HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-31, Page 1•
The Wingham Advance.
31ST YEAR, NO. 31.
Capital (paid up) • $3,000,000
Reserve (''.1 'Oa - $3,474,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
ada, the United States and Europe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and
upwards, and added to principal 30th June
and 91st Deoember each year..
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager
R. Vaustene, solicitor
MARCH, 1904.
Sun Min Tire Th Fri. Sat
„Q, ..7.
13 14
20 21
•. ,
8 9 10 11 12
10 22
23 24 25 190
• •,.:::::..:.• •
Wear Greer.'s Shoes and Rubbers.
Have yon keen Cooper's Wall Paper?
Hay is $20 a ton on the Manitoulin
W. Sillick of Teeswater was in town
on Monday.
Miss Mary Agnew is visiting her
brother in. Clinton.
J. McKinley Is home from Petrolea
for the Easter holidays.
To RENT. - Comfortable cottage,
good location. Apply to T. L. Jobb,
A middling good man is no better
than a middling good egg.
W. T. A. Fishleigh paid his parents
in Chesley a visit this week. -
Miss Aikens of Teeswater is the
guest of Mrs. R. Kerr, Frances St.
Miss Nellie Saint of Wailaeeburg ie
?pending a, few weeks with her mother
in town..
Go to O. J. Maguire, if yon want to
buy a house in town, he has just what
you want.
Oscar Parker, son of Conductor
Parker, of London was in town last
The large new linseed oil mills in
Owen Sound, Ont., have commenced
A. R. Smith was in Toronto last
week looking after bargains for his
clothing store.
Mrs. Aley went to Detroit to -day
(Thursday) to attend the Easter Milli-
nery openings.
Miss Lin& Brandon. who has spen
the past two years in Ralphton, Ma
has returned to town.
Mrs, J. P. Moise and Miss Hensler:
son of Lucknow are guests of Mrs.
Albert Fleming this week.
fortable brick residence, well located.
Apply to A. E. Smith.
Frank Cody and Pharaoh Headley
left on Tuesday for Fort Frances,
where they have secured situations.
Trowbridge, Molesworth and Kuriz-
ville are likely to be connected with
Listowel by telephone in the near
See the Lime -light views on Japan
in ,the Methodist Church on Wednes-
day evening next; admission 15
and 10 cts.
A meeting of"those interested in
Bowling will be held in the Council
chamber on .Tuesday of next week
at 8 o'clock,
Mr. J. Duffield mourns the death of
his tnother, who died on Saturday
last, near Hamilton, Further refer•
next n xt week.
Mr, Bennett, purchaser df D. Long
heed's bakery business, has placed his
advt. in this issue ; see it on page 8.
He asks for a share of public patron-
Laraine i -Call at Mrs, Green's and
see the large display of city -trimmed
ready-to-wear*, in all the latest styles
and shades.
The Advance f'p rete to. hear
that J. J. Elliott, V.S. is still in a
poor state of health, As the spring
time is at hand, we hope to see him
fully recover.
Mr, Stanley Reynolds of Toronto,
gave the Advance a call on Monday.
He was a pit .il of ye editor's years
-� a arkdhei the
e latter as Principal of
4 P1
L, Hamilton's new advt. will ap-
pear next week. In the meantime he
will be found ready to 511 all preserlp-
tlons carefully; school supplies always
op hand at the corner drug *tore.
On Friday last, the 0. P. R. was
having a hard fight in Manitoba with
the worst western storm experienced
for eighteen years.
Jno. McCool has sold his house
to Mrs, D. S. Macdonald, C. J. Ma.,
s deration wiasa$d0� the sale. The con-
Specially interesting will be the 11.
lustrated lecture on Japan and its
people next Wednesday evening in
the Methodist Ohurcb.
A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of men
A curtain lecture now and then
Is relished by the Wives of men.
Mrs, W. H. Green is in Godericb
this week on account of her sister's ill.
nese, Mrs. Henderson. Miss Ethel
Hall accompanied Mre. Green to
Godericb to nurse Mrs. Henderson.
Wroxeter, March 25. -Samuel bine,
a Hebrew peddler, was found dead
about a mile and a half from this place
this morning, He is supposed to have
been killed by his peddling box upset-
ting and falling on him.
Mr. Alex. Ritchie took suddenly ill
in the store on Saturday and was tak-
en home and medical aid summoned,
At last accounts, he was improving
nicely and we bope will soon be able.
to attend to busineaa again.
The following is from the statistical
report of the London Asylum :-Do-
rnestic trouble brought six inmates
last year, business tronbles 2, re)igious
excitement 2, mental worry 1. fright
and nervous shocks 5, intemperance in
drink 7.
The Advance was pleased to see Mr.
Mallagh, Wingham's popular weigh -
master, able to resume duty again on
Monday last, after an illness of two
. months. Mr. Bowman looked faith-
fully after the scales during Mr. Mal-
Iagh's illness.
STORE To RENT. -Good store, in
good location in Wingham ; possession
immediate. -Apply to W. F. Van -
Mr. and Mrs. Keeler visited town on`
Tuesday and engaged Mr. Gracey's
house on Patrick street. Mr. Keeler
will open's stock of dry goods and
groceries in the store opposite the
Presbyterian church, next week. See
adyt, in this issue.
The opening of the railways again
has caused freight to come in at a live-
ly rate and merchants have been busy
this week unpacking and arranging
spring goods. Goods, coal, etc.. on
the way for two and even three
months reached town this week,
This has been the worst winter
for sickness in my experience, said
Dr. Sheard, Toronto's Medical Health
Officer. Dr. Sheard attributed the
great amount of sickness to the severe
weather, and said it was a mistake to
suppose that a mild winter was un-
' Corn forty years old was shown
recently at the Iowa State Corn Show,
This corn was gathered in Indiana in
180a and has received no special at-
tention except to allow free circular
tion of air from time to time. There
are forty hnshels in all. It is in an
excellent state of preservation and
part of it will be exhibited at the
World's Fair, St. Louis,
I'm right on deck to do your Paper
Hanging, Painting, etc., promptly,
Satisfaction guaranteed."
Spring is at hand and with it the
usual recipes for purifying the blood,
Sulphur, cream of tartar and molasses
(with enough salts perhaps to flavor
it) is the old staple recommended by
our grandmothers, while the patent
medicine man declares that "there's
nothing like sarsaparilla." So -
"Hear the clinking of the bottles!
Hear the gargling liquid notes,
Of the sparkling Sarsparilla
Gliding smoothly down our throats."
Palmerston, March 26. -The pro-
perty of the Palmerston Pork Packing
Co., in liquidation, has been sold by
the court to Mr. O'Mara, as the high-
est 'bidder, for $8,000. The purchaser
assumed a liability of $23,000. What
O'Mara will do with the property is
not known. The old company's assets
will, of course fall far short of its
liabilities, but no one suffers serious
loss but the directors. These made
themselves personally responsible for
a bond of $16,000, and heyo been oblig-
ed to pay it out of their own pockets.
And this is the reward of their pnblic
spirit. By their enterprise and that
of others like them there was brought
about an era of high prices for farmers
that has passed with the passing of
this and other independent factories --
prices such as were never known be-
fore and may not be seen in a life-
time, Most of the farmer stockhold-
ers have (rot the value of their -stock
back again times over in increased
prices for their produce 1 but many of
them ignore this aspect of the case.
The directors have had a bitter lesson
in trusting too much to public support
and appreciation.
WANTED. ---Old iron, mixed rags,
rubbers, wool•pickinge, all kinds of
feather and hides. Highest cash price
paid. - .. H.` Brown, Centre street,
Wingbam. -23
Horse Fair,
At Hotel Brunswick next Wednes-
day will be hold the monthly Horse
Fair. See posters.
crowded Out.
An interesting letter from email
Africa, minutes of Tilrnherry Coun-
cil, a column of editorial notes
and other matter have been crowded
nut this week,
Woman's Yllstitltte.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute will be heid in Ohio-
holm's Hall, Friday, April elth, at 2 80
.m. Mrs. Colin Campbell of Goderich
is expected to address the meeting.
Public Meeting.
There will he a public meeting in
the Town Hall on Thursday evening
to disenss the 13y -law to be submitted
to the _pro pertyholder* on Tuesday
n,e�Yx.at,,,,,�f Everyone interested should
Cheap Fares,
The C.P.R. and G.T.R. offer easy
fares for the Easter holidays, Single
tickets may be purchased from Thurs-
day until Monday, all goodto return
on Tuesday.
Shipment Delayed.
Mr. Menzies, jr„ of East Wawanosh
intended to ship:a carload of horses to
the Northwest this week and brought
them in on Monday. Awing to a bad
washout on the G. T. R. near North
Bay. the Co,, could not forward them,
so the shipment is delayed until the
line can be repaired.
Cooper's Wall Paper opening this,
Wise- Precaution. •
Two boiler experts, one from each
of two different firms, will examine
the boiler in the public school this
week. It may be all right, but where
the lives of so many children might be
endangered by an unsafe boiler, the
Trustees wisely determined to run no
rieke and will be sure that the appa-
ratus is perfectly safe.
The Estimates.
Among the estimates presented to.
the house of Commons last week were
the following items-Goderich harbor
• $20,000 ; Clinton postofiice, $1.500;
Wingharn, public building, $18,000;
Grand Bend, breakwater, pier, etc.,
$15,000; Kincardine harbor. repairs
to piers and. dredging, $3,000 ; South-
ampton, n, im rovement of harbor $10,-
000; St. Joseph wharf, $t,000,
Miss Boyd reports one of the best -
attended and most successful millinery
openings on Tuesday evening, that she
has ever had, Her shop is like a floral
palace, and the beautiful stock, the
skill and taste displayed are indeed
creditable. Many orders arereported
and the prospects are good for a pros-
perous season. Mrs. ,Aley and Mrs,
Green had no formal opening but are
ready for orders,
Very serious floods are reported
from London, Chatham and other
places in western Ontario. In Thames-
ville, the water ran three feet deep
in the,stores, and the streets could be
only travelled with the aid of boats.
Irnrnense damage was done. So far,
in Wingham, the water appears to he
moving oft: safely, but there is much
snow to go yet, and the ice is not out
of the river, so that the danger point
is not yet passed.
FOR SALE:. -I offer for sale my
large. brick residence on Frances
street. This is one of the most
modern and convenient homes in
town. -.T, H. Ross.
Football Meeting.
The Wingham Football Club organ-
ized on March 30th with the following
officers :-President-Dr. A. J. Irwin ;
Hon. -Pres.-- D. T. Hepburn ; Vice -
Pres. -Eimer Moore; Sec -Treas.-S,
M. Robinson ; Captain -W. Burgess;
Managing Com, -W. Burgess, D. D.
Wilson and Elmer Moore. It was de-
cided to enter an intermediate team in
the W. F. A., and that Elmer Moore
be sent to Berlin as delegate on Good
Strong Company.
The Monetary Times says -"The
Preston -Bell Furniture and Lumber
Company are building a sawmill 4.t
Fort Frances, Ont., equipped with all
modern machinery and a capacity of
00,000 feet per day." This is tho Item
in whicb former citizens of Wingham,
Messrs. A. H. Carr and H. O. Belt are
interested. Mr. Witt, Jobb of Turn -
berry alsb bas a financial interest in
the company and intended 'shipping
his household goods this week to Fort
Frances. but was delayed by the wash-
out near North Bay. Mrs. Jobb has
gone as far as Barrie to visit friends in
the meantime.
Japan and Its People.
picture talk on this interesting
i bjeet will be given in the Methodist
church next Wednesday evening, by.
Rev. C. T. Oocking, for six years a
missionary in that far-ofl? land. One
hundred superb lime -light views will
illustrate the scenery, and life of the
natives. The Temple service of the
Buddhists will be shown by means of
a complete outfit. Curiosities and
rare specimens of native work will be
shown. This will prove roost interest-
ing, especially as Japan is now so
prominently before f,he eyes of the
world in a contest with Russia. Ad-
mission 15 cts, ; children, 10 cts. Don't
miss it.
Snr n OA'rS.-The New Waverly is
now admitted to be the heaviest crop-
per and hest strewed Oat. ever brought
to Canada. We have them at half
Seedmen's prices. -GEA. E. Kixti.
a Accident.
,Sad adn
The funeral of Dougaid McGregor
took place on Saturday last from
Wingham station to the Teeswater
cemetery. Deceased formerly resid-
ed in the township of Culross, on the
homestead, About three years ago,
he went to Calgary but returned and
went to Brantford. On March 24th
while he was out hanting, he fell, and
his gun was accidentally discharged,
the charge lodging in his bowels. Fie
lived but a few hours, Deceased was
a Presbyterian In his religious attacla
stents. a Liberal in politics and enjoy-
njoyed the esteem of his neighbors for up-
rightness of character. Fie was u4
years of age.
Former Resident Dead.
In the City of Detroit on the 14th of
'ebrrtary last,one of `(Vin hit is old
residents in the person of- Mr. John
Chapman passed into the great be-
yond well advanced in ears and
leaving behind him the love and res-
pect of all who knew hits, because of
his consistent and nprigtat Christian
life and character. The late Mr.
Chapman many years ago, conducted
a tannery near the Dower Town, but
for the past 12 or 15 year* has been a
resident of Detroit. He was a Char-
ter member of Enterprise Connell No.
111, Royal Templets- of Tetnperance,
of this town, established in ltia.'i, and a
few days ago hit widow received
through the Secretary of his old Coun-
cil a check for $1000,00, in full of her
claim under hi* Certificate of Inset,
ante, No. 10100. The payment of this
claim slakes a total of $10,000 00 paid
through nnterprtse Oouneil, since its
orsronisation, to ssy.n claimants.
Auction Salo,
Posters are out announcing an auc-
tion sale on lot 82, con, 2, Kinloss, on
Friday, April 13th; horses, cattle,
hogs, implements, etc., as well as a
quantity of bay ; six months' credit on
amounts over $5. Sale at one o'clock;
see posters for particulars, Thomas
Mlrehouse, proprietor; John Purvis,
Band Concert.
Friday evening last proved most dis-
agreeable so far as the weather was
concerned, and this caused a smaller
attendance than usual at the Band
concert. The members of the Band
however, have no reason to be dis-
couraged. The progam was a good
one and the attendance as large as
could be expected ; receipts $31.75.
Lacrosse, 1904.
At a well -attended meeting held in
E. Moore's restaurant on Wednesday
evening, Wingham Lacrosse Club was
organized for the season of 1901, with
the following officers : Hon. Pres. -W.
Corbould; Hon. Vice -Pres,-- D. T.
Hepburn; Pres,-kt. Holmes; Vice=
Pres. -G, VanStone, E. Moore, W.
Walker ; Sec.-Treas.-L, Kruse ; Man-
ager -J. McKay; Captain -H. Wight -
man ; Field Captain -W. Peart ; Man-
agement Com. --Messrs. Wightman,
Peart, Kruse, Moore and Dinsley, It
is the intention
of thelab
e to became
rnewbers of the C. L. A., and the feel-
ing seemed to be in favor of B. Jack-
son of Seaforth as President of that
association. on
Several nr
a nes were sug-
u -
gested for the club but the name chos-
en was "Maple Leaf," Canada's nation-
al emblem for a team in Canada's na-
tional game, White sweaters are to
be worn. The club will no doubt win
many matches in the schedule of
games for the coming season.
Laid To Rest.
Another of the early settlers of
Wingham Town plot passed to the
quiet of the grave on Tuesday last,
Mr. W. Netterfleld. Deceased bad
been in failing health for the past two
years, gradually growing weaker
until the end came.. He was born in
the county of Cavan,Ireland and came
to Canada when comparatively a
young man, settling first in Brockville.
In 1861, he reproved to Wingham,
- where he resided until his death. His
partner in life, formerly Miss Huldah
Pierson, remains to continue life's
voyage a little longer. There are
three sons -John of Manitoba, Wil.
liam and Jaynes of Dakota; four
daughters also remain -Mrs. August
Homuth of Turnberry, Mrs, Wm,
Thome, Mrs. Mulholland, and Mrs.
Cooper of Dakota. Deceased was a
Conservative in politics, a member of
the Orange Order for over fifty years,
and a communicant of St. Peril's .
Church, and was esteemed as an in-
dustrious, upright citizen. The funer-
al takes place to -day (Thursday) his
brethren of No. 791 taking part in the
funeral service at the grave. Deceas-
ed was 71 years of age,
See the handsome cin Easter Hants,
going at reduced price this week, at
Mrs, Green's,
News Arrived.
(Jur readers will remember the Ad-
vance reporting the death, of Mr, Hub.
bard, who perished in an exploration
party in Labrador a few months ago,
Mr. Hubbard was a brother-in-law of
Mrs, Wm. Oruikshank. A despatch
to Quebec on Friday last says :-The
first authentic information of the
death of Leonidas Hubbard, jr., the
magazine writer, who starved to
death in the interior of Labrador, in
October last, was received in this city
yesterday. The letter came to Miss
A. D, Wallace from her brother, Dil-
lion Wallace, Mr. Hubbard's sole
white companion. It was written at
Northwest Raver Post, from which
point Mr. Wallace sent the telegrams
which arrived on January 18 last.
This letter was sent out by the courier
who brought the telegrams to
Chateau Bay. It had been travelling
for over two months by dog sleds and
courier, arriving at New York on
Tuesday last, and Quebec on Friday.
"The story is too long to go into de-
tails," says Mr. Dillio-1 Wallace in his
letter. I will merely say that we
plunged madly into the interior of an
unknown country, into regions never
before trod by white man, with almost
no provisions, For our trip we should
have had 550 pounds of flour ; we had
120 pounds. We should have taken
200 pounds of, bacon or pork, we had
25 pounds, and so on all down the
lines, On July 1a we left Northwest
River and on August 1st we were
practically out of provisions,
April Forecasts.
Rev. Irl, R. Hicks, of St. Louis has
issued his "Forecasts for April" ex-
tracts from which are appended: -The
storm period which was central with
the full moon at the close of March
will extend into the 1st and 2nd of
April. Storms of rain, wind, low
barometer and high temperature, Will
have given plaCe to allow, rising ()aro.,
meter, and much colder in all western
sections as April comes in. About the
4th to the Oth falls a reactionary storm
period I change to warmer, with more
rain and storminess will be probable. -
Hail storms will be most natural at all
the. April disturbances. The Vulcan
storm period. will bring a aeries of
pronounced 'storms. The culmination
of these storms will fail about Sunday,
the 10th, to Wednesday, the 13th.
Look for high temperature, low bar-
ometer, with rain, hail ttnd thunder,
progressively from west to east, on
the llth, 12th and 13th. Change to
quite cool will follow behind the
storms, but, a reaction to storm coq.
ditlons will suddenly return, an4 from
the 15th to the lith it will Again be-
come 'very warm, progressively, and
der wit
storms of rain, flail and thou.
occur along paths of low bar-
oroetric pressure. A regular Vulcan -
Venni, perturbation will be central on
the 21st extending from the 10th to
211. The barotneter will drop low and
the temperature will rise very high as
this period progresses, resulting in
many vicious thunder and hail storms
on and touching the 21st, '22nd and
23, Late snow squalls need surprise
no one, as the high baronietee follows
low areas at these April periods. One
of the most decided, and perhaps
violent 9torrll periods of the month ex-
tends from Omit the 20th to 29th,
Very general and severe storms are
more than probable. This is n time
when destructive hail storms are al-
most certain in very many sections.
Ahnorrual down -pours of rain will also
visit central to southern regions. The
month will go out with colt wind*
and frosty tliight+, northward.
On Tuesday, April $th.
The property -holders of Wingbam
should support the By-law to be *ub-
mitted on Tuesday next for the follow-
ing reasons ;-
1st -The members of the firm, Mes-
srs, Walker & Clegg, are not strangers
but well-known as capable, straight-
forward business oxen,
2nd -They are not beginners in the
business, but men of experience, fully
understanding the possibilities of the
trade by the development of the west,
3rd-lt is not a tottering business or
a failure, that is asking assistance, but
a successful business that has passed
the experimental stage and is in good
running order.
4th -The aid, if granted, is not a
bonus but merely a loan, the whole of
which is to he repaid ; repayments be.
gin at end of the first year,
5th -By the passage of the By-law,
a valuable industry is retained in our
town, and its further success and ex-
tension assisted.
6th -The passage of the By-law en-
sures the employment of seventy
workmen, thirty of whom must be
7th -Thirty householders ese
7 sty1 than
even the present number of house-
holders in town, would leave vacant
houses, cause a reduction in rents, and
hence. m a'interests ofro-
nc en ce the pro-
perty -holders. The addition of thirty
would mean something to the business
of our town. •
8th -The enlargement and develop-
ment of the business to be aided means
the expenditure of thirty thousand
dollars in our town annually for wages,
We cannot afford to lose this.
9th -The erection of the large and
substantial buildings proposed will be
a guarantee of the permanence of the
loth -The Town will have ample
security for the loan in the buildings
and plant.
lith -As the whole of the loan is
repayable, the cost to the Tpwn is the
interest only, which at even 4;; per
cent. would be only $150.
12th -The cost on our present assess-
ment will be only about half of one
mill on the dollar or 50 cents on a $1000
assessment yearly. It will not pay to
oppose the By-law.
. Ward 1 -Jas. Cumming's shop.
Ward 2 -The Advance office.
Ward 3 -The Town Hall.
Ward 4-3. Lougheed's house.
For the . By-law
Against the By-law
If you are in favor of the By -Law be sure
and poli your vote ; otherwise it will count
against the By-law.
FOR SALE. -A young horse, sound,
broken in (double or single). -John
Casemore, Wingham Junction.
Fon SALE. -That beautiful, com-
modious brick residence, on corner of
John and Shuter streets, owned by
Hugh Taylor ; immediate possession'
given. This should find a ready buy-
er. Apply to Jas. Walker, at Furni-
ture store, Wingham.
Monthly report of Continuation
classes for the month of March. Sub-
jects -Arithmetic, Grammar, Physics
and English Literature, Maximum
Agnes Wilson 316, Viola Davidson
512, Hannah Wilson 306, Ariel Park
301, Jessie Garrick 287, Mary Ferguson
282, Mabel Ross 258, Edgar Henderson
208, Alberta Itintoul 206, Maggie Troy
206, Laura Ansley 20(1, Wm. Ishister
189, Marjorie Gordon 186 (1), Elgin
Currie 179 (1), Olive Ferguson 169.
Subjects --Physics, Literature and
French, Maximum 300.
Irene Davis 228, Chas. Gundy 217,
Ben. Higgins 289, Laura Nay 287,
May Sweats 271, Harry Green 268, Cora
Currie 215, Hattie Campbell 223, Mer-
ton Hatt 216, Wm. Link tater `211, Vera
Holmes 208, Geo. Gregory `200, Maggie
Stewart 103.aMf. Posliff 100, Janissa
Perrie 177 (1), Geo. Elliott 166, Lillian
Deyell 154, Wm. Jobb 150 (1), Olive
Cruikshank 149 (1). Annie Law 131 (1),
Ethel Ferguson113(1),Jno. Hutton
Subjects -Canadian History, Geog-
raphy and Euclid. Total 300.
Tom Wilson 283, Ethel Davidson 274,
Pearl McPherson 273, R. Cruikshank
261, Clarence Wilson 258, Clare Adams
257, Bessie ,�larsates245, Maggie Hiscox
24.1, Kathleen Lowe 213, May Lamont
241, Vera Knechtel 241, Olive Mariners
241, Fay Patterson 241, Carroll Hele
237. FIo. Vannortnan 2.33, May Fry 231,
Edith Johnson 226, E. Musgrove `293,
Howard Campbell 221, Geo. Tees 218,
Everett Glenn 210, Iluncan MCGllli-
vray 215. Melvin Gowdy 200, Minnie
Armour 207, Jno. Mason 100, R. Brooks
195, May Mason 190. Percy Derr 172.
Rich. Howson 171, Pearl Davidson 1.49.
1),1<i'rauk Howson 147 (1), R. King 121
1), Mildred Iieemer 0(1 (1), E. Fleming
Examined in At•ithmetie (3 exams.),
Spelling, History, Physics and Litera-
turo. Maxinautn 795,
H. Jones 090, H. Jones (101, 1). Bar -
wash 003, J, Holmes 041, J. Swale 008,
A, Barber 006, A. Hinton' 000, C. Long-
man 058, 13, Gannett 058, W. Warder
(t5,9, D. Lloyd MO, 0. ;lobos 017, N. Orr
11t$ (i), l . iehols 013, H. I3.�emer 011,
31. Monk 037(1), M. Welsh (I), 11. Jobb
000, 0, 13erkett 503. P. Vanstone 501,
1+.. Cooke 500, A. Griffin 580, A. Shaefer
573, M, Park 572, A.. Bowman 527, 13.
Walsh 511 (1), 11. the 503, M. Pergu-
snn 4(10. A, tVaiker 431) ((1), L. Harold
417, b'. Constable SR I1. D.tvidson 3AO,
E. Whyte 373. M. P.titereon 351, F.
Forte*. ;sir, M. Mer to 281 (1), M.
Drrarnmond 2'18 (1), E. Diamond 240, 1'.
Duncan 198 (1).
Robert Holmes M P in hie last BANK(IHAMILTON
week's paper endeavors .to cover up
the real cause of his attack on the
Advance by introducing other matters
to which no reference had been made,
hie iscaaalibre, favorite trick with politicians
The public however have discovered
that the very figures the Advance
quoted, which Mr. Holmes declared
false, be now admits to be correct and
actually quotes the same figures, from
the very same page of the Year Book.
So that our figures were first declared
false by Mr. Holmes but proven by
the Year Book and the Winnipeg Tri-
bune (Liberal) and now actually quot-
ed by Mr, Holmes from the same
source as correct, We did not expect
him to swallow his own pill so quickly.
Mr. Holmes goes on to show how
much more the present Government
hits spent than its predecessor. Ex-
actly -that is what we claimed and
proved. Ile however takes pride in
the increased expenditure, notwith-
standing that his Leader and others of
the Cabinet declared they would re-
duce the expenditure by several mil-
lions annually. Few men will point
with pride to the violation of solemn
pledges made to the people. Mr.
Holmes does.
Squirm as they may, those who
made the promises of retrenchment
by millions are in a dilemma. They
either knew the expenditure would
naturally increase, or they did not
know -that is certain. If they made
pledgee not knowing that the.
needs of the country would require
increased expenditure, they were not
statesmen with sufficient grasp of the
situation, therefore not fit to govern.
If they knew that the expenditure
must necessarily increase, and yet
promised huge reduction, they de-
ceived the electors and were dishonest.
We care not which horn of the dilem-
ma Mr. Holmes chooses.
In another paragraph, Mr. Holmes
boasts that every dollar has been ac-
counted for. This reminds Wingham
people of the time, when on a plat-
form in this town, Mr. Holmes was
proclaiming the same thing regarding
the Ontario Government, and boasting
of its purity. At that very hour. Cap.
Sullivan was debauching the electors
in hotel sheds, was caught in the act,
and the Liberal candidate (who was
elected by those means) was after-
wards unseated for bribery. With
these facts before them, the electors
will take Mr. Holmes' statement cau-
Mr. Holmes' insinuations as to the
"deception" and "dishonesty" of the
editor of tais paper come with bad
grace from a man who made his entry
into parliament on the suspicious re-
cord of the ballots in certain sub -divi-
sions. So suspicious were the circum-
stances that even. the Globe advised
his resignation. For such a man to
hurl charges at others, is rank Phari-
seeistn, if not hypocrisy.
Mr. Holmes forgot and in the same
article contradicts himself. In one
place be credits the Advance with the
laudable intention
g Ing an hon-
est statement of the facts" but in other
places in the same article, he attributes
"deception" and "dishonesty" The
editor of the New Era should take a
spring p r g tonic to clear hie brain.- so that
he may not contradict himself, at
least in the same column.
-The Wingham Times copies the
following paragraph from the (xoderich
Signal because it aims a crack at the
Advance. No doubt both the Times
and the Signal thought it was a clever
thing :
"The Wingbam Advance argues that
customs taxation has increased under Lib-
eral rule because the amount received front
customs duties has increased. A baker
sells bread at five cents a loaf. A custom-
er can afford. say, only ono loaf a day at
this price. The baker reduces the price to
Pour cents a loaf and the customer takes
'two loaves a day, He 'pays Dight cents a
day for bread instead of five cents. Has
the price of bread increased 1'
For silliness, this takes the cake ; for
if the man could afford "only one loaf
a day," the reduction (depicts from 5
cts. to 4 cis. would not enable him to
take two loaves, so the Signal's sup-
posed argument is based on an utter
impossibility, and hence falls to the
gronnd. How the man could purchase
the second loaf even at 4 eta with the
reduction of one cent on the other loaf,
is a query we must leave for the arith-
meticians of the Signal and the Times
to answer.
Miss Jean Stewart of Walton is visit-
ing et D. Sproat's.
Mrs, Baker of London is visitingaier
mother, Mrs. Allison.
Miss Bell and Kate Allison of London
are visiting at their home here.
Mrs. Buchanan is spending her Easter
holidays with friends iu London,
Mrs. Harry Hopper is at present visit-
stetr, Mrs. e , M s. Ohms. Birney of
Robb. Currin and Master Carl Wilkin -
Son of Echo Bay aro visiting at W. K.
Messrs, Johns and Thos. Stewart were
guests at a China wedding in Blyth on
Monday evening.
Jon. Hopper purchased the old
"Oryetal Palace" from the Agricultur-
al Society for $50. He wilt tear it
down and remove it,
Simon VanNerman had the misfor-
tune to have one of his fingers badly
jammed en Tuesday, while working in
the sawmill; we hope he will soon be
able to be at work again,
Just as R. Gallagher had completed
loading his cat for the west, a message
was reeoiverl by the agent, stating that
no cars for the west would be taken for
at least one week. So Mr. Gallagher
had to unload his live stock and spend
one more week in 13elgrave.
A number of the friends of Mr, W.
Allison met at Mr. D. Geddes' ono even-
ing recently to spend a pieaeant hour
with him before he left for the west.
Au address expressiug the most kindly
sentiments was read to Mr. Allison and
the esteem of his friends was also shown
1u a tangible way, by presenting him
with a beautiful Gold Watch, A most
pleasant evening arm epent. Mr. Alit -
son has many friends In this vicinity
who wish him great steel -is in the west,
f3elgrave can ill afford to lose such
yonng men, but the west is a gaineor.
Nor*.. -Lack of sparoe presents pobli.
oatian of ,tthe. address preesatrd to Mr.
�ir4Wtlnl iia•"*` nzNOrrOn. .
CAPITAL PAID UP... , ....5 2,000,000.00
RESERVE FuriD ......... 1,700,000.00
TOTAL ASSETS... , ......, 22,000,000,00
Hon. Wm, Gibson President
Geo. Roach John Proctor A. B, Lee
John 8, Hendi°ie Cleo, Rutherford
3, Turnbull, Vice -Pres, and general Manager
H, M. Watson, Inspector,
Deposits of $1 and upwardsreceived. Int.
e;est allowed and computed on 90th November
and gist May each year, and added to principal
ratesSpec nl Deposita also received at currents
Dickinson & Holmes, Solicitors
will relieve and
ING COUGH, &O., &O., '
every time. Try it.
Satisfaotlon guaran-
teed. (25 cents per
For sale by
Walton McKibbon
i►�?1?J3s� 3i 3a3>D?J�331i 3 ?its
el l
!n Shoes form the most im-:.'sw'.
portant part of your new .
!r! spring attire. Our spring its:
ili Shoes are nearly all in now,
and we have some every 1
handsome ones:
T' FOR WOMEN diel ib
11 FOR MEN ui
Nl iV
fa Prices to suit Everyone. w
4, _ *
afr *
Manna Co! s.
" e-ie.wrrtErreeeeecir3seemettec i
Canadian Order Woodmen of
The World
Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and
4th Friday each month. in Oddrellows'
Hall A11 visitors welcome.
r 14;1,Ti7ci;;T.
There will be Divine service to St.
Paul's Church at 10.80 r.m. Good Fri-
Next Sunday, appropriate Easter
serviette will be held in all the churches
of town.
Thera will be service in Wingham
Methodist Chnroh on Good Friday
Rev. W. Lowe is having service every
evening this week except Friday and
The Sacrament of baptism will bo
administered in St. Paul's Church next
Sunday at 8.80 p.m., and Holy Com-
munion will bo ndministered after
morning and evening service.
Rev. R. Hobbs will visit his former
congregation in Wingham next month.
Ile is expected to preach morning and
evening, April 241h, and lecture tinder
the auspices of the Epworth League ou
the following Monday evaning.
Rev. D, Bogota, Chairman of District,
preached l;dueational sermons in Gor-
dis. The offerings were in advanoe of
last year. The pastor of Gorrie Metho•
diet Church conducted ttisetonary ser.
bikes inWroxeter the same day.
The next worst thing to being bed
yourself le to think everybody kb* fat
bad. And the man who oonier to the
point where he thinks evil of 101111
other man, might as well add hienteellf to
the number far good atesiwats, fist swots
al dry rot hoar token hold of kis rook
oions, atritivaiSnir ham