HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-02-18, Page 5tri Thursday, February 18, 1904 Tin WINGHAM ADVANCE. EVERY BO1 Y LOADED WITH PARCELS. GROW DER'S Cut Price C1othin Sale NOW IN FULL BLAST. ONLY TEN MORE DAYS TO RUN. OUR SPECIAL OFFER OF 1 4 All Suits, Overcoats, Pea Jackets, Ulsters, Reefers, Woollen Underwear, etc Holds Good till Saturday, February 27th. Come and see for yourself, and be convinced. The R. Crowder Co. ,linnn r, - Frost Wire Fence Has no equal as General Purpose Farm Fence It will turn Stock without injury—beautify the Farm — o --�-- - does not need constant patching • r - -�1 ;�ea.o.ea and with reasonable usage will • Ir a it full particulars given on request. u r fi w--�.LY..•-w� ..,., 'A FOR SALE BY • J. W. MOWBRAY, Whitechurch. • • last a life -time. Booklet and : •) MASSE'=I-IARRIS AGENCY Have you a Cutter? If not, call and examine our stock before buy- ing elsewhere. If you will be needing anything in the line of Farming Implements or Machinery for the coming sea- son, place your order early .and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders every where. Agentfor the Kemp Manure Distributor. We also handle the Wm. Gray & Son's' Buggies and Cutters— universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF. GLOVER AGENTWINGHAM NOTICE 1 Prices of saw logs are much higher thioseason than last season, The Canada Furniture Manufacturers are prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of Hardwood logs, as well as Basswood, delivered at the Button & Ferment Chair Factory, Wingham. Farmers should get the logy in early while roads are good, and get the highest price. Canada Furniture M'frs. WINGHAM Cook's Cotton Root Compound: /adieu* Favorite, Te the only safe, reliable regulator on wwlioh woman can depend. "in the 3sout, and time of need." Prepared In two degrees ot✓ strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.—For ordinary canes is by far the best dollar medicine known. Teo. 2— 'or special cases -30 degrees ttronger—three dollars per box. ,Ladles—ask your druggist for Cook'sCo as tton all pRset mixother urooa and imitations are inr mended by all druggisteina old and !recommended Do- 'aninl•n of Canada. Mailed to any addroaS on receipt of price and four 2 -cont postage SUMPs Cook Contpauy, Windsor, Ont. No. 1 and No. 2 aro Bold in Wingham by A. L. Hamilton. R. A. Douglas, C. A. Campbell and W. MaKlbbon, druggists. W. A. CURRIE Wingham's Auctioneer. Sales attended in any part of Huron county. Orders Lett at the ADVANCE Office will re- ceive prompt attention. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT • PLATE CLASS .f' 60 YEARS° , EXPERIENCES ATENTS. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may �niott11T aseortaln Our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions Meetly confidential. Handbook on Patonte cent fru. Oldest agencysecuring stents. PatanU taken through for Munn Co. reacts rMat notice, withoutnharse, 1atb• Scientific Jimerkan. A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest sir. eulatton of any elontiao ]ournal Terme, $3 a ear; four months, jL 80 d byall newadott1OTL IUNN ioc p h',New York PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURE() Write for our interesting- books "Invent.j or's Help" and " How you aro swindled." Bead us a rough sketch or =ski of your in.. vention oriniprevenient end we will tell you, iro• our aortae as tb whether it Is probably bppae•atentable. R•lected applk.tlons have often successfully (executed by us, We condoct Hfe�lly .c ttiplpped office. In Montreal, Nu Mid Washington ; thtaqualibee us to prompt- ly dispatch work tad quickly ►•cure Palmatei As lid so the invention. Il ghost references, ftlylttetiti'procured through' litstrion & 11.. tics ready* erected tletlee'a'lthout clump in over to newspapers muserieeted thr•aghott Hit Dominion. Sp.d►ltrl-•-Pttent Wiriness of Manatee - tants and *agitated, MARION de MARION Patent Experts and Selloltorw, iotieitr Nal.„.,...., 'if „steork l.tfe 1111(awyje.4,1111(4,yi A tp. SUCCESS attends the graduates of —Two Courses— Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRB Preeldeat Soo'y. 90 per cent. of Fat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, were led with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. DEAR SIIts— We have been feeding your Stock Food to cattle for some time, and find it to be an ex- cellent tonic. We have also fed it to horses and pigs, and aro quite sure it is the best stock food wo have ever tried. Our prise winning cattle at the Provincial Winter Fair, 1002, were fed Worthington's Stock Tonic. LESLIE & PEAREN Brecdor Shorthorn Cattle, Acton, Ont. DEAR SIRs— I find your Stock Food is a very excellent Tonic for cattle, giving theta a good appetite and keeping their digestive organs in a healthy working condition. The steer "Scettie," ex- hibited at Winter Mair, weighed at birth 801bs. at 35 months 2000 lbs., making a gain of 55 lbs. per month. It pays to feed Worthington's Stook Food. ANDREW RICHARDSON, Brecdor Shorthorn Cattle, Peopabun, Ont. DEAR Stns—We have used your Stock Food for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good satisfaction. Several of ourcattle have shown a gain of over ]bpermntfeeding it. JAS. Brooders of Shorthorn Cattle and Yo k h1rc Hogs. Note the Price: 10 lb. box, 200 foods, go; 50 lb. sank, $2. For Sale By J. Bowman, Wingham I W. Messer, Bluevale Agar GC'Earle,Lucknow N. Gerry Brussels Henderson & Henderson, Whitechurch 1�e Cave the Xakukaks. Lots of them—do your own choosing. We knots thq styles. We know exactly how they should bo cut—how they should fit—and its our business to put all these " knows " together, and fit you out in the best that your money can buy --- no matter what price you pay. It would please us to have you drop in. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor iv s Clens —In the United States, in 1902, 1,895,- 812 tons of beets were worked, costing on an average $5,03 per ton and produc- ing a total of 436,811,685 lb. of sugar. —On Tuesday of last week, there passed away the oldest remaining set. tier of the 2nd con., Stanley, in the per- son of Mary Fraser, relict of the late Donald Ross, sr., at the advanced age of 88 years, Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 11,—There will be a proclamation of Canadian neutrality in the struggle between Japan and Rus- sia, Notice to that effect will be pub. lished at once and the proolamation it- self will follow. —That silos are popular in Ohio is proved by the fact that in fifteen town- ships of that State aro to be found 1,000 silos. Progressive dairymen have found that a cow must have succulent food during the period of lactation for beet results. —It is said that Peter Oettler, a High• laud County (Ky) farmer, killed a hog lately which when hung up, was eight feet long and weighed 793 pounds. The hog was two years old and stood three feet high. His head weighed forty-four pounds, and thirty -live gallons of lard was produced from the big porker. —Turuberry, in the northern part of county, has 2,400 of a population; Tuck• smith, iu the southern part, has 2,464, practically the two smallest. Howick stands high with 4,140, Grey 3,559, Ash- field 3,496, West Wawanosh 3,218. Why such differences should exist be- tween townships side by side, is hard to understand. Bracebridge, Ont., Feb. 12.—On Feb. 3rd, two little daughters aged four and five, of Samuel McMurray, met their deaths while the mother was out at the barn. Having left the little girls alone, they got a box of proprietary medicine pills off a shelf, and ate a considerable quantity. Death followed almost in- stantly. —It will be remembered that some months ago a threshing engine broke through a bridge in Metcalf tp., killing Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Muuroe, who were riding on it. Their wives have sued the township, and one has recover- ed $1800, and the other $1600, damages. This shows the responsibility of town- ships in such matters. —Mr. Wm. Weir, an old resident of St. Marys states that 64 years ago a winter similarsto the present one made trouble for the people. It lasted from the beginning of November till the middle of May. On the 4th of May, sleighs were driven from St. Marys. On the same day the first man killed in St. Marys met his death while falling trees so that the cattle could feed on the tope. —The night of Jan. 27th was the coldest in the history of the copper county—of Michigan -48 degrees below zero. Cattle were found frozen stiff in barns, and teaming and all outdoor work was stopped. The worst storm in the State was on the 24th, blocking roads and trains. Yet a Branch County farmer unknowingly looked his wife in the barn, and she nearly froze to death before he missed her. Listowel, Feb. 10.—B. Rothwell, ex - principal of the Listowel public school, met with a particularly painful mishap. He banked the furnace fire for the night and went upstairs, but turned to go downstairs again, lost his footing and fell headlong down the steps. The lamp he was carrying was smashed, and the oil, which covered his face and head took fire. Mr. Rothwell sustained several very severe burns, his left ear being almost reduced to a crisp. Tights --The Canada Gazette contains an application to Parliament, made by the Guelph Junction Railway Co., to build a line from Guelph to Goderioh, with a branch to Listowel, and another branch to St. Mary's and Olinton, via Stratford. The company asked for power to lease or sell the proposed main lice and branches on the Q. P. R. —Mrs. Gibb, of Stratford, aged 82, widow of the late Geo. Gibb, of Downie has, with her sister, Mrs, Ballantyne, widow of the late James Ballantyne, of the same township, a history of no little interest. The former lies thirteen child- ren, three sons and tan daughters, a]1 of whore are living except the eldest son. Mrs. Ballantyne is the mother of ten children, six sons and four daughters, all of whom are living. Mrs. Gibb has in all forty-seven grandchildren and twenty-three great-grandohildren, while Mrs. Ballantyne bas forty-five grand- children and three great-grandchildren. This makes in all one hundred and forty-one descendants of the two sisters. It will be seventy years next May since they came to the Huron tract with their parents, the late Jas. Simpson and wife, from Peebleshire, Scotland. They ar- rived in the Classic City May 1, 1834, when Stratford had but one store. A Serenely Happy Man Is Mr. Thos, McGlashan of Pelham who was cared of muscular rheumatism by Nerviline, the most powerful remedy in the world. I suffered all manner of pain for years, he writes, and Nerviline was the only thing that did me any good. I can heartily recommend Ner- viline for all forms of rheumatism; it goes to the very core of the pain and brings lasting relief. Let every sufferer from lame back, aching joints and swelled limbs use Nerviline. It is sure to cure and costs 25c for large bottle. Brussels. The Maccabee Band is keeping up its regular weekly practice and should be in good shape by the coming summer for filling engagements. Barrister Sinclair went to Toronto en Wednesc{ty as the appeal case was to be heard on Thursday in connection with the extension of the sewer on Turnberry street. Brusselites interested as stockholders in the Durham Cement Works have ap- pointed C. Broadfoot to represent them at the annual meeting to be held at Tor- onto next week. Next week President Jas. Speir will go, to Toronto to attend the annual gathering of the Fair's Association which meets in the Queen city on Wed- nesday and Thursday. A representative from Berlin Sugar Beet Factory was in town last week ar- ranging for the holding of • a public meeting to dismiss the question ofculti- vating a largo quantity of beets to be purchased by Berlin factory. During nearly the whole of last week G. T. R. traffic was at a standstill as it was impossible to move trains. Mer- chants were complaining of not being able to get goods, besides the severe cold prevented customers from coming in to buy. Many staple articles in the grocery line had run out altogether, or were the next thing to it. Dan. Ewan has placed moat of the machinery, he recently purchased in the building set aside for the woodwork de- partment of his manufacturing indus- try. Some changes had to be made in the interior of the building, but this has all been accomplished and the machiu- ery—some five in number—so far receiv- ed, placed. Other machines are to ar- rive shortly and when all are in position Mr. Ewan will have a first-class equip- ment for the manufacture of all kinds of vehicles. —The development of the Canadian Portland Cement industry has been rapid during the last two years. In 1902 eight factories produced 62,000 barrels, 350 pounds to the barrel, with imports of 460,000 barrels for the same year. With five new cement mills now under construction with a capacity of 5,600 barrels per day, with several now com- panies organized, which, if completed, will add over 4,000 barrels per day, the entire future output claimed will exceed 3,500,000 barrels. With thirteen plants finished the output would be 2,275,000 barrels at the outside. Parkhill, Feb. 11.—A boiler exploded at Harrison's Mills last night about 8.30. The crash shook every building in the town and as the electrio lights disap- peared simultaneously everybody jump- ed at the conclusion that the boiler at the electric light plant had blown up. It was soon discovered that it was the boiler at the Harrison estate roller mill which had caused the trouble. Happily no one was killed or injured, but most of the glass in Main and Kiug streets was broken. The west end of the mill was blown out, the engine house com- pletely demolished, and tho woolen mill adjoining badly wrecked. Pieces of the wreckage were spread all over the town. —There died in Egmondville, on Fri- day morning, January 29th, Mr. Leo- pold Otto Van Egmond at the age of 80. He was one of the most remarkable men amongst the early settlers of the Huron tract; a direct descendant of the cele- brated Count Egmond, whose tragical execution by the Spaniards is a momen- tous event in the history of the Nether- lands and Europe. His father, Colonel Van Egmond, was en officer in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte, but pre- vious to being with Napoleon, he fought with Blutcher in the famous battle of Waterloo. Colonel Van Eg,nm id and family sante to Canada in 1827. He had a large contraet with the Canada Company for opening the road through the bush from Stratford to Goder1eh,. He took fk prominent part with lito- Helaate itis the rebellion of 1887. Grand Trunk At World's Fair. jpt ers Feed your hair; nourish It; give it something to live on. Then it will stop failing, and will grow long and heavy. - Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only - Hair Vigor hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing Just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " My hair used to be very short. But attar using Ayer's Hair Vigor a short time 1t began to grow, and now it 1s fourteen Inches long. This seems a e 1en41dresult to me atter bolus almost without any hair." Mae. J. 11. Firaa, Colorado Springs, Colo. $1.00 a bottle, J. O. ATER 00., i All druggists. for Lowell. Mass. Short Haig A Few Sharp Points. Wine either improves with age or turns to vinegar—and it's much the same with people. Many put the zero into the collec- tion and then complain that the church is cold. There is one class of persons upon whom whiskey seems to nave little or no effect—those who let it alone. Some one asked Victor Hugo if it was very hard to write poetry. He replied: "It is either very easy, or it is impos- sible." It is a great thing to be accurate, especially in financial matters. Dr. A. Clarke quotes some one as estimating Solomon's yearly income at £142,242,- 034 8s 7d. We should have had some doubts of the correctness of this state• meat hacl that 7d been omitted. In kissing a baby during a canvass, always remark that the dear little thing has the beautiful mouth of its mother. The extensive and comprehensive ex- hibit which the Grand Trunk Railway System are arranging for the World's Fair, held at St. Louis during 1904, is now in course of preparation. The pro• posed pavillion which it is the intention of erecting is one combining beauty, elegance and artistic merit and the de- signs submitted to the Exposition authorities were greatly admired and accepted. The pavilliou will be erected iu the "Fish and Game" Building, fac- ing on three aisles, will be of Corinthian and Doric architectural style, embellish- ed with emblematic desigus of flsh and game, and it is claimed will be one of the handsomest structures at the Ex- position. Canadian haunts will be the predominating feature of the display. The mammoth palaces that form the main picture of Sans "World's Fair" the Eorsign and State buildings and the "Pike" (Midway)—aro at the present time much further advanced before the opening date than the buildiugs of any other of the great expositions that have been held in the past; in fact, the in• stallation of exhibit is now being pro- ceeded with in many of the buildings. One good feature of St. Louis is the Union Station; there being only this one, all tragus from all points with the exception of excursion trains from a distance of one or two hundred miles of St. Louis will arrive and leave from one depot, and as the street oar lines pass the station visitors will have no trouble in reaching their hotels or boarding houses without difficulty and early after arrival. People who have seen the grounds for the first time marvel at the magnitude of this colossal undertaking and do not hesitate in forming the opinion that it will be the greatest event from an in- structive, eduoatioual and amusement poiut of view, that the world has ever seen. Two hundred and fifty conventions have already signified their intention of visiting, and have completed arrange- ments for St. Louis during the World's Fair, Catarrh Of The Head. It is very common, but awfully dan- gerous because it causes deafness and leads to consumption. Cure is as cer- tain to follow the use of Catarrhozone as day is to follow night. You simply breathe the fragrant healing Catarrho- zone which spreads through the nasal passages, throat and lungs, driving out every vestige of catarrh, "I was cured of chronic catarrh of the nose and throat" writes M. E. Wilkinson of Lan- reuceton after many years of misery by catarrhozone which is a splendid free remedy to the air passages from mu- cous. Catarrhozono relieved quickly and my cure has been permanent. Price $1.00 for two months' treatment; trial size 25. What Is Dyspepsia. (baling, nausea, louging for food yet dreading to eat. You may have the real thing, but Fertozoue will etre you like it did S. D. Hantingclon of Hamil- ton who said I frequently was attacked with dyspepsia that I thought it must be heat disease, I awl rerrozone and got relief. I kept 0n using Fertoxone and was oared. My digestion is in per - feet order and I can eat anything to. day. Nothing is as good as Ferroxone for the stomach. Pride 150e. at drag - gists. I Sell Real Estate No Matter Where It Is. TO THE MAN WHO WANTS TO BUY. No matter where you are or in what part of the countryou want a property, I can serve you. It makes no difference whether you want a $100 lot or a $10,000 farm, or any other kind of Real Estate r want to hear from you. Just the property you want may be on my list, in any event, I may find it and save money for you. I am not only in a position to most advantageously serve the man who wants to buy a home or a farm, but, I ant in the best possible position to serve the man who wants to make a profitable investment. TO THE MAN WHO WANTS TO SELL. Now, while you have the matter in mind. write and lot me know what you have to sell and how much money you want for it. My plan will interest, you, even if you have no idea of ever placing the property in my hands. Write to -day giving description and price of property you want to sell. CLYME MAGUIRE Real Estate Agent Office :—Upstairs in Vanstono Block. MONEY TO LOAN—At 4S per cent on improved farms. Easy terms of re- payment ; expenses light. Apply A. Dulinage, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Kent Block. I can quickly sell for cash, without local publicity, your business, Real Estate or Partnership, no matter where located. Send me full particu- lars, prices, &c. Address— CHAS. E. POWELL, 19 1V, Mohawk St.. Buffalo, N. Y. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGHAM s' ADVANCE. DR. OVENS 01' LONDON SURGEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Visits Wingham monthly. GLASSF,S FITTED PROPERLY. NASAL CATARRH and DaAt•NxSs treated. Wingham office at Campbell's Drug Store. London offIce-225 Queen's ave.; hours 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits--Mondays-- Feb. 1, Feb. 29, Mar. 23, May 2, May 30. Juno 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov, 28. C. IIAMILTON AUCTIONEER BLYTH --- ONT. 30 years experience. I have conducted over 5000 successful Auction Sales in the County of Huron, and as a rule got better prices and sell to better mon. Orders loft at ADVANCE Office, Wingham, will receive prompt atten- tion.r, Satisfactionexpense. guar - an teodo ear•antcode Phone or telegraph at my exp Terms reasons Your ,Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer's Pills. The kind you have known all -your life, 1.0. AyerOd.,to*1n,Stew. ISARD'S 20 Per Cent. Discount Sale. Here's the Chance of the Winter. We want this February Discount Sale to be the largest and most successful in the history of this store. You Save 20 cts. For every dollars worth of the following lines of goods you purchase, we will hand back 20 cents, or in other words—you get one dollar value for 80c. 20 Per Cent. Off Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Boots & Shoes, Dress Goods, Ladies' Underwear, Children's Underwear,Fur Coats, Ladies' Jackets, Top Skirts, Fur Ruffsi Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Men's Reefers, Men's and Boy's Suits, Fur Caps. TERMS :—Cash or Trade. All goods marked in plain figures. Buy now and save money. IN IL H. E. Isard & Co. Opp. Bank H°milton REXALL HOUSE- HOLD Highest Price Paid for Produce DYES THE ADVANCE OFFICE These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath they are the latest and most improved Dye in the world, Try a package. All colors at W. Messer's store, Bluevale, and C. B. MoClelland's store, Bolgrave, Ont, for tasty and down -to -data Job Printing. Prioes right. g *. +l *.fit+1.1 ? 11:1 +4/++ Irlo ++ X 4+ 4+ 4+ 4..* 4+ 44 4+ 4+ s+ 4 4* +. 4+ 4- 4+ 1 ays eo WORTHOF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES AND SILVERWARE +.4to be sold at COST for -14 SPOT CASH. 4 F 4+ .c F 4+ 4 4+ 4t 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ -14 41 r' t 41 From February lst until April 1st, we will positively sell at CosT. This is the chance of the year to get a good Watch, or anything in the line of Jewelry, cheaper than you ever heard of be- fore. All our goods ate reliable, and of the best makes, and we warrant them. No old goods taken in exchange on new. goods. W. 6. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor Stone 'Block Opp. Queens Hotel 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 r 4 -4 -4 4 Want your moustache orienrd ,x+444444444,4444,444 , ++44+ ,4,, sir beautiful brown or rlch'blak? Use BUCKINGHAM'S LL �'(E