The Wingham Advance, 1904-03-24, Page 8+.w4MM The Leading Shoe Store. Men's Waterproof Shoes And All They Cost is $3.00 to $4.00 They are a real life in- surance for stormy wea- ther. Keep out the wet. Vamps and sole inter- lined with oil silk and rubber. Made of calfskin ; heavy soles ; leather lined to the toe ; all double stitched and reinforced to insure long wear. For all outdoor wear it is the best Shoe in the world at the price. These slushy Spring days you'll need a pair of these Shoes the most of anything. W. J. GREER THE SHOER We are Headquarters for Rubbers. FRUIT INSTITUTE MEETINGS. THE WINGRAM ADVANCE ditu1L Cti avis * The amount raised by the Wingham churches, towards the British and Far- eign Bible Sooiety, has reached the sum of $40.30. Rev. Dean Davis celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of his pastorate of 8t. James' Church, London, on the 24th of this month. Rev. A. K, Birks, pastor of the Col- borne St. Methodist. Church, London, has accepted a pall to the Seaforth Metho- dist Cburch. On October Ilth next, if spared, Rev, John Anderson, of Tiverton, will have completed a 50 years' term, as a minister in the Presbyterian church. Mr, An- derson has had two pastoral charges and is still hale and hearty, well able to preach as of yore. Rev. Mr. Millyard of Lnoknow preaohed two excellent sermons in Wingham Methodist Church on Sun- day, exchanging pulpits with Dr. Gundy for that day—the Educational Day, devoted to the interests of the Colleges and Schools of the Methodist Church. Whiteohurch and Langside Presby- terian congregations observed the 100th anniversary of the Bible Society by special sermons. Rev. G. M. Dunn, the pastor, spoke from the text—"The Lord gave the word; great was the multitude of those that published it." The offer- ings for the day in behalf of the Sooiety Were $53. Whitechurch gave $24.65, and Langside, $28.50. The General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church in Canada has issued a statement of the financial eondition of the institution up to the end of Febru- ary 29th last, giving receipts as $274,- 317.20. Funds were distributed as fol - NOTE AND COMMENT, Jamestown. Robb, McDonald of Oranbrook Sun- -The members of the Ontario Legis- dayed with his cousin, Jas. Cott, Jr. latura :ire united on at least one ques- Mise Maggie Taylor was the guest of tion. That is the raising of the ses- Miss Annie Ross of Brussels last Sun- atonal indemnity from $000 to $1000. day, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Thompson of _According to the Public accounts Brussels visited Mr, and Mrs. W. of the province of Ontario, Huron Innes last Sunday afternoon. county used $1,518.50 worth of law Miss Christina Cutt entertained a stamps, during 1903 ; Bruce county few of her friends last Monday even - managed to handle $1,093.45 worth, ing. All report an enjoyable time, ��. Mr. Graham and Lillie 'Richardson 8th con. of Grey, visited at their —Sixty-three million dollars in , round figures is the amount that the uncle e, Dan. Richardson, ongovernment asks parliament to grant Mr. II. R. Brewer of Brussels this year, This represents an increase ducted the service in the hall, of $5,825,364 over the estimates of last evening, 13th, Mr. John M year, The supplementaay estimates officiated last Sunday. are yet to come. How is that for a' Lon and Mise Lizzie Eckmie Government whose members promised . ed the wedding of Mies Jennie to reduce the expenditure by millions? , of Grey to Mr, Cook of which event took place last day. —Latest reports from the east show Quite a number from. this that the Czar's christian followers attended the service held have again attacked the Jews at Staid- Methodist church, Brussels, last Sun- neff, smashing windows, looting, beat- day evening, it being a union service t ing and outraging men and women. of the English, Presbyterian and Recent proclamations by the great Methodist churches. Mr. and only Czar seem to have impressed Listowel addressed the congregation upon the Russians that they are the on Bible Society work. special favorites of the Almighty, and On Wednesday evening, March 9, under the influence of that idea, they the ladies' debate which was seem to be ready for any outrage on ed a couple of weeks ago, w Jews or Pagans. the hall, and all were unani itZT it was the best given by the Literary —The area of Canada is 3,754,574 Society yet. The. hall was square miles, and the population esti- and after a short musical mated in 1902 at 5,456,931, or 1 persons the debate commenced. Th to the square mile. The total area of was—"Resolved that more k the United Kingdom is 121,371 square. can be gained by reading th miles, with a population of 41,605,220. ing." Tne affirmative was The total area of the United States, Misses Allen and Robertson including Alaska, is 3,010,035 square ter, and the negative by Mies miles, with, in 1900, a population of and Oaldbick of our own tow 76,149,386. So that Canada is larger es were also appointed, and a than the United States, with England, sides having put forth their con: Sabbath eAllister r attend - Lamont Belgrave, Wednes- vicinity in the Hardy of announc- es held in mous that well fi lled program e subject nowledge an travel - taken by of Wroxe- es Taylor n. Judg- fter both r best et - Ireland and Scotland thrown in. We forts, they decided in favor of the Wroxeter ladies, and then after .a hearty applause all joined in singing the National Anthem, and hoping for another debate equal to that one, in have the territory, and the population lows:—Home missions, $113,419.55; ang- - is coming our way too, even from the mentation fund, $23,728.62; foreign States. mission fund, $65,575; French evange- Vir lization. $20,424.40; Point aux Trembles The object of these meetings is to —While the soldiers of Russia are bring the work of the Fruit Growers' $9,753.29; widows'and orphans'fund, pillaging and outraging the Manchu - Association into closer touch with the $4,812.69; Assembly fund, $4,812.69; rians, information comes from Corea farmers who produce fruit, and also aged and infirm ministers, $9,936,76; that the Japanese soldiers invading to bring together the fruit men in Knox College, $6,632,69; Queen's Col- that province, pay for everything they every district that they map talk over lege, $3,127.80; Montreal College, $2,- get, and that not a drunken or boister- their work before spring opens. Two 685,90; Manitoba College, $4,052.70. ons .,oldier of Japan has disturbed the practical fruit men who are competent 1• residents, and no Lorean woman has to help the fruit growers by suggest- ing improved methods of cultivation, NOTICE.—The question is how can pruning and grafting, will be present Robt. Mclndoo loan bis money so to address the meetings. The dele- cheap se on notes and moIND00, Call gates for this Division, are :—A, E. Sherrington, Walkerton ; P. J. Carey, Fruit Division, Ottawa. Exeter Tuesday, March 29 Zurich Goderich Blyth Brussels Wednesday, March 30 Thursday, March 31 Friday, April 1 Saturday, April 2 Lucknow Monday, April KincardineTuesday, April 5 Teeswater Wednesday, April 6 Mildmay Thursday, April 7 'Walkerton Friday, April 8 the near future, Blyth.• There will be a monthly horse and cattle fair held here on Tuesday, 20th March. Mr. and Mrs. Beese of Winnipeg are been insulted, or a single Corean man visiting at the home of C. H. Beese for robbed by anyone enrolled under the a few weeks. flag of the "Rising Sun." Japan ought Mrs. Will. Moser will hold her post - 1 race tion on Wednesday cannot do it herself, Great Britain and N MOEY To LOAx—At 4 per cent. on d John Denholm has a large consign - improved farms � Easy terms of re- meat of horses to be shipped to Mani- - ulmage, Real Estate an Loan the United States should step in an p agmen ;expenses t light. Apply A.see that she does win out in the end. toba as soon as weather permits. Agent, Kent Block. - Mr. Davidson, barber, of Lucknow, and St —Mr, Jas. Conmee, M. P. P. for Al- has leased the shop recently vacated cordingto adjournment ; members all Ducks per pair SomethingNew Stylish for , t fail Boma, is now a resident of Winnipeg, by Wm. McDonald and will conduct aTurkey, per lb...... .. 12 to present, the Reeve in the chair. Min- Geese, per ib.......... 8 to Spring Suits ,qua, received 1 00 to 1 00 q 0 125 to 125 last week, the cause being indigestion, 7 00 to 7 50 0 15 to 0 15' - 0 15 to 0 15 home on Friday evening last to a num- Lard 0 12 to 0 13 ber of his Belgrave and Morris friends. Potatoes per bush . 0 70 to 70 = ,apples per Hush 0 40 to 0 50 John Wightman of Wawanosh has Hides per 100 lbs 5 50 to 5 75 taken possession of the farm which he Lamb skins purchased some time ago from J. Dressed hogs Robertson. Live hogs Thursday, March 24, 1904 Store Enlargernent Store Improvements and Store Renovation . are matters of such local importance that we have been hearing a good deal about them lately, and just here we desire most sincerely to tender our many customers our best thanks for the kindness and patience which they have displayed in the rather trying circumstances in which for the moment we are placed, and for the very imperfect services we have been able to render. Please bear with us a few days longer and then we will be able to show you our GREAT NEW STOCK of the best and most attractive goods in all departments, of what will then be one of the most modern and best appointed stores in the country, and we will then, as far as it is possible for us, make up for the inconvenience to which the public was subjected during the progress of the great improvements, enlargements and renovations that are now going on in our store. Yours Very Truly D. M. GO Big Prices for Trade. Morris. J. Robertson intends moving to Manitoba this week. THE MARKETS DON DIRECT IMPORTER WINGRAM MARKETS Flour per 100 $2 25 to $2 75 - Miss Jessie Cole spent Sunday with Fall wheat per bush .... 88 to 88 Miss Cora Brandon. Oats per bush 0 80 to 0 30 Barley per bush . 0 40 to 0 45 _ Miss Annie Wightman is spending a Peas per bush 0 55 to 0 60 w weeks with friends in Hamilton. Bran .... Ed. Wightman lost a valuable cow Shorts 1 10 t 1 10 Hay Hugh McLean of Wawanosh was at Butter per lb .I1. wi. h.�,i. i,,. Fresh Goods Most people appreciate fresh goods, it always tastes so much nicer, and is much healthier besides. We are always ready with a fresh stock of FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONERY. Tallow, per lb Wool The Council met on March 14th, ac- Chickens per pair i 0 50 to 0 65 6 00 to 6 00 Our Chocolates are o! the 4 75 to 4 75 highest class goods. 04 to 44 = 16 to 18 Try our Oysters served in any 40 to 75 - style, 15c a dish. 80 to 7fi y ' 12 ; We have in stock Canada 09 _ Cream and Roquefort Cheese. m Ice Cream orders filled on the = - shortest notice. u to call and see these cods. Black having recently remove erero d there from first class barber shop at Worsted Suits utas of last meeting read and passed. at a Special price for a Port Arthur. Mr. Oonmee will retire D. M. McBeath will hold his Spring A communication was received from few weeks Webster's, in the Shaw from Ontario politics as soon as his millinery opening on Tuesday and Block. the Clerk of East Wawanosh stating A aria= o' �oug1 C=ot -lin We are ready for all opposition. I will defend my business with such prices as these :•---Piles of Men's Smocks, Overalls at 5oc, 75c, 9oc per pair. Piles of men's tweed Pants at $t.00, $1,25, $1.5o, $1.75, $3.00, $3.25 pair. Youths' and young men's Pants, sizes 3o, 31, 32, 33 waist at $I.00, $1.25, $1.50 per pair. Boys' Knicker> Pants, size 22 to 33 waist measure at sec, 75c, 9oc, $I.00, $i.15, lat- . ter fine. Men's Suits, sizes from 30 to 44, some broken sizes, at . $3.75, Men's Suits in dull, the •fashionable stripe, at $5 up. See our navy, black and grey twill Worsteds. See our Youths' twill Worsteds. See our Boys' twill Worsteds. See our New Spring Caps and Hats just arrived ; see our Neck- wear, just arrived. A. R. -SMITH �Chisho m llta " Wirighai . ":•goriesseestasseeeks 4"161'' leader can afford to let him drop. In Wednesday, March 29 and 30. Miss that the Council of said township de - Manitoba he is a supporter of the Rob- Morrison is again in charge of the clined to acknowledge- their liability lin Government. Jim always knows millinery department. • for a certain item of $6.31 in.the boun- on which side his bread is most likely A Chinese Social, under the auspices dart' line account for putting in a cul - to be buttered. So says the Seaforth of the Epworth League, will be held vert on said boundary at west end of Expositor. He is in politica for a rea- in the school -room of thaa.Methodist 3rd line of Morris. son, hence he supports the Liberals church on Friday evening. Chinese On motion of Taylor and Coda, the in Ontario and Conservatives in Mani- refreshments will be served from 7 to Clerk was instructed to notify the toba. Pity there are others like him— 8.30 o'clock. An interesting Chinese Clerk of East Wawanosh that this in the service of the country for what program will be given. Admission, 15 Council will'•iiold them responsible for they can mak® out of it for themselves, cents. the amount of said item, the culvert being purely for the benefit of the boundary road. and provincial governments can notOn motion of Jackson and Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cutt, 2nd con., the Clerk was instructed to prepare a be run on wind. We must pay our entertained a number of young people By-law prohibiting all stock from run - town, township and county taxes, on Monday evening. Hing at large in this municipality. school rates, local improvement rates, Mrs. Frances Miller is spending a By-law No. 3, 1904, for the purpose etc. Should we be enterprising enough few weeks with her daughter, Mrs, of granting proposed bonus to the to improve our property at considers- Bert. Tuck of Clifford. Guelph Junction Railway Co. was ble expense, we pay for the privilege, for up goes the assessment, and taxes more we pay. When a man dies (if he is worth more than a certain amount) this banner province of the Dominion steps in under the name of Succession Duties and taxes his estate. This over, the poor fellow is allowed to rest in peace and is taxed no more. D - 1903 one estate in Bruce tar —Taxation is inevitable ; municipal Grey. uring , ty and one in Huron paid Succession Duties. That of H. Cargill in Bruce paid $26,624.43, and that of Jno, Weir in Huron county, $314.73. tZt —A. leading American Journal says : If Saint Paul could have foreseen the time when 96,000,000 microbes would be found on a single greenback he would have been more than ever, con- vinced that the love of money is the root of all evil. The health authori- ties throughout the country are be- coming aroused to the dangers of dis- ease -carrying currency, and Health Commissioner Darlington of New York, proposes that every piece of money in circulation shall be frequent- ly disinfected. At the same time Con- gress is asked to pass an act compel- ling the Government to destroy all the bills it takes in and pay out none but new ones. What we really need is a handy coin to take the place of the one -dollar and two -dollar bills. The silver dollar is too clumsy. If some- body will show us how to make a dol- lar of about the size and weight of a quarter, durable, distinctive in appear- ance and not easily counterfeited, we can retire all our small paper cur- rency, and several trillion microbes will be out of a job. We are pleased to hear Mrs. Jos. -read, and on motion of Code and Shaw Ames, who .has been on the sick list was ordered to he published according for a week or more, is able to be to statute, in the Blyth Standard. around again. We hope she continues A communication was received from to improve. the Olerk of Grey re repairs on eastern Quite a few from this vicinity at- boundary. On motion of Code and tended the anniversary of the Bible Shaw, no action was taken. Society in Brussels, and were delight- Accounts were ordered to be paid as ��//�� ed with the excellent discourses de- follows :—P. Ament, grinding grader -Tuesday, Mar. 29 TORONTO STOCK MARKET. For full and accurate market ports see second page. re- = Your Patronage Solicited Millinery L. G. KRIISE Opening McKelvie's Old Stand ladies of Wingham and vicinity are cordially in- vited to attend lay Millinery Opening on livered by the Rev's Andrew of Wal- knives, $3.50 ; Treasurer Hullstt, ton and Hardy of Listowel. line account, $33.89 ; McDonald estate, DEATHS. VfoCreight•--In Blyth, March 15th, Matthew McOreight, aged 83, GotbY.•-In Wingham, March 19th, Ann Rush, relict of the late John Gotby, aged 82 years, 11 months, HHl(fthnepaiRavin. alaeroftheeedCrof the Advance) in his 96th year, Gordan.—In Denver, Colorado, March 19th, Rowland G. Gordon, eldest eon of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gordon, Lawrence—In Denver, Colorado, on Monday March 21st, Wax, Lawrence (ged 27 yea wprenco of Bel - grave), elm plank, 72c ; Alex. Clark, charity G• to Misses Fleming, $6. L •d Pathmasters were then appointed as angst e. Langside Presbyterians contributed $28.50 to the Centenary Fund of the Bible Society. The school furnace is working so badly that ata recent meeting of the Board, it was decided to turn it over to the man that put it in, and request that he put it in proper working order. Notwithstanding the severe weather and bad roads, the prayermeeting in the Presbyterian church has been well sustained all winter. The at- tendance has averaged about 30, and has gone as high as 60. 1 One of the largest movements of settlers that ever went north is that going from the Western States to Canada, leaving last week in March and first week in April. The following fashion note is waft- ed from the South : "Mortgages are signed by two witnesses, the same as last year—are folded so as to fit the pocket. The back taxes are combed forward and parted on the side near- est the mortgage. In this climate mortgages generally mature in the winter season, Subscribe Per The Adauoo \ $1 Per Year follows :—North boundary -0. Hen- derson, W. J. Henderson, T. M. Hen- derson, John McCracken, Geo. Mc- Donald, D. Patton. J. Curtis and P. Moffatt ; 1st line—D. W. Campbell, A, Campbell, K. Jackson, A. McEwan, 3, Robb, W. 3. Johnston, W. Mines and A, Forrest ; 2nd line—Wm. Findlater, Jno. Casemore, Wm, Elston, L, Jewitt I. Ferrand, S. Paul, W. Forrest, C. Forrest and Wm. Moses ; 3rd line—A. Brydges, Geo. Hanna, Wm. Geddes° W. H. .Knox, J. Thynne, W. 3, Souch, H. Bone, Wm. Sellars and R. Mitchell; 4th line:—Ohas. McCrea, W. 0. Proctor, R. Nicholson, Jno. Wheeler, 0. Wheel- er, J. B. Kerney, Jno. Shurrie. Jas. Shurrie and'A. Crooks; 5th line—Geo. Proctor, A, Oloakey, Jas. Russell, F. Martin, A. Taylor, S. Clark, D. Som- merville, W. J. Smith, Jas. Davis, D. Jordan and A. Adams ; 6th line—J. Grasby, A. T. Cole, R. Young, T. Rus- sell, P. McNabb, W. H. McOutcheon, R. Nichol and Wm. Thuell; 7th line— r, Ellison, M. Healy, Jno. Craig, Geo. Pierce, P. Kelly, A. Howlett, S. Mc- Call, A. Button, Wm. Bird, R. Bew- ley and F. Smith ; 8th line—H. Fear, H. Richmond, W. 0. Laidlaw, 3, Me, Call, T. Bielby, R. Skelton, P. Jack- son, Jno. Ball, Geo, Kelly and A. Knight ; 9th line --J. Snell, Jno. Par- rott, 0, Taylor, I. Jackson, Jno. Laid- law, W. J. Shortreed, A. Sholdice, Geo, Birkby, Geo, Grigg and GVm. Murray : east boundary—A. Bryant, A. Mc%auchlin, J, Speir and ,'l. Bolton; Walton T. Waghorn ; west boundary —J, Golley, Wm. McCrea, T. Gusman and J. Coming; Belkrave—J, L. Ged- des. The Council then adjourned to meet again on the 80th May next for Court of Revielan and other business. W. Clark, Clerk, When a choice stock of the latest styles of fashionable Millinery will be ready for inspection. Miss Boyd Salem. Rev, Mr. Holmes of Gorrie preached missionary sermons on the Wroxeter cirenit on Sunday last. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, Thomas Meloy, but we hope she may soon recover. Mr. Charles Kitchen, who has been' visiting friends in Toronto and other places, returned home on Thursday last. Wm, Gemmill, Sen., who has been visiting friends in this part and in Kent county, returned to his home in Pilot Mound, Manitoba, on Saturday last. Mr, Herb. Henning has moved on to the farm he purchased from Wm. Jobb, and Thos. Short moved into Mr. Henning's house; we wish both parties success in their new homes, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jobb called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir to say good bye, as they are leaving for their new Koine in Rainey River, We wish Mr. and Mrs. Jobb touch success in that part. Real Estate Notice. Do you intend to buy property in town this spring? If you do I can save you some money if you buy from me. I invite you to call and have a look at what I have to offer you. Prices from $300 up to $3500. according to quality and Location. I have some special bargains that I would like to show you and I feel certain 1 can sat- isfy you in house property no matter how par- ticular you may be. Big sale of Manitoba lands on at present. Call and get prices. CLYME MAGUIRE Real Estate Agent Office : Upstairs in Vanstone Block. East Wawanoshr The action for breaeli of promise entered by Mise Ma Nicholson against Mr. Itobt, Coxtltes, Jr., has been dlefnisted. ANNUAL MEETING. • The annual meeting of the Bluevale Flax Co. will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Saturday, April 2nd, at 2 p.m., when a dividend will he paid and other business of impor- tance transacted. W. J. DUFF, Secy. 4 ,. THE @EP! WALL PAPER Will soon be in place. Our sample books are ready for your inspection now, but all the - stock has not yet emerged from the snow drifts. As soon as the lines are cleared and the freight trains arrive, the balance will come to hand. We promise to show you a choice stock, selected from the best manufacturers in America. Ali Paper 'trimmed Pres. COOPER & CO, Successors to Alex. Rosa