The Wingham Advance, 1904-02-18, Page 74t'•
Three R ssiarp Cruisers iowi Lir by
Japanese for edoes.
New York, Feb, es.-Theee is official confirmation in Tokio, accord-
ing to a cablegram to the World, of the report tbat three of the our
Russian warehips from Vladivostock, whicli entered the Tsugarn Straits
to attack Hakodete, wore blown up by mines on the nigle of Feb, 13
while Attempting to peas the straits,
New York, Feb. re -A cablegram from London says the teter ad-
vices are that four Russian warships have been sighted in Tsugaru
Straits. eince the fleet went out three of the cruisers bad been sunk
; or &gabled.
Melte), Feb. re... -A reliable authority says that three Russian ter -
- pedo boats have been Sunk by guns from the farts. .They were eras,
it taken ter Japanese vessels.
Cape Town,. Feb. x5. -The Parliamentary elections just held in Cape
Colony have resulted in a pregressitio niajority of five over the Afri-
kander Bund. The e nal agutes °are; Progressives so, and Bund ee
140111:11C111.1,...=.111:0914 _ _
•St. Petersburg, Feb.3.-Accordingto the Novoe Vremya, the Yeni-
sei was laying mines at the entrance of Talienwan Bay with the ob-
jeet of closing it against an attack from sea.. Observing that one of
the mines had risen 'ci• the surface, the Yenisei approached for the pur-
pose of blowing it up, when the vessel came in° contact with another
mine, which exploded and caused the disaster, •
• • 0 •
elloicio, Feb. 14. --Ie Is olnetally an-
,. nouneed ebet tbreo of the.four teeps
coMprising the rival:111 1 ied:toe:0 k
e squadron • Woke blown up PrieleY
' night witil•et netempties pats
1Iroig1 tlie lese.gare Straits, septer-
ating the 1,eltends of Hondo and
Yezo. 'Bee Ruetieues suffered heave
%Pe notion was north of Aomori,
° a toiv. 111 laerthern Hondo. it L5
stated that all. three velmols Were
blown up.byeterpedoes. Tetley wore all
The only Reasian °ruiners which
wegoeat •Vlatlivootoole were the Ro-
sa, Bogatyr, leurik and. Gramme.
epee t• t floral eat lea red
for action. In order to enable theie
.t.o. get out of tee harbor it wee
peeestary to Out ettatinols in the 10e.
efierlY NOT isle TRUE.
Scepticism Growl, Reepeetitue the
8initing et the eat t testi tps
• Lendee. Fele _15,e-Alteougle
- Stole" 'ortiet bfewing up of the Ruse
(eau oruer.1U.Teugeau Strarte eves
e.e. pre -hese In (several Sunday papers as
eaxingebeee.,olf.ciaLy anzoanced•
liter niettectge alieweeteat
tiei'eepcirt'recpere.s eonarameitee Tee
'Beret) 'horteapoecleht of tee teeny
Moil, In a itoh dated Friday,
says• it IS officially announced that
three mit of 'four Iinssia,re werships
belonging to to VlaelivOstook squad-
ron were .blown •up by mines Thurs-
day night treas etteinertiug to pass
Tsugaru', Strait -fie - •
Tee eame correeentlent In a later
but undated diespetek zont. by way
et the Philippines and Honolulu, re -
"ports the destruction of thu war-
ship, but gays" the reports.- still
await aboolute- confirmation. He
says that the our warships ap-
p a red early .Therada y incr.:mg n ear -
'the northern point of Mutsu Pro-
yineeellgadde that the garrieens o:
the' Ilakodete are fully-pre-
pAred to welcomethem when they
appeAr within range. It is reporeed °-
that souncle firing in the ehrece
time ,FuleuyAbla, Flittee created a -
rumor .that the Russians are bona
bareitnee that city: A Chofoo deemetch
to thee 'Mail, bearing ne date, but'
time .7.80 evening, seye that a cable
despatch- from Tokio states that
three Russian cruisers were de-
stroyed ley torpedo boat at Aontore
In the northern part of the Island
It of Hondo, -
4.80 a. nef-Ao tea hoursenaos
Out e,cemfilleation of tile reports of
the sinking ot the three Russian
cruisers. In Tsugaru Straits, seep.1-
meet grows.
be omen that they are con-
tradictory le important Jeepeete,
E71.104 tte, whether -the damage. Was.
doe° by mines or torpedoes. Thee
Jn4neat Legation declares thee it
has lece ired ho news on the. suleect.
A pkio dovetail bent prior to the
revert of titre oinking of the veesels,
meet lees regarded prebable that
tho Rebottle fleet either returned to
Viadlleeetock dear completing. a
morement Planned to divert the jap-
Ilomharden Titkuyanue
Widen, Fob. 14e:a telegretti ree
eeleed In London tblinafternoon r�.
• potto that tho Russians bonlbereled
the 'eleven of Vulruyama, at the eouthe
Weetern extremity ol the Deane of
Yew. The VeSSOiti Wllicit did` the
bembaeding are eutelloPed to have
been the eruieero tha.t 'have been
teunk by Ictpancso torpektee ineTsu-
guru Stralte.
Thei Stralte O Timgern aro be-
tween he tIeland of .Ilebkaido, the
evtorthern of the tbree Japanese le-
asteete or elee pleased through the
Teugeett Straits moving peuthe
3apanellle cruiser sqUatireee he Moat -
leg la the bopo of locating the Rae -
Kee, fleet. If the ettieetteee should -at-
ten+t x ffeet a, killet1011 With the
Poet Arthur fleet the enhancer.: Will
endeiteor to block the witty end foree •
MY engagement; •
1eethe Mid Nippene tho • Contra le-
, Items -lens lino, Over tolfe.
Islagattaki, role. I4. --The Itussitel
belles In the Chemulpo Debt, in Which
the Verlag and Korietz were sunk,
were ono officer and 40 men trilled,
and 404 wounded.
Ant I -Government Manifestation at St.
St. Poterebarg, 'Feb. 14, -Tee dee
monertratioes of patriotism hero are
r.10.r4 miegled with political manifeet-
atione against the Government One
of these manifesecteens occurred Sat-
urday at the cemetery hero on the
crearrion 'of the funeral of Nicene.
elekteelorake a. well known historical
end Russlan litterateer. Several
thousand persons listened to anti -
Government ferteeches 'denouncing the
Peleey weicb. badeplunged the •coun-
tryeinto war. which it was declared
Would..cost, untold .wealte and •beood.
Titer° wee a :strong pea of. police
Present, but thee Were unable to pre.
vent the inflammatory speeches.
Huge crewels sang the national
anthem before the Czar'e palace. Em-
bassy and sang nattopal songs. Sev-
ere!, additional battalions from each
guard reghnent weut aboard teeing
at the Nicholne Station to -day bound
Lor ellatieberiae AfJ the soldiers
marched to the station people on the
sidewalks poured the contents of
their purees into their hands. Lhdies
ga:ve the jewelry they were wearing.
rera.doemee• swarmed from their temps
ancl showered 'tobacco and provesions
epee them.
Japanese Suppressing* the Reports ot
Their Reverses.
London, Fob. 15.-A- despatch to
the etandard feem Tion-Tain, dated
Friclay, treys the Japanese transpoets
are awaiting an opportunity to land
troops at Many mid Kinehow.
nee, • Telssian -peeltion at New-
Chweng is Very. etrong. They aro
mounting gene et the cal fort at the
mouth of the river. The des•pletch
adde that the Jripanese at Tien-'I's'n
are auppreesing adverse new tor the
purpose of convincing the Chinese
thet teeir forces are Invincible. Other
foreigners are 'approbensive of the
effect of Birch. a policy on the native
inind,• as the Chinese aro already
restless. The local papers.make out
that t•hie eapaneee fleettearne though
unscathed. Viceroy Yuan -Stith -Rai
and others °openlyadvocate a lel-
lew Alliance. The Russians are in-
ereatiag tbeir forces at Kahle and
Jetiol„ and aro etrelegthening, their
Legation guard at Pekin.
itusslan Prisoners.
Paria, Feb. Ie. -Admiral Boyle, com-
manding the cruiser Onoyden, ot the
French tar eastern 'equadron, has
.8W/eel from Nagitealti for Cecmulpe to
take on boned theesurvivers of the
.orewe,of tlett Russian warsbips Vier-
-Ing and Itoriett. %ley will be taken
to eattughai and at at •Lberty on
perce e. - •
Looking After Wotteded.
potted that the japagese bave Cap-
tured tee Norwegien vermeil Activ,
• Lena, Sentle, SeIrstad, and arge, all
or which were chartered by a?Rua-
elan naval eoutreeetee. Tbe Ruse
sla,n, ateamer Manchuria, which is
Mee repaired At Nagarta,ki, will be
Arrested on eteielOtli, As she Will
noe Po able to complete bar repairs
by that' date, elite') is tlie liner ol
the time fixed for the departure ef
all Jepaneso and Rasslan vessels
tram the ports of the belligerents.
Three efore Captured,
Seoul, Feb. 14e -The japeneee fleet
vrlech entered Chenaulpu last night,
escorting transports, captured on
Russian volunteer warship and two
steamers In the opeu sea.
Nearly 500 Japs Sabred.
London; Feb. 15.-A Port Arthur
deepeteet to-tho Daily Mail dated Fele
liete, says that according to the Emi-
t:Ian offleial ritory the eapanes.
landed 000 men near Ta -lien -wan
(Dalnye with dieastrana results. Four
hundred and ton of them were ea -
bred by Comeeks. Tho remainder es-
caped to their theta% It is else stat-
ed that the eapauese landed ne
Dove Bay, waere thirty of them
were Ued. The others retreated.
The Matra New-Chwaeg or
reepondent says that the Russiane
allowed the Japanese to land et
Riven Bay (Dore Bay), a few nailer
tease of Port Arthur. They were at-
treeked by troops and the batteries,
and retired, , defeated witlt beave,
Neither of the foregoing tarps/toile'
le coefirracd, and It le possible that
they aro baeoil on St. Petereburg re-
mora from Port Arthur and New
tamfoo Also Reports it.
Chaco, Feb. 12, -It ie reported
that 21,000 anpanese troope were
Wide(' at Dove Bay last Wednesday
morning, and that they were met be
the liassians, who engaged them in
hand-to-lien•a fight. The reportt
say tee Japanese were driven back.
It is also reported that Japanese
troops have been tendeel 40 mule
fureeer west.
Fighting on the Yalu.
i London, Feb, 1.1.-A despatch to
tho entre' Nowa from Paris says
1 that the Chinese Legation there
states -that fighting was pro -
grossing on the Yalu River between
the Russian and Japanese troops.
• The former .are mid to have cap-
tured SO Japanese officers .and
men. "
The Chinese Legation received the
news from the Minister cif Marine
at Pekin, The engagement occurred
between outposts.
LANDieet 19,000 TROOPS.
Jape Leer No Time A.Iter the Battle ot
C hem u leo. '
St. Petersbutge ecb. e4, -A. tele-
gram received from 'Ai:ajar Gen, leug,
chief of etaff, to Admiral Alexieer,
says ; "According to private ad-
vice, the Japanese, alter the Bat-
tle. of Chernuipo lauded le,00U
troop -s. Communication be were -
less telegraph betweou telemetric
and Chefoo has been established by
ships etationed at these points. Ad
Is quiet at Port •Arthur. There
is no news of. the enemy's fleet,
Messengers from Tatungkan, a few
miles east of Port Arthur,. do eat
confirm tho repqrte of the apeeter-
°aloe of Japanese Irene:ads here.
Lighte are seen at night seaward
from Inkau, and also near the
northern station. They are sus-
eected to be from theonelnY's
• 'Web:Vuitton is being successfully
carried out,
et' Gen. liazleveski, engineer -in -chief
for the li.-Virentli.;g Territory, retort-
ed on Teuraday that the forts at
Port Artnur were not damaged by
Jape,nese bombardment.
A eummu.nication frotn Vicerey
Alexieff, just received, boner= the
• report of tee landing of 19000 Jap -
new° troops at Cheneulpo. The Vene-
roy adele that reports have been re-
ceived of attempts to out ethe tele-
graph wires along the Chinese Emit- '
ern Railway, and al to destroy one
of the abutments eif the Sungari
• bridge. 'Deese attempts, lie adds,
were immedletely detected, and dee.-
. sive meaeures ealren to guard the
. Corean Emperor Converted by Recent
London, Feb. 15,-A deaphtch to tie
• Daily E.vpross, dated Tekio, Feb. 12,
"Jaye that the Japanese Minister at
Seoul, M. Consoulet Hayashi, had a
- protracted interview elearsdriy with
: YeIlytung, the Emperor, who lies
been converted into a erupporter of '
Japan by the ovento of the pest few
days; Tele eeeeatch eclair that some
credit is given to rumors here that
Jammer American -built cruiser, tbe
7 Claes, watt sunk during the imeond
fight at Port Arthur, and that Um
Malawi:ilium which Waif Admiral
Ito's flagship at the battle of the
Yale River in the eldnese-Japanese
war, was crIppleel, 7
Squadron Will Protect.
London, Fele .14. -The :Japanese
Cowen at Cheititillee has aeceded to
, a request made tbrough the Britisb
Consul that 844 Wbentled Itueolane be
pineed in the care of charetteble
Japanese. Thee Wero Planed In
armee hooleltal under the care of •
competent Japaneee dectorii.
garoness Hayashi, *if e of the jape
envie Anteater, and the evivee ot
other °Jape..neeti in England, have
lesued an Appeal to tlie eapanelle
reeldents laid the !Acetate:4 the amp-
eheese t embserlbe to a fund for the
benefit of the widows Mid tenanted
of Xtelaneee eoldieeo and sailors who
lost their lives in tbe Aver. It to re -
(molted tile fund be •nutietained
'the end of the ware the monean
to bo remitted periodicellye
Japeuese Select Vivo litteteltattimen
tehameed by Itussintt Conti/vier.
Londole Vele 14.--eateytro Shipping
Itelee has received A cable despatell
from Negttrutid, dated Felt 18th, L-
30 pane otating that the Delilah
fiteamer lienme, together wttli her
Move, tete atahred there, having been
eaptuted be the eapitneee. The
eel le a Chita gee treder. /t° is re.
Leedom, Feb. 14.-4. Central Newe
despatch from Rome spee that
Itusteen warships are pursuing tbo
Keane, and leasable, the Japenceo
mimes which anlind wine time ago
from Ocoen for the far east. It is
added that a Japanese squadron is
hen stalled to meet them.
A. slaving jape:twee squaelnen le
now cralaing 10 the Stralte of For -
moue. It „expeets to meet and pro -
tent the two crulsere,
Attlee:mum in Fight,
London, Feb. 1t. -Tho Daily Mallet
Paris oorreopendent sonde 1 eters:
tbat is printed there to the effect
that m number of American naval'
officers wore on board the eriptenese
warialiipe wlech attaeked Ant Are
Our. /t in oaid tbat b. Totersberg
has neceived eeneinnation of the
story. °Pio correependent snail; tlutt
the Incalent late •crietseel tonaterna-
tion in offbeat ciente!, as it is bound
to lead to International Complicit°.
'flu* lialtle, Fleet.
let. Petersburg, Feb. 140-*.elie Ad-
miralty° eittlauPS as neaserme tlui
tiebore. We deeire to draw -pees frioucl.
iy rtiatIoxpi eta' eloear. '
e pa were OM wOrtiely represented u E 0
• JI1111121 TeM10 woe tile tettilder of
tile presout J4031000 dynitaty, He
s11, C., end wee a contemporare of
aacentleg the Japenese tlie*ne la tee) WEDS MISS MAXWELL.
Neleicliadvezzar. T40 peewit el Irate)
le tbe 1.02nd Emperor et WS rape.
otory that the Bathe fleet bas ileen
ordered to the far east, pointing mei
that the elepo ar *. laid up At elven-
Remit, wbere the, will bp ice-beu-nd
Per the wiinter.
• japan Deeply Stirrea on einalng of a
Mreba»l man.
Tole°, Fele 14.-japen la deeply
• etirred and bitterly resentful over
• .ha Finking or the ruerohant TeSeel
Unfelt() by four Russian -cruiser%
whiell yesterday attacked the Zen -
ho and ber comperilon, the Negate
oura. wlele they were on their way
:rout Ettkuk to Otani. The attack
of the Rueseems Is declared to be a
ivanton crlmu, uneestified under vay
eircumetauces, even assutulug
.ha eetielm dIsregariled signale,
wheel la dented.
The Pereign Offloo has Issued the
•'oPowing etatement regarding the
1 Icing of the Z• n eho
"Two eapenese merehant 'tames
lin Zeneho and the IV aganonra, ton -
lane 170, end 700. rekpactively, while
ttillng from K ttn, for Otaru, wire
eultienly atteeked by four Buettner
ertuvers from Viedivoetock, on Feb.
IL while ten miles off eensangta,
Ione was opened without an order
being given to eurrender.
"The Naganoura succeeded in es-
eapmg. The other vessel was sur-
rounded by the cruisers and sunk.
tit on Loud were either killed or
It ea Wald the japaneee 'Govern-
atent le planneve reprieale, Several
Rieman ships 'which have been de-
tainee' to prevent reports of the
movement; of the Japanese from
reaching tbe enemy 17111 now. it 1
vied, be sent to the 'prize courts
•enel in all probability will be con-
Every 'Window on Main Street of' Pori
A• '1 *
Leedom Feb,. 14.-.1. report from
Choice says that thirty simile streak
the Town of Port Arthur during the
bombardment. Ono of them broke
,yeery whitlow on • the main etreet
Othera struck tbe bills, landing
among email 'muses. Ono woman
and a child were killed. The people
are paniceetricken,
Rooming by Cannon Deard.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 14, 1.20 Tem.-
officiel telegram received here
from Port Arthur, dated February
18th, says the lights of the enemy's
elects were seen off Inkaz, near the
Yalu Rear, on the evening of Feb-
ruary lath. It says, further, that
advices reached Port Arthur, Febru-
ary 12th, that Oil: Salience° battle-
ships bad, appeared in the road-
stead of Antung, on the estuary of
tho Yalu River, and. teppoeite the Cor-
ium pert of Wile, and that the boom-
ing of cannon had been heard.
Railroad Blown Pp.
London, Fob. 15. -Tee correspond-
ent of the Daily Exprees at Pekin, in
a, cablegram dated Feb. 12, reports
that Viceroy Alexieff is eraotically
isolated, direct Oommanicatioe be-
tween Port Arthur and VLadivoistok
being euspended. lie adds that the
railroad behind Port Arthur lute been
blowai up, and that 0,000 ja.paneve
troop e have landed near Delete,.
The Daily Melee Tokio correspond-
ent, under date of Fea. 12, says the
Japanese warsbip Kasagi has cap-
tured the German steamer Yokohama,
which had a cage, including dyna-
mite, for 'Port Arthur.
Linevitch to Comioand
St. Petersburg, Fob. 14.-A. tele-
gram from Khakarovsk announces
that General Lineviteli has been ap-
pointee' to the supreme command of
the Russian army In Manchuria,
Salvation Army in Javan.
. London ,Feb. 1e. -The Times to-
day sae; The Salvation A.rmy,
which has been working for six
years in japan, has tierty-eight
stations and outposts' in that
country, WIth ninety offlcern and
cadets, of whom seventy-seven are
Japanese. The army bas a rescue
home for women and another for
discharged prisoners with forty in..
mates. The iseues of the lorteight-
ly War Cry have te circulation of
Japanese Demand the Sttrvivors.
Nagasaki, Feb. 14. -The surviv-
ors from the Verlag and the Ker. -
tete, the Russian *misers that Were
sunk by the Japanese at Citemulpo
last Tuesday,still remain on board
the British cruiser Talbot, the Ital.'
Ian crueler Elba and the French
cruiser Paseel, The situation Is bee
coming errataus the. Japanese have
twice made demands of the
comatunders at the three for-
eign vessels that the RIIEP-
slans be surrendered as Prlsonere
(Contietted from page 1.)
of war. The captain of the Talbot,
being the senior naval officer, each
time replied that he was await-
ing instructions from his GoVern.
meet. None of the Russians are
abeard the American gunboat Vicks-
burg, whose commander says that
the Japanese are right in their de-
mand, as the tussiatie took advan-
tage of the clemency of the Jap-
anese in returning to the harbor,
raid then taking refuge on the for-
eign Vessels; and refusing to stir-.
melee, tvItereao the Japanese fleet
refrained from stoking them in the
Open Hoz as they could have done.
• Splenclet Russian Courage.
A magratioeut episode In tii•e battle
Wee the second sortie of the two
Ressiett crueeers. With bends pley'ng
U e national an 11011t. ttna the interna-
tional Met loudly cheering the brave
ery and gallantry ot tilt) liuseaus,
the. Verlag and Korietz awed the
jeepanese tleet, in which Was Certain
death. Teo teoeitiona of the wrecks
n ppea r -to be such that it will, be easy
to recover the gene. The Russian
leasee were ono officer and ferty men -
!aka and tette, benched and sixty-
four wounded., e. • .
st'11L ot vitu 1%111E/100.
He te the itieed ot Ilistibia Whieb
13egatt in NOM( hadritezzar's Thee.
Londen, hab. 14. -Tee jepaneee
Legation Me given Out a quotation
from the epeoeh of the Mikado !aka
elintreeley, on the occafiloa et the
amilvereatry ot jimmies nee
d•etenen to the threat* ot japan, ttt
banquetin tee Xtilperlal pelaen al
bIt glees US greet plea/sure to en.
tertain tile enema ropreeentalivea
ern tale Memorttble tennlvereary. It he
our great regret feet eireumeteinteet
bt.yood out to:it-tot ease compered
a neighboring power. lert we tire
Its to belle, perteeful ralettione With!
wry rIalLsmi ti tiny Vitt relevant))
lel tialte bleeettelitte leetWeen 510 and
A letteeelaN IMPORT'
Cle tlie Attack by the Japantee
torpedo Wats.
Neiv Yore, Vete Itle-The Herald
• lute the fulloweag bipedal from Olio -
foo, dated Thureelay ;
Tito fellewitig eveount ot the Streit
surpelso is given by litniaZalt navel
• officers;
"' elte ornieer Vahan, wee on the
eateldo ode° uf the Ruselan
and 00 duty time Beebe. Too Oleg
artillery oifieer notice,' lour tor -
led° .boatii al...preaching Wrth ftel
deehee, and In all respeete hire Rilte
elle) eeriatio boats.
teem Weer haormo0 lee Captain
tbat tho Approachiug eottis 'were
"'The captaio denied We, and
• Said they were Wait in Pore .ertimr.
The Artillery officer infested they
Were Japanese, Ana alie captain be -
earn:. angry, saying; "I am in
eoinneanti of thin ship, sir."
"Deselte this, tbe artillery el -
neer gave ordern to erepere for ac-
tion, Immediately after the Jap -
l50° lauuceed re torpedo, but the
Pallado Was able to retaliate in-
etantly, anti the alter Russian
elites cleared for acetone
"It is reported now, that the eap-
:mese attempted re landing near
fledzeyo Poi -Tie -Wee eighty niece
• north of Port Artliur, but wore re-
pulsed with heavy loss. Theynguixi
tried to afoot a landing at To -
Jell Walt, under the elielter of the
fleet, but owing to strong fort fir-
ing they were utiable to etreceel.
"It is said that one japtamose ship
Inc been torpedoed,
"British merchant ships in Port
erthur haat repeatealy Applied for
permission to leave port, but this,
eas been refused.
"The TearevItch was towed into
harbor at Pore Arthur at 3 °Week
en Tuesday afternoon, It Is Bald that
only her outer bottom was penetrat-
ed by the torpedo, that the Russians
are Aow busy repairing her, and that
elm can be repaird in two or three
day s.
"The Pallada Is still outside and
eeached. Me must be seriouslyin-
jured, but is nioiw also being repaired.
elle is the only ono et the torpedoed
;easels inow outelde.
"A sliele struck a hospital ship
eutsidethe basin cluring the bone
• eardment. The captain's cabin and
the chart -room were blown off, but
there was no loss of life, as the ship
was onle recently purchased, road
was unmanned. * •
"Foreignere in Poet Arthur were
notified at 7 o'clock on Monday
ilhebt that they bad 24 lepers in
which tor- clear out, but British
steamers have been forbidden to
etexe. One German steamer arrived
et Chefoo 'to -day:, the fleet to get
here from Port Arthur since the Col -
"On Wednesday, the Japanese tried
to land be Pigeon's Bay, near Port
trthur. Thirty-six Xeroxes° vessels
were Um there. It is not known if
the attempt succeeded.
Santa Domingo .Revolutionista in :Complete Control of the
City of Navarette.
Senator Hanna Kept Alive by Hypodermica and Oxyg
but ia Sinking Rapidly. -
• Washington, Fob, 15, -Tho
- Ing otiiclt4 buUetln WAS issued at 11
it. In.. aeance 8 a, tie teenater HAMM.
/dewier Pet ground, and no longer In
able to take nourishment by the
moutie Ilia temperature Is not ao
high, but las pulse Imo beeome inure
rapid and waterer, ami liis respire -
tions nave increased in frequency.
(ieeted) Blue, Oeler, Center."
Hamm Is now being
'rept alivo tally by the use uf
• dernecs and exygen. Tema is no nat-
ural reaction. He L sheen raPidte.
coutit re, eo Aimee.
1.4:140 t. M. -'1)..e e..d 18 afonentar;ly
expeoteti. After seseurelp,* hiniselt that
deer:et:ling pateble bee beee deem,
in. ester left fee his Janne in Balti-
more et 10 °elm*.
Washington, Vele 15, 12.80 p.m. -
Oa aceount of tee exhattethel et -
of an examivatton by the phy-
elciaae, tho eleaatoes teMperatnre,
pulse and reepiration have not been
vead for cavern," hours.
It le noticeable, however., that lie
is growing weaker, continuously. He
nark cee teueonscious for over throe
!Jeers, and practicallye for about
eight hours.
Another Revolution,
New York, Feb. 15.-.A. special from
Puerto Platte klan to Domingo to
the Herald, says; Puerto Plata,
Sento Domingo, eunde.y.- General
Jhulaez loreete numbereng 4.te? men,
• with ono melon, anti unaer come
Mend of Genei•ne evert), Penn
and Espailia, have been at Navar-
otte for four days. eehey heel) cut
the railroad aid telegraph wires,
and a,re in compee conttol of the
Jetty. They have destroyed the
' raitrotel, and ell attempts to re-
pair it have met weth armee re-
sistance, and threats have been
made to kill the railroad agent, if
lie did not open the freight cars
and allow the rebels to loot them.
Traffic between here and Santa
De Lon Caballores has been para-
lyzed far nine days. The battle cry
but It le rumored that ono torpedo
boat destroyer was sunk during the
ibt dap Vessels 'Were Injured and Two
Sank at Port A Tatar.
St. Petersberg, Feb. 15. -The feat
"Thousands of persons are leaving unofecial accouut of the battle at
Port Arthur daily' by train, GO tbat Port Arthur Of Tuesday lase bus
here la not even standing room in °been received, In a, telegram dated
"The Rusalan rouble has gone down
•14 per cont. at Cbefoo, among the
Chinese znerchante."
';ra.phio PeserIr ti m of the Losi the
Russmn Vi ssels.
Seoul; Feb. 12. -The following ac-
eount of trio battle off Chernulpo, re-
aulting in the lees of tbe Russian
eruieer, Verlag, and the gunboat
Korietz has remelted here. "During
the niglit of February 8, the Japanese
landed 1,600 men at Cliemulpe, and on
the morning of the ninth, three Jap-
anese cruisers. four gunboats and
eight torpedo boat destroyers under
eommand of Admiral Uriu, approach-
ed the harbor, but did not enter. Tile
Korietz n.nd Verlag were lying in
the barber. The Japttneee admiral
gave them until 110012 to come out.
Oath Ruesien vessels cleared for ac-
tion. All tho eleeping in the harbor
wits Do -tired by ,A.diniral Uria to get
out of tho firing line.
"There was in the barber alto the
Peritieli creator Talbot, the French
cruiser Pascal, the Italian cruiser
Elba and the U. St gunboat Vicksburg.
The 'Verlag aignallea the Talbot, and It was during his confinement in
a beat from the British cruiser went ,he Cestle of flame says the Weal. -
on board. eh° rtly afterwards the mullet e r a ze Le, t he I. Louis •le a-
Varia,e, end reoriotz got under way, ()Olean heard the epee of elle be-
tted eteamed out of the barter. The theothal of hie mean, Princess Ma-
cre:1n tly-of tie) eloglieli warship cheered thee% willow he had leved, to Prima
t out to flght. Demidef 1. ".91,;fortiot theoiatiiatsrtbeloziti"
When the Russians :yore four nines' lin excillined, arn
out the Saleneee threw, a elite; in reserve for me." There Is a story
af an encounter at some, publie cer-
acroes their bower, but they did not
nnony between Prince:a Mathade and
otop. Tho Japanese lay between the •
'elands tee miles out, blocking the zlladitme .Cavianir.Porier, whose bus -
menu Mu+ the Preel lent of the Re -
only entrance to the harbor. When Lee .
palette. Eneh of the ladle; stood MUG
1110 Ruselans 'were trix relies from the „o let tile other peat in front of her,
japaneee fleet heavy firing began on but It wee the Princes who ineleted
biloait.hboxsaidaedrie. ia0T1110e0aVone*aitag tiuirzeriedaltuier., apon girlie; way. "Title le an abcilea-
eon," ono of the Bonapertlet party
then turned at right angler/ and
&teamed a short distance westward Itriall"edinirel;.
y1),Itie nianjeeerstiewZthotIieePrir-
an if to make the beach, but sudden-. pee enseene
ly turned met and gave the enemy
hor other broodelde. The Japanese ,
continued tiring until 12.22, when tile LEAVES NEPHEW $175,000.
Verlag was soon to be on fire near
tho etern. The Russian vessels then Gas ;Roll 0 Nmployee Disappeared
turned back toward the harbor rind Prom Tor(».to in 1802.
meted firing at 12.42 pan. The Sap. Taranto. Feb. 15.-Wlea retie
armee followed almost to the en- gamely meteeee eareeed ids unele
trance of the harbor, firing on the Jehnes datrierepall down to the gas
Verlag. evbich bad n licav'y list to :mute every d ler at 0002 he !levee
port, and was OVitlalltlY hi a sinking thenght that he was beatg paid at
condition. The Korietz wee pale- tee rate of ,Se01) per hour. Ils ntlj
tinnily untouched. dee tben eras that Uncle John
"The Verlag lost thirty men and - repay hint • by cetehing
Raven enema killed and forty-two pigooa in tee ola unused loft of the
wounded. Count Oleo NV/14.1 Iti;led on buieeng. New, after o lapse of mote
the briege. About six hundred shots than lofty year% he finds that hie
wore firei in an. The Varier; wee week eatned for lam the stun of
bit in only mix -place& Ono shotovhich '$175,000.
+amok -hoe Water line amidships, john Ilefferman came from no -
wrecked ono of her engines. When wi!'ere, 0) far as anyorm knew, and
the etassin,ne anchored off the en- ween tia ritareeel lerse Reber!: Mite
teem) to the harbor, the trithilt cheles Meter the fames). agreed that
erniser Talbot emit four hoelette lo would never amouat to a "bill of
boats on boneel With a docter and beans." Dut &spree 01e adveree
nurse. The te S. gunboat Vickeleng crittetton of tee family little Sammy
Wee) 'seat. throe bolts with mimic:11 and he wet•e hue friends, olto
"The Korlotz Wee almodonel at tutleit:I.41;a012rtYleTrg 21131at
,, ilen'andn'Oeti
ano pot, lice crew weep: on board }lettermen left for the etatea, and
the Panel, and et .8.37 pee she blew feem hlret time 'until a tow day.e ago
up with n terribie expleition, 'no hill halo chum did not keow where ,
Varian: Wan abandoned 110011 hia uncle heal gene or What bad bo.
wartie her officora deeming her site tome orient,
netion lemeleati. Her dead were bit Vague eirtriera •of ide Movernente
IYOftra. enure from eine to time, bet riot:ewe
The ereev of the Verlag went ein dee into Wee Mord Ana Mee M toilet'
hoard the Talbot, the Pasette the did not k ow whether ing eater wile
Elbe, end the Vlekelitirg. The Verlag !Oho or dead. Ilefferman le eupeotell ,
burned netil 0 p,with fee:writ eve to limo gO.:c 1 Ito -MA tinted States I
leoelente Mthe flames ignited het etrmy.. W othor he eterited irt the Civil /
enimunielon. Then lite remit. The War Is unknown. but lie tluieled Ilia I
Ituttelans overmany went from the .11ine alls1 •Settled qtilotlY (*IOWA Olt
l'aftetti tO the steeinelett tweet. A b unte WHO, he reecived trout thee
Ressler! offieer told tho enptain Of Government. Ile le Meted In Mobile,
the Vtekeburce, Chet 10 heel come te Ahemeet, inveateel hie ftentiteee '
Melt enyltne fee* One night elute. The prottpertei Mite Mealy be legend
;Meatiest enettalties Are net kneten, teelt re Mt no.
Port Arenur, lob. e. L 18 an fol.ows:
At hall past eleven o'clook 1.119
ing a Japanese squaelren of fetcen
VeSSelE began the bombardment of
lenleeerteur. Our egeadroa replied,.
antiPe;lie battle lasted forty minutes.
Teo Japanese squadron could not
stand the well-placed erst fire of our
fleet, awl particularly of the forts,,
and begtie a repel retreurient Tee
fa.paroee fl tgship was seriously dam-
aged, and, according to the testi-
mony of an eyewitness, five other
Japanese shire: were considerably
:njered. Boats report two Japanese
ships sank at sea.
"Our leases afloat were two offi-
cers :rounded, one so slightly that
he continued fighting, six men killed
and 54 woueded. In tee forts two
11101/ were arghtly e ouncled. The
bombardment of the fortress caused
no damage, $lut frightened the pol.U.
lace. At intervals during, the night
firing waft heard at sea.'
Tee despatch adds that the temper
of the army and navy is excellent,
and that the bulletins circulated by
the Novykral have begun to tranquil-
ize tee people.
nteresting Clossip About an Inter
esti ng Ch exact. r.
nt'Santirtge ire "There are 00
44.0neneurlacatnio,uolotzt 141,11e4tatorias
.n,t ue ellet
licentiate:I, feel
cr330N1'4,17e3.1ruinei an Account bir near-
ly every men tieing* e.onapellee to
fight on ono side or the other. leer-
eliante are being meted, Ape the
opinion prevaia: that no ZOTerli.
went is able to guarantee Pesos
and order.
Duke ot Nerrole Merrled,
boneon, Feb. 10. -The Duke et Nor.
folk was married to the lecinerAtes
Givendolen Mary Constable MaeWell.
eideet deatgliter of Lord Berries, this
rnorniug In the Roman Catholic'
Churell in EverIngba.m. The cere-
menly, which, for Yorker* causee, bas
four Unmet been Postponed, was very
quiet, the only guerte being weer
relative% the tenantry of *us 'hike
ay; fewIlePareer"rtt 1:tigenh414 obrci
Meade. They were picture -drawee.
Coretly preempts ware genets ito the
from Meg ethrgLrd, Qt143‘421
!nide and bridegroom, liaoludieg eine
dra and humerone oorporetiess. Whet
Duke of Norfolk protiented to the
tetra of Seeffeed a public park, la
commemoration or the wegiditige
teem, r lends His Lite.
St. Louis, MD., Feb. Ile -William S.
Levee, tbe milleenaire Ste Louie Weer,
or, oommitted uielde at 9 fettle*
Saturday morning by shooting him-
self to the right temple with a. re-
The tragedy occurred in Mr. Lerep's
bedroom at hist petletial home at 889e
.5eutie Thirteentb street.
Deepenciency over the death of his
son, Frederick, And his eriend, Caret -
Frederick Pabet, of Milwaukee. te
giTrebtio aftctilbsthactaillefaerl Letup took tile
owri life did not become pubes untfl
two hours afterwards, it having been
given out by the rapine: that death
wee ue to a domplication of all-
Mr. Lamp lived an hour after fir-
ing the fatal allot, but did set re-
gain oonselousnest
Be realized that he was glowing
old witb AO family of his owe, no
his theughts turned a,gain tie the
little Ind In Teronto with, whom tis
used to hunt p,geons in the loft of
the gas house.
Hui wife was dead, and, for eld
thee's sake, he waled all of les
money to bee nephew..
Wten Ids uncle died, Mese Mitckell
was employed, as 1 sp etor •' rages
at eigeneeeg. His work only 'settee
duriag tee summer months, aail he
happened to be visiting 'his mother
and ester In Taranto et en apprised
a few days ago of the fact ef, the
fortune awaiting hem.
011 Jo n Hefferman a exetutor sent
, a telegram to 1Vittnipeg, and the
story was reported to the news-
papers. Mt h lee (ren s th re ana'ae
him tue clipping, and he oommusi-
• anted with Sohn Bass, les n ele's
• lawyer In elelele. Mee lawyer eon -
firmed the story, and it now ea -
males for M to' ell to travel to Mare
and get bis money.
Meeting, of the Women's Association
hi London.
Londorte.,Feb. 15. -The first meet-
ing of the Tariff ateforua League iwo.
inen's Association was held at the
Duke of Westminster's house. ear
Gilbert Parker presided. Malay of the
robiRty were president. Sir Celina
Parker sail tariff reform Wan aa
Imperial necessity, and ite end an
tune.ildraeya.mkt etfelbye.
gram was sent to Mr. Cbtemberlain
at Cairo wmliing look in his cause.
Mir Gilbert Parker sail that If the
method:Lai till not unite the weenies
Lo one great effort towards wheat
production we it ten yeare may pay
more tor our Mead. Mr, Chaplin void
the o: j •ete of the lineal changem were
to eeettre better marketand thieve
the colunles a little cloeer. Nothing
would bind colJnies better than the
inatierlal tide of preferential
morco. Seine tritling, dative must be
Imposel cm fool. The opposition to
thls senorita was engineered on bit
side of the House by adepte In the
lower arts of electieneerine, and he
netts the Deka of bevonshire If ever
la his long career he bad enconatered
any questiee 'which had excited orate
firth the extraordinary intereet
aroueel by the present Meal prob-
lem. • 1
• !Mr. eVanklyn, M.P., said If he had
. boon askel to offer a compromise to
freo fooders on both sides' of the
House before a critical di -region he
• woull suggeet a two -shilling bounty
on all wbeat grown In the Breit%
Noe, with a bonne of two shilange
to rannere whe keep corn in irtaek
until Aug,. 1, nem u, shilang bounty
ot r 1 cc lined ssheat, ana Gladetonees
Filleting registration dute ea all frie-
r:len wheat. lionnty on British wheat
would supply food In time at war,
aseist the farmer and federate the
empire, The duties on tea, tee -
fee, cocoa and „sugar might be re-
deem" by charging the foreigner hill
market ton on (imam; from abroad.
Piecing Man Thought. they Wore Tree.
log to Hinder* His Plight.
Camden, Jerk., aeob.1.-6.-Jeletett1eht,
liveryman of Kineland, haft Amen
lodged le jail here on the 'etrarger 01
kIlling Judge fe. T. Margret and Jr.
Mogan, Me brother, at Itensiandto.
day. Duterig a difficulty botWeert
KIVA anti a tompertitor teemed
Isenickerbeckee, the teeter, It Is ne.
"egad drew a knife, bald, tut at Kelglit.
Knight feel, and 011 turnhig 0. core
ner lento& rail bite the etergati bre-
there, on whom he opened tire With
A lettolveie killing beth. Knight
etalint; hP thought tho Mertens ire
tonded ititereepting IIIM.
wtVlett te the pried of liberty ?" bowi-
e/ ilia' pnft i,al pelibinder. After S. ;leaf
pause fee Inn:tilt, /le tontittnee sAgetiu
tusk you. try frienthe what it the Mite of
liberty / "From *3 to ale, heecedhee to
the inimor of the juage," erettetW
volco front tatt gallery.