HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-10, Page 3"hursday, March to, 1904 CROWDER'S Tailored lothing Not Made to Order, But Made to Fit AOINOWLEDGIaD by all well-dressed men, both young and old, that Crowder's Tailored Clothing le equal to the best custom work at one-third to one-half the price. Just Arrived, -New Tweed Suits, Men's. Youths' and Boys' new Tweed Stilts in the latest styles, well tailored and right up-to- the-minute—$5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00, ....�.�� New Ser ge Suits. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Serge Strits, all sizes, Black or Blue, neatly made and equal to tailor matte—$5.00, $7.50, $12 00, $15.00, Cravenette Coats, New spring showerproof Coats in long and short lengths, to all the latest materials, and made up-to-the-minute. Sizes 31 to 40—at $10, $12,00 and $15,00. SPRING FURNISHINGS FIT FOR A KING. New Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Sox, Gloves, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Etc. A Few BARGAINS in Winter Overcoats The R. 1I. Crowder. Co. iu J. W.. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch. • 1 Frost Wire Fence If Mas no equal as General Il Purpose Parm. Fence • tIt• will turn Stock without • ll ""� injury—beautify the Farm — does not need constant patching • u —. and with reasonable usage will so T� last a life -time. Booklet and o e full particulars given on request. 7 , 0 wws`t.1.&.raou,..�..ti,.u.. V�wi��..,w�:.rouu»w.w,.w�w.,...►n FOR SALB BY MASSEY = HARRIS AGENCY Have you a Cutter? If not, call and examine our stock before buy- ing elsewhere. If you will he needing anything in the line of Farming Implements or Machinery for the conning sea- son, place your order early and getthe hest. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for the Kemp Manure ':Distributor. We also handle the Wm. Gray & Son's Buggies and • Cutters -- universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had, ALF. GLOVER AGENT WINGHAM Ceweesesrr 8.20 v NOTICE Prices of saw logs are much higher this season than last season. The Canada Furniture Manufacturers are prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of Hardwood logs, as well as Basswood, delivered at the Button & Fessant Chair Factory„ Wingham. Farmers should get the logs in early while roads are good, and get the highest price, Canada Furniture; M'frs. WINGHAM Phossphodint0, The Orut English Rands!. df, is an old, well ostab. fished and reliable preparation. Has been Prescribed and used over 90years. Alt drug, gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being .BofOrc ana After, the only medicine of its kind that curesand gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cares all forms of Nervous Weals ,cess.emissions, Spermatorrha+d, Impotency, , and alteffects of abuse or excesses; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, allot which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price 51 per package or six for $5. One will please, six will cure. • Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of pr1Ce. SeTheoWoodpCo pamphlet. Windsor, Ont', Canada, Woods Phospbodino is sold in Wingham by C. A. Campbell, W. McKibben, A. L. Hamilton and R. A. Douglass, Druggist*. W. A. CURRIE Wingham's Auctioneer. Sales attended in any part of Huron county. Orders lett at the ADVANCE Office will re- ceive prompt attention. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE 60 YEARS'. EXPERIENCE. ATENTS. TRADE MAR$O OEB GN$ 'COPYRIGHTS $C. Anyone sending ua sketch anddfdescription may enteltiLa a PPts bnnblq osteo able. eCohr etherlear• tfoneatriotIlconadOnt aL Handbook on atonte sent fres. oldest agency for seeuring patents. Patents taken through Munn t c0. receive specter eons, without charge, in the scientific Jlsnerlcan. A.bandeomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr. l ulation et any scientific Journal, Terms, $8 a year • four months, V. Sold by an newsdealers. MIiNN& Co a61Broadway, New York Branch Moe. was E' 13t.. Washington. D. C. PROMPTLY SECURED Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS Write for our interesting books Invent. arse Help" and "'How yeti are ewtndlad..'' sonnet ee a tough sketch or !toot of your in. teitlottor{m rovementandweWilltettyou e our opinioff es to Whether it it probahty ppaatentable, Rejected .pphcatione nave often beeif contemning proiecttted by %IC We eondttra fatly equipped ctrlccs in Montreal .end Washington; thisqualiles us'to prouipt- •ig dispatch work and quickly secure Patents as bread as the invention. ltlgheetreferences furnished. ron if Marlon St Ma. Patents, procured tb g tionslosh s epeeist betide Without charge itt over tee newspepere diatribnted throughout • the tceinlnion. Spaelalt .Patelli businese of Manatee. tures anel�...*Patent MARION & MARION potent Experts And Selictters. ()ffiQ.r i No Yo,k 1te 01'14' . tion teCrl t" . vw1 v SUCCESS .L/STOWEL attends the graduates of —Two Courses— Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING President A. L. MCINTYRB Seo'y. LiicAo5�+J 11Il -•-•Oil July 2. 1003, there were in the Province of Ontario no less than 030,- if31 horses against 020,100, cattle 2.074,- 261 against 2,5G2,281, also a relatively greater increase in horses thaw in oattle. —In the market of France the name of each kind of meat 1s attaohed to that part of the caroms displayed for sale, A customer kuowe beyond doubt wheth- or he is buying a portion of a cow or steer, a goat or shop. If the meat is that of a donkey or horse, there is the label upon it to prevent any chance of deception. —A report from London, England, says that at the Smithfield show four pounds of Eldorado potatoes sold for $3,000, and the grower had refused $350 for a single potato. The Eldorado is a new variety that resisted the destruc- tive disease in Ireland the past season; hence the mad rush for ib. The report says that one potato of this variety weighed nine pounds two ouuces. —Ahmed Madrali, the "Terrible Turk," wrestled last week at Blanches- ter with William Dubois, a French-Ca- nadian, for £250 and the catch -ea -catch - can "championship of the world." Ma- drali's opponent was born in 1875 at Ot- tawa, and as a youngster he developed the art of wrestling in the catoh-as- catoh-can style. Ho was undefeated up till last week, but Madrali proved. to be the best man, and secured the first two throws, which obviated any further bout. 90 per cent. of Fat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, were fed with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. DEAR SIRS— We have been feeding your Stock Food to cattle for some time, and find it to be an ex- cellent tonic. We have also fed it to horses and pigs, and are quite sure it is the best stock food wo have ever tried. Our prize winning cattle at the Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, were fed Worthington's Stock Tonic. LESLIE Sc. PEAREN. Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Acton, Ont. DEAR SIRS— I find your Stock Food is a very excellent Tonto for cattle, giving them a good appetite and keeping their digestive organs in a healthy working condition. The steer Scottie," ex- If Women Only Knew. ' 1 '1 it d at Winter Mair weighed at birth 801bs THE 1! [ ING M ADVANCE. tiers of grazing our !togs o.a lucerne pad- '-y docks during the summer months, gilt- ing the young pigs as good a start as possible on some by-product of the cow, skim milk or buttermilk, and giving the 160" pound pig about one month's feed on grain to finish flim, During the fall we supply this succulent food from a paddook of artichokes, in the winter 1t is given in the form of roots, We do not get our hogs off at six mouths, weighing 200 pounds, It is about eight months before they are marketed, but I am convinced that we have a firmer and, by all 'odds, a cheaper" produot. After careful counting we contend that we eau produce a pound of pork in the summer or fall for from two and one-half to three cents. Sometimes we feed a light ration of grain along with the grazing. In this age, when hired help is such a problem, sixty to one hundred pigs, fed in this manner, will nearly save the wages of one man, If this method were going to have a tendency to damage our old country market, it should not bo adopted, but as far as oan be learned, the product is of superior quality, the oheapness being only. in the production, Sick At Your Stomach. Perhaps feeling as if the bottom had dropped out of your life. It's Nerviline you want. Nothing restores quiet and order to the etomaoh so quickly. All squeamishness and nausea goes away the minute you take Nerviline and an extra dose or two is always sufficient to set your up in first-class shape, Ner- viline is an old tested remedy for stom- ach and bowel troubles and always oan be relied ou, Sold in 25c bottles. —Premier Ross was waited upon re- cently, by a deputation of about one hundred representatives from 23 coun- ties in Ontario, with the request that the system under which county coun- cilors are elected. be allowed to remain as it is for the next two years. Under the last year's amendment to the Aot, County Councils were given the power to pass a by-law leaving it optional whether the County Council should be elected from districts or bo composed of the reeves and Mayors of the several municipalities within the county. —The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany has decided to invite tenders for excavating and other work necessary to oarry out their scheme to irrigate the dry belt near Calgary. The idea is to render 3,000,000 acres fit for cultivation, one half for cereals and the other half for grazing. Three hundred thousand acres will be irrigated first, and after that much has been taken up by settlers the work will bo extended. Two canals will be used to irrigate the tract, a main canal 35 miles long, with a width at bottom of 6 feet and carrying 10 feet depth of water. This canal will bo built first, and will be used to carry water to the secondary canal, which, when completed, will be lio miles long. To make the main canal 250,000,000 Cubic feet of earth will have to be mov- ed. The work will be done with steam shovels, &c. —Regarding Black Knot on plum trees, J. E. Orr of Fruitland, who has an orchard of 3000 prom trees, says:— Cut the knot whenever seen, removing the branches about four inches below the knot. Be sure and burn then. Go over the orchard carefully in the early winter and again in early summer, when the knots aro showing. These knots are yollowish-brown iu color. Do not. be discouraged if you have a crop of knots to out the second year, as the knots do not usually appear until a year after inoculation. This plan of ex- terminating the knot is no experiment; we have demonstrated that it is an un- qualified success. Many other remedies have been suggested and tried, but none have been so successful. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture will help greatly in preventing new infestations, and will cost but little extra, as it has to be done for other diseases. nr c at 35 months 9000 lbs., making a gain of 55 lbs. That half their ills are due to lm - ANDREW RICHARDSON, rezone and be saved lots of pain and Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, suffering. Ferrozone is a perfect food Peepabun, Ont. for the blood and supplies the strength - DEAR Stns—Wo have used your Stock Food ening elements needed to maintain for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good health and vigor. Ferrozone is a per ruonth. It pays to ford Worthington's pwerished blood, they would use Per - TO PREVENT HOG CHOLERA. The following excellent rules as preventatives against hog cholera were given by Forrest Henry in Successful Farming: Keep feeding floors, sleeping places, tanks, and vessels in which swill is mix- ed scrupulously clean. Breed from mature sires and dams, which will give litters of very much more constitutional vigor than where immature sires and dams are used. Avoid inbreeding, which will invariably reduce the stamina and invite disease. Avoid Fall litters. The second lits ter invariably reduces the mother's, vitality at just the time cholera is abroad in the laud, which leaves her and her litter very easy prey for disease. More than ninety per Dent. of cholera outbreaks are among the sows that raise Fall pigs of their litters. Avoid overfeeding or any sudden changes in feed, especially from dry feed to green. Anything that well derange the stomach and cause indiges- tion will derange and weaken the whole system. Feed (especially in growing pigs) a ration of feed rich in protein, such as wheat, middlings or ground oats, and avoid an all grain ration of corn.. They need something to help build up bone, nerve and muscle, which corn will not give. Nothing is better for this purpose than a good run on clover pasture. Take all the care possible that the disease germs are not carried to your herd. Dogs are believed to spread the disease in the majority of cases. The germs are found in the excrement of the hogs, and are carried on the boots and clothing of mon or on the feet of animals and birds. It is not safe to al- low stock buyers or anyone that is around stook yards or stook cars to be around where hogs run. Doves and crows are also instrumental in spread- ing disease and should be shot when- ever they come on to the premises. A little care in these particulars will often save your herd. Admit all the sunlight possible into your hog buildings and on to your feed- ing floors. One minute, yes, one second, of bright sunlight will kill the liveliest hog cholera germ in existence. No amount of cold will do this. See that your herd are alway supplied with plenty of pure water and plenty of shade. Salt and ashes should alway be at their disposal. Iu short, anything that will help build up a strong, healthy body will be a safe -guard against hog cholera. gain of over 1001bs. per month while feeding it. p, JAS. WILSON & SONS, drives away those depressed feelings Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Yorkshire of dead weariness. You will have Hogs. Fergus, Ont. •streugtlt, lots of it—your complexion Note the erica will improve, you will feel ten years 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50e; 50 lb, sack, $2. P gg younger after. a course of Ferrozone Agar h Earle,Lueltnow I N. Gerry Brussels organism; try 1t. Price 500. Henderson & Henderson, Whitechurch FEEDING HOGS.. For Salo By J. Bowman, Win haat W. Messer, Biuevale which builds up the whole human ktave fihe Xateriaks. Lots of them --do your own choosing. We know the styles. We know exactly how they should bo cut ---how they should fit and its otrr hastiness to put all these knows " together, and fit you out in the best that Tout outt money can buy* no matter what price you pay, It would please ns to have you drop its. Robt. Maxwell NI$h Art Tailor By F. 0, Elford, Holmesville. The subject of feeding hogs is an old, and in some respects a threadbare one, still the way that some are fed leads us to think that there is still something to be said, Ask a man nowadays if there is money iu pigs, and almost invariably the answer will be that there is, that he had perhaps just sold a number for $6.50 or $7.00 per hundred weight, but how many of us really know what our hogs cost us per pound; hogs have been high ers One dose of Ayer's Cherry • Pectoral at bedtime prevents might coughs of children. No croup, No bronchftia. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for all - affections of the throat, bron- _ chial tubes, and lungs, Sold for over 60 years. famI1y7 tor eight d years, Merida neth ngtequal to It for coughs and colds, especially for cbll- dxen.", -Moe, W. 15. EaXxms, bbelb7, Ala. i gie., 600., 81.00, J. O. AUR CO., All dru, gists. for Lowell, Mass. =Night CV ghai Seep the bowels open with one of seyer's Pills at bedtime, Just ones WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS April 30 to Dec. 1; 1901. Settlers' One Way Excursions, 1904 To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest, will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April if sufficient business offers. Passengers travelling without Live Stook should take the train leaving Toronto at 1,45 p. m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 p. m. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulars and copy of "Settlers' Guide," "Western Canada" and 'British Col- umbia," apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent or to A. H. NOTMAN Assistant General Passenger Agent King St. East, Toronto. • WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOVIs, APL. 30 -Dec. 1, 1904 Phillipino exhibit, cost $1,000,000. 40 acres. Special exhibits by Hawii, Guam and Porto Rico. SPECIAL COLONIST ONE=WAY EXCURSION FARES. FROM WiNGHAM To B 0 D B S ILLINGS, Mont ,.$35.95 OLORADOSPRINGS UTTE, OGDIEINVER, HELENA $4O.9 5 ALT LAKE CITY NELSON ROSSLAND, SPOKANE, Wash B. C..l $141.45 NCOU A , Ore $43.95 SEATTLE. ash NCOUVER, VICTORIA PORTLAND, V S T L AN FRANCISCO and t $44.50 AN ANGELES, Cal I Proportionately low rates to other points. Ickets on sale daily until Apr. 30th,'04. For tickets and all information apply to . HAROLD, Agent, Wipgliam, or to J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. —Representative Dashiel, of the Ohio Legislature, who is a physician, has in- troduced in that body a bill providing for the establishment of school for mat- rimony, in which young men and women desiring to marry will be expect- ed to take a course of instruction and earn a diploma. Tho bill provides for the appointment by the Governor of a "State Director of Marriage Reform Instruction." The Director is to serve for five years and receive a salary of $2,000 per year, with an assistant of $1,000 per year. His duties are to be to "formulate a course of instruction for candidates for tnatrimony" and furnish the same to every reputable physician in the State. The candidates for mat- rimony may take the course and re- ceive the certifloate, which may bo pre• sented to the clerk of the courts, who I Sgll Real Estate No S Matter Where It Is. 3 TO THE MAN WHO WANTS TO BUY. No matter where you are or in what part, of the country you want a property, I can serve you. It makes no difference whether you want a1110 lot or a .10,000 farm. or any other kind of Real Estate want to hear from you. Just the property you want may bo on my list, in any event, I mry find it and save money for you. I am not only in a position to most advantageously serve the man who wants to buy a home or a farm, but, I am in the bust possible position to serve the man who wants» to make a profitable investment. TO THE MAN WHO WANTS TO SELL. Now, while you have the matter in mind, write and let me know what you have to sell and how much money you want for IL My plan will interest you, even if you have no idea of over placing the property in my hands. Write today giving description and price of property you want to soli. CLYME MAGUIRE Real Estate Agent O11Ico:—Upstairs in Vanstone Block. for a few years, so has grain, and if we will issue a marriage license. If the have fed our Bogs ou grain from the oandidate refuses to take the course of time they were weaned until marketed, instruetioq lie may file a written pro - I doubt if there is as much money in test with the clerk and the license may them as we suppose. issue, but the protest is to be filed with A man in this country, 'tvhe was 00n, the State Direotor. stdered a successful hog feeder, found that ho fed, by actual count, $200 worth ` of feed to 'a number of hogs, whioh, To KnoCk Out Colds. when sold on a good market, brought Aud ogre thein in au ]lour Without him $160, leaving a balance of $40.00 on resorting to hem drugs dust use the wrong side. He made on the hogs, fragrant healing Catarrhozotte the most but lost on the feed, pleasant, prompt and certain cure for The hog was originally a grazing colds ever discovered. No medicine to animal, nature never intended hila to be take, Sou simply breathe the balsatnio stall fed frets start to finish, The vapor of atarorlsozone. It neves ,fails to root out Cho worst colds and is so opinion seems to be beeoniittg more simple and convenient to rise thin no general that soft pork it caused by rush- nee oan afford to he without it. Carry MONEY To Lome—At 41 per cent. on improved farms. Easy terms of re- payment ; expenses light. .Apply A. Dulinage, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Kent Block. Cat in arket at fire or air ,a allli ozone inhaler ' ` In your pesker g pigs On to the Iii months of age, when they aro still use it ooeattstottally and you won't have 'igloo 'Complete outfit $1.00; trial size immature. 'We have folloWsd the pr*o• 260. . ROST. It GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGIiAM ADVANCE, D.P. OVENS or LONDON SURGEON. OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. filinn I'ric4e, Stout Values The Leading Store ET STRAG,iTM' DIP HIP sma Profits Returns NEW CORSETS. artmomiummorommum The new. Corsets in spring models are now here, Beauty of outline and graceful curves mark these models, • and many have the dip hip appreciated by all who like easy -fitting Corsets. We have not confined our purchases to one man- ufacturer, but have secured the best makes. All prices from 25c to $1.25. We are selling agents for the Watchspring Corset. The reputation and popularity of this Corset may be depended upon. Ask to see them. The Tape Girdle Corset is easy fitting, and the correct style for spring wear—only 50c. NEW PRINTS. SPECIAL AT 50 PER YARD Just received — 50 pieces of Heavy Striped Flannelette, ex- Crum's Prints. Colors and pat- ties wide, Pure Linen Toweling, terns better than ever. Art Muslin, Prints, Plaids, &c. New Laces Just Received.—Including wool and silk Yak Lace, Cluny, Torchon, Guipures, etc. New Waisting. — In plain and fancy Lustros, plain and embroidered Silk, new Gunmetal stripes, figured Sateens, striped Linens, Chambrays, etc. H. E. Isarld & Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce massomema REXALL RL118, These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath — they are the latest and most improved Dye in the world. Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's store, Biuevale, and C. B. McClolland's store, Belgrave, Ont. Visits Whrgham monthly. GLASSES FITTED PROPERLY. NASAL C.t'rARRII and neareess treated. Wingham office at Campbell's Drug , Store. London office -225 Queen's ave.; hours 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of Visits—Mondays— Fob. 1, Feb. 29, Mar. 28, May 2, May 30, June 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov, 28, C. HAMILTON BLYTH AUCTIONEER •- ONT. 30 years experience. I have cottduoted over 3000 successful Auction Sales in the County Of Iluron, and as a rule get better prices and sell to hotter Wren. Orders left at ADVAxen Office, Winglratn, will receive prompt atten- tion. Terms reasonable. Satibfaction guar- anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense, Cross? Poor man! He can't help it. ti He Cts bilious. He needs a good�liver pill—Ayer's Pills, t� Y They act directly on the liver, cure biliousness, LO,elta ant your moustache or beard ,a beautiful brown or rich black" Use �BUCINGAM,'S : TIIE ADVANCE OFFICE for tasty and down -to -date Job Printing. Prioee right. I 60 TIays' aret 4 4 4 4- F +F 4. 4 4 4; 44, 4 +1 6.,i.: 4: 4. 4 . 4 4 - 4 i 4 4 4 Sale. 1 4, 4, 5 0k0 a :4* WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES AND SILVERWARE to be sold at COST for :+ 4 SPOT CASH. 4. 4 WORTH OF From February let until April 1st, we' Will positively sell at COST. This is the chance of the year to get a good Watch, or anything in the line of Jewelry, cheaper than you ever heard of be- fore. All our goods are reliable, and of the best makes, and we warrant them. No old goods taken in exchange on new goods. W. 6..PATTERSON The Groat Watch Doctor Stone Block Opp. Queen's Hotel 4, ita 4+ 4+ i7 4+ X++++444444++++ +4+4++ +++++ + 44+44+4444+44+4444r