HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-04-07, Page 2Pitltsii§lXra Ubanal,
Tame. ihereli, Paotehti=Ode 1
thilleetiosi at Rode end Atiooelite* itisooteltr.
items Bloat.
Vietre *oil Perm Peewees, I
OICL-Iathe East Blook.
Itaideste--Catherine St. 1•
mos. nouns
BANKtit.. ETO.
Marriage Ltooneil ked. Ifs vrttnessai -
limey abaci amountel Male in Pro'
sertion, Midas tants.
=mow liotiEs
itereustait AT 14W, garth=r0R, ewe,
Officee-nors te Thema Block now Minding
WELLEIGidit Ifirrinii•
" ITU US. co.
Established Me.
Road Oino* 417=4•11* ONT. aeostles. Thou .art tett Christ -The
hieesialie The Anointed, One, Mee-
Illetateltattor. alleteletie tit laimiadhe Pro, sieth is. the Hebrew and Christ is
eerty on the oath or merlin= stet, system. the Greek for oaeointecl." Jesus was
Loom GOMIS, ctitas.DATIDsox, the One who AVMS anointed by the
„eheateade, efteseeree rather as Prophet, Priest and
JOHN RITCHIE, ging. The apostles thus coulees
their ida,eter to be the Sou of the
AGOINT• , WIROIYar Owe' living Goti-thie ilivine One for whom
ti o world Woe looking and waiting,
DICKINSON & MLLES to proclaim Him poblicly, Galilean
Tell no man -The time bad not come.
1- outtnelaste might -now endeavor to
BilltStint 401141tors, etc.. make Hien king if this announce-
. meet were (made °Pear -
Office: MeyerBlockWingham. Tne accoont given by laattheve is
Dada Irdmea much fufier•taan tbls one given by
N,L.Dickineon Mark. la Matt. xvie 18, 19 we have.
the lemma wateli hove aroused ae
profound need ae deiturbing a (Ilse
cussian an any passage in the Word
BARRISTER AND SOLiCITOR 0°Li• 3.661113 ljelxntell " Sal"
'Sartday School.
glIMPRIMM.., •
APIUL10. 1094.
Peter Confesses the Chriet.oelark a 274e
C0hiltENTART.-.1. Different Man -
;ono coneerning Menet, Vs. •47-30.
27. Caviares. Philippleelt neentti that
Jesus dal, nol, enter tine eity, bot
taeight in its eaehity. It watt opoP-
elms and proeperous region, and
tie aeopte yeere at so much mutt;
UL influeleCo elot the -Scribe% a
as thee' were further
southeotheribut. 'Whoinalo men sa,y
-Quiet did not ask tele queetiou
tor inforreatten, or 02 because
lelee deetred the applauce ot men, Or
(3) becaasie He latended to form
Hie mita() aecoraing to the reply,
but (4) becAuee flo deared to
greenlet His disciples in the deepeet
fattli." ea. Some sey, eto. --People
held dettereut opinions -concerning
Chelot, aeme said doba the BaPilet
retUrried to life. Some, Elias, Wto
'Mee to be the- lorerenner at the
elessiale; lers, preeemias eatatt.
xvi 14) "In accordance wita the
traelitIon that Jeremiah was to
come end reveal the place where
the eaored Vegiiels were (*tweeted";
and oteers, one .or tbe prophets:
29. Whom may eee-erlas was the
deoesive moment lp which the 'separ-
ation a the Newt Testament train
tlee Old Testament theocracy was
to be madee The 'lour had come
for the utterance of a destinct
Ce.restien contessiou,-Lange. Peter
answereta-He spolte /or all of tbe
Imail death ter illst taloa. TWA 'Wag
tho tint intlination et ills owe bete 1 ,
feriegs upen "the (WOOS."
85. Wheethwer will Aare, eto. Winte,i
eoever aeoeeeds in Obtaining 'the lite The Markets
of weirdly ceilitort and pleaaeria by
aeoldin the life of iselt-denial and
'reroute reveal -tea' Market.
- at the eapense tit xigleteoueness, goal
. ing, "Thou art Peter, and upon tbie
Money to loon at lowestrates. 011ie* rook I will build my church." The
sseAvEle.' "moor- , Greek word here for Peter is "pe -
toes," -meaning a etone or a piece
V7111•1011A.M. ot rock. Tids naine bas been given
peter by Jesus, at the first (John
. e 42). The Greek word for rock is
"getra," meaning rock in mass. Ite-
- this eth re e four leading -
BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. ' views, all of which are supported by
• moNicy To , LOAN. . good authorities: I. Tbat Peter was
the rock on which Christ was to
office t_liforton Block, eivinghatn IL ulihdt his =leir.s 20x. 'eThttet Per. ant
. , - . That the confession Peter had just
DR. AGNEW Christ bad reference to 'himself when
, Inedo was the rock. 4. That
PHYSittAN, SURGEON he said "up= this rock." The true
. s view'. be wtthout doubt, the last one
ACCOUCHEUR. etated. Christ Is the foundation of
Oftices-irpstairs in *the Macdonald his church, Ile is the tried stone,
Black, P stone. th "mire
Night calleanewered itt olive. fotmdation" (se. =Till. 16). "For
other foundation can no man lay
' - than tbat is held, which Is Jesus
Du. mum & CIIISHOLI chrut" (1 COD. 111, IP. It was as
though Christ had said, Tbou art
"Petros," a stone, & fragment of a
PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS e ETC. rock; but upon this "petra," this
3.00LephiThosta,04 ‘, ...... win b_ siolid rock, which Is myself -Hie
- g-114" Christ, I will build my churcb.
• Sena 'also sam "I willi give mite
iev ihrinEtin, 14.04 11.04p.s.0 ebeeretah;e keysoftbeyekrenttouneshaott
ausabarigthaBetsgmealoa • bind on earth saall be bound in
"Leaven; and 35auttsoever thou sbalt
,coto meow:1st. ot ittoreiNE. tr,,,,:s1 Z1: asr r 4:37,doi all
Sebald atteationaid to Diseases of wanes • of power- and authority, Dr. Schaff
'• says, "The apostles bad k.noweedge
onhellitortial-110Inians ?Iota" and authority which no one 'Iter
them needs, eir tan rightlr claim."
Per ano the Other apostles were
. to be the representatives of Chriates
- charcht on earth, and they Imre given
power and autherity to organize and
-establish. his eburch after hitt death,
Peter actually italocked the kingdom
of ranaen to the Jews Ott the day of
Pentecost When tbree thougand were
W. T. lloIlouy
Graduate at RoW_
College of Dental
Stream. ot Tor-
onto, and Honor
Grad -woe of Dent -
to illniversitT,
Geetiles (ages x. 3.1.48). They 0.190es-inverted. and a little later to the
al NO- ot Toren-
rmlotest Itaproima, =abode in euerenchesse received the xey to the interprets,
goarsn'''.46417to6c1," Prkg*'saromeer"ainmvaBeafterniStext"fsctiar tion of Hie Old Testament Serip-
bares. To bind meant to forbid,
alge."-Mbrison. In their organize.
or to declare forbidden; to loose
meant to allow, or to declare allow -
terra of tbe thumb they were to be
Doctor DentalSurgery of the ene_ alusgtiededer. 4.griaothleelre°01- SiValt„;aetwebt
insylvania College and Licentiate oi wouVr
D'entalSurilerr of Drastic). Id i;oelso s.anc-tion
and approbation of God.
Moto over Poll 0111,08-W1NGTTawr 11. Cbrist foretells Ills death, vs.
- 31-88
31. -Began to tatteb-Heretotore
Wilitilld SAW. the first 'rope lie speaks plainly' of
Ms coming sueferings and deatb. Son
jae Und obsourely, but now for
of man -This was a title Ile Tre-
quently applied to Himself, but it
was never applied to Ilia by, the
appetite, It expressed Has humanity.
All klutz of rough and dressed... '10f the ehiers. !Le Sanhedrin.
--Carr. ''The detailed erenneration
df these porde% proves that there
LUMBER, I LATH SHINGLES 'sr" a general DmalnraeS3 thr,
part of ii.11 tbe attborities.
APPLE. BARRELS. 32e- Openly-Tbat is, not publicly,
but viable' and •wittentt dieguisiee-
pair. triomPrerrestehol Him -Aside;
large quantity dry hard-- Tberetalholdus. of
Pmetiteinr agadiLlitirATamii
to attil the
Hata and Soft Slabs, also a
wood for sale, d°elivered. abhorrent to
id set, out Lord
rigbt and banish thie disteal Wu-
. jeritioe of death Instead of a throne.
Telephone Orders Promptly Mows Peter* boldness.
"attenuect to. 41.1. rebuked PeteteeChrist Per-
, :Mend that he Was vat boldly, utter-
ing' What the others; telt, and tide
L was before them AIL Get
me. sintan - Olean
ean 81 Son t be))
attest advertise'. Jaime did not call
Hs aposflo it devil, but He tawin
EMPEROR ISSUES PARDON. tortZto"vgloro'nb.;,:eggitrwaS 01-
ef the
- fersd the glnr ot the kin doom of
Austrian leentenent Who Stole toe tbe teltbotit His reining to the
ithIneationhi &eke to Go Freeero.Vhe worde nit the tempter are
in Peteee erevittheand Cwtst sisea tbe
Berlin, April R. -From Vienna, eels: werdie wMeb He had teed tO
VOI1303 the news 'that Esortror Fran -rho devil In the wilderness, Team
tie jeers& not only has pardoned mindest net Oh 0-Jrnetr 4est net
tLei yoonl lieutenant in the artile underetrind ler dleeern the things of
levy, Bentueses who was reeently God ; thou tart evixilIT taken up with
sentenced to two months' imprison- the thosight that Talc klagdene le of
taint, but fa, gross him recaniater "Me -trot-M.-Clarke. Men would like
aasistantde to rontinoe his stud:es. &tar, distInetion and wiallth. hot
Lieut. Benham 14.01 Walt etude- fled looka at Peaco of tonselerem Ind
log at the military academy at the jny 01 %be noel. "re Ws opt the
llodar est, being too poor to priY erciee is the gray, to this Crown."
for Lie taitiott AtT the laboratoese
had etolerr a rlikt hints Pride Valued , in% Nreeleeseis ae aeoelielleetlip, ea,
at *Moat *MOS 34. 35.
In tettrt Le openly admitted hie g4. lead ealiee-Mvert In tittle.
wallt, telling the jedgee how he lisTiely reona oconsiderable moo.
tad tonght againet the Imelda- bers won mem to have foltovred
ti -s. toter 142101- Ih‘ bed tried to belft fllm, APParehttY at'seerne 1Itti elle-
to eorport his father „Ile hail tried tante. The* He nose *siva to raga.
Wftri Wan's a earning enougb aad made them !Staten* in this Tart
Miaow to etiothoie kis etedies • .-•kh/ . BTh W
Riving losesens itod even wswhing tot soarer will-tottat is, *IttoivO4rt*t Is
• waltet its a emelt restaurant reseolved at all testis he, ;IC
eight while stedylag daring the oirple. Deny fltrintself -Christ Woes
slay. i''' • 1 0" 1 111111 *bows ihetapottles nature Ottla
Eten the yroweator touched Klatetions. Teter tritrat tittbirtatri frosa
Witt. ble *tory ated reeommetelei all lielnigentwo whleit Otani la the
INA tOth **MI *r t0Page way tt *dr." °roc" to 1341, tress -
vase that the oast Wiest pinta,- Wir00040rar settedd folio* thrilt MIA
Aleut moth* be mutt to awt4tvra 34'10010;4 SIM
lege even the ea,rthly rewards he
geekie and also the eternal lite 01
spiritual joy alegeeduess. But
_ wboeoover renounces tilos° thinge
in this life waleh olueria the World-
ling, Ouch as tho love of gain, pleas-
ure, fieshiOn or honor, and from the
I worldling's etandpolut levee Nellie
cobalt sate it spiritually and eterne
aley. For my eel*. It elis not the
mere lentsi of lite, but tiat loeg gr tife
toretbe sake of Cbriet, that bringe
the Praia:Idea blessing 24ultitudee 10e0
tbeir livele on 'the Alta., ot worldly
amiation, eleagare anditasbien, hut
such have no .ray Of holm.
IV. The velue gout eve. 86e
311). 50. What profit, Th2 theeetion
Implies that there is no profit. The
whele world. Even though It were
1)043(4111e for a. man to gain all tbe
wealth, honor and liappiness the
world had to give, and to enloy it
a. thousand years, and than lose his
soul, his loss would be infinateie
freater any earthly pleasure
le near bare had. Lose. "Be valet
Ris own soul. '1110 Greek
word for soul tea the eouble meaning
"life" Ana "soda Tbe void is the
man lemselt. Tim Only thing Nv;e real-
ly and absolutely possess is our
"soul." The man who loses his soul
loses all be has that is really vela,
able. 87. In excliange. The Price the
worldling pay s for 'carnal delighteis
his soul. 311. Adulterous. The people
were called adulterous because thele
rearts were esitraneed .from God.
Compare Dia, 54, 5; jer, 31, 32, and
liamee 4.
The Christ Revealed. 4 'Thou art
the Chriet." Jesus must 1e "reveal-
ed." Or remain unknown. "No man
can call Jesus Lord but 1TY the Hely
Ghost." There is a distinction of
eternal diznensitnue between the ura
acknowledgel "Lord, Lord" of mere
intellective!, appreheasion, and the in-
ward soul recognition Whieh cries,
"Mg Lord and my God." "Blamed art
thou." Present Christien experi-
ence and future. glory consist in
knowing God Christ. "Thle is life
eternal' "to know thee the only
true God, and Jesus Christ, whom
thou haat cent." Miler° or when-
ever that knowledge comes, eternal
commeneea This knowledge in
Its limitless unfoldings constitutes
the joy of Christian life and tbe frui-
tion or Christian reward. •
Nsoeteen Cors Smashed ; Fifty Cattle
It tiled Near SL. John, N. 13.
St. John. 13„ April 3.-elineteen •
freight cars were wrecked, fifty eat-
: tie were killed and tbe road bed was
torn up by a 'disastrous wreck on
. the Intereolnnial near Rothesay,
about ten miles from the city, this
morning. The train wItra ;made up
of thirty care, tuvive cat-
tle, containing about two hundred
hood %here was also in the train
a car of paper, a ear of steelbare,
two of A -agar and geveral coal laden.
1 The train, a epecial freight, in
charge, of Conductor Wilbur, was run-
ning about twenty miles an tour,
and bad passed Rothesay wben at
9.45 o'clock something went Wrong.
The second car from the engine sud-
denly left the rails, turned at right
angles and bounded off the road bed.
_ Then like a . ,flash eighteen otter
- care followed. These included tap
- twelve cattle cars, and -they rang-
ed side by side, but crushed and
smashed ,badly, •
_ A wild scene followed, .with the
stamping and struggling and bellow,
lug of the cattle. Effort was made
promptly to disengage those ot the
- animals which were uninjured. and
no great difficulty was experienced
In this. Of the 'fifty billed nearly
- were deprived Of life instantly.
Some were disembowelled. Others
had limbs torn off %and One wen
found beadle*. 'Residents ef the
Tito Ofteringe Of grain te-daelleiere
aireete etteueuga Mager owei e. oete
Wheat eitea‘ef. wite a lead ot re
Winter nellieg at DSc. Care are wee
ker, there Wilg. taelesuXte00 bushe
At 88 to 40e. Barleee quiet an
ateady, with Elates of 300 bushels a
47 •
lial4y1'PrOxitiee in falr inIPPI)v't witi
Flees Steady:. °holes roll butter At
potodortme. pece
A 13,., and eggs at 250
Xitter In, fate OuPPIX* With Price&
firm, 35 IOada sohl at .12 to SO a.
toe for timothy:, all4 at Sa to tkl)
for mixed. One lead of straw, seal
at 412.00 a ton.
Ihre,ssed hogs ere Unchanged. wit
ANIP $2 ,00
Native Attacks Repulsed With
Heavy Less.
heany selling at $8.50, and light at
"Pla5llotwo,triare tbe quotations:
.Wheat, wtite, bleb, 07.ja to 9$; dog'
red, beetle 9734 to leelo, spring, bust.,
98e; goose, entente 'BO to 8730; oats
Web., 88 to 400; Mae, buete, 438 ti;
700 hereon basbe 47 to 4So; bay
timothy.; voc "ton, SID to 014 clover,
SS to 49; tetras; Per toe,
SL1 to 12.-
50; geed% alsike, bush., $6 to $6.110;
75; red, clever. 'Nolte 06-0 0 $8.85
timetity, 100 Ibs., $2.25 to ela; ap
plea per Ale $1.50 to $2.25; dream
bogie 50,50 to ST; eggs, vor dam
; butter, 246aci;erred.0k e0ten 0,,lv2ee Qtrbe,ta
to 150; geese, per lb., 12 to liele
ducks, par lb., ag to 140; tarke5h,
Per lb., 17 to 20e; potatoes, per bag
Say to $1; cabbage; per dor.eu, 40
to 50c; 'Cauliflower. Per dozen. '$1.-
20 to $1.75; eeleifft Per dozen, 40
to 500; beef. hindquarters, $7 t
$8.50; 'beef, forequartere, $5 t
80.50; beef, choice, carcass, n Pea
medium. carearee, $S to 56.50; lamb
yearling, $9.50 to *10.50; mattop, pe
cwt., ST to 543; real, per cwt, 08
to $9. • 1 '
. •
Toronto Live Stock.
Live stock dealers ne a ruled() not
take holidays, and yesterday was no
oteeption to the rule, there being 12
loads, eonsistina Of 142 Cattle. Q
horeea 10 calveand 403 hogs re-
ported by elessrs. For and Hay of
the C.P.R. and G.T.R. delivered in this
Th0r0 *WaS , ebtIrso little doing
only a sort of Cleat:dm; up ot odds
and ends Of what was left over from
Thursday's market. -
„Pekes in all classes were reported
by the (difterent dealers as being un -
Changed. '
Exporters -Best load- lef exporters
sold at $4.60 to $4.90 per cwt:
Export bulls -Choice quality bull
are- worth $3.50 to $8.75 par cwt.
Export cows -Export cows are
worth $3.50 to $3.75 per cwt.
Butchers' cattle -Choice picked lots
of butebers', 1.000 to '1500 Ibo. each,
qeua in qualtty to bostexporters
are worth $1.40 to $4.60; loads
goad sold at $4 to $1.80; fair to
good, $8.60 to $3.85; common, $8,25
to $3.0; rough to inferior, 53; can-
nerse$2.50 to $2.75.
Stockeis-One-year to g-year-oiff
steer a, 400 to 700 tbs. each, are worth
$3 to $3.50 per cote aft colors and
of poor breeding quality of same
weightsare worth $2.e0- to $8 per
atileb cows -Mach et:MS-and. spring-
ers are worth $30 to $50..
Calree-Calves sold at $2 to '$1.2
eaeb, or from. $4.50 to $5 per cwt.
Sheep -Prices, $3.75 per cert. for
owes, and bucks at $3, to $3.50. • •
Tearling lambs -Prices for grain -
fed, chole ewes and weathers for
export, $5.00 to $6.10; barnya.rd
lambs at Se.ell to $5.50, '
Spring lambs -Good spring lambs
are worth $5 to $8 each.
Hogs -Straight loads of begs, 150
to 200 lbs. In weight, are worth
$4.80 to $1,90 per. cw,t., 'fed and
wa:tereilToro• Me Morse Market.
During the past Week' the trade
has been anuslially brisk for work
horses, and a fair demand for driv-
ers; 210 horsee were soli, 1,80 of
them by auction. On Tuesday 100
horses ;vere sold at the Repository,
Toronto. Bidding was brisk and'
price,s were fair, teveral of the -choice
ones ebangleg bands after the sale,
at a geed advance, to the purehaeer.
Thee:sale or 60 lumber horses on Wed-
nesday Nvas-well attended, and prices
ranging (ram .835, to $150. The ;sale
of Clydseele fillies from Glasgow on
the same day was sueeesstul, the
prices ranging from $153 to $380,
averaging V3th
leradstreets on Trade..
Wholesnee trade at Montreal is
showing a steady expansion in o
good any fites; but rrincipalle-
millinery and ArY goods toupee?
tion 'telt)). the relater retail Wee'
which bare been very good this year.
The large .acetumfla,tion of freight
during the B1101in blockade is still
rairZetor In the transportation
ation.• Cottons and cotton goods are
There hag ibeen wane increase In
the vering demand at Toranto.Cot-
ton and woolen fabrics are firm.
-Crochet cotton is 10 per cent.
regher. It is expected spool cotton
will advance. The datearid for high-
ttlearri opeolens has seldom been bet -
At eltiebee reports tO Breastreet's
from country districts during the
peat week are encouraging. Collea.
tiara are "it'll lovre but there lueve
been no intoIvenicies to speak of.
At Victoria, ,Vaneouver and other
British. Ciatnabla trade centres. as -
reported to Bradstreet's, trade eon -
dittoes are sound and the outlook
for husinest Is good, A large aretelat
of buildesg zoom qn In tae large
Business in Winnipeg ond througb.
tbe weet Is beginning to resume
normal tondltleee. The denial:id
from the retailera throughout the
Province:14 largo, intheating neheavy
turnover in retail trade ehle year.
Hamilton wholesale trade, as tee
sorted to dersidstreetis this week,has
ehonsn a little expansion in some
departments. 'The demand tram the
retailers has been tirgent In mete.
caged. This is a factor in the situ-
ation, howei'ver, *Well will grade -
ally (Reappear- Values of stapes
good; ate firmly teed.
rn Leindon this Wee. k the Movement
ore re' e p the e04111-
trx retailers has been good. The
marketing of anedoce haw not been
Pricee are keeping steady.
The reporti of the condition Of
trade at Ottawa are encouraging.
The 'outlook fOr badness the next
feats months is tescograging.
April 2.-Commertial WWII" thiriteek
in the United States, u reported 'by
R. G. Dun & Co., are 204, against 220
" • -0,6;..”•••• •••4
Thibetans Made Two Treach-
ferous Assaults on British.
British Lost 10 or 12 Men,
Thibetans Lost .400.
Loneon, April 4,---Aceording to a des-
patch to tbe Thues frem Thuna, there
lias been severe lighting between the
British expedition under Gem MacDon-
ald and the Thibetans. The latter at-
tacked the, British. There were two
; ergeigements it which the Thibetans
_ ,
d were remilsed heavy loss, 'The
1;hibetan'eamp M burn was captured.
- The Times despatch says: "Col. Young -
ousbaue eicoreed nearly the full
; t
strength , of ,_ Brig . -Gen.: liftseDenaldhs
fortee ineied .auk,at 8,20,in the reeenitig,
_ After the missioo had prtkeeded about
four miles, one of tlae Lhasean generals
o with his suite approaraed. The two
o Englishmen and. two Thibetans sat
place hurried to the emene, and re-
turned for rifles and put out of mis-
ery several of the suffering animals -
One Whole carload, eighteen head.
ageaPeel without a scratch. Tile end
of the ear Feats knocked out and
they wereeescued. Ail day the work
went on while the -uninjured cattle
were larded along the aides of tbe
traek -under care ot cattlemen.
count Attacks President Loahet on
e, Vale to 'Some.
pal.. Arra 4.-Coun1 Boni de
Castellane. Eatiablicare oreatea
scene in the Chamber of .Depaties
to -day e When Foreign Minister Del -
cease asked for a eredit of 590,000
• to defray the expenses of President
• Lonbets vieit to Moine, the Count raidi
it was understood tbat the Presi-
dent would not eisit tbe Pope. and
yet would visit the representative
of tbe dyeaety which had opoliated
the Papany:
AL Brissou, Preeldent of tbe Honse,
interrupted the speaker, declaring
that his words were an Insult to tbe
- French nation.
Amid great dieorder the Count con-
• tinued epealdiag. fle aesserted that
Louleet's visit was to be made
• to a king, -who owed Ms throne to
Free Masonry. In seekleg the friend-
ship of tfalythe speaker added,
Franco was /sacrificing the frfentisaip
,T the 'exalter'. Several deputies re-
plied to the Count.
"Could ()say leach *even by tbe Shin
Of 04 Tfieth.v
Sydney, N. 8, W„ April 4.-7he May-
or of Adelaide has imaiddo'n "Elijah"
Bowie the futtlier Ilse of the Tows( Hall
or any other corporation bnilding be-
cause pi' his Laving uttered itnproper
sentimente ebout. the King. The su-
perintendent of public ii1diigs. inetruct-
ed by the Prime Minister. has prohibited
Dowie from Ailing ane• hailding under
Government control. A eheque that he
had deporited for rent of the Jubilee
_ Expoeition Melding hss been eettimed to
hies, and the agreement eanteled, ()ohm-
quently. Dowse esill be praeticelly un -
*hie to speak in any public building in
Adeleide. An Amer:cat% his Leen asked
to pettetede him to have before Hit pub-
lic initiate* oes)5el by ids uttetencee
,u1min*ta 0 violent*. Dottie is at pre-
terit tnierdeg fetal 10 halsi: TVs 'abere-
abouts is unknown.
• Among othot things that Down!. *aid
meriting the Xing was that TM one
stgined that he hail smelt religion to
lre, AO tbsit be would only get into
eaves by IWO/A of 1115 tP1411'
down in the middle of the plain and dm-
cusse4 the position in the same tedious
manner ,as before. the Thibetans de -
mending that the mission retire to
YYttOung'Thilbgns.ba4adlt°dreflialiftteeelynrengencite minutes
back, and aumninced his intention to
go to Guru. An exciting scene ensued.
Then the Thibotans gallemea back to
their wingers and wall. Accerding to
the well-defined policy of the British,
every effort_ was made in clearing the
eptrenchmente, and stingers to ovoid. a
resort to force. The restraiut of -, the
Tiventyabird Pioneers and the Eighth
Ghurkas in movinn the Thibetans from
their fortifications evithout violence de-
serves the litgliest praise, but in view
of the advance and the language adopt-
ed by the Teibereme, it was decided that
it was necessary to disarm Win. The
force n•iimbering about 1,500 men.
Treacherously Fired on British.
“After the Thibetans had been quiet-
ly induced to retire fxom their. genera
to a wall built across the highway for
tbe purpose of opposing tbe British
(advance, trouble was monied by the
leaeing ()Metals, who encouraged hbeir
men to resistewben the attempt,. wite
made to take their•Weapotes fromthem.
Several men, acting apparently on sug-
gestion, fired -their exiatehlocks point
blank in a ring or soldiers guarding
thein, and. mede a sudden attack with
"The situation Was critical for,a few
moments. Gen.:MacDonald and his etaff.
were within ten verde of the advancing
Thibetans, and Col. Yquegluzsband was
hardly further off. Revolvers and beye
mats were used, and then under a rifle
fire the Thibetaas turned and ran, but
not before there were several casual-
ties on the British side. Major Dunlop
, was wounded in the Land; and: Mr.
Candler, the -Daily Vail correspondent,
woe wounded in -both heeds and in ehe
head. The retreating Thibetens lost
heavily, but When: ' Gen: MaeDomtld's
force advanced to Guru- further resist-
ance was made, and a few snore casual-
ties were suffered in driving the Thi-
betans from the *Rage.
"The whole, affair was brought 'upon
the Thibetans by themselves as Col-
Ymieghuslauld end: Gen. Maelionald and
tne troops exereised ehe greatest possible
forebeiaanee and patience. , o ..
Prombent Thibetan Gienerals* Kilted.'
"Among the Thibetans killed was '••the
Llinsean general;the Military com-
mandant of Pisati, the Lata, the rep,
resentative of the Golden, Monastery*
to whose influence and violent 'hostility
a great part of the present difficulty is
clue. . .
"telithaaeh the incident is tegtettable,
it is probable that the there •lesson
now taught the Thibetans will sere
many hundreds of lives eventually, and
make Thibet understandthat procras-
tination is no longer useful. The British
casualties were ten or twelve. The Joss
of the Thibetans is estimated at 400
or 500. Every care is being taken of
the Thifeeten wounded, who are being
treated hy the British and by Thibetans
from Guru. ,,.
"It is a eignifioult face that 'three of
tbe Thibetan general's escort were arm-
ed vita rifles bearine tae Rutslan, Int.
penal stamp. Russian iimmunttionevas
also found."
The expeclition.is still exposed to the
severest, weallier conditions, the native
troops especialy suffering severely. 11113 :
temperatureday mid night is many de-
grees below freezing. Somethries it ie
below reni. 'The ,rel en the Maxim
r‘riuteri444 tiesra hilleaPparlainttfInbiPoln:firQmat
The teighborhoott of Thuile is the
bleektet imaginable. The couetry is
revered with duet end stones, with no
signs of vegetation. A bitter email
usuallyrises in tbe morning mid Vows
all day, driving pleads of dust before it,
.Additional 'Details oi tbe Route of the
Tufa, Beitish Ihulle, April 4, -Further
debails of the dash of. Col. Yeeingliut-
lanere tow:fisted with the Thibetene at
Guru are at hand.
Whilst the forces evere face to faro
Mt the opposite slides Of a wall whielt'S
the Thibetans had built across the high- i
way to oppose the sulfate% the riadisin
hoops deploypd thsir 11 sk an4
d!s'-ed 1,e00 Thibetans in it elide like,
heeding theep. *The members et Um
miseion, the press torteeptaidents tom
the geseral 'staff rode up to insetat the
capture and were homilies; and talking.
The Thibetans presotily began re
hustle some Sikhs, who replied with
the butt ends of their rifles. Then a
i Thibetari fired it pistol, *trending *
I Sikh, and this wet the Menet for all
I the Thildeozes to draw their swords and
:2.1:Ah at theireaptorm who opened lire
Ion the lets -ging mob', 'The offiema
the wall, which May themeelvet hitin
l'IviPtlite"Tlitiretierstre"whertie"'ertable to climb •,,
built. Finally About lair of them Were i
aide to break army to the rem; wheet,
they came under the lire or the arill. l
lery. (If the entire Thibetan fol -re telly "
about half tiseeptel desalt or wounds. J
The Thibetana displayed the sereettet
eourage. many ot t4To coining on
alter (her NO bees woureled seestral
times. the settle after the *ellen wits
like a othernblee. The !hetwere heaped
on top of omit atkoo. 11414 a lova Veil
of dead and weneded extended to the
rear. Pleallsr Um Thilveteste retreated
serer the bilk with the exeopiten of
alma 11.11r, who etrathoistaii held Li
tett week, 22n the pretesting week end
173 the correspooding week hist year.
Neese hest been received in Toronto Failures in Comilla number Ill eggnog
the death of Max raartie the t5-4 13 /set week, 21 the remedial.; week
ealed 'him* it diamond traiteultes," at: and 19 Istst yfar. Of failittes this week
Ida old home In Itostesanie. Ma's meet in the tnited Rtatea. st were in the
Mebtrated etploif 'Cott the iedetatinent rhtst, $1 $onth, 1V(st. and 13 In the
of e Toronto -bridal totiple in MO to Patine Rtatos, to4 riled 1101400
eerie term* the sisepeeeton Bridge for f $1,000 or teem Liabilities of *OM.
plbokant of dientotele raved at , rnercial failures reverted for Mardi An
• $75.000., **dor Ow bone that thsy *Ice $13.770,30f, Aorta vo,utt,000 kytt
lesiseeptlir 1,0001. rigr.
re-6'11111[AD HALL
Istelextut atowyrItalgulr.er)thara0
02alwa'agtiTyk rtlgarr,rct4431i.0
star. it taa 1PAILinetli1,1)" ii14411*(3
deolmna, Muerlean ruovemEnt, hard PIIIITLY 'BORNEO
Yo4 reel proud to ova ono ol 1
0::4:::13.1111:e:lda::wattlrec 0 ::e.
A:$4000 SOUL
tWu give,tOuipant Taeetoplan) trRelluikrou .3144n
/ mete Woo X01408 MI At
gilleklY. tivoil yam, Immo and
4e0 ltotesl111i1'e7a1411rt1tar,j01:1Vt9Vini
tvat emaateaoskwtx,5155otw/lhi::14 v
IUtuloUD011.1pIqwd Hrt H:s utiDtgaW1t: ay
14Ylit1101Iulg.1\ llpi4rr8ustIom03is540i.
erneenme_oootvlag away thew Watellea twin fe.k4
Wirer 150 fiurlinsliliifts, MO Tor mmHg th.day, mere,
stareeialuitehatarnahov Date 04. Uroato, tilt -
villasie, which, was finally taken by 0,
mounted infantry bayonet nen.
Russia Takes It Coolly.
St, Petersburg, April lo-AlthoUgh, lie 4
official expression regarding the vietery
of' the Metall expedition to Thibet is
Obtainable to -night, it ie cettain that
the matter swill.not attract the -Otero
tion svitieli it would have before the
outbreak of the Witx witli Japan. It
was at that time feared that deilnite
establishment of British inftuence over
• the Gland lama of Massa would be
a severe blow to Russian prestige, both
Thibet and in China,
Countess of Minto Had to be
Carried Downstairs,
Several of the Household
E,scaped in Nightdresses;
The Loss Will be Between
$40,000 and $50,000,
okholtes a Peetiog of Depression in
London, Ahwil 44. -The slaughter of
the Thibetane entirely kills tench
- waning interest as still exists here
In the aapanese-Russlan 'struggle.
The newe of tbe wholeeale bloodsbeil _
exitee, as a general rule, e feeling
of depressiou, first, because the a'ver-
age Engllehnlan scarcely sees that
it was necessary, and second; because
there is general apprehension that it
may lead to complioations with Rus-
sia. The last thing the Pettish pub -
lie wants at the present moment is
another war, and what is most dread-
ed is a raise in the income tax.
The extreme Liberal papers seized cia
Us slaughter at Uurus one of
Ethnoglawnodr.se blots on the bistory of
The Daily New declares that no
more swanton or discreditable busi-
ness bas been brewed by our pro.
Celle* in India eines the time of
Lord Ly tto n,"
Other papers of the seenC pollticat
Views describe e Colonel Youngbud-
band's mission As another Jameson
reale The Government orgoamewhile
expresseng the regret felt in official
elecies; that such an event occurred
at this moment, reiterate Lord Lens-
ilowne's 'assurance to Russia that
Great Rritaln has no intention of
annexing Tbibet.
Meth stress naturally is laid on
the feet that the regrettable blood-
shed was due at first only to a
hostile act emanating from the This
bates's" but this defence is not likely
to bavo much weight in the agita-
tioll welch the Liberal party doubt -
lam will ,ibeiter against tbe motive
that prompted the expedition.
Tuna„Tbibet, April 4. -The fighting
at Gime will not alter the political
• aspect of the British Mission to
Thibet, which is going to Gyengste,
as has been arrapged, .-Col. oung-
husband has not received any (muse
municatiOn since tbe from eith-
er Chinese or ,Tillbetan officiate.. ;
. •
They Murdered Messenger Who
Iterused to Open Sate. •
Sacramento, Cale April 4. -Three
masked men Wet night held up the
Oregon , express, soutbbound; on the
Southern Papilla Railroad; at Copley,
new- Keswick, killed W. -J. 0 Neil, ;
*tile. express messenger, and carried
off the contents of the express box.
The train stopped at Copley, a
small 'station, foe water. Three men
jumped on board and cut the train,
in two, taking the engine and ex-
press car down the track a short '
d,istance. They stopped the engine.
end amended that Messenger O'Neil
open the expeese CM% • He tefused,
whereupon they ;blew open the ear
wait dynamite.and deliberately kirael _
O'Neil by shooting him through tbe
head. The bandits then robbed the
oar of its contents, but it he not b
known tow much they obtained,They
then cnt the car loose, and, getting
on the engine, compelled Engineer
,The Sink to go :ahead. lisehen itecer• fi
Keseceek the Men dropped off the s
gine and disappeared hi the night
with. their plunder_
Mee robbers compelled the train-
men to place six eticks of dynamite
on top ot the saf s
Ottawa Ain% a ---Rideau Hall, the Vice
Regal residence, was injured by fire till
morning, and narowly escaped destrue
tem. Only the energetic, Worts of th
Ottawa lire brigade, coupled with te
feet that thou/Ina was blowingina eon
trery direction filen the fire, attired lb
rambling oiapile, which has been tit
abode of the Citiyernore eincerthe,thneo
Lord hienek, front falling a prey; to th
ileums. The damage, 'according to Chip
Architect Ewart, will amount to betwem
$40,000 and 350,000, stud was mainly
caused by inter and sm,oka Most of tit
personal effects of the Governor -Genera
mid Countess Allot°, and the householi
were saved, but maiiy. viduable nick
necks are irretrievably ruined. It is t
empets ancl 'furniture thet 'Utast of th
damage has been .caused. ,The.• fire we
inocticallyconlined to the, new win, az
t bulit to thie soutlI055t.cornei. o
Rideau Hall 1111000,4 a cost of betwee
$le 000 d 10000
WO slot
On the _first floor of OM wing were th
epartments of the controller of tit
hausebord, Mr, Arthur Guise end 'Capt
Graham and Captain Bell, A. D. C. On
the floor above were the sleeping epees
meets of the Ladles Eileen and Violet El
liot, Hon. Esmond Elliot, hire. Seymour
a guest, and Mlle. De Jaffa, the Govern
ess. Corridors in the first ana seeon,
floor give ciecess to the front partaf 11
main building. On the earth side 01 (le
corridor, on the grount fie ee areroe
pectively the sitting -rooms lif Leda /fee
to and Lord Minto, a studio, theeGover
nor's lattice mu; military secretary's, le
the south side are the'diawing-room 'ha
the reception rooms and an oval swipe.
apartmentusedby Via A, la 0. Orating
off from each side of the collider above
ate guest °heathers only, (me of tylAb
was tenanted., the occupant beineMr
Iltevard; also a sehool recnn sr 1 nursery
lady Nide Carried Downstairs.
Lord and LadY'ideito oceirey eteinis in
the front part of the structure overtook
ing the main, entrance. It tees about 5
o'clock when Ili. Guise heard the reeling
and crackling of flamed 115 11, rotes: at
tine southwest corner of die ways wiug
Soon the smoke began to sue st. loth hi
volumes, soul the flame to Rar, ite *ay uti
the tide of the lied' to the Ikea Above
Mr, Guise quietly gave the Ilene.. and
aroused Cept. DOI and Capt. Orahaef
His Excellency was alsceationehi nf iho
outbreak, but he already knew from the
sinoke of the pre,senee of fire.
His first ebought seas of ;any Minto,
lying helpless in an adjoining room nith
a fractured leg Aided by Revealdomes.
ties;the CoulltesS Was laid upon a screeu
and bornedownstairs to the (rad room,
opening eff the,mant vestibule, to await
the outcome of evente. Her ladyship
was quite tool, and did not show the
least alarm. In the eneauthne, the Ladies
Eileen and Violet' Elliot, Mister Biliot,
Miss Seenneur and the Goeerness, Mlle.
De Jaffa, eael scarcely time to escape in
their night, robes to the front of Oa
house, where they were safe /font clan-
ger, while the domestics eaeried thp brie-
aebrae, works oi art, personal effects and
other valuebles Out Of the readi of the
devouring eleinette
. City Brigade Called Out.
The A. D. C. and the eontroller of
the hpuseheld endeavored to keep the
flames in cheek by meats of the appar-
atus with whieliellideau Hall is etimps
ped, Their effints were. futile, hows
ever, and the, brigade were summoned.
In response to the appeal Chief revost
at 5.30' 'surge& to 'Ilse Government
House with seven -hose ,reelse _When he
eached the scene Itat,fourel that tbe
flames had !plead up through the new
wing, Whidi is le the rear*of the main
uilding, up. to the roof. Cliptaine
Graham. and Jell and Controller Guise
had got on to the roof through sh.ye
ight, in 'their efforte to put out the
re; and their-feteit'evits cut off.They
%were retailed by means of a Are escape.
The, water supply at Rideau Heti is
ouclucted through a five -inch main,
There was no particular nres.eure to,
peak of, but three strews wife direct -
d on the burning building by a Immer-
se engine. A second engine was sent
or, but the 'supply of water was not
uffieient to permit its' oPeratiolu
oof consisted of sieves -sive, layers of
material *doh iron aria wood pre-
oininated. The work of the brigade
U ((11111 Lilay ia*i
a }wary box get on tho dynamite,
to neitch a tinee.wais ordered at All but one of the robliere then
left the oar. lia .lighted the fuse. 8
'Vie Party had hist reached the loco- r
motive when. the explosion ioccur-
red. at Wrecked the entire tar, el
COIOIllal Secret/try Says Only the Best
Should be Sent:
1,0e1(100, Apra 4. -At the meet- s
ingt4)-11411.1 of the Witisli eyoreeses c
Einigtation AlsoolatIon, eir Gilbert li
Parker dcenited tlw chair, Colonial t
Secretuay LYttelton, in moving 43.,r
vas marked by shill anti judgment. Tbo
re was practically -canted to the new
ring, but it also burned the tot for A
ietance -of twenty feet westward.
• The Peinelpai l'hunages
Through the 'broken roof the *leer .41
treamed, in torreete down on .the fine
arhets, auffIlve embroideries and fur-
iture oe the rooms beneath. Prom
his eituse a great part et the, loss has
mated. The fire under- control
t ,8.30, and.the 2reinest Meet -withdrew
adoption of the report maid 'that
vitb ,Warn% tbaelts for tic excellent
nobody could be againet the ob- N
jeci. of the association, and lie was 8
glad there. wan no tiontroverey, sut r
ervicee. This afternoon dy'ldinto
Isis had had enough et tha.t Th,te1y,
eturned to her apartment in the front
f -the main bntMing whieTt le intact
nd libinjuted. ,The rear front will be
'lade babithble es aeon as possible.
here is tome doubt as to beer the
re originated. It is stated, 'however,
bet en the night. preViene it itre of loge
esebtazing in Mr. Guise's reent, One
f the logs .seee iakth bff ATI. set fire to
he floor. Mr. Guise extinguished it
iniself, with a jug, Of water. Scone
He Palliated ont that the assotea. 11
yogi must select emigrants Of h
good stink and of good eloereeteee T
AID that CantlAft Well not be sorry at
having reeelVen them. Mining t
those mem* were the Nike of Are u
styli and the Governoreti011Ocal tit'
New Zealand. Tho report was t
stegotrale _11
• embers, liewever, most have bt411
smouldering for numy home tinder the
ENGINE GIVEN FREE floor, and finally n flame trent to the
wall. where it speedily blared its way
ANO $215.00 GASH to the tont
„„ The 014 rfall.
theterres tor seam
' "EraiVATiVF,404 Rideau non Was pureawim bY the
41.1 ar.,1 mum**11 PS a IN nne
fr:4"411''" 81:84 tt g *MI
Itr!"';‘9461II.44 wan enlarged eta toneerted into a
'eonimodious rearieion. The greunde
1144,g,,,A,Ioni %vete fenced and lea out With 'Ong'
"'w,* '11" nierthil seethe and swivelled rooides, end
velut html.ann
sewed sem ree -planted with young frees and shrube.
reserZgrah;,, te A totserretory, a pinery, si flower
17"1"I'a t"Thr..2 garaen. cottete nersion cottage
• ts:.::.46es et: 81.41-1'r. "
44fresie:Arshoi.71721•h,41: tulistriainotte.4wArmer etitoo4nd aditalet.a4I.y 1,,;11141,
‘..tfe,,,,,buiRt, retodenee, anff ttable, each hoese,
tuni 111. mt.:v. worm prousuay $200,000. 'The 011,4
15"Tt144::;6(:"V4 rootri to the left upas eaterlag the
vettibale was both durieg
*eau epos ,rtetivait of the Itargaia of rhtfferik
-4twic r,174,V,rP naciet whom ths reelset avast to thel
14kV,Zit 1404 Wes stleo tesiestenetled. thi thott
sr.! 71".4 4:00441144 vaktAth4614talialov aNtovrinaskt Artiempartrto4,11411
I a