HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-24, Page 61 Violet's Lover
But it told upon hini-no food, no weys in which men meet sorrow.
eleep, PO zest would he take -this The weielo. part or them fly at once
constant warfare that kept every to drink, to dissipatioa, to a reek -
nerve strained. It seemed to him that Lebo kieel of deepair; they have no
11 he once Save way, even U elllY nobility. You aro above that. Ono
for a moment -if he opened ids (Oa harden themselves; thee' shut out
heart to the dreadfill sorrow await- all Moe and eympathy from their
leo to be admitted -1f Ito closed Me Marto; they grow cold and proud,
eyes in rest -the must die. Collier and so that fi0 Mettle- influence 'readies
harder and premier Ilo greev, sbut- Meta. Others' - neon dear friead,
ting himeele anti Ms sorrow in ley believeiue, tnese are the toble
reserve; and at last to grew so tmen accept sorrow, as part
miserable about him that sho sent of the disciplir.e of lie -as a. gift sent
must talk to :you, Evan sh from Inette'en, aind while they neeept
for Evelyn.
it with ituatiUtn they, bear it with
mid, "Or i33)" heart will break, I do digeity. It makes them noble, grand,
not like to distress my husband -11e or, and better. et is an etlitcat:On
Le 111 enough; and if Felix gne"n that prepares them for heaven.
like this mueli longer fie will have llehici of the three classes will you
a terrible illness, or he will die. :ow, deux te.
what is the matter with hire, Eve? "The last if 1 can, Eve," he said.
Ine does not eat or sleep ; 100101 51ow1y Ie Itioketi at the light on
like a, man who, has been stunned; hoe fair thee.
he grows so hard and cold that I
am almost afraid of him. Ho does not "Believe me." ,slie went on, esionest,
lt know until wo come
eveu open his heart to nie ; he avoidsye ewe shalt me
to die valet grout sorrows do for ies,
me ;he does not even look at me -be
who used to Low me so well. .thhht and then we shall thank heaven for
them, There le eoreething weak aud
Is the matter with him, Eve?" cowardly in the idea If onieg beat -
Ere looked very pale and sad,
world Is n
her sweet faee was clouded; but on by any trouble. Tais ,
lea.ta we must 'lett nobly
In her distress, did not not- battlefield, end
los it. Teve temptiation to yield weakly to
eI can tell you what le the mat- a great grief Is one of tIte hardest
that comes to tut It would be so
tor." the replied; "I heard it this
afternoon. 'Violet Hive has gone Moat smiler for you, Felix, to lie
to London 'to be married." down and tile then to elo battle day
Kate erted out tha.t it was, imeoa- . by day, and so ho,vo to live %'oar
sorrow down."
Eible-that It could not be -Violet
Haye wsoul tiett Iles never iffered is
gp,s betrothed to! Felix.. eYee, it would. Eve," he replied.
.0dt is so," Bald Eve; "Aunt Jane but a
"A o
afternoon, puny smile" she sand. "The
told me about it tble
etrongiand noble soul is the ono that
and, fearing you would be in great pahses through tie johneee tine
Violet broke off her engageme.nt and cameo oat pare gold -opt tntse
trouble, I came to you at once..
metal or gold evttlt an alloo -but
With FolLx some short time eine% pure, refined, true gold. The
hn she is gone to London to be tory Di 'why Men and women must all
"Married to wbilim ?" cried Kate, auffer • but tbat shaill never fa-
In hot. anger for her boyei sake. tbom. only, Wager tbat God .sends
paineobven te ils toot bleioved Bt
"I do not lenow-she leas ma many wide wane,
admirers; but I believe It is lactane Pomo:thing in the bravo face and
the brave, pa.tleat voice toUebedilini.
He 'leaked up at her soddenly.
`BilrelY.... Eve," he said,. "you Otave
had lao crowthat oou Ehould speatt
In E311011 El fashion ?"
She smiled, and he thought hOw
like ber face wale to that of platured
"Yee." elle said, " I have a great
farrow.; but it is dumb -it will oever.
find a Voice -it will die witb two and
be buried in my grove."
"Whast bas your sorrow. done tor
non, Etre?" be asked otter a time.
Again eame the beautiful light 'On
the sweet face.
"D. has opened. my eart," she re -
Plied, "It has kilted all, self-love, it
has made my lave and pity every
one who bas suffered, it has taught
me that lile is but short zed that
heaven is my true home?'
"It Isbell teach me the
same," be said, "If you will
help me, Eve. I Joe ed her so dear-
ly that my, loss has almost killed
poide aral selacontrol gave
way; he sobbed like a. ehild.
"My dear oid fried!" said EVO,
and, a? sImpl., • chilai might have
done it, t,14 drew his head upon
her arm, arid the first tears Ito shed
over the great sorrow of his life fell
kindly ministering hands. •
From that day a eharsge• came
over Felix Lonsdale; lie Want home
OVOIE that 'lame evening an tattered
the ceiveet 'MOO etmeetneit Was as
thOugho istrain of tioloon maele bad
Iawey-"very be:teeing! I entail
rinamuleet the angel of pain, id
ohow lain a brawl risco, hope, when
he mimeo But tell tee why you efoak
to mo this Arabi tonight ? It may
to Only nay fancy, but It huS seemed
to me that 00 the face of every man
mail woman bawl met to -day have
read pity ; it inut be fancy, bat It
gems to me so strange." 4e.
.t)o could hove told Mw that every
man, Wanalla. Ituti thlki in Liliorte
knew that on tho morrow Violet
Ilaye woo to Marry Sir Owen. she
eoltel have told lam also that there
waist none among them who did not .
feel sorry for him tied indignant
"I bad almost begun to fear that
there was somentleg tresb concern -
leg thut unfortuntete wile" he fialcl
.-epeople hive bon eo strange with.
mo It ounnot be :ny love oture ; no
one knows ale lama People ali
know, of course, thot Violet has
gone away to London, but I do
not thinie any one out of our oeve
household knows that ebe bas era -
en with me "
Very rich raan. Elaye is air
most wild witb. excitement abort*
It. Sho told my aunt the day be-
fore they started." And then re•.
membering how Felix loved Violet,
they both wept together.
"I understand it all uow," satil
Kate. "My poor boy lia.s hidden it
from us lest we should know what
he suffered. Evelyn, does heaven
punish treachery ?"
"I am airaid so." Abe repliecl, gent-
ly. "Yea say that 11..iix • groWn
ite4rd aod cold. Tell race whore he is,
*pit / may go and SOS him.'
oHe is at the of floe," replied WS.
ternitsdale. 'Do go to him, Eve. He was
4ways fond of you, --the always trust-
ed you. Go And try if you can 0001 -
fort him,'
A slight ,sbadow. of pain came over
the sweet face ; It coxed in a minute.
she said, thoughtfunin "he
aaways treated die. I will go and see
ernart oan do for hint."
Eve w-alked gently through the
WarM, almit stroets. Many looked af-
ter Z. ar as she went on her mission of
exey-sf tor the tau, graceful lige
ere in the Isimple muslin dress, the
plain, pretty hat with the broad
brim. On her fair, sweet face, as she
Walked along, thinking what she
obeyed oto to him, a. lx..s.atiliful light
silione,. •
Silo wont into the office without
any announcement -913e had done ao
ince she was a, child. Only Felix sat
there, his pale, baggard face bent
over hie papero, a shadow: like death
In his eyes. He looked up in wonder . man; .ho opened his herert -Lai the
vet bis visitor. Eve, with her sweet ,love oat sympathy that Kate bad
face and strange light upon it, looked s.t.owed bun. The proud. stern, cold -
tike an angel coming to minister to hem fel from lam -he took the
bim. , . , cloldrere in his arms and kissed tbe
"Evelyn," he said, "you are an un- little Caicos, Be need to himself
expected visitor." that cinleireo of his own would
She went round to him and stood Geyer clieub Ms knees.oehikecen of
by the side of hie chair. his OWL' would never gladden his
"Felix," she said, "I know, what has leeart.
hopodned, and I an come to comfort die did not suffer less -but it was
you.' In anotber fashion now, He worked
"Conolort I 'Comfort monied of harder than ever; lie said to hita-
devils,' the poet sings. Eve," he self that if it were possible be would
laughed; "what comfort can you drown his sorrow' iii the hardest
give me?" work be could find. .And yet he did
not know tbe worst; he only knew
Sbo took the papers 11:01Xi his hands' that Violet had brolen her promise,
and woe etartied on that warm day and declared et impossible to marry
Aler find hie fingers as cold as death. him ; he had not the, faintest potion
the held them in her own-ber sweet that here was reallit any wealthy
eyes tiled with tears. . lover al. band. He believed firmly;
"Felix, you must not harden your that her parents hud talked to her
boort against me, dear. You must and argued with her trail elle had
Pot keep; me outtide it. We have been overruled by; them. Still at Lit.
been such true friends-srch dear ford -.all but; blitteelf-eknew that
friends always. De not be lard and -Violet was going to marry Sir
cold and proud with me, dear friend.' Owen; it had been 'kept quite seeret
"I ,w.111 not, Eve," he returned, for some time, but now the day was
gently. "Moven blese you, Eve I" fixed --thie fourtee,nth, of Se,ptember
"Listen to me a. little while, Felix," -and there could no longer be any
she saki, and her voice stole like eeerecy.
a, strain of sweet music over bis tired The whole pla0e,. eva,s in a terment
se.nses, "No man can know a aver lie There was to be a grand
greater gorrow than, thls sorrow of dinner given to ail the tenants, to
th and de eidentse and
Vent Breath nue Disgusting Diseltargeo,
Dna to Catarrh, Mahe Thotteands Of
People Objects of excrete)), Dr* AP'
new ri ()Morphia Powder Relieve; in
110 Minute* and -Cures.
Don, deorgo James, of Ocrant on, Pa., s ays:
have beef) 4ThrtYP to catarrh for twentY
yeare,conetant hawking and dropping. lathe
throat and pain In the beat, very tnIenelve
breath. I tried Dr. Agnew% Catarrhal Pow.
der. The drat application gave lustaut
Alter using a few bottles I was cured,"
Use Pr. Agnew's Heart Cure for heed,
stoner* end Nerves.
Tuber Raised by a Scetchmait SOK
at Higli Prices.
The Queen, the Princeea,of Wales,
Princess Charles of Denmark and Prin.
cess Victoria walked from the castle .
into Windsor yestereay afternoen and
did sone shopping.
The Princeeses flillea their pockets
with lovely things, the royal party
stetying in the shops a eonsidereble
Bre could not tell him; tdie eould time. "They give us as little trouble
hell/ him ; slie could strengthen Ms
heart and Ms nand, but she could'
not look at lam tual say, "To-
morrow will be Violet's weclaing
day." Shp turned away siok at
heart wben she remembered the
treachero, the cruelty, and the de-
ceit-slek at heart that she could
not take the whole burden upon
herself and suffer for hint. She was
bravo enough, but she could not
say to him: "The girl for love of
whom you are brealting your heart
thinks so little of you, ao little 'of
your pain, that the is going to
marry to.morrow, the man, above
all others, whom you dislike."
She talked to him agate its the
flame streets, of the grandeur and
nobility of sorrow, the bravery of
bearing pain, the cowardice) of fall-
ing under a burden; and then, when
the left. she widepered to Kate:
"Be 'Very kind to him no -morrow,
madro. He will otad Sorely. in net
of ite
But even Kota ad not dreamt What
the words mea,nt.
nnie harvest moon than night initme
down ui:on many different oeenes. et
orept into a, :superb room In London,
srbere nir Owen, iluethed with love
and wine, teed, with many an oath,
to a, (Melee (Orel° of :Mende, how he
bad outwitted the laivyer ate] ourried
off ble bride,
"I eholl have aonie fine amusement
wall tarn when I return to Gar-
wood" he Sadi. "He Must have loon
as vain as Nareissus himself to think
that auy girl would prefer him to
met:* •
His fricnds drank 'Ids costly wines their min, they were hurrying
One 11.33Lianicd iiim-each ignoble seri- through the dark tierces the wan-
couli do so no longetr.
idea...until they try sea Oath their thoughts firm -
1.y fixed on the huslness in hand,
timeet, each mean
The moon lookee it,t another win- which happened to be entirely sec-
dow-the window ot magnif cent dar, And, as it turned out, W,hat
yours. The one you loved and. all e servants Pc
,trusted has deceived you. Violet has ; the bell-ringers had been told how
neon ialee to you." i many times a Merry peal was to be
ele Shrank baek with a cry at the : rung on the old thareh bolls in hon-
oound of -Me words. She onio elegised l or of the bride ,arld bridegroom. The
bin ha,ndo the morq tightly. i only' persons who rnotbiee of all
"NOV mind the Pain, Felix," rhe ; this were tbel inbabets,nte of Vale
mid. *It Is right tha,t you should neq! House -the invalid fe.ther rebel saw
custom youreolf to hero. the worde i no one but the doctor and Eve Les -
a1(1 not eheink from, them. Violot1 ter, the kindly; indutstriOus yOung
has proVeti false to you. I know how 1 step -mother, and tbe young !Over
you. Moen; her, and I know the words himself. elo one cared to epelak to
out you like. a harp knife" them on such a subject and tfiey were
"It is true, Eva" he told her, In e, the Met to hear of itg Even • s'els'n,
IOW voice; "it is quite true, She bus who never sirrunk from trouble,
forsaken me." . tehrenk from spealding to them
"It is a. terrible sorrow" be said; 'about 11,
'no groatee oorrore could lave be- Felix wondered one night when
tallen you. But, Felix, do not let it The room to Vale 'Refuse, Wity she
harden you. Pooh° treat the visite,. wag so kind, so tender, and corn-
tiot of eorrew so unwisely. Some, Paselona.te to him, wily she bov-
when the sorrow falls to their Mt, 1 ered round him like a mother over
bookie tit' ir hearts---sbut all tender- ' a sick child. Ivai'.9 elle spoke elleh
ness, all love, all attention away tow, earnest words to hilt -so rio-
front tImm. They ehatge their whole ble, so beetniful, that Me whole
naturog. To $.u.,:qa persons Godet deal. soul ware stirred "by theetor
ing comee As a curse, not a bleaslug." "Felix," lie said, "listen to tins..
"Such eorrow as mine must be a It is a Veree X teed last night en
ouneh, t 1 ned sedly a poem or Adelaide Anne Proc-
"Dy hi) n101113, You know the Old ter's., I copied it to 'read to yon
o eil at hirn her eyes filled with teem
111'4- "Tbey thug for so many things".
Oaring, 'sorrows are but blessings in because X thought it so beau
nieguieee WM) can sa;v it after years Sho wets Bitting by bisi Ade in the elle termed, enew elm t teh which
as possible," Bahl Mr. Barber, "and it
is a real pleasure to wait on them,"
The Queen and the Princesses, would
not even trouble the storekeeper to
have some of the things wrapped in
paper, They simply put the small
purases into their 119Ckets and asked
for the larger things to be sent on to
the castle.
Ifer Majesty and the Princesses did
not pay for their purchases in hard
cash, but the Queen remarked to one
ealesman, "You ean trust me." They
seemed to make light of the unpropiti-
ous weather and the wet pavements,
and tramped along quite gaily, holding
an animated conversation and frequent-
ly stopping to look at the wares dis-
played in the ahoy, witalows of High
street -London Mail,
Minard's lAniment or sale everywhere.
Hymns and War
Talking about sailors and differ-
ence% we note that a, disinterested
spectator who happened-enueb to
his diseomposu.re-to be on a. vessel
•anchored near the Roseau ships at
Port Arthur Monday night, reporte
'that "the w,eather wee; fine, and
tne Itaseiee sailors impressively
chanted their evening hymn."That
. woe oretty cerenton,y, as well as
; impressive, bat, as Russia, had
taken pain,s to say many times of
late„ the Japaneee are a heathen-
ish lot, and the result was, that,
lostead of remaining. quietly in
1 port, chanting an evening hymn of
No potato has ever gained so nutelt
notoriety as Eldorado, raised by the fam-
ous Scot& raiser, Mn. A. Findlay,. or
Marklech. The very Mine tbe variety
wee a stroke of genius, for it is bardly
possible that the miner, or those wile
bee the good fortune to secure some ot
the first tubers distributed, could lave
imagined that in so short a time it
would. change hands at such enormously
high prices.
'Mr. George Masseo, of Spekling, was
one of Use very first to obtain stock, aul
front him Mo Zechariah Gray, a well-
kuown grower, of Everton, Sande,. Pur-
chased o stone weight for n•20. Thls
the bail rolling, and as Mr. Findlay
solvol not to further distribute Eldor-
ado until M the fall of 1004, the demand
for the small stocks available was doe
Mee and trebled, and so the prices rote.
Messrs. Denis, the Covent Garden, sales.
men, and Messrs. I. Poncl dr, Sons, of York
possessed supplies, and, the leiter firm
found a purcbaser of four imends at
ino pound. This cletenmued them
tolibtam further stock, and so at the
Smithfield Club sbow, member of his
firm found that Mr, Massey bad a limo
ited stock for disposal, and made Min an
offer of £1,000 for a stone. Mr. Massey
refused, as he wanted ni,O00, but evean
ually the bargain was struck at Ole100,
to the satisfaction of both parties, Sub-
sequently Mr. Massey sold a relatively
mall quentity for ne2,000, so that his or-
iginal transaction brought him a very
handsome return.-Frora the Gardener
a L. Menthol Plaetere la case of rheumatism,
,,rtogia or all nervous pains Is almost
worideriul. They give instant relief, and the
pain is drawn completely out of tbe system
within a abort time after application.
Results from comm013 1904,
on soaps;
A.................-- ................-14MO•4.0
eczema, coarse hands, ragged Ars. winshm". tquithing Syrup. should
1 thwarts he ithed for chtleven Ocetieng, In
clothes, shrunken flannels, $.0000,,.1.110, wilt,. 1 he guntsattres wind.
colic 4111114 11IP bent remedy tor Plarrium.
UNI 11101117 W AirigttV4 wit4IIVIM: g-V;Ailiat
AWOL home, Adams 4)r apply to Ws, AV. llolton, I(
linninton, Oat
0 Dimness cuips lens en about
REDucum. noten, receipt., inoricmges, leases, deeds,
',.- wit, property exempt Irma seisure,landlord
nia tenant, ditchea awl watercourses, etc.,
42.4.pwoo,,,, oue agent fluid 47 copici In three days ;
40"""l'e aeooler eold 80 tu a weeh • Preach eatticut
new reney ; outfit iltic ; oder outfit to -day;
Ask for the octagon 1155 a.3/ it Dot sittlinaetory mow refundede The ,
. The J. I.. Nichols N., Limited, ',formal).
Wife and Piga for Sale. WANTED -RELIABLE MEI' TtfloSEIL111;:ansanirl 00
A reaksairt living in the village
01 P n Inwic e ,near 1,1C: tl.k,
(eerie, ortS 't then, a novel neektiott 10 correct plait for selling elothing.Hteady pom.
dieemparrama h:duself at his wife, ton:good pay.CanadaTailorina00.,Toronto
Avila apparently hue strong views
cording to the, Wostotseliky Wet. -111144112"4164221316-ak
on the temperance question. Ao.„
Mk. newspaper, he sent the fol,
lowlug extraorditutry letter to tho
eolice authoritiee of Irkeitsk-
"I hove the honor to auk you leo
kimityeaviciaeikaegait olubrlaictliv.cmikincaow., 110%Q
tIn ilito a
ti3itef °Ler 414yle.e2Tille0s,iwteee, \f‘toilr all% LONC IIIP
a young wife, eV yertre old, and two
very pretty and young, 'but of a
Somewhat quitrrelsome and citron
clous disposition. The pigs are fat,
If anyone thinks of making the
purchase( shall be ghul to send all
three on receipt of cost ot carriage.
The police, When they eeceeved thie
communicatioe, thought at first
than they had to doal with a mad -
anon, or, at ail events, a permon
of tweak intellect, Belt they sought
out the peasant, queetioned hine
and found him to be perfectly .sano '
and of average intelligence, though
living in poverty. 1119 wife frequen 1-
Te1ephone Numbers on Visiting Cards,. 13' beat hint on account of hl a &teak. TORONTO, ONT, •
The only necessary ralifications Ow en 111aNtts.. , I
alohlA Ia. 440,aaigiaawigt.i144444,44
*la set is to 1e3 on 't e telephone. No
lbsig Is 18
enceissecraanugliiet tttheansiatseta oivianiviytamtiaoians. yraWadh:hte's? nTturoouLlenbelses??-r:r:t siitugSstiselth
ber of the set bail is or her numb ir Liver? Is your skirl saltow? Do you fee/
printed in red figures on bis or bar vie•
more dead than alive? Your system noes
iting card, and woe be to the mean
toning - Your Liver Isn't doing its work-
ifealigithaodlinesl°tseil)en- Don't resort to strong drugs -Er. Abarlew's
zvarett4eah :Tirhaoi a endeavors e anvaoiargs tao
phone. When the set meets the talk is all Vale Nits, 10 cents for 40 doses, -wiltsvork
of telephones, and how usenel they miglit wonders for you -35
be and how tiresome they are. It is con.
gamed very bad form. I may mention,
to attempt to overhear or intercept mes.
sagas. Nobody does it, you must undtr-
stand, but everybody is suspected of try. A imminent merchant eve that
Mg to c.lo ft. -From the Sketch. twenty years ago he had been selling
is one Positive sign of Kid. goods on commission 4101 three years
and thus learned the business. Theft he
ney sease,-Heve you any of these un.
mistakable signs? Puniness under the eyes?
Bwol en m s
of the character of the urine? Exhaustion which cost $3 a week. "From the first
after least exertion? If you have there's
tn newspaper publicity than for exterother
day," he sane "I spent more money for
chamber, wherein lay all the details thee' aeoornO le , n an hour in putting yourself under tbe great
dropsical tendency' and you shouldn't delay
and it was through this that I built
feature of the modest establishment,
of a ouperb brine,' cootume-a lace niOnted way, was fairly impressive, South American Ridney Care. -S0
. up my splendid retail trade."
veil of prieeless value, a wreath of too.; It impressed about every.
nareof ofifti I lice7n0eareig
u,nd white glove?, with a dress that ! papers, or who can get the news floidCf=
orange bloosoms, widte satin shoes„ body in the world who rea,ds the Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
was a triumph of art. It shono on a 1 fromthose who do, and not the They were originally found In a, •
pretty white bad whereon a young least of the impression was ean large lake near Mouot Tien-Tsing, THE VALUE OF THE JAPANESE
lady lay -on gcialen hair that was all the nulls of the Russian war shim and erere firet taken to Europe in . 'YEN.
disherveied and lying in oaken profu- I Of course, there is not objection to: the eeventeenth century. The Bret
When the public reads that 100,000, -
Mon over the pillow. - on a fair I the singling of hymns; the practice in Franca were a present to Mme.
• 000 en has provisionally been set apart"
: by apan for war purposes it may per-
haps put an exaggerated estimate on
-. that amount. Although, Japan has a
gold standard, the yen is of silver =-
your antagoniet liceppens to have
an inclination to do something else Deal, Sirs, -I have been a great ' rency, and fluctuates with the price of
then 'rest his poor feet a,nd ex- sul
I ferer from rheumatism, and late- silver, so that at the moment 100,000,-
pand hie lungs. The Czar also is lei leave 13een confined to my bed, - 000 of them means scarcely inore than
giving a good deal of time ta the Seeing 1.]nnun MIINAliena Lintimn £10,000,000. But even this is an im-
helloing, i$ tot to the singing, or advertised. I tried It and got tin,- mouse amount in a country in which
hymos. D3 this ease there is pro e mediate relief. I ascribe my restor- the wages of a skilful artisan are often
ration to health to . the wondered not more than 3 von a week. The
bably nothing better he could do
-unless it might be to inform his riewer of your medicine. •t +. • + • Japanese currency 'system is decimal.
Thus the von, or dollar, is divided into
army and navy that for the pre- . 1 'WM S. M71,01.
started for himself in a warehouse
inc1In 7 Chare,e
and beautiful Mee 'all stained IS, Ott tho contrary, highly commend- De Pompadour.
with thane ; for on this even- able, but as o substitute for torpedie -
ing eomething like remorse had %settings and the use of searchlights
come to Violet Haye, and she had it ts not an entire success - when'
wept with a wild cry for the lover
vvbons she had bartered for gold.
Even the diamonds, the costly gems,
the rich dresses, the- wealth and
grandeur foe which elle had sold
herself, bad not the power to soothe
her. The same moon shown into the
room where Eve Lester knelt,. her
fair face raised to the evening skies,
praying Heaven to help the man she
loved through the bitter hour of his
pain and desolation. It shone into
the room where Felix sat writing
because be could not sleep and was
anal& to find rest in anything ex-
cept'Pivork. The silvery moon shone
brightly over all.
Felix worked until bis tired eyes
could see no longer, and then he
put away his papers. He had busi-
ness for the morrow, and, lf he could
not sleep, lie said to himself that
he inight close his eyes and think
of that.
He went to the office early the
next morning, and It struck him
that there was an unusual stir in
the streets. A band of music passed
him. He saw the people, gayly dress-
ed, all going in the same direction.
He wondered if there was a fete any-
where, or any fair that he bad for-
gotten. /t was the fourteenth of
September - no, he could not
remember that it differed at all from
any other day. He saw that it was
a very lovely morning; there was
bright sunshine, a sweet western
wind, while all nature looked blithe
and gay; still he could not under-
stand the commotion in the town.
lie went Into his offiee-even the
clerk. woe not there. Without loss
of time he wont to work busily at
his papers. Ha I Stirely he was not
Mistaken as to the chime of the
old church bells -surely they were
clihning not an everyday chime -
surely he heard a burst of jubilant
neelodo, a clang cif Joyful sound 1
He oltened the window apd the rieli
suolit air.
"It le like the sound of wedding -
bells,' he 'thought ra himself, " but
no Ono has been married from
There was something pathetic In
the handsome, wondering fa.celean-
Mg from the window, likening to
the bells that were ringing his
He Raid to hireself thet it was no
business of his, that be must go
on with this week; lie should know
during the day why the bells were
rung, tle went to Ms papers again,
but it was impossible to verite;
the air was full of music,
the gay, meet chhue rang
out every moment. Ile Could not
write; it was OM though a thousand
gay and airy shapes veer° flitting
round him. There was one console,.
Mon -the bell -ringing could not list
-it must stop soon. Ho could not
work with that mad, merry muke
filling the al?; but he eieuld go and
ask what it an meant.
It was Omega that the float per-
• Ken he taw was the vicaree wife,
Mrs. -Hunter. He aeked ber why the
belie were ringing, anti, as she look -
Wiwi; guise thrir earrovarnety wear?" ottitude that pointer': of old gave in len,
"But 1 lov&.:1 her so dearly, Eve- to guarellan /Lewes, rao full of love He passed on, but as be walked
and I tame loot her," be saki. and Prnteetinne In her sweat, away elle lobkol at iihri clorolyovitile
"I know that you loved here but, cleat Yoke, she read to him 1 ecenetliing Inke it rob rose to lier
Velar, )tae there never been 11 mit- "Who Is tleo angel tthat teerectli dt 111r.
taken love? 11e you never heard Pale i 'Beautiful women are beautlinl
of a men Mealizing a Wm
eean and Let lie artists lied go fartit to greet fiends gometimee," Feld the viear's
wire to herself. "i would net have
avorehipping in her 'drama that she Itino
never possessed ? The very feet Not in vale done MOT it thing."
tbret Violet could prove falee to yet Di the eumfuoue for us to meet Wm, hall'ielai itrottliot ugaitseldietro eltvioetnyeer la bt ttatn yli!
provee ftlea that slie WAS unworthy Ile will etasthing. Then he met lile old triend,
our love, thot you thought her And darken Our tsun ;
' Dr. Milkier?. Ile gapped tind npoke
peeseseed of cinalltles quite foreign Ile will stay to him.
to bet, and thitt 016 1E4 not worth A dfloolate eight, a 'weary ;day, i "I totglit to be very busy With ity
all *hie ptisP100 of regret." Since in that jeleatleve; Our work a work," he gal& "but theme belie die.
"I leveed her," to all be aria. (IOU 0 % tract me. 1 have had io pot Away
(Wren. Atid 10 that eheellow our erdOnis are My Writing. Willa are they ring -
life] Thole/Int vOlco wile sweet alt the reet neigny kill wh',10 hla bitter Oben ing for, doetOrr
Mot tbe 'kind-hearted doeter look+.
"f *new, dear friend, / knOVIO" 'won.,
booing bt a 41o%4, 'and '11 le ko et y ttt lttni.
tot-rib:0 grief to yen. l'elte be- f4instn'in Men 1511? 310-111`“4 1"`"ticitt`' Iltia•VS YOUlett heard" lea OM.
LIWenn " imuy nliee.ye. Whet le It for ?"
sent Ile will attend to the musical Burin, .
part of th.e war without any as-
sistance front his so devoted sub-
jects., The fact is that bynens and
war are more than slightly incom-
10 sen or cents, the sen into10lin,
the rin into 10 no, the mo into 10 shu,
. and the situ, finally, into 10 kotsu. Gov-
ernment accounts do not take account
, of any value smaller than a rin, but
patible, especially when the war
estimates by prorate salesmen often de -
le waged for the purpose of snag- ems Japanese Proverbs. scend to me and situ, which are incred-
ging a lot of tenet -tory, though yted Do not show your hank to your on- ibly minute fraetions of a farthing. No
coin exists, however, to represent these
already have more of that kind of emy.
property than you can properly When you have boequered draw lilliputian sums, -London Get:Tokio.
manage, anti therefore feel a mad more tightly the cord on your helmet. •
desire to add toe your holdings. Parnestnese will penetrate even a Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
That le What makes the piety of the ronk. ••• • ._. .
Russians at once trying to the pa- An unskillful clog barks loudly.
tame° and so provocative of Oniles, A woll-trained warrior Wakes even PALPITATION OF THE HEART.
A.nd human nature is F0 peculiar at the sound of a bridle -bit. Asking questions is a flue art, but some
that Unquestionably the Russian Teo cot ,which does not cry catches people NY110 t04011 AC/1001 will not take
piety is quite sincere -at least as the rat- pains to master it. Then when they hays
sincere as it is inconsistent, and Let your dearest soa travel. .
More than that could not enolly be Gode,,bides in an honest man's head., framed a question improperly, and get a
aid for ite-N. 'YTimes. '1' An eagle of talent bides his talons. suitable mower, though not the ono they
Even a worm of one leen long has are searching for, they blame the inno-
e. ------: jii.alt an Mob. of Ilbenrig.) ! 1 1 cent pupils For example: Said a brigat
.. . . , , • • - , Although he is A 'beggar, a eoldier is young, lady teacher to a little boy 10. 115
write to nze, saytng that , 40 the cherry blossomamong flo
) w -
always a soldier. a r Ltjhamhentni ye t class:ifyour papa were to give
The thousands of people who
eo Is a. soldier among nuno 4 your Mamma a ten -dollar bill and ri.
Cure TohneicLung
Cured them of chronic coughs,
Cannot all be mistaken. There
must be some truth in it.
Try a battle for that cough of yours.
Prices: S. C. Wems & Co, 310
50e, O. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can.
= A, faithful servent never serves tevo twenty -dollar bill and a live -dollar bill,
Even a ro g e A fit, was Johnny s prompt reply. -
son to justify his evil deed. Lippincott's.
A demon will appear ultimately -
from a plitoe, wallah is filled with e
doubt. ,
bber ive gome rea-
what would she have?
Much More to the Point.
An esoaped soldier trembles even at
(Philadelphia Press.)
the shaking of a /blade of long grass.
"Ef yer real interested," said 'Deacon
- Negligence te a powerful enemy.
Skinner, "I'll tell ye what I want fur
A. ecadier should always have bone-
thet horse."
vtir dog fed in balaba inereller "011,1 wouldn't be interested in know -
than one in a poor cottage. ing thet," replied Farmer Shotide.
A dog that la fed only for three eneeen,
days remembers the favor for three "No; but I wouldint mind knowing
years. • what yeal take."
The Game Is Lost Already.
To the Canadian there Is upper.
most the fact that they can con.
'realm:10y buy from the United
States What they require beyond
th,elr moans of eupply, and are thus
Wjil onvaate,ged carkying Out a
volley of industrial dcWelOpment
With lea,st Imrdship to consumees.
This aiartttlts of a steady and con-
servative eniargeroont of ineane of
supply; and persistent levitation
and inducement to Amerman menu.
facturere to establish plants in
Canada, are given through elastic
interpretation of tariff regulation%
It IS ravnlent that Canada bels
under 10 neee,ssity to request clos-
er Itrado relatione weth thio coun-
try. It equally.evielent that the
United Statee will play a losing
game tof limiting her action to edi-
torial coMment• and resolutions by
earrentereial and industrial organize-
tions,-eneerrobell Show, in N.Y. jour-
naltof eloternerce.
.11inatd's Liniment Cures Dandriiff.
catif;3 We aro such dear ttini true DievAl in 1ln thn't ennnetb
friends I am conic! to talk to yoo en Vie Mono Or the "Oe -I iletar little-/ era it&
about title sorantr.
T1ii aro Ulm.) ,•rt f v4ry beteatifut• eala•
wharf •Zeri be Continued.)
IV/ .04 1,4: •
Rev, 3, P. Charmless, pastor of the
Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal
Church, Itichmosel, sing! April 10, IWO,
when he took up the pariterate of the
local churcb, bite offieiatol nt 170 mar
lieges and an equal number of funerals.
When the Chet year of his corviee 01
the chureh Vas flniebea and Bev, Mr.
Cherneess Made out his statistical re-
port the number of marriages nud
funerale Win•e the same, just thirty-
four. Tile next year the funerals led
by four, his metrieges amounting 10
tee fewer than those of the former
year. Fifty-otie inarriagee to forty-
seven funerals wits the balance that
presented itself When Another twelve
months had xolled dround.-4ndlanapo•
is . Mir .
191odera ProVerhs.
A ettitain Iodate nolv and then 18 rel.
Med by the wivet of men,
Ti le Dog w,hich &Mlle in a, well deles
not know the Wide wean,
A. good medicine ie bitter.
Good brining up is more valuable . • I
thaw family riaine ; use
We cetnaot capture, tiger's ,tsub
unless We enter a. tigeree bola
Ooze, castle was not Wit in a niobte
The authorities of the Mint did well
in getting the hendsoine, welOpoised
head of Miss Hicks -Beach for the "Sri -
termite Of the new brine We are
usea of course to see the head of the
sovereign or chief of the state on cur-
rent money, both coin and paper, but
on several occasione a subject or oraia-
ary citizen has figured on the currency
here and elsewhere. The figure of Lib-
erty on the coinage of the United States
of Aitterice, has its prototype inn. young
eehoolteacher in Philadelphia. 'Mme.
Louise Blake, a prima donna was on
the thousand gunner notes of Buda-
pest, and for a long •tinut after the
Mien of Merles II. the Englieh pennies
Mid half -pennies sportea the counterfeit
preeentmett of the notorious Dueness
of Portsnionth es "Britannia." Mrs.
Washington often appeared alone on
American notes, cola occasionelly ac-
companied by George; while a century
ago the cogEly fate of the Daroneas
de Rothschild adorned the Rothethild
notee.-Inadyer Pictorial.
Do You Reed It?
It now trans ires that the most popts.
ler %oh in 100, was the
It wars a Jap named Kitamto who dis-
covered the baciilus of tetanus or look -
jaw, thereby leading to the production
of the autitoxie eerum, and it was an-
other, named Singe, who discovered the
bacillus of dysentery,. one of the -moat
deadly of dimases in time of war. -
London Obreniele.
We offet One Hundred Dollen' Reward for
nay ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
all's Catarrh Cure,
J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, 0.
Ole y
Witte theundersigned,Iredrtzg-Ndieztirrankunciaziliti
perfectly honorable In all business trans-
actions and finaneially able to carry out -any
obligations made by this iirm.
WALtaxo, KuOUN & ainaver, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intertially,rie
ing directly upon tile blood and mucous sur,
facee of the system. • Testimonials sent free
Price -759 per bottle. 130141 by all druggists,
Take Hall's FamilyPills for constipation,
Just Like Kruger.
(Toronto Star.)
Alexieft, with his office star on board
a train ready to scoot north, must re-
call how one Paul Kruger once main-
tained his seat of government on a mov-
ing train.
The North-Western Use NussiWapan
Bend ten odnt in stanap8 for Russo,
Jae:lanes° War Atlas Issued by The
Chicago and Northwest 'Wye Three
fine colored maps, each 11x20 ; bound
In convenient form for reference,
'The Eastern situation Shown in de-
tail, with tables. ehowing rele,:tivo
military and naval etreegth and
financial resources or Russia. and
Japan. 13. R. Bennett, Z East King
, .
St., Toronto, Ont.
Masculine Infatuation.
Charles -My wile's handwriting is awe
full Just look at that letter.
His Priced -How do. yea manage to
read 1*?
don't. I just send the
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34
A Methodist clergyman who officiated
in town last Sunday, vouches for this
story. He bas an interesting five-year-
old granddaughter. At prayer meeting
he asked the congreeedon to fise and
give personal testimony; and he was
agreeably surprised to find his grand-
daughter among those who gave experi-
ences. She said:
.,,"The Lord is my shepherd, I shrill nob
At the parsonage later in the evenin
1114 clergyman kissed his grandchild na
said that the happiest moment of his life
was when his darling arose and shamed
the older membrs by giving her testi-
mony. It was such as she who meat bati
men good, he added. The ehild listened
attentively to the eulogy, Then she said:
"Well, I just hid to do it. Didn't want
to stern there like. a darned fool and
say nussen."-New York Sun.
1. .e.1 L . .. IN di la 1111,111,1.
Prom any first-class dealer.
Feed the Birds in Winter.
(Boston Herald.)
The movement for feeding the birds
during this season of heavy snow nna
frieid temperature has been eystentati.
organized in some of the rural
districts of the State. That the birds
have bee*t suffering for lack of food this
wilder there eon be no doubt. The
bodice of large numbers of them, dead
from lack of toutisliment, have been
fend in various localities. The number
and variety of birds that have been
with US Alt throudi tide exceptienelly
cold 'whiter are altogether remarkable.
Tbey include the bluejay, the sparreet,
the ehiekitdee, the wren, the woodpeek-
er, the pine grosbeak, and, here and
The Kbuligant or St. Peters bur.
IIoW many people aro rtornoe thn,ti
Panto reJoncee in a eomie paper ?
asks the Wastmineter Gazette. Its
thtleIs tho• Shut, which aceordino,
to the current Notes end Querlee, -
Meting tbe !ker." We factual a I °bob-
iy WM' have heard or the Shut tie
it had not nesinglated our generics
nahoefeir the London lerrikin, 11001-
igalt." tis Crosenilii lssila of the Mitt
there le 41 interenee to the dengere
lorkleg in a certnin gurirter of St,
votersbnrg, whieli is Winked bYl
gangs of okbuligani," the Ilteolan
'plural of our elmoligan," Tho fnet
corded in MIS/thing but eomie, but
there le a rerfein dealt of humor
in a eptelmen of London Alain slang
Seentlibz• IntorpOratiO 1 in the ittue.
• there, the robin lan language.
3 feet wide, 4 feet high, leisluding binge* and 1st& $2.15 SUpplled
10 feet wIde, 4 feet high. Whaling- fdrigtiti and latch „o„, ,,,,, Lee by 118 0? 202
Other Altoi in proportiee. lotal dealer. -
' Tim pA,cat Votikt FENCE CO, Limited, WilkervIllel Mitetreeit WInbtpeal St. John ;
1 1 11 1111 Ili 1111