HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-02-11, Page 4a'
II 1 1 1 11 I 1111
I 11.1 111
\174 W711w(r.
Saturday, Feb. oth
Remnants of Dress Goods, all kinds,
at Half off Regular Prices.
Remnants of Linens, White Goods,
Prints, Flannelettes and Out-
ings, at Reduced Prices.
Coats, Skirts and Furs, at Half off
Regular Prices.
. So.
43/... SALE.
.1•04. - torome
Imo towill
11..... ......all
Cow: .....411/
Alex. Ritchie
For cheap and medium priced
Dining -room Chairs, our styleand
prices lead.
New designs, with high back, double
stretchers, very comfortable, at $3.25,
$4.50, $6.00 and. $6.75 per half doz.
4 Sets only, each consisting of 5 Chairs
and 1 Arm, worth $11.50 -for $9.00.
Another lot of two dozen Rockers, sold
regularly at $2.00 and $2.25 -our price
is $1.75 each. The most comfortable
cheap Rocker made.
Residence -Patrick
St., lith house West
ol Namilton's Drug
Store. Night calls
receive prompt at•
Ball Bros.
The People's _Furniture Store
Boot and S =3
T. A. Mills has decided to
clear. out his stock of Boots,
Shoes and Rubber goods inside G-
E of 30 days. Every pair is mark-
ed down to a clearing price,-
cost is no object -they must go.
E Call and look through the stock, -2
and 1 am sure you will buy your
▪ Fall and Winter supply at prices
ff,-* that were never heard of before
rn Wingham.
Mint be cleared out in 80 days. A Lull line
to select from.
Obitorial gam
-When the Liberals were in
opposition, one of the things they
delighted to talk about was the
abuormal number of civil service
employees at the capital. They
promised to reduce the number,
but instead they have multiplied
the staffs many times over.
-During the year ending June
30th last the total number of peo-
ple killed on Canadian steam rail-
ways was 420, divided between 53
passengers, 186 employees, other
persons 181. For the year previ-
ous the number was 19 passengers,
146 employees and 165 others;
total, 330,
-It is claimed that a bullet
proof waist -coat has been invented
for President Roosevelt. The
waistcoat is one-fourth of an
inch thick and weighs less than
half a pound to the square foot.
It is soft and flexible and is to be
worn under an outer waistcoat.
The process of making the garment
is kept a secret, but it is said to
have withstood every practical
-The Manitoba Legislature pas-
sed the following resolution :-
"That this House strongly com-
mends and endorses the policy
advocated by the Right Hon. Jo-
seph Chamberlain, involving certain
fiscal changes within the Empire,
and is of the opinion that the in-
auguration and putting into practi-
cal effect of such a policy would
be of paramount importance and
benefit to the people of Manitoba.
-Modern methods and perfected
instruments have made accuracy
in engineering truly remarkable.
Think of digging a tunnel two and
one-half miles 'pug by working
from opposite sides of a mountai.
and finishing in the middle with
an error in alignment of less than
one-fourth of an inch. That is
what has been accomplished in the
construction of the second largest
tunnel in the United States.
-The East Bruce by-election,
to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Mr. Cargill, is dated for
February 16th. A. W. Robb, edi-
tor of the Walkerton Telescope is
the Liberal candidate, and J. Don-
nelly ex -warden of Bruce county,
is the Conservative choice. The
riding, for this election, will not,
be affected by the Redistribution
Bill of last session, but will be the
same as at the last general election
that is -the Townships .of Brant,
Greenock, Carrick and Culross,
with the Towns of Teeswater and
,)i)1,1INkM>M 1,N• ,
-The Canadian Clydesdale
Breeders' Association met iu To-
ronto ou Thursday last. A. resolu-
Con was adopted asking the Do-
minion Government to place a
minimum specific duty of $30 on
each horse that is imported into
Canada when the value is under
$150, and when the value is above
that amount the duty be 20 per
cent., always excepting registered
horses for breeding purposes.
These shall be admitted free of
duty when owned and imported by
British subjects, bona -fide residents
of the Dominion, and registered in
the recognized stud books for the
different breeds of horses in the
country in winch the breeds origi-
nated, and in the stud books recog-
nized by the Agriculture Depart-
ment of Canada. The decision of
breeders not to exhibit at St Louis
and the proposal to establish a na-
tional live stock association were
-The report of the Electric
Lighting Act inspectors shows that
at the end of last June there were
in existence in the Dominion no
less than 324 plants, with 14,780
arc lights and 1,212,861 incandes-
cent. Of the 324 electric lighting
plants in use throughout the Do-
minion, Ontario possessed no fewer
than 203. Thirty-four municipali-
ties supplied themselves with elec-
tric lighting. The province of
Quebec, in spite of its enormous
waterpowers, has not adopted this
system of illumination to anything
like such an extent as Ontario. It
had 53 plants, 3,853 arc lights and
409,503 incandescent. '
-One of the leading financial
reporting agencies says :-"After
the phenomenally good showing
made by the ,Dominion of Canada
last year as to insolvencies, it is
not surprising that January should
have brought a considerable in-
crease as to amount of defaulted
liabilities. Total commercial fail-
ures in Canada during 3'anuary
were 130 in number, against 120
last year and 140 in 1902, no maee
terial difference occurring in this
respect, but in amount of liabilities.
The commercial failures in the
'United States during the month of
January numbered 1,406, with an
aggregate defaulted indebtedness of
$18,483,573,, as compared with
1,269 failures ba the Corresponding
month of 1903 for $12,978,970.
For some time past Bussia
and Japan have been. on the verge
of war. Roth are well prepared
and ready to fly at each other with
terrible fury. It is impossible to
forecast the result of a war be-
tween these two nation. Russia's
army is numerically larger than
that of japan, but the navy of the
latter is superior to that of Rustle.
The danger exists that other na-
tions may become involved. Bri.
taiti is practically pledged as an
ally of Japan, and should she be.
00MO involved, Russia would be
sure to stack India. The possi-
bilities of sueh a War are awful to
Ontein Tate. Both Britain and
Japan have for lome time expected
that sooner or later Russian aggro'
siveness would provoke eonfliet
In Aefa. Monday brought aio
news that diplomatie relatiOlta
twebn Rods and Zawt kid
"kw pricisiteelk*
I •
_The Tonto Mail -Empire re-
ports as follows :-As soon as the
present session of the Legislature
is concluded Mr. Ross will proceed
to reorganize his Government.
Every one of his colleagues will
place his resignation in the hands
of the Premier and then Mr. Ross
will ask his Honor the Lieutenant -
Governor for dissolution of the
House. The resignation of the
Ministers does not necessarily
imply that none of them will
go back into the Government. But
Mr. Ross wants to be in a
position to go to the Lieutenant -
Governer with a reconstituted
Ministry and claim this a reason
for dissolving and,
House of Assem-
bly. By this trick Mr. Boss hopes
to circumvent the Opposition and
strengthen his own following in the
Legislature. He has a thorough
understanding with the Dominion
Government in the carrying out of
his plan, 'and the fullest energies of
the Federal Government will be
devoted towards assisting Mr. Ross
to secure another lease of power.
Tho Dominion authorities are di-
rectly interested in the outcome, -
as if Mr. Rosa wins again they
think it will influence the province
in favor of the Laurier Ministry
when the Federal Parliament is
dissolved. The next Ontario pro-
vincial election will take place in
May or June.
-Dui ing the last session of the
Dominion Parliament, the Opposi-
tion fought hard against the Grand
Trunk Pacific deal, on the ground
that it was impracticable, and was
a wilful waste of the people's
money. 200,000 electors petition-
ed the Government to delay its
decision until full information as
to survey, cost, etc.; was available.
But this was a pet scheme and was
pushed through. Now the whole
scheme has either fallen to pieces,
or will have to be entirely revised.
The Company decline to build the
eastern section. They did not
want it in the, first place, and on
-the ground that it will he tin ex-
pensive to build and will not pay if
it was built, they want nothing to
do with that part of the line.
Events of the past few weeks have
borne out with convincing empha-
sis Hon. A. G. Blair's criticism of
the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
bargain. Mr. Blair characterized
the project as "an ill-considered
proposal, a grave mistake, a dim -
ter, a defective and unjustifiable
measure, a grave and egregious
error, a senseless suggestion, a
sheer unjustifiable appropriation
of public money." This damaging
criticism is justified by the Grand
Trunk Railway Company's de-
mand for important modifications.
The Grand Trunk shareholders
evidently regarded the scheme in
the light that Mr. Blair viewed it,
ill-considered and senseless. Per-
haps the Co. will be offered further
or perhaps the Gov-
ernment willswitch round towards
Mr. Borden's plan, adopt his sug-
gestions and call the. new plan
their own. This is exactly the
method worked by G. W. Ross in
the Ontario Legislature.
(Toronto Telegram.)
Ontario Liberalism has degene
erated when its representatives
supply applause to the quibbling
of Malcolm Graham Cameron, M.
P, P.
Ontario ,Liberalism mice held
fast to the principle that the re-
turning officer, the clerk of the
Crown, and all other instruments
itt the 'working out of popl114r
sovereignty were mere details and
that the people's votes alone could
make or unmake a representative
of the people.
IsTow the people's votes seem to
count for nothing with the Liberals
who Cali 005 much to admire in the
halt -splitting niceties of Mr. Cain.
eron's law.
Common month and eommon jus.
tice are greater than the quibbling
of all the quibblers in the sect of
legal Pharisees. It is an outrage
on the principles which are the
very foundations of all true Liber.
slim that lir. Oararen should
dere to cloud or qneetion the title
of $ Me•vbet* vriro h* been ()howl
br It %emir in
"Politivel Pointers, No. 2," the
second official political handbook
of the Liberal party, contains some
funny etatements.
On page 4 the following appears:
"During the seven years the Lib-
erals have been in power the gov-
ernmeut only added 61, million dol-
lars to the public debt -whereas
the Conservatives in their Inst Elev.
on years added 21 millions."
On page. 5 one reads: "Surpluses
to the amount of 27 millions were
recorded for the years 1901-02
and '03."
In another paragraph on page 5,
enrplusses of 58i millions are
claimed for the Liberal party dur-
ing its seven years of rsae.
With surpluses of 581 millions,
millions were added to the pub -
lie debt. What has become of the
surpluses? And where has the 6i
millions, which were added to the
public debt gone? In Ontario the
question that has been agitating
the people for the past year has
been : "Where did the money
come from ?" In federal affairs
the puzzle is to find out the direc-
tion taken by 65 millions ? The
electors should be informed as to
who the favored individuals are,
who received this immense sum.
During the coming campaign an
explanation should be asked of
every Liberal speaker in every rid-
ing in Canada.
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged
for at the office of the
SUCCESS Zednutstesfig
4/STOW_ „„
-Two Courses- "
Commercial and Shorthand.
Send /or College journal.
President Seey.
Courses of Study in the
[Are Sup to the highest standard of ex-
cellence and that in -one reason why
this popular school is novv enjoying a
rwrea:t the best training and we give it,
therefore enter at once.' Circulars
"record- breaking" attendance. You
W. J. Elliott, Principal,
Every Box of
is guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction in all
cases of Stomach trouble
-if not, money refund-
ed. Try a box and be
I have room for two
students • in Telegraph
Chemist & Druggist
ciao O.N.W. Tel. Co.
..... I
mr; ....
We are sole
PI: dgents for
ESTOCK F0004 -
For Sale only by
Colin 1 Campbell
Tut mama*
, esomma,1 1!, j 1.
Thursday, February 111 1904
The People's Popular Store
Macdonald Block - Willgham
1.riA St Jas.
..6Il I I
Winter Dry Goods
must be cleared out be-
fore spring goods • arrive.
We offer you bargain
chances that you don't
often get. Buy early.
Until further notice we
will give a 25 Per Cent.
Discount Off the follow-
ing lines :-
Wool Blankets
Wool Sheeting
Men's Underwear
Boys' Uuderwear
Ladies' Underwear
Misses' Underwear
fur Coats, Caperines, Capes, Ruffs,
Muffs, etc.
Winter Gloves and Mitts for Men
and Women
Ladies' Coats and Skirts
Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Ulsters
and Suits
Mantle Goads, etc., etc.
Bargains in Dress Goods as
advertised last week.
Seasonable goods at a big reduc-
tion in prices.
Farmers ! Bring your
Potatoes in now. We pay
70c per bushel.
Sree eilte•Ote POW
We will continue our
sale of winter Footwear
during this month. Money
saved is money made ; we
offer you money saving
Men's Heavy Rubbers Never
Break Duck, 4 ply with rolled
edge, laced or buckled, regular
price $2,50, sale price $2.00
Snag Proof Rubbers.
$2,25 buckle for ... $1.75
$1.50 I buckle for.115
$1.25 boys' for- ...... .1.00
Men's .Overshoes.
Regular $1.75 for $1.50
Rephir $1.80 for 1.60
Regular *225 snow excluders,1,75
Ladies' Rubber..
Regular 40e for 25c
Regular $1.00 for 75c ]
Regular 70e for. .. 50c A
Regular 50c for 270 3
Regular 40c for 30c 1
Long Boot', Felt Beets.
Regular $3.50 for $2 75 1
Regular 0.25 for 2,00 i
Regular $2 50 for 2.00
Regular $2,00 for 1 00 1 -
Regular $2,00 for $1.50
Regular SI 50 for 1.20
Regular $1.25 for 1.00
Toilet Sets.
To start the New year with we have just open-
ed up a crate of Toilet Sets, Printed in
choice colors, with large roll top basin.
Ten pieces to eanh so. 4. nap for quick
buyers, per set, ,
Water Sets.
Also a Package of eighteen Water Sets, consist.. .
ing of Six Glasses, Pitcher and Tray. The
colors are -White and Gold, Blhe, Green
and Ruby, prices from $1.25 to „ . , .
We have secured a few more of those pretty
Jardeniers in old Blue and Gold, each
50 cts. to
at Griffin's
• • - - • • • . ••• • • •.- •• .1. • • . • r or;
Homuth Bros.
-, •
kkte 'raikkov‘,4ixq
ick),40c AlkeS§
ba VP never e Y.04 a knsier
season. There must be some good
reasons tor* it, and we think the
• general satisfaction whish our Clothes
are giving, has something to do with
, it. When you want a Suit or an
Overcoat that wEtLstiteiCrou perfect
satisfaction in evevrt:tssfeeltariIf Ivo