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The Wingham Advance, 1904-03-24, Page 2
.. � l ,-s...,• _.,.... is t could not peat w ickea womwas an Psis I until, , y,r•s.,r..,rw.. �y� beorl apoalaIIY summoned to moat on tho Wth Marc,', the day after to- SWIS . * '(�' „ •on. St>ll, Ili at c'ra,se, �, g4t C Q0�• OUILBING t I HI(�1n1da 1 lxa0ause till couched 4011,11 a pro- - o THE uwirow, for �ohsklaraticin, antX I I is �i l bU � #') phot," and lie u►fight yet, cause het: The r1arkefto v_._-_.. hope confirma,tion," 1 p �81>GD, downfall, sho soiuld the first oppor AtCoi dcts0tlbini; th,o 0ourso of the N I L.RD 1 IA.HALL, PBopniuroIt. !lVTFILIVATLOiVt#Ii leLSdC1lV NQ.:CIT tunitY that camp to Itavo him bs- note line and the torms on which it IN I beaded. ""`^'"""' „ Nifico uod , be built, thtl 1'rssldont Wntia_,-_.1...---,—,—., .._ �.--.___»_.-_ .. _ " 1•iAttCli X0,1004. ljorod, like many Another man, was ��++ p ! nod ; "Y Have alludod �to the obl,ga- __ �, J. GUIRE i Jesus 1 cede:the 11t a Thousand. beguilers into a foolish vow by the British Live Stock XarKets, 'tion imposed oil the Grand "Wallk ---- -- witchery of tale beauti[ut form and _vv Pacific RaiIwAtY Company Of making Revelations p� ND Commentary -l. 'Mite multitude astd graceful movements of a "Etoolety Steaodyoat 111-2 to12oPound ► iL deposit as evidence of Its bona Shockin Revelations Made MEAL ESTATE. INSURANCE A !� 11310t need (rs, 13-1G). it 1^ieard lxallo €tt his court. Tito wily lueo Olt �iharles R�vEI's Wilsons tid�as• 7,lhis deporsit, wWoh wa,s to be g LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Of it_Mbo des,th of John the Baptist. tools advantage of her daughter's fat steere, dressed woo P ; PUIVgr made wdtbtnrytltirty days of the pass- thnn0e—Lett (apeinauM- cant eita,bor drool 81-2 to 913 per patun;cL, Ing of 'tile 6xft, ruse"t Act was to by Mayor Weaver, Collection of Renta and Accounts q specialty. Iuost anti secured the head of iters S,>xeefi 13 to X31 Lc per, POutul. A ' ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. ! 110 crDapAowed to thv northeastern shore tormentor, Jesus hoard of it` � This Address. consist of $5,00U,UOU in cash or Gov- OSioo—sn Yanatone Biook, Or. the Laka of 0enessarct. AOrOus the great preacher liad boom unjustly I'll- Leading wpoat marlceus. , c*roment saeourities. I am bound to -----^ Opea Saturday evoniuge. 7 tat 8. lttko Jesus watea out of the dominion firlsonod and ruthlessly slaughtered FolloWing are, tiha closing quota- r oxtord ly opinion thw,t thin fuss an Women are Bought I of tiro murctater of John, ane' tvlthin The outlook tar zighteousnees was, t0 {ions at imp,attant wjLetitit contret4 , oxtromoly onerous and unreasonable Young g the tQtraxciky of Herod Philip. The say the least, dark. In such all hour tom: a 21st', i�e Was at First Over fan- demand, and I may,. in paSaing, 0011- .A. DULNYAGE people- Fro'm Job,n vi. us a !fit Jesus naturally sought t>n pisco of so- C tr �t it with the similar abli1,'n"A and Sold Like Cattle 1 tsi 1'aaalater wa,4� just at hand, and laslon, to mourn, to meditate, to New Yox'>r.„,.. 997-8 ' on the Canadian Pacific at the inPOP, , -- • &62-8 guine of the Scheme• tion of their undertaking, which was REAL ESTATE AND LOAN ACENT, there were thrangy of people goinl� Pray, "lrio departed thence by a bon Chlcstgo,,,.......•, .. , r,; cgnf ned •tie $1,000,OUO In cash, or up- ”. 'CONVEYANCING. MONEY TQ LOAN up; to Jea•wsialem. On toot—'111to People, Into a dosort place apart." 'Cho !top- Tolrxio,.,... , ....,, ,.,,,• 100! UO tvpta,hinf; the Sailing of Jesus across ulace followed him into the desert Duluth No. X,., ,,.,,..,; 97 1 . 97.1-3 protect s3curltlos, without lta�lot9 . 1 on Tons and Farm Property. the northern end of the lake, ran place -'rhe ,seclusion the savIeri sought , , behind !t tltl support of il powerful p Terrible Blot on the Fair ( ASSIGNEE. ACCQUNTANT. around the northern photo so r4P• in his sorrow is lnvaded•by tho throngs Toroilur lr,tr�nc+ra' nlarlcot, Five Million Dollars to be at aoz•peratien like that of the company p idly thati� air0•frdinx toMark, they The exigencies of a lost world leave The, of grain on the street' now promoting the Grand Ttuuk Pit- City of Brotherly Love. OFFICE.—x11 the gent B1ook. outwent the. boat, and came unto little, or no time for personal ser- today were, a llttla larger than of ai.tio Company. 71h1s obligatieu ryas, Residence—Catherine St,, Him" As he landed.We gitles—At their sick," late, with prices firma Wheat Is Once Deposited, however, roluotan,tly accepted In sho r � this time the western and northern row. "Let the doad bury their dead." Iyighez•, there belvt males of 200 early stages of the negotiations, It 11tladolpllia•, March 15,—Tito Press p� �^t alxrz+es were populous with cities anti +'Josue went forth and saw a great bumhals of wRbitp sit 96 to 991-2c, London, L,ug„ Cable say— At a must naive been obvious that the says; Slpttrrecrs o'ni.iry the kngtvllecdge THOS. $OLMES villager. 14. \fent forth—From the multitude, and was moved with com {-,00 �afih,els of red winter at 9813 to crowded meeting of .the Grand 'trunk Grand Trunk Pacific Ratllway Com- tb(at tote traado in "wiltcto slaves", BAN$11R, ETC, boat. Compassion — Jesus walked passion toward them, and lie healed g1; cunt' load of sglring at 96c and Railway Company to -da with from p i3'' tvdst0ti had not ovou been or- ; theta The eventing dteW oil. The, disc!- 300 bubiir<als of ooso at 87 to 88c, Y Y' gaulzed, was not in a position 'twithi11 is still flourishing in this among the people, teaching Barley gtendy, 7.00 bushuels se11111 five hundred to six hundred shar0-' tete limited period exacted to maks eilty, and that tyoung wjomlen emc- aniage I,ioenses issued. No witnes,a many things and healing their sick. plus ware anxious for the welfare raqu od. 15. Evonipg.—Wes wAa to 'tile sifter- of the great throng, In a certain At 471-2c to 481-2e. Oats un- holders present, tite President, after the deposit, and who" the G•iand grants taro not only being led Intel onoy 49; large amounts; smaller in pro- uoon, ,,%Ion the day began to wear sense, dependent on them. They changed, 800 'bushels selling tut 839%0. dealing with the half year'& accounts, `lii'tiAk Company Nfia approached for llvo4 of vice oy villainous men (c W I portion, Easiest terms, a ibuehel, 130TIOI .l coumtry produce aid in this direptlon, It wail unable away." (Luke ix. 1`2.) The Jews hctd sirL-ed L11,e Mtcter for authority to turned to the "Proposed Grand Trunk to apt without first obtaining the take , AY,antage of their ignorance, RIC;HtiRD HOLMES two evenings. The first began at se+nd•them away. His reply surprises 1tt tali supply atad tike demand good, Pacific undertaking." lie said e � required In but are actually] being sold like throe o'clock, the second at Six them. They need not depart; give Batten• Is firm, with sales of good g'•" , ",W sanction of its shareholders, for BAn13ISTZIt AT LAW, SOLICITOR, WW-, ZTe, o'clock. In this verse tete first even- YO 'them to Pitt l' At Once they be- to Quol e, at 20 to 22c per pound. caused a bill to be introduced into wililc4 a certain time was .btlack islaves npre Yrn the South be. Office;—nezo to Holmes Block now building cnbt in meant; in verse 23, the second• gan to plead their Inability. "We Eggs ,aro easy, with sales at 21 to the Canadian Parliament for recur- •order to show• no lack of faith 'on foreth.e;w t Disciples came—BY combining the have stere Inst five loaves and two 26a per dozen. P the part oT the promoters, and to ,Smytta un Mayor l q�lnceerd pail- ��T t Ott acroauuts of the evangelists the con- fisheet. How muoh of gospel work Hay In mfodetraite supply, -vital Inc, a charter of incor oartion of an �Isfy the conditions of the for [!LESS SARA L. 11100RE tettstttiaa may be SuppaSad to have goa9 undone to-dny becapse "the die- mAceta firmer; $0 ioialds said nit $11, independent company to ,build a line contract, an interim and conditional m,ent are Iireparbng to rescue the bean•ab� ma follows: "Wltenoe Shalt ciplm" plead 1naMllty. W $18 a ton fat• timothy and xt of railway from a Point of junction deposit was made by the Grand unfolrtunates, • and to wipe out of Teacher of Piano and Theory we buy bread, thstt these may eat "•" The way to increase divine gifts four to $9 for goose. S10 t firmer, on the Grand Trnuk line, pasaing R)t'itnk Company of £1,000,000 tour (John.) Philip replied that "two hun- is to give to the needy. "Freely ye four loads selling at $10 to $11 a Per Cent. guaranteed stock, subject pxiistenep the horrible trafllc.. (John.enn,wor e oI bread" wduld not have received, freely give" After all ton, through the most fortile districts of to subsequent approval of the share- uilmast• iatereditp,ble are some of dred Ila sul'twiont for them (Job '1'lten were fed each disciple load a basket Dressed liogs are unchanged at the North -.west, and terminating at holders and confirmation by Parlia- tho laotia that have come into the MISS CAR -RIE MOORS the disciples urged Flim to "send due full, although there was less than $6,5.0 for helavy and '$7 for light; A port on ,the Pacific coast, under mont. T,he approval. however, of flits themycte possession concerning multitude away" that tJ�ey might a loaf apiece to start with. Read- polloMing are the quotations: arrangement by the Shareholders of the system they purpose to tight. Teacher of Violin and Guitar. purelbase food. ;,Sus said, "Give ye er, are yon giring enough to the Wbea,t, watl'te, bushel, 98 to 99'1 3a; the natural impression that a scheme tbo Grand 'bunk Company will not Particu'jarly ,so is their Informa- them to eat," wkereupon the disci- spiritually an gryreAround ase your apply? �' 98O to, $1; spring, 95 to 960; of this nAture would commend it- -be required, and the conditional do- tion as to tow ,lrttying and selling Rooms—in Wingham. pies in dismay asked 11 they shouldthat Ood Of the Important more truths brought goose, B7 to 88a; oats, 89 to 891-2o; self to the approval and obtain the pl already made will be cancelled, of the, ,'w(otnen, pi and buy this great amount of out in e wonderful miracle there pew' Ci8 to 70e. ; barley, 471-2 to support and encouragement of the In substitution thereof it is note pro- Tho ,emigrants, young, alone gen- go (Ozark), Jesus replied, Flow 418 Polio c ; Qyay, tint,dthy, to'n, $11 to Government and Canadian Parlia- vedsd by the supplemental agreement orally and unable to ,speak the MISS DELIA SPARLING many (ark have you? replied, and See" ara none, we think, so Important $13 'ic; plover, $& to ,$9; otraa4w, $10 mant that tine deposca shall be made In language of this country, are met (Durk). Tibet' replied that there was as that of Christian activity. Spin- to,,$11 ; S�eed,a, sasike, bushel, $4,50 to "I Tentured,to suggest to the share- eooh, or approved securities, and the as they (come from the steerage A T. C. M. a(lad there (John) v►bo had "five bar- alae life Is at a low elbb in the •$6,76; Am, ,red clavier, bushel, $6 to holders when I audressed them in Grand 'lxunk Company will, subject of (tltta iships arriving bn Newl York Teacher of Piano. Theory and Fletcher ley loaves and two small fishes" charobt of our clay. The average $6.85 ; do., 'timothy, 100 lbs., $2.25 to April of 1 t ear ;that such a to your approval, make the Aecewary by Interpreters, I wato represent IFfuaio Method, Shaple= and Kindergarten. II. The mcraoie wrought, vs. 16. church member gives of splrituatl $3;nipples, bbl., $1,50 to $2.25; dress• g arrangemeatiq for complying with the thlemselves as friends and bene- helpfulness, praotiealiy nothing. a r scheme might Carrie$ through tactors. They] tell the women what pupils prepared for ConsexvstorF exam- 211. 16. Neocd net depart Cbrie g , $6. r0 to $7 ; eggs, now Laid, without engaging in •tnY way the require ill of tele sed as soon 'like had ted their souls and healed their "Chrlstian testimony' means little doo. L4 to 26 ; butter, dairy, 19 to credit of the shareholders of tits G. depos3it will be released as soon as a great nation ;America is, Itow1 Inatipns. more, tiban a few' words to a oongre- 220 : � , creamery, 23 ,to 26c ; chick- rolling Stock for the equipment of tite rich all its inhabitants are, and' bodies, and now, "Eke proposes gation very largely composed of en,s,,.,(Ip, lb•, 1'2 to 134,; geese, lb., 12 'to T. Co. Such was my conviction, found- road has )loan provided:' to teed their, bodies, and Christian r easorys. So•c{alled church od upon rost~sonable data, and inview wjhat �tcgli wages aro paid for ilio thus show that 13e is able P °� 130 • ducks, kb., 12 to 14c ; Turkeys, of my precedents bearing upon our Following the x'rosident's speech a - simplest kind of manual 'labor. ALEX. KELLY ?ET T .T work, at its bast, is oonfinsd to lb., TS to 2Qo; potatoes, bag, 90c to case, I think it right at once to protracted d$Ecussion ensued, the The unsuspecting victims express 11J'J11 Il LL 1 to provide for, all their necessities, the Sunday school, t}1e Prayer meet- $110; cabbage, doz.. 50 to r750; cauli- g soheme been vehemently opposed by tlt&r gratitude, ,and, natural! John, sav's that the question He ask- ing and rho cilkuss nbpetizig—when flow;ar, don., $1,25 to $1.7u ; celery, say that, wltcgn I made the auzges- g g Y, Auctioneer for Heron COtltity Fhi11gl watt far the purpose of they still exist—and to special ohm- r tion, I was perhaps over sanguine, represenka,tives of Mr. Allen, who re- are easily led into the belief that proving or, testing him, for Jesus P doz., 40 to .100 ; beat, hindquarters, because for the reasons which I shall oefirbly retired from trite Board owing the ni,en wlho so kki dly met them) mit-teo work. This Is all right and $7 to $9; forequarters, $5 to 13G.50; to his'be.lief that the new line would knew what he would do. Give me good enough in its place, but it 1s choice, carcase, $7 to $7.50; medium, state, to you its the course of my and tongue We i to, them, in their places 2 Lave seemed an Auctioneer's license for them-Phlifp'a reply! to Christ's all confined within such circum. remarks, it has been found Im s- jeopardize the welfare of the Grand tongue tdiiel help tltetw to got places Huron cana0y, and am prepared to conduct eiaroaVw, '$6 to $6.50 ; lamb, yearling, po 'drunk Company. wl1wre the high wages can be made sales at reasonable rates, t7uestion, that two hundred penny scribed and well defined limits that $9i(to $10,50 ;mutton, cwtt., i$7 to $e•„ sible to carry the measure th'rou,,h Many speakers also urged that , ' Sales arranged at the Advance Office worth, about' .$32 worth, of bread tLoae classes most needy are not v,cial, c'wt,, $8 to �$1f?. the Canadian Parliament without they had Insufficient time for con- The et --Tor 'it members 'of the A would not be suftid,ent, pas caused reached at all. Can it be said of any imposing some Obll ations on ;the raEcitterakel't is lung beyond a, ALR7C. liELI,Y, Wingham P. O, many to believe that tills amounHl community in Amcuiea, "And they Torouta Not; Markets. G. T. Co. ' g slteration- tiaubt�takd alta young women to a represented the total resources of did toll rxat and wears iUled" with Che From ,the Tp�ronto :World: f "Our original Idea was to bulld Eventually, Se, after e- explanation ivaarclquartene, where they are inoti` N MUTUAL from the Second Vice -President and ELLINGTO Christ and His disciples; and 1t "living Bread?" It not in Americt, 11ocelpte of hogs since aux report from a point on our rabltvay do the bi propriciNc 't cions in various would certain! ! Seem unwise for w,het•e in the world? of 9,esterday amounted to nearly Pacific cotwit. Our intention was that G•pnartva l Manager Heys and his warm ci cies, of .tv(hich this is one of Ithe 1 1 endorsement of the project, tP mostl prominent, and sell them. yr �{' INS. CO.C0them to use their last penny,, for After Jeave had pupplled the nacos- 3,OD0.. Prices tom straight loads tic, point of junction should be at agreement was adopted and the this Purpose. sitles of the multitudes through ranged lrom $5j'15 to $5.37%. Drov- or in the ,neigtborhoud of North I3ay• g P I ,Even. the prhoes paid for the slaves )Cetablishedl8io. 17. We Have here—The multitude Efts dicclples, He sent away first err, reported having paid; in the eburs- It wa,s made, however, by the Gov- meeting terminated, having lasted id knowin. They vary, according to Head Office GURH,ONT. ha;d not thought of their temporal Hisdi.clpin an+d th-;i'th�c mullltude; try; $4.90 to $t5, and even $5;10 per evnment a aondltioll of the grana two hours and a half. - the unfortunate xw!oman'as beauty, LP necessities, so anxious were they to As the• darkness closed around ice cwt., to 2armers, and these prices 'of the charter of the G. '1L P. Co. - - ao tlwy ,used to vary, according to Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro see and hear Jesus, and a lad had find Him at the place for wltloh He seem to have been quite eGnilmon, es- that the line should be extended east- the negro'n strength and useful- pertyonthecashorpremiumnote system. all that could be found. Loaves— started, on the mountain, alone, in peciallys At competing points both ward from North ,Bay tq Quebec, Land A STRANGE CASE. pees., For some the slaves, not isxnsGowns, CRAB.DAVIna014, fishes—"The loaves werg round, flat prayer.—J. Emory Coleman. -east and 'west. oT,heee same drovers to ;the city of Moncton, in New ppreltocsessnng, snore as Jowl as 82 presideu_ " Secretary cakes like large crackers" Barley. ,reported blaving received all the Brunswick, the point of junction with Gland Treatment for a Sufferer Frown have been 'the prince., For others, e rras their poorest food. "Me fisrh wia'y� from •$5.115 to $5.37% per cwt. the I"tercolonial Railway, whhich Ceitenisut, comiely .young girls, $20'0 has been JOHN RiTCHIS THREATENED TO RESIGN. Within a radius of 2'5 to 50 miles, communl0ates to St. John, N.D., and offered and accepted. e AGNNT, WINGHAM ONT were small, dried or pickled, and ' read, like our ser- drovers reported as having recely- Halifax, N•,Si., Asa result of nego- Omaha, Neb.,March 14.— At the .11th the purchasers take the were eaten with b dines"—+Edersheim. Andrew said, Ministers Presented Ultimatum to Pre- . ed $5.30 per bw,t. for .hogs fed tiatioas with the Government a bill ago of eighteen years Florence Div- women, -who still believe they are go - DI SON & HOLMES stet Balfour. f�tTLT "But what are they among so and watered at the market before wa,s introduced by the Government elbies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ing to honest employment, to their Vlzflt ; sent'?" Hardly enoutb ; "five crack- London, March 15. —The Stanclarcl being weighed. Drovers Yloth east for ensuring construction of the son- EI, Divelbiss, of South, Omaha, was resorts, and keep fuss there. This BtC, ers and two sardines for five thou learns on the best authority that 11r. and west of Toronto, reported bav- .templated line from Now Brunswick thirty-one inches tall. To -clay, at might seem Impro(bable, but 'the im- Buristers, Solicitors, � sand bungry,� men, besides women and Austen Chamberlain, Mr. Lyttelton, and ing received $5 per cwt., for hogs 'to tite Pacifbo. In the, joint agreement the ago of nineteen, site is forty- prisarnme"t is effected by taking Office: Meyer Block W gham in . ` obiidran ! 18. Briag—to me— Here, three minor members of the Cablit,iz free on (board care at points of ship- between the Government and the one inches tall, having grown ten away the slaves' street clothing, and was the secret. Christ was able. All threatened to resign on Wednesclan nit- meat. Drovers reported the Park.- Grand Trunk Rallway Company, an inches during the last year. These by frightening them into the belief &L Dickinson Holmes must centre in Elm. We may; have less official support -vas withdrawn frim Blackwell Companyas sending out agreement under which tilts line are the remarkable fact3 concern- that they are criminals, and that it but little, but id we will give the Mr. Wharton's fiscal motion. telegrams on March 5th, that they', would be constructed and worked Ing a remarkable young woman (or is' dangerous for tbAm, to be seen out. little we have to Jesus. Re will mut- The Morning Post urges the Domiadcn . were willing to pay) $5,3.7% for cars wa,A embodied In. the Governmenq bill, child) of this city,, side the houses. tipi;q it a 'thousandfold and pass it Government to lose no time iii offering` of select hogs, ,delivered at Toronto, and it is thei first ar the two .,gree- Florence is a vbctimi of :wthat cs lihis latter treatmont also prevents back to us, and grant us the privi- acceptable terms to Newfoundland. ..t All of the above information goes ments which is submitted for the ap- called ceitention.• From, t'.e time the women from testifying etgainst R,VANSTONE @AR AND SOL{CITOR lege Of passing It out to the starv= says the Dominion, without Newfounl- to Show thult Mlle prices quoted 'to, proval to -day she was three ygars old until a pear their captors—and owners—when eatratee. Office I Ing cin -burdened multitudes. land, can never carry out an effect;re the press Iry] the dealers have been, The Government bill and the bill ago sit() klid not grow, physically raids are made and tboy are ar- Monerso loan at low 19• To dit down— In orderly! ranks scheme of self-defence and control tIle to Bary' the least, most misleading.. of ingorporatio'n of `the Grand or mentally. Site could neither rested. BLOOS for the convenient distribution of deep-sea bait, the most Important tvez The [World is la.nxious to give a cor- Trunk Pacific RaclwAY Co., both re- walk, talk, nor do anything other Director Smith appealed privately $F:AV1�R ' the food." Mark safe they sat by pon in treaty disputes with the Amcri- rest report of all markets, especially! ceived the Royal assent on she than a baby of three years could to Judge Daavis yesterday for advice 7-95, WINGHAM, hundreds and fifties. Grass -- The cans. the hog market, which has become 21,th October, 1903, the act and the do. Through this period Of fifteen a,e'to a means of overcoming tb.p aw ' grass w'a9 ready' for mowing At this The House of Commons -passed by a an important factor to the farmers, agreement were discussed by Parlia- years the parents and members of fol conditions. Judge Davis told him tcm,e of the year. And took, oto.— majority of 6-r the bill for separate a-- Of Ontarbo.l ment during the whole of an un- the family fondled the little one lino would try, his bast to learn If J. A. MORiTON "Thus acting like the master of la sessment and rating land values. Mr. 1s-. If the above information, given byl usually prolonge,cd session. They met with a tenderness even more ar- there was net some practical way of family among the Jews, who took quith pointed out that the bill was sty- (reliable men, is incorrect. •The w,iti, strong opposition try usual op- dent tkan they would an ordinary diDr ng the criminals to justice. i}n- BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. {ho bread into gta hands to give ported by 200 municipalities. G. Lawson Woxld's columns are open for the ponents ,of the Government, -supple. child.; , der presetLt conditions, the Judge tbanke to Goll before any' at the declared the bill would destroy the pub- ,Several packing companies to cor- mentecd by hostile lnterestsof compet- But a year ago a remarkable said, the poor women were the only MONEY To LOAN. {able were perm to eat" Jesus tic breathing places. If the bill passed irect; i , . , i l tttong, avho iwagined that ilio saw chane came. Medical aid had been ones wlto could be punished. +� y g Mayor Weaver, asked whether he Block, Wingham had one loaf for a thousand men, five million separate heredctaments wound Bradstreets on Trade. in tura contract with the Grand given in many directions, and fin- would speak of his purpose In bring- Office:—Mortonbesidrs the women and children. have to be valued afresh, trunk Paeifi-c Company a measure ally a gland treatment waGg given 'Ing before him last Monday a young £'leased--Jeau's thus setts us an ex- 'ter. Laboucliere, addressing an dnO The freight blockade on the railways, WvXieh would be detrimental to a test—a treatment of food from iv,omaa of the "white slave" class DD A �7� Ample; we should never eat wit'lb- Chinese labor meeting at Northampton, caused by the snow storm and ice and their town projects. I think it only animals; designed to promote webo had been captured in a raid, an - lb• AGNEW otu tfirst thanking God for our food, declared lie had never come acrom such drifting, is slowly being raised, and the due ;to Sir Wilfrid Laurier to ex- growth of the body.. Almost im- sw,ereil.: Dand prs131ng gee blessing tlpion it. fro a lot of liars as the present Conservative outlook for business at Montreal is press my admiration of his pa- mediately improvement was no- °'What Dan I say' 7 For two years PHYSICIAN, SURGEON His di,sciplas—There has been much Oiinisters. showing a corresponding improvement. triotia and statesmanlike conduct of ticedand tk.e results have been mar- Director Smyth and myself have been ACCOUCHEUR. I Conditions of general trade continue t?;is great measure through Parlia- vellous, Within the year she grew doing our utmost to bring ,to justice , i%ole Trac gas t0 meat how. 'the reit- health and the outlook is far from Mont. Treating tLe question as one 0ftke f—17pstaire in the Macdonald • mole •seas performed. Ota the bread 'i'llvOOPS ACi10 SS CANADA. Y, of national importance it might not ten incites c height. Her shine, , men and women rose received for thlif Block. mirltlpiy� in the handy of �'est}s, or unpromising. Values of staple goods which was curved, became better, ;lorrcblo business. We received infer= Night calls answered at office. in the hands cf Ass disciples, or, ag Slr Charles Parsons Confers Witb are firmly held and there is some talk have been unrea%onably expect- and a distended rstomach began to oration that young women were not some thrnk• did the dEsol'ples put 4 G. d,. It. President. of finished cotton goods being further teat the quegtton might have recede. Her clothes are now. too ,sly procured for immoral purpose, pdece off bread and fish in the hangs been lifted out bf the sphere of small, Her appetite is ravenous. She but were actually sold for mono as advanced. Y. Y of those Who sat at the ends of •the Montrea, Mar. •15.—Major-Gen- Sir The outlook for general trade at To- party politics, but this was not the talks considerably, and. understands slaves where in the South. It may DRS. CHIS�OLi de CHI$HOL ranks with orders to give It to 'their, t,tial•teas Parsons, 1C• C. M. G., Coin- ronto now is better than it has been case, and it was only after encoun- almost e.erything. Seom incredible that these condi- oompanies? There is no doubt but sander -in -Chief of the British forces for some weeks. A few days of rain, tering t}<e utmost difficulties,and ea- When a reporter called at the Banti could exist, but' wie have infor- PHYSlCIANS •SURGEONS ETC. oc the food maltlpiled all along the in Canaria, was in Montreal to -day on followed by fine bright spring weather, erasing the greatest forbearance, Divelb:,ss home Florence was sit- ma'Cion which leads us to believe line. Jesus food banded out to IIds des- his wait' to Ottawa to attend 'Lha op- has imparted a much better tone to patience ani! abilty, that he was ting on the floor near her mother that they did exist and probably do Josephine Street -- Wingham piples ; it increased in their 'hands ening of Parliament. During his stay trade circles. The general outlook is able eventually jto carry the mea- deeply engrossed with her dolls exist Yo -day:' as tlyd9• handed otvt to tl)o hinItitude, in Montreal Sir Charles Parsons bad trade a yin g sure. ills leading objects were to and otY,er toys, She seemed obliv- "But wo have been persistenily I as it was 'passed from one to an- a conterenoe with General Manager At Quebec weather conditions nave `secure �° addit anal means of en- lout to the stories her mother re- thwarted in our purpose -to bring to abling the growing I:opulat}on of called of the nineteen years she justice those persons, either here or P•.KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.O Otlrer the bread and fish continues! Olcvirsto o[ the ti P. chief and it s- y Y the northwest to bring the products had cared for "the baby,"-- Ossa- ni New Yotk, who are responsible for to swell in their hands until need understood that the chief topic ilia- serious! interfered with trade. Cit i• p1lSomborottheBritishMedicai all we enough and to spare. sassed wags the recent arrangement trade is reported fairly active and the of the western prairies to the east- sionaily Florence would frown the conditions. We shall continue ns Association) rites 20.�i'ere tilt,jdr d t is one in reported to have been entered Into wholesale milliners are getting ready ern seaboards when something particulariv per determinedly as ever before." D MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. pf our Lord attested by at least five by the Canadian Pacific Railway for the spring openings. Heel pointed out the advantages of conal was said of her. Again,. she 7.t" the,se statements Director COL fs,o,scnd men, probably ten thousand ttith the British Government for the . The produce markets at the wTacifie the contemplated line -which would would smile and mumble her ap- Smyth, w,ito was present, nodded as - special attention aid to Diseases of womex pera'trr. No one need ever leave transport of British troops across Coast have been much unsettled of late, not only open up fresh districts of royal of her mothers comments, sent. an children, Christ`s table hungry. no is able to the continent in case of emergency. but in staple manufactures there has fertility in the ,vest, but would at- p„ ++ ' Oa7.[eeHooits:—ito4p.m,; 7to9P,m, 7 been a stead movement for the tom- You can hardly imagine, said Flow Baca your 'eftoras Leen :satisfy every need o soul and body. 7.lbo present uncertain conditions In y ford further facilities for eventu- Ofrg, Divellims, "how it seems to thwaa,rted—by whom ?" , Ile fa the bread 4f life. rragmeats— the east. coupled with the alliance of Ing season. Prices generally at Vic- ^lly' giving an outlet for those pro- parenfa to go a score of years But the Mayor would make no re- Broken pieces wfild`= remained over. Great Britain with Japan, make {t toriu, Vancouver and other centres are ducts to counties beyond the Pacific, along with the same baby, the same ply.to, this or other questions pit to According to John, Jesus directed iml rratiTo that the ;imperial Govern- firm for cottons and leading lines in viz„ Australia, China and Uatsan, the. glzr and the same development, him. ;1--. , , r. C • �l. T. EOilogfl� them' to gathor up the fragments, sent s liculd have the means of fabrics. Manitoba patent flour ad- route In question being indeed the while others in the familyi grow tip "that nothing be last," Twelve bas- transporting troops to the far east vanced hero the past week to $6, but shortest route between the manu- and got married. It .seems strange, D.D.S., L.D.S. i,tbatZno nothing wortranslated "baskets" with all despatch, and the all -Brit- there is no demand for it for Japan so facturing centres of Canada and {oo, when we recall children born KILLS BROTHER'S RESCUERS- D.D.S., ��dnatsolRoyal 6 means pockets or wallets. Tile twslve lsh line offers not only the quickest, far. China and Japan. While then hi3 the game year as was Florence now _— soIIe�e of Dental i baskets were probably the twelve but Safetst route in case of emer- The approach of the spring season is Objects ,-were of this large anis es- married wi.tr. children of their, own Anicer Executes Official Who Helped arReou of tor- • , tva3leta of the twelve apostiee, which geney. causing more Inquiry for staple goods' aentially national character the ag largb as Florence. Yet that has ti and F odor . q occurred. But you could hardly Urniir Lscn e IIIc i they easf t t elve journeys—Dr, 791e outcome of the discussion be- at Winnipeg. The deliveries of wheab Gran{1 Trunk L'Ompany Saw in the p �op ti Toren i Deems. 21. five thousand men—Ttiercde �i eenjSir ha les Parsons and understood, Dan r. bave been delayed by the storms, and fulfilment of ,such an undertaking blame ug for loving 1:er: more than Peshawar, India, 'lurch lt;_Id- IIbivo»lty. must Base been ten the oa dlso the i understanding that in the event of remittances }taro been a little slow. the greatest n.dvantagsa to be, ob- a natural child, We know: that it - vices from Ca.bul, Afghaulatau, nt•ato Tataet improved methods in a branches of I Jemm had arranged Jr Otherwise the conditions of trade arc' twined for their awn en tnrprlg0. The Is merely her Affliction. And nolo I that under the orders 0t the Am or penYtstt'T Prices moderate. Satiafactios' could sassily be counted. any trouble arising in the far cast fairly satisfactory and the 'outlook is result, therefore,was a combination it seems so strange to see her gro'wi 11tealdar Mohammed sand Iiussain trsarantied. AWOfliosinBeaverI3lock. I1I. Events hollowing the miracle calling for tho intervention of Eng- romisin of th,010 two Interests, under which Ing like other children did, as it Ishan, who were appointed to attend nwill- ent would be made easily an<l expedi- INIholesabe trade at Hamilton is look:, ti;e construction of filo proposerd was to see her remain a bob on Umar Khan the, Ameer.S brother, T..- (v11 22, 231. "l2. constrained land, the passage across the ;ontin- P g p g' p road construction ti carried through bq y � -I F4 J. lib -WIN marded• The dUsoiptes Seemed u 6 Ing to by and leave Him alone. "BY tlausfy via fife Canadian Pacific Rail- bn u note that the she menus are a artnership between the Govern- white other babies grew her There who was a practical bn,lped were A IL ` file exercise of direct author,LY He way, - , ' .. boil being made dsii Aping ore c Re an have d the i t- 'm� t and 'the Grand 'T'runk Pa- is little doubt neve that her baby- akpescap because they hr;lped T7nttir D.D.A.,L,D.B, stood has passed. We cal almost see Co escape from Cabal. compelled them to embark: . They proved. T}te spring bttainess has been cfYcL Company, supported as it would her grow, Before silo began, to take ;-- _ • 17os1tee of Dental Surgery of the ret. ROnt towat'daf Capernaum and Beth KISHINEFF TRIALS END. a tripe quiet, but the outlook nota is Ila by the influence an11 connect}ons tiro treatment .glue ate hardly any- ' Uma11 IC11an Is, rho youngest bro- pe,jda. While Ile sent, etc.—Tbe multi- of lite Grand Trunk Company. thing. Note ,she oats heartily all tiler of Habib Oullah I:han, the pre- r1pppsyltrania College and Licentiate of --- + for a stead health develo ment in �,© aro !round to acknowledge the tie time, Her body fig changing sone Amcor of Afghanistan. When the , Dental Surgery of Ontario. tudana waned not leave while the des• Sentences hanged Froin kotu• isionths trade for they next few months. It is faire a with which we were met by into bettor ,shape, and every fes- father of too Ahani disci in 1301 Office over poet Ofdco—WLNGHAM etples were present. 23. Apart to < pray --Jesus was conecsious that a to Twenty Rears. also expected that payments will soon sir Wilfrid Laurier and itis colleagues turn is siiowamg the effect or utero was considerable discussion re- srriemn and awful 0rialss had route, He g ,Russia, March 15.—Tbe be much better. In their endeavor to meet the views ro'w•tL' and ilovelopment. gardin who should mount to the Kishinet , • . petoeivrd tjat the people would take trial of gq�irisoners charged with _ Country tradeithe roving,' ma this of tho board so far as they could gMr. and Mrs. D.ivelbi,ss1�have a throno. Finally Habib Ullah bebame Him by tar0e and make Him a king partub{pai,ion in thxr massacre of null continuo with t n yin do gp comfortably wJttt their own young marriocd slaughter and a son, ruler. His brothers, especially Umar, • (To,bn vi. 1:19, and th it the disciples Jatv;s lioro lash April is closed, Atter tha facilities for transpor atio Spring i views, and having regard td the both of w,alom aro of normal devol= rofisPlrod against hien, but their plans were drinking In the dame splrtt. a, fortnight's delrJboration file court orders aro coming to hand fairly, - thr Brea{ pressure 'brought to Lear Opments came to naught, 'Umar`cvas captured WMGHA I SAW DILL 4 nosy dna Business to this tea est will ulyop them by rho Oppositten, In the _ � _, and hold a virtual ptisoner, h1 Cabal au ,11 a king could eaadlY p-ercome to -clay •g&vo judgment in 'tile cage p I MaL.BAN A SON the Roman power. But Jesus resisted ad', Rusneke and 57 others, of WVho% eontinno to jraprrvo from n0W An• meantcitle a great and ttnfavar- eighteen swiere charged with ltoml- Values Ot domestic staple goods aro l 40 0000 ACRES FOR CROFTERS until llanceay, tvoon lie escaped from them and ,spent the night In prayer, meati inle o had occurred to the ---� Alone --Jesus trequentiy event alone eicdo during the anti-Jewish riot- )Ilrmby field. 8 surveillance. r I to ay. It lie neecded such SeaSolls, in. and t10 watlt treating disorders. In Ottawa the otttloalc.for trade lias financial position of rte+ markets of __ tilts' I Ali lclndeafrough and dreaestd,.,, the world, and the directors, Ill the Purchase of Kilmulr Estate \Vitt 11ellr �, )(;riillitilo 13111" bVtutts Aivorco. much, more do cvat. He remained in the Rusneko and (l;,odijan Vlore Tound very much Improved this week, Interests of the shareholders cams 0,rountaln, alone with 118 God, far guilty df Ithe murder of a Jetw:,sh to seti,t0 lyispttte. r • to th.o conclusion that certain mod}- Denver, Co., ifarch 1a. --A ,petition LOMBEi`�rt1 T SHINGLES ltrto ths3 night. couple i,nwmod Vorrarjb, Ausnekr , , ficfttions in the agreement were im- 'London, Match 1.5.--A, groat stop for divorce, filed In the district court Ri `ATHL u�PRACTICALritiT�VF:X, was sentenced to fuLir 3,ears' im'. A I'iF EEN-MILLION ESTATE. prrratbvo in orcleY to sv�feguard alts has boon taken in the direction of of Big %torn, CountyiyWyoming•, .Tan, Sri onmbnt and ,Podijan 'to twenty Iiia reaching l 9 —'•-� credit of tIw company, Tho chief fir,ttlint the Crofter disputes itt fire 9 last, by Ciel. 'VVln, 1,• Cody (Buffalo APPLE BARD LS. John tlta Baptist, b5' p yea;rf, P}fteoir Persons accused of L3ellevilie Ile}ra Believe That Their modifleatton vnao thin relating to Island of Skye by the ltur•0haar of Bill), 11aa just boon made public• Ilio j had mightily stirrers the tbtaose na riotlu,g tvtare knelt bcmdemlled to a Claim tr it !s Gdorsl, alto 0anditlolte tvdtioh werO imposed thtt estate o[ i�llmnir,, Duo of the complainant chat -g0 harttolty] and adv lays also tion. I,vrrybody know Itis and knew POrtles of the late t�ir. Abington legers that on Dov. 16, 1900• Mrs. Hard and Soft S shoat his doctrine. A prodd, ambitious y x'g inirlrsontt)o!nt tinct three on tlta Gra•ncd Trunk Pacific Coon- . ,,first otters to folir mgntlts„ 'x!hcrty-ai�c Ilc leville, tifareh 1G. �9avoral res• tr rot' making the, deposit, to whicl, Ilaircl, l>q the Congested Districts Cody attempted to poison the Plain - large quantity of dr Liard� woman, that silo might trey the tits of the heeu:sed nv ro discstarged• clentoof this elty, Ilradford by name, I"' g i' t r in hoard for Scotland, tiff, Another ground on which the f ' - r lad of the land," )lad deserted her suits were not con- uded anion g elan Canadlan If tv.i11 rofor made 111 do Ii Ins o Fite esttt,.te is one of 10,000 Act% Plaintiff tusks a decree is that tate rri►ootl for sale, delivered. iusband and married IierOd. 811011 un Ttva (Clama> e.n err Incl 1, estate wirlrh : Noglotlatbons worn accordingly re• and b9 the division of th[a land It marital relations 11a.vo been lntoler• } o 1 • conduct In trio court -vas sidcred tLltd 64 swero disallowed, Tliai heirs to a $15,(x)0,000 sttmed, and the result is embodiod in _will dr, posalwo to Increase tho nutn-ale to oltto dr l cis wife's reftnaal to I m 1 �u let of general gin- ttxtmago tstiita tiviorr sal brought hY :ties note 111 Ghaneery in l.ngland, and : b y Orders Froin tl cloubtloaa_1.11e bj Jig no !t Ian Chancery they will ba- tltal Seroltad or supplelitrntal n>aree• bet' and size of the orof,ts, entertain hle friends at 1119 f6rinOt `�oi�pil0ild � � I moat. 4'01111, the daltilt}csa herald 0111hWs, 1 ' � � possession l the I scut tvlldelt id 110W in your )IMI da, ColaMderable historical interest at. 110111,0 nt 1Vtrrth Platte, Neb. Mrs!, attended to, j r}ghtoouarlc,ae, did not hesitatr to de- 7 --=-- taro lbsig ohtn[n p0 tAC110.4 to 'the Kilmuir 6statoa It t C 1 t North P1 •te, de- _ qt Cleo= 11 vrry-vortlty tvonian, tcho htis !tut only thing ntary kro.'ro •to nlrilco land w11.ic11, rat �g1��arst�mlt tact , vtts rttly, °ivh0 S n, 5N'or st6 I nounce etlell an nutraao again ad husband for a roat nianv ' thou elalm flood tiring the marriage' fit st A,greenlen , we the 110MO of I'Iora Macdonald, and tho nlaa her lltidbAnd tl eblargos, attd vwill I e t' ill hd{t11 piares, Trrlta,ted b. a up tttth a L S errt rtratr of the 11o}ra' grandfatllcr, alrpnoval, Stharrld it receive that grave of sho Rcrtttso0horollno Is in 00nteert the suit, uCol• and Dfrg, c3adsl i a uti tri 11er own wrong cicl• U1,111"' ars; is }laving a second erolr of holt- l ,�` /► cornei,prl rte Bet scuff. tvl►0 aro just hko their 'I'a10 eatatb is "Ituattd 1t1� Bradford, tt•�irr v4I it wall b e browgalt Wore tltn VVP4 OW00t, churt/dtyard of Kil• WOtO iillarrititl rut Hcto �1odE.g, MarClf los (�. VI A- .ate+ o l lrW, dflci oiM&rting under tele pohlid bio with ,.i r the Papilamoiit of C4114da, whiou liso twalfr , • rebtike Of tko gje6a,t trreaclter, "the t',R w' 'Atte gottlnif harried b Ito' joke. 3✓h0Ia,d�l.• , :. ' i I - I • , ; , , d.8K 1 � , 1 , ' , � u .4 L