anti -constitutional conclave called a caucus, which divides upon measures of public policy in itself, and then, by its united vote, forces them on the House. We are, in effect, governed not by a constitu- tional Legislature, but by a cabal. If there is no way out of this state of things the prospects of popular government are not bright. —The troubles of the Ontario Government are coming thick and fast. In the weakest hour of its existence, its life is threatened by the exposure of another scandal. Following close upon the shame- ful endeavor to purchase a member of the Legislature, comes the ex- posure of the Soo bribery. There is no doubt that the Government won the Soo election by the expen- diture of public money in connec- tion with the payment of claims. The Toronto News thus refers to the disgraceful affair :-- "The details of the bribery at Sault Ste. Marie are coming out before the Public Accounts Committee. They fairly take the breath away. Law- yers' and contractors' names were in- serted on the pay -roll after the crash had taken place. Salaries were "raised" after the company had closed its works. This was shameless public robbery. No other name can be given to such doings. No amount of apolo- getic explanation can make anything else at tie payment of these salaries." Right in the face of this, Premier Ross has the audacity to propose to give the re -organized affair two million dollars, apparently in order that two or three of his supporters in the Legislature who are credi- tors of the concern, may secure payment of their claims. Is On- tario to be thus fleeced in order to keep in power a tottering, discred- ited and corrupt Government ? EXTRAVAGANCE INCREASED, • The Liberals are still farther strengthening their claim as a more extravagant administration than has been. Despite every pledge given by the leaders of the party to reduce the cost of government, the outlay required for carrying on the business of the country has been steadily increasing since 1896. The main estimates for 1904.05 reach the enormous total of 882,- 935,338, an increase of $21,704,- 457 as compared with 1896-7, and an addition of $5,825,364 as com- pared with 1903.04. The following table of the main estimates since 1896-7 shows how reckless the Liberal party became after being returned to power : 1896.97 1641,230,681 1897.08 .................1..44,607,238 1898.99 .....,...,.a......... 44,912,571 1.899.00 46,280,550 1900-01 .... 49,068,391. 1901-02 50,398, 823 iso2-03 .53, 361,638 1003.04 67,109,974 1004.0662,935,338 The Liberals by thus squander- ing the looney which they claimed, in days gone by (is wrung from the people) have made it necessary to rakes by customs duties millionis upon millions of dollars In woes of the revenue under Conservative rule. Any further protection for Ceridian industries is, therefore, , out of the question. in order to collect duties the importation of foreign goods MA be encouraged. The free diiatributtou of money Cute 44. both ways. It first takes cash direct Trona the taxpayers' pockets,, and by opening our markets to -` foreign competition rodnoes the 1 `.d► chances of employment on Cana. I no. & diau soil. Since 1896.7 the main estimates show an increase per - family of over $20 --something for' old line Liberals to think about, - - Thursday, April 7, 1904 11111.111 • 1 1 I Y M I. II . 1 41 DISGRACEFUL, IF TRUE. Speaking of the use of liquor to incapacitate members of the On- tario Legislature, the Toronto World says :-- Tho Ontario Legislature is not free from the influence of liquor as directly exerted for the purpose of serving both political and private interests. It Is a Notorious fact that the enormous railway subsi- dies voted at a recent session of the Legislature were carried through in an all-night sitting, in which liquor flowed in copious quantities. It is noseoret that members of the Legislature have been deliberately incapacitated with liquor in order to keep them away from a critical party division in the house, or to exclude them from a vote in a committee in which heavy corporate interests were at stake. These practices are no stranger to the present session of the Ontario Legislature. The party has its tool and the corpora- tion has its agent to effect with alcoholic stimulant what they could not secure if every member registered his vote in strict so- briety, That the members who have thus been used represent only a small fraction of the strength of the house, it is needless to explain. The evil is nevertheless glaring and potent. One member incapacitated for his Iegislative duties may be the means of turning an issue against the interests of the people. There have been at the present session of the Legislature members too intoxicated to attend divisions. Members sitting on the floor of the house, too obviously the worse of liquor to be admitted to a reputa- ble assembly. Members whose at- tendance at important committee meetings was prevented by a free administration of stimulant. What do these members think of themselves? Do they think that they are honorably discharging the duties of free and independent members of parliament? Do they think they are fair to the honest, earnest electors who worked for them night and day in their con- stituencies, and rejoiced in their victories. It is a delicate question but it is one with which the public interest is too closely identified to be suppressed on grounds of deli- cacy. WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS. April 3oth to Dec. rat 1904. Fifty Million Dollars, t50,000,000 is the cost of this great Exposition. Over 500 distinct buildings. Almost every Foreign' Nation has a Pavillion and each State a Club House. Canada's building is finished and the Grand Trunk will have a fine exhibit. 15 of the buildings are Giants as shown by the dimensions. It will no doubt be the last Great Exposition held in America for a long time. It will be worth a year's education to your son and daugh- ter to visit. The Grand Trunk have arranged to allow stopover at any Ca- nadian Station and at Detroit and Chi- cago on the excursion tickets, which will be placed on sale April 25th and continue for the season. 15 Day tickets will be sold at Single Fare. 30 day tickets at Fare and One -Third, and good until Dec. 15th at 80 per cent off double One Way rates. Fall information on application to Mr. Harold, or J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. •,••• .4 16.1 • Oil, II • ••1 • I a 'Eh . 4, 1! AOFF The Largest Store in Wingham. Spring! Spring !; We're keeping Spring in this Big Store, whether nature is or not. Store full of Spring Goods. The breath of Spring in everything. Spring fashions, Spring brightness, Spring weight, Spring lightness, Spring daintiness in shades and styles, Fancy and Staple Dress Goods for Tailored Suits and Street Gowns add to the spring-like feeling, noticeable throughout this beautiful store. .And Bargains—Spring Bargains in every department. We 'lake The Largest and ]`lost Complete Display Of Fashionable Dress Goods Ever Shown In Wingham. Everything that is exclusive, new and in good taste will be found in this Store. A range of prices that from the lowest to the highest represents the very best qualities obtainable at anything near such prices. Silk and Wool Crepe Eolienne Silk and Wool Eolienne Silk and Wool Crepe De Shine Victoria Panama Canvas Victoria Panama Knicker Victorian Flake Tweed Scotch Tweed Suitings Irish Tweed Suitings Silk and Wool Drape De Paris Striped and Spotted Lustres Venetian Ladies' Cloth Every color, style and . weave, Etamine Voile Silk Dotted Voile. Canvas Voile French Cheviot Worsted Venetians Mohair Zibelines Oorde De Sole Black Silk Grenadine Cream Silk Grenadine Knicker Suitings Flaked Box Cloth that fashion demands. Our supremacy in Dress Goods, Fancy Blousings and Suitings is fully demonstrated by the magnificent display of choicest New Dress: Fabrics. Our variety of weaves, styles and colorings is so large that the most fastidious can rely on -procuring just what they want. 1 i • 0I . 1.1 .. TRAIN UP A CHILD and when up, send him or her LISTOV4L z to iREXALL BHOLD DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath — they arc the latest and most improved. Dye in the world. Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's store, Illuev ate, and C. IL. MoOlolland's store, i3elgrave, Ont. Term Begins Apr. xx, 1904. Two Courses t—Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L. MciNTYRR President Beo'y. MANY CALLS aro received from buMany Students are placed in good' posi- tionss each year by the Samotts CENTRA. STF3ATFORD, ONT. This school stands for the highest and • best in business education in Canada to- day._ Many business colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Wo bate scores of .ppiications from other colleges. Ask to see them the day you enter. W., d. Elliott, Principal. ROBT, H, GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGEA3f ADVANCE. DR. OVENS .LLL1 t Loxb.N SURGEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Visits Wingham monthly. GLASSES Firm) PROPERLY. NASAL CATartun and DeArNE5S treated. Wingham oiilce at Campbell's Drug Store. London office -225 Queen's ave,; hours 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits--Mondays— Fob. 1, rob. 29, Mar. 28, May 2, May 30, June 27, July 25, Sept, 6, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28. re Tit** tt' ? tot" ?t'' * * ' t" This Space Is For THE BEE HIVE (THE KEELER GO.) Who will in "a few days" open up a magnificient stock of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings a.... ....y t and Groceries in McK enzie's New Store. It will pay you to wait for them. seireeeemoiseaneasimessameet THE BEE HIVE (T'1'#Fi KEELER CO.) McKENZIE'3 NEW STORE W Ili1OHAM ±±444444+4444444444444++444444