HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-10, Page 5n,.p.,.-. ,, ­ (attributed ,to a daslre to el lbarrtass . t}I11nii for following Ilio advice al F j � l SOLDIER DEAD* Julian, and to compel her to via» �.l �./ Into. netitrallty" thus causing her to become lnvolvod in further clil�loina• " " tic cornpl#cations. China's lnalallity� to efficiently' defend herself #s, 1-c- pools Marshall garded as calling for serious con - u Id ptossiblgl a mbro doon- t(Ifng between het; and i Count Van Weidersee Expires, '"' `� ,:�/,_/,'11'�/11 -, �,�oz� i /-' ". kl)#,0x4-.G Lt kyy 1 n. , ;` "I ��� �` ` iN N 1y . ... . I "---•—r---`, ..mv . 1 / ,, � , 1 t 11 p J --, I/ I � ! I IL. l I, ,1 it to !110I.VII-I V1'0 wi,%IiI>b01.#>w # __ 1 ' o'clock tills evening. • Count Alfred Von Waldersee ,vas born in Potsdam on April 8, 1832. He {, /,, `/ t Tr y VLADIVO-IMO K PF,Z�, 1T, _ Pogo of maintaining patiibls between) ` 10 followed, Ile ,was in the battles of bre tz and Sedan, and at the siege of Paris. At the end of the Franco-Prussian war he was macre a colonel and served the main railway! and the sea, and Will Shortly I;t Celve Attelition oi` on the general stair of 'Marshal Von Al oltke, he was made a lieutenant -general in 1852, and general of cavalry in 1388. In the latter year Count Von Walder - of reconnoitering the coast. dapa,ilese. In 1574 the count married 'Mary I's ther Lee, the slaughter of a New York • i� �amaue Was Done by 4h�, ;ltuysian Iyrivate iotteri3 dlsolose the Tokio, Cable, —It is evident that foot that in recent ongagotnen'tabe- several trAsaels laden ivitli coati pro- Boxer campaign. in China matte bis nam a :(► The funeral of the late Field Mars Tial will be held at noon on SVednesday. twoen the Yalu River and ling- vlsions tend other contraband arti- 1.Little the German States, and also many eminent persons abroad have telegraphe d Xai,g lila Rs with superior cles have rocenty( effected the pay- sec.--_-.__.__ Attacka -._- __...-..._.___.- t __ numibers defeated the Japanese, but sage of tlto r2ougaru Strait, and vue- coughs for throe days. A physician HOT Srfiill I lost heavily, ceeded in reaching Viadivosteck. 0 Lg r Q- relief. Finan a friend suggested e f. y gg Refugees arriving here say' that Their exact names are not known, �j INI current war,applied to Green's body' Part Arthur has not been attack- but 4t is stated that they] included p e I � U N � ��S An Improvement was noted, and ell since Feb. 26th, butt the stores British, Norweglan arid. German wes- the the strength of e current was acid ammunition are shill arriving. sats, Tw.0 of them are said to havo r-.—..- Russian Heel Believed to be Wor On the nlud dock In w111c1i it lfi carried cargoes of Australian coal, to expecited to repralr the battle- from TOOK HUSBAND IN PAWN. From Salvation Army. A Y9einan nay,►By_Lender Take Japan evidently'refrained,nalc- Pledge on Plessuro'R'rip. Warsaw, Rw, sian Poland, March 6. shily Czarovitch, has been abandon- Ing a special affort to prevent `their —A peasant ,vioman oC • Bielastotchek, in tine Government of Vilna, wishing eK••.!g glJl .foreign �� �e Q ®, Bottled• 1 c a, e t Sar the s three he . plat d y , .entrance, and it a nit Impossible foreign ongtt2ogr being unable to that she calmly permitted trio da• do- o- , g UQCi1_ an 'S Ne otiaticns y pe-nses, went lac, an old maid who made small loans to raise the Retvizan, quitting Port livery of the contraband goods, Cal - at last tliougbt of her shiftless has - //11 Electricity a Success as Cure :Arthur together with the other only oulating that the�yj 'would prove uso- and the money wAs: advanced. for hiccoughs, aAnglo-t taxon there. rut to herself at a later stage, of g, 44++."++, ++t+**++ -"4++-+++ That considerable damage w#thin the campaign, Commander Bootil-Tucker, writ soon •t retire as ]load of the Salvation Army the fortifications has been caused The Vladivostock squadron Conon. of America and be assigned to lit- Vladivostock, March 6.--•A fleet of five Japanese battleships andlyyr e Japaanese Tiro from Pigeon ues, inactive, through it has an ani- Raylthis corroborated, and tile de- pie supply) of coal, and file ships are minor officers at the organization L cruisers Appeared off this place at r,m5 this afternoon, and born• fences ton that side hre being KAreng- in good -condition. It hhs evidently( The commander is on a tour of in- parded the town and shore batteries for 55 minutes. The fleet ap. mints aed nd bandditllwir artillery'. been Instructed III the Ruselan Croy- 3"• 1 t remain close the V adto ter of trio towxilspeople. ? proached from the direction of Askold Island at the east entrance of Street trafie in Hort A.rtltur, the re- vostoc re vostock batteries, isi preference to b months. Fro will then go to London, [Issnri Bay, And about 32 miles southeast of Vladivostock. Entering fugoes say!, is largely confined to r}skin a, ft ammunition carts, All the forts have g girt a nle open seas. Of is declared to he only(a kluestion cf ,_,__ Ussuri Bay the enemy formed in line of battle, but did not approach boon provided with naval signal of- time before this squadron will ro- ;, ! I to a closer range than five and one-third miles. They directed their floors to identifyl Russian ships and ceive the attention of the Japanese prevent 'the tort from Bring on them navy,, Ottawa, March G.—Gradually the, Are Against the shore batteries but t no damage resulted as most of ' when they, arrive. Should Clive Up Port Arthur. Tile dr,rallivI of one car yeeter- ern Townships are to be converted their moo lyddite shell failed to burst. TheI Russian batteries did not. day north of Daley, by an obstaI London, Cable, T{h'e militao • 11 roach of the enem ` reply, awaiting a closer app y, The Japanese ceased on the track, delaye3 trains for [if. ctamwpondent of the T,Imes regards teon hours, and a serious noceldent the advice of Gen. Dragomiroff that Milittia Department on Saturday .fire at 2,2o p.m., and the enemy retired. The Japanese ships were cov- was only averted by the low geed the Russians ehou Id evacuate Port Hot Springs, Ssome Highlanders, and converts New. York, Mmixell 7.—A despatch to at which the, train was running, Arthur as thoroughly sound. Gen. tlbo World from Tacoma, Wash., says: . ered with ice, Four soldiers were killed. The Russians are briskly fortify- D1ag;omtroff, lie says, is a man of regiment goes to laeut,-Col. C. A. Dawson, fitve details of wonderful Stuart, Major of the 6th Duke of Ing Antung, which it tv believed, first-class ability, No other Russian Corn,vatlta Hussars, of Montreal, two squadrons of which are merged Arctic ocean, in the midst of winter. in the '18,th.. , they will make a base for rafilatance. soldier possesses such keen pereep- 8++e+�+t• v t - : t is ' O 0 i , + t i t r ° °.. Scouts near Anju are being with- tions or such inborn genius for gene- Camp in the, Wokub River country. . drawn towards Kagan. trating the jieart of a milltary ques- vollere to disrobe at naly time of rolidon, March 7.—Tho. deepstebes despite the odnstant vigilance of the slans for Ceylon. tion by the moat direct road, Un- , itna, roen. Miners there axed LE; always, � roataln ei,er3't'hlrig that if available Japanese. Hong Kongdoubtedly he wpa well acquainted March .8. A corre- w the conditions at Port Arthur away registers below zero. regarding the bombardment of Vla- Marching on Ilunohin• Ppoodent Is o Lctally informed that and and throughout the fax east, and London, March 7.—Tho Board of dlcostoek, St. Petersburg, Warch G. --Advices that dtroopscwho tae Russtana from the WArships Va- gavot his ativieA3 with characteristic lgo, February show that Imports in- There Is not a word yet from Zap- anese Eources concerning the bpm- Japaneserom landed ati Plait sin Bay (on the, east coast of north- at Chemuag ,whop Were brought here bit. ut,,$ ,. on the Italian cruiser Elba, will "that but, says the tempi rort4 Increased .41,.i07,000. bardmont. ern Corea) are advancing toward a shou d ic,ave on Twecday on t, Crenoir age t. proud military empire nBouts to :such a sacrifice not. to Cei foodstuffs to tilt) value e,4 $8,3413,- The general deductiori from the klasan (218 miles from Gensan), with : the intention of ultimately reaching g mail steamer for Saigon. There they , expt will bo oined'by twelve officers and expected Ionone moment. For Na - j $3,4220,435. I news is t11at the Russian fleet is as elle,ctrve#y kottled up at Vladive- Huneliin (ori the left bank o1 the Tumen river, about 100 relics west p strokes ,gild Napoleonic deei- 270 other sailors from the two sloes fife first requirement is a Na sunken warships, who were taken pons ilia Increase -'as cotton fabries stock as at Port Arthur. Though of Vladivostock), and threatening o erulsor Pate. lea°• o, ariok at Prague could not to Saigon by the French t decide to abandon the siege and tall Panama Canal. 'CVasl.lug;ton, starch 7..--11tiot only the latter phaco has not been at- the Russian flank. In order' to chock- mate this a Russian outpost 100 CAL and all will proceed to Colombo, Ceylon, to join t113 Russians already on D,aun with all bas forces. Napoleon able to deliver the goods, butthere tanked for some daya the ships there strong are advancing to occupy Key- taken there by the British, With the at Mantua left all his siege works and batteries a Irrize to the enemy, to do dao cr:i -.March 1-15, when ileo have not shown the slightest sign of daring to go out of the harbor. rong, on the Tumen, a walled pity commanding the trails along which consent W the Japanese Governmen` certa• mould beat the nd all the Russians who liavp given ,,eyin - that. If the l suing' army in tl:e field Mantua and make raynient, or atany outer T1lis al4o suggests corroboration of the Japanese must. pass, t their'parole will return to their own country from Colombo. , all it possessed would return to him p the reports that the outlet is son- Had to Retreat. —�J t in natural course. Russia is not pre- i Chairmanof tiler "r..natr. Cominft- Merably hampered by ,the vessels 4 St. Petersburg, March G, --The Cos- sack scouts soy that a Japanese col- ANOTHER PORT IN COIiIuA. pared to accept the full consequences • of he faults, and by dlinging to a yatti ail lrg;f.sIn,iiolr ,vouhl be hold the Japanese sank there, Admiral. Togo's aim in bombarding Vladiver" umn from Plaksin Bay, on arriving in the snow -•blocked defile of the — useless fortress from motives of mill - British Interests Destre Corea to tary vanity, is preparing for herself • Canal hall lltoen catupletpal by the stook is considered idd to have various mountains separating Corea from Make Yongallipho Free. an entanglement• far worse than , wag khat t:haritrs 1V. Ruta. objects in view. First, the }lope of \fan •burial was forced to half owing to avalanelins and other obstacles. Tokio, lards 6—Ti1a BrlUsh Min- that of flit British at Ladysmith, leter, Sir Claude Macdonald, has with far less excuse, and with open • t;rlle'cal, will slake allother tr.gl to Canadian lierring.I will 'bring al tempting the Russian squadron to e with the ew to atlaoondi- The scouts say that one-third of the title invalided. ,united with the Japanese offlelais eyes•" , i ' ip lehrr7>es, IV310 3•odontnlen(letl tbo tea and t trio to learn Nino condi- strength of column Is It is naw supposed that tile column In urging uron Corean o fkt'.tls „the Au invincible Army. opening of the part of Yongampho, London Cablo — The correspond - s OreTrenton, en, a �cetudent in.. the life class rortments will W placed hl t , t}on of the foam the experts tion that the fact that the Japan- Is returningfor the purpose of seek- In addition to that of WIju, which Ent of the Times at PA-ttat says: The ese siblps were covered with ice, in 6 • an easier route. was mad: an open port meently. corrwT,ondent of the Journ.c.. writ- Point to the ,likelihood that the Japanese Spits Near Moscow. Ing from fort Arthur o.1 Feb. 8-11, Russian squadron is frozen in, the London, Mlmrch 7.—Tlto Standard's DISSOLVED THIP, GUILD. mya: "I conclude, that at the bL- Lee-breaker not daring to -work re- St. Petersburg correspondent solids -- giun:ng of Fe! bury snore than 200,- cently. The concensus of opinion is a curious story; which he says he Precautions Agiatnst Further Bomb 003 Ru.,,I t:old;i•ers were b:tween that the Ruskl),n fleet is ,completely would hardlyj credit, but for the on- Outrages. Port Arthur, Vlad,ivosto.k, khab.i- uselosa for offensive purpvs^e. Ja- merchantmen and trantporte tiro trustwrortllinese of his inform- ant. It is to the tifeet that a Tokio Cable — The'fYkado has rov.ka and Blagovoutchen.k, but this estimate was not basad upon actual panese , and are going to and fro unarmeddy pktirty of Bright or twelve Japanese telegraphed personally to the law - peror. or Corea aesuring thaw that ,evidence. &l i unoroorted, Port Arthur despatches of Sat- disguised as Tartars )rere recent- iy! discovered towards dusk by the of tlla gr+,aaltll,,iasian armnchui y, and the w,ar is only aianed at securing6 no one has seen it. Bt:fore the ecn- uiday and Sunday say that every- guard on a bridge of the Fd:berian pe1mnent peace, and expressing contrtytion inorcm.nts b3gan it wet e h tile thing is quiet there. The Japanese' cruiser squadron was exon recon- ha,ilwa'y,, crossing the Volga at Syz- ran. rl�irey; carried a nuinlber of IAack- spread ot-er a territory as vast as runt protocol, which, he ,,sterid, will 1 Franca and Germany together. The noftrin; off Port Arthur on friday during a Heavy snow storm. ages, and were trynng to get on the bridge. The strengthen the intimacy between o;floera at Port Arthur are inor- Japan and Corea, and it is hoped, ant as to the number of reinforce - night .---- sentryl addressed them in the Wartar language. They lead to even closer relations. The plants that have reaehe3 the north, 1301616AItD11110,NT FRUITLESS., were onlyl able to reply In Russian. 11ika:do also thanked the Emperor amt the ofLoers In the north know and his ,two sons for .their munlfi- nothing of what is going on at The Ruesinn Ofii Story of the The sentry's suspdckons were arous- ed, and he called up his comrades, cent grants to the Japanese troops. Port ,Arthur. All the newts that can ,,be obtained "To -day the officers of the RuF.- yladivostook Attaek. , St, petrelesburg, March G.—A tel who arrested the strangers. The packages were found to contain a regarding the attitude of the Co- Eaton Port Arthur E U teres are,Anl'i- even'a grain Ilan bo it received at the Adr that the Japanese considerable quantity; of dynamite. reams towards 'tile Japanese re re onus, Irresolute and little ner- sents the latter as being Welcomed vous. I Tandy these brave men have Inlralty, stating made a fruitless bombardment at Tho incident Is being kept as quiet as possible, as the fact that such everywd1ere, the Coreans vying to loss confidence in their ships than VladaroAock tris aftornoou. The fir- an attempt had been made within - render t}<em servloe. Tile efforts of in themselves. I think they are un- the peddlers' Guild to stun lip agi- der the impression that they will -.1111111, Ing was at tong range. After con- tutiling tha bvmbardm.nt for tt� time thlrtyi-six hours of III Is eal- culated to alarm life peasants•. tation are declared to have fail- not be able to' fight tris enemy on tine Japanese squadron withdrew. Ie.1 ashore were Missionaries Itecalled. eed., The guild has been the lohief rqual terms. .tirare are many things source of rasa disturbances. Tire Ja- I feel and know, but will not and The, a,,h,;11d, wII mostly htarmleae. owing to rho per- London, March T.—A Seoul de- p,ancse Iiave no`tvt dissolved it. The cannot tell.'S oussion caps not acting. Tho forts did not fire a single shot, but were aratch to the .Chronicle says that Dr. Allen, the American Minister, bomb -throwing at the palace the Vladivostock March "a.—Last night' other night wAs, R is alleged, In. , ready to open fire if the Japanese approached nearer. has reoailed all rho missionaries from. Wonsan. Tho united States ' tended to compel the Jrapanese to passed quietly; the inhabitants and occupy the palace for the purpose troops are in unusually high spirits. A It is reported that a few, Chinese in cruiser Cincinnati will go to Chi- of protecting the Emperor, a step strict search is being made throughout tiiel towii were flit, ' namrho Monday to bring away the which was Calculated to arouse Co- the town for the Japanese.' The police Too attack resglted'An no loss to missionaries, their waves and fam- reaps and create general trouble, have postedplacards on the walls, offer- the Russian squadron, but cost the llles and employees of the Arnert- it is stated that the Mikado will inn A reward for information as to tine . ' I enemy 200,000 roubles ($100,C(10) In calf mines at Unsaro. Gen. Alien , pay a ceremonial visit toe the mau- 'whereabouts of Japanese, and threaten - ammunition. Most of the projectiles and Major Pereira, the American - soleum of the founder of the dyn- Ing with. trial by court martial any per- w,ere Isis and twelve -inch, shells. The and British military attaches, are a,sty, .,which ie a national, shrine, on sen found guilty of concealing them. population of. Vladistock was proceeding to Ping -Yang. file Occasion of the anniversary of Outside of killing a woman and wound- w,arned this morning of the presence Japaneso Spies Caught.. tho founder's accession, 'April 8, Ing a few men, yesterday's bonnbordment on the horizon of a hostile fleet and Xron,stadt, March 6.—Four Japan. 'When also, the Imperial beadquar- of Vladivostock by the Japanese fleet did • the prospect of an attack during the but it tranquil. ese spies are said tot have been ar. ••, tars Is likely to be moved to ,Moto. lie material damage, The wooden cottage --r- of an artisan ,vas the only building tot- . da;y, ,remained A oommunle,ation from -Viceroy rested here. ,Admiral E,lrilof has inspected the i 'UNITED FOR WAl;.• ally destroyed. It was pierced by a shell Alexieff to the Czar from Makden, bearing to -day's date, stays : " sl-,ips w1lich are here preparing to be .n ooildt�tiont __from a 12-inelt gun, which, after travers- Japanese Elections For Diet Sustaln ingg the roof and wall, fell in the yar , "I most humbly Inform your Mar jeisty that the oommander at the for- I+'er New Ititsslan Nov y• trio Ministry. kiltill the woman previously referred to. In the quarter of the city called the tress At Vladivostock reports that At Paris, March G,—The Figaro this 7;ok1o, Ceb10 — The election re- ccI)irty Corner," a shell fell on the house 8.60 this morning seven vessels were morning rublishes a Sit. Petersburg turns collected by the* Secretary, of of Col. Shukoff, without exploding. It south of ,Askold Island. At 0.45 they despatol, saying that a member of thio house of Representatives show traversed a betlrooni, destroying a stove were seen to be warships making for trm Committee on the Increase of that the Constitutionalists halve and penetrated a wall. It finally burst Ahkold Island. About noon the en-, emy'aa squadron was midway between the Navy has declared that $7,500,- 000 have thus far been subscribed elected 180 members, the Progress- near the regiment safe, which was rues OG, the Imperialists 20, the Lib- standing in the court yard. A sentry the coast and Askold Island, making to this end. Count Orloff hays' tele. wale 26, and the unclassified parties uardin the safe was covered with mull, for Ussarl Bay. They were t ]•$0 shore batteries. A graphed from, Rome that Ile has $1,. Si00 000 tho disposition the 107. the nnmetoffice f n a lets and alio tilt ,vas not injured. Evidently fearing; ho e C stI o 1 fire the shouted, ruaaall of ;the the enemy opened Tire. '11wo vemels tae at of . comimttee. all outbreak of sentry gr�essives have each elected ten ,,Iiolp ,Save the regimental colors," which In the squadron were probably ldzumo and Yak The Czar, the correspondent con- more ttbAll stated above. There were in the house, (?hese ultimately were Is a marked gain in the ie,- first-ola,ss cruisers uma, but filo panne of filo Other vee- tinues, has dcto dial to rebu'-ld the Rus- gran cruiser Variag and the torpedo h ought out by the colonel's wife and dependent members, and tbere the soldiers. Five'sailors ,were slightly eels are unknown. a Official despatches concerning tk gunboat! Korietz, which were destroy. ed Chemulpo, out of his are also many neer members etu n- wounded by the explosion of A shell ni cd. It is conservatively estimated bar - bombardment of 'Vladivostock by a at private Pur190. the court and of the Siberian navitl that the Government will have 11410 y Jarpaneso fleet this afternoon do not any Ru saran losses, but pri- China Sends Not,) to Russia' supporters, and all important mea- racks. sures are assured of a safe majority. Outside of those casualties, no one was mention four sailors veto advisee say that. fat Tlokio. ltlaro!h G• --The Chinese icor- eign Office bus replied to the Mik- It is expected that all urgency tear killed or injured, and there was no out, of fire anywhere in the cit •. measures at the special session at Y city , and thtt w3te of an engineer were t Japanese l+illed. It is apparent he J p ,. a ados Government regarding the pro- test filed by R:ussla, the des- _break the, Diet will be carried unanimously, The fact that the Russian batteries dui to the Japanese bombardment oc wbre afraid to risk exposing their to, the, plunging fire of the land against patch, of troops to tho northern pro -was the _ not reply IlIN7' F1tU11f1 TCnlilb. due pltrtly to the slight chaime of the warships at such e,I ships batteries, and it is considered pro'- vinces. Tdlc reply Hays that object is to maintain order and -enforce neu- hitting encmv3s �pI g' l ion range, amt partly to a desire not to Russia lutist Slop invaolur„ Ncnttrtt b' able lure that the attack was really frailty. betray the position of the batteries. 1t to draw, the, fire of.tbe Russian forts, China Lias requested the Russian Districts, is now thought the attacking squadron compelling the Itnusstans to d19e1060 troops to wit-hdraw to tho eastward Toklo Fable -•- Much dissatisfac- eonsisterl of a battleship, four armored the position and calibre of their of the Liao River, ars otherwise much tion is tnanifostod in official quarters cruisers, and two Unprotected cruisers. gang{, and'alw to ascertain whether tho nusaittn squadron is In port. If disturbance might be caused to the thinege Inhabitants of those pro- gore over the disregard by the Rus- Vladivostock Bombardment. slar.tl of their regarding tile this was the Japanese purpose it Is vinees. ;pledges neutrality of China,. It is stated tit. Petersburg, Alahch 7.--4.40 p. Ill.-- believed to halve failed signally, atj A small number of Itu�sfatt troops holvi that the territory west of 'the Although the prevailing opinion to will. the, batterles did riot fire a abet, are reported to be at New-Chwang, Llano sliver was, recently restored to. tart' circles continues to be that the born• And i.f tho squadron is In port it Tha influence of the nasslans at that China b Russla. bardnnent of VladivoatOClt Oli Snllday,vAa r could not bei' seen from thtr Japan- lmpa>rtAnt port goenrs to be on the .Japan in response to notes pre- for the purpose of locating tine galls 01 prisoom ase, piasltion- In ,the lay of Uesurl ar the 'high land which t%Cline, and they have expressed the ctestre thtat China shall declare Now- sataioal b r. lila Atniori- the lttlssian batteries and to ageertatr. s y � G whether the 1111fWan squadron Awns it On avoo, lit rlstls fro,n the coast on that aide, obstructing tllty VlerA of the harbor. I I n - to bo a neutral port, with That apparent object of orubarrnssIn 1 , an Minister, and 111. von Sat do •n, tho German Minister, promptly Ag- port, Boole shrewd observers believe it in ly dicates a ntowe by land anti sea "I'minsl 'Useless '1'aotics, Japan. Tthe arrival of the Japanese flims is desired by all noutrals, Oared tha United S�tatos and the nth tv. or powers of hot' Intention to re. the ca , 'tile Novoe Vrenuya advances the tilt, • Paris, Ma�nday. March 1. --Tho, St. t f tilt 'Echo Pctersbltrg corespondent a 4 is Now-Chwang to be Des,eted, speer the neutrality of China, not- 1 In 1- orq that the hombardntent was orde' withstanding tltty resu ting poi for political effect on the Japanese 1)ipt l , +oncernin. tile botnbard, do Pnrig' g Ytn-r{o,v, 1►larch G. --Tho removal voillonce 9y ton as Russia in good g rd at. anent of Vladivostock yesterday of the furniture of the police and f t . al h did rho Value, Russia, is re ltussrans Disorderly, tttrnoon, mays the, opinion of corn- military: quarters at New-Chwang,' parted to 110 preventing; China, by Sctlul, a sol , + ` that the J anesb r intimidation and formal re ro9ent;a- patent Inert is 1 ap :rho •tvlthdia,vn;l Of unnveessary, roll- a p rating n filio inity %wanted try find out whether or not to stock and equipment from New tione froin sending troops north, of diors clper crating in rho vttnuit'i of �1njr 'bg "hg tho Itussltri squadron WAG at Vladlvw i i wa termintig and tiro iRivul-11al-lrwan fear tho rotection oC are committing all moonier of exctaspe tl re, t y p Inaltreatmg the native women And per , ostook, in tlto belief that should It removal of silver front, the bank fit. l,er border and for guarding the lln- t*vo to W aU6I it Ivould be no. n Intended eva6uatton tq portal niauooleurus and palaces, petratingti, robbery upoll every Opportuit p dicate a d d 'kvd rotssary for the vessels to return and Now-Chwan:. Tho bank authors. If aussisersists In invading tree• ityl corealr soldiers attacked a body n p file invatlera on ifrnlay Iasi, thr. 4t. deiced life place. T3ie carrospbnd frog lravc arranged t0 leave trench tial distrlets Japan moat tavail . " t r test. the succeeded ill kilhnq thirty i not atlils. Tlveae tae ;.eg arc use and Gorman agents In oliar(gc of herself of I`!eir reserved right and da , y, • less, nm tltc general staff kilo we ltelt. their Interests, the 9atWo. Th19 Neill result In +greater them. It is 1`rported that as the ro's - ` 26110t0in's e:tn.et destivatloit, and that; A lar . fora, of cavalry) is ex- aftnnta o for .ye, ran thou fel` of a collision between 1111mian and Cot °_' Ito Imm Huceoriled perfectly in mirr'y'. ' otedgto return to Nety-Chiwallg5 bo M'u'scle,. Tho latt6tls � totion to this eml soldiers at ICAng-'Go the Russrall I: - Ing Out the, Plan 0ont(cltitl 'td him, ' fdro the river olrens, for the III ii d titer guitbtat litanajitl' niatter, It rvem dri"n boyond 04 Wit giver, .,. _ .,..., . .. .. �--..., ,.., ­­.1-..�I..,.4k..,,,,..:14ir.1. . ,w.",. 49sk......,.., ir:- ..�,,.__ ...... Count Van Weidersee Expires, '"' `� ,:�/,_/,'11'�/11 -, �,�oz� i /-' ". kl)#,0x4-.G Lt kyy 1 n. , ;` "I ��� �` ` iN N 1y . ... . I "---•—r---`, ..mv . 1 / ,, � , 1 t 11 p J --, I/ I � 0+ I . 1 I . C/ ! \\� �y tiim ��i} �� �1,a\�� � , f, - ,-- K " , w . - ,. L 6, . J ; Hanover. i1iarch 0,—Field Marshal Count Von WaIdersee, who lifts been. critically ill for ,scyerai days, died at 7.,30 o'clock tills evening. • Count Alfred Von Waldersee ,vas born in Potsdam on April 8, 1832. He was the son of a cacalry general. In 1850 he entered the German army as A subaltern in the artillei;v. He became a captain in 1802. Rapid promotions followed, Ile ,was in the battles of bre tz and Sedan, and at the siege of Paris. At the end of the Franco-Prussian war he was macre a colonel and served as Charge d'Aflairs in France. Other honors followed quickly. After serving on the general stair of 'Marshal Von Al oltke, he was made a lieutenant -general in 1852, and general of cavalry in 1388. In the latter year Count Von Walder - see suceceded Von 1'Ioltke as chief of the general staff of the German army. In 1574 the count married 'Mary I's ther Lee, the slaughter of a New York wholesale grocer. His experience as cc mmander of the allies forces in the Boxer campaign. in China matte bis nam a familiar to all. The funeral of the late Field Mars Tial will be held at noon on SVednesday. Emperor William and Empress Aitfusta Victoria, all the members of the houso of 17ohenzollern, and the sovereigns of all the German States, and also many eminent persons abroad have telegraphe d condolences to Countess 'iron Walder- sec.--_-.__.__ -._- __...-..._.___.- t __ .__._.___._---_.__—. ,_-....-- of Industrial Art, suffered from b:ic- coughs for throe days. A physician HOT Srfiill I tried every known remedy without 0 Lg r Q- relief. Finan a friend suggested e f. y gg tho use of electricity, and a light �j INI current war,applied to Green's body' p e I � U N � ��S An Improvement was noted, and atd a the the strength of e current was Increased. Finally his hiccoughing r-.—..- ceased. The cure was complete. Booth -Tucker Not to Resign TOOK HUSBAND IN PAWN. From Salvation Army. A Y9einan nay,►By_Lender Take Pledge on Plessuro'R'rip. Warsaw, Rw, sian Poland, March 6. (� Hitch in the Panama Banal —A peasant ,vioman oC • Bielastotchek, in tine Government of Vilna, wishing to raise money ,, for household, ex - , g UQCi1_ an 'S Ne otiaticns y pe-nses, went lac, an old maid who made small loans to sometimes friends. ,'5he had nothing to pawn, but at last tliougbt of her shiftless has - //11 Electricity a Success as Cure and, and ,suggested that he be the pledge. Taie money -lender consented and the money wAs: advanced. for hiccoughs, Tne peagant woman made her pur- eha,V`es, and no returning home found New York, March I.—Rumors filar her husband gone. 'Fife money -lender had been there and taken away, her Commander Bootil-Tucker, writ soon pledge„ w,tth whom she was preparing retire as ]load of the Salvation Army to mate a long journey. The wife cdomplained to the village court, but of America and be assigned to lit- the judge decided against her, and as erary work in Landon aro denies by the sum borrowed was more than she minor officers at the organization couldpay back, and as no one would headquarters in this city. . , help her, she had the mortification of The commander is on a tour of in- seeing her husband depart with his captor, and amid the jeers and laugh F etion of the work in this coon- Myo ter of trio towxilspeople. try and will not return for two months. Fro will then go to London, CONVERTED INTO CAVALRY. accompanied by about one hundred ,_,__ Leading officers, to attcnd the in- Se'venly-\(nth Hlkhianders Will Now tcrnational conference of Salvation 'year Boots and Spurs. ,A.rmy workeraa. Tills confetence will. Ottawa, March G.—Gradually the, keep the commander abuent until infantry regianents In the East.• August„ and the discredited rumor ern Townships are to be converted Is to the effect that he will then into cavalry. Following out this turn over his .work in America to policy, an order publfished by the Colonel T. B, Coumbas, now, in charge Milittia Department on Saturday of a territory in Bngland• wipes out the 70th ShefSord and Hot Springs, Ssome Highlanders, and converts New. York, Mmixell 7.—A despatch to them- into the 1.3th Soottlslh Light tlbo World from Tacoma, Wash., says: , Dragoons. The command of the .Iew Latest Nome advices received at regiment goes to laeut,-Col. C. A. Dawson, fitve details of wonderful Stuart, Major of the 6th Duke of hot springs, which make a verdant spot just below, the latitude of the Corn,vatlta Hussars, of Montreal, two squadrons of which are merged Arctic ocean, in the midst of winter. in the '18,th.. , Tho springs aro located on Reed River, 100 utiles northwest of Rlloy MILLIONS TO THE CHURCH. Camp in the, Wokub River country. Tho thermal zone covers a large basin, where It is possible for tra- -- Details of Volumary ,(:oiltributions to vollere to disrobe at naly time of Church or Oingland In 1903, to year and bathe in warm water. �vnutc never faits there and rho grass Now York, March G, -The Sun to - roen. Miners there axed LE; always, � clay Yas the following from London; Tito Church of rngland's rentroll bathe during ilio winter,montlIs when the thcemonie,er only a fel ,'miles for 1903 amounted to £1,617,000. away registers below zero. The voluntary contributions for the same, near amounted to £8,107,- british Tratie lteturns. a3z, of which £121;283,127 teas for London, March 7.—Tho Board of general • purposes, and £6,883, - ',Prado' returns for the urolith of 703 for g1arochtal purposes- Tile February show that Imports in- chief ttcm`t of expenditure ,there creatied $1`(,749,11`% ancY tite et- £5,00,000 for hamo missions, £670,- rort4 Increased .41,.i07,000. 000 for foreign ml- sslons, £500,000 The increase in imports inclutles for rltilanthropie work, £600,000 foodstuffs to tilt) value e,4 $8,3413,- for raroohlal clergy, and 91,183,491 1W, and cotton to the amount at for elementary education. $3,4220,435. I Thus sum does nort include any. Anloill; the exptyrts the linty not._ in the nature 'of Government Increase -'as cotton fabries ald,to but tCsimply voluntary offerings ,abler $4,251,585. i ' Panama Canal. 'CVasl.lug;ton, starch 7..--11tiot only - TO CURE HERRINCIS. Is the 11auarna Canal Company un- .4 - able to deliver the goods, butthere 1tlinistersof Fisherlex Decide to 'pry Is tie certainty that Itr will be able Scotch' ay. to do dao cr:i -.March 1-15, when ileo United Staten has arranged to Ottawa,'farell G.•• -Tho Atlni,ster of make raynient, or atany outer Marino and Fisheries has (definitely tim:i in the near future," salol Sen- dc(ided to try the experiment of ator T. V. Platt, of Nil)vi York, wee- curing Canadian herrings according terday. Senator 1=1att is noting to tho Scottish than, the ,object be, i Chairmanof tiler "r..natr. Cominft- Ing to ascertain whether Caltadlal'. ve an Interoceau}c VaLnals. 110 herrings packed in the Scotch styli yatti ail lrg;f.sIn,iiolr ,vouhl be hold will be able to compote wit, tht it) alyeyancc faith the title to, rue Norwegian, Dutch and Scoteli hoe• • Canal hall lltoen catupletpal by the rings, w11ix111 at the present that I new Panama Vasal M)IIIIlany. it ora In oldef demand in the mar. , wag khat t:haritrs 1V. Ruta. kilts of the wiorld, and cotton ,IvarrlMl ' sell, spCetal AtiC4tAllt Attarnoy prieni more 'than double those %thiel • t;rlle'cal, will slake allother tr.gl to Canadian lierring.I will 'bring al f Naris wa•tilht it short tilno for the I of further investig.%tioll,. prenolit, Prof. i'rineo, Commirasloner n Purposes f allil to canipletc cortailt legal teell- ip lehrr7>es, IV310 3•odontnlen(letl tbo tea t nloalitim. to till) 'finustcr, Is sanguine tha. N. ,T., iiln,rrlt 7`,--E.ratiit great benefit wall result. The (ft s OreTrenton, en, a �cetudent in.. the life class rortments will W placed hl t , of arawinl At this• Trenton 1, h— l liantis of Jo11rt Cbw1e, Of t 0Alrtei>yarlth ti ootla,a ,leo will bri oil herring ourerei moll -jio are Alco ariotc. Tl',,ey 3vul be ulgk.lana womon of d mending,' vire first of May. l lith, or 'tan Nhormen res#deli:t on that Nova Scotia coquet has boom cboaeu to asslst in the, experiments, ivitil tile Idea of learning sovitieit niI those. ti AT�".EMPTFD r �'O AGAIN LIBERTY Revolt IirQ4e out ill Asylani 0--p trt- 1llent of'XIdlgstQll k'1•isott, Kingston, Ent,, March a". —AbI twin weeics ago, sYortie before the death in Kingston Benitentlary of the caiebrateil convict known tea JbLn floe, b revolt broke out In. Lite, asylum department of tilt► prison, It to said the ringleader Was Doe, and the abject was to overrowier ithe three keepers on dtity, ,secure Idietr uniforms, fire arms and keys, And mato A -dash for liberty out Of the rvpsters 6"alp,, , s The attempt, Iiow,ever, was frus- trated. It uiight have lteen .sitocess- rul had assistance, not ',been Il,t Kand when the guards on duty call.. ad. Ior kelp., A difficult time, wlsal 3xiter#ended in tet. , uing tto rebel- Roue inmates, and in the mix -UP Doe was severely II:Andied, it waw one of the most strenuous -attempts to gain 'Marty ever made, wJtWu the WAILS, THE RUDDEN MURDER. Slaughter $ays He Had No In- tention of Killing Him. ,Windsor, Ont., 1Za,reh 7, ,-- Edll►ard 4411911ter, who was brought to Wind• :or bn friday night from Cincinnati; ,ppeared before Magistrate Bart+lei an Saturday, and his prel1mtuAt, •caring was met for Friday na )vies It. Davin, of Amherstburg, lel toting as couniIII for $Iaughter, The nformation charges Slaughter, first, vlth murder, and secondly, with man - :laughter. Slaughter appeared to be 'cry ,unconcerned over the proceed- ngs. He admits striking Rudders with ;be billard one, but claims it was i, bar -room fight, and that he kad io intention of killing the man. . THREE BURNED TO DEATH. !armhouse, at $lack River, N. B. Destroyed on Saturday. Sit. Join, N. Bl., March G.-A,s the result of a, fire which broke out 3arly on Saturday in an isolated rarmh,ouse, at Wank River, filve mile.; 'from lluctouche,'three per- sons were ;burned to death, a,nd another one probably tat - ally injured. The dead are William Savoy, aged 22; J. Addius Savoy, aged 11, and Joseph Savoy, aged 12, ,sons of Louis Saavoy. Alfred, who jumped from a 'ruing of the burning building, is so badly In- jured .that lie is not expected to recover. Part of the family were slopping downstairs, and got out, but thoase in the upper; rooms were overcome with ,swoke, and theltr es- cape out off by the ,tlatues. KIIVCIIIIV NEWS IN BRIE cI The rivers of Pennsylvania are in Rood and many deaths are reported, The Ottawa waterworks and sewerage by-law ,was carried on Saturday. Dr. Jessop has been nominated for the Legislature by Lincoln Conservatives. Peel County Conservatives have tnoun- inated Air. R. Blain, 11. P., for the Cont - 1110114. Lord Alexander Burns Shand, created a Baron in 1596, is dead at London. Litt was born in 1828. The SV., G. 8c B. and the L., H. R B. branches of the Grand Trunk are still blocked ,with snow. A boysteppIng on a match in a Porth Amboy, N. J., dry goods store, caused a fire loss of $100,000. Bulgarian diplomats are convinced the Sultan means war, He is again delaying the Alacedonian reforms. It is reported at Kingston that Hiram Calvin, 1i. P., will be invited to ran as temperance candidate in Frontenac. The 'Manitoba full court has given judgment dismissing the appeal taken against Winnipeg's early closing by-law. The London Times understands that the International Postal Congress, which. was to have been held at Rom% in April Up xt, has been pastponed until April, 1905. Mrs. A. X. Gifford and daughter, of Bowmanville, were compelled to jump fronh an upper window of their burning dwelling at 2 o'clock in the morning to save their lives. Mrs. Sherman Dye, of Boone, Iowa, iei tinder arrest on a charge of sending poi- soned candy to Miss Rena Nelson, of Pierre, South I)akota, formerly of Boone, Jealousy was the cause, and the victim is dying. On Saturday afternoon, at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Toronto,, the Friends' Asso- ciation, authorized by the Canada half - yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Ilicksites, held Its first meot- �ing; for organization, ,vith all initial membership of 70. Henry Salith, aged 05, :t pensioner, Aw;lo lives at 849 Yonge street, Toronto, And who was employed to attend the fur• nate and do add }obs about James .13. Rain's (rouse at 16 Bloor street ,vest, -dropped ,unconscious while carrying oat aslics on Saturday morning- \Ir.'I'N'aish, the Toronto gou- eral agent of the I)ominion Express Cc., Was preseutetl ell Saturday afternoon with an 111un1inAted address wind It Ibis watch chain and charm on the oemsiotl to his leavingg to take the position of assistant to the president• and manager. At Opelika, Alabama, t'', IT, Sparks, a negro murderer, tried to kill one of his guards with a knife as lie was beitlg tat eil from his cell to the scaffold. SPOC- tators pinned him to the wall with pitrli• forks, aild lip. was led to the gallm" haudmiffed, And liautged, +' =t _ 1 ,, THG MINERS TROUBLE. Ird:anaapolls, Matclr 7.--Thii9 'Unit- , Ed blind Workers in national conven- I tion totted to -clay to I'efer tho final ,dmisibli As to aeoeptin.g the Wagb offer of tire operator" to the locals. . , _ ..., I ;MR CHAMBERLAIN itbY+l'I;!% Cairo, ;11'aieh '6: -Mr. and Alis, 0him. llprlalil, as ,9xiefi s of Lord +ted Lviay f Vrower, err Attending All Aoeiat events t iirprp> Tho other day ford Cromer�'+rr`Fl• aenoa AIr. Chamberlain to the hedivc. .1A dinner followed in, the evellin .- fit t honor of the British Matesmatl Avid hixa , wife,