HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-02-25, Page 5Thursday, February 25, 19°4
Three Bid Bargain Days
Friday, Saturday and Monday
14 Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 35 to 44, regular $7.00 and $7.50—Sale $5.00
11 Youths' Tweed Suits, long Pants, sizes 32 to 35, reg. $0.50, $7—Sale5,00
9 Boye' 3 piece Snits, short Pants, aizee 28 33, reg. $3.75, $4, $5—Sale3.00
13 Children's 2 -piece Snits, sizes 22 to 28, regular price $2,00 --Salo 1.50
9 only Men's Raglan Overcoats, sizes 30 to 40, regular price $7.50 and
$8.00 — Salo $5.00
10 Boys' Overcoats, no two alike, for ages 2 to 12 years—at Cos'r PRICE
Men's 151uleskin faced, sheep back, wool lined Mitts, reg. 50c—Sala .:. 38c
Men's good Wool Mitts, per pair 15c
Also big Bargaina in odd Pants, Braces, Shirts, Collars, Ties, etc,
The R. Crowder Co.
New Stiff Hats
• • rwrv,^Y-Y",
Ornamental Gates
Light In weight Artistic in design •
Reasonable In price •
Mso a large line of Standard Farm Gates
always on hand. Every progressive and
up-to-date farmer insists on having FROST
GATES. Catalog and prices ou request.
• W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch•
MASSE' = I -I ARRIS Wingharn's Auctioneer.
Have you a Cutter? If not, call
and examine our stock before buy.
ing 4elsowb ere.
rf you will be needing anything
in the line of Farming Implements
or Machinery for the coming sea-
son, place your order early and
get the beet.
Massey -Harris goods are leaders
Agent for the Kemp Manure
We also handle the Wm. Gray
& Son's Buggies and Cutters—
universally acknowledged to be the
best and most durable to be had.
Prices of saw logs are much higher
this season than last season. The
Canada Furniture Manufacturers are
prepared to pay the highest price for
kinds of Hardwood logs, as well as
Basswood, delivered at the Button &
Ferment Chair Factory. Wingham.
Farri.'rs should got the logs in early
while roads are good, and get the
highest price,
Canada Furniture; M'frs.
The Omit English Reseed!,
is an old, ell eatalx
fished and reliable
preparation, Has been
Proscribed and used
over40years, etldrug.
gists in the Dominion
of Canada eel! and
reoommead as being
1bJort and Alter. the only medicine of
its kind that corers and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently °urea all forma of Nervous Wca1'
'teas, Emissions, Spermatorncaa, Impotenel/,
and all affects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive
use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental
and Brain Worry, all of which load to Infirmity,
Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price $1 per package or six for $6. One will
please, siz will cure. Mailed prompts on re-
peipt of Klee, Sand for free pamphlet. Address
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont', Canada,
Woods Phospbodino is sold in Wingham
b 0. A. Campbell, W. McKibben, A. L.
- by
and R. A. Douglass, Druggists.
Sales attended in any part of
Huron county. Orders lett at
the ADVANCE Onus will re-
ceive prompt attention.
Lowest rates consistent with
absolute security. All claims
promptly settled
Abner Cosens
60 YEARS' ,
An oae sending a sketch and description may
qnt lir aetertaln our opinion' free whether an
env ntlon is probably patentable. Copempnica-
tie ea Mctlyconfidentlal. HaoLthookonPatent.s
£e t free. p'doet'attenby'tot l6+eculing_leatonta:
Salem$ taken through Munn gg CCci,notate
,proal •0114•; without charge. In the
Scientific JIQnerkran.
Ahandsomely illustrated weekly. Laraeet olr•
oalatlon of any selentiac ournal. 'rorma, 83 a
x: fo r m ntba, SL SO�d uy all nawedealora.
a8IBroadway, New York
Branch Office. 636 V St,. Washington, D. C.
Write for our interesting books " Invent.
or's Halp" and " How you are swindled."
Send us a rough sketch or model of your in-
vention orintprovenlentand wewill tell you
fns our opinion as to whether it ie probably
patentable. Rejected etext ad •ppll
been successfully brosec d by us, Wetions have efts
conduct fully equipped o tee in Montreal
and Washington ; this quail tes es to prompt-
ly dispatch work and quickly seems Patents
as btead as the invtptlen. 1:8ighest refer•n• cea
farhlihed. • lea
Psteels procsr through Mellon & M'
Asst reply estee l notice without shat • in
over ton uewspap•rs distributed tkroughaoat
the Detnini•n.
taetasdel$t •npianteenrtL
biome. of Manafate•
( Patent Experts and Solgic�itor*.
Slifflos•t �etv gr%1,WMgFn t"Dvv4.
C. A
attends the
graduates of
—Two Courses—
Commercial and Shorthand.
Send for College journal.
President Seo'y.
90 per cent. of Pat Cattle exhibited et
Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, were fed with
Worthington's Canadian Stock Toni:.
Dani SIRS—
IVe have been feeding your Stock Food to
cattle for some time, and find it to be an ex•
cellent tonic. We have alio fod it to horses
and pigs, and aro quite sure it is tho best stock
food we have over tried. Our price winning
cattle at the Provincial Winter Lair, 1903,
were fed Worthington's Stock Tonic.
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Aceon, Ont.
The Toronto News in a recent editor-
, ial commended the work of the Child-
-The death last week of a little girl run's Aid Society of that city, which
injured ,.i the Iroquois Theater tire at had dealt with forty-eight cases in that
Chicago brings the total of victims nP city during December alone, and speak -
to 675. ing generally of the scope and objects of
—Rev. Jno, Pringle, Councillor for the Ohildren's Aid Societies, said:
the Yukon Territory, has just completed
a trip over the Territory, having cover-
ed 1,050 miles on snowshoes, assisted by
a dog -team,
Stratford, Ont„ Feb. 19.—While en-
gaged in shoveling snow at his residence
iu North-east F ullart3u, near this city,
Rev. A. Fiukbeiner, Evangelical Millie-
ter at Carlingford, dropped dead. H•
I find your Stock Food is a very excellent
Tonic for cattle, giving them a good appetite
and keeping their digestive orgnnsiu a healthy
working condition. The stoor 'Scottie," ex-
hibited at Winter Fair, weighed at birth 801bs,
at 35 months 2000 lbs„ making a gain of 55 lbs.
h. limontIt pays to feud Worthiugtos
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Poepabun, Ont.
DEAR Sins—We have used your Stock rood
for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good
satisfaction. Several of our cattle have shown a
gain of over 1001bs. per month while fending it.
Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Yorkshire
Hogs, Fergus, Ont.
Note the Price:
10 lb. box, 200 feeds, ii0c; 60 lb. rook, 42.
For Sale By
J. Bowman, Wingleam I W. Messer, Bluevale
Agar ce Earle,Lucknow N. Oorry, Brussels
Henderson & Henderson, Whitechurch
"It is impossible to estimate the good
thnt is accomplished by this society,
The officers are in reality State -appoint-
ed guardians to all the little ones whose
parents neglect them and whose example
would lead them into vicious courses.
It is not only an instrument for the res-
cue of the ohildren from conditions that
breed criminals that they may become
useful citizens, but it is au active agency
for the protection of society. The
methods adopted in reclaiming the child -
leaves s widow and several ohildren. ren of incompetent parents is the best
that has been devised. The foster home
where the child is treated as the sou or
daughter of the family, takes the place
of the institution where the children are
brought up by rule, and special treat-
ment is impossible. Personal affection
and individual care are the strongest
cords in a child's life. These are sup-
plied in the foster homes. Under such
conditions the unfortunate waif may
never learn from what it escaped, and
has opportunity to develop naturally as
a healthy child in good environment.
The purpose of the society is to per-
suade the parents, where it is possible,
to look after -their offspring, and, in
oases wnere that cannot be done, to take
them away to better surroundings. The
society deserves the support of the citi-
zens for what it has done, and because
of what it is capable of doing."
These remarks apply so well to the
—Wolvee, rendered unusually daring
by the groat severity of the winter, are
giving trouble to some of the lumber
camps north of the Ottawa River, where
the choppers aro finding it necessary to
to go to and from their work in bands.
—The experience of the Masonic Tem-
ple, one of Chicago's skyscrapers, with
fire was a satisfactory one. Here was a
20 -storey building with 4,000 people in
it, when fire broke out in the fifth floor.
Every person who wished to got down
and out in safety by the elevator route.
—The war has already had a consid-
erable influence on one staple article of
consumption in Canada—tea. Japan is
one of the principal sources from which
we draw our supplies of tea, and the
outbreak of hostilities in the east has
caused prices of Japanese teas to Ad-
—Not a quarter of an inch of rain has
fallen in southern California this settees:.
The drouth is almost unprecedented;
colonies of bees are dying, and not a
pound of honey will be shiPPed this
year. Cattle and sheep are starving to
death by thousands on the desert ranges
and the islands.
The Wiartou Canadian says:—The
Georgian Bay appears to be frozen over
from redo to.side, for no water can be
seen from the highest cliffs ou this side.
It is many years since the ice extended
so far out before. Tho ice is felly 18
inches thick, and is quite safe for driv-
ing on in all directions.
—William Best and Alvin Zintle of
Decewsville have completed a contract
for McGuire & Co. of London of taking
out 00,000 feet of logs from the bush on
the farm of the late Amos Mino. The
time taken was nineteen days, which
was short considering the stormy weath-
er. An oak tree four feet across the
stump, having a lean of 75 feet, was
felled without splitting. This is con-
sidered an extraordinary feat iu wood-
—The Empire Power Company, Lim-
ited, has been incorporated at Oweu
Sound, Ont., with a capital of $500,000.
Power is granted to construct and oper-
ate works for the production of electric
ity. Those behind the scheme are
Messrs. S. M. Kilbourn, F. H. Kilbourn,
G. H. B. Bruce and G. S. Kilbourn, of
Owen Sound, and E. A, Peck, of Peter-
New York, Feb. 17th.—John Alexan-
der Dowie of Zion City, Ill, has been
compelled ..to flee in' a cab to escape a
mob, according to a despatch from a
Syduey, N.S.W., correspondent of The
American. Rowdy scenes have charac-
terized his meetings, and these culmin-
ated when a howling mob of 5000 fol-
lowed him to his hotel. Dowie is said
have left the hotel by a rear door.
—It seems as if a remount station for
the Imperial army may be established
in Canada, after all. Col. Lawley of
the remount branch, Imperial army, has
arrived in Canada for the purpose, it is
understood, of organizing such a station
and appointing an agent to act for the
War Office. He will make a tour of
Canada, and the Militia Department
has been asked by the War Office to give
him every possible assistance.
Vit Cave
the Nakakaks.
Lots of them—do your own
choosing, We know the
styles. We know exactly
how they should be ant—how
they should fit --and its our
business to put all these
" knows " together, and fit
you out in the befit that your
money can buy — no matter
what price you pay.
It would please
Mane you drop in.
Society in this county that we reproduce
them, and supplement with some instan-
ces showing the need of snoh organiz-
ations even outside the cities. Unfor-
tunately the average man in rural muni-
oipalities and smaller towns and villages
is too apt to think that there is Little or
no work of that kind to be done within
their borderds. But here are four sam-
ple oases in Huron:
A family of four ehildren, the oldest
but thirteen years, with parents; both
living, but of whom the most charitable
thing that can be said is that neither
mentally nor mortally are they capable
of properly caring for the unfortunate
little ones, whose only possible future,
unless rescued, would be one of crime
and degradation.
A second case is that of two boys with
a drunken, worthless father, the mother
being dead, and as stated by one of the
municipal authorities, "the boys live in
an old shack, anis go round amongst the
neighbors to get something to eat and
warm themselves,"
.A. third case has four children, both
parents living but, neither of them fit
for their charge mentally or otherwise.
The headLof the municipality, in answer
to 'queries from the President of the
Childron's Aid says; "I believe they
are in very hard circumstances; one of
their neighbors told me a few days ago
that they are almost , starving," etc.
From what is known of this family the
only hope for the children is to take
them away and place them in decent
homes for education and proper training.
A fourth case reports two ohildren,
where the mother is dead and the father
and alle8ed step mother are treating the
children very harshly.
A fith case is in course of enquiry, but
is there not sufficient to justify active
organized work, and to entitle the
Society to the sympathy and co-opera-
tion of the people of Huron generally?
Danger of Living With Consumptives.
Itis real danger because the sputum
of affected persons diffuses itself
through the air and find lodgment in
the systems of others. If exposed to
consumption use fragrant healing
catarrhozone, the most efficient germi-
cide known. No case of catarrh can
withstaud Catarrhozone which cures
this loathsome disease thoroughly.
Cold in the head is cured in a few
minutes, and bronchitis, asthma and
lung trouble are cured to stay cured if
catarrhozone is employed, I don't
know any remedy so good for catarrh
and bronchitis as Catarrhozone, writes
N. T. Eaton of Knowlton. It cured me
after years of suffering and saved me
from consumption. Two months treat-
ment $1.00; trial size 25o.
From Special Correspondent In the Field. .
Is Your Doctor Bill Large ?
Best way to keep it small is not to call
the doctor, but use Nerviline instead.
For minor ailments like colds, coughs,
chills, cramps, headache and stomach
trouble Nerviline is just as good as any
doctor. It breaks up a cold in one night.
cures soreness in the chest, and for
neuralgia, toothache and rheumatism
you can't get anything half so good •as
Nerviline. The fame of Nerviline for
cramps, colic and pain in the stomach
extends far and wide. Good for every-
thing a liniment can be good for and
costs but 26c for a large bottle.
The Russo -Japan conflict has com-
menced its earnest, and that part of the
world is now the centre of interest.
The Globe, with Its usual enterprise,
has made arrangements with The Lon-
don Times whereby it is able to publish
simultaneously the reports sent direct
from the scene of action. The, Times,
London, Enghand, has established its
reputation as being the greatest news -
gatherer in the world, and our readers
can have the full benefit of ite excel-
lent staff of correspondents by reading
The Daily or The Weekly Globe.
The Globe has exclusive control of
this service in Canada, and these reports
Will not appear in their original form in
any other Canadian publication;
A summarized report with every item
as to of interest will be especially written for
The Weekly Globe, enabling readers to
gain a full knowledge of the situation
without the trouble of reading columns
of contradictory and confusing report,
The Weekly Globe is $IMO per multi
/whim but a reduced rate may be obtained in
8" oonu•otiou with the Advance.
_ Give nature three helps, and
nearly every case of con-
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most important of all.
- Nourishing food comes next.
Then, a medicine to control
- the cough and heal the lungs.
- Ask any good doctor.
" I first used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 63 years
ago, I have seen terrible cases of Inns d1 -
eases cured by It. I em never without 16."
ALfaaT 0. HAMILTON, Marietta, Ohio.
:; Me, MA. for LowARSE l/a ,.
Health demands daily action of the
bowels. Ald nature with Ayer's Pills.
The Lucknow hockey team were de-
feated twice last week by scores of 10
to 5.
Seven engines and two snow plows
were stuck between Lucknow and Kin-
cardine on Tuesday.
The Leap Year hop given by a few
bachelor maids of Lucknow, took place
on Monday evening, Feb. 8th, at the
Town Hall, and was a great success.
At a meeting of the Official Board of
the Lucknow Methodist church, a un-
animous invitation was extended to the
Rev. Mr. Millyard to continue the
pastorate a second. year.
Our citizens will regret to learn that
Mr. Frank Cain, who has been in To-
ronto for several weeks past under the
care of a specialist iu that city, was
compelled to undergo an operation for
appendicitis on Monday.
At the advanced age of 83 years Mrs.
Hill Dick, of Ripley, and better known
as Annie McRae, her maiden name, died
in Lucknow on Sunday last. She was
a remarkable woman in some ropects.
She had for one thing a wonderful
memory, and could relate to the minut-
est detail events that occurred from 50
to 75 years ago.
A short time ago Mr. John Murchison
purchased the Campbell estate on the
main street of the village, of which the
Misses Campbell have retained the stone
Post Office building and the valuable
corner at Campbell and Stauffer streets.
Messrs. Neil and W. McKenzie have pur-
chased the entire brick block; A. T.
Davidson & Son the frame furniture
store and barber shop, and Mr. Wm.
Allin the brick grocery at the corner of
Campbell and Inglis streets and all the
property up to and adjoining his own.
—John Barber of Dunlop had the mise
fortune to lose a valuable horse last
week in a rather peculiar way. It
seems that when he was turning off the
road to let a cutter pass, his horse got
down in the deep snow and in trying to
get up it got its head under the neck -
yoke and broke its neck.
The Fleaherton Advance says:—A
strange coincidence occurred at the farm
of M. Erskine of Euphrasia one day
last week, when that gentlemen lost a
epau of horses under peculiar circum-
stances. The animals were a pair he
had raised and cared for all their lives,
and both were 22 years of age. On this
occasion, while driving from Mr. Ers-
kine's house to the road,and not through
deep snow. one horse fell over to the
right, and the other to tke left, and
both immediately expired. Both to-
gether united through life, and in death
not separated. It was a strange inci-
dent, to say the least.
Robt. Maxwell
High !rt Tailor
Ripley, Feb. 15.—About 9.80 p.m. fire
broke out in the flax mill, totally con-
suming the building and mutate. Es-
timated loss $3,500; insurance $1,500.
The building was owned and operated
by the Ripley Flax Company, Limited,
the prinoipal stockholders being Angus
Munn, S. T. Jackson and John Hum-
berstone. The engine room was a
separate building of solid brick, with a
fire wall between it and the mill, which
enabled a fire company formed to save
the engine and boiler, but the building
was badly damaged. The loss will be
felt considerably, as quite a number
were employed during tho winter
months. The barn, stacks and build -
begs where valuable stock was stored,
were saved,
I Sell Real Estate No
Matter Where It Is.
No matter where you are or in what part of
the country you want a property, I can serve
you. It makes no difference whether you
want a $100 lot or a $10,000 farm, or any other
kind of Real Estate I want to hear from you.
Just tho property you want may bo on my
list, in any event, I may find it and save
money for you. I am not only in a position to
most advantageously serve the man who
wants to buy a home or a farm, but, I am in
the best possible position to serve the man who
wants to make a profitable investment.
Now, while you have the matter in mind,
white and let me know what you have to sell
and how tnuoh money you want for it. 'My
plan will interest you, even if you have no idea
of over placing the property in my hands,
Write to -day giving description and price of
property you *ant to sell.
Real Estate Agent
Office: Upstairs in Vanatone Blook.
The Small -Pox Question.
Any intelligent physician will admit.
that yon don't patch small -pox because
someone else has it, but because your
condition favours it. Low vitality al-
ways encourages sickness and at this
season especially, everyone should take
Ferrozone which destroys disease germs
And makes the system so strong and
healthy that sickness oat exist. For-
rozoue is a vitalizing tonlo that makes
rich, red blood, builds up the nerves,
cures nervousness And drives away tired
languid feelings. To get strong and
keep strong use Ferrozone; it autres
health and volts but tiOo at all druggists.
MONEY To LOAN—At 41 per cent. on
improved farms. Easy terms of re-
payment ; expenses light. Apply A.
Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan
Agent, Kent Block.
I can quickly sell for cash, without
local publicity, your business, Real
Estate or Partnership, no matter
where located. Send me full particu-
lars, prices, &c. Address
19 W, Mohawk St..
Buffalo, N. Y.
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged
for at the office of the
20 Per Cent.
Discount Sale.
Here's the Chance of
the Winter.
We want this February Discount Sale to
be the largest and most successful in the history
of this store.
You Save 20 cts.
For every dollars worth of the following lines of
goods you purchase, we will hand. back 20 cents, or
in other words—you get one dollar value for 80c.
20 Per Cent. Off
Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Boots & Shoes, Dress
Goods, Ladies' Underwear, Children's Underwear,
Fur Coats, Ladies' Jackets, Top Skirts, Fur Ruffs,
Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Men's
Reefers, Men's and Boy's Suits, Fur Caps.
TERMS :—Cash or Trade.
All goods marked 'in plain figures. Buy now
and save money.
H • E. Isard & Co.
Opp, Bank Hamilton
Highest Price Paid for Produce
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute
or Mixed Goods in one bath — they are the
latest and most improved Dye in the world.
Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's
store, Bluevale, and C. B. McClelland's store,
Belgrave, Ont.
Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Visits Wingham monthly. GLASSES FITTED
treated. Wingleam office at Campbell's Drug
Store. London office -226 Queen's ave.; hours
11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits—Mondays—
Feb. 1, Feb. 29, Mar. 28, May 2, May 30. Juno
27, July 25, Sept, 6, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28.
30 years experience. I have conducted over - . t
3000 successful Auction Sales in the County
of Huron, And as a rule get better prices and .3,4
sell to bettor men. Orders loft at ADVANCE 6'
011100, wingleam, will receive prompt ellen- +.
Hon. Terms reasonable. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense.
for tasty and
down -to -date Job
Printing. Prices
i4�rRt,T! tt,,r't+Trke++T+12t!,, + e +++,,,, t�s9T+++
,. .4
� Days'
+ ale.
. .
,,,, 4.
.- .
.- ÷
. .
.. .
ye M
00 .•
4 a
+p, 4
- .. 4
Sr From February 1st until April 1st, we will
positively sell at Cosi. This is the chance of the
�' year to get a good Watch, or anything in the line
4 of Jewelry, cheaper than you ever heard of be-
' • fore. All our goods are reliable, and of the best
• makes, and we warrant them.
+ . No old goods taken in exchange on new
s goods.„
Good Pills t
Ayer's Pills are good liver
pills. You know that. The best
family laxative you can buy.
They keep the bowels regular,
cure blLet
constipation, J C.Ayerco„
trls Maea.
Want your moustache l rbenlyd
beautiful brown or rich black? Use
to be sold at COST for
The Great Watch Doctor
Stone Block x Opp. Queen's hotel