HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-31, Page 2sitin WM needed W show to othere Rday Settool. that the reeeit really Proceeded from 41. Christ. Ile put ble flegerit into tie Th era. Ills tontine te 'Ilhott that it's lott. eare to nzarit the ear -drum that WW1 e arkets. ttinguNATKINAT., 1,1,940Ntio.1 tc, be quietened: he Wit an4 toneb* APRIL 3,1904. tented fluO1e8 MIUtt be Inbrittated ine aoe,Aoltleseeet Iirizielt Live Stova Mare. Lendon, Maack att °es. Ler; 11.14, tot 120 per lb, ter steers, dro.s.al weight ; r.gerator le t. to a 1-4o per lb. Sacep, slow, 13 to 141-2o rern.. • beetling Wheat Markets. taollowing ere the closing (pieta. thaw It Important wheat centres tOetileY z Cash. Way!. New Pork ' a•-1 Oblanga Arms Melts Tyre awl Selene -Mara 7; la -37 to ilmberneee Ite leoked up bite comeezemeety. ,emeheete heaven to Amu that the source of tOlva;11evtlzat its effectbe razithiti7t:at plea. 124-g6). 24. Prom thellee Ile arose-elan:A atter cenztertng In time upon the conzinanzi.---Whedon, the dieteOuTeett at Capernauni. Eder- 34. 84110d-0hr/14'e eompatliles were sateaat 'thinks that deella alai the touebed, and be sighed when be eavr ' , twelve ttpostlee Went iramediatela tO the safferIng and 0orrove around him. - the north eowntry., iv,hile others 4plip1attlia*Thet eeteal A.ramale titiok there is a short delay in, word used by Our Lord.-11,trielear. or near, Capernaum betore starting 3a. Beata/ plan-Whea Christ under-, _ out. Rorderreetf Tyre anti Sidon-- takes a ease he always deee a cella Tare Deal Wen were heathen eitiee plete work. In verses ad and ST n *lumen see.. Thor were tee petta jebatustheltargea thorn publIlled Inutile the tee tell Ile Mau, , he countrY ahioe mere awl were astonlsb,ed beyond Oa the east Matta a the atediter- a Pheentela, a eBee yam' cale sCitaernaum, a al efe : led° .e ... A- 100. 0814 Duluth, N. ..„. 84 a -a ; DAL NY A MAGIC CITY.IcrT...nonin'abbal* BALL, PnOrniarrea, I Arose in a Few Years at Command of Czar. IhanY, Feb..20.-1.001tina into the future-ethe Muscovite euture- later De 'Witte, head of the Rua start •Clovernmellee departtuent O. finance, conceived one day about tire years age the gorgeous easier. ' of a great vommerciel eity to Created aa it by mas agfethe nortiWast eat lay' aetttleele the Lebanon Melletain e.affure. . _ eastern seaboard of Manchierioetta To..ontob.i.ramirie Market. Menges and the laree,t sea, Thee eel. great litre that could not be LMile grainmail to' ChineIn se provce just then occupied were ancieut one important Olt- rola Many lives are small, narrow,'- ,offerings Were -i ate. am here -ther signify tee weeie ana,narrow. They are easee eon. .eeY, owing to bad conditiee of emu:- • vealed and their Wieners are never ery roadg. No wheat, weiee s aura, tor Site first time by the nalitare , Pluseralelan *aistriet. Jesus Iteal Ueaer limited the cowl rY , huge expense Of the Siberian ran. a wa,y libtlitng compared to the blessings of an open port. Until this Year for four months et tbe tivelve Ruselall might Only leave his coun- try or export has gootls by ceerteeY ot another nation, Oa the north Crueller' by an ice cap, tei the south barred by °thee countries, the end end alp' et her policy bag been petit - tog but thier-au Ice -free port, an Ica -free ort!p The Future or Delay. The money sae has spent on Vied- - levet* lo ef iaterOSt benanne it cif public. buildingi Mel Official res - deuces. Everything built of tlie one blue grey brick or China, or half timaered Ciernia,n and taierlY Eng - lab etele, filled In with cement or rubble. These villas of continental cites and suburbs, with their half timbered walls of Dutell gables, aro roefed with Chinese Wee, tip tilted at the end ot each ridge pale in true Chinese Menton. Only Russian COMS pass. current or the weit-engravezi note* of tee Rus- so -Chinese bank. Since the adoption of the gold standard in Russia the sliver ratite has a vet 01)00 equal - ua t before end, now %Ought (rt by the grea,t busy da‘iic 414 a0a Weal et eats at The Dlinieter unfolded his tramp:). LY nominal. One lolla of barley Bola and corumeretal forces Ot the Czar Ln eD tor Informatilott, The dove plait to Emperor Nieholas at proves, as no official assurance of i°8 . ou , near e . t ide th border. Into an le, tbe good, the unself s firm ; 2.0 bade Dahl at to 44 St, Petersburg, and the imperial P P • hers could. perba s rove that she • - - Mexican dollar. Eteltarige at - entered boathendow, or stePPed Pelt 14% s g ' Ifay in Wilted supply ;with prices it th h t ways agaanst one, however wlather titat the %nose yen r the tt is not clea.r whether he many roev.Ite that hunger for cotoTort, ea ta Aka.. i. days; eeeue. When the benneence oriels Ono Dad of atraw gold ate $0 0. tole d et $e for mixed, building of the city of De 'Witte'e . aelx'llangdivoltitollcelehurwlaine a compromise ' Russia's volley is to make Daley he sells or auYS =Mee at ihe ba-nks. 1101tee-In all probability the home t.11 cine Ve . e vea l;hat are worth „., atoll for ahetalla, and U toe tor (timothy, arid $9 for mixed fiat' at one° went forth rnr the up artga allY had go Intention or an - of a .le,w, Edersheim thinks He must tieing. Bach a lite was that of bate tarrieel bee several moisten became known, hands were and nothing else. It was merely the principle 'seaport or the far 14d, but could not, would suggest direction. BverywItere, Weeryliearts seae. De elle of the magic city wag fixe4- two to three months of each year eca:11. obnycmaitkinviguilt btelle na.liol Satbefooltillotemi; the fact that He desired to be ,kept stretched out te Hint from every Dressed hogs are unelmeged, with day ' V'aa'111:5' In a aormal ed:ct of NIciaifaa tilt lege bad than other places. Prole , heavy waling at $0.25, and light at port, teens ; labeet, *ate bugle, V8 to year it is frozen. over, and it Rassin free t ttais.. No mn.41 know it -Ile anlged poured out to Him theur burdene. , Uttering a,re -Um quota, - it proper to conceal lannellawaile the earn° site tha,t provioesly law healed, spielts to be subdued and Wheat sewing, battae 'Oa ate 0Olwhea,t, the Crowe aud Treasure, AL De present hold o'er Alancluula she No custom house wet be establ Plotting against Him Could uot be Witte. It wad a site on Talletrieali would never have thrown away the = ed, and the harbor sYstem is mod - hal -"It seems that lie WAS per1. - sonally knowin to many in tith, eouutry, who had seen and beard of Him iti Galilee," 2a. Whose young 'daughter -The actual eufferIngs ot the daugliter were great, but the eufferingt wbieb. the (mother endured by .spit- patay Were 'still greater, Out suffertngs tar others are great hi proportion to the amount of Iola we have for them. Hence the great- est eufferer on. earth w,as Chriat An unclea,n spirit -Matthew, sap her daughter was grieelously vex- ed wade a detit." This was certain- ly a sad case, Nethitag can destroe else peace .of a. home more than to atere a daughter possessed with Sa- -ranee influences. •The spirit that reessessed this girl was unclean -a tale spirit, At His feet -This al once shows the humility or the WO - *An ; she a.ssumed .the most lowly attitude possible as she appeals to Xis Wavy. 20, Woman wag a Greek. "Be Lulguage."-Geilde. Tile Jew a called those who were klolaters Greeks, or Gentiles. A ayrophenielan by na tam, A Syro-Peoentelan. Phoenicia'. ibelonged to the Roman provinm Syria- •••She'was a Syrian at Pheena clan." "Matthew SAYS, 8110 ewes a Wome.n ot Canaan." "During lax earl.est times of Jewlab blstory ger eral trams, ot Canaanite% who wert the orignal inha.b:tants ot Palestine, had reared northward before tbe Is rail tee. From these the Phoenielate were descended." -Lange. Besaughi him. Earnestly entreatal hine Tia ease WAS an urgent one, and, on tar knees, at Ws feet, she peered out her request. Would oast torth. Sbe believed.lie bad Rower tie do this Matthew says, shee cried unto him saying, 'Rave mercy, on me, 0 1,erd, thou son of David." She plead Ice mercy; she knew she could make la claim open him in any other way The woman recogn'zed Jesus as the Jewish Messiaa : she called- bim "Lord" and ealhe son ot David' - terms distinctly Jeveleir. "alhe state ot tbis vriernan is a proper emblem ot the state of a sinner deeply con- scious ot the misery or his sone" - Clarke. The devil, eto. Here is a plain tram Itheresees, who were tea ; wheat, red, bus'h., 07 to 07104 been ;selected by the Moneter 04 Will Have No Oustom-Hous had ever deliberetele planned her Everywhere were bodiee to be sot free, and sould to be sated. To tale touching appeal of A needy world Chriat gave an affeetionate and effective response. The .superlative value of humility. tie grata° ile so rare, so precious,ae allmillitee Upon its possessors are poured out heaven's richest bless - :age. It is represented in the fable as being absolutely essential to the led 'that desires spiritual exaltation. It may adorn tho brows ot lane it May lend a charm - ,pg gr400 to the walk of the lowly. Christ discovered it in the heart of the Syroplioenecien weman, and it wan ror her the one great favor alio desureci above all others the tearing a her daughter. *This in- eident illustrates elearly the tact that wla may, by essueanga becom- aig attitude in our relations to God, bring rich blessings to others. Vlore is no lintit to God's goodness wheal he beliolds a humble soul pro, strate betore God's love for the allele world, Teo gift of Clue% was to the world. "To 'the Jew, fleet, but also to the Gentile" Christ revealed Ws kind. Ly symaathy and abounding love. No racial prejudices restrained His un- bounded compassion. No ecelesiapta cal bigotry led Illm to look with disdain aplen tile needy tit any elass. "For God so loved the weld" -the world; in the largest sensealie teeming mass of Its -population - "that whosoever believeth In Him -should not parish." This wbosoever :neluded the Rieman centurion, and the Syrophoenielan woman as well as the varthodox Jew. The epeaking tongue. We can pito fully appreciate the embar- rassment and mortiatation of the olan whO was conscious ot the fact that he had a toegue, but could not use • it, even in ordinary conversa- tion. No doubt when the string of his tongue was loosed, he lost( ao thne in acquainting his friends of the fact by actual eemcinstration. The power of speech is an inestimable blessing and should be the cause or daily thankeglaing to the Giver. This es- peclaRy ie the case when the at -deg at the tongue is loosed, that bas, through tear ea shame; been snore In testimony, a.nd 10 grease, and in worship. The eloquence of such,, a tongue is wont to brIng joy and wonder to all hearers. Ali Chris - Liens should pray for the spealtign and should use our tongues torero- tieem his love even In the midst of hi enemien. "The hearing- ear." Poorness Is a sore affliction and excludes the un- tortuua.tes• from A thousand com- mon lore of lfe. In this buie7 world, sovaleta with joyous sounds and charming music, he dwells in pro-. onnd silence. ateco,use ot this un- avoidable secInsion his perceptions become, in some rnegsure at least, wea.kened, and be is likely, to -give himself largely to the coneidertion of his own personal thoughts and feelings. But what a world of new Ideas and what le flood of new unc- tions must have ewept into the soul of the man whose ears were opened by the pewer of Jesus that day. No wonder that aesus Nell not be hid. It Is not at ail strange that the more no bade tne sutierer r•ot to tell what lie had done for him. tne more be went everywhere telling the glad tidings. ALBERT II .STIL,WEI,L. goose, bush., EIG to 87o; ones, baste., t 8 to 40140;1mA:of, bush, 08 to 70e ; bar- ley,butda, 47% to 48.4c; bp.oe timothy, per ton, $ix to $14; hay, clover, 88 to $0; strew, per ton, $10 to $1.1; seethe aleare, beet% ai1ait3 to $3; seeds, red clever, bush, tes to e0.35; seeds, timothy, 103 lbs. .$2.25 to $3; aieples, per blot., $1;.50 to 2.25;$ dreseed hogs, $6.23 to $6.75; eggs, new laal, peg doz., 23 to 21e; but- ter, dairy, 10 to 22e‘'butter, oreara- ery. 23 to 20; ehicitens, per lb., 12 to 15a; geese, per lb„ 12 to lac; ducks, per lb., la to 14e; turkeye, per lbe 10 to 181; .pota.toes, per bag, 8to to $130; relefeage, par dozen, r.0 and 73c; coal flower, per dceell, $1.25 te $1.7e; celerY, per clean, 40 to l','03 ; beef, headqueaters, $7 to $0; beef, forequarters, $5 to $0.50; beer, choice, earcaee, $7 to :$7.50; beef, medium, ca.reeee; $11 to 80.50; tante yearling, $9 to $10 ZO; mutton, trsoictiv.t.: $:!, -Ito$,,S, veal, per tcert,„ $8 • Toronto Cattle Market. Receipts of live stock at the City Market, as, reperted by Messrs. IleY a .Fox, of the taTat. and C.P.R., siace last Friday, were 84 carloads, con - Meting of 869 cattle, 1,001 hogs, 803 sheep and 80 calves. Oae load ot the above were Chicago cattle, and two loads of stockers in transit. The quantita pr rat cattle was fairly good, some few choice lots of butcher'e cattle being .sold. Trade was good for choice butchers, seeing tha.t Easter is near ataland, but for exporters and common Ito medium butchers the market ;wee dull, with prices easier. Seine of ,the drovers were complete:dire bitterly of having lost money. • , A few feeders and stockers tare coming forw.ard, which, find o ready market at quotations given below. About ea nozers mulch cow e and epriagers were offered, few of which were of good quality. The run of 'veal calves was not large, prices for which are steady. The deliveries ot sheep and Iambs wets not large, and prima were firm. especially foe yearling lambs. Hogs -deliveries of hogs since Sat- urday amesunted .to about 1,000. IPrices ranged from $5 to 85.15 for straight loads of selects."' The packing houses quotee $5.,12a la,st weck, and vale $5.25 and $5.3731. This aiformation was given by re - Reale drovers who got the money. . Prices at various points In ram ceuntrea range from $1.65 to $4.75 per cwt. I . Drorvere sea tbat :the Laing Pack - Ing Company. of Montreal, offered $5.50 per '0Wt.. for hogs, delivered at Montreal. from points east of Toronto. ' .. I (Ezzporters-Best tete bt exporters seed at te4.40 _to 04.40 per aisle. ; - Export bulls --Choice aualit,a 'bulls a,re worth 43.50 to 83.75 per cwt. Exavort ociwo--Expert • cows are worth $3.40 (to 83,75 per ewe, 1 . Butcbers' cattle-Oleace picked lots a foutchers', a,000 to '1,150 lbs. each, equal in aualita to twit en/cotters, axe worth $4.40 to 84.60; loads of goal sold at $4 'to 84.80; fair to good, $8.60 to $3.85; common $3.- 25. to 83.50; rough to inferior, 83; canners, 0.501 (,:o $75. _ . Feeders -Steers of good quality; 1,050 'to 11,150 lbs., each', at 83.75 to $4112teeper beet. t i . 1 t a , • Steckers-One ;year to 2 -year-old steer400 to 700 lbs. each, are - worth $5 to $3.50 per cwt.; off -col- - ors and be poor breeding gealitej of same weights are (worth $2.50 to 83 per awt. eillelf colves-alBicle COW 8 lend sp•ring- , ers are twerta 830 to $50 each. I i Cleaves -Calves sold at 42 to 110 Berlin, afarch 28, -Gov. Von Patt. keener, or the Cameroon'e, eables that the revolt of the natives has spread to Cross River (one of the points marking the, boundary of. German territory In West Africa), and has been extended to the aritish terri- tory in Nigeria, and that the Brit- ish customs station at Obokiiin was attacked on March 10. The Governor adds that Colonel Mueller is at Gross raver and hag the situation in band. and sinner% alike. The ieligions Awaken- ing spread to Rockford, to Galena and Freeport. Those who were turned away or who could not leave home at an demanded to hear the sermon-. '1 len. came one of the Columbia. most matvelous things of the revival.' .,,,,,hee„,e e,, a ete e 00 The teleplione company placed three re. ;-"''''''" - "" - ''''a --Tbe Brt" ;elvers 3ust in front of fie pulpit, aud tian, Columbia altacoaltaat. artaaaat tcl''' for several nights alit words of the rann- night hate London, England, that tbd east were earried by teleplione be 18e, Chinese Government ties made a pro- eities and totals in Illinois end Imo, Ott Position to the Ilritish Government oee night more than 8,000 people beard to the effeet that, the Chinese Gov - the 'sermon over the teat/Iona errtnent having agreed to restrain A tabenmele, 104 feet spuare, holdine its" eubjects from emigrating to the ;1,000 people, wee built for the revival Traneveal, the leritisb GovernMent Sunday Waft called evilest the protest of timid 61100 Chinesebonligration 10- Tin belongs to De denondlia. to British Columbia. under very streaghttoryeard conftseloa. There Is Mr effort to cover up the family troub1es,. and gloss over etna.tters, and make it appear, that, atter all, ter daughter Is "quite respectable." II. Faith triumphing, TS. 27-80. 27. Jesus mid -- This womanes des. coaragements were great ;1. Her advantagee had been small. She was a heathen woman with bat little means of even obtaining the light et the Hebrew Bcriptures. 2. At first Jesus aid not replyl to ber reqnest, Matt. xv. 24. 3. The dis- ciples besought Him to send ber away. 4. When Jesus did weak He seemed to repel ber. The gout seek - Ina gal -cation, frequentlymeets thete seine tests, and many become dis- couraged by them. The Children - The jaws. First be tilled --Theyi are tbe favored people. "Me gospel was ' first to be offered to the Jews, and to them our Lord's personal minis- try on earth, was chietly restricted." Jesus told her /Bs blessings were for the lost of Israel, Matt. This would have caused people with or- dinary 'faith to bave given up the struggle, but not Bo with thiswo- ustian she came nowand worshipped Him, Beijing, Lord, help ine (Matt.) Not meet -It is not suitable - bot tbe proper thing to do. Children's bread -To take those blessings that belong to tbe Jews. Unto the dogs -This was the Severest test or all. The Gentiles were considered by the aewlen people a,s no better than dogs. and Jesus onla used a terra Of speech wbich was common; but it must have been very' offemese to tbe heathen. Would this woman resent it? Would her Pride at last be stir- red. No. She "shrmik end sbriveled" into nothingness at Hit feet, and her faith still held on for the desired . blessing. t 28. Yes, Lord-"Tratle Lord," Matt. It le all so. The 3eWatt-, the favored ones ottglit to he blessed area lames / are a heathen - onlel a Gentile dog. Yet- Now tol- 'owe (1) an answer to bie arginnent against entertaining, her petition, and (2) a most teaching aremal to his clemeney. The dews .Eat of tb cbildren's erambs -"I only aek eiteb kindriese as the dogs of atry family enjoy." It I ant a slog give me at leash is doges fare. 20. For this saying -Iter faith had triumphed. Jetta said. "0 leonine, great is thy faith" (Mott). 'There were several other graces that atone bright In her; wietioni, buMility, meekness, patience, pertseverenee In PriiIcr; but these were tbe product of her teeth, and therefore Christ tioremends that, bechuge, of all gram*, faith honors Christ most; tlest*fore, of all graces. Christ hone ore faith most-alensen. Devil le gone -Now, at this very tnornent, thy request is granted. "ThOugh our tord'e miettion was to the lost sheer, of Istrael, yet he alweiete bonort! Ocr- serial faith in hintdelf, wherever round." "Persevering faith and prayer are next to omnipotent. 'No per0311 Oen the. ;tray and believe Without. receiving alt gout re- quirete'l-elexice. III. A man hettlel (vs. 014/). 31. tapertiege-Leaving the "beaters" ot Plieetleire Jesuit made elrenit tie the lamtheast. Ile crossed the Zoe, den sad eough.t Itectuskiti In Tata* P011e, Itoutheast ot the Sea at Gala fee. Onit deate-The heft -Unit ot this man is related only by IA*. an Impediment -lie Was net a mate, but a. stammerer. Detteteb-Plern- testlY entreat. Tels shows their Halt in Chrietta *Witt. M. litiok aetrke-Tbe man would thee be more deeply Impressed, and a pub. tie hestileag etrould Neese the people to ease tossitier la greet ereterehe Pat is floors, its....4ionris extornal BRITISH STATION ATTACKED. The Revolt in Cameroons Itas Now • Extended to Nigeria. each. or -from 44.50 to goit per cwt. • tebeep-Prices, $3.75 to $1.25 per cwt. for awes and bucks at 83110 ego 50. f 1 Yearling Iambe-Prieee tor grain - fed, cleace ewes land wethers tor ex- port. $5.40 to $3; barnyard lambs at 15 Le $5.25. Earring lantlau-Goed apring lambs worth' SS .to so each. I • illege-Straight loads of hogs, 150 to 200 lbs. in weight, were sold at $5 to $5.15 per cwt. pay, forty...ace miles by rail leo= Port Arthur, the Russian rortifiee represented by the line froni the tons of mIlltons of rabies. th,a,t are : elect to the great e.vtcnt on that of salmi, eete the lowest Por )41001r or 1 13 tax - port at the "great toih e" et tilt port to Ieberovsk and the line 'es in the form or tonligA Letio-Tong Penhugulae ' , line from Tchita, to Sretensk, frag- warehouee °Imams, asaantractlitn A Russian mime vats given tothe Monts (joined together by tlie .A.mur) to shipping. The ease and oheaDneoe - commercial city that Woe 10 be. tt of an all -Siberian route to Vladivo- of entranc,e for ships, cheap 000lle woo the name "lealny," mettatua stok from the west. an le as ge Ia. bor d tl 1 1 Meant coot ol "far (WAY.", Jest- about 7,000 reaea The occupation of Mancburia. three moving goods from strips to cars away Irani et. ,„Peter,sburg, where years ago enabled the Russians to will contribute to tale result. tbe imperial ediet on the subject cut off the huge corner involved by It will. eonetitute the great oe was issued. 10 accordance with tbe ties moorhen route, and yet almost „bj, 3ct1vof atuesia's eastem Czar's .connuand the work of Roane at the saoneyame moment destroyed the an Ice - free - harbor, throughout the year. The OTOS. Or in the new. city began withoat de. value of Vladivostok by giving them deep rater is Surficient to accommo- lay. And Dalny arose on th.e ehores at last their long-eoveted ice -free date all the shipping of China. V00- 01 the Yellow. Sea. • - port in Daiiiy. waleb is a tow mules sets drawing thirty feet can enter it ts the smalern eltY of Aladdin north. of Port. Airthur. even at low water without difficulty m-Mag..baDieallillin.acnea huastedlngit arus,btlibetle •otor. Coit or V aciaostock. and w3hout requiring paols, albey ADMISSION OF CHINESE, e.top-0.0 to Allow lliem Into Britisb thee tag, okistisa, earmees are eager tionditions tbrin note simple, but. direct and deeinive„ and bit %Valet% and beating at the abrega- pereanality eingnetie. Of daneing tion or the tire In:Mired dollar head says: tea now, imposed by the DeitnInion "Denting it a hugging matth set to Government. music. Ifew long would the dance hist Tito member* of the Proviaelel if men were eompelled dame with Government. Interviewed to-nigitt, etteh ether1 ne fact alone proves tbal ean that tlifil Is the first time they passion is the seat of the donee." And theatres: "The e,verege theatre is teeming with tin and rot toi it* Uinta." FRANCE WANTS HER MEN. itesidents or Montreel Ordered for Military Doty In the Old Land. 3fontreat, Mar& 28. --The Woe De- partment of France boat notified a number of aerneer itente Proece jourt;e3kr'? wwitehnelii Jet, 1Waidlet°wstr4eetesitYanl Delay. But ie a few; years' time wilt then have the adtvantage of decks, protected by breakwa.ters Very few' atlases as yet . mark aladivostock, with its great rail- against the rougbest sea, where their beeeteifel told spacious public ineld- e0s0i0d,enucueds. aIwtaltes way elation and raw new wharves ca,rgoes can be transferred to cars and warehouses, houses and streets, sts..nding on the waarves, and wben iallai,nopauuladtiloirnitoaftesor tee railroad is completed shipped 0, - the ecanIng of 1,1100,000 more in the next decade. its construction, geography books, and Delay- el will be relegated to Lite pages of 000 mem to St. Petersburg, without -4e, further handling. with the outlay for the ispiendiu Ter" port -will have thrust itself Tel system of clocks and jetties among the fulera. and' the point,s eration or Ali Religions. aud liaraor 'imarovements, has of anxiety of the world. . DalnY is to be a free port in a meant an expenditure of almost It Ls the entering ot such an ap- broader 'tans° than is implied by its most al00,000,000 to the Russian pearance on the part of Pausal. exemption from custom dues. Individ- government. It is to be tiler commer- among the pow,ers of the east' as - uals of all eationalities may acquire mat harbor of rort Arthur, to not the presence of 100 warships ., . and hold lead on the game terms and , SIVA parc.c pate in the municipal goy - which lt stands in the relation of a could have- effected. Germany's eminent. The city is to be managed suburb. Port Artaur Itself is to be emailed 'let" expedition was but a sort of prolabited city, the citadel the petulant ,scream at a. child coin- bY A council elected by the ratepay- ers, of weigh, two members must be and stronghold from evbich foreign- pared wath ibis eudden and silent Russians and not more than two eyea of Japanese spies studying the , treme orient., , era bave been excluded, the pryin rangement whica lesuros represen- g entaance ueon the stage of the ex- may be Sa.panevo or Chinese, an ar- fortifications and plans of defense And Russia, knows its importance tation to tiny large foreign element, being deemed specially, undesirable wen epough. ,There Is no hurry while it a,t the same time prevents Japaneset-Ruselaa war. • . twelve Meese villages that oecupied in view, ol the eminent danger of a ' neighboring, national:it:a Delay will about Diane,. Irtiree years ago the (lamination by either of the two its site at Talien-Wao were swept be the only place under Rassian eon - World's Most, Itemarkable City. away and the governor's house and trol, save the . Russian autlities, It is lmoila an exaggeration to the church bult. Then the streets whence no resident may be deported. say taat Daley le the most re.- were marked put for a city 01.100.- Alt gorernments wal be invited to me morkable city! In tbe world. It is the 000 and the roadways were made. tablab consula,tes and land will be pueedox ot cities. Its growth is tone Hard, smooth ways or cement and aesigned to those governments w,hich traro to all natural la -w-2 of a eters macadam, curbed with granite and do so in a convenient locality. growth. Still it is not a eita that planted wlith tree.s, they as yet de- At the paint where the nteeets in - was built in is night. It is the Tar Unlit rectangular patellae of raw tersect wat be churches of the var- eastern terminus of the great trans- Manchurian veldt, grassiess, gritty atm deeominatio,ns-o,rttbodox. Pro- aberlan and trans -Manchurian rail- and gray, and they end with' a sucl- testant, Catholic nodi all others -- road, connecting the Chinese Empire doziness that takes one's breath there will be no favor, a free hand. direct with at. Petersburg, Parls, away. Then the houses begin to rise. to all. Berlin, Vienna. Rome and London. Much Like Suburb. But neltb,er the great railroad nor AWAITING THE JAPS. 4 a J. MAGUIRE REA, ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING Collection of itento and Amounts S. Spootaltri ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. 1! Onice-In Vanstone Block. epee l3atui•day evenings, 7 to a 1 this wonderful city] Was built In a This is the extraordinary part oi eight. Both were constructed un- pains,. The whole of Siberia'. build .a The River at New-Chwaig Now Pram - der tremendous difficulties. And ings- churches, houses, huts and . the extraordinary fact is that this hovels -wore probably built at less caly Opened. Russian railwaje with Deeny and than hall the cost of Delray, It is no New-Chwang cable: A southerly Mookden, tend.Port Arthur and Hex- town Hike lrleutsk-flat, a capital of wind lias set in and the ice is breaking 'in and New-elm:1'1g, bas been built ehanties, one -storied and 'wooden. up rabidly. The river is alreadily open and made possible mai by the labor Here the bouces, three -storied of the Chinese themselves. It was the stone and be:0k, red and blue, rise, as far up as the fort. Two junks have entered and are unloading at the railway myriad host of °Meese coolies, work, each one 'detached in its own lit- station. They are the that arrivals. Tile Mg under hundreds of Russian areht- tle inelosure, each one with an teas, engineers and overseers, that iron railing to the street, for all residents fear that Japanese warships may come next. The river however, will supplied the labor wiach construct- tbel world like a New York suburb. be full of loose ice for some days, and ed not Deafly alone, but the great Tho architecture here is a _mixture free. navigation will be hardly possible ticontinental railroad and all the of Margate and Manch.uria, the roofs before the end of the moth. The Rua - cities; outposts and strongbolds in being of the characteristic upeurv- sians have taken advantage of the late the long chain or 'steel -Tail commun. opening of the river to strengthen their ication that pule a girdle around tintegehtYeaPeen°01. oCillitnra rwiditalel_po'a ledirAabogoN.lie position considertibly. Thee evidently do hall the world. that a twelve -foot flaw gable, be- not intend to abandon thaplam without Russia's great railroad, the world of hallo -lie little attempts. at ornamen- taw Despite beternational jealousiee ot low spring blinds., sashes and vil- resistance. They are supposed to heve lite -inch in and eighteen field civilization and commerce am, It- tation. in imitation stone. 'Half the guns mounted an the fort, Six siege guns joiced that the railroad and Datay are at the Russian railway terminus. The have been built and that the far Imams are einoty, but still Russia goee on leading. foreign settlement lies between the fort eastern coast of the 'Pacific ocean Tbere is ao doubt as to Russia's and the Russian eailway lineaand 'will has been brought nearly in point of earnektnees. Inimense docks are be- he most exposed in the event of an. at - time a month nearer to Europe. . lug addiege,to by the building bt decks tack. Hence the anxiety of foreigners. This trans -Siberian railway was a tremendous step towards bridging still grilliter. Dalna is to Port Ar- Th decision to withdraw the neutral the gap between the west acid the thur evleat Cape Teten is to Sinions- 1,tvha lee 1 ' ups causes consternation among , town, and yet tbere are few In the em The recent protest forwarded to east, but It was comparatively use - leas until the ala.achurian section east who understand that from un- 1 British - t Pekin Its fol. kn n Dalno tbe Influence of Res- t le Ministerte n e,33 . ,. 1 lowed to -day by a meetur• of the alas i was completed. It wa.s neceseary to Oa will flow seaward and goothward. ., . 0 „ have a large commercial town as a . residents, at winch a. new petition ras A mudd,yi road, dried in rute, bor- terminua, and ei. D3 Witte conceived framed, protesting., against the with, A. DULMAGE I REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING. •MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Vann FroportY. AsSIoNgE. ACCOUNTANT. OPPICIL-In the Kent Blook. Reddenee-Catherine THOS. HOLMES DANSE% BTO. .; - Marriage aiceniee isteuele No witnesses,' required. money 4g large amounts; smaller in pro/ portico, Easiest terms. BUJOARD BOWIES ! BARMSTER Liv. Somme, 470., WC. I Onieee-eext to Holum Mock now bundinse dered on each side with double roma the tremendous ilea, of building one. drawal of the British. wershiy spiegle. of acacia, slim leads for a mile from out on Daley is the result. oinbecoetaeaat ibtasy.silentBeisntdrseettos look ke lo ge'etemaiated, as the woek of mac- dock to the first houses' of the cit Alt ready is change of grade The petition embodied a resolution, which "the danger to the lives and. property of was unammotisly adopted, pointing Out West, is the Gulf Ireao-Tong, a,nd to the southwest is -the 'Gulf of Pe- - adamizIng the highway has pro - eased, and the infant acacias are fort g , the British at New-Chwang during the hcomin hostilities and also the in- Cliee-Lee, across which the Tien- growl ovitable loss of prestige that will be Tein steamers run. (When China ar ng on morende and terraces. caused by the withdrawal of the Hspio .1 MISS SARA L MOOR$ Teacher of Piano and Theory leased Port Arthur and the Leao- The Cemmercial Part at lawn. gle." The comniercial city adjoining the 11 is believed that if the Russians anteed that TalieneWan should be a harbor ie adnerablyi had 'out- on abandon New-Chwang and the warships Iran port. Delay is tbe tits* on Ta- le, land and paper. ante liners of the leave, there will be much violence and Ile"Van bay which is t0 00 taa streets are Indicated, the rows of looting by the Chinese, and help cannot free port in Ru.ssitto territory. acacias are there, the shrub e in the be summoned, because the railway and All Modem Inirrovements. public garden are growing beauti- telegraphs will certainly be mt. The fully, ut only is very few of the other foreigners share the anxiety of the From the start M. De Mete made 1/3it th m =bents of the eat British. It is understood that France will every possible arrangement for the rrn metroepolls, the terminal take over the protection of liussian pri- personai comfort and business sure eels ot Dalny's inhabitants. Streets, meatisrietet for i all .alsia aand Siberia, vate interests in the event of a Japan, ete invesion. The French flag, is likely to drainage, and electrie wires were tale base o netrisen. smene.rcbante are net yet goat over tae Russian: Administration down, electric lighte and telephone's tortuneis in Dabay. Only buildings, wall the objet of Saving were 1n/stalled; parks, gardens, elec- amaisising Iris trains, inuniciPal buildings, hos- the neceesariee and sinipie coentno- them from falling alto the enemy's hands pItals, schools, prisons, docks, and &ties are eatable in Dens a*nd, in such a. contingency. There is every ex - peace were provided before a eingte wanted or net wanted, the inert peetation that the Lino Valley will soon lot of land was offered to the pub- chante bave betaken themeelvea and betome a great battlefield. lie for purchase. The original esti- their costly goods, their luxuries and mate of the huge work woe noneesentials, down to Port Arthur, 000,000, tied it has been exeeeded where money Mete contracts are let, AFTER EIGHTEEN YEA .S azid officialdom gathera around the . • Tong peninshia. to Russia she guar - MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar, Rooms -4n Stone Block, Whigham. ' MISS DELLA SP.A.RLING A T. C. M. " Teaeher of 'Piano, Them and eletcher Music Method, simplex and Kindergarten. , Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam. Inetions. long since. That Daley will be peopled and will eastern viceroy. This leavea the ------------------ rt ,ong claims 1110 fiourZsb Is eertale As anything mina ground plan of the eomniereial city . . 1 Newfoundland larlite. done can be. Its barber is lee tree, an oppen and well -ventilated space, a great teeter for eliceees in North and tee breed barber read that one 'Halifax, Rafe': f.,"8., --,A. romantic China. NeereChwang, the only other foliates teemed the administrative ,s.,,t, ..qg tn, st lengthy. 000rtoony oe. Manehuriee port, as aroten fest for city is bordered for a vast etretch """'" eltrrcd at Glace Bay yesterday wlea Mere than tour month% in tbe year. with lcev, one -storey. mud, log or Frederak It. Streng, the millionaire re:mesh Dauer da ea rra0 port; It Is Chlheea laDiae00, 41... I.., Ty. 111" netle owner of eolith Afr:en return - the -teradier oi tee railroad, and it dowel give only, ale ..ettet wilieadOil .ed, "I d etailnest as Ion htthie mins poetesses ail the eonsaniences of a a tbe weeds for sale within...build- ettelle It- Newhook, of the Newfound- molera city. Inge intended to defend the inmottis ,, Ifted Village of Zit's Cove, to whom Ilerchante wile eett13-there have from the arctic -edged lrinn" he hteame engaged eightee i years • . I `e * h read to fear, as if and weather of the winter rather Age. 'racy were then a plain tout: - have heard of the better, bet that Daley were an ordinary newly Tortzfd than from the &northing, dry heat try lad and Ines of seventeen awl to them it appears 'absolutely pre- settlenzent. liadiating from the , Of animater. 1 , fifteen ,years respentively. Strong 1 posterous. The queettion is ati lute muticipil building% are new avenue's All signs are In Rushton, but the Lett toe the annudinn wee. went pert:a, not a Dominion or a Pro- caMed atter the vallous natlene. gay red and vrhite Japanese flag inte the Klotelike at the early str ke 'chicle ote. Tee 1.14nIsters say that and at the end of each avenue will mark.' where a colony of photo- and made half a raillkert dollars, graphers, barbere and 'dealers in Leaving liztweent City he Went to fee emelt interferenee with the Chi- be a national thatch. South Afrie,e, Invested in mincs, and. kind Is eentemplated by this royal! returned to ,ratin Cove to claim his /10 never forgot the pretty maiden try el be a:aerated, but they dld (weed by the eivil nod not by the lel hostilitiee and itiereasng iirA't nese iteraigratton laws of the coun. The City has been and will be gov- japenese bedities ablit.. D3apitcs p.a.?: Is new worths two millien. ont believe that anything ot the rnilltarY authorities. ft nentle now Pros/t)nts. palmy swarme with Reap at leist cid home, and a tow days nIto no prophetic eye to vec at Dalny, Japinene trailers, and certain trades Otocernmene. the trains from ilknicorn allta 8ti aro wil°11Y Iii thelr illtilds. 11"19 bride. Min Neer beek Wall then at .. Peterishrirg. carrying passengers railroad camp in this dletrItt has from all over the world, running its Japanese barbere Mel pleategra- Glace tizzy, C.11., And there. letrong eillitary daty Oat ot tint* who re. new teeiling la. tide country tO Te- ri ta their respeetwe eletilets fier entil. Lest year two hundred new build- ; eergers and goodti having tO Mee were treeted. Port Williten't pm* transferred only a fowl yards from ge la' 4.1 r sal el' The growth of loft Arthur in phenotn- - aspen, Amerika end Australia. pas- ge . sr elle alteleer 1.5 but 0 I lifra strong toil toenorroVe tor Calle a d- laSt nighty the elergynzan reee.ving 'e di* IA die- a tee tip la the thousands. Mr. and rtived such orders i.4 a man nestled geese ell gee heteue, train to steamer or vies vetea. The Oftleittignarter, lluebeeleY, all oraP1-10, or tire* ............................ Tho lee -boatel Itussaln empire, like A hilige aerose the te.leand track lic""1. ' . - errt"hPeedle'ralliCeCt4.1 elsprmeeeterelitntrel'itt: 17itletnn! °Tier relate," there ore ttettz men Mil it huge Plant In the dark has sant rowels the cotursercl%1 with the ad- Many 4 matt has refrattlel froze terrine 40 restila In tanada, ALEX. KELLY Auctioneer for Huron County I have secured an Auctioneer's license foe Huron county, and am prepared, to condeot mles at reasonable rates. tales arrangea,at the Adyaur Ofttera ALaX, KaLLy, Wineha,m P.0, ELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE ES. CO. Established 180). Head °ince GUELPH, ONT. Rieke taken on etiolating of tameable pro serty on the cash or pitimium note system. JAMES Gowns, ruennsere Prose/eat, , Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, .4.GENT. WINGHAM ONT The Other Port Arthur. r, and the barber Miselans sullenly alongside the steamers from China. ber, bmtened and the wed ng teok place tto: et disregarding the offer, prs• Aide," eels the eYnicel *-Pinsttsco cis Oat & cr r to this one *peek of mitilitrative town, the letter a well marrying from dretel of being 'known Inman* the men at* latrahal." light that* talua etdd thontOt th611114 out, tOstPloilY bidlt little seution as Urn. Solind-So's latamtd. ,DICKINSON & 110LMES .Barristars, Solicitors, etc. Office: Meyer Block Wingliam. a Dleldneon 11II11107 Holmes p VANSTONE 4.1-• EiARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at loweetrates. Office ,BBATER mom 1-95. WINGRABI. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND .SOLICITOR, MONEY TO. :tgati. Office :-Morton Block, Winghs.m DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. RS CHISHOLI & CHISIIOLM PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS • ETC. Josephine Street:. ' Wingham T P. KENNEDY, m.o., • Member of the British Medical Assoleatioat COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attentioLgatiLtaseases of women Ormos Houisse-ltoipana Teleran. W. T. Holloway D.D.S., LD.S. eleathiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ter. Osta, and Honor Greduate of Dent- in Dep'e of Toron- to University. Latest improved methods in an branches a Dentistry.Primoderate, Satisfactiot trattranteodme . tar °Moe in Beaver Block. . • ARTIII1R J. IRWIN i Dane ; Doctor of Dental Surgerrof the r er• nsylvania College and Lieentiete ol Dental Surgery of Ontario. Ointio over Post Ofecti-WINGBA.M 0.6,11.sekkiliaildwiampom. WINGIMILSON McLAN Alikindstarouithand dressed., LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES APPLE BARRELS. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a large quantity or dry bard. wood for sale, delivered. i Telephone Orders Promptly attended to. McLean ea Son!