HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-17, Page 4Violet's Lover The goltlece head dropped before • l•.Ln;. 4h;s was anhalnetl Qi the words sate 'hail to spleak, i 1 ! : "No, it tt.taui not content elle," oho replied. "You deem elle better. wiser, and nobler than I aim. There caro hundreds of good and noble wo- i men in the `i oik who ask only .tor ,love and are content with it. eleek one of those, Felix ; 'they, are woet1iler than I." "Roel] 1" lie cried again. "Der not ettes Ouch words ; many a man has a Mistake." taken the life of the woman be loved for less than that." .And for the first time during that She shrunk back from him with a interview, it dawned across him that Palo, snared Saco ; he smiled gne of it was ea girlish caprice lie had to the .saddest, bitterest smiles she hadcontend with, no idle whinebut the ever ,seen on a human face. I settled resolve of a, woman in whose "Have no Sear. Violet ; I ,spoke i heart love took a secondary place, without reflection. You can not think . Looking at leer exquisite face, he I meant to threaten you -you, every asked hlmsele, what if all this time hair of 'mimeo head is dearer to nie ; he had been mistaken -if he had given then my bwn life. Love would not I this beautiful wpman credit for a content you, Violet ?" melee soul and a tender 'heart, "No. I may as well tell you the •while she had neither? Such things truth. I was ignorant of many- had been; men had made even great - things when I promised to marry) er mistaeks than that. What if eerie I did not know what riches she were worldly and selfish, false meant -what luxury, or magnificence and pleasure -loving, even to the core h 1 Arid you know now ,7" he said when ,seal live in a beautiful body ? Ile that melee my cowardice all the greater. I lame you, but I can never ni�arry you, because you cannot give me that welch my coal lover, best." "But what if I do give It to you, Violet-ewhat then ?" lie asked. "You cannot ; you nowt work hard all your life, even for the moderate mean;v that you will luxe. Do not talk any snore about it. Felix, my re- IsolutLon is fixed; as are the stars in heaven; nothing can alter it, nothing cam change it. We have trade "I Inllatl teat regret you, Viglet gels are not worth regret I" Ile said. But elle cried out : 7 "Do not be Iso hard, Feller ; 1-I atlt weaker than a woman." , 1 To cure You. Now That "Your are indeed," he said, grave- I We Nate Learned Now. ly. "come went ecce SS:eakness is ,half divine; ours is "-well, e will give Relief in 30 Minutes. ,. t es - v fon,, lila d , Memo; ilei t it n ,an , I e of Icor care the author of Dr. Agqnew aHeart eribes anything one half so false' Curs fes believed that the health of the heart "'You aro very; hard Felix." Is almost entirely responsible for the health Ile laughed aloud, and 'ensure-lov- et the nel•yss and stonumll and now it eau be tug Violet Saye wished 'levee ata befell !trovers• Ur, Agnew's Heart Cure will renevo A heart disease 1a t30 minutes anti colo it. it such unother laugh. • feeds the nerves through the heart by giving "1 have 110 place hare now:, Violet•: the heart the necessary power to pump rich I will sa farewell. 1\I dear love, flood to the nerve ceptors when stomach y y disorders aprl Nervousness (h,laVpear as by my lost love. .tarOwell 1 Lay your plegia Ore ose will convince. :sweet erne) Mantis in mine once Dr. At;now's Liver Ptiis, lO doses 10e 29 )again -let me look into your 6-moott falso Mee once more. Farewell, lite tie white hands -you will car- REAL LAVENDER PERFUME. ass me toe stab me 'no , more. Farewell, sweet eyes •-• Tho delicate blue lavender )nay be you will look no more into mine. rown by carefully protecting the plants It Is So Eas Parer t'il golden head -you will nov- luring the winter, but it quite repays er lie 013 my, breast again - 'never one for the trouble, says Country Life' again. Farewell 1 Beauty such as in America. Ido wedding chest is cora. woman never wore,'heart more faihe, Tete without the pale lavender silk love most cruel -farewell !" bags Ailed with the gray blue sprigs, love Felix. Why could Felix not have Sir Owen's fortune ? I almost wish that I b'thd never seen Sir Owen. T did not think that I should care about Felix so much." It was something new to the spoil- Finally the fuse burned out, and the The bride wears a coin in 1 lii- ed, petted beauty to feel pain -to • • t captain threw the shell eo the er to avoid :none • troubles. tS�illol� p' p s La grippe, pneumonia, and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with BOTH. SHOWED TUEIR (i!ltl�', Iluselan Officers Were �w'etl Matched in Point of Bravery. It is doubtful 1f the soldiers of any nation are braver than tltc; of the Czar of Russia. It Is related that t 1.1t n the ktvi ckitl, l Flet Marshal la i Fide �. 'ti • . v10 being course of the siege Of , sopleWhat (lISconilnodod by a het fire from 1a certain battery, he ord'sred it to bo shelled, but to no t)urpose. ills troops did not seem able to locate the enemy end their shot had no effect. Finally the field marshal himself galloped forward and stern- ly eoennntinded ; i 'What imbecile le in ,command dere ?" r'I am," answered an officer who approached.. "IWelI, eaptalu, I �tbalt degrade you, since yQu do riot know your• Iln£:intss. Your shells have no effect." ".True, sir, but it is not lay fault. elle shells do not ignite," �, , Toll that to others. Dont come trying to fool me with such 01101f. You will receive your punishment this Vox Sunlight Soap your blankets of will make them fleecy. Deo y r Dau have a1.• Blessed is the bride on wbonn the HU Ylines. .May ivarriages are never Move "See for yourself, sir." ufte• elm 'bridal couple have depat•t- The marshal, folding his arms o:t. to keel: it warm for another across, hid breast, stood looking at briee. the smoking shell. It was a solemn The mall who ,secures the bride's moment. Both hien stood motionless. garter will he a bride within a year. ter s . wool] without being comforted. She ground. 3 We:i with! two rings, no parting will was unjust enough Co think that Fel- "It's true," remelted the marshal, occur, ix should have stayed to comfort her should not Have lett her so Consumption wretched. Then she realized that he faithful C was- w at luxury; or pleasure com- , of her heart ? Could any one so lover, so tender, so true and so brave, pry " tali bo so false ? Could an Ignoble had passed ort of her life, and would bo nettling to her for all time. She eh$ paw looked at her; her most fair and, was impatient with her own misery, 6 Yes, I know now, and I can not lovely Snae was tall stained with ' }:ger own sorrow. + Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, do Without til I would rather" If ti time were to coma England, was famous both as a witas - lire The Tonic ung The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Prices: S. C. WsLLa & Co. 809 25c. SOo $1 LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto° Can. turning newsy to consider other Tiir'e bride should wear "something measures to silence the enemy's fire old and Moaning new something In the evening, Instead of punish- yellow and something blue." meat, the captain received the cross of the Order of St. Vladimir,. Heart Disease Relieved in 30. FOUR KINDS OF LIARS. Minutes. -Dr. Agnow's Cure for the Heart gives perfect retie in all cases of Organto or The late Sir Frederick Bramwell of ' 1 en.: le me hath bad love with them; e I can cosi Was such a contradiction wilfully ly over again, she said, 1 The Norih.Westeru Lille Rassia=Ja ati nese and arbitrator in engineering dia. and speedily enacts a cure. It is a peerless Lot have both, I choose them. you ivlossibis as that she ehould wilfully � " t• p otos. It is recalled that his brother, r•,nedy for Palpitation, Strorturst oiBreath, would not do it • I would m'arryl putes. al can, not call it a great stn, Felix, to give him up, yet weep should so she Felix, let him be poor as he might:', I Atlas. the late Lord Justice Bramwell, on giv- Smothering Spells, Pain le Lett Side, and t change try mind when I did of know tact lost him -that she separ- But It d it as all over ing advice a voting barrister told symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose w �v e i n oto herself from him, refuse to marry u was ane , w Seed tan oenter in sftample for Blusse- convinooe„-ss• what my mind was ,him, yet weep because he was lost She thowght to herself that with him to be careful -of four )rinds of wit- h® sant, gravely, "do you such a lover she had managed well, Japanese War Aitlas issued blyl Tire neasse: First, bf a liars second, of the for what adequately to her ? He did n t turn, as some „ t de- The Tallest Cathedral - e. woman who deliberately jilts her .men Would have done, and ask him- many' a man hail taken a womanee fine ordered mime, each lexeef ; bound ' scribed by the aid' of a powerful ad- The meet remerkable and striking lover $” , Selo. Who shall understand toa wo- tete for less provocation. ective; third, of the expert witness, feature of the new Liverpool Cathe- "No," alto ;replied. Iara n ?" He tried patiently un- in convenient toren for reference. p (I Now elle was ,free from all ties - and, finally, of my brother Fred:'' dral, of the England, w111 be the "It says some hard things. It I derstand her. free to marry Stir Owen -.to enjoy The Eastern tdtiiattion shown in de- height of the 'faulting of the nave asys that the woman> who could be ' "Violet, you puzzle me; he said. wealth, ea,shion, diamonds, and ee- tall, with tablet) Showing relative and choir -measured in the barrel false to her pighted toyer would be "Diet me undlsrrsrtand; you love mer erythin else free to become what The Pall of Rheumatic Pains. - false to her husband and to heave6; =You eay7" g ar _ sn4litare and naval strength and when a sufferer finds permanentreltef in such vaulting, 116 feet, and into the high It e•ays that such a woman brands She sobbed out that she could net Sr1 ©ie$co nty, het queenh of e queen : rinanciad restaureee od Russia and a meritorious medicine as South American fail topproduc transeepts a aover,yl )magnificent ech cannot herself 'liar' before the whole world beep It. love me, yet you willfulle ion free to trample on Lady Rolfe Jalmn•. B. ^H. Bennett, 2 Bast Ding Rheumatic Cure, how glad he is to tell it effeat. Na cathedral in the country,, -that ohe loses tile claim) to rank ane those who bad sneered at ber- ,pt., alcsron!to, Ont. c L 0, W. Mayhew, of Thamesville, Ont„ couldn't er to London St. James Gazette, with women of honor. That is what break your promise to marry re free to go her own way'. pp b the world is Do You know what even the world says of 4 he had sand was true -, Chicrlgo and Northwest Rtylf Three liar who can only be send me away Of your own ties �`I walk or feed himself for months -four years n roadies its height. The nearest you know what a ago three bottles of this great remedy cured is FVestminister, the nave of which higher Power than tbe world says?" will, not because you do not love As for what Felix had said about Perhaps. him -nota pato elute -isn't that encourage- 102 "No," she answered him, again. me, but because I have not money, her being branded, what nonsense I (Toronto News.has a height of feel., +while York =enough. Is that it, Violet?" It wars 1 Girls did the same thing ev- 1 ) meat tor rheumatic, sufferers? -92. measures '09 feet ; then Siallsburyl Si "That lying lips fare an abomina- g There were more than a hundred feet, and Lincoln, S2 feet. Chester She did not deny it it; it was the leryilio day, and were thought IIone tion•. Whose lf;vs Ile .so cruelly, so :exact truth. Becontinued: tale worse for so doing. fewer ctdmisaions to Ontario asylums How to Pronounce It. Talfsely, as the lips of a woman who rl'raO. she remembered Dara.' Bar- last year than in 1902. Had the good At first we couldn't bank on it, what you me,wed. am •, 'au levo I Y breaks her 'plighted ward and oath ofatimes anything to do with the change! fidelity --who lures av mar en' to call poor. You sand me away, and don, who had 'been engaged for three love her with sweet 'words and sweet 'a. richer man comes. You will marry or four yeans to a young officer In rmil her with s to love him nim for his money, while you love the arms, and wlio had jilted him Minard's Liniment Relieves- Neuralgia forever and then eietrns round and me. Violet Hayne, do you know who. e it was such an ugly word that - says she loves weaICh better 7 'Where la f God ILv Yeah, sin? 1: will get this ,ed wealth' you think your weak subterfuge of land -owner. Her huusband afterward tag to keep your word to me ?" yo m y miserly and disagreeable men liv- asked little But h did not swat him ;there are judged i y tin and the ,s, "Some Tben, when ,she complained, I "Soma of them are, dear." � were limits to what she dare do and just award is given to you? What people said it served her right she `Where was yours made mammal Is murder, Violet Hoye? If that should not have a good mans r thio w o cal s a o jilted Ie11n to marry a weaithyl Pressing It Home. you covet wee i, ,calling this crimes of your 'changing turned out to be one of the most "Are marriages made in heaven, main - .your Violet, even it Toe persist in refus- nr ind' will hold good when cuma?" Tessio. ar our ac o s u she an , Iis• Mae dared not tell him that she wasm r,' + ' white hand of your,) had thrust a going to marry 5 Owen. is,word into my heart you would havet "You are very, !lard on ma, Felix," sheart. lain me 'less cruelly than you have "But my story,�� thought IoiYt t rehe said. 'killed: me ntyw" Violet Hays, "Is quite different from but telling you the He !put her (roan, him with• a hitter that. I look more like one born to n born to be 'Twos just a mere report; The Speaker's name was said to be ' Napoleon Belcourt. But now wo hear from Ottawa, The thing is settled. surd; , The man who will be Speaker is Napoleon Belcourt. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. trlath-- the -solemn. unvarnished !cry -ea cry that haunted her for long bo La,]v Cheneix than truth. If you do give me up and yawns. be the wife of a poor struggling law- marry even a title, never dream' that you will have the respect or the 'esteem of 'your fellow -creatures ; you would be alwaels spoken of as "You have dale the best part of y r."foot e was very anSry with' pret- andyou have algin my love, my hope, Je webut she warned her that and boforo the great Judge I tthall ty accuse you of my murder, Violet her interview with Mr. Lonsdale must �'•� ' d that the woman who jiltefl her true lover, Haye-I meal ask for the hope, the bo kept a secret. to marry a wealthe+ar man" love, the life 'you have taken. I shall Felix had bribed the girl -not that But, in the pride 4.f ber youth and point to you, and I aliiall cry out that the girl lied told Felix. her beauty, in the pride of the fu- yor „lew me, because you loved the It was just as well,, site thought, turn that seemed se brilliant to her gold- I could not give you. Before that the interview had taken place; She would not believe that ; she did Heaven, you li,ave Irate me 1" there must bare been a scene some not believe it ; although she did not Flcdixis ee;spair feigetened her ; sbe time or other, Now the matter was ea" so to him• dressy nearer to him, and tried to all settled, and she could go to Lon - "Listen again, Violet," he con- u;oothe him, bet he would not het her don with a mind free from all anx- tinued, in the,same grave, dispassion- 'media touch him, • lett'. Me grandeur awaiting her 6ionate voice. "You seem to 'think "You are not worth a. man's there must surely comfort her, for it a mere matter o'f changing your thought ; you are not worth a man's her heart acbed for Felix -his burns, mind. Look at it pow from my point love," lie cries],; "you, wee have slain trig, stinging words launted her. Eft slew - forget yourself for one the truest of love I Do not touch me. Who should dare say that on that minute and think • of ire. It is sucll women as you who lure white brow of hers was branded 1 have loved you all trey life mean on to death -who take a man's +liar ?" Felix dreadfully dfr- -sab, my darling, you will never heart and cruise. it like a rase leaf. elia,rsri Filen i, would becl of hre mar - No, how dearly nor how well. You are my life Itself ; my heart and love and soul are centered in you, my hopes hare grown round you. I have always thought of you as my wife- a,s the chosen oam'panion of my life. Ah, my darling, if I stood here till the sun shone again, I could not tell you howl I love you. I have never thought of life without you -never. 1 could as soon live without air, without food, as without my hope of you -my love of you. My life will end when you leave me. Thank of my claim. Violet. Yon promisrid me, and 1 have 'lived on your promise. What le to become of me if you change your mind?" "You will forget me soon, Felix,"' elle said, gently. Yee, dear, when the sen ceases to Shine, when the tide neither ebbs nor flows, when' flowers cease to bloom and birds to sing, but not un- til then, Violet -not until then, my cermet." His voioe 'Wok its old sweet- ness, his face its old light, as he drew bearer to her. "My darling," he said, "It w 's not your real self that was speaking. Your parents have persuaciee you. They have told you thiel I cannot give you a home Her tear,) fell while she listened 0/tilted to you ; but I can, my darling silently to worths that haunted her -)v can.. Only tenet mid It is a strange forever. His voice softened as be dream, this -a dream that will soon 1 went an, tress. They have persuaded ycu "Yon will not be young and beau - to say what you did. It was not tifut alwaye, Violet. The time must my Violet who spoke, from whose come when your hair will have lost heart those worldly thoughts and its golden &ic,en and your eyes their light. Wiia:t will wealth do for you tinen? If sickness comes to yo, evil all tee wealta of the whole world purchase you the tender touch of a loving band or the, tender words, of a wretched interview. You can not Loving voieo? Yon will lie, my darling, mean what yon have saki. Nothing through long Nouns of pain thinking elo beautiful could be so false; noth- of me, longing for me, wondering how ing so fair could be so cruel. Let you could have been ase maul as to so) forgot it, my darling. I forgive send mo from you, crying out my it all, for I know it has been taught name, until you remember that to to yon. Violet, let us bury the paid lova me. is a crime, and that in my wretched weeks. Let us lieges. over place you have the wealth you have again --you with renewed faith in i chosen. Think of the long days wleen me, 1 with my old love and old faith • you will miss me. Ah, Violet, mind, in you -faith• and love which have I X151 in breaking iny hoftrt you bleak )lever ~ruched, and never will. Will your own ! 1 wax•h you that you eau. you listen to ate, Violet ?" not live e It is love. Heed my warn - "I , America" by the recent confl Ing b•:fnre ft is too late." i iern- air becomes sufficiently tempered not "I ra not !" she cried, and lie felt She made no answer. He continued: 1 IT t tion at Jealtlmore had been escore .to injure the lungs, those organs should the shudder that passed over her '.I coat sere further into the future e y teeped trot bo eomerehat tinder $210,- be built up e ain by daily breathing should frame-"I can not, Felix !" than van Violet,and with clearer 000 (the: original figures published erehses. Breathing is a sovereign remedy "Bayo you eeacecd to levo mc, Vlo- eyes.. 1 prophesy o you that the time f 1 1 Immediately after the fire), Which ler our stational disease of nervous de - let?" he racked, quietly. will seine 'w}ecn you will repent of Bells chimed He went miles away, amount Ito Minted out represented pletion. Correct breathing brings into "No 1" eh' cried. "Ole do forgive whistyou area coin now, end be will -to 11 1 ; he about toll eer' cent, of the annual play alt the internal organs, and at the , g � g Fate had been cruel 1 m, me t"ellx! I wish I hurl:' ing to give, your whole f:cul to undo would harden hhimself; he would be fire p'r'cteetum income of tite cote- •same time develops the heart, liver and "Von still care for me ?" he asked. lt. Will yon hoed my warning.?'' ! proud and stern cold and unb,encl- I:any, 'Them losses are being :kidneys• It seemed tame rel.tef to her to cry Her heart went out to nitn in love lug; he wined give beck what lie promptly settled, and it will bo gra- ! ' elle did Bare for him -to and pity ; bet 'there' wne the picture . wed. So,hoer by )tour tt[yin td A3„wadlans to knees that Royal. 'fiacltt to be Burned. out that h„ lay her head on lesbreast,and moan before her of Gnrswood-the thoeght' 036 **teed. try day his hardened lits in the case( Of this eompiany, as well (London Mali.) that elle wislvel she were dead. IIIc i Of tine d'.iamonds-of herself as Lady' I tical t Hardened his nature, and ag in theft re the "Mee -tern," scorn;' thcsr3 ' rhe late Rueen Victoria's old yacht 'whole face, brightened). and changer) • C'teavc:.nle. ' as he heard the wand) "t oirnot," glia said. feud aerates, coritpolhles having a;Xencies in lee Portsmouth Folic hunters will be 1 f darling Ho fitoorl quite ,affil fol a Cow oto 1 k after 1 f•1 ewell t th lenses lu "• k of tl wood MINAlele'S LINIMIiOITI le the only liniment asked for at my store, and the •'only one we keep for sale, t All the .popple nae it, , IRANIAN FUL!1ON. 'Pleeasant Bay, C. B. , • 1, t 1 Its Meaning. (Tid-Bits.) Unsophisticated Cook -If you please, mum, the butcher says. I shall get 5 per cent. on all the orders I give him. What does that mean? Mistress -It means, Mary, that we shall have a new butcher. NOW THEY ARD MAD. Carnegie Hoax Played on the HAI. mar,.ock Council. S11marno0lc Town Council has been Hie v.,etim et a great hoax, It has gravely apceptedl a supposed Offer from Mr. Carnegie to provide e marble temple to Burns, to cost "not more than 5500,00)." Mr. Carnegie has made no' such offer. A letter purporting to be written by Dtr. Hew Morrison, 'df Edinburgh, Mr. Carnegie'» adviser 1n his library schemes, reached the Provost of Bel - plane Use mornook. It de,soribed Mr, Iiarnegte's plane for the nagnificent temple, and wee duly read to the grateful town crooned a few, Boilers later, It was Mr. Carnegie's intention, the counca heard with rapture, to make the memorial a meet elaborate one, the building to be constructed of granite, white marble, or ts+ome other superior material, and to be of mag- nificent design. The interior would contain statues of Burns' eontempo- N,o, do not touch me, Violet," for 1110 ridge, She knew that he would feel paries and the principal characters clung to him, snooping, and crying out it n.ost keenly ; •but then after a of leis creation, and Ander the dome that he wa,s too hard upon her—too ante he would forget tier—no one 1`a., chaste figure of the immortal gen- hlnrxl world he lr anI sit y against the Seventieth Annual Meeting— Began his would stand." Artistic panels reaches only, 78 feet. tThe whispering gallery) of St. Faure Cathedral ie 100 feet from the floor, WHY SHOULD YOU SUFFER unnecessary pain from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Baekaohe or Aching Joints when the application of "the D & L." Menthol Plaster wit give you in- stant relief? 1l'.4 an infallible r:mecly for any of these ills, and not only relievet but cures. TO COOL HORSES' HEADS. ISSI.TI; NO. lk1904. Ifrs. Winslow's Soothiti• Syrup should always be used for (1t11dt •11 '1, e551118. lb soothe the child, sotto 04 the TXunir,, raves wind collo and 10 the best remedy for Plarrhuttt. AN;I:E1)-A (IENE1LAi, 11.11tVAN`.l'; highest wafer paid: comfortable 1Y. Iolton •'Its. l • apply to . t , ire o a t de ss 1 home. A l 5 I Hamilton, Out. BUS1NE8S GUIDE tells alt about notes, receipt.+, mortgages, louses, deeds wills, property exempt from leisure, laudlorol and tilts, ditches and watercourses, etc„ one agent sold .17 coptoa in three days ; another sold 88 in a week ; Preach edition now Toady ; outfit 2uc ; order outfit to.day; it not satisfactory money refunded, The The J. I,. Nichols Oo„ Limited, Toronto. i HIPr L® A POPULAR CORSET FOR 190453. STS: LE ,u�wu::ei,;yy,1':•+wllly,i+riJaddtiihiiel.l, NO BRASS EYELETS COSTLY FURS WORN BY GREEN, LANDERS. Not infrequently a semi -savage girl has n wardrobe consisting of furs which would be worth from $5,000 to $10,000. Grundeman, the explorer, relates how one fair Greenlander wore a dress of sealskin with a hood of that costly fur, the silver fox. The garment was lined with fur of the young seal -otter and there was a fringe of wolverine tails. BOW'S THIS? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs,Catarrii Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the hist 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business trans- actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by this firm. WALDINe, Haman' a MAity1N, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure le taken internally,ac* ing directly upon the blood and mucous our. faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists, Take Hall's FamilyPflis for constipation. A NECESSARY DEPARTMENT. x rt saysthat A advertising expert "a v g P large and growing number of manufac- turers have learned (what retail mer- , chants have long known) that without an enterprising advertising department it is impossible to have an effective Tho invention of a bridle has been sales department." made by James D. Flynn, of Washing- ton, D. C., which the inventor claims will give great relief to horses in lint weather. The device is an ordinary bri• die with a water compartment designed to cover the top portion of the horse's head. Arrangement is made for the filling and draining of this reservoir whenever an opportunity presents it- self, so that the compartment may be conveniently filled with cool water when the water has become warns. "No, I am not hard," he said. "To young and chroe arming Lady Cheventx. in " Varney Compact" !flays. would embell:sii the walla, ilustr•ative my mind theme is but one kind of 1Vleen she conte 'back again she anti Prdminont 'among the oldest of 'the of scenes depicted in hes poems, and BRITISH AMERICA. Love, and the soul of it is truth. I do When, she came back again, Canadian financial corpolrations • the whole_ building Would be lavishly not understand such love 118 yours. slut and Felix would be stands the British America Assur- tX'eatted, Ole, Violet, let me once more appeal friends. She would make over- ance Company, of 'this city, welch. Now the councillors are vexed and to and warn you 1 Deur, you are all tures of friend'iiip to him, and he oamnreztced business in the days'Tvhen' humiliated at being hoaxed. wrong, all wrong, and you will find would not decline them ; he had the affairs of this Provinoo were con- When the news of the supposed of - It out too late. Believe me, Heaven always, been so found of her -poor }} ducted by the old "family comp,apt." ter was submitted to Mr. Morrison . of - has ee made woman that to her the Felix ! ' o 1 It was Organized in 1833, and had its • for confirmation by a press repro - chief good le love -to her love le re- So eluli went away the nest day Gravernor, Deputy Governor and Court sentatice the same night, Mr. i ar- tigian and life. Are you of a differ- to London, trying to forget th'epast of Directors, 'reach offices were f11L negie's adviser pronounced the letter eat nature that you can dispense with and to think. of the faire She tied "an impudent and cruel hoax." i ed by men wlneee •names are prom - e" ? not. nave to remember that A:hat +It a.ppea s that the letter was It would not have made me Inent in the history of those stir- }is d i 1 ai•artt+ttg found her pillow wet with ring times in the Cenaditen political 1 type w,ritte of th Edi bearing the printed, name o h e n urg u tc appy, cs answere n a ow team for site had been dreaming of aice wiorld. The, seventieth satinet meet - Library, of tvjt)iedi Mr. Aforrison is the "So you think, dear, la the pride ' ' ' Of youth and beauty; but, believe me, though you may win the wealth you prize so highly, tile time will come Felix Zonrdale had tried his best; been of late years modernized by suspicions of the Kilmarnock wen - when you will be readyto surrender, he had clone hard battle with his having a Beard of Directors, a Pre - it all for love and you ehall not sorrow -the sorrow that had come oilers, 'although they were surprised find it. Remember my words: you to him while the aummer moon was shdent and ViceePresi ties o ',Substituted at the immensity of the sunt offered. - well long for the love you nosv throw E;hining and the corn stood ripe In I for the more etaztely titles f its early away—yora will live to curse your the fields. He hurl done hard, fierce, years, but that it has been keeping Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. own folly in giving up the substance terrible battle with it. It stood there ply with the growth and prosper - for the Meadow." over by his side ; no one had de i ity of the country. In regard to tccted it yet- its presence was a volume of business it compares far- A QUININE TRUST. eeeret from *very one except himself. orably With. many of the, loading fire It is said that the Peruvian bark rais- It stood by the table, and made tbo insurance companies of Great Brit- ors of Java are forming a trust. As Javit sight of all food loathsome to him ; ain. and the United States, its pre- supplies about 75 per cent. of the total it stood by his books and papers, and mium income having retched last amount of the Peruvian bark used in its dark eba,dow made them all Illegible to liim,-he read -no words save these, that Violet was false to him ; it stood by his pillow and would not let him sleep; It came between liim and. the brightness of the earth -- between him and the mercy of heaven. He was stunned, dazed, and beerilcler- ed by it; still he did brave battle with it. Ile looked at the invalid fattier, at th'e kindly mother, at tlt:o 'army' of little ones; thbre was work to do, and he must do it, The home must be kept up, busi- nessw attended to ; money must be made, the home must not bo neg. leoted, Indulgence In sorrow; was not a luxury for trim. Ile hardened himself, he hardened his heart ; he saki that there was neither mercy nor -kindness ness nor love in the 'wont e couldno see the kind) look in Date's tette der eyes; he would not kiss the children's Hees; When the Sabbath elL P'I`ER XXIV. ing of the shareisolders was held yes- bead Dir. Morreaon's signature was terday and the report presented also type -written, and initialled "per Elltowe dost the enliveny has not only i J. 0" Zlhis feet olid not arouse the Worldly sayings came. They have persuaded you, and talked to you, until your thoughts and ideas are all confueed. Violet, sweet, forget all they have advised, forget this year the large sum of $2,3,73,336.47. Tins is derived deiefly from agen- cies estal,blished throughout Canada and the United States, thlon,gh some of Ito income comes from business beyond the boundaries of this con- tinent. As will be'seen by a refer- cnce to the figures pu'bleshod in the report of yesterday's Meeting, the year 1903 shlrwed very' favorable ref,tu}te and bears evidelaee of the favor with which Ontegio'e oldest financial institution is regarded by rho insuring public, not, oely at home, but In Ito wider field of bp'eratio:as Outside the limits of Canada. In his romar'les in trresenting the annual revere the Piteeident, Hen. George A. Oox, elated that the am- ount of tiles tosses of the "British the world, and only 80 planters are en- gaged in cultivating the trees, it is pro- posed to erect more factories in Java and to use at least one-half of the yearly crop for this purpose, as well as to in- terest the Peruvian bark growers in oth- er countries in the trust, and so control the price of quinine in the market of the world, independent of the European in- dustry. Minard'a Liniment rot sale everywhere. Cheap and Good Spring Medicine, A distinguished physician, upon being asked what was the best spring medi- cine, replied that it was breathing. People have been exceptionally deprived of air • during the past winter, and as the cold only ')leaven know, what he tluf� dein the s*dy two 'Lloronto fire hi- 'i Viettirha anti Albeit hs to be broken up . ft le f tYtt t tS 1 care ri. 130 my ', ' " Within a, Wee aft >r lis r Ilial 'ltnero, e oases res l ng from ',eita ointee to flow none ' the Ire raid, gently. "Why, then, Vieltrt, I meets. to Vidlet the handsome face had that, 0e:ce •tonal eleaster. will be l ,et pp lel but all to be burned. wetter rifest e!�n e right an the enol. "Fou forsake mer then, for al r as to be sold, fy grown so ltagf arc) that at lyes melt his Verieusar .af,eceng their fin- , - it • ' 'nee dark hair we') pass, elle Steppe rich lover • yon give tie ley love lt`edllta <lr eemeteateo; tlhepresndl anolal l tanding. ' !leaf Will dawrl upon us." for gold ? r.1 to pistil words ! , -�� ;a they Lary t ubbtne; near the no- that ;yea flu rso ; iia riot let there es though' See were always suffering bre inert elle was breaking, while be a &baWeilee of nelstake, Violet --de , mortal pain; the ring bell gent) No Canso for Alarm. the Wind lirtl room] them with a , riot let tiny fate) !Into liner round " ft'om his .1,0(e0, iron lite ledge; +� r 1 lx•toat s �i�lravo�not � fii,ur g t' t k 1 tr give me UP t if re Ito 14 as fere exit hoe atwi the test of thrie•-Steads the heavlotit strain -never THE PARE WIRR PENCIL Co, t,�tMt '11 ,'� `rta1*teirritiOf Oat* Hentreai, (set at, Juba l+r.)t Use Lever's liry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels, --you'll like it. ;a Hear, Hear. Lord Dundonald's new army schema will make moat of us soldiers in war time. The hope is that the time weal never come. In ,JJ .111,1Iii!OA . al�a,s kt,IldGi6 y.. .I .L..I. illi.,:,. rip InI �:inalli. . d.. Can be had In TUBS, PAILS, WASH :BASINS, rtILK PANS, STABLE PAILS, HTC., From any first-class dealer. TOLSTOI ON DICKENS. In reply to a request for a criticism made to Count Tolstoi by the secretary of the Bristol Dickens Society, the great Russian author has written: "I think that Charles Dickens is the great- est novel writer of the nineteenth een- ItMtry, and that his works impressed the true Christian spirit. They have done, and will continue to do, a great deal of good to mankind. Oklahoma Girl's Composition. Mon are what women marry. They; drink and smoke and swear and have ever spy many pockets, but they won't go to church. Perhaps if they wore bonnets they would. Tliey,a,ro more logical than women and also more zoological. Both meas and, women have sprung frozn monkeys, but the women certainly sprung further than the men. are not the biggest eaters -bat they get the most good outofwhat they eat. Too much food often does as much harm as too little. The farmer who keeps his cattle in prime condition all winter -who fattens them quickly -and who spends the minimum for feed -uses Myers' Royal Cattle Spice. It keeps the digestive organs in sound, healthy condition -makes cattle enjoy what they eat -helps them to get all the nourishment out of hay and grain --prevents stomach and bowel trouble -and sends titers to market so plump and sound that they net a handsome profit. ]:et us send our Illustrated Booklet on Horses and Cattle. Helpful and instructive. It's Free. Myers' Royal Spice Co., Niagara Falls, Ont. & N.Y. Fish Easy to Catch in Northern Lakes. (Mihvaukee Sentinel.) "Fishing has never been so good in the lakes about Madison as during the pre- sent Winter," said Graham Mice, former Railroad. Commissioner. "The lakes are frozen ever solid, and the fish are so hungry that when you cut a holo in the ieo they will just swarm to it and can be eaught with a Niece of red flannel for bait. The gable wardens are active in pre- venting, the catching of protected fish, but we are having perch served up for breakfast that are 10 inches long." Atter Wars, 1<iale Children. Statistics of population seem to show that after long and govern Wars, in which) metier men are killed and,tllo laic part of a country's pop- ulation is greatly decreased, there is for several years a preponderating birth, of vale. ehtldren vnt11 the nor- mal proportion between the Terra is restored. This atoms to have 'hoed noted atter the, thirty years' Ives in Germany, after the Napoleonic war in Prance, and eren in more recent times after the ,siege of Darla. . il►trange, mournful 0r)11nt1. i your memory n the a he wag An altel'nd loan. HOW Via.ot Wag tire :rat o vpea It s o he worked! IIe said 50 hlmsta thee r.i'�: �1 tier Irately frtee, all wet with money Cnottgll 7" 1 work wits the onfy thing *bleb teeter. "Yee," Oho replica ; but the word i Tvouitl iseop i,tnt from glging ma.el. ••5'x t tart not lultlomt£tnd, p'elis," cars) elowly anti with ;teat robe..1 t Cant nice1 . ire I tPit!'1 r.a:+l, tltileyly, °'f de thee you.tttt3t`o. . (Chicago News.) s anew A ent, -N`ow tbatt you ha' t1 a wife, dollitt .yen think you ought to talcs out :a lifci polies! thidk shrSee e is going tog pro prove uigiired!), •L• o monitor thiel world over. Order through our local ageht or direct freer we cal rinini»ree HMO 1