HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-03-03, Page 6Violet's Lover
"1 have tliouglit eo for Keine, time, pereon that he Met.
raS &art" 'wee the quiet reply. "Year She was liatr frigntenea when her
aagageMent was tally; your marris ' 'eyes fell upon his face; '$0 unlike was
age Would be madness." it to. any face she had ever seen,
Then Violet went up to her moth- ee, (tonged by his great woe, she
or anti pat one erne round her nests, voula hardly recognize it. She held
"Mamma," she eaki, "you will sttve out her hand to bite with some cont-
use all trouble ?" monetary svortis of welcome. Ile did
"Yes," replied Mrs. Hayes "you maY, .. not bear them.
safely leave it all to ma." "Come in here," be said; and, ink.
And so wealth won a, eon) not leg her arm, he ld eher tnto the near -
noble euough to live tor love. est room. "sl'ell me," ao ab b( "dal
CH'APT,ER XX, you write. this ?"
There was nothing to be said but
A Creel slay dawned for; Felix Ions- tele truth, yet in all her life
dale -a clay w,hea the sun ;shone so afro. lia,ye had never been more
brightly, und with eaeli heat that frightened. Ste had to deal with
tha g.rase, flower% and leaves witio desperate man.
cal 'beneath hie tervent rays, wben ' "Yes, I w•rote it, Felix; it Was
a goklen haze zoomed to lie over 'wisest, kindest, best,"
the land, and the brooks ran slows
ly over the pebbles -a, day when the
wind was atilt, arel efot tbe faintest
whilsper of a breeze stirred the leavers
or beeseozne-acane' day. Ile re-
membered It all through bis life, for
the war= sunaght veered suddenly
to ehange Into a, fire that burned
everything bright ond fair up-
"Aud you say that 'Violet is wil-
ling -that Violet anows about It ?"
"I wrote it svita b'oe express
Sanction," she replied,
"It Is false! I would net believe
„you if yo st swiore it 4 I will not
'believe it 1 Heaven is not so cruel."
"There is no cruelty in it," said
Mrs. Hayel "It is what must be
peered to wIther efore his eyes. It liana"
WA e a da,y which bronght bine a pain "Must be done 1 Do you know
that never mate, left lam while lifsi That she Is any life itself -that I
' laeted, have no life apart from bar, no
He waste in Tim office in thra High ' Slope that does not begin and end
Street -the offal% that had once with her? If you take her from
borne mush sign.s ot prosperity- see you love a dead body -she is
where the great Iron safes had been „: my soul itself 1" .
filled with deeds, and huge bill -files We paused, for the passion of his
had been loaded with atteum.ente- words overcame him. How was he
wheal the tables had been strewn with
pope% aud lettere-where busy elerks
MA paased the day, all too short
for the 'work they had to do -where
tusSoria were alwayo going and come
`With the . air or having important
sintess on. hand.
It was all eo differeut now. One
to tell this woman what Violet, Ins
beautiful love, was to him? How
weak and Impotent words were I"
"I know that you are 'very fond
of her," Mrs. Haye said, gently;
"still it cams not be -it can not, in-
"Will you tell me way you bave
by oete the clerks. tied gone. Timers • done this cruel deed? What is your
was teething to do, One by one the ; =votive?"
neighboring squires and farmere had „ Bemuse
withdrawn their business from the you cannot afford to
ola office. There was so little to niseaurrweyom
ythnewife."not burden your -
transact now 'that Felix could man-
age with erne clerk. Still he bad hope„ -I
Surely I know best. 1 can work
-I do work. I would work night and
Bu felt sure that in time this etate day with that one hope before rue
Orthiegs meet Improve. When peo- of making my darling my wife. She
ple began to think calmly they! loves nae; she knows what trouble
wthad know that hie father was In- has come to us ; she is willing to
nocent of that walch had been Ina wait a few months longer, and then
puted to him to share my iot. It will be brighter
Felix was seated la his office. It in time; everything will come right
"Ms too warm for business -no one for us yet. I have no fear."
culla In. There were no :menages, ".1 am not willing, her father is
no interview -be had notbing pro- not willing -we eee no use, no sense
lessen& to do. The cleric was in the best and brightest years of
busy copying a. deed, and Felix was her life being wasted in waiting fOr
making tap moat of hie time by rit- a marriage that, when It comes, will
ing an essay upon the "Inequalities
Ja British Law."
Suddenly the pestmun's knock was
heard In the quiet street, where on
that scorching day even the very
'thalweg seemed to sleep. The sound
did not laterest Felix; he expected
no letter. Violet seldom; sent him
a little note; when She did so it
Was like the finest eon:Oat to him
-he worked the better or it -he
Was happier and brighter. Per-
haps if she had known how happy
those letters made him she would give you. aortae years free t bat you
tune changed. lou were willing might work the better. I should not
Presently, to hie surprise, came the you thought tbat I was the son of 1
wh" i like to be a burden to you."
have written oftener. enough to give me my darling
sharp, sudden knock of the post- a, rich man. I shall be rich again - lima from
/13 area- a deep breath, like one r-
an intolerable load, from
an at his own door. The Meek i, In time. I have seen the change In
quickly clisappearea, and then re- I you ; you have given my cold looks 1 an unbearable pale.
"Is that alt? Oh, my darling, ray
turned and Waced a Ietter in his 1 far kind ones -you have been baxela ; I will lot ereproaeh you. But why
haeds-a lady's letter, with a faint I civil. where you have been warmly i hose dee giver, me this Tright? I
odor of violets. He opened it and 1 eordlal. I understand it -you love : have beer. almost dead. I am fifty
Looked eat the signature-" Martha ; Mammon. Wealth, rank, luxury, ate' years older wita these hours of
Mee:* 1 more to you than the heart of an -
1 horrible pain. Wilt? did you. not tell
at wale froce Violet's mother. What ! holiest man. But my darling is not i
could she hosee to say to- him 7 It ; 1:ke yoti, and 1 Vrill receive the state- 1 sweet, what yon dreaded? There
is nothing to fear, Violet. I am so
was an Invitation, probably. He put ; meta you have made from no lips but ' tsaend-
aekle bis essay and began, to read hers.? when 1 think of you. that I
i could wore by night and by day yet
the note. " My daughter is not at home, and I
at-- . never feel fatigued. Suck love as
"My Dear Felix, -That which 1 you will gain nothing from
have .to say will pain yort, I know, hent seed'g : trine puts nerve into a man's right
at I•esennort help it, it meet be saki. "Bit you eannot do as you prod Land. Oh, Violet, sweet, you, need not
fear T Yell shall have a home as beau -
Mee. Lonstiale felt it keettly. Violet
holt not ;been US See them, ars- Eve
Lester hatt been ; and Kate Misted
agetiu as elle thought of the differ-
eitee between the two girls.
Won't Niters wae quite forty mileie
from Litford. Felix anew tbat the
names or Mae Haye's mantle wets alhe
Western. lie had often heard Violet
wage abet her c0110111. Who
was an old maid. Ilc Said to idnuaif
that be would go to North Alton bY
tlOs night 'train ; then lie ofeuisi roe
Violet in the utoraing, arid be at
knee again in the evenlug.
Ile little dreamed that people look
ea at Min earnestly no bee went to
the Btatinn. Hie hatelsome youeg face
bore the 1m:trees of uuntterable Nor*
row, bls tye e were Sam axel eluglowed,
with orrat, Oark eirelee reued ;
Lao lila. were sole Ann 'trembling. He
bud .never thoaght of talcing food -
bo hail not even 43runk. a glass of
water to cool Me petalled lips. So ill,
rso sorrow-strickce, 'so unlike the
hatedeonect. veleta, noble Felix of the
tray befere was be that We. Lonaltati
tetrad Mueller have knowu bhu had
elle seen him ; he looatel like the ghost
of bizuself. ,
Witee he ,stool llefore Violet elm Ira
towed a cry of eorrota and dismay.
He. had lett the hotel. to go to 'bee
auat's house, and met her jest as.
Alressed for a walk, she was leavilig
the little front garden. •
One or Miss Western's =etas was
early -Walking afa waited 'until Violet
hail gone some little distaste° decal
the .rotal, and then he followed her.
Slam gave a little 'arse and stood W.
era and •shautesstrieken Inane
He saw the sorrow, but not the
eliame, and the sorrow misled him.
The dreadful livid pallor, the stony
mask fell from Jae face as a ;Snow -
wreath melts le the warm light •of
tl •
Sceptics Turn Believers 1
Atignew's gaterrhal PoWder
Croat glossing.
"When I road that Dr. Agnew's One.
'timbal Powder meld relieve Clitoris in
10 minutest I was for from being eon-
vinced. 1 toed it -ea single pull through
the lalewer etiorded. instant relitf, ht0P-
pod. pain over the eyes and, eleansed tho
nasal passages. Today I am free from
Catania" 11. L. Eagan's- (Reston, BA.)
experieuce bas 'ben that of thousands or
Miters, and may be yours.
Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure saves life. 27 -
Relieves in 30 minutes,
. •
Ills Uncertainty.
Mena Saud Set.
"I wander," dublOuslY Cogitatea
Walicereltarr, the miasma 10-20-
0.80-vonts.ndtuission tragedian,"who
He paused, ae the clams: Of the
audience. rose higher and higlter.
"--they are applauding MY ef-
forts, or .daringeme to come otit?"
1 Coughing is an outward sign of .
„inward disease.
! Cure the disease With
Cur e The Lung
Tonle e
II and the cough will stop:
.1 Try it to -night. If it doesn't
. benefit you, we'll give your _
money back.
Prices: S. C. Watts & Co. 807 -
was false -I knew that you had. not '
`';54' darling," ite erfee, "I knew' it _
said it 1 Oh, thank bee,ven, thauls
heaven 1" 1,1a leaned, pale and breatia
less, against the trunk or an elm
tree. believe in you, my darling,"
he mid. knew that you, bad riot
seactioned it; yoe could not -yon
hold my life In yoor hands. And yet
why did you come here ? Why did
you not write to lee Speak. to Me,
Violet, for by the heaven Above me,
I swear that I am going mad 1"
She Wan frightened, scared, at the
wikl eyes, tb.e hoarse voice, the face
so full of pan. She dared not have
said to him: "I have made my cladae,
Felix, between: love and gold, ; grave
chaser/ gold." And, wretched as she
Wa.c., though, sbe bad giver, .13'm
up, and never meant to mar-
ry him, lier whole boort. went
out to him with greater warmth
and greater love than it had ever
gone before. She held out her hands
to hint, but st.arted at the tench of
hils-they burn,cd her elke fire.
"Yoe are making y, ureelf ill, Felix,'
elie said.
"Ill 1" he repeated -and hie laugh
woe mere terrible to her than any
worde. "How would you feel, Vio-
let, had ,o.nyo.no tried to tear the
living, beating heart, from your
body? Oh, my darling, tell me it IS
not truer -tell me so, for Ileaven'S
be the seorst thing that could happen . sake I Say that it isdalse-that they
to ber. We are not willing; and I • persuaded you, urgied aou, wrote
tell you frankly that Violet sees 1 without your knowledge I Speak.- to
matters as we do. She wished me to me queskiy, tor r am going made'
say all this." She was only a woman -at the very
"Do you know what you are doing best a weak on;e-and. sale loved even
to me -what you are taking tram after the ,weak fashion in which
me ? Do you understand," he cried, ,sorne women love. Sbe•could mot en-
hoarsely-, "that you are killing me?" dare the siglvt or las pain. She
" I am sorry, of course -it is very dared not tell aftnt the truth; ehe
hard, I know -but such a life as you did what weak women see often. doe:
offer Violet would kill her."
"1 do .net believe it 1" ae cried.
"You changed to me when my foe -
she t emporiz,ed,
"I thought it beet, Felix, to -to
230, SOe. LeRoy. N.Y., Toronto, Can.
The Frozen Tap.
Tell up (not in cheerful numbers, /
. in made of cbeerful snaps,
;when we're calling for tire plumbere
ITo repair bur frozen taps.
Life le real, life is earnest, ,
And the grave is not its goal;
And remember that thou burnest
Money in the shape of coal.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Fixed the Old Man Nicely. -
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"You know. how father insists upon
talking all the time whenever Mr.
Skatee comes to call on. met" .
"Well, we fixed Iniu last night all
night. tWe got Mm to read the Rus-
sian and japane.se names in the war
dispatches and his jaw was soon so -
sore that hecouldn't talk above a s
whisper." , • • fr.t
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Now Licensing Law and Soria
Catt tier Olga
It Is said that thio new Itemising'
bmw le hating a had vereet Tom
entail gatheringin Wetland, though
wo cannot see how it Mental. Suelt
nteetinge aro far mutual benefit and
enjoyment, aud not merely fin' over.
Indulgence in liquor. If 10 14iat
ipoct -Me new law mans the general
tono or Burp gatherings it will prove
a boon to the stountry. Under jtii
Provisions a penalty of forty Wm»
IWO wry be inipbsed on the person
who oversindulges at social t,
lugs in lieMised premises, And the
landlord is liable to a like' penalty
:amid he fall to eject from his airem-
ises any one who natty bavo beep over-
imlulgeth Thee, also,, any, ono Ob-
taining, or atteniptIng to Obtaia,
liquor from named premises to be
aim to a drunk noun outside ts also
liable to a penalty 'of forty
lLngm, or a month's iteprlsorneent,
while the Orunk person himself es-
vapea, These are but two of the
munerous ebanges that have been
made in the awaiting systetie-N-
Scottleit Ameriean,
A clothing manufecturer has, until re-
cently, limited his advertising to trade
papers, \Ankh be took for granted must
.be read by the -dealers. Now lie finds
that he has more positive taunts from
advertisements in carefully ehosen luily
newspapers. Timis leads him to observe
that "tbere are uo publications whieh
are , so sure to be rata by everybody,
including dealers, as ere the best of the
Above is the great four track
the only trunk line whose trains
New York City.
„ Made lier Mad.
The 'cable liar killed the Dowager
Empress Tsi . Ann yesterdey, but she'd
show him if she could get her motherly
hands into his whiskers.
THE "0 & L" MENTHM. PLASTER.-'rble
- simple remedy for eat° with all druggists
There Is no need of your sufferIng•anOther
hour. "The D.& L.". MentholPlaster shonld
be kept on hand in every family.
The Care of Cats.
I find that cooked meat is., on the
whole best for my cats, which are An-
goras. Raw fits causes fits. 1 have heard
that a nursing eat will die if fed with
its Ask your fisherman for some fish;
heads, and boil theme but give the cat
only tile meat, not braes, Out all food
fine, and never give gristle, or fat, •
Never give a oat any food which is
tainted. Really sour milk is relished by
many cats and is wholesome.
Cereals in milk are good for eats, and
produe a good coat of fur. Virarn2 the
milk for pussy. Keep fresh water al-
ter always on. hand.
Xeep all time dishes perfectlyelean.
Do not bathe your cat, especially if it
is an Angora Give it a good wiping with
a moist cloth, See that your cat has a
clean, warm place in which to sleep. Let
it have Recess in cold weather, when
there is no grass, to clean bay. --Good
le the best.
Matthias/ Foley, 011 City, Ont. •
Joseph Snot Norway, Alle.
Cis'. tttooten, eltagrave, N. a.
ney. R. O. Armstrong, • Mulorase,
he engagement between you. and my pogo ;she is engaged to me -she is / iiful all love can make it. You shall o. 81. .
daughter must come to an end, The . my promised wife -no man or woman 1 Lune; a life so easy and so free frau t •",,, . +. ...
my commit were (mite different from a bond. She could not break it her- i .?..,aaltrlit t.y.wodh,t.'‘'IltrIt.tocn(tit6eyodlicddwillal trait' ! N.:1r" Landry,
"ILI •
eiretunotances under which I gave living has the power to break suelm I
thoese existing at present. Your pros- self." t l passed. Yon shall never knosv pant Themes Wa,sson, Sheffield, N Bs
N. • .
peete have quite altered. If you " You will find you are mistaken: or fatiga, -max 1 caa nave you Irons. '
marre- my daughter now you cannot there.," Paid airs. Hay°. And then ‘ You shall be served and waited aeon
keep her in anything like the position Felix saw plainly that It was 1100- 1 • attended to unceasingly."
in whieb. ehe lives even at present, less to say more to ber-there was ,
1 Site made him no answer but ner
and, / atot walling to ;Tee her bre yomething Of animosity in her tone, .
otsmie a mere domestic drialget tir. He left her, still holding tbe open ; herein toweled ! his petty.
Etaye and myealf -east the engage- letter in his hand. " A buraen " he repeated. "You
iWere afraid of being a burdento me !
meat to. end at once, as under no eir- "1 ani sorry for him," said 'Airs. 011, Violet, life of my life, 'I ought
cuanotantes could We consent to the Have, when describing the scene to lattgli at you 1 Sweet burden., that
marriage. Violet eends her love, and to her husband. "But what can ' ...
desires me to say that all this i 1 ? T 1 thing 1 1. wottla fain carry until death, cloacae
Prominence for the Push-button.
Among the advantages claimed fot
new push-button of glass, the under side
of which is gilded, the gold being fleal
in the glees, is that it never tarnishes,
' • and that it reflects any hght, no mat -
written by her wieb, and that elle teally thaukful for -be bgirha scts2ioet -0(1.1,
hopers always to be your friend. She least iaea aboutr- tee I 'Would to hettvea that tne time ter how slight, so that it is nearly. al-
,„ a. I were , near 71ion I co,,uld make the
ways visible in comparative dark ear -
dear burden all mine!
is going away on a long visit to am net nersaus, but I do believe ners of rooms,
that ir he suspected wbet bashap- •atm alio hod not the Courage t 0
.. .
one of ber relatives. Hoping you will
see the neces.sity for this step, I ase
yours very sineerely, Martha Hoye."
He read it through, at first svith
the feeling and conviction that it
must be a practical joke, then with
a. deadly assurance that they were
gointo take Violet from hini.
pcned he woald kill him."
Lome, Jennie, a em a r t ho use Maid,
Ae Felix left the house to 'return bat I love riches, better -I have - -
obetsen them
look a ion aims tea;v,
1 1O'vO
117'6'teWa Dr 3"31L" She t the
who had often opened the door for seas frightened even to remember it.
Woking gentleman, ran after lane Violet, will you be ro,kt, speak- : Children
aim, and who thought him a noble- "Y°11' never 4e'el tilL5 fear n'gtl'in' •
Eng more ante himealf than he had
• "Do forgive Inc, sir," elle sa.id ; °hut .
he '.'handsome Worn face grew, yea have always been so good to rue, i' . '. y Pt P
deadly pale; a dazed, illin look came l' and I know all about it. I am, eta it is natural to a sensitive mind 1
int° his eres; a great, tearless, &eery for you, sir, that I canot eltep like;voaro. I am sane now, but I 1
.voleeless sob rose to his lips; the tor tbleking 01 11.' havebeen rnasl. Mee my faee alarm 1:
sunlight seemed to change to a Ile trire to look indifferent, to yoa? You need only laugh at It, 1
blood -red mist, and a sound like mile, bat he cou1.1 not; hid
ie pre and street. I have forgotten to eat and ,
tho roar of distant waters fined kicb-control broke- town dt tde,tt drink since your motheise letter came. i
his oars. He sat with tlie tette? pitying %verde. The elm was shining brightly and •
, warmly, but it eeemed to change all I
open In his band, dazed as a rnan "nu mo what you know, jennie: at .onee into a 'metalling fire -ball,
who bad received a terrrible blow. he %Ale. 11111 X vent read. ''Yet I dild not 100e 1
HOW long he sat he never knew. "They have Bent het away, far, so my faith In you, Violet. I knew
It seemed to Min that years of that ;sea should not era ter and per. that poet would never have spoken
torture rolled over his head. ' He satale her. They bave kept ist quite no your !mother deil, never have. writ -
was literally stunned. Be had a secret where sate is isone-no ono ten 01' elo dm: I can forgive her ; It
borne all his sorrrows with a brave, knows -bit I etole into lea room, he only notitral that she eboula think 1
etrong heart because lum had is and Now her trunk aderessed to so mueb Of you. X am not geed '
true hope -es beautiful warm love. North Alton, and I know that Mao enoegli, but I love yon so dearly
fro take that from him wee Le Iteye Imo a cousin living at North that my great loVe stands) In the
leftVc him With 110 get:mind to stand Alt"' "e. Is gone then Ole' a" 'no-
on. wh,,re cio place of great rielte4 or great rank."
s,c--.. r
Slowly thoug,ht and reasOn (Aims "Thalik you, Seunie," lie mill ,"yon Still she uttered no word he
have proved yourself a friend." dared riot toll him the truth.
back to him. Ile rose, HUH with. , '
the open tola
tter in s 'hands, with .1.0111110. WOURI not take the ;overtegn 'Von are strangely silent, 'Violet,"
leo eid, enat.o 1 ttitddtedet woad,
a svalte tat look on hig lundRoaile, let efts red her, and the sympathr "T,'N'.0..,,, She replied % "bat you have
haggard roues; face, whieli might ' Ilt, issa4 in her ftle" Plieered him.
have touched a heart of time. He
• It will be all right when I see startled nme. Yon look so 111, Felix,
took hie hat from the stand, and Mies Mts, . Y eN . se -1
0 '• h ' f"0111 " Tile have and so unlike your. ONV11 Self."
' 'Wash.
hretvnt01 1100. hith 11/1104 1;10- 'rue net additiett to the membership during
the Mork looked after him with a atttis ;. turned. "Bet i will not skittle efsts , the twelve monthe wee 14,123. This is eon -
terrified gaze, wondering what antt I tz a .
They can do it
easily and quickly
too with the
New Century
• Ball Bearing
. Washing Machine.
- Five minutes work will thews
toughly eleari a tubful of clothes -
no handlieg of the garinents or
1 rubbing on the board necessary.
Your dealer can get it for you
• Or two will send yon a booklet fully
_ describing it.
The Ineependent Cirder of rorestere 00.
parent' hail t4 I di 1003
coakt have happened to Min. ClIAPTER XL
slave you are."
again --1 wil11 remember Imeve men- silotioe2st.sbiltitleardaethatitltranitiettitveadvattiodlit(1)ownesrdboortinn:
ter." tem add ; "leit where Imam he synth it Dote enyitig that ties family _en siren smile at men they litre di tills greet rraternid Soelety Is In its selee.
. only 4.40 agaitiat 0,60 lit a thotteand a/scorn-
" There was tent 1101Vs id the let- l'elie emit hie ries* to Vale Tante See lookea no at hint with a Smile *; pared velth. 19i 2. This 'militates how care.
gene With it 4:psti MR hand 'Hoy were rat to be Alarmed if he .lid te destruction. I non ot 'RA rake. The enortneite seorst watch
that r return that et ening,) ?
tin do am. ,Tot.g? 41,0 Nab), ;von. whottid riot: the Order die la helping widows and methane
Mire be underetood front the afaetthal it paid f or e -than one pereou whom Felix ! tone irnportftrmt 1 wattle:if; to trees- rove me .so much, dear,. You know ; to theta durlug last year no 'telethon $1,542.
r,Olifeletle. Met. ftskf•d thetneellsee the nOt in It tolOtt Sante Mlles . wives litts.4? tnui you itholve , rn eick benefite the membees of the
berfneuently disabled brethren received $fets
111111 • Litt lie 'did not hears -he welked then to tesil Intereet in aleva r•I ettnnot help it ; my mission in 71o.nt. 'Netwithstanding these large end
sortie tiling, tilos? than (Me splice to and Darey 1.01100,1e, Who. 1,V0,N tea mot f§ elny.il I order reeelved 4;192,163.71, and totally and
Oil, let/king Straight hefore blin, " thing profemioilltl, feehlY 1/1''''8':?4 i.e to love yon." ; 'mitten payments to tbeinembershl tiumOress
He Didn't Know How.
SWaeltington Star.
"Charley, dear," said yuung.Mes.
iorkins, '1 liaVe done .you a greet in-
"In what way ?" , •
n suspected you without reasio0. I
flaked several of your frtergis time
you go out with ot evenings whether
you knew bOve to play poker, and
every one of tbem thought a nainute
and eyed you didn't."
tloG fixed on tees net., hid white get
taco Without ehenge 41' I'XITX PF141,711
Until lie 2eahlte41 into Limes. What
he tztlero.1 as be pissed the old land.
We offer One Hundred Dollara, Reward for
may case of Catarrh that cannot be eured by
uOrlie.ENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0,
We, the undersigned, have known F. S.
Chailey for the last le years and believe him
perfectly honerable la all business trans.
actions and financiallyable to carry out any
obligations made by this firm.
WeLome, KarsIst . Menvor, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, 0,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intornally,act.
Ing directly npon the blood and mucous sur.
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free,
r„;ee-fine per bottle. Sold by all druggists,
Take Hall's FamilyPille for constipation,
The 'Maharajah of Travancore was
on one occasion, at leapt, worth his
weight iti gold, for he was weighed
against a Imre mass of -the king of met-
als, and, after the scales were balanced,
the mass.. of gold. syas distributed in
charity. This custom, called "Tulabhare,"
is one of great antiquity, and is said to
be traceable in Travancore to the fourth
century. It is not unknown in other
parts of India, though, of Course, gold is
only' used i the case of wealthy pea
sons, • humbler folk being . content to
weigh themshelves against spices or
groan. On the becasion mentioned the
Maharajah 'weighed a little over nine
storm. The Brahminseit is said, wished
to defer the ceremony in the hope that
the Maharajah might more nearly ap.
preach the Weight of his father, who did
not undergo the -rite until 47 years old,
wheti he weighed 14 3-4 stone. -Golden
Minard'S Liniment for sale c.erywhere.
Tbose Who Try Find it Hard to Improve
Anson Its Handiwork. •
Did you know the mailed of making
shot has never changed? No? Well, it's
a fact, said the Shotmaker, "Hundreds
of years ago Shot was lamie in just the
seine way it is made now. Seems,
strange, doesn't it, that with all the
improvements in other lines tone has
been made in this? - Oh, yes, plenty of
men have tried to find some better way,
but they all have had to give it up
and go back to the old shot tower. They
wanted to get rid of the high tower,
for that is the most expensive part of
the plata.
"You know shot IS mule by peering
is melted eomposition of lead and at.
senie through a screenor from ts big
ladle• with a, serrated edge at the top
of the tower fuel letting it fall into a
tank of water. The drops of leall get
perfeetly tonna on their way down, just
Mei rein drops, and by the time they
reach the water they ere told enough
so they do not flatten, out when they
strike. Then the water finishesthe cool-
ing process.
"They bied ave trdropping -the lead
throtigb it big tithe with a blast of cold
air against the Mashie, end 'they have
tried siroppieg it through glycerine; Tint
- nom of these ways seems to work. Way
OWL they improve on it ? Well, 1 Atip
, pore because tile Mime who stnttea
nicking Shot, found time right way. Ws
just following the eourse that. imatitre
takes in walking bail, mid I 'don't sup
peso they eon heal 'her at her OWn
game: That's why 'they 'haven't made
any 3 mprovernents."
' Ilo works hard,' Na 1 11 Kate, as 11 Par nnt ,0,0111,* In ;Ind irriet,ncjenatNty Thirerggiragginf:f:
licari tilt. note ; thin) m.ime . 4ese me, ' she sees, siss7t oreFaern does :4:14;2 6.0 The total Accumulated tenth; el
not like gen (lemon ; elle 11 Mier re- the Order on reerunry leo 1904, mammas
ibihking how 11:fi'erent nritters woublIsit to $7,518,852s69. The ebove ortnInly
intake, the tosee, the tho have heel; had 5. elts loved Lveisli Wonderful record. Dr. Oronhyntelthe, the
(TO ne Continued.)
buElle3 at the gato, Urns known oule Instead of Violet. entrants chat 110 tiger, le eertninly to he eon -
to Ileasen. !The ITuyes bad stood itinor .11,001
traniated noon the reenits which nrell owing
from his labors. The tote' Inembereltin of
tre *cat straight i»t.t, tho; liouw. them In their trettblos ; thee- had In aerial liavigatiob, at any Tateciltere the Order 19 now over 2,20,00o.... -Deny man
nmi Mrs. Mt ,rsolf iirue the flyet. espressfel Lilts littles.ssittpeithv, MO is plenty room and Empire, Tor onto, 1 eh, lath.
It is the Mice thet has stood the test of
seed -the standard the world over. Order
Milt 00. LifiltritO. vro
thins-setAbdiethe hefrelet Attain -110%W
Mous]] our local agent or direct froin
Sbc's No Lady.
liclavine fealgtemcsa
/t Weald riptpear tiutt about 'tile
biggest mistake Kipling made *lien
he called Canada "Otw Lally' of the
Pitiottira" was In using the term "lady."
vritete 1,000 nothing lady.ilke
te, 401t6 Mitrohlitrr. X.NO. ithiffitets, isbaue ele14, /tinter, ,
The Sunlight way of wash.
frig requires Rile or
rubbing. You should
Sunlight Soap..
Will not injure
dainty fab.
ISSUE NO, 1.0.- 19040
win,40,-,•44 $144,to
try !.41`.',It.l,'44.",t1;',
„,„11,41,444,s,, ,.„„„41,
ile Waus All Ittght.
Ratak, Express.
"Why don't yoa. go to wort; ?" de-
manded Mira floodart,
"Yer, oat" basalt the gray -hatred
oft loafer, "1 :got a wife an' Nur
clakiren to eupport--"
• "Bra, if you don't go to work, how
can you ?"
"Lady, as 1 wnz sayint I got a
wife and four chliaren to aupport •
estet.....-...i_ Seteettmrttatt_tts attadr"
we will
A itioney=lilaker,,---zis:In4,„„,ip:
profitable beetneee 00 ; xeeptionnny good
all.tiasyear-around' monev-illaker, t it 08
Mimes lit the dollare. Igen and fell intr.
tieuittra for 10 routs in stamps, tenet forget
the mimes and achlreve Standard Supply
Co., lIentilton, Ont.
. •
the Chicago -Union Pacific & North-
Western Line from Chicago chilly during March and April, to San Franeisco,
Los Angeles, Fortified, Seattle, Tacoma
and Vancouver,and other Pacific Cpast
Points. Very low naes to Helena, Butte,
Spokane, Ogden aml Salt -Lake City, Cor-
responding low retes from all points.Dady and personally conducted excur-
sloes in Pullman tourist sleepiug cars to
Seri Vrancisco,Los Angeles and Portland,
through without cbange, double berth
only $7. Choice of routes. For particu-
lars, address la IL Benuett,2 Xnag.street
east, Toronto, Ont.
According to the NON Plan.
(Town Topic O.
The Bride -We have coma to be mar-
Modern Minister -Al, yes. With or
Me -What?
The Minister -Obey.
Lifebuoy •Soaa-disinfectant-is strongly •
recommended by the medicel profession as
safeguard egainst Infectious diseases. gg
Maybe Ilis Last Request.
Poor Peebles (about to be operated'
for a. good spring, supply.
wain 3 weal you would; send and hav°
our paptor, Rev. Mr. Ilarps, came
over. —
Dr. Cutter-Cerlainly, if you Natal
Poor Feeleas-I'd like to be opened
with prater.
14 ea rt- S Ick People. -Dr.
Cure for the Heart is a heart tonic that
never fans to cure -is Swift in its effects -
goes closer to the "border land" and
snatches from death's grip more Bufferers
than any other remedy for any family of
diseases and ailments in the category ot
human aufferings. Gives relief in ae
minutes. -75. •
Pig °audios
There are few mothers who realize the
value Of figs as a laxative, They hate
medicinal value when eaten plain, and
should frequently ba found on the daily
bill of fare for the nursery table, either
stewed or plain. in the holiday candy -
making, or for special parties where
there win be a demand for candy among
the little -people, there will be little ham
from the candy 'nibbling if creamed figs,
fig -balls, etc., form a large poetical of the
candies served. 'Altheugh these fig ,can-
dies earl scarcely be called moldy mall -
eines, it will be well to number them
among the holearnaae preparations thatn
are to tickle small palates while airing
small stomachs. .
A good genere/ ON't* Wit. timid wtigos, Ap.
ply 10 '
linmilton, Oat.
nolets),SINN.0071113.4 eGtioUrtIgpagElestr-IllesasneleT1lifill
WHIN, properte exempt from eeieure.landlont
and tenant, ;Menem and watercourses. ete.,
one agent sold ta eoples lit three days ;
nuother sold 80 in a week ; French editIon
now ready ; outfit thic ; order outfit toeless;
If not satisfactory money refoodeil. The
The J. L. Nichols Co., Linlited, Toronto.
sissaystet soon .fiat,i0A Aodi 61111411
Ilia Sacrifice.
asked the moo' on 'the next bioeg
what he was gt>Ing to give up eines
lag •Leet, arid be said be :tboughtt
he'd give up ew,ettitrig at the wee-.
timer. •
$10--Washingion and Return --$11:
Special eicuesion' lila Lehigh Valle*
Railroad, front Suspension Bridge Fri- r
day, Feb., 20, Tickets only $10 the round-
trip; good for return until March 7. Stop
over allowed at Philadelphia returning.; .
For tickets foul further particulars, call.
on -or address Robt, S. Lewis, Canadian
Passenger Agent, 33 Youge street, Tor-
onto, Ont.
f; rmers' Magazine.
"Why do so maey writers use that
hackneyed plirrese, 'the weather-beat-
en farmer ?'" said the young man
who reads novels.
"I dunno," answered Mr. Corot:cm-
eel, as he laid down the, paper con-
taining thelatest freshet news,, *tins
less It's because the weather bats
us out of so many. crops."
Rheumatism Will EuccUmb to
South American Rheumatic Cure because it
goes right to Ote seat of the trouble and
reniovea the cause. Many so.called cures
hut deaden pain temporarily only, to have
it return again with doubled violence, Not
eo with Ode great remedy. It eradicates
from the eystem the last vestige of the
Meow awl its curea are peruke-neut.-74.
Perhaps- legged.
Toronto World,
The first thing the Russians know:
they will be hocited offtime stage of
the theatre of war. .
-The Canadian' Order of Chosen Friends
Still _Forging Ahead.
,... „ . ... • .
. .Th.0 Order has lust closed another prosperous year, in fact the beet Mb Its
• ,. . -' ss
'Total Increase approved application)
Total increase In Surplue Funds
• "- Totatalemberehip.s .
' Total Surplus.Funds $420.000,00
Organisers wanted, Write- '
• W. F_A MONTAGUE, Grand Recorder, Hamilton, Ontario.
W. Y. CAMPBELL, Grand °goatee; Hamilton, Ontario.
. _ . .. , : . • ..... .. . . .
ills Recovery.
"Your husbanclebat3 quite 'recover-
ed from las illness," said one woman.
s " answered the other.
doctor's inedible° must have
done him good."
dunno's It was the medicine. ale
got to figuring rip what the -bill
would be an' concluded:he •liad been
Miami's Liniment Cures Ut1ts0 eta,
Circumstantial and Melia.
"Oh, my 2" shrieked the ' .Young
wife, as she read from the :paper.
"I will not live with lain 'another
aWliat's the matter, dear ?" asked
her mother.
"I fele by the paper that George
fell down ase .flight of steps while
sick na long as he eould afford to. carrying hie typewriter up staira in
Ele lie went back to work." -his arms."
.1 L 6.31.4 I i h,II,j . Ii. II
From any first -cisme dealer.
Dollar 'Wheat.
'What OW the Pennons roar and
And battered ships go doWit ?
;What 1.110' ;the Ortiltiore spring N leak,
And .Itips and Ruestitils drown
The Yankee farmer grins with JOY.
With Ilapiiinese4 romplete
/Irt notices With ,gion, my beta
The vigils ,twf dollar wheat,
It Is Only the fully occupied who him
time for overythiag.
Who will not hely himsitlf doesn't de.
serve help.
ot_pgt LP 2..
How To Keep Horses Well.
That's a problem every 'farmer
and stockman has to soive In
whiter. Lack of exercise -dry reed
...-weather changes -all upset the
digestion. Horses drten tat
hearty, yet get thin -hair stands
end-recl tired and du% Sett -
son the ,roil wiIh .31yo.no
ZZ63,41 Spied, It changes
winter into summer for horses,
Makes dry hay as sWedt as green grass-givee
an extra relish to corn and oats -and keeps
the horses strong and rat on less feed.
Feed Myers' Revd Spica for the rest or the *inter-.**
how murlibetter the horses are -how .ensily they do hitAt
work -and how much less yoir'reeti bins come to.. .
adulated our illustrated ballast on homes Old Mae. X1 is tile
--deu1 very interesting end bandy for reference.
Myers' Pow -al, Se Co.
nihilo,,n, ram, Ont. Ea