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The Wingham Advance, 1904-02-25, Page 3
JAPAN'S FLEET 15 SUPERIOR TO RUSSIA'S tago in this type, Should war be declared at ante they may expert- . some difficulty in availing themselves of the two tine ships Jura bought from Argentina. These' vessels, tate ltivadavia and the Mo- reno, had, under the forma sor the eonventlen with Chili, to be sold to another pow.or,. and 'the bidding by Japan and Russia was very keen. They were fount in the f?estri Pe. florae yards at Genoa,. tete Riva- (By Commander ,3. D. Jerrold Kelley, Both have the inspiration of tan •davia being launched in 1a0a, and b j p Giunboats the Moreno in 1003. They are of U. S. Nave, Written Batons intense petriotlem that is some - the Outbreak of the War.) • p'aases b1ir.1ing from lis fns'Inaiion. Tho Osllilnne 040 tons; the Akagi,,,7,700 tons displacement, twenty (Should war break out between flus- They are controlled by a 'arterial the Ata 'o, the Maya and the Chi- knots speed, and are to carry hat - pia and Japan no gaxtonety land ore faith iri the justice of any cause coital. 614 tone eaoh ; the Banjo, 1595 teries that differ only in the prin. -oration can tee undertaken until a that su;nmone to arms, and their tra- tons ; the Ilospo, 320 tons ; the cipal guns. The 1 Ivadavia etas one naval battle hie been taught to clitional reverence for the rulers of , t•hinoen, 500 tone, and the Clilnchl L0 -Inch and two 3- inch, wlti'lo the tattle the "command of the sea." their States is a rell(.fan, Both are constitute the squadron of Roast de- Moreno has four 8 -Inset guns. The What, than, does this touch worn fatallatts, the Itusslan with t:ilent, fence gunboats, le addition to which other guns are the same In both grhrase ince,, ?"• unsyrnpa,tltr:t:c, but unswerving ob- there are a number of eomparativeLyi ships -fourteen Q-Jnoh, ton 8- web, ;Without advancing any undue claim, sesame, need the Japanese. In nn useless slaps captured during the six 1-8 inch and two Maxims. Each. .for the 'supreme importance of sea hoiwer, it nray safely be asserted that ix rmand o! the sea, furnished bye slops and Hailes, is the paramount •condition whereon the einploy.ment of land farces in tiro of 'war depends. It te, ;perhaps, not often seethed in its fullest serine, as in the Doer war and to n. less degree in the War of the Rebellion, because one party seldom e'njo'ys snob absolute domin- ion on the seas as watt the -good for- 'atLno of the British and federal gov- carenaen ts. A more usual circumstance is when .the relative saperiorltyi off one side is so great as to forbid conupari9on, but even then, unless this superior fleet is ubiquitous and able to es- (tabblsh so close a blockade that the enemy' cannot move even The small - cwt detachments from plane to place by sea, an absolute military mem- Matti of tete theatre of war does trot exist. tali° most cursory, tgtlley aI history reveals the direct oonnec- atian between the fighting capacia3i of military forces operating in ter- ritories adjacent to the sea and the relative naval strength will show ;that the whole question is controlled try certain fundamental and simple iu.ws of ntrategy:. This command or the sea whielm gives to ono side such independence tend liberty of action, is not a modern innovation of war. Examples of its workings may be found in every ag., and the ,strategical principle In - 'volved is almost as old as lhistoryi Itself. In nearly every notable in- stance it' has enabled a successful coma lander to shift his baso trona dace to place as his operations prc- gressed ity' keeping open his sea lines of contmunlcation and by permitting the transport of his first armiyt and Its supplies and, when needed, of his reserves, without the danger of an en'terference that .might be so 'dis- eaetroues • . , I t ITa ;What, then, are the conditions that exist to -day, and what will be ;the probable dia,•position of the con- tending energies in the new theatre ot war? The naval forces of Russia and japan ie the China areas are in die:piacement tonnage ho neatly Equal that the Japanese superiority meas- uree lees titan nine thousand tone die -placement. These small odds are eltecoverel. fn'tlir armored cruisers, • as in 'lea'ttleelLlp3, the Itutslans have a 'tonnage greater by more • than one thousand tons. But relative na- val strength is not measured by size atones, aped taus apparent equilibrium dlaappears when the higher speed; the greater homogeneity in type, and an a whole the more modern • aharaater of the Japanese fleet are conch• Bred. Then, too, Japan leas a great strategic advantage in the extent and situation of her bases fol' eunply and equipment, in the Immediate readiness of a reserve and en the arivianln lily or f1 hermcn an'd other seafaring persons to re- place the waste of battle and of dis- ease. t The Crowe of both fleets aro se- cured by conscription, but Russia has of late been forced to employ her" rural classes, while Japan has over two million of sea bred people on • whom she can depend for the personnel of her squadron. It can safely be assumed that in courage, pnil disciplineecal r, trainingand eandrself-d and vo- ;tton the enli&ted men of the two eon- . lose- fleeting fleets are equal. Nor can there be any great difference be- tween the officers, as they are, in tbe main, .highly educated, scienti i- cally trained in the art of war and uses to the sea. Japan has had one great experience in modern sew wan, but this may have its bad side, as it has tended to exalt the over- weening and possibly overreaching self -appreciation and sureness of results that havo of late been so conspicuous among this people. The two nations, even when the semi - Oriental side of Russian character enters, are, however, radteally dif- ferent in temperament. It is doubt- ful, there"ore, viewing all the possi- bilities, if any other two nations would wage war more persistently and more bitterly. FIBROID TUMORS CURED. )Nina• Bayes* First Letter Appeal- ing to )Vers. Pinkham for tllelp: Dasn Mns. PnixaAat I have been 'under Boston doctors'treatment for s .long time without any relief. They .tell nee I have a fibroid tumor. I can- not sit down without great pain, and ;the soreness extends up my spine. I 'have bearing•down pains boom back ;and front. My abdomen is swollen, ,and 1 have•llad flowing spells for three .years. My appetite is not good. 1 calla hot walk or be on my feet for any • 'length of,time. ' " The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately describe ray ease, so I write to you for Ihdviec." (Signed) Mns. E. P. HAM, 252 Dudley St. (Roxbury), Boston, Mass. t( Mrs. litayos' Second Lotter: r "DEAR Mita. Paaci1AM : - Sometime I rte to ou deseribieginv senate ` a n Cons carefully,and ta•day am a well Iiartisam<. F,,,...,. emotlgnal, enthralling eagerness for salt -sacrifice. Thi fight for mastery is surd, then, to lie entered into with a determination, an ale ItLy and an unconetclered immolation of self, The ,amber andl strength of the contending fle'etis aro as follows ; Arrnored Types. Rimini! Battle Ships. Toner. (Gunn. Cesatrovitolt ,. Retvizan ...... Pagoda,,, 1'eresvlet " Osliabin retropaulonsk Sevastopol .... Poltava ...... ... ' 11,000 58 Armoured Cruisers. Bayou ., 7,800 87 Rossiya 12,, 0') 68 Groniot'o1 14,167 64 lturik . 10,050 48 Unarmorrd Tyree. Pro•tocted Cruisers. Variag Pallnda ...... Diana • Bogatyr ..... ,,.. ,.;4. Askold ...... .. Novik .. Aurora .... A1max... Unprotected Cruisers, Third Taal' .... ..... ILazboy nik Zabiaka ...... Armored Gunboats. Otvaing ...... Japanese and Chinese war. Tiro Japanese Government, ander an agreement with the Nippon Yusen. Icatsha, has available for use a i It Is unnecessary to go into de. transports and auxiliary: cruisers a tails about the protected and otlt- fleet of thirty-eight steamers. er cruisers and the gunboats, he - Camper ;sou or Types, cause, however important In many Four of the six battleships that type. They are of about fifteen usofail wayby s decisive notions naay are Japan can array are of the Asahi notadded edltat Russiaa has typesaItfifteenlority tin these classes, not perhaps th,ons a,nd tons displacement of has tour abovo water tubes. Smaller Classes. • in nttrnbers but !n alLtand 13,00J 64 eighteen knots speed and carry four au y • 12,700 62 12 -inch gene -two forward and two fighting dile:Laney. In the torpedo 12,670 61 aft, a pair mount°d in turrets -and destroyer class It Is difficult to 08- 12,674 61 fourteen 6 -inch guns. The armored tabllsla a demparison, as Russia has 12,674' 61 belt has a maximum thickness of nine developed this type is Asia* 1't,001 58. incites, and the barbettes are of four - has dither by construction on - ` �" icon inches. the spot- or by good additions that The other two battleships are filo has been kept secret. It is said, for example, that twelve have. been Fuji and Yashima, about 13,000 tons built at Port Arthur, and that six In displacement and not so heavily of these are eommisssloned, Rus - armed or Dreteeted, but with a sue ria has already in those waters an leerier epeod (10.2 knots) to the As- equal number -fifteen -to that of ahi desire. The Russian battleships, Japan, and at least a dozen more on the other hand, are divided into are on the way from Russia or 6,r00 four classes, three each of the"Poi- have arrived near the theatre of 0,680 Lava and the Peresviet classes, and war. In auxiliaries Japan has a 6,t;80 .the Retvlznn and Cesareviteh, each preponderance of available mer - 6,700 In a. elates -of its own. The Polta.vas chant steamers for transport and 6,:.00 aro of 11000 tons, 16.2 knots speed cruising duties, and in her second 8.000 and carry four 12 -inch and twelve line of defence she has some fair 6,(130) 6 -inset .guns. Booth in protection and ships, ranging from time third class 3,0001 speed they are inferior to the two battleship Chin Yen to many gun Class. ; 13,000 ton Fujie and vary much in- vessels and torpedo boats that can be 1,450 forior to the four large Amalie. The coast usefullydefence. loye itiiertas der and 1,320 Peresvlets are nearly 13000 tons, but available or submarine subwide h s. 1,284 I they are not so well armed as the Fuji typo, and the gone have less Tail neceesar'Iy sketchy enumera- 1,490 protection. They are, however, tion of t o f gh ing fore leaves out • many factors that must be dealt with in reaching any definine judg- 1 tuent cars reiative strength. But if these be given weight no doubt re - a males that at the moment Japan has a superior force. It must be kept in mind, though that a ship disabled or a ship lest is for her an irreplaceable diminution of strength, while Russ'a can afford to risk something because of xaer reserve; in Europe. 1 Strategic Possibilities. eir • Grortastcho . Koreits .... •. Jfaeschur ...... Giliak ........-.. , Sivoutclt .....,,, JBodr ..,,, . Transports.. Amur ...•. Genteel .., Training Ship. Okoan ... Torpedo Gunboats. Posaniek . Galdamak......... The torpedo boat destroyers , Bershumni, Bezposhtchadni, Bdit;ini, Boeevol, Berstrashni, Burnt and Bol- ka, all o1 three hundred and fifty tons displacement, and the Vnimatel- ni, Vnusluteelni, Vuinal.sivi, \iesta- mi and Grozvoi, of throe hundred and twelve tons, are all in the fleet re- serve at fort Arthur. - Tho Byedovi, Buie', Buistre, Bezup- retehui, Blesty,�-aa,schtuh3, Brave and Bodri, all of thfeo hundred' and fifty tons dieplaceme,it, aro due in Asiatic waters this Sall. Besides these ships there are 'six torpedo boats at i ort Arthur, ten at 1'ladivostock, four on their WAY out to Asiatic stations and seven yet to be sent out. Japanese Battleships. Tuns. Guns. Aeah1 .,n....,,., 151,200 52 Difkasa ,..... 15,200 50 Hatsuse : ;1(5,000 52 Shikishlma ..........•, 14,850 53 3taslufma 4 (1'500 84 Fuji ... t...,a,. ,.......-.. 121500 24 Armored t raisers Idzuma ,.,......... D,800 42 Ywate ...... .9,800 43 Yakun10 a U,850� 40 Azuma, ,........ , 0,480 40 Asoma ...,.••s. 9,7550 87 7tiokltwia :. 10,750 87 teatmored Types. Protected Cruisers, Kasagl ... ..o........... 4: 4,874 Chitose .•. a 4,784 , 4,277 4,277 4,277 .3,727 4,180 8,727 :3.,727 8,7L7 411ii77 THE MIKADO OF JAPAN. 1,400 .., 1,413 .. 1,224 1,Oa0 L... •1,050 2,600 2,600 12,000 400 Itsukusbima Ilash�idate Vali ... Matsushima .....n..... Takasago .n... Yashiro N•aniwa 'lcakach+ilio AkitsushLtmit Total Torpedo Boat Destroyers. O. I IV. Tee probabilities of a. sudden dash at the very outset must be kept In mind, aim Japan bus of late been a keen believer in l'audace, toujours 1'audace. But this happy audacity is risky 1n the extreme, even with a scrupulous attention to details. It is fair to assume, therefore, Japan's first move w.ii be to attack the Rus - elan fleet, so that the watortvays to Corea and Mancfur.a may be op.n to the passage of the army corps she hopes to land in the peninsula, and on the mainland. In order to effect this with the celerity that spells ciuC- cess Jmtpan hoe already =b,lized her troops and ms making arrangements for their transport. This embarka- tion will probably take place from the aauteern shorts of the archipel- ago, uneoubtedly in the vicinity of Nagasaki. A glance at any map constructed on a fairly large scale will show that the ennpire of Japan is composed of many Islands%, so many, indeed, that geographers have been known to differ by one thou&a„nd in their enumeration. '•Japan proper," as it ing ext11ec1, may be said t:, consist of the three islands of Honclu, Skikoku, and Kyushu, but to these in a strat- egic study Hokkaido may be added. Of teese Kyushu is the nearest to Corea, and from Isere and Hondo it is probable teat the fast blows will be delivered against Russia, or in case the latter stiould seek to waste her force in lnvnalon it Is bore, equal+y, that the first blows wilt bo received. Most of Japan is geologically inhos- pitable, not more than one -twelfth being • under cultivation, and In the equal in speed to the Asahis• The north the barrenness of the so:i, the Retvizan is a fine shipof 13,000 sparseness of the pepulitioe, the lack of food, and in the winter the ons displacement- and 18 knots depth of the snow, will alone forbad speed and was built in Philadelphia• attack. tons die- t are More Tho Gesarevitch is of '18,110 Tease rigorous elements placement, and has many admirable valuable t.'an a y armed resistance qualities, notably her excellent that could be arrayed. From the Iiu- speed, the maximum in this being rile Islands on tate north down to slightly above 19 knots. and iuclud.ng Hokkaido, the forma - The Retvizan carries four 12 -inch, tion is vcloa,ulc, the country barren twelve 6 -inch, twenty 8 -inch guns, and mountainous. And it Is safe to and many three and one pounders say t,'at terenighont the whole em- end four torpedo tubes/. The bat- pire ninety-nine out of every hundred tory of the Cesarevitch is the same, telatices would not be worth• proteet- axeept that she bas six torpedo tubes, ing against invasion, be.;ause they do tivIo of which are submerged. A not Jaynte it. Kyuseu, better condi- well known expert, comparing all tioned in so.i climate and popufa.ion, these battleships in the columns of possesses a coast l.ne difficult to ap- tlio Paris edition of the Herald, primes', and as a cololuary easy to says : "I think it may be said that defend. It would be here if anywhere in point of homogeneity, of weight that Russia might b'3 tempted to in- vade it ails were successful in the of metal, of pmoteotand of speed, first great sea' fight, and it is from these eta. Jnptanese ships sare hips." superior here mitt in its vicintty that .Japan Is to the eight Russlaa,n ships d 't her o;.sl..0 •'itt 00CNEa QGG0001M3GC0012000iO'0Oi v4000CGCOGGIMP Autocracy of The Czar QHis Power as' a Legislator and Supreme Head of Executive.. e beebe f© GGPta90acc^G� PUTTING BABY ASLEEP .n-•wr„w If hsby is realm or sleepless Real Mil give it "soothing" medicines to make It sleep. These medicines always sop* Iain opiates, and you are merely drugging the little, one into temporary insensibility --1n feet you are placing its life in peril. Restlessness and sleep- lessness is usually the remit of toms: trouble of the stomach or bowels, and it this is removed the child will sleep .�CPr6aGOQC�9Ce�GceIOCGOCGCOGOG00000v natursily and awake bright and healthy. One often hears questkont; asked as doolf not know what is going on in Baby's Own Tablets cure all stomach to how far the Czar le master in his the far met ,tt must not be ilastihy eta bowel trouble,, and the mother hie own bone, and man people seem assumed that lie Is using merely clip. a solemn assuranceopiatethat the medicine to think that his aut1cratto crow- 'emetic language. contains no vile.or harmful drug. er exists merely In theory, being al- Mfrs. Louis Ravine, Games, Ont., sa st wa •il nimiled3 t thwarted bythe How, then, leas it Coote aabont that "My baby suffered from e'oiie, eriect a, officials.I a id l is it pea an autocrat, who is a severe lovor great deal, .and was very sleepless. Able Otherwise, hots i of peace and who has filo control of , a 1 to explain that a sovereign, affairs In h1 own hands, has brought After giving him Baby's Own Tablets who's notoriously pacific,. allows lily his country to the verge of fuer 1 In the. trotibie disappeared, and through country to advanoo to the very the first place, it must be remember_ giving him an occasional Tablet since, ed that autocrats, like ordinary he has alrvays been hettitchild. t ,anti is now *, a awns, rugged child. No mother til forms ! vent stator n other c o 0 nen rf m t i g moat, do not always forsee thesinti- should over be without the Tablets 3A the house."You can get Baby's Own Tablets from any dealer in medicine, or if you write to the Dr. Williams' Medi• cine Co., Brockville, Ont., the Tablets will be sent by mail at 25 cents a box, JAPANESE WIVES. Theirs is Not 4 Very Jnyfable Position. The position of the J`apaneee wile is not that of equalitywith her hnisband, says a writer In the Smartt Set, He le the liege lord, to,3,e obeyed, by her in the most servile nanner,. He exaete'from her the.11.tttle atter- tions that an. American woman ex- pects, and usually gets, from heat husband. Without so newels alri,.pf Amur, mur of complaint from his spousets who must alwnya nepei.ve hien with., bowls and smiles and ever have' hes, mind and eyes on her comfort, kr gods and comes when he pleases., When be fares forth socially., his docs not take her with him. when, . he receives gentlemen in his Awn house --a rare thing, by the way* madame seldom presents herself, un- less in some menial capacity, and while such a. thing as oenjugal love must exist in Japan, it usually es capee the notice of the foreign so, journer, the people considering it vulgar to exhibit,. emotion of any kind in public. The wire, as a soviet unit, being completely submerged, it follows that others of bet_ .pelt must take her plane socially, and ea this office the geisha .girls play; Iia important role. ; : • brink Of 'war ? .Evidently 1118 hand Is being forced in some tuysteriouo way. (Either he Is systematically de- eeived as to rv'hat is taking place, or his Orders are not carried out by lass Ministers and their stbordinatee. In accordance with this view, a story was lately ehrculated in which itis Majesty' was represented as strug- gling,. not very' successfully, In the cause of peace, and finally exclaim.- ing to those who real`cated lief will: "Am I Czar, or am I nest ?" Tills makes a. very effect paragrapli in a spaelat correspondent's despatch, but Buell picturesque anecdotes will be received with extreme scepticism by those acqua"nted with the internal mechanism of the Russian Govern- ment. It is difficult to imagine a Russian official openly' opposing tlto will of his august master In such a way as to call forth a remark of the kind. Tie Czar uses ills autocratic power, theoretically and practically, in two ways -as a leg'Flator and :'s the su- premo head of the Executive. No legislative measure can be initiated w't'i''rut his af:proval e n?1 whet a bit has been preparel in the (1 p r' m• n s concer o1, an 1 de cussed in t;e t'oun- cjl sof the Empire, it is submitted to him Ror his assent. If he gives his assent tee b'il becomes law, though the majority of the Council of the Empire may have voted against It, and from Haat moment he has to re- spect the late until it Is annulled by best t'tted t3 reg i Armored Cruisers. &Mould site, on tie other head, be the The Japanese 'awn six armored victor in t e I. i.iative. In asentence, cruisers, the Russtans have nine, four Rwuuia w:11 doubtless refrain from In - et which aro in the P cifie s the vasioli and Japan will try so to dis- discus` a question in ' la turemeec.�' ; Asiatic station is o y ed p Su? of her orots Ab 1tt i mho seat of rvar. any method d b s• mate cote o emcee o: their decielons, and are liable to find themselves un- expectedly in a situation from Which war is the only means of exit con- sistent With the natural interests and the national honor. Even the pacific 11L''. Gladstone let himself be drawn into the Egyptian campaign, and afterwards drifted dangerously near to a great war with Russia. It must bo remembered, further, that tate autocratic form of government has its drawbacks as well as its ads vantages in Matters of foreign pol- icy. It does not require to watch and be guided by the ever-changing currents of public opinion, and it can, therefore, adopt a potltl.lue de longue haleine; but It le not nearly so in- dependent of popular sentiment as as is commonly supposed, for its strength Iles in its being the repre- sentative of national conceptions and national aspirations. and if it falls to be truo to those, It weakens itself. He would be a very bold Cesar who would sacrifice a great national in- terest to love of peace or any other personal feeling. If ever it Czar was justified in disregarding the views of the ultra -patriotic section of las sub- jects it was Alexander II. when he accepted the do• lsions of the Congress o' Berlin in order to avoid a great rtt+•nnen n stru"•gle, hut there was no doubt that that wise, courageous THE CZAR OF RUSSIA. legislative provedure. If the bill is nut fortunate enouge to obtain the Imperial assent, it goes bank to the departments and the Caune'l, to bo mad.f.ect In aceorelanee with the Im- perial wis-.es, er it is quietly put away mn the archives and, is no more heard of. As' supreme heart of the Executive His 11 jesty. has to use his autaoeatic power much more fre- quently, because in the ordinary coulee o. :tam n strat o w en y r it LS considered dcs.rabia to make an exception to the estst1ng laws and regulations, the matter has to be submtLtted for supreme permission by the ,lfmnister concerned. As there is noth'ug which corresponds to a. Cab- inet, the ALlnisters have no joint re- , treat can hardly bo effected without Until Corean boys are married and sponsiblllty, and the only centre in ' some loss of prestige. Under the di- acquire the pseudo dignity of the which the. activity of all the differ- . rection of Foreign Office officials topknot, their hair is worn girl ent departments converges is the the strategic operation would be fashion in twin plaits down ;their Emperor himself. He may, of course, carefully veiled and the loss of backs. Se much do they resemble girls order that a matter is to be submit- prestige, if unavoidable, would be re- that it is sometimes difficult to de- test to tee Committee of Ministers, or dueed to a minimum. he ,may summon a number of person- ages in whom he has co„ f,dence to 20 Years of Vile Catarrh. --ohs•#. 0. Brown, journalist, of Duluth, Miao<, writes ; " I have been &sufferer from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20 years, during which time my head has been stopped gp and my condition truly miserable: Withfn15 minutes after using Or. Agnew's Catarrbatt Powder I obtained relief. Three bottles have almost, if not entirely, cured me." 60c, --I'S SANITARY 'TELEPi o...MT$. In Germany a pad of a large number of detachable discs of paper , with a hole in the centre, is attached to the mouths piece of the telephone, and the upper piece- of paper is torn off after each conversation, and in Vienna call boxes are provided with napkins, and a notice is stuck up requesting the public to . wipe the receivers after use. Only 5 Cents a Copy The Four -Track News for February, On sale at all news stands. CHURCH WITH WIDEST NAVE. St. Michael's Church at Coventry is said to have the widest nave of any English church. It is 125 feet wide. That of York Minister is 1041.2 feet int width. TAKE ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM before the merciless grip of the cold has fastened upon throat and lungs. After a few due' the cough 1s easier, and a complete cure is bus the question of a little time. . COREAN WOMEN. Area marked . Contrast to Those of' Japan. ' :Writing of Corean women, a ;• writer In Outing says: act diminished lifepopularity and Tho women of the commonality are voluble and vixenish, and ever prestige. 'Whether Nicholas II. has in- ready to slap a handful of stars into horited all the acts a courage of his the eyes of a huadrand-or into those grandfather remains to be seen. If ot a timid and shrinking tourist-, he desires peace in the sense of be- should the occasion arise. The WO-. ing ready to sacrifice to it certain men of the upper °lass are rigorous - material end political interests, he ly excluded from Masculine eyes, and should lose no tame in transferring a hearty vote of thanks to due the the conduct of the diplomatic nego- committee who fathered this un- iations from his Viceroy to his For- written law. The dainty little Jap- eign Office. Tho gallant Admiral may an•ese musmee., teetering along fa be as aviso, prudent and coneitiatory sandals or on ;wooden geta, is a as bis friends represent bins to be, genuine relief to the eye after a but he has not tlno experience and view of the uncomely Corean woman, traditional dexterity of the Foreign and It le a pleasing reflection that 0!!Lee officials, anti he seems to have Nippon is slowly but surely s_prearr. conducted the negotiations hitherto ing her standard over the 'Hermit in such a way that a diplomatic re - Realm. ry -a GOOD RESULTS ificiali term f • to make Corea bu of Con uct:rig tts.n�s termine the sex, and one 4s often- times uncommonly surprised to ob. serve what he is positive are two girls sprawling and viciously figh't's t 'this forms no part of the ordin- ing in a Corean street. by their Admiralty. The statement and ancnttr n Are Sura to Follow time tee of Dr. Kitchen Superstition. of their data is given in the table Thus a Czar who attends to his 'Yt duties and hap a great capacity for Williams Pink Used over of 'a 'precedIng paragraph. The ex- This is no plana to discuss (tete work can control thoroughly the Fail When Usod for Blood There are many peculiar old -faiths port mentioned above says that the question of the alliances that may great legi.l ttivo and executive ma- and Nerve Troubles. toned superstitions connected tvil)r cooking. For instance, in Scotland, chino by winch he governs his em- The reputation held by Dr. Williams' when oat cakes are being baked, it is pire ; and, an ho possess +s many un - Pink Pills, not onlyin Canada, but still customary to Break off a little official means of obtaining Infor- mation, any Minister who should throughout the whole iverfd, is Daae ono time, whenever a baking oda systematically attempt to de- that cannot be equalled by +tny other made -which was, perhaps, once fa cease ]tin would very soon be found medicine. No other medicine in the month only -a Darks was made with out. With regard to foreign affairs world isso extensively used as Dr. nine knobs on it. Emelt of the cotn- h, Is sure -to be 'exceptionally well Williams' Pink fills, and this extensive pang broke one 0!!, and, throwing It informed, cl, b eau ie sit trete-nal brads use is due solely to the merit of the Mynd lilnr, said : "Tails I give to consteier that the relttions of'their medicine. These pills aro not a eons- thee; preserve thou my sheep," men- country with foreign powers re- mon purging medicine; they are a itenhg the name of a noxious animal quire their perroaat supervision, and men - scientific blood builder and nerve re• ._fes, wolf, or eaglet ' to this rule that Itulaia,n autocrats storey. Every dose helps create new. • A roast pheasant Is usually sent up form no exception. As 00011 as a rich, red blood, And this new blond with the tall feathers. This practice politi��al inti lent IL•ippens in which reaches the root of the disease and is a. memorial of the days when a Russia is interested, of remora,- drives it front the system, That is the peacock was skinned before roasting, dun is carefully prepared in the whole secret of the success of this re- and when cooked was sewn In its 1 hut it t b faced. Foreign Department, dote ritri in markable medicine. Thousands and plamage again, its beak gilded, and so What has tusstartl, explaining to thousands testify to the value of these sorted. Teasing the pancake Is an- . cruisers is the Haven, built in Sense thinkers ate in this eonfltet W tat way occurred, intrrests arca an France. Though not the greatest another yellow peril, but let us hope ew and m.rlggc�.tini; theline of pills, among theta being Mrs. Robert other interesting 'food supers tltion. In dlsi1fteement-7,800 tons -she is they, have felled to read the proper action to bo adopted, and this do- trtltbs, I'olit Liuneque, N. B., who says: Tormerly the master of the houaill the speediest slid the boat protect- meaning to 'Tepee's cry of "Art, 'or cement le tubntitted to the Emperor. "I wish to thank you for the good re. wiles always called men tO Lasa thii eh. w:he carries an 8 -inch belt at the Arline." This wonderful island gin Majesty may (llamas the ques- sults obtninel from the use of Dr. Wil. Shrove Tuesday pancake Usually he the water line, and her two 8-10011 empire has bravely succeeded 1» tion with the Mini ;ter it he thinks limns' Pink Pills. 1 suffered from kid- dill it 80 clumsily that the contents guns are protected by seven inches many evays, and tate In an astuntsh- fit, or he may r:•n,i tit' paper ',lent. nay trouble. mice the pains in the bark of the pan found their way the of armor. Her secondary battery hsgiy short period after leer meet- and send it bark with his retttarks vert. sometimes hard to bear. 1 used in floor, tritest a 1Ino was demanded by of 6-111011 pieces ins installed in case- genet) front a geoluston that Was incl orders rvrittett on the ,argot. all six boxes of the pills, and the tree - at °.ryok. The custom is still kept up ins and IS well sitnatt'cl. The deadly. She had at first two great In either tiara the ;•L`nlster grtra 1.3s i,le lute entirely disappeared. I •would n.t ricEtmtnster school, where a pans it is tossr 1 over the 11 and six J'apaneso armored cruisers are complicate the situation, though divided Into three classes, though with Great Britain's fleet behind her practically all are of the same type. Japan's success in tete east rwould The ;Heavier guns, four 8&inch, are bo almost certain. ilut. this would _parried in well protected batteries relegate the M .,maluarian and Corean fore ant aft, and the 6 -inch guns questions to a place of minor import - of the secondary battery aro mount- ante, for the entrance into the gear- ed in casonsates; the belt protection 001 or Great Brassie and France must is good, and in the newer vessels shake, the Foundation of European 1 carried to reasonableheight Governments and transfer the seat country, which, next to Russia and s carr d a of war to other seas. Evert this above the wta.tor line. The speed of all is practically the J,ap_tn, has the most important in - saute, and varies between nineteen tercets in al tnchurti„ may, through and twenty knots. This little the 'Vita granted us by solemn homogeneous squadron of armored treaty with China have to insist cruisers, would," he declares, "be hard _ upon our privileges. This surely to beat in any Other navy." Would Ise a most serious phase or the Tho `best of the Russian armored question, umus o ac . bite n to whip Chinn, an 1 to It,ttrtk (11,1700 tonal, was an epnch 11 1 l� to• l 1 1 ti' t • ma ' c x300 cited filo greatest interest, but at feriae gttt.Iltiti:n ctd�servc:t rccogr!- nada front this procedure. Finding •Dr. Williams' Fit& Pills cure all blood it is trwarllrrl rvitlt a guinea,. tl b the t nation t t tl and t locally '1''te origin of filo ernes on Ile i 1 r these at tb tions NeXt she has sonata the Emperor created t Vlev.little< am o - v' t c ltthtin:tfanc ••n a a0 • ar+'c n strongly ac vise others suffering o rt:3r r,�„ratnbleel for. Tsar one who cecuree show that her intellr+°ttinl and ma- ate an unusual lir tit foto itasm been vt +ilia rviihout rlelnv n ago wrote y 100 kt• 1 a t 1 t» 1 1 day et tome incl aslcccl your advice. Yott re* Stttrakumo•. i.. p tit i plied, and 1 followed all our an -co- Atlas' do Wottlan. I Alettsnkl n, ... "Tho use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Kasttml , ,Vogetablo Compound entirety ex., Ikadsnchi rolled the tumor and strengthened my lnazutina .., ..e..,...,••.• 'Whole eygtem. 1 eau Walk tulles naw. I A•keb01w „n.r.., table Compound is worth five diol• ! - >oro Linen • ••* 00 300 resent awing to hop inadequate 3' g It notletsar to c : credo 1 i, y eine terve iroubira, such as tltemnat'aut, bones Is. matter of dispute. There IS Ari a real tn: ala 'o re trntr:t '0 OCa V '•O(1 , otecthon and her diminished speed world. The China rear satisfied both the direction of affairs In titre far t ' neuurlgnn, anaemia, partial arrylysts, doubt that sakes party dhide.9 ;00 of fence, knots, he Is scarcely itt t t rest, to 'imps or c,r rn r' a indi cation, palpitation of t to heart, Int) four (Inatrtt'rs were made longbit• s10Q classed ninon tete effective to b' the Great Britain of the e•tsi royalty wail p lallot'dra'n,mlpto g' tet Ota g and mann athrta. Sold by ail medicine Caro the Christine era. At one tlrtrti find 111eulal uhi�e be su•ceesetnl wloty Fol uttcIcr 1.111* trderp ofrih� 4irortiy- , . , 800 armored cruisers. Tho Ciromovoh u r ss and doilies or direct from the Dr, Williams' It WAN behoved that bread baked on :3 12,000 tons, s •- nta•y lean- naval anthorittest hitt also o tlrt Rus- Tedirine C'o,, lirocicville, Onto at" "0 Good Fr day would never gi ow nobla•. 1106 ilio ila:yalt and has a largo battery, �. ( -tic rr.nre�rntat:lve:+ in . trate a hnx, or atx boars fat �.,.a0. and a ftea5e o! It grated waw kept !n nt neither - sten Y]I lonta ever bougie, being supposed to be e. .a7C, vldual Rana are too Well protectedi ''Vliett n. Igtrl Le being emir tell elle china, Corea atrial japan..Admiral ....J.�..; y, „ , docstn t care how often the eleotlrlrs Alextetf, on whom this important I sovereign remedy for ttirnast any kind 7Cr As in the stnallo type. The ltos :its are said to tstako a 'teat , 3 to the Grontovoi ex- lights got out of order, post wag eceireerel t o•"rye o el j di- g'r iitn- of ail, ant to Which man le eu ject. 175 Wye, is lamellarA eu p of in may ,parts of Lan l n:1 it is coned:. VIII • armor protection, tttllicctl in More than 50,000 pounds cif India redly with the Emperor outside of t�t�rnrt'ment in chicken salad. �`7.a much In fy l►re that $30,900,000, the foreign I) p.trtment, ee. that It ,14nglislt walnut meats to a eup of celery tired unineky to Offer a 1111000 pie to k75 much interior, wererubber, valued at more t.q 'the Russian Ambassador in London, tithed and one of chicken else tut in n. griolt. It lmutt be asked for.•.l l•• 417 It fl not difficulta to ,dote that rverti impartrdl into the Milted ,_tett. Parts or Berlin, (letteraa that he cubes in the propos prapartion. •toil daarnnl. �,�17 � filo �'ntianeigc, lime a dlr!eldt!d advan. Irtht year. Who may Ray rvl tire, at+ ragerne c ea .,.....,. � Cl6 armoe t i nitwit heavier than a1ty' trot 'silly tato oLvil, tttllital;v n 1 "Ly iia • Pinitham's 'V'ege- St')1tAmanti .11.1.,..1... Aare a drop. 1 advise all women Who ;ere aiilicted with tumors or female trouble of any kindto give it a faitpfttl trial." (Sigrtell) Mn.MSE. '. Ilivite, t52 Dudley St (Roxbury), Boston, Mass, x::86000. forfeit ,1/ arlyt1WWI of Weal Tetters prss n utrittilr,rOdAs®t 6o prodsead. • i+hinonnoine ......o.. Murakurmo Sal girl $ldratntthi Kagero nu Total ....n lovonf 606 `306 but itl r her hill nor her Inde p