HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-02-11, Page 7JAPA The , • • . ala4WWW“ aeommimmwe 1 401VIATIC ,ATI NS IT Mikado Got Tired Waiting for the Answer of the Czar. OPPOSING MEN AND FORCES, 1 Russian forces on war vessels 01“ 010. .401 1044 liA• • Japanese forces on war vessels....., *.... ,... ........ .... 31,otoo : Russian commander, sea and land Admiral Alexief f rJapanese War Minister .6 • ....Gen. Tenauchi /1• Japanese Marine Minister .... .... -Admiral Yamamoto iRussian troops in. the East ..... .. .... .. . ..... 195,00to '1 Russian guns in the East.. .. - , . ...... .., . ..... -380 Japanese invading force .... .. Japanese guns .... .. .... Russian war craft in the East Japanese war vessels .......... .. .... .. .... .. - _ .,. ltkaa.emeeeeeeeseeee- - • 'WV) of Baron de Rosen, tbe Russian e.e.‘ Minister, from Toldo, and it has been adviced Of tee announcement that the Russian Government considered It possible that aetion looking to- ward mediation might be taken. No exchanges with Great Britain, bow - ever, 'have occurred. Something in this direction mayj be clone to -mer - row.. Weslangton, Feb. 7. -Count Cas- sini, the Russian Anibassador to the United States, upon the receipt of the cablegram fret; St. Petersburg, called epee acting Secretary pt State Loomis, and informed lilm of the interruption of relations. • re,000 ; • • •••$0t •••••• •7•• 370 146,000 it Diplomatic Rupture. St, Petersburg, Feb. 7. -It is 'offi- cially announced that Count Lams- dorff, the Bowleg Foreign Minister, bas informed; the Russian representa- tives abroad that japan has decided to break off negotiations with Russia„ ;and to withdraw her Minister and ler entire Legation neat been St. :Petersburg, and 'that upon the re- - oeipt of a. note to thie effect from the .japanese Minister, 'Russia had or- dered Minister Baron de 'Rosen am! the Legation' atoll tO leave Tokio. The Official lvieesecinger publishes the following circular telegram, elated Feb. 0, which hes been sent by Count Leanederff to Russian rage- eentritives abroad; "Acting under instructions from his Grivernment, the Japanese:Minis-. ter at the Imperial court has pre- vented o note,•weigh, informs the im- perial Government of the deeleion cf Japan to break off furtecr negot,a- tions, and of the recall of her Minis- Aret „and the whele staff of the Loge - en. "in consequence of 'ibis, His Im- perial Majesty bas boon pleased to eirder tett the Russian Minister at 'Maio°, teeth tae whole of the Imperial mission, snail leave the cap.tal of Japan witnouttleley. 'Such an attitude on the part of the alakio liovernment, wiatili • has not evon awaited tee arrival of the answer of tie Imperial Goverement, whice wee sent off duriug the last • few days, throws tte whole reaper's sib:lity for the consequences wh.ca may arlso• from a rupture of diplo- matic negotiations between the two empires en Japan.". :Jaime Oyes , Paris, Feb. 7.-T1le) Japanese GoV- eminent luta communea e t t - anent to M. Motono, the aap.a.nese Minister here, annomacing the ;sever- ance of diplomat() relations 'with Russia, and giving details of the rea- sons therefore. M. Motoao took the etaternent to the Foreige Office. Sub- sequently the Japanese Minister gave the Associated Press the • following 55 135 that the first clash had occurred would g not to be upTp eaveettlotns have come with great rapidity. Answer Not Delivered. The Russian note. woe already in the hands of Baron De Rosen, Russian Minieter at Tokio, for delivery to Baron Bornura, the Japanese For - alga Mlnieter, when, at 4 o'clock yes- terday afternoon, M. Rurino, the an unbending attitude, while, es it japanenoMinister here, presented matter of fact, Japan has not ceased himself at' the Foreign. Office and to be Pacific and conelliatoey. I •informed Foreign Minister Lamsdorff know wo aro accused of cherielang that hie Government, In view of de- warlike designs and wishing for war lays in connection with the Russian at all costs and there has been talk answer and the futility hitherto of of an ultimatum and a threatening tbe negotiations, considered it use- rote. All this le untrue. When it loss to continue diplomatic relations beioomee poesible to establish the re - and would take such stops as it spensibilities in these matters by the clowned proper for tile protection of publication of tho documents show.- japnet's interest. In obedience to In- ing the vartotts phases of these corn- • strections, therefore, he asked. ,for plicated. negotiation's, it will be aeon hispassIrrt. it is known that 'Crnt on whicb side: were prudence and USSIA. Resole, In which cave (Cireat Bri- tain livill joile 11411(1W:with Japan.. Text ol the Agree:plena The governments of Great Beltain and Japan, actuator] solely by a de- sire to maintain the status quo and goneral Peace in the extreme east, being, moreover, specially interested In maintaining the independeece arid territorial integrity of Lee Exeter° of China and the Empire or Corea, and in securing equal opportunitien In thew countries for tbe come:terse and industry of all nations., hereby agree as follows- Aetiole 1. -Tho high eentraoting parties,. litivine mutually recognazed the independent:0 el China and Corea, declare theinseivee to be entirely un- influenced by any aggressive tendon - ekes In either country. Having In view, however, their special Inters cats, of witch those of Grime Bri- tain. relate principally to Celina, while Japan, In addition to the In- terests widah she possesses in China, • la interested in a peculiar degree Japan's New Waesleps. politically, as well as commercially . Now York, Feb, 7.-eThe elan has the and Indrustrially, in COre,a, the. bigh following spiseial to -day: Singapore, coat -meting parties recognize ^that it Strait Settlements, Feb. 6. -The Jap- will oe adnesilble • for eitlior of them mese cruisers Nishin and Kasuga, to take such measures air ina;v be in - recently completed at Genoa for the nisponsible in order to safeguard Argentine Republic and purchased by those intereists If threatened either the Japanese Government, Sailed by tic aggressive action of any other for japan, power, or by dititurbancee apising in Japan Was Conoliiatory. China or Corea, and neceaeltating the intervention of either of the high Paris, Feb. 6. -Ml. Motono, the contracting parties for the protee- Japaeese Minieter here, has in 'the' tion tif elle liveil and property of its course: of a.n interview, spoken as subject& • • • ( 4 Melon of beeedere not 0 exhibit. at it there has be.en attributed te Japan or Japan, iu the defence el :Oleic re- lire a natioral live stock association. Phaadelphia, Wilmitigton, and tilt . dijuirbundninFtt counties follows: "Contrary to the truth, A rtlele IL -If either Great Iiiitain Louise and also the proposal to estala fiercely as at daylight, and there is rel, should become involved in war follows : Honorary Presided, F. W,y pewerlase to meks ies and suburbs, i near O'Donnell's .wearf has been hope that it will spend itself within any inlpreuesieeni iai tile all-devoulte ractically consumed. and there 10 spective interests ati above deeerib- The eleetion of officers) resulted no a, few Were. The lumber dietrict contracting party will ruairitain a }Pres(431°derintaLive Stec* Commissioner ; ltnonts, although for hours over i PlittIe rnaterlal left for the flames to strict neutrality, anti uso it; efforts lumbus. W. Smith. re-elected, co. 400 setreams of ,ater were thrbowe alio the Hama?. So terr c las . een feed on in that dietrlet Tim Ilona- . with another power, tiro otherldgb to prevent other powers from join- the heat ever apace the fire !started. i.ng in hostilities against its ally. FAILED TO AFFECT CATTLE. ume of Emoks, flying sparks and im threatened, and will probably be and 40 dense and suffocating the vol. mental Theatre on Baltimore street A.rticie IIL-If in the above eventburning embers, that it is eiffieult - burned. All ielectric pewer has been any. other power or powers _ air the firemen to stand Ian, deotroyed, Fund no street ears are should John in hostilitiee against Experiments Support, Kocha Tuber - that allet the other high Contract- • culosis Theory. ' witnin fighting distance of the running. Big Ofra Stitt Burning. and will e,onduct the war In oom- Berlin, Feb. 9.-A further instal- F.,ein,ea were,,_ :lames, while several trucks and en - ng• :on:users a A Y. hopelessly d.sa.bled by clay wilt say: "Aores of buildings, The News le its early edition te- .ng party will oomo to its assistance, mon, and make peace in mutual ment tA tee Recounts of experlinents "i''' t a earl h.our in agreement 'with it. made by tee Imperial health officers tie action. • eovering territory more than half a, mile In length and from three to parties rigree that neither of them mals to man and vme versa has been At 7 o'clock the situation was so .dx blocks in width, were .deetroyed Many Buildings Blown Up, Article IV. -The high contracting in traeoferring tuberculosis in aril- ' will, without consulting the other,- published. The experiments were. hopeless, so far as effective work in Baltimore's great fire, *hick enter into separate Arrangements conflecti to injections under tbe skin, by the firemen was concealed, that started yesterday morning. .Th. Article V. -Whenever, in tbe opin- ent publeation of tee results of nate buildings at the threatened points, . flammable nature of th.e buildings and • of tbe 'interests above described, -; 'Be) re -Hewing summarizes' the pees Chief Horton decided that the only fire is • still burning, thing left to do was to dynamite considering the high wind and ine with another power to the prejudice Tee rieulte are not ready to report. Ion of eitlier Great Britain or Japan, culturee from cattle and swine: Eight and thus prevent .as far as posslales and material in front of it, it may the above mentioned interests are predueed general tuberculosis w.hen a further spread of the flames. In continue to burn for hours yet, Ln jeopardy, the twee governments pursuance of this plan a num,ber ol No one can tell the extent of the transferred to other cattle, wlele well communicate with one another from 41 preparations from liuman th Charles street, digester, whieh now Sias reached , fully, and franklYi Publects only four mused tuberculosis buildings 'on Sou leitween German and Lombard, were proportions far In excese of the Chi- ArticLe VI. -The pirefient agree- in cattle. A noteworthy fact is that , blown up. Subsequently the iipl•n- cage) fire of 1871. hitherto the g• di 1 structure of J. W. Putts & Co., :tree:test fire in the United States. ment shall come into effect burned- • tlieSo four were from children ran lately after the date of its signature, ing froru three and one-half to s'ix notion dealers, at Chariss ant Fay- No end can be seen at the , present anti remain in force for five years ette streets., the Daily Itscord bull- writing, and to estimate the total and one-half years of age, ably to safeguard the Tientsin -New- rrom that date. In case neither of 'Deo experiments are regarded nis ing. Ross' drug' store and other loss is folly. , g cliwang .Railroad, which enters the have notified twelve months before that instances of the communication heroic remedy merely delayed, but lumber, R ipping, railroad Great Wall at Chinwangtao. It is , the exp,Iratlein of the said five ;years 'af contagion Omni anhuals to man did not impede the onward march nancial interests have been de - are most rare, and have slight lin- of the conflagration, and for 'two etroyed. Notwithstanding heroic ef- reperted that the Russians are seiz- the Intention of terminating It, it portance in the spreading of tubercu- hours or more the fire department forts on the part of the local f ire • ing various points on tho northern Isbell remain binding until the expir- Lois. Tue expgementers add that tile has stood practically helpiess. department, reinforced by almost part of thie lino. . atioin of one year from the day on numberless firemen from Washing- • • Japan's moderation Astonishing. which citber of the high °entreating present stage of the investigations Saving Them Valuables. on, Ithilade'phia, Wilmington, News t does not warrant referring to pre- - .1:1 fl I 1 district includin the ately turned to the faithful, and the nilasionaries exposee, to the herrere of war. The Vontift mid: 4'X etill eats) Acme in tbe peaceful diepovition QC the •Csar. Let us pray that Qed nlaY Jars Seize Steantere. Lor.don, Feb. 8.-A epecial dcripatch tivnt Berlin 04.Y6 that n, strong fleet of Japanese wonshipe, xteported to be on Its way to Ohemulpo, Corea. hes _ mixed several Itusbian treeing titeeau.' CLYDESDALE BREEDERS Demand Resteses Duties to Ifixolude U, 5. Soruis. Tartrate, Feb. 0, -The Cyvnadian Clydesdale Breeders' easootation he.d in this Dagen Douse yesterday the most puccessful meeting in its ills. tory. Trio report of tile SecretarY- Ulroasurer showed that a great many Clydesdales ilea been imported, but only 132 etallimia and 07 mares were recorded, iehice. is perhaps it small percentage. Sales .of Clydesdales Dave been flAtuif watory, all through. the season. Tuere line been it groat do inane for etalliobs all over Canada they have been Field at paying prices. Baltimore street, after having asni very feer have gene to 'the United btn,tes. The financial statement showed receipte $3,370 and balance on hand $1150. A resolution was adopted aslant; the Dominiou Government to place a minimum epecifio duty of $iet) eac' home that is imported into Canada whoa the value iH under $150, and OgLTIM911E • IN .FLAMES. Fire is Sweeping the City and Cannot be Cheo..ked. All Efforts of the Firemen Without Avail. Baltimore,. Feb. 7.-4 fire which broke out at a few anlinutee beam: 11. o'clock Ude Morning In the whole- sale dry goo -la 'louse of Jolie Hurst and Co. hap raged: with unre- 'etrairied Ivy 11000, an.1 at midnigir it is still unchecked, and is steadlle -ating its cenemene way eastward nI deotroyed almost all of the large etores and warehouses in the whole- sale clisstrict around Hopkins Place. end ali tite imiLlings on both sides ei Baltimore street, from Howard to Holliday street, from Charter Ind iesitimore to Charles and Lex - when the value la above that a,mount legion, and on Fayette stmet from that the duty De 20 per cent., always excepting registered horses for breed. Charles to Hea city. including a to- tal of getout twenty b:osks of the tial beal- ing purposes, Mita shall be admitted free of duty nem owned and import- mot modern and substan ed by British eubjeets, bona. fide reel- della bu.viege in Baltimore. The loge dents of the Dom neon and registered in the recognized 'stud books for the cannot 1)3 estimated, but it has cer- .0.1ely already reached §30,000,00Q different breeds of horses in the come or $0,000,000. try in wbieli the breeds originated, • the Agricultural Department of Ca - isighters Powerless. and lo the stud booker reeognized by oda. The association esdorsed the de- The fire dcpertment, aided by engines from Wash.ington, " but ne tangible eV/donee to this ef• feet has time ler beln secured. , The *area of the tire distriet extend. • from Liberty etreat on the week, btoiLono.eie Falle en the emit, A dis- tance of abont three-quarters OS mile, anti from Fayette to Prate streete, dietance of lour pity Several tens of dynamite were used 4uring the daY and night to blow up buildings, in an effort to) prevent the spread or the fillnles, hut even IWO eue,valling, rind the strong Whid which blew Het flying embers hither and tbither soon ignited other buildinge. 411 44 the buildiege of the Bialtianore Pe.ners, inoluding the effixes th• Aseoelated Pres a were destroyedby The pubAshere arranged immediately to have 'War editione prieted tthe preepes of Wesh. irlIrgetalinsItiraeliedAteliethiChairitc!ousr, Pltshr: and dooke of the harbor, aud soma* to im spreading to the peutheaetern section of the city. The wind ehapged from west to nortlorest ehortly ,aftor five o'clock this tite VFM:ir irinfro' ani t"berltwthiolesitre4iltilisto- ber distriet. IZIllione of gallons ef water bass had no (Afoot on the (Manes during the night, and at dell* break the fire seems to be growing In ite peodigiouenoss. Mauer have ex:teethed to the water front at Light street, and threaten all of the eoutheaistern rection of the cite, eaverel fire engines from near -by citiee have juet arrive!), and Are at work in the fire astriet. The local firemen aro tired out, but are 'tick- ing nobly to their work. The city prectically to under. mar- tial law, the fourth and fifth regt, Merits. Maryland militia, together with compa.ny of regular artillery, men from Fort l)cifenry, having re- inforced the local police force to keeD the crowds Oi check. Daltlinorce Feb. 8, 0.30. -The fire continues to epreed eastward anq mouthward but le not burning AA L?",131r1Qtr etri;;::d t?' Ae an re- p a th : Iserino 're- moderation. I can assure. you that calved his passports. arid after con- peon has made great concessions. . , itch ;stage of the conflict hes been . suiting with Sir C. a Scott, tile marked by reiterated proofs of our British Amlnissador, returned. to ills Legation, where the preparations for g°13(1 -wills" M. Motono said further that lie wirt,s not aware of the con - his departure have been •started. tents of Ruesia's answer, but that , A Itigid Censorship, = japan nev.aited It with confidence. Another verreon is that the Rue - British Troops Moving. - sian reply was not in the posscseion et Baron do Bastin when SO. Remo Satinghai, Feb. 7. -Tho laritIsh regi- , called, on Count Liametiorft, but was ment, the Sherwood Forestore, is pla- in the telegraph, office here await- paring tomcat on the eteamer Gwang ing 'transmission, and that it was Ping to Chinwangtao, where the withdra,wn before being. despatch- railroad from Tiontein to GInchau xi, Open the dieeloeure of Japan's paskes the Great Wall. The move- posftioa, the Rutaan autho_Liss met meld of this regiment ie presnins the situatlem with great prompt- noss..Instruotiens recalang Btron de Rawest were telegraplied, directing lum to leave Tokio immediately. Count Lamsdorff's 'official circular to the (Suntan representatives abroad, instructing them to inforin • the Goeernmenter of the countries oar es s ia tato o ar , N, j., ewer , el., arr a eg pan's action, -was then prepared and moaning niers:arts that the Japanese . if, ellen the date fixed for its expir- 'cautions welch may betaken against chief banking and brokerage firms and New York City, the fire at tide to which they were accredited of Ja- London, Feb. 8. -The Times this • printed in the Off icial Messenger de nands were of a moderation that ation arrives eitber ally is actually the contraction of the 'disease through meats and milk. on South and German streets, seems. e If i ly le our a raging ma ur cue ,as Wile morning. With war imminent will usetonieli tho world when they engaged in as' ar, the alliance shall, to bo doomed, and score& of the was an hour after it originated in a rigid censorship has .been, este,b- are disclosed. Japan did not even terse facto., continue until peace is concluded. liehed over information reloting to ask Ruesia to promise to move a naval and military movements. • • oonfirming Prof. Koch's assertion buildings were dynamited. But this .4 The wholeeale dry goods, prieduce, •ti lould single eeldler from leancauria, or to St.' Petereburg, Feb. 8. -The rep - Czar Osobig to Moscow. renounce a isingie right in Man- turo of diplomatic relationo between . Preparations were made for the churia. Czar's journey to the ancient capi- The Daily Graphic, dealing with Resole. and j'apan was discussed tal,Moscow, where he gods hi accord- . this same, subject, asserts that the m.oderately in the morning papere a e w i le o g no. in, o e treaty here - ay, the onu a g otattoment : .. . . 'SAW. Feb. O. in vek i diVine guidante. Wh Is the ted to Russia was drawn up by laeron • opens° to the Bussia,n note of Janu-• cow troops will ifne every foot of ing relatione the very day the Rue- ric it/ traditional custom to ri 1 1 d • ft f th eubmit- t - d tl s b in unan- ..,/ihe wee Japanese ;este, in re- Imperial train is passing to 'Mos- de ROSOn. imously placed on Japan for sever- . ary 6, had been remitted to the- Rue- the tray. ( Russians invade Corea. ,.„ elan reply was to reach Tokio. ' start Minister to Tokio' on the 1.3th . ' Preparing. to Depart. ' Cabling from Tokio the correspond- • .1 of January. The Japanese Govern- ment had insisted that a. •ptempt re- ill the • Japapeee art treasures, During the night, as if by magic, tint "of 'tho Daily Telegrape gives a repert that Russian troops have al- of a, peaceful et ,etlement, and nays The Vieclornosti still sees a. dim ray 1 BP017180 be meth) to it owing to the gravity of the situation. _ In the japaneee Legation, and the leozzes and ivories, had d:sappeared 1 and that an official declaration of epaa.„ tho last word has not yet been , ready one:seed the Corean frontier, • o eot receiving tbe answ,er lege • spelmious salens.were bare. When a . f Orcei. Merino, the Japanese Minister. repreeentative of the. Associated .1 at St. Petersburg, bas made to Count Press called M. Kurino entered the s.1 Lamselorff on eeveral °masonsre- salon, his bloodshot eyes giving eve- cently representations in order to se-. demo. that be ha rl been a Wenger cure an answer from -Russia. Not hay- to. sleep. Ho was, however, without war Is expected Mienday. Japanese Finances. Tho Novo° Vromya, repeating its ,i•esteeday's A. Tokio despatch says tho Govern- charges that Japan's de - mento preliminary • estimate places dire wae to bring about war no mat - the amount of money which it is pees ter what was the tenor of tile Rue- eibi t b the , 1n of war „eon reply, adde : "Even Japan's ex- ing obtainettehis anewer, he itsked a trace of ..exeitement. There was -an bonds at five million yen. The craordinary milliner of rupturing ve- lem-to indicate the earlier st dete Fir ae. of firm reaolittion aGo bout him . vernment is ninh tgraeified at the tattoos liae evoked no Chauvinism in the roP17- Count Lamsdorff, wale e which was the. Only noticeable finanqal prospoet. , Russia, but it is merely outburst of promising to melee v. resporme . as _ change ' in • his Usual demeanor. . • patriotiom." early ,as possibleo•has not been able Throughout the strain which - has Oreat I) and ler Coal. to indicate sonen . the response just passed the attitude of th,e Jap- ..Landon, Fob. 0.-Tihere is renew- ' )eesrages in Code. New York, Feb. 8. -The Japanese could be tra,nsinitted to the Japan- anese Minister has been Ear:silly cor- ed activity at Cardiff owing to the Government bas decided that cable ese Government. • rect. demand for coal. The Admiralty "Tho Japanese • Government, hoe- He has been on good terms per- agents have received inetructions to me6seages in oode may be sent to Ing vainly Waited on its Part, the sonally with Count Lamsdorff and secure the prompt loading of coal Japan without restriction and an- te° oilier Russian officials. To -day nouncement to that effect was made .. Ruselan answer for more tlia,n three Y cargoes for the British 'fleet in . weeks, and having been, moreovet, he declined to offer an explanation Japanese w,atere. Steam 1. Is to -day by they Commeteial Cable Co. 'f . informed that .Rassla. was making of the colones of Japan, saying the . do freely sold that it is impossiole 1. active preparations for war, and was authorities at Teino would doubt- to obtain spot eargooe. There is concentrating her troops and her less give their sale of the :story. oorsiderable pressure for the immedi- naval forces tow,a,rde Corea, is under Ho did, however, venture to point ato ohipment of coal already pule • tho necessity of breaking off nego- • out that the irritation created by eta,sed by Russia arid japan, and for tattoos with Russia, and of minim- the delay in the Ituselan response, tho Enecesea.n navies, hence eeveral ing its liberty of action." together with the forecasts of it might have convineed the Govern- .Pdays aro likely to elapee before the No Formai Declaration. ritish Admiralty orders can be ment that it was futile to proceed 1 'Doke), Feb. 7. -The oevera.nce of fille0. further with diploniacy. Gen; Hamiltoo an Attache. diplomatic relationo between Regain, As M. Kerte° looked out of a win - and Japan appears td be only a London, Feb. 0. -Lieut -General S:r don., at the Legation he sew a bet ,• step towards war, although when the talion of the Russian imperial, •Ialn glamiltotn, Qemirternutistrie-Gen- aiinistere of Russia. and Japan with- . oral to the 13rittsh: forces, will, it is GeartiHe •sliove, ,ed no emotionbut s announced, in the event of war _be.- draw from their respective poeteald, rather sadly, that the rupture . quick and decisive action in expect- Of the diplomatic relations did metedtween Japan and Bessie., be appoint Britleo military attache with the odes Japan has waited until eon- necessarily mean tea • r. • vineed that it was ueeiess to wait Russian forces. L Will eave on Wenesdny. . ended the die. _ dWovid's Peace itt End. longer, and has now easel:on. Tho indications are that Four cars were ready at the Warsaw 'station for the Minister 'London, Feb. 8. -The Telegraph thisg, referring to the far cast there will be no formal declaration morning, and the Legation staff, AL Kurile) a.tua.tIon, says: Tho God of battles of war. , will leave at the earliest, possible has flung the dice, The destiny Is In Japan Will Seize Coreamoment, but will probably not be His hands at last,and with tho stern japan will publicly define its pool- able to get away before Wedness lion and purposee, and the Foreign day. ' of the world is at an end. When and echo of that terrible cast the peace Office has prepared a new ratite- It is possible that the Czar may how it will be: restored no living. man ment. On eilenday Japan will un- persetally undertake the Oroloatian dare say. questionably seize Corea, and al- of the Japanese in Russia, as Nellit , The ltufre.lan Meet. though Russia. has previously Intim- olas I did in the case of the Eng. - e atrel that it Weuld not interfeee, in licit during the Oriatean war. Pans, Feb. 8.-T,se St. Petersburg °erre ondeet of tee Dario edition of mesas leading financiers and busa the cellar of the John E. Buret co.. OLD FOES MEET. ne,ss men are scurrying in and out ast Liberty Mad German streets. The - ..` of their offices, bearing packages or fitreets In the burned and (burning • Love Vella at Unionist and Liberal placing valuables in hastily Immo- diErtricts present a scene to -day Free Traders. lased conve;yancee. . thrilling, pathetic and harrowing. During all these houre the pyre- This diertrict is fully two miles teresting and social pellet:al gath London, Feb. O. -There was an in- technie dieplay has been magnificent equare, and it is fully two square 7 and impoeine; beyond power to de- mtlee of utter ruin and deirolation. Pcores and scores of -whits*, was pale - tiring to -night at the residence ce, pMt. At thee hour -midnight -the tete modern and so-called fireproof Baron Aimborne to mark the coall- fire is abeolutely beyond control, don ol tho enionist and Liberal free buildings yesterday are to -day so vast columns of seething flames are tradere to combet Mr. Chamber laie's many seepsisss piles of grimy ,and shooting ekyward at varying points ascal proposals, The conainction of, of the compass, and the firmament ernoking, and a ghastly mockery of bi okened debris, smouldering- and party opponente was even less re - is one mass of golden and silver- theiur vanished splendor. mark thia than the meeting on 0010- Le eparke. Great multitudes of mon ground of rival Liberate knoll as Lord Resebery, 81r William Vernon People line the street% awe-struck Fire Cease Control. with tho dazzling but terrible panore Baltimore, Md., Feb. 8 -Deputy Harcourt. the Duke of Devonshire, a,ma which Ls being enacted before Marshall ata,nnirig at 10.30 o'clock and Sir Henry Campleill-Banncrman. Among the Coneervativee presene their oyes. announced than the ' fire Is practi- were Lord Hugh C oil, it Eon of the Troops on Guard. e cally under control, Jones' Fails late Marquis- of Salisbury; Mr. C. Detachments of the 4th and 5th llaYing 'checked it' 2. Ritchie, formerly Chance oi o Regiments have been called out, and _ the Exchequer, and Mr. Winston t aro pa rolling the atreets in the vic- ' Churchill. , inity of the fire, guariling property There was a dinner given f or the and keeping order. leaders and the ladies and their lam - Do: rttinately thus far the confiagra- dies, which was followed by a re - ton has not repelled the residence ception, at which there were 1,- 600 guests. portion of the city, but fires are . breaking out in Feist Baltlinore, and the. indications aro tat the reel - TRADE WITH THE STATES. dello° streets will be invaded. - . It is pnoba,ble that not a single Suggestion Made by the Live stock ono of the five morning newspapere Breeders, will be able to get out an issue to- morrow morniug, with the possible Leave ler Nasaisaki. Toronto, Feb. la -et the annual _ exception of the San. - Port Arthur, Fob. 8 -In- response, meetings of the Dominion Cattle to instructions from the Japanese breeders' Asseciations held at tee Ono hundred and fifty policemen • government, many Japanese sated Palmer 110Uk0 yesterday, the general from Philadelphia arrived here to as- sist the Baltimore police Etna mill - from here for Nagaisaal to -day. repart for the two organizatione ' Tile Chtnese in Mancbutria are and for tee swine -breeders noted the tary. , greatly exc:ted, and numbers of fe,etng of disapproval prevalent Baltimore, ' Feb. 8. -The monetary them aro preparing to leave for Che a,mang to breeders of Manaoba and loss in the terrine 'conflagration, Foo. , tie Nertiwest regarding tbe speckle' which started Sunday afternoon, efforts of the Ontario farmers and will probably reach $200,000,000. Ne Japs Cahn and Confident. producers tied are being made to ex- lives were lost.. Acres of the most Deaden, Feb. 8.-Sach expressions tend their trade in tho west, at the valuable property in the whole - as 'tho poseibility of avoiding hos- e . N.r ensta ( f the merle th. •ro The herds sale dry goods, produee, lumber, tilitioe" receive scant attention here '-e-- - ' - • - In the vsest, it said, had been buat shipping, railroad, financial districts, and nobody helleveo but that fighting up from terde and flocks of puro- have been destroyed. Notwithstand- Will begin aimed immediately. i 4- bred Itook from Ontario. Ing herolo efforts on the part of the despatch to thaDaily Ottil from Kobe Tito sheep trule could be monzipceres- local fire department, reinforced by e fitably extended to other t almost numperiess firenien from says Putt Baron:De 'Rosen will bo re - Emperor on Fob. 11,. Tile Tokio tittihr7. ton, 'Newark, N. J., Newark, Del.; coleal in farqwell audience bY than the Northweetern, the report Washington, Olilladelphis, WilmIng- respondent of the Standard reports eakl. A. representative might visit the western States, where o business Harrisburg' and New York city, the the utmost activity on the part or might be worked up. t tiro this hour is raging as ;tripes- railroadst which are rapidly convey- Teo repert woe adopted. ly as an hour after I started at ing troopa to ports of embarkntion. The streets of the capital are full of ' Liberty and German streets. The animation and the calling of see IN THE T ZANSVAAL. origin of the fire is said to have tilers. The people are calm and eons. been from spontaneous combustion. - fident A correspondent of the Daily pessimistic Deflvtiell en the Situation -- • ----:-• ------ ... Mall at Seoul says lie learns that Orem I.ord 5111116.r. Pa n ti I ; 5 SPAVIN , 1 London, Feb. 8.--A. bine book on 11E11:WILL a ....cunn Japan ilea *anted nou-combatante anu • the fear Was general here yeeterclay been fought and a Japanese fleet a Is as, bore' fighter of indomitnble the alanehurian railroad. the Herald telegraphs that Admiral of ,Clionin and GenseNto come sout 1. .. Skyrd1,11, commander of the Black Title is supposed to indicate Japan's Sea fleet, will connnand the fleet In intention to strike through northern the far east in the event of war, lie Corea in the direction of Harter( and cournge and inflexible will. Ms aP- Newspapere republish the Russian he realizes the gravity of the ac- japaneno women and children north e 'iv 1 raw iom , g , 1 .n, peseimistic despatch from Lord South Africa. Issued to -day contains eouth Africe, in welch, referring to leaner, leritis' 11 High Commiesioner, in of Chinese labor, Lord Milner Says the Transvaal 'Legislature's approval the old reliable remedy for SpnvInt. Ringb ono'. Splints, Curbs, etc., andel' tonna ot Lameness. it wolts thor antil mimes annually. Corte without a blentish, as It doss not blister. 1 VIOW of that dountryts present at- Itus.sialis Peofees Surei•ise. 'wildest character, its, for example, here to -day there aro some of the Amid the crop of storied afloat Rumors of Battle. tilted°, dovelopmente •are eagerly . . . awnited. St. Petersburg, Feb. 7. -Although that a naval battle has :dread that the presentation of tlie Ituesiari sulk.. : pointment will delight the naVy. note of 1805, Which declares that Hon, but there is not the ehatleve . note to Japan might be followed by What Russia Ptoposed. - No Danger to 1., P. Itisii et. the retention of the TelaosTung venire. of n, doubt no to Ito wisdom. TII0 411,r Ein act on tha part of the Japanese 'When Count Lamstlorff informed M. 'Montreal, QA0., Fob. 7. -la view of Entia by foreign power would imperil depreselon 111 business is increasing el• -Government which would plunge the Kerlho on Thursdaynight thee the the (strong poosibility' of War between the Chinese oapita.1, render the ins daily, the revenues are falling off, '1 two eountrIee into war, the :starts reeponee had gene to Viceroy: Alex- Japan and pussia timeo is eensia. dependence of Corea illueory, and mane people Meseta of work, and un. ling action of Japan In seveving dipleft, he did not give him a copyof orn.ble intoreet shown ng to what JenPartlizo Peaen ill tile Orient. The lose the attention soon changes a tomtit) relationwith Ituesia before it, !but it is understood lie made effect hostilltie8 woule have on ties newspapers invite it repetition of groat exodus of whites is inevitnble. • the riettial delivery of the Ileseien known, in it general way, the Russ Canadian steamers teeing to the Trafalgetr and Waterloo, slime JaimePublie opinion, ho adds, le decisive - note Caine like a belt front it clear elan position. Resale, while Making Orient. Sir Thome IShaughnosay, fight, as Oreat Britain fought to ly in favor ot imported labor. • sky. eone0ssiorls, declined to yield on the prekitient of the CANA., said to.niget crtish Inilitary. depotisin and seetire A. Piece er linondsliee. four following points; First, Japan's in this coniinetIOn that be ail llot 013-1101ts ol righfor all nationIn ensts zEALANS PROQPE D'qS It Wars believed. that the receipt of right to ask for a treaty covering apprehend any trouble. Thern Asia. ere woe Nov e .... . thien"note might have unmasked an the sovereignty: of Manchuria .4- senothing_ to preeent. neutral trading Italy's Interest 111 the. Trouble ' ititiniatiim, bet that Japan ehmild 0011d, elm insisted upon inutual re- eassels from entering japaneee ports, Rienua Feb. 8. -King Vietor l'aumens sever diplOinatie relations, a gel) lit- cognition ea else indeperidenee et bet, of course, there might be Rome eel had it ling interview with Pron. tio short of at declaration of war. COMM; third that there eientid be tinngev front the miming of the liar- ler Ololitti and PritneMinister Mira - Wars niftiest like a blow In the fate ' no 1ertifieatioe of sontlmrn Corea hors, itna the customary precautiene belle teeley as n. result of the sever - under the present eireumstaneee, and which might threaten ltussian cam- would have to be taken. • Mice of elitIonmtle relations between it is resented accordingly. The au- munieatione Iwith Port Arthur and lt.ussin end japan, and ended by ex- therttlee believe title action Mem; Vladivostok, and, fourth, she Oe. wila, lelttriiiel CONDO IN? preesing tee 114)03 that war gill may japan• dietinetly in the wrong before Mined to meet Japan's 'Mellen with • In firent Ilrattin likely to be drawn be averted. Ille 'Majesty Wilted the the werld, and, moreover, after loch regard to a neutral zone en bah intrithe ultir 713.1 Jan. f 0. itOarflited Premier to IMP11 Fereign Minister Tit - it "pitied of Impudenee," an It to des sidee bt the Yalu! Myer. Britian 'mei Japan entered int() a .• tone Who le new at Nriplae, informed nominated litre, 11101(08 eaey an np. treaty, Whleh we reprint In full. Ap- 1 on ell that transp,red in the far PilAt. Suggestion of Mediation. Peal JO the patriotismeet the liuselath • pare itly tie age( emelt: ei abet Great Altnougn not metepected, the latest japan had drawn the, word and Ace baki been informed Of the depar- Some other power allies itself with tooted the rope, whose mind immedie people. The news that any moment Paris, Fob. 7. -The Foreign Of- Ilritala remain neutral, Unless newo ;rem the far Oast dePelY at- _ .•••••••/1••••• Revenue ahem) no Increase and • 'Suttees is Expected. London, Feb, 0. -Premier Soildon, .New Zealand, speaking of the crisis in the far east, said it WAS essential to the safety of New Mealand that Ituseie should not boome a great naval power in the for east. The frovenue of the colony .for the ten months nab% filst, ehowea itli inereAse of 0480,000, .rompiiv- ed with the teme period of tbe previous financial year. Mr. Salon mid he enti. ciliated it thumping surplus. 0 Comptste Cato for Bone Simla 'autos, Idanhoba, Iantie, tooi. 11.1. Minder. C' o. Gentlemen t lout to treat h 'invert iterso Of 1111116 (nor y oitra420 t.10:11 had n 13otte SpnvIn thst rot Idekoil on the some log Alla was very boa,,awoheru to bed that I had to loitho it in warm tra,tr, then appl.ett Kendal, I Sonia Core. I had 1 ypheid t•ever the sone ninter and oht, toot the Xemiali't Sparin Cote Mtge thence, end it milt, took Otit land ft WU 14,0101,1,nm llq leg will, ,ery onn treatment. end it did ,,,,ottlettly Matron would never know that I.o had a Imola ho novor hat, Neoelm.e 0E0. s. Very may youre, ,tueli enderaementa ea tIe Aimee aro h. roarnotoo trthelit„, tree 51 1111: for SS, A a 4 tnilittr t 1 fami'yttteit Mr. ne hod. .A..k y•rour drookhn E1,tte10,1P1 Elyittkoirt Onto. 'she Tie:most:at the Itoriso," tho 1, 01 Voe, 4 nildroth DR. B./. 'KENDALL 0o.,ENOtbliat)PAItISIVT6 1 Still iseyond Control. Baltimore, Feb. 8. -et 12 0'0104 Chief of the Fire Department MO - Fee said that the fire was still beyond control. - A Fireman Killed. . Baltimore, Feb.. 1. -Jacob ligen- fritz, of Vie Laurie Fire Company, of York, Pa., waa killed about nY41 o'clock ties morning. He woe at work on tile Schuler clothing establish- ment, at Frederick and Baltimore sereett, when the wall of the build- ing fell on him. He was dead when found. The blackened remains of a firemau were found in the gutted Equitable building this morning, W,Lore he had rushed in an effort to got a line of hasp to 'the root. Chief Engineer Horton, who WAS overcome tisong t e program tf the lire yesterday afternoon, was reported resting easy this: morning. Diserict Chief Emrich is temporarily in command of the de- partment. Even with the assist- ance of out -o' -town fire-:ighters there appears to be no pre.,rwct of otopping the fire until It has ,burn- ed itself out. It steadily is eating its. 1: to tits water's edge, and this le likely to be Baltimore's only settee - tion. Every effort is being made to (twee vandaliem. The entire lone 01 816 poll -semen in the City is on duty. Mititary Keeping Order. Baltimore, Feb, 8.-A nallitary cor- don is drawn around the tire area. Tito whole ot the burned area, is an - der the strictest martial law. The troops ordered out by the Geyer« nor and a host of middies are on duty, and reinforced by all the protective resources the city lien muster are doing valiant duty. Large numbers of pollee and dates- tives are liere from other cities. TwO detachments of pollee, numbering 200 men, are here from Pitiladelellia. A detaehment of 35 men from Fort McHenry were in the elty to- day, and Ivas placed on guard Around the Post- Office building and the sub treasury and custom house, which were threatened. Governok Warfleld has .called an °etre sell - Mon of the Legislature, to meet at 8 o'clock to -night, to empewee him to declare the elty under inertial law, and eneptmd all bueLnest for ten -days. 'To -day hoe been declared a legal holiday in order to give the blear- ing bonen a chance to get straight- ened out. Governer `Maxfield etated to-titly that every eafe der•ealt box and vault in the various Institutions was aboelutoly safe. From a point bear What Watt for- merly the corner of Charles and rayt ette ntreets, the ecene of utter tle- re:dation pro/tented, Vail0,1),(31(461m appalling. The trouble with the ch.eonlo bor- rower le that be Is always 10044 (or ,an encore%