HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-02-18, Page 44
Thursday, February 18, 1904
This Space
Next Week.
Alex. Ritchie
For cheap and medium priced
Dining -room Chairs, • our styles and
prices lead.
New designs, with high back, double
stretchers, very comfortable, at $3.25,
$4.50, $6.00 and $6.75 per half doz.
4 Sets only, each consisting of 5 Chairs
and 1 Arm, worth $11.50 -for $9.00.
Another lot of two dozen Rockers, sold
regularly at $2.00 and $2.25 -our price
is $1.75 each, The most comfortable
cheap Rocker made.
Residence -Patrick
St., 5th house West
et Nsmttton's Drug
Store. Night calls
receive prompt at-
Ball Bros.
The People's Furniture Store
Mttttttttttttttt tittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt M
sw ."�
0044 ,� _ 4444.
... ---
....,. _• 0444.
0000 -.-.
-e.w M
0000 •,,,r
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E T. A. Mills has decided to
clear out his stock of Boots,
Shoes and Rubber goods inside
of 30 days. Every pair is mark-
ed . down to' a clearing price -
cost is no object -they must go.
Cali and look through the stock,
and I am sure you will buy your
Fall andWinter supply at prices
that were never heard of before
in `'gingham..
.bust be cleared out in GO days. A full line
to select from.
Obzt:o int Botts 1
and of crop and animal products
of the census year, Approximately
one-half of the total agricultural
values in the Dominion may be set
--The presence of au official of .down to this province. Quebec is
the British War office in Canada second with about one-half the
is construed to mean' that Britain total of Ontario, Manitoba stands
is preparing for contingencies in third in land and implements, and
the far east by purchasing horses crops and animal products of the
iz1 Canada, census year. Nova Scotia, bow -
,I: .ever, is third in buildings, and the
north-west Territories in live stock.
--Hugh Clark, M.L,A., has in- The fourth place is ocoupied by the
troduced a bill which ought to be Territories in land and implements,
passed, and which, if it becomes The proportionately low showing
law, will very much mitigate the of buildings as against ]and and
saw -off nuisance. Mr, Clark's bill crops in Manitoba and the Terri -
provides that, in a controverted tories compared with Nova Scotia,
election, when a petitioner aban- New Brunswick and other of the
dons a petition, then the deposit is older provinces, reflects the new -
forfeited to the crown. ness of settlement of these sections,
1 while the high relative showing of
implements and machinery under
-A. Russian of ' revolutionary the same heading follows from the
tendencies living in Montreal, ex- fact of the immediate necessity of
pects to see uprisings of the discon-
tented all over Russia, if the war
continues. He thinks the Japan-
ese will be finally successful, be-
cause Japan has a constitutional
government and every soldier fight-
ing in the ranks feels that he is
fighting for his own interests.
The Toronto World says -Of all
the political scandals that ever
existed in Canada the gravest is
the intimacy between the Attorney -
General of Ontario and the private
corporations holding public monop-
oly franchises in the municipalities.
How can a man who is up to his
eyes in shares in these corporations
be fair to the people who are tied
down to them.
-The Supreme Court of Min-
nesota has decided that tobacco is
a necessity of life. Vendors of
mere common bread and butter
and meat and eggs must not open
their doors of a Sunday in Minnes-
ota. It is not necessary to eat,
but it is necessary to smoke, and
even, we fear, to chew. All the
worshippers of tobacco will salute
joyously these Daniels come to
judgment. Food is a luxury.
Cigars, pipes and cigarettes are
a necessity.
-The official estimate of Mani-
toba Board of Agriculture places
the total crop of all grains pro-
duced in the province in 1903 at
82,576,519 bushels. As 'compared
with previous years, this season's
crop shows a falling off in total
production of 17,475,824 bushels.
Of this decrease, wheat shows less
by 12,960,38a bushels ; oats, of
1,042,000, and barley, of 3,141,170.
The Department's report estimates
the acre prepared for the crop of
1904 at 2,385,$05 acres.
-Russia wanted time ; time to
get over the worst of the Siberian
winter ; time to further complete
her trans -Siberian railway ; time
to get more troops, coal, transports
and supplies around to the Yellow
Sea ; time to raise more money.
Japan knew this and every day
that the Russians gained by their
devious methods of diplomacy was
a strain on the patience of the
eager Japs.and a direct blow to
their cause. This strain ended in
a Budded snap. Japan was ready
and reaped the benefit of that
fact ; she knew her enemy was not
ready and she inflicted a deadly
these as compared with buildings.
The total valuation of the industry
for the whole Dominion, including
land, buildings, implements, live
'stock and animal produots of the
census year was $2,169,086,269.
-''The wastage of war" is a
terrible phrase which soon may be-
come familiar to newspaper read-
ers. The experience of the first
contingent which Canada sent to
South Africa may illustrate its
meaning. The 2nd Royal Cana-
dian Rifles Landed in Cape Town
on November 30, 1899, not far
short of 1,100 strong. A. draft d£
more than 100 men was sent ont
early in 1900, so that the battalion
included from first to last about
1,200 officers and men. Six
months after Ianding, on June 5,
it marched into Pretoria, and then
was only 450 strong. Over 700
men bad been left on the wayside.
Yet the regiment had been in gar-
rison for ten weeks, and only about
100 men had fallen in battle. The
other 600 men had succumbed to
disease and hardship.
Unbusinesslike Government.
The Laurier government is truly
a wonderful business contrivance.
It has increased Canada's expendi-
ture $25,000,000 in seven years.
Of this amount millions have been
thrown away. More mullions have
been called for because of the reck-
less manner in which the business
of the great spending departments
has been conducted. Money is no
object to the existing cabinet, so
long as the people can be bled.
Estimates are submitted to parlia-
ment and ministers officially an-
nounce that certain undertakings
will cost Bo much. Another ses-
sion is called and the original es-
timates are found to be entirely in-
adequate to defray the expendi-
tures. The great Liberal party is
thereupon commanded to vote more
money, and the injunction is obey-
ed to the letter. The Opposition
may protest, but its voice is ignor-
ed. So great an evil has this un-
businesslike method of doing things
become, that there in no keeping
track of the party in power. Here
are a few examples which show
how absolutely ignorant the minis-
ters are of the expenditures they
endorse :
Estimate. Cost.
Dredge Feilding.t ............$300,000 5500,000
Port Colborne Harbour
improvements 395,000 495,000
Sorel wharf. 175,000 935,000
St, Joseph wharf 5,000 15,000
Hillsboro Bridge 450,000 1,494,000
51,325,000 $3,439,000
In six items, it will be seen, the
government required $3,439,000 to
complete works which were origin-
ally intended to cost only $1,325,-
000. Dozens of other cases of the
same kind might be cited, but the
above is sufficient to indicate the
incapacity of the present regime.
Prof. Goldwin Smith says: -It
was hardly to be expected that the
two judges who tried the Gamey
eases would give their' time and
labor for nothing. Still, the knew -
ledge that they were to be paid by
the Government will hardly help
to satisfy the public, What we all
wanted to know was whether there
was a corruption fund, and wheth-
er it had been used to corrupt Mr,
Gamey. A committee of privilege,
if its members had retained a
spark of regard for the honor of
the Legislature and their own,
would, by a few direct and search-
ing questions, have arrived at the
essential facts. Alt that we got
or will likely get from the extraor-
dinary tribunal into which the
Government shunted the inquiry
was a legal verdict on the purely
secondary question of the personal
guilt or innoeente of Mr. Stratton.
For thio we pair# $47,000, not reek-
orning the expenses on the other
-Ontario leads by a eonrsider-
able margin in values of land,
b i1'i v6. ibook'.
Immo in Manitoba wheat prices.
F W. Thompson of Ogilvie%, pre-
dicts that No. 1 Northern will be
one dollar at Fort William before
April let. Some other millers are
predicting two dollar wheat inside
six months,
The increases which have oc-
curred arejustif4d by the struggle
that has begun. Russia is the
third largest wheat producing coun-
try in the world, and, awing to
the waste of war her wheat will all
be withdrawn from export, Japan
again, has just begun to develop a
taste for bread, a taste which will
enormously increase her purchases
for Sour is order to make good the
waste of their own foodstuffs
caused by the war which bas be-
Besides this there is the proba-
bility, indeed almost certainty,
that a large British force will be
assembled on the British Columbia
coast within a few months, and
this will make an immediate and
enormous demand for wheat and
all classes of food material, If on
top of all this, which is not at all
improbable, half of Europe becomes
engaged in war before spring, no
one can venture to predict the
prices which may be reached in all
classes of foodstuffs.
The eventual results of the war
between Japan and Russia will be,
of course, injurious, because war is
always destructive, but the imme-
diate effect will be an enormous
stimulus to market prices, and
Canadian farmers should be pre-
pared to take advantage of the con-
ditions that have arisen and which
the Sun has been cautioning them
for some months past to anticipate,
The immediate effect of the war
has already been felt in several
other lines, both in the United
States and Canada. Three special
trains from Kansas City and
Omaha recently arrived in Cali-
fornia with over 3,000,000 pounds
of beef for the Russian army.
This with others in prospect, must
affect beef prices. The Japanese
Government again recently placed
an order for 389,000 pounds of low
.grade salmon with British Colum-
bia canners, and salmon is expect-
ed to advance in price with the
further orders that are looked for.
Our Industries Threatened.
The government decided to en-
courage the manufacture of binder
twine by paying a bounty of three -
eights of a cent a pound on all
twine manufactured in Canada of
Manilla fibre. The whole people
will be taxed for the benefit of the
manufacturer, and little good will
accrue to the industry. Without
straight protection the Canadian
factories have been placed at the
mercy of their American compet-
itors. The United States cordage
trust shipped 14,698,690 pounds of
binder twine, valued at $1,810,238,
to Canada last year, while our
manufacturers did not sell a pound
of binder twine across the border.
Taking advantage of the helpless-
ness of the Canadian binder twine
producers, the United States mon-
opoly threatened to undersell and
close every Canadian factory, if the
owners maunfactured more than 25
per cent. of the amount of twine
actually sold in Canada, and those
who had money invested in the in-
dustry in this country were com-
pelled to submit to the terms.
Proof has been offered to the gov-
ernment that sueh an arrangement
exists, but Sir Wilfrid declines to
hold an inquiry and rectify the in-
justice by excluding American
binder twine. Before the Liberals
came to power binder twine could
be purchased at a lower pride by
the farmer than at present, and
many, more hands were engaged in
manufacturing it in Canada.
(weekly gun.)
War between: Itnasia and Japan,
which has at last broken out, has
produced an [immediate and mark-
ed effect on market conditions.
At once wheat for May delivery
jumped to 040 in Chicago, 8fc
above last week's figures.
In Ontario this : effect was almost
as great, winter Wheat selling at
Western Ontario points yesterday
at 88c, as compared to 72c 1ti year
ago. it is cause for Congratulation
that a great part of the increase in
price will accrue to the advantage
of Ontario farmers, as it is believed
they still hold half of last year's w
The Courses of Study in the
Are up to the highest standard of ex-
cellence and that is one reason why
this popular sohooi is now eujoyin. a
"record- breaking" attendance. You
want the beat training and we give it,
therefore enter at once. Circulars
W, d. Elliott, Principal.
Every Box of
is guaranteed. to give
entire satisfaction in all
cases of Stomach trouble
-if not, money refund-
ed. Try a box and be
I have room for two
students in Telegraph
Chemist & Druggist
Otttte 0-.N.W. Tel, Cs.
r» ...
.�. 0000..
e.+,•� 4000
.w.. 0000.
w '^+
.,..w 0400
We are sole g.
E. agents for
E For Stile only by
G01111 AN Campbell
crop. They are in no hurry to
unload, tither, as present condi-
tions indicate they are holding for
the even dollar.
There has been ss corms onding
,r ! IpL I
The People's Popular Store
Macdonald Block - Wingham
as1 004•+0.. M 1
rurs nue dew. i I 1. Inn ii J , ,, IIi i ISI
Winter Dry Goods
must be cleared' out be-
- fore spring goods arrive,
We offer you bargain
chances that you don't
often get. Buy early.
Until further notice we
will give a 25 Per Cent.
Discount off the follow-
ing lines: -
Wool Blankets
Wool Sheeting
Men's Underwear
Boys' Uuderwear
Ladies' Underwear
Misses' Underwear
Fur Coats, Caperines, Capes, Ruffs,
Mug's, etc.
Winter Gloves and Mitts for Men
and Women
Ladies' Coats and Skirts .
Men's and Boys' Ouercoats, Ulsters
and Suits
Mantle Goods, etc., etc.
Bargains in Dress Goods as
advertised last week.
Seasonable goods at a big reduc-
tion in prices.
Farmers Z Bring your
We will continue our
sale of winter Footwear
during this month., Money
saved is money made ; we
offer you money - saving
Men's Heavy Rubbers Never
Break' Duck, 4 ply with rolled
edge, laced or buckled, regular
price $2.50, sale price $2.00
Snag Proof Rubbers. -
$2.25 buckle for 51.75 '!
$1.50 1 buckle for 1,15
51.25 boys' for 1,00
Men's Overshoes.
Regular $1.75 for $1.50
Regular $1.80 for, 1.60
Regular $2.25 snow excluders, 1.75
Ladies' Rubbers.
Regular 40c for 25c
Lumbermen's Sox.
Regular $1.00 for 75c
Regular 70c for 50c
Regular 50c for 27c ._
Regular 40c for 30c
Long Boots, Pelt Boots.
Regular $3.50 for • $2.75
Regular $3.25 for..... 2.60
Regular $2.50 for 2.00
Regular $2.00 for 1.60
Potatoes in now. We pay Regulai $2.00 $1.50
Regular $1.50 for 1.20
Regular $1.25 for 1.00
70c per bushel.
SP a
We are now in a position after the storm to
. f
supply customers same an. usual.
,RPUNES.-At this season when your jars of fruit
Jo are getting low, there is .nothing to take the ilk
place so well as Califoria Prunes. Harvest
Brand -10c, 12c and 15c per ib. for
dwiot ORANGES. ---California Oranges, Seedless. These IV
15. Oranges are coming in now, nice and sweet-
i 311
30c, 40c and 50e per doz.04
APRICOTS. ---The price of this fruit has again
advanced. We had a lot secured some time
ago-12-ic, 15c and 18c per lb.oe
me o4.
ct ONIONS. -Nothing so nice with beefsteak as
Onions. This season they are very scarce-- ,
viS $1.00 per bushel.
at Griffin's
Homuth Bros.
Close Prices
As we intend to remove in a few weeks
to the store now occupied by J no. & ,Jas.
H. Kerr, in the Macdonald Block, we offer
Special Inducements.
We have a great variety of Worsteds, Serges,
Tweeds, etc., which we can make up to order
in the very latest style.
A very fine line of Shirts, Ties, Hats,
Caps, in fact a full line of Gents' Furnish-
ings, which are nobby in style, reasonable in
price, and sure tri please.
A call solicited.