HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-03, Page 8To All Who Are Undecided as to whether they shall buy a Fur Coat this winter, or put it off until next year, we have this advice to offer --"If you can get good guaranteed new Furs at Cost, buy them at once, for good Furs have advanced greatly in price since present stocks were purchased last spring, and are still ad- vancing rapidly. In view of these facts, it may surprise you that we are still offering a few superior Furs at actual cosT, just because we don't wish to carry them over, also .because we need the money now. Winter Ready-to-wear Clothing, Overcoats. and heavy Underwear, will also be sold at Cost. Groceries , We have a quantity of pure Clover Honey, some of which, we think, should be in every home, now when. "la grippe" is so prevalent. Also good Maple Syrup — try a can of it. Try a pound of our choice fresh ground Coffee—best in the trade. We still keep the lead as the "Great Tea House." L /1 FACTS About Our Great Sale of Shoes. A Shoe Sale with us does'nt mean an offering of heaps of any old Factory refuse of alluringly priced "gone by" styles and "used to be" shapes. We don't conduct our business on that basis. Some- times conditions enable us to give you our good Shoes at less than usual prices ; then we have a Sale —such is the case now. We want to close out our present stock, as well as the J. Button & Co. stock which we purchased, and get ready for the spring trade, We want to convert our Shoes into money, even if we have to meet a loss in order to do so. But we don't buy up job lots or odds and ends simply to make a great show of "cheapness." We want you to feel, when you come here, that you'll get Strictly Up-to-date and Dependable Shoes whether you pay full prices for them or whether you buy them under value, as you can at present. Just a hint of the "Special Values" you will find this week :- 40 Pairs of Misses' Bal. and Hutton Boots, Box calf or Dongola uppers, sizes 11 to 12, regular price $1.50 to $1.75—Special Sale Price $1.10 35 Pairs Girls' Box Calf or Dongola, Bale, or Button, sizes 8 to 1011, regular price $1.25—Sale Price .95 60 Pairs Ohildren'e Shoes, regular prices 65c, 75c and 90 cts.—Sate Prices 25c, 40c and 60c W. J. Greer • New Spring Clothing Has Already Arrived at A. R. Smith's. Spring, come Spring. with your balmy breezes and fragrant zephyrs and gentle carrol of the twit- tering birds. We're longing for a change, for change is a good thing to have and to hold under all circumstances. There are various kinds of changes --soon the boys, instead of playing hockey and skating, will be fishing and swimming in the Maitland river. Say ! Why did King William fight in the Boyne ? An- swer -- Because, he was a tetnperance man and loved cold water, and as a loyal subject, and in memory of him, this coming Beason 1 will not only swim below the dam, but above the dam, and shall not ask anyone to hold up my chin, Yon can bug from us Men's Suitt at $3.50, $4.00, 65.00. $0.00, $7.00. $8.00. $8 05. $9.00. $10.00, up to $15.00, the Latter the Piccadilly�"�brand. Youth's Butte, long pants, sizes 82 to 36, at $33.00. $14•S0, $4.00." $5.00. 10.00. $7.00 to $0.00. nays', three.piecs Knicker Suits, size 20 to 34' at $2.25, $2260, $2.75, $3.00, up to $7.00. Boys' Mire -piece Suet. front $1.70 up to $3. Boys' Vestee Suits, beau. VAS patterns, from. Size. 22 to 28, fit boy.' front age 14 to 10. Stack. of Mens Tweed Pant. at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, up to $3 00. Overalls and Smock., Cot. tonade Pants bought from the mills before the ed. vane, Geste' Tien, Braces, Bock., Hats, Claps. for spring, strived and arriving. Our .last slap atOver, coa)( ts--en't Oveto:fats, light color for spring, sizes 36 to 38, rice $2.25. Mens Overcoat., the $7.00 kind, for $8,775, in blue and black. See our fine quality of %new''. adorn Overcoats at Celt, one small boys' Reef. .r., our bis boys' Overcoats—all going at Cost, Only 1 big size left fe mete* Fur Overetast', ilttssis Calf, at PA , rreg. prim $27. Who will get it C Move geld, R. SMITH ingha . TELE WINGU.A.M, ADVANCE POLITICAL MEETING, 'ebruary Examinations. CONTINUATION CLASSES. FORM III, Subjects—Latin, Algebra and Anulles tnun-40 Ariel Park 338 Mabel doss 219 Mary Ferguson 329 Hannah W4000,0) 217 Agues Wilson 314 Margaret Troy 209 Jessie Garrick 287 Win, Lsbister " 198 Irene Davis 267 Edgar Henderson 182 Elgin Currie 2446 Viola Davidson (2)16K Marjorie Gordon 238 Laura Ansiep (i) 744 Alberta Rantoul 231 Olive Ferguson (1) 115 Chas. Gundy 229 FORM II.. Laura Nay 270 George Elliott 168 Janina I'errlo 256 Alfred Posliit 150 John Hutton 213 Lillian Doyen 142 Wm. Linklator 241 Cora Currie (1)139. Vera Holmes 229 Harry Green tit 129 Ethel Ferguson 217 Will Jobb.:(1 122 Ben. Higgins, 211 Merton Har(1 116 Amato Law (1) 206 May 9warts (1 97 George Gregory I92 Maggie Stewart(1) s4 OliveCruikshank 190 FORM L Subjects—British History, Algebra, Grant mar, arithmetic.. Maximum -400. Tom Wilson 374 Clara Adonis (1) 260 Ethel Davidson 950 D. McGillivray 233 Bessie Marsales 346 Carrol Holo 249 May Lamont 334 Edith Johnson 248 Orris Borden 333 Bob King 247 R. Cruikshank 331 Pearl DavidsonI) 241 Mildred Boomer 330 Clar. Wilson (1) 238 Fay Patterson 315 Vera ICnoehtel 238 Flo. Vanuorinan 317 John Mason 1) 226 E. Musgrove 302 Melvin Gowdy 1) 224 Kathleen Lowe 30'3 Elliott Fleming 1)196 Frank Howson 291 Bob Brooks 183 PA. McPherson(1)283 Percy Kerr (1) 161 Minnie Armour 279 May Meson (2)158 Rich. Howson 279 May Fry (2) 141 Olive Manners 278 H. Campbell (2) 135 Everett Glenn 274 Ern. Aitoheson (3) 84 Geercn Taos 263 Millie Turner 431 71 Maggie Hisoox 41) 261 ENTRANCE CLASS. =andtHistory. hm141aximum-6 . Memor- izing,Hazol Jones 653 M. Park 454 R. :roues 652 M. Patterson 453 A. /Untold 637 L. Harold 452 E. Walsh 622 II. Beemor 424 D. Burwash 618 A. Bowman 410 C. Longman 616 E. Whyte 376 N. Orr 614 H. Davidson '359 A. Barber 600 R. Grey 355 J, Smelt) 585 F. Forler 311 A. Griffin • 577 E. Diamond 295 W. Lott 574 P. VauStone 287 J. Holmes 573 T. Small 287 D. Lloyd 573 M. Ferguson 284 L. Nichols 353 F. Constable 265 E. Cook 534 J. Hanna 254 B. Gannett 524 M. Monk 248 M. Welsh 501 E. Drummond 243 R. Davidson 500 A, Shaefer 233 C. Johns 499. 'W. Warder 230 M. McLean 487 P. Duncan 200 II. Jobb 461 Rev. D. Perris and Dr. Gandy ex. changed pulpits for Sunday morning last. Brandon Methodist Church has ex- tended a call to Rev. J. H. Oliver of Listowel, Ont. Cottage prayermeeting at Mr. W. Pnrdy's, Shuter street, on Friday even- ing, at 8 ('clock. Everyone welcome. Next Sunday morning, a Reception service will be held in the Methodist Church, at the close of the regular service. Res. Dr. Warden states that the Pres- byterian mission and benevolent funds require #100,000 to be free from debt at the end of the Church year. TheeBritish and Foreign Bible Society which in a few weeks completes a cen- tury of work, has issued no fewer than 180,000,000 copies of the Scriptures, which aro now printed in nearly 400 different languages. Rev. W. T. Hall, formerlypastor of Belgrave Presbyterian Church, now of Toronto, has been renewing acquaint - awes in this vicinity recently. For the past two years, Mr. Hall has been resting from active ministerial work. He recently supplied two Sabbaths at Luoknow, and last Sabbath preached at Parkhill; next Sabbath he goes to St. Andrew's, London, A call frons Dob. binton, Bruce county is on the way, and one from Lucknow ,now vacant) Is not at all unlikely. According to the Church statistics for 1903 for the United States, the net gains of all the denominations were - 2,340 ministers, 2,647 churches, 482,469 communicants. In the increases, the Methodist bodies lead by a gain of 112• 946 communicants, or 23 per cent. The Baptists come next with an increase of 61,146; Lutherans, 86,667; Presby- terians, 25,606. In the Protestant de- nominations, the Methodists lead with a membership of 6,192,494; 'the Baptist come second with 4,725.775. .A. young Englishman arrived in Stratford on December 8th and on the following day was served with a notice to pay his poll tax and for failing to respond was brought before the ,police magistrate who ordered payment. This is collecting taxes with a ven- geance. P. T. Barnum once' said---If'you have $10 to put to ube, pay $10 for the arti- cle and $9 for the advertising. I cat out -talk any lean but a printer. The man who publishes a paper and every week talks to a thousand men, while I am talking to one, is the ;man I am afraid of, and I want to be his friend. The business man who does not adver- tise is a poor stick, Trade with the risen who advertise if you want to get bargains and the worth of your money. It is expected that this year, will witness great strides in the progress of aerial navigation. The prizes offer- ed by the St. Louis Exposition have acted as an incentive to such an ex- tent that some of the keenest experts have ventured to predict the flying- maohitie a practical achievement be- fore the end of the year. Any one who wish.* a wealth of information on the subject within a abort space cannot do bette#' than read Mr, John Brieben Walker's article on "The Elora Conquest of the Air" in the March Ob.mopotitan. • It is, moreover, profusely illustrated and destribes an ingenious echetne of Mr, Walker'& for experiments with aeroplane~ with per. feet safety to the op'er'ator. Main. McDougall. -In Turnberry, Feb. 25th, Hugh McDougall, aged 81 year.. Green—tit Fergus, on Bentley, 'Fib. 28th, John Green, of Winghtre, aged 81. Hill•�ln V4"ittgllatril� February 27th, Dore E., beloved wife' of Conductor Hill, aged 27 years, .W li.kllli IAGZS. Fiahtttr- GilIi At . Langbide,_ Feb, 24th, by Rerr. G. M. Dunit.,. J. Fisher to Mies Mary, eldest daogh- ter of Mr. Geo. Gillies, Meek—McOrelght,-In Tor'onto, on Mertrday'` Jan. 4th. b Rev.,T, A. Te.,• bt;rfl, Mr. W. O. l eek of Aurora A,. Me lig The Liberel meeting was Belts as Announced on Friday evening, but considering the publicity given it. the flue evening, and the presence of the Band, the attendance was disappoint- ing. A number of ladies graced the occasion with their presence; some Conservativeti also listened to the ed - dresses, but the absence of a number of Liberals In town was noticeable. Altogether, the audience was neither large nor enthusiastic. Geo. 1 eKen- zie presided. Senator McMullen was unable to be present, owing, it is said, to au accident. R. Holmes, of Clinton, Was the first speaker. He made no reference to the subject announced for discussion but confined his atttention to other phases of the government policy. ,t le eulo- gized the Doukhobors, and regarded, them as very desirable emigrants. The facts are—that they are consid- ered very undesirable, even in Russia, and since they were dumped into our Northwest, it has cost some lives and considerable money to keep the fana- tics within bounds, Quite a number left the hall at the conclusion of this address. Dr. Macdonald was the next speaker. He dealt with the Transcontinental railway policy of the government, at great length, until a late hour, and the audience chewed unmistakable signs of being tired. The Mail -Empire and the News were the only daily papers that had a special report of the meeting. These papers are also supplying their readers with very complete cable reports of the struggle between Russia and Japan. Both papers deserve credit for their enterprise.. A NEW VOTING MACHINE. Welland, Feb, 27.—The Telegraph has the following from Bridgeburg: Mrs. C, S. Jackson of this• village has invented a new voting machine, which possesses the merit to commend it to the favorable consideration of the public. It is simple, strong, and sub- stantially built, and nicktl•plated, To begin with, the returning officer is supplied with a given number of re- gulation balls, about half an inch in diameter. The Balls are all ,alike. The voter is supplied with one of the regulation balls. The ball is dropped by the voter into a small hole at the front of the machine and the candi- date's lever is pulled ; the candidate's lever is distinguished by his name, number, and color. When the lever is pulled the ball rolls down in full view of the returning officer and scrutineers, and the machine is locked until the returning officer pulls anoth- er lever at the back of the machine, which allows the ball to roll into the candidate's locked box at the bottom of the machine.. The number of votes cast for each candidate is automatical- ly registered, and also the total num- ber of votes polled, There is also the count of the balls at the close of the vote to balance against the machine. A very large number of votes could be cast in one"day. The machine, which is about to be placed on the market, indicates an immense amount of thought and skill on the inventor, and appears to be such as will fill the want for a safe and reliable voting ma- ehine. WANTED. ---Old iron, nixed rags, rubbers, wool -pickings, all kinds of feather and bidet. Highest cash price paid. — H. Brown, Centre ' street, Wingham. --23 Something New and Stylish for Spring Suits just received; don't fail to call and see these goods. Black Worsted Suite at a Special price for a few weeks at Webster's, in the Shaw Block. AUCTION SALES. On Tuesday, Mareb 8th, on lot 83, concession 0, East Wawanosh (Mar- noch) farm stock. implements and household furniture ; sale at 1.30 ; terms—ten months credit, or four per cent off for cash. Mrs. C. Robert- son, proprietress ; W. A, Currie, auc- tioneer, Bills issued announce an auction sale on lot 5, con. 17, flowick. south of Belmore, on Thursday, March 10th; farm stock and implements; no re- serve as farm is cold ; terms, ten months' credit ; sale at one o'clock. dmund Wilson, proprietor; G. Bar- ton, auctioneer. RO FOTO SUMMER CLIMES t The Grand Trunk Railway System have issued a handsome publication entitled "Winter Tours to Colorado end California," and which are now in their City Ticket Offices for free distribution. The pnblication deals with the attrac- tions of the i:'tates of Colorado and Cali- fernia as winter resorts for Eastern people, and as the present seaeon is the time to visit these resorts for pleasure, and the invalid for health, the publics. tion is issued at an opportune time. It is handsome illustrated With views of Manitou Spring!, Pike's Peak, Gateway to the Garden of the Clods, Grand Can- yon of Arizona, views fn the Yosemite Valley, and the 131g Trees of California; also views of interesting pointe on the line of the Grand Trunk. There Is also a fund of information regarding person- ally concocted Excursions to these Western points, time tables of train, maps 'etc. Oopies filar ba had on Application to J. D. Ma onald, District Passenger Agent Union Station, Toronto, WANTED SPTSCfAL RieI'1U INTATIv15 lis this county kind adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an 'old eatith. fished buefnese home* of solid flnanclet standing. Salary *21 weekly, with expenses, pad each Monday by check direct from headquerters. Expenses edeennetel i posftlon permanent, We h evpr3' tl1Pt, d Adtresrr The tlrK., Oh ligt+, Thursday, March 3,. 1904 Highest Prices for Trade, and best Values in all lines of Goods, D. . • Big Prices for Trade. CORDON DIRECT IMPORTER Bluevale. (Too late for last week.) Another week of storm and no daily papers. Quite a number are suffering from la grippe. Robt. Yeo has rented a farm about 21 miles north-west of S'Vinghaw. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott of East Wawanosh visited Mrs, Anderson this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Kerr of East Wawa - nosh were visitors in the village this week. Oliver Mills is spending a few days in Clinton. Things look suspicious, Oliver. Miss McAllister of Hawkesville has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. lttc- Kinney. Meters. Pugh and Jewett shipped two cars of hoge to Brantford on Sat- urday last. Messrs. Duff & Stewart have several teams drawing sawlogs and are hust- ling things in general. Mrs, Andrew Holmes and Mrs. Wm. Sellars have been laid up with la. grippe for several days, A few of our estimable young -people spent a pleasant hour at Mr. Philip Thomas' on Friday evening. Our mail carrier, Mr. Gardner, has attended to his duties very faithfully all winter, stormy as it was. Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Scott entertained a number of their friends at a progres- sive euchre party last Wednesday evening. Misses Jessie McKellar and Belle Burgess, Mrs. Robt, Shaw and Gordon Paterson were visiting in Belgrave last Tuesday. John Messer has the contract, of supplying the Cheese and Butter Co. with 40 cords soft wood three feet long at $2 per cord, • Mrs. Robt.•Musgrove went to Brus- sels to spend a day with her mint, Mrs. T. Farrow, but was detained several days by the snow blockade. .Miss Bessie McIntosh returned to her home in Lumsden, N', W: T., this week, after spending a fere weeks with her aunt, Mrs. P. Thomas. Although we have not had leap year for eight years, our girls do not seem to be very anxious to take advantage of it, now that it has come. Miss Cora Messer came home from Listowel last week to spend Sunday, but owing to the storm did not get back to school until Thursday morn- ing. Mrs. G. slay and children, who have been visiting in Bluevale for some time, have gone to Underwood to visit her brother, Rev. Robt. Thyne of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Maxwell of the Bluevale road went to Galt on Satur- day, owing to the death of Mrs. Max- well's brother, Robert N. Scott of that place. Thera was no service in the. Presby. teriat church here on Sunday everting on account of it being Oommunion Sabbath et the appointment in Turn. berry. A. J. Denman, whose home is near here, has been, promoted from his posi- tion in the Merchants' Bauk, Lucas. to be Ledger -keeper in the Merchants' Bank in London. T. E. 'Walker succeeded in getting bis car of cattle through from Nor- wich after a delay 01 three Weeks by snowstorms. Iles sale on Tuesday Was successful, although the day was *tot • my. Mrs. John Robinson of Manitoba, who has been visiting here. lost her shopping bag containing a purse with sspecteeles. The band a ag waf s found but the content! "were gone. One night lately, a runaway horse was caught near the railway track, taken to the village and properly eared for while a the%sage was sent to Wing - ham to try and locate the owner. In the meantime the driver appeared promptly, took charge of his horse and disappeared without so much as saying -"Thank you boys for your trouble" or slaying for the message. Back at D & S!warts ,1 K inp E a l vand" shantylast Tuesday nightewild cat was hoard gilvingttrane to its dismal howls, frightening some of the boys so that they hadn't the peerage to return to work yet this week. But sole.' of the Mere emu. - ons returned with pop•guris to star* away the feroeletie animal and make oaratAife sale ova. more. Blorwals.lg'a et t'ie'r Institute met at the home of Mre. F. J. Wasmann. The subject. "A week's work for a busy housewife was dis- cussed, and a paper written by Mrs. A, Paterson was read. From this paper we gathered many points on the line of systematic housekeeping. A vocal selection was rendered by Mrs. W. J. Johnston in a very able manner. Meeting was closed by singing "God Save the King." The next meeting of the Institute will be held on Wed- nesday, March idtti, at the home of Mrs. A. Paterson. Topic for diicns- Ston. !'The Cooking of Meats." All the ladle's are cordially invited, i`. West Wawanosh. The Council will meet next Thurs- day, March 17th. The sympathy of the many friends of Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Webb is with them in the loss of their twin son, Cameron, aged five years and one month, The remains were interred in St. Helens cemetery, Mr. Mitchel, of Luckuow, took ad- vantage of the good sleighing of last week and had about two dozen teams d awing maple, from H. Rutherford's bush Ind about half that number drawing from Mr. Jarvis' bush. What might have proved a serious accident happened to Milton Sherriff, of St. Helens, last week. He and his brother John were working in the bush and, when they were felling a tree, quite a large branch fell and struck trine with such force as to break several of his teeth. • 31r. and Mrs. Jas. D. Howatt and daughter, of East Wawanosh, return- ed last week from their two months' trip to the Old Country. They en- joyed their visit to Scotland, very much, and their description of the weather there, with farming opera- tions in progress and cattle grazing in the open, indicates a striking contrast to the weather that prevailed here during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. David Jardine, who attended to Mr. liowatt's farm in his absence, have -returned to Goderich. DEATH Or Mets. R. 14i cocas. --On Tuesday the 16th inst., Miriam Mat- thews, relict of the late Robe -t His• cocks, died at the resideii a of her Bon- in -law, Wm. Sproul. Her rewains were interred in Dungannon cemetery being escorted thither by a large num- ber of sorrowing relatives and friends on Friday, the 19th inst. The pall- bearers were three eons, John 11. of London ; Robt. and Jeremiah., men chants of Teeswater. Bruce county ; her two sons•in-law, Mr. Fowler, of Teeswater, and Wm. Sproul. of Dun- gannon ; and her grandson. Vert. Fowler, of Teeswater. The deceased and her late husband and family were for many years highly respected and esteemed citizens of Dungannon, from which they moved to Teeswater. Brussels. The annual Masonic At Hosie Will be held under the auspices of St. John's Lodge. Brawls, on Friday evening, March 4th, Last .Monday morning Wm, Cam- eron, an old and well known resident of Brussels and locality, paid Nature's debt in his 79th year. Three divisions of Brussel& Public schools are still closed for the lack of Mel, they are those of the Misses chie, Smith and Downey. W. W. Harris, proprietor of Brus- sels Cheese factory, has engaged Wm. Thompson, of the Nee, fl .. cheese - maker for the coming season. He is 1sta matried man. Factory will get to work about the usual time, viz., May , As evidence of the serious delay. in delivery of freight by the G. T. It. owing to snow blockades, we may state that one of our merchants has over $2000 worth of goods prow -bound somewhere, ill orders for which Were placed within the past six weeks. Tinian Bros. have purchased the Electric Light Plant and building from Robt. Mainprize and taken poassesslon. We understand that the price paid is $7000, The plant will he in operation the • i p op fetors within it Eget ow my coal, as seovery scarce commodity at the present time. Mr. Brodie, who had tented the woolen mills from the Messrs. Lock - ridge has thrown up the )range and left Brilasels for good. We under - kern] that the proprietors will start up on their own hook again es soon as they ean_get in coal and stock to work b,byre receivedy v t i Mills toMr. Bro- die and it will take them roars time to Mph* della homer foothold. Fresh Goods..: Most people appreciate fresh goods, it always tastes so much nicer, and is much healthier - besides. We are always ready -with a fresh stock of FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CAN GOODS and CONFECTIONERY. Our Chocolates are of the highest class goods. • Try our Oysters served in any style, 15o a dish. = We have in stock Canada Cream and Roquefort Cheese. - Ice Cream orders filled on the shortest notice. Your Patronage Solicited L. G. KRUSEi: • McKelvie's Old Stand THE MARKETS WD GHAI4 HAitEUTs Flour per 100 $2 50 to $2 50 Pall wheat per bush .... 06 to 1 00 Oats per bush 0 20 to 0 80 Barley per bush 0 35 to 0 40 Peas per bush ... 0 55 to 0 60 Bran 91 to 100 Shorts 100 to 1 10 Ohop .. 125 to 1 25 Hay ..... 700 to 7 00 Butter per lb 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs 020 to 020 Lard • 0 12 to 0 13 Potatoes per bush .,0 70 to 76 Apples per bush 0 40 to 0 50 Hides per 100 lbs 5 50 to 5 75 Lamb skins 0 60 to 0 65 Dressed hogs 6 00 to 6 ((0 Live hogs ' 4 75 to 4 75 Tallow, per Ib 04 to 4i Wool ...... •16 to 1$ Chickens per pair . , .... , 40 to 75 Ducks per pair 00 to 75 Turkey, per lb...... 12 to luf Geese, per lb......,... 8 to Easter Soon But are you ready! have you decided on your gown ? Do you want advise ? "Visit our pattern department and you will And in ''the De• signer" and in the Staticlnrd - Patterns a great variety of ups to -date styles. A $300 stock of patterna On hand—you don't have to wait two or three days to get what you want. COOPER & CO, Successors to Alex, Ross