HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-31, Page 5Thursday, March 311 I9Q4 Special Showing of Men's at Crowder's. There is a delightful dressiness about the now 1IIGH' CLASS SPRING SUITS at Crowder's. We have spared no time or trouble to find out the latest designs in Men's Wear ; we think we have clothing which can not bo beat at one third more money than we ask. It is careful workmanship that makes Crow- der's Clothing so distinctive—that makes this collection of high-class ready-to-wear clothing the finest Huron County has known.. BOYS' SUITS.—WO have a largo stook of Boys' Suits • in all styles, in Tweeds, Worsteds, Borges, oto., at rook bottom prices, 2 or 3 pieces—$2, $2,50, $3, $3.50, $4, $5, MEN'S OIi:AVEN].T'TE SHOWER -PROOF OVER- COATS, in Black aGray,linow Bro vns,tetc.ShSizes Shower-proof �, , $ 2,00, $15.00, 8. lisle a — $I0,00 1 Gents' Furnishing Department. JUST TO HAND FOR EASTER NNow Champagne Browns,n Greens, Greys, Blues, eto., eta. Price — 50o. MEN'S SUITS.—In all the latest stripes and colorings, in Worsteds, Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges ; Sizes 3.1 to 44 chest ; best Italian linings ; hand padded shoulders. Prices—$8 00, $10.00, $12 00, $14.00. YOUTHS' SUITS,—In new Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges; sizes 28 to 34 chest (short or long trousers) made up to fit tall slim young men, or short stouts, and right up-to-the-minute. Prices—$8.00, $10.011, $12.00. SALEM SHIRTS.—Made to Rt men not prices. We have a nice new range of Salem Shirts in Greys, Bines, etc., hard and soft bosoms, sizes 12 to 18 (colors guaranteed,) Prices—$1.00, $1.25, NEW HATS AND CAPS. New plaited top Caps in tweeds and cheviots Mena' and Youths' Automobile Caps, fancy rubber top, silk band, all sizes Men's Black and Brown Hard Felt Hats, just newly 50c to 75c peak, Blue cloth .$1,50 arrived $1.25 to $3.00 In fact if you want to get any up -to date furnishings, come and see us ; a pleasure to show goods. The R. H. Crowder Co. "SPY'S/VS • • • -1'----- - Frost Wire Fence , Has no equal as General • o • 11 1 Purpose Tarin Fence • • • �� �I It will turn Stock without • i I�)ili i 11 11 injury— beautify the Parra — a ° patching • • 1111I Ir )l : and with reasonable usage will ° does not need constant • i) II_ last a life -tinge. llooklet and a e �! CL a .. , full partiqulars given on request. ir 41 it• FOR SALE BY •� J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch. wv..y._•••��v°v°w°u°..n°,,�m9°v°wuv°°.�v°..w••,-, •�s,00we�••w°.n°�®nevOO MASSEY = HARRIS AGENCY Have you a Cutter? If not, call and examine onr stock before buy- ing elsewhere. If you will be needing anything in the line of Farming Implements or Machinery for the coming sea- son, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods Lyre leaders everywhere. Agent for t}1e I einp Manure Distributor. We also handle the Wm. Gray Sc Son's Buggies and Cutters— universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF. GLOVER AGENT tiw 8'� WINGHAM TRAIN UP A CHILD and when up, send him or her to L/STOWEL//// //I W. A. CURRIE Wingham's Auctioneer. Sales attended in any part of Huron county. Orders left at the ADVANCE Office will re- ceive prompt attention, Money For Farmers. Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on good farm property. Al';ner CoSens. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies* 1'avorlte, Ts the only safe, reliabid regulator on' which woman can depend. "in the howl and time of need." Prepared in two dogreos of btrengtil, No, 1 and No. V. No, 1, --For ordinary oases is by far the best dollar mediclne known. No. 2—Wor special cases -10 degrees btronger—three dollars per box. Ladies—ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Hoot Compound.'I'akd no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and NO. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the DO - minion of Canada. Mailed to any address of On receipt of rlee and four 2 -cent p s oge ptampd, erne Cook Company, Windsor, Ont. No.1 and No. 2 aro sold in Wingham by A. L Hamilton, It. A. Douglass, 0. A. (lam 11011 nn4 W.111elSibbon, druggists. • PTLY SECURE t Invent. Write r hi oke fig and Ib I scat g bo of >s tlNp ' and t 1 Bow you era swlndeA. ' Posed us a tough sketch or model of your in. lotion orinprovetnent and we will tell you Tree our opinion as to whether it is probably • patentebteac, wRejected epplicat onshaveoften sonduct fully euippppped prosecuted in Monts We -and Washington; tlilsqunli8es us to prompts -ly dispatch work and quickly cause Patents as braid As the invention. Highest references furnished. Patents procured through Metier; & 1tTN• igen reetiv special ttotIce without chants in Over too newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion. $penialty t-•-Patedt business ut rifanufee- tarers And I'.iigiueers. MARION & MARION P*tant Expert* and Solloltora. Oftwo, No. Vet IfeWah[e to t:sal Term Begins Apr. 11, 11904. Two Courses :-Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal, C. A. FLEMING A. L. Mc1NTYRB Presldpgt See'y. 90 per cent. of Pat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, were led with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. DEAR SIRS— Wo have been feeding your Stock Rood to cattle for some time, and find it to be an ex- cellent tonic. We have also fed it to horses and pigs, and are quite surd it is the best stock food wo have over tried. Our prize winning cattle at the Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, were fed Worthington's Stock Tonic. LESLIE & PFAREN Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Anton, Ont. DEAR. Sncs— I find your Stook Food is a very excellent Tonic for cattle giving them a good appetite and keeping their digestive organs in a healthy working condition. The steer Scottie," ex- hibited at Winter Mair, weighed at birth 801bs. at 36 months 2000 lbs., making a gain of 55 lbs. perck month. It pays to feed Worthington's FANDREW RICHARDSON, Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Peepabun, Ont. DEAR Sttts—Wo have used your Stock Food for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good satisfaction. Several of ourcattlo have shown a gain of over 1001be. per month while feeding it. JAS. WILSON & SONS, Breeders of Shorthorn Cattio and Yorkshire hogs. Pergus, Ont. Note the Price; 10 1b, box, 200 feeds, 500; 50 lb, sack, $2. For Salo By .1. Bowman, Wingham I W. ?dosser, Bluevalo Agar J: Earls,Luc chow N. Gerry Brussels Henderson & Henderson, Whilechuroh �e 3Cave Vete I(F,akaia\s. Lots of them — do your own choosing. We knots the styles, We kpow exactly how they -should be cut—how they should fit --and its our business to put a11 these knows " together, and fit you out in the best that your money can buy — no platter Whet price you pay. It would please us to have you drop in, Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Mingtlam new 5 t.em —According to a statement made iu the Legislature recently, $500 per day are being deposited in the School Say- ings Banks in Ontario. —The Strathroy Town Council has decided to submit a by-law to the rttte. payors, asking for $10,000 to place the eleotrio light plant in a oondition to meet all demands upon it. Ottawa, March 24.—There is a pos- sibility that the bill for the formation of a naval reserve may be introduced next week, The force, it is learned, will not at the outset exceed 2,000 leen. —Hon. Sydney Fisher, during au ad- dress before tho Canadian Club, To- , ronto, said that out of a total export trade from Canada last year of $214, 000,000 no less than $114,000,000 was represented by agricultural products. —A vote of the freehold electors of the town of Mitchell will be taken on April 25th on a by-law to borrow $10,- 000 to improve the eleotrio light plant. The whole of the money, if the by-law carries, is to be expended on machinery, building, &a.. Stratford, Ont, March 24.—An Eng- lish syndicate aro considering the lo- cation at Stratford of a metal working industry plant to cost about $100,000, and about 200 men to be employed. Negotiations aro now in progress with the City Council, —Mr, Peter Jordan of Hibbert de- livered a Sue lot of cattle in Dublin on Friday of last week, There were fifteen steers averaging 1,350 pounds mole and they netted him the sum of $972. The cattle wore purchased, by Mr. Dowuey and were a fine lot of animals. —Myriads of honey bees have perish- ed in New Jersey this wiuter, starved to death by the freezing of the stores of honey. Oat of twenty-four hives one apiarist found only five living bees. Of the ten thousand bee men of Ontario no doubt many have found a similar experience. —The Ontario Government has ap- pointed the following Surrogate Court Judges:—D. J. O'Donahue for Renfrew, Talbot Nacbeth for Middlesex, 0. W. Colter for Elgin. The two former have recently been appointed as County Court Judges by the Dominion Govern- ment and tlio latter has been transferred from Renfrew to Elgin. London, Ont., March 23.—Mrs, Geo. Bowser of Askiu street, South London, fell dead this morning- while hanging out clothes. Her body was found same time later by a driver of a grocery de- livery wagon. Heart disease was the cause of death. Mrs. Bowser is survived by her husband and one son, the latter being a resident of Toronto. —Out of a total of 27,748 patients that have been confined in our asylums in Ontario, the county of Huron has sent 706; of this number 29 have been sent the past year. Those still remaining in these institutions last September number 145, spread over as follows:— Toronto 6, London 103, Hamilton 8, Mimico 8, Brookville 7, Oobourg 6, Orillia 17. Ottawa, March 24.—Sabbath observa- tion legislation is the subject or object of nnme'rous petitions, Dr. Johnston of West Lambton has presented one that contains 17,301 names, and the grand aggregate of all runs into the hundreds of thousands. When these communica- tions are read the atmosphere is not al- ways the acme of seriousness and solem- nity, certain frivolous members hazard- ing sundry jests. —W. J. Milligan of Sarnia has invent- ed a very handy car step white' answers the purpose of the little stool used on Putman cars. It is operated by means of lever at either ends of the . car by which the step is extended out and down, making getting ou and 'off the oars mach easier and avoiding the necessity of high stepping- and its at- tendantinconvenienee when boarding a oar, —Russia has recently sot apart a fund of seventy-two thousand dollars for the improvement and expansion of the butter -making industry in Western Siberia. Butter Societies are to bo or- ganized under the supervision of butter - making exports and competent instruc- tors. Siberia's production of bntter in 1902 was ono hundred million pounds, London, England, being 011e of the largest customers. Shelburne, March 26;—Geo. Gorman, who is employed in W. G. Rowland's store, met with an accident, which came very near depriving him of ono of his eyes. He was stooping down, and raised his head, and at the same time turning quickly around, A rod used for displaying goods caught his eye as he tarred, and broke the white portion of that organ, and Dr. Rooney found two stitohes necessary. —Captain McAllister, who. has had ohargo of the O.P.1{, steamer Alberta, plying between Owen Sound and Fort William, has resigned, having accepted the position of superintendent of a ferry service at Vancouver, B, 0. Isis sile- cessor on the bridge of the Alberta has already been appdinted in the person of Captain Louis Pyette, tvhp was mate of the vessel for the last fourteen years. Captain McAllister refers to him as a most o t e m stout fficer, o p —Experiments with Canadian wheat conduoted et the British Experimental Farm at Woburn showed, that while tho yield was considerably below that of English wheat, the Canadian wheat was stronger, more nitrogeneons and produced a loaf which, front the baker's point of view, was there satiefaetory. This is the sort of advertising Canada wants. Appreciation of the fact that Canadian Wheat is the best will mealy a good deal to the Canadian grower, and is Willing tope: for it, TRE W NGRA ADVANCE, ---For hotel lfconses, transfers, etc., Walkerton hotel keepers last year con- tributed to the Ontario government $1715,00, Teeswater 5600, Luoknow $810, Cuirass township $270, Oarriok $830, Brant $500, Kinloss $190, Gireenook $570, Paisley 5765, Kincardiuo $1,200, Chesley $526, and Wiarten $1060. —John Ryan of Bruce, a Young mnn of twenty-six, a son of Miohael Ryan of Brant, was this week committed to jail at Walkerton for examination into his condition on a ohargo of in. sanity. Last fall the young man was bitten by a hog which showed signs of hydrophobia, and it is believed that he became infected from the animal. Ryan is a decent industrious young man, and his condition is certainly very sad.—(Bruce Herald. —The Post -office Department has de- oided to institute a system of insurance of inland registered letters. The maxi- mum amount to be insured will not ex- ceed $25. The insurance fee for $10 will be 3 cents; for $15, four cents; and for $25, six cents, In addition, of course, the full postage and registered charges must be paid. Coins. articles of gold and silver, precious stones, jewel- lery and other articles of value most be put into strong boxes in accordance with directions furnished by postmaster in envelopes, with. directions, furnished by the postmasters. Envelopes with black or colored borders may not be used for registered of insured letters.. Catarrh Is Certainly Curable. In fact it is one of the most curable diseases if fragrant healing Catarrhozone is used. No matter how long you have suffered with catarrh you can be per- fectly cured by inhaling the vapor of Catarrhozone, which strikes at the foundation of the trouble and establish- es suoh a healthy condition in the sy- stem that catarrhal germs can't simply exist. "I suffered from catarrh of the nose and throat for years," writes S. H. Downie of Plattsville. "My. nos- trils were•always stuffed up and I had a most disagreeable hacking cough. Catarrhozone cured me completely. Catarrhozone never fails. Two months treatment $1.00; trial size 25o. Goderich. The Goderich Engine Co, shipped an engine to Meaford last week. Tho West Huron Farmers' Institute has arranged for the annual excursion to the Guelph Model Farm, to take place on Saturday, June llth, Orders are coming in more freely at the Knitting factory than they were at this season last year, and •the full staff now work ten hours daily. Tho Manitoba and Lake Huron Mill- ing Co., sent out 13 cars of flour one day last week, and on other days their shipping bills were well on to that number. There died last Sunday, at the re- sidence of David Lawson, Dunlop, Col- borne Township, Sarah McQnarrie, ag- ed 94 years and 10 months, her death being the result of old age. The Kensington Furniture Co., has been forced to reduce the daily hours of labor from 10. to 8, on account of the failure of the R. R. Co., to deliver lum- ber required in the company's mann. factures. Tho Star reporter had a walk around the Square, one day this week with Alexander Colborne, a gentleman in his 98th year, ho having passed tho 97th milestone on the 4th. inst. The patsi- aroh, who walked at a good pace, seem- ed in excellent health. The engineers or surveying party of the 0. P. R. spent the past six days in Colborne Township, between Ball's bridge and Saltford, going over the lines already located, and perfecting the plans previously taken, Engineer Peterson was in Mildmay this week, and it is understood he will make Goderich his headquarters for some time to come. Last Monday night Edward Maskell, of Colborne, met with an accident at the Colborne hotel, which tersnivated fatally this morning. Mr. Maskell had lain down 0n the sitting 'room lounge upstairs but after being left alone got up and walked out to the balcony. He fell to the pavement, apparently lighting on his feet, and the jar thus received was the cause of internal injuries. He was taken iuto the hotel and medical aid secured. Mr. Maskell has a wife and eight. children, the youngest about four years of age. Man's Most Critical Age. Very often the vital resources are as small at forty-two, but if not then, between fifty-seven and sixty-two years of age there is a strange slowing down and loss of vitality. It is important that this transient period of decay should be checked; strength must be imparted to the tired brain, the weaken- ed }servos must be fortified. The wise ]nein will use Ferrozone whose potency is particularly applicable to these critic- al periods. Ferrozone quickens the being, imparts vigor and power, pushts baok the onset of senility iu a very manifest way. It's because Ferrozone gives strength, vitality and vigor that it is useful to old men. Try it today. Price 50o. , The Southwest Limited Chicago To I aneas City. Via Tho St. of Road. Tho Southwest Limited via the now Short Live of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Peal Railway, Chicago w y, ci li aR0 to Kansas Oily,la has taken its p co with. The Pion peeLimited, Chicago to Se. Paul and tfinneapolie, acid The Overland Limit. ed, Chicago to Omaha and San Frauoit co, among the famous trains of Ann- erioa. These trains offer excellence of service and equipment not obtainab'e elsewhere, There are ivauy reasons for tins, ono of which is the fact that th's railway Owns and operates its sleeping, dining, library, parlor and other cars, thereby soaring an excellence of service not Obtainable elyhwhere, X yeft are going West it is 'worth while to write for dascriptive folder. A, d'. Taylor, Oat, Pass, Agent, No. 8 Icing St, last, Toronto Ont. ers Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. . Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilia The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your - doctor why it Is. He has our formula and will explain. "When 13 rears old, for many months no -' - one thought I could live because of thin blood, But, in a for weeks, Ayor's 8arsaparela corn- - pletely restored me to health." 24Rs. E. I0QOK$nf.Tsn, Ylpoland, N. J, - $I.00 a bottle. .1. 0, ATXR CO., All dm deists. for Lowell, utas.. The Children Ulliousness,constipationprevent re- I covery. Cure these with Ayer's Pills. Teeswater. -After a complete tie up of 26 days, the Teeswater branch of the C. P. R was opened at 5 o'clock Wednesday after-'. noon, when a snow, plough with one engine, followed by two other engines and a gang of shovellers, steamed into the depot. Everybody was thankful, . and a large number of the citizens gave j the trainmen a hearty welcome. Very little freight has been received here since February 1st, and the outlook was I becoming very critical. Many of the necessaries of life could not be obtained in town. In the past few days a little relief came from the neighboring towns where the Grand Trunk was operating their line. The electric light plant has been closed down for three nights, ow- ing to lack of coal, and all the factories have been closed down for a couple of weeks for the same reason, The mail train arrived here about 6 p.m. with large quantities of mail that has long been overdue, During the tie-up, mail had been brought in occasionally by stage from the nearest available rail- way points. Everyone With Sore Throat Should know how gniokly Nerviline cures. "I can recommend Nerviline very highly for sore throat, "writes Mr. R. McKenzie of St. George. I once had a very sore throat and my chest was full of cold and soreness. Every cough hurt me. I cured myself by rub- bing my chest and throat vigorously with Nerviline and using it also as a gargle. I believe Nerviline to be the best general remedy for emergent sick- ness that ono can get. We have used it for twenty years in our house. Price 25o. WANTED SPECIAL REPRESENTATIV]0 in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old estab- lished business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses, paid each MMionday by check direct from headquarters. Expenses advanced ; position permanent, We furnish everything. Address, The Columbia, 030 Monon Bldg., Chicago, 27 —33. REXALL agg DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in ono bath — they aro the latest and most improved Dye in the world. Try a package. A 11 colors at W. Mosscr's store, Blnevale, and C. B. McClelland's store, Belgrave, Ont. ROBT. N. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINE -HAM ADVANCE. DR. OVENS OF LONDON SURGEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Visits Wingham monthly. GLASSES, FITTED PROPERLY. NASAL CATARRIt and DEAFNESS treated. Wingham office at Campbell's Drug Store. London office -225 Queen's ave.; hours 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays— Feb. 1, Fob. 29, Mar. 28, May 2, May 30, Juno 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. 3, Oct, 31, Nov. 28, C. HAMILTON AUCTIONEER BLYTH — ONT. 30 years experience. I have conducted over 3000 successful Auction Sales hi the County of Huron and as a rule got bettor prices and soli to bolter mon. Orders left at ADVANCE Office, Wingham, will receive prompt atten- tion. Torras reasonable. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense. our Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer's Pills. The kind you have known all your life. a. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Moos. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE TWIT CTO. It. P. mAT.t. a CO.. NAURU. N. R. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCC ATENT$ : TRADE MARIA bESIO,NS Copili{itiopve Std* testa to issonitain!�n r e chic ti nee osiotc emgp to cleekiinvention i)Ids0t'eA0yttlell't9yee ro,aoi' Meets q' to taken tftrbn h Munn ft 1 onrecelve "coke,IfIthonaOhrtrtainthe Mint r mer ran. 5 handsomelf illustrated weekly, r,nr,sst ell. onln1 our thong°5'1 5014bisrlrteweed"elera", oy,1 Jt.rk Sl, VI ices, b Stout Valises The Leading Store EASTERSWaists. _. it Small Profits Quick Itaturns Just opened, a large shipment of the very Latest Ladies' Shirt Waists, comprising all the newest weaves, and nicely made and trimmed. You are sure to get the right make and style if you buy your spring Waist here. Big range of Prices, from 50c to $5.00 each. SPECIAL. Ladies' fine Linen Waists, tucked and well made, all sizes. Our Special price , , . $1.00 SILK. Ladies' Fine Black Japan Tat - feta Silk Waists, tucked and trimmed with Lace. Fit guar - an teed. A Bargain $4.50 New Wbttewear. This is a growing branch of our business, and this spring we are showing a larger and better as- sortment of White Skirts, Corset Covers, Night Gowns, Drawers, etc. Please ask to see them. Prices the lowest. New Spring Goobs. They are coming to hand thick -and fast now, and our greatest trouble is to find room for then-(. Every department is crowded with bright, new spring goods. New Dress Goods, New Carpets, New Muslins, New Curtains, New Boots & Shoes, New Cottonades, New Prints, New Shirtings, New Underwear, New Trimmings. INSPECTION INVITED. 11. E. Isard ex Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce . 4 41: Stone BlockOppQu• een's ueen's hotel 41 X + ++J'+t'+++'++t+ 44 ++ ►444444++ +41" � Days' Sale. $5,000 SPOT CASH. WORTH OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES AND SILVERWARE to be sold at COST for From February lst until April 1st, we' will positively sell at Corr. This is the chance of the year to get a good Watch, or anything in the line of Jewelry, cheaper than yon ever heard of be- fore. All our goods are reliable, and of the best makes, and we warrant them. No old goods taken in exchange on new goods. W. e. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor 4 .1+ .4 4 4 4 4 Subscribe for "The Advance" " the Paper that has all the reliable news.