HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-31, Page 8r The Leading Shoe Store, Men's Waterproof Shoes And AU They Cost is PM to *4.0Q They are a real life in- surance for stormy wea- ther. Keep out the wet. Vamps and sole inter- lined with oil silk and rubber. Made of calfskin ; heavy soles ; leather lined to the toe ; all double stitched and .r. einforced to insure long wear. For all outdoor wear it is the best Shoe. in the world at the price.. These slushy Spring days you'll meed a pair of these Shoes the most o£ anything. s 3, GREER THE SHOVER We are headquarters for Rubber.s WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS April 30 to Dee. 1, 1904. 'Easter Rates, 1904 Round Trip Tickets will be issued at Single 'First Class Fare Going 'March 31st and April lst, 2nd, and 3rd and 4th ; valid for return up toe and including April 5th, 1904. Between all Stations in Canada, Port Arthur. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., De- troit, Mich., and East, and •to, BUT NOT FROM, Buffalo, N.X. A. H. NOTMAN Ring St. East, Toronto. market Bakery, l3tyth.. Win. Bell left. here on Tuesday Cor Manitoba with a car of horses, Wit. Drtunmonl of Sarnia paid au visit to bia aged parent* here this week. A Fruit Inattt~rte meeting will be held in Temperance ball on Good Fri- day afternoon, Mr, and Mre. A. Carter celebrated the 220th anniversary of their marriage an Monday, ,With. Mr. Jas. Leech has accepted a posi- tion as baker for Wm. Robertson and will move hie family here from Mit- chell, The Presbyterian Choir under the leadership of Wm. Moser, furnished the music at a Presbyterian Church concert given at Auburn, Monday night. T. W. Scott received the sad intelli- gence of the death of his brother on Monday, in London, Deceased was afflicted with lung trouble and finally succumbed to consumption, The Chinese Social under the auspic- es of the Epworth League, held on Friday evening, was a successful affair. Owing to the disagreeable wet even- , ing the attendance was not as large as the character of the social merited ; proceeds amounted to $18,00. Fon Sar.x. •—First-class I section of land in Manitoba, 0 miles from Hami- ota. A bargain if sold at once. Ap- ply to C. J. Maguire, R. E. A., Wing- ham, Ont. tbe %nbies of Wingharn and vicinity will please accept my thanks for their kind attendance at any Millinery Opening, and the numerous orders given. No effort will be spared to fill all orders to the satisfac- tion of our customers. Grate- ful for past favors, Yours Truly,. Miss Boyd. THE WORLD'S rem sr. Lours, Arz, 30 -Dec, 1,1904 Main Picture comprises 10 great palaces. Pour miles of track in.Transportation palace. Easter Holiday, 1904 • Return Tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE. G}oodgoing Thursday, 31st, to Monday, April 4th # valid returning on or before Tuesday, April 6th, 1904. One Way Special Tickets bn sale daily to points in Montana, Colorado, Utah, 'British Colombia, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, California. Special Settlers' Trains To Canadian North-west with Colonist .SIeep- ing car will leave Toronto every Tuesday dur- ing March and .April at 9.00 pan. Passengers travelling_ without live stook should take the .'Express Pulite leaving Toronto 1.45 P.M. For tickets, reservations andel' information apply to J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. NDTICP.--The question is hoiv can Robt. McIndoo loan his money so cheap on notes and mortgages. Call and see. ROBT. McINDOO. Having purchased the Bak- ery Business from D. Loug- heed, I wish to announce that every possible attention will be paid to the business, and patrons may rest assured that no effort will be spared to fur- nish The Best Bread and the Nicest Cakes that can be made. I solicit a share of public patronage and hope that old customers of the shop and many new ones will find it to their advantage to deal with me. As cleanliness is next to godliness, we intend to practice it. E. F. BENNETT 4......,..1 .1 Wall Paperi OPENING. 1 6 i Saturday and Monday April 2nd and 4th. I Our it'llnal:We stock of new Wall rapers, consisting of nearly2ii3OOQ rolls, will, we expect, be in place and ready for your inspection.on the above dates, when we cordially Iitivite all the isdieS of Wingham and vicinf tY to tee the assortment, The designs sad colorings are beautiful. Never before have we sown snob splendid wanes. The Il• aeeortnent is larger than usually kept in towns of this size, and ranges from the cheaper grades to a very floe quality of high-class goods. All Paper Trimmed Free. I CO' ' MrYWtk awistorig s Wrar 1rtrYF• - ndt•iYisi.�i�Y apER & p it ?op ot. ( osseu1o11'n to Meir, "Riva) • i iseesseerliestaressissessesemeensisreiveselassupeesi THR WINGHAYi DYAD Grey, Robt. Pearson Sr. took charge the service in iioe'sr church last Saab bath morning owing to the illness o the pastor. East Wawatiosh. of The Comical met on i4larch 24th, par- , silent to adjournment; nietnbere all t present, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted, e The following pathmaeters, poetnd- t keepers and fenceviewero were exp. pointed ; Pathmastera—Jia, Raltbby, `true, Cowan, A. 11. Jacobs, T. Brad - nock, Wm. I-Cehna, sen., ',leo. Bentley, O D. Crawford, John Hoare, Jas, W. h Mutch, Wm. Toll, Alex. McGowan, k John Caldwell, Win, Fear, F.D. Stalk- er, Jas, Armour, John Cook, Robert Buchanan, Wm. J. Parke, Jno, J, Red- mond. J. i:I, McClinton, Benj. Taylor. Ab. Vint,F. P. Hayden, L. Nethery, o J. T. Coultis, E . Edwards, A, E. Foth- eti ergiif, J. •W. Sowier, Wei. Stackhouse, Thos. Black, J. L. Stonehouse. D. A. Dunbar, Wm, Wit�htnman, Wm. 0, MAW Scott, J. E. Fells, Wm. Grigg, David s Sproat, D. Robertson, A. Robertson, e Joe, Cttnuingham, P. Porterfield, R. Q. Henry, Jos. McBurney, P. Gibbons, John Ferguson. John Louttit, M. Fer. gusou, J. It. Salter, Robt. Stein, Robt, - Coultis, sen„ G. T. Robertson, Jobe. Grey Reid, I. Shiell, Hy. McGee, T. Leaver, t : T. Taylor, B. J. Tyrr2man. G. Pocock, A. Currie, S. Burchill, Geo. Wilson, J. Gillespie, F. Davidson,. A. Clow, J, Morrison, Jos. Sineitzer, J. Norman, f D, Martin, J. Dow, sen., R. G. ,Haines,. f G. O. Naylor, thigh McBurney, Alex, Bruce, Jr,, Wm. James, Jas, Robineon t Geo. Wallace and Francis Devereaux. Poundkeepers—John Hoare, Alex. lige• Gowan, B. i3. Taylor, Esaias Pearen, A. Shiell, D. Clow, Jas. Robinson, J. Oampbell and John Cochrane. Fence- viewers—J, T. Bell, J, McDowell, Geo. Fothergill, W, Pattison, S. McBurney and (i. T. Robertson. Statute labor scale to be same as last year, viz.:—Assessed up to $500, 1 day's work ; from $500 to $1200, 2 days' work, from $1200 to $2000, 3 days' work ; from $2000 to $3200, 4 days' work, and for every other $1200, or any part thereof, one additional day. Communications received: --From' D. E. Munro, asking for some assis- tance in aid of the Auburn reading room and library; on motion of Mr. Beecroft, seconded by Mr. Ellis, $5.00 was granted for that purpose. From A. H. McDonald, solicitor for Guelph Junction Railway Co., on matters re- lating to the building of said road, re, ceived and filed, Tenders for the township printing for the current year received from the Times and Advance offices, Wingbarn, and Standard office, 1317th, The ten- der of the Advance being the lowest was accepted. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Menzies—That the Reeve be auth- orized to purchase the lumber required. this season for repairing bridges and culverts throughout the township— carried. Petition of And. W. Sloan, George Quinn and 105 other ratepayers mostly from south end of the township, re- ceived, praying the Council to take immediate action and submit another sectional bonus by-law in aid of the Guelph Junction Railway Co. A counter petition signed by Jas. McGill sin„ and 3•k other ratepayers, also re- ceived, praying the Council not to take any action in submitting the by-law asked for in the first petition. After considerable discussion over this matter, it was moved by Mr. Wil- son, seconded by Mr. Menzies—That the further consideration of the peti tions now presented be postponed till Saturday, 80th day of April next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon—carried, The Treasurer reported cash on hand at date, $303.15, Debentures. were issned in favour of Jonathan Bentley for 47 yds. gravel, road Div. No. 0, 1903, $3.20; D. E. Munro, in aid of Auburn reading room and library, $5; John H. McClinton, clog tax remitted 1903, $1. Council then adjourned till Satur- day, 30th April next, P. Porterfield, Clerk. Jos. Attwood, who hie spent th winter at Galt, returned bowie lux week, He intends spending the rum trier at home.. Ethel League is expected to. tak charge of the service at Roe's chore on Tuesday evening of this wee should the roads be favorable. On 'Wednesday of this. week True man Smith disposed of his'farni, Lo 0, Con. f, containing 100 acres, t Moses Doll, of Brussels, the pri. being $4,100, Willie McDonald is ponding a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Sha Will. having spent his childhood day around hero, his many friends ar glad to see hint around again, We understand that Geo. Arm strong has purchased the old home stead on the boundary between and Howick, He has sold hie presen farm to his brother-in-law, T. Camp bell. A sleighload of young people from the 1st and 2nd. drove to the home o Jas. Lynn of Fordwich (formerly o this township) one night recently and spent a very enjoyable .evening. The time flies quickly when boys and girls are happy, was evident, as it was almost morning when all got home. John Clark has sold his farm, being lot 18, on the 17 con., to. John R. Willi- amson. The farm contains 100 acres and has on it a bank barn and new brick house erected last Summer. The price is said to be $4,000, Mr, Clark bas purchased the threshing outfit of Mr. Williamson, comprising a Bell traction engine and Clinton separator. The fine 150 acre farm of Jas. Elliott. 8th con„ was bought last week by Abram Bishop, of the 2nd con., who recently sold his own farm. He will get possession about the middle of of April. The price paid was $9,500 The probabilities are that Mr. and Mrs, Elliott and family•will move to Brussels and take a holiday from farming for a time, D. F. Kellner sold Lot 27, Con. 5, containing 100 acres, to Geo. Grubber, of Grey, last week, for the sum of $4,200 and possession will be given early in April, The Kellner family purpose removing from Grey and will make their home at Edmonton, N. W. T. They have been old residents of Grey and many good wishes will follow them to their Western hone: On Wednesday evening of last week, quite a large number of young people from this vicinity and around Jamestown were highly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonald, 2nd con. Music and various parlor games were the order of the evening, and all did enjoy themselves. A hearty vote of thanks was given to the host and hostess after which by request all joined heartily in singing "God be with you till we meet again." To say Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Left nothing undone was quite evident, All report a most pleasant time, is Belmore. Mr. Roht. Nichol who bas rented Mr. Terriff's farm, has moved in, Miss Emma Mulvey, of Wingham, is renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. ' The recent heavy rain -fall caused considerable inconvenience, by way of flooding yards, cellars, etc. We are pleasedto hear that Miss Ella Jeffrey, who has been seriously indisposed, is able to be out again. Mr. Samuel Chittick has returned home, after a very prosperous season's work in the lumber camps near Sault Ste Marie, Mich. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Hamilton is quite ill again, Mrs. Hamilton has been ailing for some time, but we hope she will soon be restored to her former health. BE7 MOltbl IN 1803. From an old directory for the year 3803, we gather the following concern- ing Belmore :— Situated on the boundary of Huron and Bruce, on the corners of Turn - berry, Howick, Culross and Carrick, 45 miles from Goderich, 31 from Sea - forth, 10 from Walkerton. It contains three stores, one harness shop, three boot and shoe shops, two blacksmith shops, one tannery, one tailor, one waggon shop, one carpenter shop. Belmore Methodist church built 1801. Rev. J. Hough. Belmore postoffiee, F. W. Irwin first postmaster; mails Lai - weekly ; Jno. Moffatt, assistant post- master. The following are the busi- ness men of that time—Thos, Main - hers (Belmore hotel); Adam Bone, shoe shop ; I. Davidson, blacksmith ; Jno. Giffin, pearl ash maker ; Joseph Hamilton, ashery; John Hamilton, merchant ; Arch. Hueston ; George .Hutchison, tailor; F. W. Irwin, post- master ; Thos. Irwin ; 1'I. P. Jackson, blacksmith ; Rich. Jones, 'pearl ash maker; Jno. Lamonby, hotel; Joe. Lennox, shoemaker;. Sam. McLane, waggon -maker; Wm. McNauly, shoe- maker; R. Melon, blacksmith ; Mof- fat & Cantlon, merchants ; Moffat, Irwin & Cantion, manufacturers of improved washing machines; Robert Nevin ; David Rush, carpenter and builder; Peter Teriff, shoemaker; Joe. Thompson, saddler; Arch. Dockstead- er, hotel ; Jos, Trott, tannery ; Joseph Young, shoemaker, Salem. Mise Ernma Mulvey spent Saturday and Sunday last with Miss Ada Gal- laher. Next Sunday, Rev, Mr, McKelvey Will preach an Easter serinon in Salem church. A number of the farmers shipped hogs from Wroxeter and Garlic on Monday lett. !toy Mcl1ersie returned home on Thuntree or three Awa weeks shovellilast after spendinggon the rail. road. The box social which was held at dile place on Thureday evening last was a decided success; all, report hav ing had a good time. We all welcome the sight of the O. P. R, again, and hope that it may be a long time before they See Such a hard winter as the kart one has been, /We ark 'sorry to amara of the illness of Mrs. lid. Armstrong of Fortl010h, slater of Wm. Weir of this place. We trust she may soon recover, and be able to enjoy the einging of the birds, and tveleorn a spring. Ws are Lorry to report the sudden death of a Jew near Wroxeter on Fri. days nitrrliiri,x hast, It ie dnppneed that white walking along beside hit elei h to keep it from npeotting, he tank n the dolt snow, arrd his neigh want over on him 'Mtn found he *alt deed, True ---"I, i the midst of lifer Vs* .a r ill desuth. • West Wawanosh. We are sorry to record the death of Wm. Ramsey, of Michigan, who died. on the second of March. Mr, Ramsey was the father of David Ramsey, blacksmith, at Auburn, and was for bmahyoydears a resident of this neigh - Henry Hastings of Porters' Hill had a severe encounter with a large black snake while watering his cattle one day last week, but succeeded in des- patching the monster. It measured five and one-half feet. Last week Auburn school had a nar- row escape from becoming a thing of the past. Wallace King, returning from the village, in passing the school noticed the interior brightly lighted up, and approaching the window he found. that the floor had caught fire. It appears the stove door had been forced open by a burning stick falling against it on the inside. A few min- utes later and there would have been a general holiday. Council met according to adjourn- ment; members all present, Reeve McQuillan in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and con- firmed. The treasurers statement was received and filed. The clerk was ordered to advertise for teams for the grader, on motion of Taylor and Mc- Lean. An application was received for the admittance of Chas. Solar into the house of refuge end ordered to be signed by the Reeve. The following cheques were issued; Thos. Nicholson, gravel, $7.44; Thns Phillips, tile for rain, $0.37; express. SOc; Municipal World, supplies, $3.85 ; Ashfield town- ship. balance on boundary line work, $10,81; The Goderich Star, advet•tis• ing railway by-law. $42,94; Mrs, Wil- son, gravel, $9.30; J. Redmond. gravel on Tuesday council 1adjourned, to keel Morris. • By the By-law passed at last Council meeting, stock is prohibited from running loose on the road allowances. A reception, or bowie Warming, was held at the homeof W. M, and Mrs. Cook, 5th line, when a very enjoyable time was *pent by the company, . Win. Michie jr., and Robt. Clark intend leaving next Tuesday for Leth- bridge, Alberta District. This is a prospecting trip and inay result in the taking up of farms. Albert McCall and wife. 7th line, in. tend removing to Manitoba this pringtJas. McO111, who sold his farm at I•loolyrood, Bruce Oo., will, aseociat-. ed with his brother Peter, work the homestead here. Frank Kearney of the 4th lost a valuable horde last week ; the animal was worth 2100; he had been turned out for a while, andplayfully threw his heed up,striking it heavily againet a, beam. eath resulted In two days. B. Wilkinson disposed of his 111 acres, South Lot 12, Oon. G, to Alex. Nichol, 8th • line, for the sum of 104,000, It is egad Mr. Wliklnson will remove to a 160 acre farm near. Ripley for' which he paid ,000. Mr. Wilkin. son is an okl resfient of Morris and the removal of himself and family will beata regretted. by a large (dna* off fdss, Thursday, March ), 2904 SPRING GOODS Every line of Spring Goods of the latest designs, and most suitable and attractive styles, are either in stock or arriving daily, so that our friends and Public at large can depend upon getting now, as in the past, correct and season- able goods, and always at right prices. Owing to the great improvements in our Store, we will be able to serve our Customers better than in the past, D. M. GORDON T--'-radeDIRECT IMPORTER Big Prices for , Lay Down, Stand Up. Over 20 Doz. Lay -Down and Stand -Up Collars. These are travellers samples bought by us last week from the best Gents' Furnishing store in Toronto—all new and for this season's trade. On Saturday, April 2nd, we start selling these at 2 for 15e—they're worth 150 ea, Also about 100 White Shirts at 50c ea.—they are worth from 75e to $1.25 ea. Also about 150 men's Colored Shirts at from 500 to 75c ea. Some of these goods are worth doable the money. 6 doz. traveller's samples of Men's Braces at from 25c to 400 — some of these goods are worth 50c to 76e wholesale. ' Hurry Up. Steel rod Umbrellas at 500, 75c and $1.00 each—the latter goes up with the new spring. New Hats, New Spring Neckties—the very latest, bought from the manufacturers last week ; they are here. New Caps, Boots and Shoes—for Men, Youths and Boys—the best value in town. CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING l—New Suits for Boys, Youths and Men ; latest style ; the best value in town. Have you seen our Double Breasted Men's Serge Suits for $8.00. A. R. SMITH CHISHOLM BLOCK He alone is an acute observer who can observe minutely without being observed, BIRTHS. In Grey, on March 23rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Bremner, a son. MARRIAGES. Ferguson—Ardell--In Wingham. on March 29, by Rev. D. Perrie, Wm. Ferguson to Miss Ardell, both of Wingham. DEATHS. McGregor—In Brantford. March 24. Dugald McGregor, aged 54. Netterfleld—In Wingham, March 29th, Wm, Netterffeld, aged 71, Re WINGHAM Real Estate Notice. Do you intend to buy property In town this spring' If you do I can save you some money if you bus from me, 1 invite you to eali and have a look at what I have to offer you, Prices from $300 up to $3500. according to quality and location. hare bargains that special feel eaicaisfy ou in house property no matter how par- ticular you in_ay be. Big sale of Manitoba lands on at present. Call and get 'prices. CISME 'MAGUH E Real Estate Agent Office:—Upstairs .in Vanstone Block. •l'. 4,1 t, 4,, .., ,WI..4u Fresh Goods Most people appreciate fresh _goods, it always tastes so =oh nicer, and is much healthier besides. We are always ready with a fresh stock of FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONERY. Our Chocolates are of the highest glass goods, • Try our Oysters served in any _style, 15c a dish. We have in stock Canada Cream and Roquefort Cheeme. - Ice Cream orders filled on the shortest notice. - Your Patronage Solicited Ali G. KRTJSE McKelvie's Old Stand ANNUAL MEETING. The anntial meeting of the Binevale !?lax Co. will be held in the Foresters' Hail, Biuevale, on Saturday, April 2nd, at 2 p.m., When a dividend will be paid and other business of impor- tance transacted. W. J. D'U.FF, Secy. MONEY ro LOAN—At 4,} per cent: on improved farms, Easy terms of re- payment; expenses light. Apply A. Dulmage, Real Estate and Lain Agent. Kent Block.. This Space Is For THE BEE I-IIVE (THE KEELER COs) Who will in "a few days" .open up a magnificient stock of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings s and Groceries= ................................. in McKenzie's New Store. It will . pay you to wait for them. THE BEE 111V13 (THE KEELER CO) -- McAAia 1MIE'S NEW STORE WINOHAM ++44+ .: